American pacifiers. Baby pacifiers: types, review of the best models, expert opinion on the benefits and harms

Today, there are several pacifiers that differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in their shape. Pacifiers for newborns can be orthopedic, anatomical, regular, or have a protective disc.

The simplest pacifier in its shape resembles the old classic style nipples. They have a small rounded papilla. These nipples resemble the mother's breast more than others in shape, especially if you buy nipples that are made of latex.

The anatomical nipple is slightly different from the usual one in that the nipple is elongated and slightly flattened. Thanks to these nipples, you can very easily distribute the pressure on the roof of your mouth. It is also worth noting that the size of anatomical nipples can be very different and they depend on the size of the child and his weight.

The orthopedic nipple appeared relatively recently and the nipple in this nipple has the shape of a droplet. This way the pacifier takes up very little space in the mouth. This is very good, because thanks to this you can reduce the risk of deformation of the teeth and palate to a minimum. Such nipples help to form the correct bite and are simply ideal for children whose mother is breastfeeding, because the grip on the nipple is completely identical to the grip on the mother’s breast. Orthopedic pacifiers fit very well in the mouth, and some models of such pacifiers have small air vent valves, which can also reduce pressure on the baby's palate.

To prevent a child from swallowing a pacifier, a special protective disc is made on it; it is made wide enough so that the disc can fully perform its intended function. When you choose a pacifier, you should definitely pay attention to this disc. It should not be very heavy, because the pacifier will simply fall out of the child’s mouth. Also, the plastic should not fit tightly to the baby’s skin, and for this to happen, the disc should have holes or pimples. This will protect the child from the accumulation of drool on the chin and from the irritation that arises as a result of this. It is very important that the disk does not have many parts that could fall off or break off. It is best to choose pacifier juices with monolithic protective discs.

How to use pacifiers correctly

It is very important to know how to use pacifiers correctly. In this case, you should follow a few simple rules.
  • Never use a pacifier that has already been used before;

  • Do not use a scratched, holey pacifier or one with cracks;

  • if you regularly sterilize juice, then you need to change it every 6-8 weeks;

  • wash the pacifier in warm water and soap and boil for 2-3 minutes;

  • you need to check the pacifier from time to time for cracks;

  • Do not keep the pacifier near the battery or in a place where it is exposed to direct sunlight;

  • You should not lick a baby's pacifier and then give it to the child;

  • use a pacifier fastener that can also be attached to the baby’s clothing;

  • In order to store the pacifier, use a special container, which will be very convenient on the street and at home.
I would also like to add that all the extra things on the pacifier, such as decorations, prints and even in some cases rhinestones, are only needed for parents. Newborn babies are not bothered by this issue at all. Quite often it happens that children do not want to suck on expensive imported pacifiers, but prefer the most ordinary ones. Of course, all children are different and some can suck on any pacifier offered to them, while others can be capricious for a long time until their parents manage to choose the right pacifier for them.

For physiological reasons, a small child from birth to one and a half years old needs to constantly suck something. It could be the mother's breast, a finger, a fist or a toy, but most often modern parents use a pacifier for these purposes. It can be difficult to decide on the best option the first time - first you need to try different options for pacifiers to understand which one suits your child best.

As for the criteria for choosing a pacifier, the following stand out among them:

  • baby's weight and size – pacifiers are typically designed for 0-6 months (size A or 1), 6-12 months (B or 2) and 12 to 18 months (C or 3) as baby grows and needs change ;
  • shape - it can be round, symmetrical, anatomical, and here you need to see which one your baby likes best;
  • size of the holder - it should be large enough, but not too large, not have unnecessary decorations and not irritate the baby’s delicate skin;
  • safety - the pacifier should not be chewed, broken or taken apart;
  • material - latex or silicone, latex is natural and wears out faster, but synthetic silicone can last quite a long time;
  • manufacturer - after all, well-known brands guarantee the quality of their products, while little-known ones cannot guarantee you anything, so why take the risk?

Below we bring to your attention the TOP 10 main manufacturers (brands) of pacifiers that you can find on the children's goods market. Manufacturer, features, properties, advantages and disadvantages, price - these are the parameters we will touch on in the review.

Nuk Genius – German quality

Nuk Genius is a German-made pacifier. The sucking part has a special ortho-shape - it is slightly flattened and comes with a special indentation that prevents the pacifier from falling out of the baby's mouth. Can shrink without sticking together, available in three sizes.


  • "smart" air valve;
  • "healthy" form;
  • softness;
  • durability;
  • materials latex and silicone to choose from.


  • not a small price.

The cost of a pacifier (average) is 280 rubles.

Pigeon – focus on naturalness

The Japanese pacifier is intended strictly for newborn babies aged 0-4 months. It has an unusual shape (flattened in the middle part) and is orthodontic. Ideal value for money.


  • inexpensive;
  • quality;
  • has a beautiful design (designs include stars, cars, flowers).


The average cost is 150 rubles.

Philips AVENT is the market leader in silicone pacifiers

A classic silicone pacifier that has six holes for ventilation. It is durable, reliable, safe and comfortable for the child, since it does not put pressure on the palate.


  • always available in pharmacies and stores;
  • huge size range - from birth to three years;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • different designs to choose from;
  • protective cap included.


  • the teardrop shape is quite difficult to hold in a child’s mouth;
  • moisture can get inside the nipple due to the ventilation holes;
  • the price is still quite high.

The average cost in the Russian Federation is 260 rubles.

HEVEA – high-quality latex

HEVEA latex pacifiers are considered one of the best in their segment on the market. The raw material is natural rubber, which provides each nipple with softness, comfortable temperature and hygiene. There are no seams in the design, so it is almost impossible to break it.


  • one-piece casting;
  • original designs;
  • the presence of ventilation slots of different shapes;
  • any types are available - beveled, round, orthodontic;
  • 100% natural composition.


  • high cost.

The average price is 400 rubles.

Original Nuby movable pacifier

American-made Nuby movable pacifiers won't let your baby get lazy. The main feature of the models is the movable sucking part, which imitates the mother's breast, forces the baby to act and tires him out, as a result of which the child falls asleep faster.


  • ease of use;
  • durability;
  • the presence of “bumps” on the silicone nipple, which itch the gums well;
  • three types – anatomical, ortho, “cherry”.

The average price is 300 rubles.

Chicco – price and quality

Chicco soft latex pacifiers are what your baby needs to calm down and fall asleep. They are soft and at the same time elastic, durable and flexible. Latex quickly adapts to the child’s body temperature, making it comfortable for the baby. Chico's nipples contribute to the correct formation of the bite.


  • anatomical functional nipple;
  • softness and elasticity;
  • durable construction that a child will not chew.


  • latex remains a not very durable material;
  • simple design.

The average price in the Russian Federation is 220 rubles.

Bibi cherry silicone – originality above all!

This unusual pacifier will definitely appeal to those parents who love original baby things. It is durable, high quality and has an unusual design. Special two-component silicone is durable and safe. Open pacifier stand and case included.


  • cherry shape;
  • funny inscriptions, bright pictures that do not erase;
  • day and night options;
  • Swiss quality.


  • ventilation holes are too small (there are two of them);
  • not anatomical shape;
  • high cost.

The average cost for the Russian Federation is 300 rubles.

Canpol Babies orthodontist – high quality, inexpensive and healthy

The Polish brand offers really high-quality and comfortable anatomical pacifiers at an affordable price. The materials you can choose from are silicone or latex.


  • there is an air valve;
  • excellent quality;
  • affordable price;
  • there is a lid included;
  • huge selection of designs.


  • are missing.

The cost in the Russian Federation is 120 rubles.

TIGEX – advanced technologies

Soft latex and silicone TIGEX pacifiers have an anatomical shape, and therefore are comfortable for the baby and do not fall out of the mouth. They are made from environmentally friendly materials; there are special models for medical purposes for weakened children.


  • a variety of bright designs;
  • excellent quality;
  • wide range of models;
  • anatomical;
  • affordable price.


The average price is 130 rubles.

A pacifier dispenser is an ideal choice for infants who constantly use a pacifier. If you need to give your baby medication, fill the reservoir with liquid medication and give the baby a pacifier ( read also: how to properly give medicine to a baby in the form of a tablet or syrup -

How to make a choice?

Focus on your own preferences and, of course, the tastes of the baby, as well as your available budget - fortunately, there are enough high-quality and not very expensive models on the market. Enjoy the shopping! Let's read in detail: >>>

Some people just can’t wean their child off the pacifier, while others just can’t get the pacifier into the child’s mouth. Yes, yes, sometimes children outright refuse the pacifier, and quite often it is the pacifier that helps parents out in different situations... We read in detail about >>>

The time comes when the child needs to be weaned off the pacifier. Many mothers hear advice on how to wean their child off a pacifier from grandmothers, neighbors, or just acquaintances. Each of them should not be carried out immediately, each baby is already an individual with his own character and mental stability, so what suits one may be harmful to another...

Already while expecting a baby, mothers think about choosing a pacifier for newborns. The pacifier is the best assistant in calming the baby and a substitute for the mother's breast in her absence. Among the huge variety of offers, choosing the appropriate option is not so difficult if you know the selection criteria. However, you should not be sure that your baby will be satisfied with your choice; he may have completely different views on this subject.

Latex or silicone

Latex and silicone are used to make nipples. Which material is better and safer for newborns? Read more about the pros and cons below.

Latex is similar to rubber, it is soft, elastic, and its nipples are yellow-brown in color. This pacifier has a specific smell and taste, which some babies may not like. Natural soft material is fragile; due to the appearance of microcracks in which bacteria can multiply, such pacifiers require replacement every month.

Silicone is a synthetic material, harder and more durable, tasteless and odorless. Period of use - 3 months. Many babies, having tried a latex pacifier in the maternity hospital, subsequently refuse the silicone one. Therefore, if you plan to use such pacifiers, it is better to take your own bottle with you for feeding your baby.

After teeth appear, the baby begins to chew on the pacifier; you need to carefully monitor its condition. Giving a child a torn or chewed product is dangerous - it may lead to ingestion of individual parts or suffocation.

Both latex and silicone pacifiers must flatten and regain their shape so that the baby can suck on it comfortably. When purchasing, you should test the pacifier for this quality as well. Which pacifiers are best for newborns depends on each specific case.

Right size

The size of the pacifier should correspond to the age of the baby. This information is indicated on the packaging. If it is not there, the pacifier does not meet the requirements of pediatricians, and you should not buy it. Pacifiers that are not appropriate for the child’s age contribute to the formation of maxillofacial abnormalities. Each manufacturer has its own size range and its designations.

For premature babies and those born with low birth weight, there are the smallest pacifiers. There is not always a need to buy them, since such babies need their mother’s breast and her presence. And using an orthodontic pacifier while walking will be justified, since such babies are more likely to develop the skill of improper latching of the nipple and oral abnormalities.

Correct form

Pacifiers for newborns are spherical, teardrop-shaped and orthodontic. Some babies are very picky; in order to please the baby, you will have to try everything. What kind of pacifier for a newborn should be from the point of view of doctors?

Pediatricians recommend the use of orthodontic pacifiers. They are flattened on one side (on the tongue) and convex on the other side (under the palate). Such pacifiers resemble a mother's nipple and promote the formation of a correct bite. Dentists recommend giving up the pacifier after the first teeth appear.

The newborn has to hold the droplet-shaped product in his mouth by sucking, while the spherical nipple holds itself. If the baby does not wake up from the pacifier falling out, you can continue to use the teardrop pacifier. Initially, it is better to choose this form so that the baby has the opportunity to learn to sleep without endless sucking. The droplet pacifier falls out after the baby falls asleep on its side (and newborns should only sleep this way).

The right protective disk

The base of the pacifier should be large enough to prevent swallowing and small enough to not cause discomfort. For newborns, pacifiers with a recess for the nasolabium are convenient. The absence of a ring prevents injury when turning over and does not allow the baby to pull the pacifier out of his mouth with chaotic movements of his hands in his sleep.

A protective cap or box is needed to store the pacifier so you don’t have to run around rinsing it immediately before use; it’s convenient for going to the hospital or visiting. Don't forget to wash and sterilize them too.

Before using the pacifier, you must read the instructions from the manufacturer, which indicate the details of initial processing, daily care, service life, and expiration date. According to the recommendations, the pacifier should be washed and sterilized.

For daily care, it only takes 30 seconds to sterilize a latex pacifier by boiling, but it is better to pour boiling water over it and leave it until it cools. The silicone nipple can be subjected to prolonged boiling, and at the same time it does not change its properties, which is important for young mothers who cannot stand and monitor the process.

Experienced mothers advise buying several pacifiers at once, so as not to run around and look for it every time you need it. It is especially important that the pacifier is attached with a special chain to walking clothes. Another pacifier is needed in the baby's sleeping area. The rest of the time, pediatricians do not recommend giving it to infants to calm them down; you need to distract the child’s attention in other ways.

Do I need a pacifier?

In the maternity hospital and in the first weeks after birth, the baby sleeps soundly and a lot. During this period, you can do without a pacifier, and if he constantly demands the breast, you should not refuse. Frequent feeding helps normalize the amount of milk your baby needs, regardless of whether it is a lot or a little. Even with excessive lactation, frequent application is recommended.

In the second month of life, the baby begins to stay awake more and get acquainted with the world around him. He wants his mother to always be there, even in his dreams. If it is not possible to lie down side by side, relax and gain strength, a pacifier is a good option for replacing the mother's breast. To keep your baby calm, you can put him to sleep on his mother’s “milk” T-shirt.

Possible harm

With constant sucking on a spherical pacifier, the baby develops an abnormal bite. Dentists recommend abandoning such sedatives after the appearance of the first teeth. In addition, sucking can simply become a bad habit, so you should use a pacifier only in extreme cases. Entertain and distract the child yourself, do not try to simply cover his mouth with a pacifier.

If the care of the pacifier is not taken seriously enough, dangerous microbes and pathogens of various diseases may enter the baby’s mouth. Licking it and passing it to the baby is not considered cleansing; in this way, you will just add additional bacteria that the newborn’s fragile body will have to fight.

Often the pacifier is lubricated with honey or sugar so that the baby does not refuse it, which results in diathesis, rash, and discomfort. If your baby cries loudly and refuses the pacifier, he may have colic or is overtired. In such cases, newborns are helped by a warm bath, tight swaddling and music, i.e. complex measures.

Experts' opinions

Among experts you can find opinions for a newborn. Doctors, depending on their specialization, speak differently about this subject.

Physiologists explain that the sucking reflex is necessary for a baby to become satiated. The less he sucks between feedings, the more efficiently he sucks out the milk. Pacifiers provoke the appearance of improper latching of the breast, as a result - malnutrition of the baby and a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother. By the age of one year, the chewing process improves, and prolonged sucking delays the formation of this skill, which subsequently disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Psychologists associate smoking, drinking alcohol and other mind-altering substances with If a baby was given a pacifier when he was anxious instead of satisfying a natural need, as an adult he will not be able to cope with difficulties correctly. Also, children whose attention is replaced in this way subsequently choose entertainment on the phone, movies, and the Internet instead of family communication and personal meetings.

Breastfeeding experts are against the use of pacifiers: with them there is a high risk of complete breast abandonment, and replacing night feedings with a pacifier leads to a decrease in lactation.

Allergists do not recommend latex pacifiers. A reaction to them may occur, which may not be pronounced - sneezing, lacrimation, hoarseness. Whether a newborn with a history of allergies can be given a pacifier is up to the parent to decide.

Dentists warn about the high likelihood of malocclusion and inflammation of the oral cavity due to the dubious sterility of the pacifier. Parents often transmit herpes, thrush, stomatitis, and caries to their children through it.

Speech therapists also do not recommend using a pacifier for a long time, as it prevents the baby from learning to make sounds and control his tongue and lips.

Taking into account all opinions, parents must independently decide on the advisability of using this accessory and how and when to give a pacifier to a newborn.

Review of manufacturers

Pacifiers should only be purchased in pharmacies and specialized stores. This guarantees the availability of product safety certificates. Among the many worthy offers, you can always choose the appropriate option. Pacifiers that meet baby health safety requirements can vary greatly in price. This is due to the manufacturer, material, equipment. The best pacifiers for newborns don't have to be expensive.

Nuby claims that the use of their orthodontic pacifiers promotes early teething. They also produce nipples with a cross-shaped hole, which prevents leakage and is convenient for feeding the baby.

The Chicco brand offers nipples that closely resemble female breasts. They have raised circles and require active suction to create flow. The baby, using them, will not feel the benefits of easily accessible milk from the nipple, and will not refuse the breast. They should be used for newborns who require additional feeding if they want to maintain lactation. The design of the nipple prevents the swallowing of air, resulting in a reduction in colic and regurgitation.

Manufacturer Dr. Brown's produces pacifiers and pacifiers according to modern expert recommendations. The founder of the company is a pediatrician who knows everything about the latest advances and medical requirements for the health and development of children.

Phillips Avent is the most famous manufacturer of children's products. This is due to its narrow specialization. Products are improved taking into account customer feedback, our own developments and modern requirements.

Russian brands “Kurnosiki”, “Mir Detstva”, “Poma” offer decent quality pacifiers at a much lower price. They come with cute chain holders for walking.

Each parent chooses the best pacifiers for newborns depending on personal requirements and preferences.

Special offers

For babies born weighing up to 1800 g, special nipples and pacifiers are used. They help develop the skill of proper sucking. For children with congenital jaw abnormalities, the correct pacifiers and pacifiers must be used. Using them from birth will allow you to cope with the problem as quickly as possible and without consequences for a more conscious age. Which pacifiers are best for newborns also depends on individual factors.

A thermometer pacifier is a very useful invention. The baby needs to measure the temperature daily, but this is not at all easy with a regular thermometer. But the thermometer nipple looks like a regular pacifier and is accepted very well by the baby. The measuring sensor is located in the silicone part, and the display is on the limiter. This pacifier will be used with pleasure by your baby even at an older age. You should not use it instead of a regular pacifier - impacts and falls will lead to malfunction. When choosing, it is worth considering that such products are collapsible, which makes them possible to sterilize. The signal about the end of the measurement can be light or sound, and the latter is not convenient for a light-sleeping baby during illness or poor health. The ability to change batteries is not provided in all models; this is also worth paying attention to.

The photo shows pacifiers for newborns with an original design. They are intended more for laughter, photo shoots and are not suitable for sleeping, their shape is awkward. However, the products are popular among parents who want to somehow highlight their child. You can buy a pacifier for newborns as a bright accessory, but they are not suitable for styling.

A soft toy and pacifier in one is a very cute idea. But such a pacifier can cause allergies if you do not take care of its cleanliness. Soft toys require special care and daily washing.

Soother mill Dr. Shuuuuuut is designed for grinding medicines and even taking them. The tablet is placed in a special compartment, crushed, then goes into the “sucking” part and enters the child’s mouth in small doses. This way, the baby will not feel strong bitterness and taking medications will no longer be a torment for mother and child. Which pacifier should I choose for a newborn who requires pills? Of course, this one.

Biling Biling's baby pacifiers are decorated with real diamonds and engraved with the baby's date of birth and name. The product is more decorative than practical, and its price is high.

The question of whether to give a pacifier to a newborn is decided by each parent independently. It is worth noting that not all children accept this choice. You need to use this “sedative” correctly so as not to harm the baby. The main thing is not to forget to replace the pacifier in a timely manner, monitor its integrity and follow the operating rules.

The question of which pacifier to choose for a newborn is not at all trivial: the normal formation of the baby’s nasopharynx and jaws will depend on its design. If parents want to see their grown-up baby beautiful and healthy, they need to decide whether there is a need for this device and which nipples are best for newborns.

From this article you will learn

What is a pacifier for?

In newborns, the sucking reflex is unconditioned, that is, it is laid down by nature from birth. It manifests itself in the mother’s womb, which is often observed from ultrasound photos. After about a year, its manifestations weaken, and by 3-4 years they disappear completely. The need for sucking actions is due to the following reasons:

  • Nutritional requirements, carried out either by breastfeeding or through a bottle.
  • Decreased arousal, anxiety due to hypertension.
  • Formation of the correct bite. During breastfeeding, the lower jaw develops harmoniously and by the age of six months the baby reaches normal.

With established breastfeeding special. In a bottle-fed baby, the need for sucking is not fully satisfied, since through a bottle he is saturated much faster. Often the baby begins to suck a finger or the edge of clothing.

In this situation, the pacifier will help the baby perform the necessary actions and satisfy the need. A pacifier will also help a breastfeeding baby in case of illness, overexcitation, or stressful situations.

Starting from 6 months, it is advisable for the mother to reduce the use of the pacifier, distracting the child with games or songs, gradually, since then it will not be easy for the baby to learn to calm down without his favorite object.

Types of nipples

As in the last century, the design of this children's product consists of a soft part, a limiter (mouthpiece) and a holder. But over the past decades, the appearance of pacifiers has changed a lot. To the classic round shape, narrow at the mouthpiece and spherical at the end, two more types were added:

Anatomical. It was developed by German doctors back in the 50s of the last century. Its shape corresponds to the structure of the baby's gums. It is rounded only at the top, flattened at the bottom in such a way as to create the correct pressure on the palate. When sucking on a physiological pacifier, the baby does not swallow air, which avoids colic and creates the necessary load on the lower jaw.

Orthodontic (symmetrical). The physiological and classical model of the nipple prevents the normal development of the incisors, so experts have developed a different design. An orthodontic pacifier is characterized by a narrow neck at the mouthpiece. The nipple itself is teardrop-shaped. With this structure, the grip resembles the mother's breast, the tongue remains behind the gums.

There are pacifiers with flat top and bottom nipple. This model, like the classic one, is convenient in that it can be given to the child from either side.

Which mouthpiece (protective disc) is better?

Orthodontic pacifiers, like anatomical ones, come with different mouthpieces:

The shield of the product has many modifications: round ones are good because the pacifier can be given to the baby from either side. Their disadvantage is the pressure on the child's nose, and therefore a more convenient form is a mouthpiece with a notch in the middle. Modern models have discs in the shape of a butterfly, figure eight, and heart.

Pacifiers should have holes in their main part for better ventilation. Otherwise, the baby will swallow air, which leads to increased gas formation. Shields with an uneven surface at the nipple attachment points prevent the accumulation of saliva and do not rub. Polypropylene mouthpieces can also cause redness. Ideally, the protective disk will be latex or silicone, like the sucking part.

Watch a short video from Dr. Komarovsky, which talks in detail about which pacifier is best to choose.

Which size to choose

Whether a baby will accept a pacifier depends largely on its size and weight. A product that is too large can cause discomfort and the baby will begin to choke. Both the small and large models can cause malocclusion. Models produced by modern industry are classified into three types:

  1. Size A. Designed for ages from birth to 6 months.
  2. Size B. For babies from 6 months to 1.5 years.
  3. Size C. For children from 1.5 years.

Some manufacturers intend their products for infants from 0 to 3 months. For premature babies, there are special models with a special mouthpiece structure, some of them are equipped with a feeding tube.

When buying a pacifier, be guided by the baby’s weight: there are large newborns, and there are those whose weight is barely more than 2.5 kilograms.

Which material is better

The texture of the pacifier material may also not be to your baby’s liking, literally. This is especially true for products made from rubber. Most manufacturers no longer use this material, as it has a characteristic odor and can also cause allergies. Rubber pacifiers are short-lived and easy to chew.

Materials for modern nipples - latex and silicone. The first material is soft and elastic, so products made from it are suitable for weakened and premature babies. The color is light brown, the texture is translucent. Silicone models appear colorless and transparent.

Table 1. Pros and cons of silicone and latex ( Attention

Advantages Material of natural origin.Does not cause allergic reactions.
Able to heat up from the heat, which creates a feeling like from a mother's breast.Easy to clean.
The softness of the material does not require effort when sucking.Retains its shape well during long-term use.
Recommended for children during teething.Does not absorb foreign odors.
Flaws Do not boil or wash with aggressive detergents.An incorrectly selected model can cause deformation of the dentition.
They get dark in the sun.Due to the rigidity of the material, sucking requires effort.
They become deformed after prolonged use.The material is harder than latex, which the baby may not like.
Protein molecules contained in latex can cause allergies.Artificial material.
The product must be replaced one month after use.It should not be given to infants with teething teeth: the baby may accidentally bite off a piece and choke.
Low-quality latex may contain carcinogenic substances.

Advice. Try to find a product made from a single piece of material. Water will not get into it, it is easier to process, and it will not break due to accidental mechanical impact.

This is interesting. The variety of pacifier models is amazing: there are thermometer nipples, products with a dispenser for taking medications, and miniature inhalers.

There may be several dozen varieties of pacifiers in the store, how can you not get confused and choose the right option? Here are some tips:

  • To begin, select the products age appropriate, decide which material is preferable. You can ask a consultant to recommend a model.
  • pay attention to surface features: Cheap brands may have seams and uneven parts that can cause chafing on your baby's lips.
  • Give preference one-piece structures: they become less dirty and there is no risk that the baby will swallow something.
  • Check if there is marking on packaging. According to the instructions of Rospotrebnadzor, it should contain the following information: name and description, what age the product is intended for, date of manufacture, country of origin, care and storage instructions, trademark.
  • The packaging must be hermetically sealed.
  • There should be anti-vacuum holes.
  • Products for newborns need to be selected only in departments licensed or pharmacies.
  • Give preference to models whose manufacturers produce them based on scientific research.

Buy several models of different shapes, latex and silicone: even if the child likes everything at once, which is not often, you will need several pieces in reserve in case of loss or accidental damage.

Among the world's manufacturers there are many companies whose products can be safely recommended to mothers of newborn babies.

FirmManufacturer countryprosMinuses
Nuk GeniusGermany
Available in silicone and latex.
High price.
PigeonJapanThe pacifier shape is improved orthodontic.
Strict quality control of materials.
Affordable prices.
Unusual design.
Philips AventNetherlandsA diverse range of models.
The set includes a protective cap.
High price.
HeveaDenmarkA diverse range of models.
Natural rubber is used for production.
The most expensive products.
High quality latex.
Reliable design.
BibiSwitzerlandUnusual design.
Long service life.
Unusual price.
Canpol BabiesPolandAvailable in silicone and latex.
The pacifier shape is improved orthodontic.
A diverse range of models.
Affordable prices.
TigexFranceThe shape of the nipple is improved anatomical.
A diverse range of models.
Affordable prices.

Rating of pacifiers for newborns

(Attention! The table can be scrolled left and right).

NameCharacteristicsprice, rub.
1. Nuk Genius
Anatomical shape.
Long service life.
Original design.
From 290
2. Pigeon Interesting design of the protective disk.
The line includes a nipple for chewing and pacifier weaning.
From 150
3. Philips Avent The protective disc has 6 holes for air circulation.
Optimal size.
Found in every pharmacy.
The disadvantages include the leaky design: moisture can get inside the nipple.
There are models with a luminous body for the night.
From 265
4. Bibi Bright design with funny inscriptions. There are models for babies and toddlers.300
5. Hevea Solid pacifiers made of natural rubber.
Various shapes: round, orthodontic, physiological.
6. Nuby Original shape with a movable sucking part.
Convenient to store and use.
Additional bumps on the nipple massage the gums.
7. Chicco Anatomically correct molded construction made of fast-heating latex.220
8. Canpol Babies orthodontist Improved air valve.
Orthodontic form.
9. Tigex There are models for premature babies.
Anatomical shape.
10. World of childhood Various shapes: round, orthodontic, physiological.
There are models for both boys and girls.
From 130

Rules for bottle feeding

When feeding a baby through a bottle, it is also important to use an anatomically shaped nipple. There are several recommendations from pediatricians for mothers of children on IV:

  • For any, even the most minor, deformations or cracks, the nipple on the bottle must be replaced.
  • You need to ensure proper grip and retention of the nipple when feeding.
  • You need to give a bottle to your baby in a position that is as close as possible to breastfeeding: holding the baby close to your body in your arms.
  • Buy nipples and bottles from trusted companies, such as Aventa.
  • During feeding, the bottle should be held so that its front part does not put pressure on the baby's jaw, as this leads to its deformation. Correct position: perpendicular to the face.
  • There is no need for excessive sterility: as Dr. Komarovsky recommends, boiling nipples and bottles is not necessary. It is enough to wash them with soda or soap.
  • If the nipple opening is too wide, the baby will quickly finish eating and there will not be the necessary load on the jaws. Feeding time should not be less than 20 minutes.
  • Bottle placement must be completed before age 2 years.

Rules for using pacifiers

The purchased pacifier must be kept clean. For disinfection, you can take a weak solution of vinegar or soda. Products should be stored in containers with a screw-on lid. Here are some more tips from experienced moms:

  • If your baby is used to a pacifier of a certain shape, buy 2-3 spare ones of the same brand.
  • To avoid early caries, gastritis and ARVI in your baby, do not lick the pacifier.
  • Do not use laces and ribbons - it is better to buy special clothespins with a short chain.
  • Don't give a pacifier unless necessary.

Important! When teaching your baby to take a pacifier, do not dip it in honey. In children under one year of age, it can cause botulism.

Children need a pacifier less when they feel safe. The baby himself will tell you when he wants to eat and when he just needs attention. Even the best pacifier for a newborn cannot replace maternal warmth and love.

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Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of baby pacifiers. Orthopedic, anatomical and orthodontic. With a protective disk, silicone, latex, different colors, shapes and sizes. On a chain, rope, clothespin, luminous or musical. Whatever they can think of to distract the little man from his whims! Faced with all this diversity, even the most “advanced” mother does not always know how to choose a pacifier for her baby. However, there is nothing complicated about this, let's figure it out together.

After the birth of a child, a mother's head is full of worries. The pacifier is in first place among the “problem” accessories, because it should not only satisfy the need for the baby’s sucking reflex, but also shape it.

Do I need a pacifier for a newborn?

Such a seemingly irreplaceable and familiar item of children's household items, upon closer examination, has both advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of use

  • Pacifiers are one of those baby products that miraculously calm the baby. Whether he is hungry or in need of a diaper change, the accessory “works” even during tests, and this can be considered an advantage.
  • In addition, some researchers note that nipples also protect against sudden death of an infant during sleep. They also recommend that your baby nap or fall asleep with it during the first year of life.
  • A pacifier can be helpful if a baby is born prematurely because it stimulates the sucking reflex.


  • The suction of the breast and nipple are different, and if the baby changes frequently, this causes discomfort. Even if he takes the breast through a special pad.
  • Moreover, the newborn becomes dependent on the pacifier.
  • During sleep, when the nipple falls out, the baby begins to cry. This anxiety affects the nervous system.
  • Chronic use of this item can lead to middle ear disease, stomach upset and lower respiratory tract infections.
  • Over long-term use, the shape of the jaw and mouth may change, affecting the teeth. In the future, the speech apparatus also suffers.

When choosing a pacifier, like any other baby product, you need to be careful and considerate. The right choice is the key not only to success, but also to the health of your little one.

We teach the baby

Some babies suck their thumbs even before they are born. But this does not mean that as soon as the baby is born, he needs to be given a pacifier. You should not start feeding with formula, because it is much easier to draw milk from a bottle.

Many children refuse to breastfeed after a pacifier. Wait until feeding gets better. At 3-4 or 6-8 weeks, when the schedule is established, you can offer the baby to suck on it between feedings.

Don't use the pacifier as your first defense. Sometimes changing position or rocking can calm a screaming baby. Do not insist if the baby flatly refuses to accept the pacifier.

Weaning from the pacifier

As practice shows, weaning a child off a pacifier is much more difficult than teaching it. The baby is already used to it, he feels calmer this way. But you shouldn’t spend too much time with a pacifier either. This can lead to a number of problems. And the wrong action during weaning can cause psychological trauma.

Doctors recommend starting between 6-9 months. It’s easier at this age, they say. During the day, you can distract the baby by constantly switching his attention, and breastfeed at night. If it doesn’t work out at this age, put the question aside, and at 1.5-2 years old, come back again and try to come to an agreement with the child. Tell a story or remove the pacifier after the baby falls asleep, and the next morning explain that he has already grown up and the pacifier has disappeared.

Be consistent. Remember, you are not the only person whose baby is moving away from the pacifier. Just be close to him. Make sure that all other family members - grandparents, nannies - adhere to the same plan. This will make the process easier.

Pros and cons

Many parents are sure that their child does not need a pacifier - “Why accumulate problems that then need to be dealt with?” At the same time, others experience great relief when using a pacifier.

Experts note that using a pacifier, a newborn refuses breastfeeding. In addition, this can affect the sucking reflex and disrupt feeding patterns. However, “proponents of pacifiers” claim that a properly selected pacifier has absolutely no effect on breastfeeding. Moreover, it calms children with increased excitability.


  1. Once you've chosen your favorite pacifier, keep a few identical backups on hand.
  2. Keep them clean in a separate jar or box.
  3. After falling on the floor or the ground, remove it. There is no need to lick the pacifier yourself; your mouth is not the most sterile place. And up to 6 months, the child has a weak immune system.
  4. Boil or wash in the dishwasher.
  5. After six months, falling pacifiers can simply be washed with soap or doused with boiling water.
  6. Don't dip into sweets.

Replace pacifiers as often as possible and use according to the age of your little one. And if it suddenly breaks or tears, be sure to replace it with a new one, because a child may choke.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

To prevent your baby from sucking his finger, you need a pacifier, but if the baby spits it out, you should not insist. Listen to your child, if he wants to suck, let him suck, but you shouldn’t specially train your baby.

No one can say 100% whether evil is a dummy or good. The truth is somewhere in the middle - and your baby will tell you the correct answer.

Having a pacifier as a helper in the house is wonderful. And if she is not a friend, but an enemy, say goodbye. After all, having lost a pacifier, a child is so upset that parents see no other way out but to urgently replace the accessory. And it doesn’t matter at all at what cost. Many mothers, even in the middle of the night, look for 24-hour pharmacies and send their father-messenger for the treasured miracle remedy.

Selecting a pacifier

The best pacifier is the one your baby chooses. Therefore, before you buy a dozen of one brand, take several, but from different manufacturers.

Rely on the important thing - the continuation of the baby’s physical development. It is better to use nipples that have ventilation. This allows air to pass well, which will make it much easier to stay in the baby's mouth.


  1. Classic - the most common old-style nipple. It is larger than modern ones, but it completely replicates the mother’s breasts, especially the latex accessory. The baby easily sucks the small round papilla and feels calmer, since he practically does not feel the difference.
  2. Anatomical. Its difference is in the shape of the papilla. It is oblong and slightly flattened. This allows the pressure to be distributed across the palate. In addition, this series has an age range, which makes it possible to use it as the child grows up.
  3. Orthodontic. At first glance, the nipple is very similar to a regular one, but if you look closely, you can see that its nipple is slightly beveled and flattened. It was created taking into account the structure of the maxillofacial system. Includes protective disc and holder ring. Suitable for children of all ages. Helps premature babies develop the sucking reflex.
  4. Orthopedic - a completely new specimen. The nipple is drop-shaped and takes up very little space in the baby's mouth. Includes an air vent valve to reduce pressure on baby's palate. Thanks to this, the risk of tooth deformation is minimal. Helps form the correct bite.
  5. Pacifier with protective disk- equipped with a wide base that prevents the baby from swallowing it. The disc has two holes on the sides or pimples. This protects against drool buildup and further irritation.

Pacifier size

Generally accepted classification:

  • A - 0-6 months.
  • B - 6-18 months.
  • C - 18 months and older.

When choosing a particular pacifier, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. After all, their divisions may differ from generally accepted norms. Don’t forget that the size of the pacifier should grow with your little one. The amount of food he will receive directly depends on this.

Deciding on the material

  • Rubber - impractical and short-lived, poorly proven pacifier, which is finally becoming a thing of the past. Its only advantage can be seen at the moment of teething. And then, you should be wary of diathesis.
  • Made of latex - soft and elastic, due to the fact that it is made of rubber. Natural nipples are well suited for babies born prematurely. They have a light brown or transparent color. The disadvantages are that they wear out quickly, darken from the sun and, alas, can cause allergies.
  • Silicone - elastic, colorless and odorless. More resistant to boiling and does not cause allergies. Disadvantages - very hard, may affect the growth of baby teeth. So if the choice fell on it, use it long before they appear.

Pay attention to the plastic the nipple is made of. An ideal item should be free of BPA, parabens, PVC and phthalates. Many manufacturers use artificial colors and chemical softeners - this is harmful to the child.

Try to choose a pacifier with a solid frame to prevent breakage and ingestion of small particles.

Popular manufacturers

Below is information on several popular brands of children's products.

Focusing on the pros and cons and, of course, the needs of your baby, you will definitely make the right choice.

Philips AVENT (UK)

Many mothers prefer this particular manufacturer. The drop-shaped silicone nipple is made of safe material, does not contain bisphenol A, and has 6 holes on the mouthpiece.

Advantages :

  • excellent quality;
  • a wide range of;
  • availability, can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • possibility of sterilization.

Flaws :

  • does not fit well in the baby's mouth;
  • moisture may get into the nipple;
  • overpriced.

Chicco (Italy)

The soft, flexible and elastic latex pacifier belongs to the “orthodontist” class. Promotes correct bite formation. It quickly takes the baby's temperature, he feels comfortable and falls asleep easily. It is in second place after Avent.

Advantages :

  • anatomical shape;
  • soft, but durable, a child will not chew it or break it;
  • "warm";
  • easy to clean, can be steamed.

Flaws :

  • short-lived;
  • too simple in design;
  • overpriced.

When choosing an accessory from this brand, you will not go wrong, as it is available in almost every pharmacy.

Canpol Babies (Poland)

Anatomically shaped pacifier, good quality. Made from silicone and latex. The pacifier is also popular with many mothers. She is chosen so often that she took third place on the list.

Advantages :

  • huge selection of models and colors;
  • luminous ring on the limiter;
  • air valve;
  • holes on the mouthpiece promote normal air circulation;
  • The kit includes a protective cap;
  • low price.

According to parents, the main and only drawback of the Kanpol nipple is that it is made in China.

Pigeon (Japan)

A unique pacifier that has an “orthodontist” shape. It encourages the baby to breathe through the nose rather than the mouth.

Pros :

  • quality;
  • a huge selection of models, shapes and colors;
  • low price.

Cons: none identified.

When choosing this pacifier, please note that it is only suitable for newborns and up to 4 months.

Baby (Iran)

Pacifiers come in a variety of sizes to suit baby's gum and tooth development. The shape is comfortable for any child's mouth. It is famous for its good quality, which captivates many mothers.

Advantages :

  • huge selection of models;
  • wide range of color palettes;
  • interesting design;
  • material - latex, silicone;
  • grows with the child;
  • holes on the mouthpiece promote normal air circulation;
  • options for night and day;
  • low price.

Disadvantages: none identified.

Tommee Tippee (Morocco)

The nipples are made of the highest quality medical silicone. Does not contain bisphenol A.

Advantages :

  • assortment for every taste;
  • double-sided nipple;
  • symmetrical orthodontic shape.

No shortcomings were identified either.

The pacifiers were developed in collaboration with dentists.

Bibi (Switzerland)

An original pacifier with an interesting design and excellent quality, it has proven itself among many parents. Two-component silicone increases its service life. And the designs on the nipple do not wear off even after several cleanings.

Pros :

  • unusual and convenient shape (“cherry”);
  • bright colorful design;
  • options for night and day;
  • There is a stand for an open nipple and a case for a closed nipple.

Minuses :

  • small holes for ventilation;
  • the nipple is not anatomically shaped;
  • overcharge.

Nuby (USA)

The unique movable pacifier prevents the child from being lazy, as a result the baby gets tired and falls asleep. So if you want peace of mind, choose this one. Manufacturer recommends.

Advantages :

  • a huge selection of shapes and models;
  • good quality;
  • the presence of silicone bumps on the pacifier, which allows the baby to scratch the gums.

Disadvantages: overpriced.

HEVEA (Spain)

The latex pacifier for a newborn has no seams, which is very convenient to use. Thanks to its quality, it has taken its rightful place in the ranking of baby nipples.

Pros :

  • one-piece casting (it is impossible to break it);
  • huge selection of models;
  • interesting design;
  • natural composition;
  • ventilation holes are made in different shapes (cars, berries, flowers).

Cons: overpriced.

TIGEX (France)

The double-sided pacifier is made of a material that does not cause irritation.

Advantages :

  • takes on the contours of a face;
  • high quality cleaning latex and silicone;
  • movable ring;
  • ventilation holes;
  • soft coating on the edges of the disc.

Disadvantages: overpriced.

It fits correctly in the mouth without causing discomfort.
