Good gifts for a child's birthday. What to give a child for his birthday? Toy library for the hero of the day: toys for the soul, sports and development

D Birthday is a special holiday for any person, and even more so in childhood. Ask any child - he is guaranteed to tell you that his favorite holiday is his own birthday. What's the whole point? In gifts!
A birthday gift for a child is a separate parenting puzzle. It’s good if this is your child and you know his tastes well. What if it's one of his friends? Here we have to think about it. The site offers you a set of rules that you should follow when choosing a gift and organizing a children's party.

Basic rules for choosing a gift for a child
In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for a child, you should consider two main factors:
It is often recommended to also differentiate between children by gender, but in the new century, clear boundaries are becoming a thing of the past, and many toys are becoming universal. Therefore, the best option is to find out what the child himself likes, and not follow his own ideas about what he should like.
For each age category, there are also certain rules that should be followed if you want to guess with a gift and please the child, and not just symbolically give away.

Age category 3-5 years
A birthday gift for a child at this tender age is subject to one and only rule: it must be toys. The child will most likely not appreciate anything else, but various dolls, play sets and simple board games will go with a bang. For example, you can give your child a doll depicting his favorite cartoon character. Happiness will have no boundaries.
It is strictly forbidden to give clothes at this age. The child simply will not understand that this was a gift, and therefore will probably be disappointed in his expectations and upset. Parents will probably be happy, but it’s not their holiday!
You should also not give pets as gifts. Children of this age, although they often ask for a pet, are still too young to take care of anyone, and the animal will be perceived as another toy - with all the ensuing consequences.

Age category 6-9 years
At this age, children become much more picky. There will no longer be enough toys here - many people are starting to develop hobbies and interests that are not related to games. It’s still too early for expensive gadgets, but for many other interesting things it’s just right.
It is from this moment that you should begin to carefully take into account the child’s taste preferences and navigate according to them. The choice of gifts is very wide: as a gift for a child’s birthday, you can buy jewelry, complex board games - adventure or strategy, telescopes, sets for chemical and physical experiments, all kinds of spy kits, sports equipment, functional decorative items for the children's room, if possible. place and facilities - mini-sports complexes of various configurations, since children at this age often have excess energy.
Just during this period, an excellent option for a gift is an animal. It is at this age that the child learns to be responsible not only for himself, but also for those who are weaker, and to make decisions independently. The choice of animal depends on the availability of sufficient space in the intended place of detention, and also - this is important! - depending on the child’s tastes. A little cat lover may be happy about receiving a puppy, but not as much as he would be happy about a kitten.
Before choosing an animal as a gift for someone else’s child, talk to his parents to see if they are ready to have a pet in their home. An animal is not a thing that can be hidden in the far corner of the closet if it doesn’t please, and therefore all the points need to be discussed very carefully.

Age category 10-12 years
This age is the last milestone of childhood; the child is rapidly becoming a teenager, and accordingly, his preferences are changing. From this age, when choosing a gift for a child’s birthday, you should start consulting with the birthday boy himself. You shouldn’t be surprised if he asks you to give a gift in money - at this age the first shoots of a teenage craving for independence, including financial, begin to appear. Better do what you want - and think about how to give him the amount allocated for the gift not in an “envelope”.
At this time, a variety of gadgets will go with a bang, from cameras and MP3 players to phones and game consoles. Clothing will fit well, but it will be better if you choose it based on the child’s tastes, and not on your ideas about how he should dress - otherwise you will not please, but only disappoint, and it is quite likely that you will anger those who are especially irreconcilable. Either way, the day will be ruined. All sorts of accessories are also suitable, especially since you don’t need to worry about the size; many modern teenagers have favorite brands that produce accessories - you can buy something from your favorite brand, and the child will only be happy.
If your child is interested in any sport, you can give him the necessary equipment. Often this is an extreme sport - for example, skateboarding, which has long emerged as a separate subculture and an entire lifestyle, from leisure time to hairstyles. Before you give anything like this, think carefully about whether you respect your child's wishes enough to allow him to do something risky.
Impression gifts will also work well. Organize a trip for your child and a couple of his closest friends to a place he has long wanted to go to, a subscription to a water park or climbing wall, tickets to a concert of his favorite artist - anything will do. Again, focus on the child’s tastes.

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Gift ideas for a child's birthday

Parents, friends and acquaintances try to give the most unusual and interesting gifts to a child on his birthday, so choosing such a gift can take a lot of time and effort if you don’t have at least an approximate idea of ​​what exactly the little birthday boy’s preferences are.

There are so many people and so many opinions on what a children's gift should be. Some people think that a gift should be big and bright, some think that it must be useful, and for others it is important that the gift be memorable.

There are stereotypes that it is correct to give boys construction toys, but girls will be happy with a doll. But sometimes girls find construction kits no less interesting than boys, and boys will gladly take part in a puppet show based on their favorite fairy tale.

It is important not just to give the birthday boy a gift, but also to create a festive atmosphere at his special event. To do this, you can decorate the space with balloons and garlands, invite guests to wear bright caps, and prepare firecrackers and confetti in advance. With the help of Veselaya Zeya products, it is very easy to organize various themed parties. Accessories from the “Fairies” series will help the birthday girl become a fairy queen, and accessories from the “Pirates” series will help the birthday boy become the captain of a pirate ship. Fans of the cartoon "Smeshariki" will be delighted with accessories depicting their favorite characters.

Birthday gifts for a boy

Very often, parents characterize their sons as restless hooligans or enthusiastic experimenters, so they try to choose gifts that are appropriate.

Outdoor games occupy an important place in the life of boys of any age, so children's bowling, rides, twisters, ring throwers, sports equipment, and sound floor mats will not leave birthday boys indifferent. Such games not only contribute to the development of physical abilities, accuracy, endurance, dexterity, but also help children learn to play in a team.

The guys will not refuse to be both scientists and wizards for anything. To do this, you will need kits for experiments and experiments from crazy professor Nicolas. Grow coral, create a polymer worm, make a bouncing ball, magic snow, space slime, learn the secrets of detergents and metals, discover the secrets of taste and even turn the kitchen into a laboratory - boys can do all this on their own or with minimal help from their parents.

Scientific and technical designers from Engino will open up the world of three-dimensional modeling to boys. The plastic parts of such construction sets can be connected to each other in any direction in three-dimensional space by simply snapping them into place. The boys will use ready-made 3D models, complete with moving mechanisms, for their role-playing games.

It’s impossible not to include radio-controlled cars in the list of “Birthday Gifts for a Boy.” Such modern toys will help children imagine themselves as a pilot, racer, robot, animal or superhero from their favorite cartoon. The ability to manage, control a situation, calculate one’s actions - all these skills, without a doubt, will be useful for a child, first in school and then in adult life.

Birthday gifts for a girl

In the online store "Scientific Cat" you can buy a wide variety of creative sets - win-win gifts for a girl's birthday. The “Big Chest for Creativity” will delight the most demanding girls. The original pink box contains the most amazing creative kits. Young craftswomen will be able to create 13 small masterpieces with their own hands, including using the techniques of quilling, volumetric decoupage, and plasticine painting. Girls will be interested in learning about different types of painting, for example, bas-reliefs, iron, wooden, ceramic, figurines and objects. Such design works can become interior decorations or gifts for family and friends.

Soft interactive toys are perhaps the most popular birthday gifts for girls. A sea of ​​joy, enthusiastic screams, and the most sincere words of gratitude are guaranteed when giving the little princess a soft, wonderful animal or a popular cartoon character who can walk, give a paw, move her ears and make sounds. For example, Bella, a toy Portuguese Water Dog puppy, can replace a real dog if it is not possible to have a pet, or prepare a child for the appearance of an animal in the family.

Bright colorful books about fairies and princesses will bring girls a lot of positive emotions. It is difficult to meet girls who are indifferent to these fairy-tale characters. The book “Princesses of the World” will introduce girls to oriental princesses, African, Indian and Russian queens. All the beauties will have to be dressed up and decorated with magnetic details. Little birthday girls will enjoy reading with elements of creativity. Girls 5-9 years old will be interested in Sylvie Bossier's book "Fairies". On the pages of this colorful publication there are not only fairy tales, but also interesting facts about fairies, plus a variety of games.

Birthday gifts for kids

Today, it is considered good form to give children birthday gifts based on various proprietary methods that are focused on the early development of children.

Gift sets from the “World in the Palm” series will be highly appreciated by the parents of those kids who are close to Glen Doman’s method. These sets include high-quality photographs that can depict everything that surrounds us in the modern world: domestic and wild animals, flowers, fruits, vegetables, household appliances, sports games, famous places in the world and even mysteries of nature. According to Glen Doman, visual experience prevails over all other ways of understanding the world, so it makes sense for little boys and girls to be shown such cards from the first months of life. The cards of the Umnitsa company are made of laminated cardboard, the edges have a rounded shape. Kids will be happy to look at such bright cards and accumulate knowledge that they will be able to use over time when they learn to speak.

The best gifts for very little babies will be the amazing rattles from the Tsaritsyn Toy company. The figurines, unusually pleasant to the touch, are made of beech, impregnated with a hypoallergenic composition of wax and linseed oil, and filled with buckwheat kernels for sound. This toy is sure to become your baby’s favorite. In the modern world, when people are moving further and further away from nature, toys made from natural materials are becoming increasingly valuable. Wood is not only a material that has a positive effect on the development of tactile sensations, but also carries living, natural energy.

Toy books and music books will help introduce little boys and girls to the world's best fairy tales. The text in such books is adapted and takes up much less space than bright colorful illustrations. The pages of such publications are designed specifically for children, therefore they are made of thick coated cardboard and have rounded edges. A wide variety of game elements in such children's books are aimed at developing both cognitive interest and fine motor skills.

Editions, supplemented with a mini-piano, will help kids not only learn funny children's songs, but will also allow children to try playing a familiar melody themselves. Books with a voice module will tell the kids a fairy tale, and then invite them to play various games aimed at developing attention.

Birthday gifts for schoolchildren

Buying birthday gifts for schoolchildren is not the easiest task, since children over 7 years old are already people who are quite well versed in the world around them, and sometimes it is quite difficult to surprise them with something. It's time to introduce them to the amazing and mysterious microworld. In this case, microscopes will be the most suitable gifts. You should choose high-quality educational microscopes with glass optics from the American company Levenhuk or the German company Euler. You can't do without micropreparations. The “Ciliate Slipper” experiment kit will help schoolchildren take their first steps in studying the microworld. For example, children will be able to independently recognize slipper ciliates in water from an aquarium or natural reservoir, and then compare the resulting specimens with slipper ciliates from a ready-made microspecimen, which is included in the kit.

School years are a time of getting acquainted with works of art of world literature. Children who study in primary school will be interested in the “Volkov Books” set, which consists of 6 books, designed in the same style, but with illustrations by different artists. These are the fairy-tale stories “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers”, “Seven Underground Kings”, “The Fire God of the Marrans”, “Yellow Fog”, “The Secret of the Abandoned Castle”. Boys and girls over 9 years old will appreciate the works of children's world classics with illustrations by Robert Ingpen. These beautifully designed books will take a special place not only in your home library, but also in your child’s soul.

Birthday Gifts for Teens

Watches from the American company Timex are ideal birthday gifts for teenagers. Stylish, modern, reliable - they will not only become faithful assistants, but also a bright part of the wardrobe. Most models have an alarm clock, calendar, stopwatch with countdown function and unique Indiglo electroluminescent backlight.

High school students very often give preference to various scientific entertainment. The most interesting set “The Language of Dolphins” will help children explore the nature of ultrasound and get acquainted with interesting facts and features of its application.

The detective game "Mafia" will be a good gift for those boys and girls who like to spend time with friends. The game will allow participants to show their acting skills and observation skills, show restraint and even be a little psychoanalyst.

We hope that the proposed ideas for gifts for a child’s birthday, if they do not help you find the only correct solution, will certainly prove useful in determining the direction of your search.

Gifts, decoration, incentives for holidays / Birthday

Every child waits for his birthday with great impatience, especially when the cherished date approaches, counts the weeks until it, dreams of a surprise. And parents have a headache about what to give, how to organize a holiday. In our article we will look into this issue.

First birthday

The main thing is not to panic. Of course, you want to celebrate the event in the best possible way so that it remains in your memory forever. But do not forget the fact that the baby does not understand anything yet, and you will be organizing a holiday, rather, for adults. It is better to invite friends and family to your home, because the child is still tiny and will get tired quickly.

Try to choose a convenient time for the celebration, taking into account the baby's schedule. Decorate the room with balloons, paper garlands, lights, and large bright letters. Create a festive atmosphere. Let your child choose his own outfit by laying out his clothes. Play with him with his favorite objects. And, most importantly, give a surprise in the packaging.

What to give?

First, let's figure out what gifts for a child's birthday are undesirable. So, toys that you should not buy:

  • Not by age. The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging the age for which the product is intended.
  • Stuffed Toys. Firstly, they are not yet suitable for his age, because they are intended for role-playing games. Secondly, they quickly become dirty and collect dust.
  • With small details. This is dangerous, because the child still puts everything in his mouth.
  • You should not buy toys for growth until the baby grows up; it may lose its relevance and simply become outdated.
  • From dubious manufacturers. Ask for a quality certificate.
  • Sweets and even fruits. It is better to discuss this issue with the parents of the birthday boy.
  • Now let’s figure out what gift to give for a child’s birthday a year. To better understand what to buy, let's talk about the development of a one-year-old baby.

    What can he already do?

    At this age, children are very active and get to know the world around them through play. To understand what gift to give a child for his birthday, let’s find out what he can do:

    • String the rings onto the pyramid.
    • Drag a toy by the string, push, throw.
    • Cradling a doll or teddy bear, mastering feeding skills.

    Now it’s easier to figure out what kind of gift you can give for your child’s birthday.

    What will he play with?

    At this age he is attracted to simple toys. Satisfying his research interest, he can roll cubes in a truck for a long time, pour them out, and transport them from place to place. He will play with nesting dolls and roll a round object on the floor. So, you can give:

  • Wooden or plastic cart.
  • Train made from cubes.
  • A rolling toy on a stick.
  • Cubes can be hollow, which are inserted into each other.
  • Soft plasticine.
  • Finger paint.
  • A book with bright pictures.
  • Collapsible nesting doll.
  • Large puzzles.
  • Wheelchair car.
  • Of course, everything will depend on the financial component. If your budget allows for a more expensive gift, you can buy:

  • Bicycle with handle.
  • Children's play tent.
  • Swing.
  • Rocking toys.
  • Inflatable pool with balls.
  • Sled.
  • Gold cross and chain, earrings for girls.
  • Silver personalized spoon.
  • It doesn’t matter what means you have, the main thing is that the surprise is necessary and useful.

    What to give to a child for two years?

    The gift should be bright, because the baby is attracted more by the appearance than the internal content. What you should pay attention to when buying a toy:

    • It must be hypoallergenic.
    • You need to choose interactive toys with many functions.
    • It is important to take into account the gender of the child, the baby’s disposition, and his activity.
    • You need to decorate the packaging beautifully with shiny paper and a big bright bow.

    So, now we choose a birthday gift for a two-year-old child.

    Examples of gifts
    • A colorful book with large letters and interesting pictures.
    • Easel for drawing.
    • Toys that develop hand motor skills.
    • Backpack with cubes.
    • Items that help develop intelligence.
    • Finger Theater.
    • Rocking horse.
    • Any musical toys: piano, book, instruments.
    • For a boy, railway, garage, parking.
    • For a girl, for example, a baby doll and a baby stroller, dishes.
    • Designers.

    You can also give a tricycle, a sandbox, or the same house.

    How to make a three-year-old child happy?

    So, we choose a birthday gift for a three-year-old child.

    At this age, children no longer want to play with simple toys. So, what gift should you give your child for his birthday? You need to choose those items that copy the actions of adults.

    The baby has been playing independently for a long time. Through play, develops communication skills, learns to understand the feelings of others, and includes logic.

    Educational games

    A wonderful gift. This could be an educational table, a children's computer, musical objects, role-playing games (a set of a doctor, a hairdresser, a store).


    This child's birthday gift is unique. It is still worth choosing publications with large, bright, realistic illustrations and large font, especially if the baby is already learning letters. It could be the same music book or a manual with different tasks. For example, stick stickers in their places and so on.

    Gifts for games

    A soft toy, but not a simple one, but a talking or moving one. Various construction kits that will allow you to build houses. You can present a sweet present, beautifully decorated in the form of a bouquet, or put it in an interesting box. Personalized gifts, for example, using photo printing, are very popular. Your baby will love drinking juice from a cup with his picture on it.

    What other gifts can you give for the birthday of a three-year-old child?

    Children of this age are very active, so you can buy sleds, skis, a ball, ice skates, roller skates, a skateboard, and a scooter. And also a sled, a bicycle, rackets, an air mattress, children's hockey sticks with a ball, and a goal.

    Various educational kits for creativity would be a very good gift. The main thing is to decorate it brightly and unusually, because for a three-year-old child this is still very important. Be smart, pack it in shiny paper, decorate it with balloons and ribbons. And when choosing a gift, you should, of course, take into account the interests and hobbies of the child.

    How to make a five year old happy

    A child of this age is already a mature personality, having his own hobbies and interests. Here it’s worth buying useful gifts that will contribute to the development of logic, speech, aesthetics, coordination of movements, and so on. For a girl, this is a doll and a home for her, sets of clothes and accessories. You can give a boy a car with a remote control.

    A wonderful gift would be a construction set, now with small parts, puzzles, logic games. As well as a two-wheeled bicycle, balance bike or scooter.

    Kits for the development of creativity. These are paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens. You can give a girl a set of beads for weaving jewelry.

    For active children, you can buy a wall bars, that is, a sports corner in which the child will be happy to ride on a swing, climb up a rope, or hang on rings. You can also give an electronic mat for dance movements.

    So, now we know what gift to give a five-year-old child for his birthday. The main thing is to take into account that the baby is preparing for school, but still remains a child. Therefore, through interesting, but not necessarily exclusively useful, toys, the child develops skills and knowledge that he will use in later life.

    Choosing a gift for a child 7-9 years old

    The girl is already interested in fashion trends, so you can safely buy a beautiful dress, handbag or backpack, even jewelry for her birthday. And the boys will be happy with the radio-controlled car and plane.

    Girls also never cease to be interested in toys. The doll remains my favorite. To make the gameplay last longer and more exciting, you can also buy accessories. For example, a hairdresser's set, a kitchen set, pieces of furniture, a wardrobe, as well as a doll's house - the dream of many little princesses.

    What other gift can you give to a child aged seven to nine years old for his birthday? For the boy we choose a set of soldiers, Indians with equipment and military paraphernalia. Or a pistol with bullets, a water weapon, arrows and a bow, a rifle, and so on. As well as a professional soccer ball, folding goals, table billiards, hockey and the same football.

    If the child is not hyperactive, you can buy a construction set from which equipment, some figures, objects, puzzles, and logic games are assembled.

    What other gift can you give to a child of eight or nine years old for his birthday? For a mobile, active baby, we buy a gymnastics ball. These could even be items for the interior of a children's room, namely a fairy wall clock or a lamp. For needlewomen, choose a set for knitting and weaving.

    Girls are starting to take care of their appearance, so you can give children’s cosmetics, a handbag, a beautiful headband or hairpin, or jewelry. And some other clothes.

    So, now we know what birthday gift to give to a nine-year-old child. It could even be some school supplies, a fashionable backpack for a boy, a bright pencil case for a girl, and so on.

    Gifts for a ten year old

    The first conscious anniversary of a teenager. Therefore, the gift should be memorable, desirable and very important to him. Of course, the choice of gift will depend on the financial component, the gender of the child, his hobbies, and temperament. If you are unable to buy what he wants, you can ask relatives to give money.

    So, what gift should you give a 10-year-old child for his birthday? There are, of course, many options here. For example, you can make a teenage boy or girl happy by purchasing a new mobile phone. A laptop, game console, tablet, and accessories for them will be useful and necessary. And also a bicycle. If the child is interested in hockey, a stick or skates, a helmet. An active boy can buy skis, snowboards, skateboards, and table tennis.

    Any gift certificate

    Of course, it would be better suited for a young lady. Thanks to which you can attend a master class in drawing, exciting handicrafts, purchase a foreign language course, go to another city for an excursion, and so on.

    If your parents don’t mind, you can give a pet, a cat or a dog. But this is a very responsible step, so it is necessary to discuss this in advance with the birthday person’s household.

    You can also give a wristwatch, both to a girl and a boy. Any school supplies, figurines, piggy banks or collectibles. If you choose something exciting, you can choose a magician's set or an interesting board game.

    Choosing a gift for a ten-year-old child is a little easier, because he knows what he wants. For a girl’s birthday, you can buy a beautiful box for hairpins and jewelry, and perfume. For a boy - a silver or gold chain. A dance mat and beautiful bedding with your favorite fairy-tale characters will suit both.

    And only parents know what to give their child for his birthday better than anyone. By the way, there is another amazing surprise, let's talk about it.

    Quest gift for a child's birthday

    This is a type of game with codes and encrypted information that will lead the birthday person to a gift. The idea is to find a surprise through riddles-clues, from which it is clear where the next note is located. The holiday turns out to be very exciting.

    How to prepare for it?

    There's nothing complicated. First, think about where you will hide the gift, you can choose any place, a closet, a washing machine, under the bed. Then make up clue riddles leading to the gift. If you plan to come up with five stages, they should be complex, fifteen - simple. A golden mean is needed so that the quest is not too tedious or, conversely, fleeting.

    It will become more exciting if the child finds accompanying small pleasant surprises in the form of souvenirs and sweets. And, in general, everything will depend on where the event is planned to be held, in an apartment or in a large open area, in a forest or in a country house. You can invite your friends and organize a fun holiday together.

    Let's take a pirate quest as an idea. We will invite animators to help put on a real treasure hunt show. The birthday child will receive the main prize, and invited guests will receive consoling surprises.

    The holiday can begin with Captain Hook appearing with the pirates and asking for help finding his treasure. Will announce the first hint message, for example: “To get the next hint, you need to dance a funny dance.” And so on, step by step, the children will move around the area in search of the main treasure. The note can be hidden under a stone, on a tree in a casket.

    Children and the birthday boy, in particular, will receive a flurry of unforgettable emotions. What could be better than a happy child on his birthday?

    What to give to a child? About gifts from a psychological point of view

    On the eve of a child's birthday, the eternal question arises: what to give a child for his birthday. Of course, it is best to ask the child what he would like? But often the desires of our children do not always coincide with our capabilities. And many parents, in order to avoid an awkward situation when a child might ask for something they can’t afford at the moment, think of a birthday gift for their child themselves. We offer you some recommendations from a psychological point of view when choosing a gift for a child’s birthday.

    What will the child definitely like and suit?

    The main criterion is the character of the baby.
    There is a connection between a person’s psychotype and a gift that he will gladly accept.
    People, as you know, are divided by type of perception and character. According to their perception of objects, people are divided into: kinesthetic, visual, discrete and auditory.

    Birthday gifts for kinesthetic children

    These are sensual people, they must physically feel the world. You can recognize a kinesthetic person by characteristic gestures directed towards yourself; the usual posture is arms crossed on the chest, legs tucked or intertwined. When communicating, a kinesthetic person constantly touches the interlocutor, twists a button, for example, or strokes the arm or shoulder. It is best to give a kinesthetic child those things that can be constantly touched, bent, wrinkled, disassembled and assembled, for example: soft toys, large construction sets, homemade games, baby dolls and dolls with furniture, clothes and accessories, dolls-mannequins with girls learn to weave different hairstyles.

    Birthday gifts for visual children

    People with visual perception of the world are called visual people. When communicating, the visual usually looks into the eyes, as if peering, demanding mutual eye contact. People of this type are great connoisseurs of art, so your gift should, first of all, be beautiful and elegant. It’s good to give little visual learners interesting videos, art supplies and illustrated books. It’s good to give growing visual learners a beautiful box or figurine, some jewelry, some stylish piece of accessories: a wallet, a bag, a pencil case, a beautiful set of stationery.

    Birthday gifts for disabled children

    This is a very complex, closed, complex type of people. They are afraid of communication and do not make contact first. Internally, these are extremely nervous and sensitive people. They are very vulnerable and touchy. Gifts for a discrete child are one of the proofs of your love for him. Give all kinds of educational gifts and try to make sure that these are toys or games that can be played with you, a friend, or even company. This will help develop the child's communication skills.

    Birthday gifts for auditory children

    This type of people is rare. Audials have amazingly acute hearing and excellent memory. As a rule, these people are very sincere and attentive, always ready to listen to you and help you with advice. A wonderful gift for an audiophile child would be pipes, various metallophones, xylophones, CDs with their favorite music, as well as all kinds of audio equipment: player, tape recorder, stereo system. You definitely shouldn’t give away video products and alarm clocks.

    Where to celebrate a child's birthday


    For children from 3, 4, 5 years old

    Soap bubble show, Interactive fairy tale Masters of Nature, CryoShow, Paper show!

    In childhood, everything happens to everything differently. Remember what you were like as a child. It is unlikely that you will be able to find in your memory a detailed image of your appearance at any particular age. The main thing that immediately comes to mind is sensations. In childhood they are most acutely developed. Feelings of joy, fun, happiness, carefree and celebration.

    For some reason, we remember children's birthdays much better than those we celebrated five years ago. That is why you should try your best to ensure that your children are the happiest on their name day. As you understand, not a single child’s holiday should pass without a gift. You can find out what parents and friends can give their child for his birthday in our article.

    Everyone in the world knows that little children love attention. That’s why they look forward to each birthday so joyfully, because at such a young age they already understand that one day a year all the gifts and attention will belong only to them.

    It is impossible to deprive children of a holiday in childhood. Firstly, because they provide a lot of positive memories, which are the most priceless treasure. Secondly, a little person must be taught from childhood that there should be holidays in life, despite all the problems. Thirdly, this is an opportunity to tell a child that he is special; growing up with the awareness of this simple truth, it will be easier for him to find himself in our complex world.


    Depending on how old the little birthday boy is, you will have to decide on a gift option for him. As mentioned earlier, absolutely every little anniversary matters, so the option of giving a gift in the form of money to a one-year-old child will not be the most successful.

    There are some small tips. If you are going to give a gift to your child, then try to focus solely on his interests. Of course, no one will argue that a brand new clothes dryer will be useful for putting your baby’s things in order, but as you understand, this is a gift for the mother, not the child.

    That's why friends and family need to pay attention to this too. Understand that you are going to a child's birthday party, not an adult aunt and uncle's. Therefore, take into account the interests of only the little birthday boy.

    Up to 3 years of age

    Having given a gift to such a small child, do not be offended if suddenly you do not see a great reaction to your expensive gift. It’s just that sometimes children feel pressured by too much attention and are simply embarrassed. Do not doubt that in a calm, homely environment he will certainly appreciate it.

    You can give clothes to a one year old baby. At this age, she quickly becomes small, and gets very dirty. A brand new suit or dress that will turn birthday people into fairy-tale heroes will be a good gift. The brighter the clothes you give, the better. Just be sure to do a photo shoot in a brand new suit so that it remains a memory.

    Little girls can be given earrings. It is not necessary to immediately take your child to the salon and have his little ears pierced. This procedure can also be performed at older ages. It’s just that gold is a gift that will not lose its usefulness over a long period of time.

    The baby is just beginning to take his first steps and master all the things that are familiar to us. Therefore, you can give him a set of dishes for small children. It is made of lightweight and non-toxic materials. Pay attention to the manufacturer, quality and color of the dishes. The brighter it is, the more the child will be interested in it.

    Of course, you can give your child different toys for his birthday. For one-year-old children, these can be rattles, for older children - a construction set consisting of large elements, books, dolls and cars. Just remember that toys should be simple, without small parts that can be removed. Since there are many cases of children being injured by them.

    The little hero will need a playpen. In it he will be able to play safely and learn to take his first steps. And for parents, such a gift will be a real salvation.

    Preschool age

    It's no secret that at the age of 3-5 years, every child experiences a period called “why”. This is quite normal because the baby begins to realize that there is another world besides mom and dad. You cannot ignore your child’s questions, this will only cause protests in him. It is up to you to help a young explorer of life find the answers.

    To do this, you can give him books. They should be about animals, space, people. Thanks to bright illustrations, children are able to learn the alphabet and begin to read and count even before school. So educational books, with the help of which a child can develop his abilities, will be a great birthday gift.

    Handicrafts have a good effect on the development of children. Therefore, you can give your child a drawing set or. A large number of colors, various markers and pencils, as well as plastic knives will help the little creator develop his imagination. By creating new shapes with it, you will help your child remember information faster.

    Of course, at this age the baby should definitely be given toys. Only now we need to listen to his tastes. If a girl is less interested in dolls than plush bunnies, then you should opt for a soft toy.

    Children at this age love to imagine and imagine different situations. Therefore, for a girl you can give a dollhouse with heroes, and for a boy a rocket with astronauts. Nowadays the choice of such toys is simply gorgeous, so you have plenty to choose from.

    Also, the baby will be happy when he receives a swing as a gift. Naturally, it should not be located too high. It is enough for a child to just let it dangle in different directions.

    You can also give your child a trip to an amusement park. After jumping on trampolines and inflatable slides, he will be simply happy.

    5-10 years

    At this time, the child begins to go to school, so when choosing a gift for him, you should not forget about this. It is important for children not to be worse than others, so you can give fashionable clothes for their birthday. For a girl you can choose beautiful jewelry: hairpins and hoops, bows, and for a boy - a scarf, tie, belt.
