What do grasses bathe newborn children with? How to bathe a newborn: advice from an experienced mother

Babies love swimming. It gives the crumbs the joy of movement and allows parents to complete the toilet of the child. This is extremely important for his well-being and the prevention of skin diseases. The skin of a baby is more sensitive and delicate, its acidity (pH) is lower than that of an adult, therefore it is difficult to resist the effects of bacteria and fungi. Easily occur scuffs, diaper rash.

Also, children's skin contains a lot of water and little fat, which facilitates the penetration of harmful substances into his body. These features dictate the need for daily bathing, especially for children in the first six months of life. The water procedure, accompanied by cheerful conversations and songs, will not only harden and strengthen the child's immunity, but also establish an emotional connection with parents.

When to start bathing

You can bathe healthy full-term babies every day immediately after discharge from the hospital, while trying not to wet the umbilical wound so as not to cause inflammation, or after the final healing of the navel, when all crusts disappear (on average, this happens in the second or third week of life). If you decide to wait for the navel to heal, during this period, wipe the baby's skin, especially the folds, with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and baby soap, then wash off the soap with another cotton swab and blot moisture from the baby's body. Which tactic is better to choose is up to you. For complete confidence in the right choice - consult a pediatrician.

If you decide to wash the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital, use boiled water for this. It is prepared and cooled to the desired temperature in advance. To disinfect water, use a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few crystals completely in a glass of warm boiled water. From the resulting solution, add a few drops to the bath until a faint pink hue appears. Be careful not to add too much solution, it can dry out children's skin, and cause burns in high concentrations. Make sure that the unhealed navel does not sink into the water, and immediately after bathing, blot it.

After the umbilical wound has healed, it is not necessary to boil water for bathing. The bath is filled with ordinary tap water at the required temperature. It is not recommended to wash a child every day in herbal decoctions, mineral salts or a solution of potassium permanganate, as the frequent use of these additives dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions. Use them only for medicinal purposes, after consulting with your doctor. If the child has skin problems (it is dry and prone to peeling), then it is better to use special bathing foams that already contain herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula) that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Where and in what to bathe

In the bathroom or in the kitchen? Each family decides this question individually, based on their living conditions. The main thing is that the room was without drafts. The optimal air temperature for bathing is about 24-26 degrees C, but not lower than 21 degrees C. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees C (check with a thermometer, not with your elbow!). Higher degrees can lead to overheating of the baby, he will begin to act up, and from a pleasant procedure, bathing will turn into a whole problem. In colder water, the child will freeze, which also does not bode well.

Traditionally, the baby is bathed in a baby bath (galvanized metal, enameled or plastic, anatomical or not). It should only be used for bathing and not used for other household purposes (do not wash in it, do not soak linen). It is convenient when she stands on a stable support, which allows her not to lean low towards the child, otherwise her back gets tired. Before bathing, pour boiling water over the tub. Of course, you can wash a child in an “adult” bath, but before each bath, be sure to treat it with ordinary soda or a special detergent designed for children's baths.

bathing time

You can bathe your baby at any time of the day (try to do this together with your husband or grandmother for insurance), but experience shows that it is better to carry out water procedures in the evening (around 20:00), before feeding, so that after it a well-fed and clean child can sleep peacefully . At the same time, dads who work during the day get the opportunity to communicate with the baby, caress him. If it seems to the mother that evening bathing excites the child before bedtime, then arrange “washings” in the afternoon. Bath time varies with age. Newborn children should bathe only 2-5 minutes, and at 3-4 months - 12-15 minutes.

What to prepare for bathing a baby:

  • soft terry towel or a terry sheet with a hood;
  • baby soap in a soap dish or special bathing aid newborns. Use only these special products to wash your baby. They have an optimal acidity (pH) for children's skin, which protects the skin from excessive drying, contain softening additives - glycerin, lanolin, etc. Soap is recommended to be used in small quantities and no more than 2-3 times a week. On other days, they simply bathe the baby in water;
  • Enjoy sponge or terry mitten from soft natural materials, or you can lather the child with just your palm;
  • baby cream;
  • a jar of cotton balls ;
  • jug for water. After filling the bath with water, scoop it out with a jug and put it somewhere nearby so that at the end of the bath you can rinse the child with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening;
  • hair brush with thick soft bristles or comb with blunt edges;
  • water thermometer ;
  • air temperature thermometer ;
  • in advance, on a separate surface where you will dress the baby, lay it out clothes;
  • in the bath you can put special devices to support the child - a hammock, "hill" etc. They are especially convenient for the first time on bathing days, while mom still does not have the necessary skill.

Remember to wash your hands with soap before bathing your baby. Keep your nails short and remove anything (rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) that might scratch your baby. When everything is ready, undress the child. If necessary, clean the baby's bottom, and carefully, slowly, lower it into the water. Do not rush and make sudden movements, as the baby may be frightened. Try to do everything carefully, but confidently, talking quietly to him or singing a song. Gently lower the child into the bath, supporting the head and shoulders with one hand (for example, left) and the head and shoulders with the other (right) at the level of the buttocks and thighs.

Water safety

While swimming, you need to remember about the safety of the baby. In the supine position, his head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the child in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint for the outer shoulder of the baby from you. So you insure the child from accidental slipping and diving under water. With your free hand, you lather the baby. In the prone position, the baby's chest is on your forearm; the palm of the same hand holds the shoulder farthest from you. With your free hand, you lather the baby and insure him in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Fragrant soap and fluffy towel

It is necessary to wash sequentially: neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs, back and only then the head. Lather gently, massaging movements so that the foam does not get into the eyes. Thoroughly wash the folds on the neck, under the armpits, in the groin, elbows and knees. Do not forget to open and wash clenched fists, which accumulate exfoliated skin cells and can cause diaper rash.

The head is also lathered carefully so that the foam does not get into the eyes. If a child's eyes are pinched, he will remember this trouble for a long time and will be capricious when he gets into the bathroom. Wash your head with water every day, because, in babies, it usually sweats a lot, and wash it with baby soap or a special bathing agent once a week so as not to overdry the scalp.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question at what age you can start using baby shampoo. Some experts believe that up to a year you should only wash your hair with baby soap, others - that you can use shampoo from the age of 3-6 months. But everyone is unanimous in one thing - the shampoo should be only for children, designed taking into account the structural features of the child's skin and hair. Such products have a mild effect and do not sting the eyes.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with the palm of your hand. Pour water over the hair from the face to the back of the head and apply a few drops of shampoo to the hair. Lather and lightly massage into skin. Gently wash off the foam with washing movements in the same direction. The face can be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in boiled water. If seborrheic crusts (another name for gneiss) have formed on the scalp, then they must be softened by lubricating them with baby oil approximately 1 hour before bathing, and during bathing, remove them with a comb with frequent teeth or a brush.

The baby's perineum should be washed with soap and water. To avoid urinary tract infection, children should be washed from front to back, especially girls. For girls, thoroughly and gently wash all the folds between the labia, for boys, gently wash the penis (without moving the foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus. Now you can rinse (front and back) the baby with water from a jug, which has cooled down by about one degree.

Immediately after bathing, wrap the baby in a bath towel and pat it dry. It is necessary to get wet, and not rub - first the head, then the body. Skin folds should be especially carefully dried. The auricle should be dried with gauze or a thin handkerchief. Then remove the wet towel and place the baby on a clean diaper. Lubricate all skin folds with baby oil applied to a cotton swab. Treat inguinal and intergluteal folds with baby cream or a special diaper cream. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then after bathing it needs to get wet. Then drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide from a pipette, and remove excess liquid with a gauze napkin or cotton swab. With another cotton swab moistened with a solution of brilliant green, treat the navel. Dress your baby and don't forget the cap. Do not remove it until the hair is dry. Then the child can be fed and put to bed.

When bathing is already habitual

By six months, the baby is already getting used to washing as a pleasant ritual and is waiting for it. Bathing can now last 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to reduce the water temperature by a few degrees - up to 32-28 degrees C. At this age, children master the skill of sitting, so it is advisable to provide the bath with a special rubber mat so that the child does not slip or with a special bath seat. Then, in addition to washing, the baby can be given the opportunity to splash in the bath, play with rubber or plastic toys.

Under no circumstances leave a child unattended in the bath!

He can reach for a toy and flop his face into the water, he can try to get up, leaning on the side and fall forward or backward, he can bend over the side of the bathtub, striving for a toy thrown on the floor ... The consequences are deplorable, from fear of water after a sharp immersion in it, to serious head injury.

When the child has played enough, slowly start washing. Calmly and gently pour water on the baby's body, talk to him affectionately. The sequence of bathing remains the same. Washing your hair can become difficult because the child begins to show “character” and refuses to throw back his head, turns it in different directions and it is inconvenient for you to lather it so that the foam does not get into the eyes. When washing off the foam from the stubborn, water, even without detergent, can get into the eyes and cause discomfort in them (stinging). The baby will begin to rub his eyes with his fists, cry, refuse to wash.

To prevent these "little" troubles, you can use special protective visors that look like hat brim. They are tightly worn on the head and prevent the ingress of foam and water into the eyes. At 12 months (if this has not happened before), you can proceed to bathing in a large bath. Bathing time increases to 20 minutes or more. Babies are learning to walk and will try to walk in the tub. Therefore, in order not to slip, it must have a safety device - a rubber mat. It is also better to lay a special mat on the floor of the bath so that you also do not slip on the wet floor.

Attention to the child during water games should be doubled.

He can not only "dive" under the water, but also reach out to various cosmetics, taste them. All unnecessary items that are within the reach of the baby should be removed. The taps should be on the opposite side of the child and well twisted so that he cannot reach them and turn on hot water. The baby's head is washed last. He is already sitting in the bathroom, leaning back (on your arm) and throwing back his head. Avoid getting soapy water in eyes and ears. Water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head. Particularly fidgety, you can continue to wear a special visor.

Bathing biennials

By the age of two, bathing becomes a fun game. A child frolics in the water, plays with toys, launches boats and splashes water, so rubber bath mats and floor mats are still relevant. Bathing at this age is best done in the evening after a walk. The kid moves a lot, plays outside in the sand, on the grass and comes home dirty. The air temperature in the bath can drop to 21 degrees C, while the water temperature remains the same - 32--28 degrees C. The duration of bathing increases to 30 minutes, since most of this time is spent on water games.

A two-year-old baby is very inquisitive, he imitates adults, actively acquires new skills. From this age, you can begin to teach your child to wash themselves. Let him help his mother wash herself. Give him a small washcloth, and he will be happy to lather his hands and feet. And you, in the same sequence as before (neck, stomach, arms, legs, back, head), lather it. Do not leave the child unattended for a single second, do not give in to the temptation to think that the baby has already grown up and attention can be weakened.

At this age, baby bath foam and baby bath gel can already be used for bathing. Do not put cosmetic salts in a baby bath, as they can cause allergic reactions on baby's delicate skin. The use of soap increases to three times a week, depending on the degree of contamination of the child. Bathing also ends with pouring clean water a few degrees lower than the water in the bath. You can douse the little one with water from the shower.

The temperature of the water for pouring is recommended to be reduced gradually by 1 degree per week, bringing it to 21 degrees C. This will serve as a powerful hardening factor. After bathing, the baby is covered with a large terry towel or put on a bathrobe, wiped, including the head and natural folds. You can dress the child in the room, dry his hair with a hairdryer and comb it there. Now get him ready for bed.

If a child is afraid of water...

Pour warm water into a large bowl and let him play with toys in it - colorful waterfowl ducks, frogs, plastic cups that you can use to pour water back and forth. Let him splash his arms, gradually forgetting about his fear. Invite him to wash his handkerchief, wash his favorite car, doll utensils, or favorite plastic toy. Together with him, wash the doll's head, emphasizing that the doll is not afraid and does not cry. Blow soap bubbles, etc. In extreme cases, for a while, replace bathing with rubdowns. Wipe the child with a wet diaper so as not to aggravate his fright. Try bathing your baby in another room without pouring too much water into the tub...

Bath toys

The trading network today offers a great variety of bathing toys from classic ducks, boats, splash toys, mechanical clockwork animals that can "swim" to rubber books for the bathroom. Children are happy to catch fish in the bathroom with a fishing rod or net, ride bears in a boat, they like to pour from a watering can on themselves, on you, on the floor ...

Useful herbs for bathing newborns are popular with modern mothers seeking to use safe natural hygiene products. However, in infancy, it is necessary to carefully select the types of herbs and correctly prepare decoctions from them.

For newborns, bathing in herbs should be the key not only to the purity of the skin, but also to bring specific benefits.

It is advisable to start such a water procedure after two weeks of age, when the umbilical wound is completely overgrown. This is an average figure, because after receiving the doctor's recommendations, each child is given their own age interval when they can practice a bath with specific types of herbs.

Benefits of herbal bathing

Having studied the information in which herbs to bathe a newborn, you need to know about the possible problems of the baby, from which healing baths will help get rid of:

  • prickly heat;
  • diaper rash;
  • various nature of rashes on the skin.

Herbal baths have a calming effect on the child, contributing to quick falling asleep and restful sleep.

Application rules

When preparing herbal baths for a baby, it is advisable to use one type of raw material so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

make a game out of procedures and the child will always be happy with baths

It is advisable to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Each new bath herb is tested for tolerance. A few drops of the decoction are applied to a small area of ​​the skin. If after 15-20 minutes there are no changes in the form of redness, swelling, the remedy can be considered safe.
  2. It is necessary to purchase any vegetable raw materials in a pharmacy. It is convenient to use, following the instructions, filter bags. If you have the skills to dry and store the right herbs, choose environmentally friendly places to collect them.
  3. The broth added to the bath must be filtered.
  4. Fresh broth is poured into the bath. Therefore, the time before bathing is calculated in order to prevent the storage of the prepared product.

If a decision is made to measure and brew the grass on your own, then 30 g of raw materials are poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil. After letting the broth boil for 10 minutes, set aside the pan, cover with a lid. After cooling, filter. Add at the rate of 200 ml per 10 liters of warm water.

No less useful is the infusion, in which boiling is not carried out. Raw materials (30 g) are placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for 6-8 hours. Use the same way as a decoction. When using ready-made recipes, you need to pay attention that the amount of steamed raw materials may vary slightly. An infant can take a bath for no longer than 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time from 5 minutes. Do not use herbs daily when bathing, two or three times a week is enough.

Herbs for skin

To keep the skin of the child healthy and eliminate minor irritation, several varieties of plant materials are used.

  • Chamomile

Chamomile bath is considered the most effective, as this plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chamomile is also useful for bathing babies, due to its calming effect.

Before brewing chamomile for bathing a newborn using pharmacy bags, it is necessary to measure the volume of water poured into the bath. It depends on how much raw material you need to use. Instructions for this are on the packaging. Usually 2 sachets are taken per glass of boiling water.

the best herbs are herbs collected by ourselves according to the lunar calendar

After taking a bath with chamomile, the child falls asleep faster. Therefore, the use of this herb for restless babies is often practiced. Due to its beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, chamomile remedies are often used for cystitis.

It is advisable to brew chamomile for bathing when signs of candidiasis appear, since such baths with thrush can relieve pain. They are able to become part of the general medical complex prescribed by the doctor.

Chamomile baths have a wound-healing, disinfecting effect, so any damage to the baby's delicate skin will heal faster. For this reason, chamomile baths are recommended for psoriasis, allowing you to significantly reduce itching and pain.

When deciding how to brew chamomile, you can use the general recommendations for preparing a decoction or infusion.

  • succession

When practicing bathing with a string, it should be borne in mind that this herb well eliminates redness due to prickly heat from the baby's skin. Used for rashes. Also, a bath with a succession gradually cleanses the skin on the head from seborrheic crusts. Due to the drying effect, it is advisable to arrange a break between therapeutic baths in 3-4 days.

  • Nettle

Considering useful herbs for the skin, one can note nettle, which effectively heals wounds and has a softening effect. For a newborn child, an anti-inflammatory nettle bath will have an additional general strengthening effect.

  • Sage

For a bath with sage, an infusion is usually prepared. They buy raw materials in a pharmacy, since only safe products should be used for children. Due to its antimicrobial, immunostimulating, disinfectant, analgesic effect, sage is used for psoriasis and other skin lesions. It is recommended for cystitis, joint problems.

  • Other herbs

So that the herbal bath does not harm the baby, you need to know what other varieties of plants will help with a variety of skin problems. You can take St. John's wort, which stimulates the cleansing of the skin with diathesis. Helps with psoriasis, eczema, the use of decoction of elecampane.

Calendula has anti-inflammatory qualities, which helps to relieve itching after mosquito bites. Decoctions of this herb are added to baths for psoriasis. A bath with eucalyptus, which relieves irritation and alleviates the condition of the baby, has the same effect.

herbs for colic

Among the variety of herbs for bathing babies, you can find varieties, a decoction of which is added to the bath if the child suffers from colic.

In this situation, bearberry is used, which contains tannins, known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. You can also prepare a bath with a decoction of hop cones. This remedy eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, has a relaxing, antispasmodic effect. Motherwort has similar qualities, which can be mixed 1: 1 with bearberry.

Calming herbs

In the assortment of folk recipes, you can find herbs used for bathing children who do not fall asleep well or often wake up at night. The following plant varieties have soothing properties.

  • Lavender

A soothing bath with lavender at the same time helps to cleanse the skin of rashes, has an antispasmodic effect, and is effective for flatulence.

  • Valerian

The bath with valerian, which has an additional healing effect, reduces the excitability of the nervous system. Valerian helps to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Improve the condition of such baths for psoriasis.

  • Peppermint

Pain-relieving bath with mint helps to reduce the child's anxiety. Adding mint decoction to bathing water increases appetite, relieves inflammation from the skin.

  • Oregano

Oregano has a good therapeutic effect in case of nervous disorders. It reduces pain manifestations, soothes and has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity.

properly collected dried and laid out herbs are a guarantee of benefits for babies

A ginger bath has a relaxing effect, which also strengthens the body. Pine baths are a good preparation for a night's sleep, which at the same time help with cystitis and psoriasis.

Calms the baby, cheers him up with a cinnamon bath (1 drop of cinnamon essential oil is used for a bath with water). At the same time, mom can use this anti-cellulite bath, which has a good cosmetic effect.

What herbs are excluded for newborns

Women's favorite bath with wormwood, tightening the skin, making it more elastic, eliminating the pain of cystitis, is contraindicated for babies. Included in the list of herbs that can harm the baby, adonis, thuja, calamus. It is forbidden to use decoctions of tansy, broom.

It is also necessary to take into account that baths with celandine used for cystitis and helping adults to remove many pathological skin lesions are not carried out for newborns.

The birth of a child is a great joy for young people and a great responsibility at the same time. Caring for a baby requires attention and affection from new parents. And if all relatives can give love to a baby, then with experience in terms of care, the situation is much worse. The process of bathing seems very difficult, especially for the first time.

Call your husband or mother, let them help you. For a child in the first months of his life, hygiene is very important. After all, his delicate skin is very prone to diaper rash and irritation. That is why the first 3 months it is necessary to wash the baby daily. Remember, gradually you will learn all these tricks, and bathing will become a great pleasure for you and the crumbs. In the meantime, I'll show you how to do it right.

When can I start bathing a newborn baby after discharge from the hospital?

Usually children are discharged from the maternity hospital for 3-4 days. If BCG was vaccinated on the day of discharge, it is not recommended to immediately bathe the newborn.

You immediately need to take note that any vaccination is a contraindication to water procedures. And here the next day, you can safely proceed to bathing the baby.

Water procedures are designed to wash away dirt, discomfort and fatigue, so that the child is hardened, grows strong and healthy.

What will we need?

For the first and subsequent bathing, we need a few things.

  • Baby bath.
  • Stand (you can hold the child with your hand).
  • Baby soap, shampoo, thermometer, washcloth or sponge.
  • Potassium permanganate and herb succession and chamomile.
  • Terry towel for a child.

Nine months of pregnancy passed very quickly, the pangs of childbirth were left behind. In front of the mother lies a small tender lump. Of course, in the maternity hospital they will help to cope with the newborn. But, having arrived home, you will be left without doctors and without their professional support. How not to get confused and feel confident with the baby alone? I will try to tell you in detail about this and about how, where, at what time and with what it is better to bathe a baby. So let's get started.

Water temperature

I advise you to bathe the baby in a room with an air temperature of at least 26-28 degrees to prevent hypothermia. The body of the baby does not retain heat well, so it can quickly get sick. The water temperature should be at least 36-37 degrees.

Before putting a newborn in the bath, I advise you to check the water with your elbow or a special thermometer. She must be warm.

What baths are best for bathing a child?

After that, you can bathe the newborn in unboiled water, but always with the addition of manganese (the water should be light pink). Bathe in a weak solution 2 times a week.

The baby can be washed with soap twice a week, and the rest of the time - in solutions of chamomile, string and oak bark. Steam the herb according to the recipe and add it to the bath, following the correct proportions.

Chamomile and string have relaxing and disinfecting properties.

For the baby, these herbs are very pleasant, because, among other things, they relax her muscles well.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of bathing time varies depending on age. The very first bathing can take from 2 to 10-15 minutes.

In order to atone for a child, 5 minutes will be enough. But it’s better to hold the newborn in some water, give him the opportunity to get used to it or just shake his legs. True, this can only be done if the baby is not naughty. And remember that the water should not cool even one degree!

When the baby is 1.5-2 months old, the bathing time will increase to 25-35 minutes.

What time?

I advise you to choose the time for swimming yourself, when it is more convenient for you - in the morning or in the evening. And in the future, I recommend not to change these hours.

It is best to do this shortly before feeding. After all, if the baby is full, she can start spitting up food while bathing, and if she is hungry, she will simply become capricious.

What is the best way to wash a baby?

Wash your baby with liquid hypoallergenic soap that does not dry the skin. To do this, it is better to take "Eared Nanny" or "Johnson Baby". I advise you to choose a shampoo carefully, paying special attention to an important point: these products should not pinch your eyes when they hit.

To wash your head and body, buy 2in1 products, it's much easier. I also advise you to use a bathing foam, it will moisturize the skin of the crumbs well. It is better to buy it when the baby is already 5-7 months old.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

If there are no contraindications, then I advise you to bathe the newborn every day. It stimulates blood circulation and is good for the skin. After bathing, the baby has a good one.

I started bathing the child on the 3rd day of being at home, when he was already used to the new environment.
To begin with, I undress the baby, take out the handles from the sleeves, holding the elbows. I boldly turn the baby from side to side, while commenting on all my actions. I pronounce the name of the sides and parts of the body of the newborn - it also turns out a speech lesson.

Before bathing, I always treat the bath with cleaning products suitable for children in the first days of life. I rinse it a few times after that.

Daily bathing turns into a swimming lesson and wonderful gymnastics for a child during the first 3-5 months of life.

I bathe in ordinary unboiled water with a weak solution of manganese. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, and the air - 26-28 degrees, about 4 degrees higher than in the room where the baby sleeps. The tub is 2/3 full of water.

Gently, starting from the legs, lower the baby into the water - to the middle of the chest. I wash with my hand each fold of the newborn, starting from the neck, then the muscle, elbow, carpal and inguinal folds. My baby without a washcloth or any sponges.

Once a week I wash with Johnson's Baby or Mustela soap and in a solution of chamomile.

Then I rinse with clean water, which is a degree lower than the one in which I bathed. I water from top to bottom. After I take the baby out of the bath and get wet with a warm diaper. I process and dress him in pants and a blouse so that the child feels relaxed. And I always put anti-scratches on my hands so that I don’t get scratched. And here we are, clean and contented, we begin to eat.

How and what is the best way to handle a child after bathing?

After bathing a newborn, do not forget to treat with baby cream or oil. If possible, give him a soothing massage before bed.

Pay special attention to the buttocks and inguinal folds. Here you need to use a special cream or powder.

Then we process the baby's eyes, ears, nose, navel.

We simply wipe the eyes with boiled water - one cotton pad per eye, process from the corners to the spout. We clean the ears with cotton swabs. My nose with twisted cotton flagella. We process the navel with greenery.

And you can dress the baby.

The first bathing of a newborn only at first glance seems to be an impossible task for inexperienced parents. In fact, this process is simple and does not require special skill.

Preparing the Territory

It is possible and necessary to bathe the child from the first days after discharge from the hospital. But in practice, many parents carry out this hygienic procedure on the second day.

And this is justified: firstly, before leaving the ward, all newborns are hygienically processed by the medical staff in accordance with all the rules, and secondly, the parents and the tiny man have a crazy day anyway: getting ready, undressing, changing clothes, the first move in life for the baby , active photo session with all relatives, etc.

It is necessary to relax and calm down, the baby to adapt to a new place of residence, and parents to unpack things and make a plan for a few days in advance.

From the second day water procedures must become a daily evening ritual for a newborn and parents.
In the old days, a grandmother was invited for the first bath, who was given a gift at the end of her “righteous labors”.

Someone follows this old Russian tradition in the 21st century, but for me, the arrival of a stranger in the house at an advanced age, to whom I must entrust my treasure, is unacceptable.

But from the feasible help of people close to me - my mother, mother-in-law and the strong hands of my husband, I did not refuse.

Initially, it is worth choosing a place for bathing a baby. As practice shows, the first bathing of a newborn in the conditions of our apartments takes place in the kitchen, occasionally in the bathroom or other rooms.

Required in advance make sure that the windows in the whole house are closed to prevent drafts. The air temperature in the room where bathing will take place should be at least + 21 ° C (preferably 24-26 ° C).

Therefore, if the child was born in the off-season, and the central heating is still not turned on in the houses, then you will have to use a heater. In summer, you can not be zealous.

Bathtub and accessories

There is no doubt that a special baby bath is convenient for bathing a baby in the first months of life. In the modern market of children's goods, a huge assortment of them is presented.

Plastic baths are either simple, without frills, or equipped with a thermometer for water, a drain, and convenient recesses for a sponge and soap. It can also be sold with a special stand on which you can install the bath.

Additional confidence for parents is given by a slide made of soft material, on which it is convenient to arrange a baby.

A small bath, unlike a bath, is very convenient: it is not dangerous to bathe the baby in it and it is convenient to clean it before use.

Attention! Before each bathing the child, before filling the bath with water, it should be thoroughly washed. Baking soda is the best disinfectant.

It must be poured onto a washcloth and wipe the middle and edges of the bath. Then it is important to wash everything off several times with hot water.

In addition to the bath, you will also need:

  • water thermometer, if it is not built into the bath,
  • small jug for rinsing
  • baby bath foam from the first days of life,
  • a small piece of gauze folded in 2-3 layers or a soft 100% cotton mitten.

What should parents know about Staphylococcus aureus? Read and you will find out why it is dangerous for the health of the child and how to avoid it.

"Swaddling Space"

You can purchase a bath with a changing table: comfortable for both baby and mother

It is also necessary to prepare the so-called changing space in advance.

An ordinary table is suitable, which is covered with a blanket, over a diaper and a large terry towel or sheet (they wipe the “young bather” with it), oilcloth (so as not to wet the terry towel ahead of time) and a bathing diaper.

Also on the changing table should wait for the following things:

  • diaper,
  • clean, ironed on both sides with a steamer, 100% cotton clothes (vest, sliders, socks and a hat),
  • cotton swabs with limiter,
  • means for treating an umbilical wound (hydrogen peroxide solution, 5% potassium permanganate solution or 2% solution of brilliant green (brilliant green),
  • baby cosmetics (diaper cream without zinc, milk/cream/oil or powder),
  • hair brush (if the baby already has "hair)".

Potassium permanganate and decoctions of herbs

For the first bathing of a newborn, both decoctions of herbs and potassium permanganate must be used for disinfection. This is necessary, since the umbilical wound has not yet healed. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) used to be very popular.

Attention! When using potassium permanganate, a ready-made solution of a soft pink color should be poured into the bath, but in no case should crystals be poured, which, in a “under-dissolved” form, cause a burn when it comes into contact with the skin of a newborn.

Decoctions can be prepared from chamomile, string or calendula.

When bathing my child, I did the following: I added a solution of potassium permanganate to the bath, and after bathing I rinsed the crumbs with herbal decoction.

Water temperature and quality

For the first bath of a newborn, it will be useful to boil water, allowing it to cool. Pediatricians recommend using boiled water until the end of the healing process of the umbilical wound.

If, as the baby grows up, there is no confidence in the quality of tap water, then a stationary deep cleaning filter should be installed.

Optimal bathing temperature +37°C. Hotter water can lead to overheating of the newborn, and in cooler water, he will simply freeze. As a result, the child will begin to act up, and from a pleasant procedure, bathing will become a real problem.

Cream, oil, milk or powder

Most of all from this range I like baby milk, especially for use in winter. It is gentle and absorbs quickly.

Oil is not always easily absorbed and rarely copes with diaper rash.

The powder becomes an ideal option for skin care after bathing in the hot summer. Its advantage is that it removes excess moisture, but the disadvantages are that the powder, if it is not enough to wet the skin with a towel, gets wet and rolls, which can lead to additional irritation in children.

The most optimal remedy for all pores of the years is a cream, especially since the modern choice of children's creams is large and varied.

Rules for bathing a newborn

  1. The bathing procedure requires a calm environment so as not to frighten the baby.
  2. In order for bathing to bring joy to the newborn and parents, you need to bathe him when he does not want to eat or sleep. I had this time at 20:00.
  3. After feeding, 1.5-2 hours should pass. Otherwise, water manipulations can lead to profuse regurgitation.
  4. Newborns can be bathed for no more than 5 minutes, after 3 months of age, the time of "swimming" can be increased to 10-12 minutes.
  5. The face should be washed separately with clean boiled water.

Pour a small amount of boiled water into the bath. Add potassium permanganate and mix thoroughly.

Before bathing, we remove the diaper from the baby and wash it, especially carefully if he had a chair.

Then we lay the child naked on the stomach on the table (this will become a kind of hardening and stimulation of the intestines).

We determine the temperature of the water. Additionally, we lower our own elbow, since the skin on it is the most sensitive. If we don’t feel anything (neither cold nor hot), this means that the water temperature is normal.

How to hold a child correctly?

We undress the baby and gently lower him into the water: the back of the baby's head should be on your left wrist (provided that you are right-handed), while your hand holds the baby by the shoulder farthest from you. With the other hand you will wash the baby. Pour water gently with the baby's free hand.

We apply a small amount of shampoo foam to our hand or gauze / washcloth, lather and proceed to washing.

My newborn is sequentially: neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs, back and at the very end - the head.

We wash thoroughly the folds on the neck, armpits, folds in the groin, elbow and knee folds. Do not forget to open and wash clenched fists.

Difficult zones

In the so-called hygiene for children distinguish "difficult zones". To prevent these places from becoming problematic, you should definitely know and inspect them after each bath:

  • behind the ears
  • neck folds (back and front),
  • armpits,
  • elbow bends,
  • palms,
  • groin folds,
  • ass,
  • under the knees.

We wash the perineum

Babies should be washed from front to back to avoid infection.

The penis is gently washed without moving the foreskin, scrotum, and only then the area around the anus.

In girls, all the folds between the labia are carefully washed.

We wash our heads

It is advisable to do this daily, as babies tend to sweat a lot.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with the palm of your hand. Pour water over the hair from the face to the back of the head, apply and lather a little shampoo foam. We massage the scalp, and then gently wash off the foam with washing movements from the face to the back of the head.

We rinse the baby with clean water with decoctions of herbs diluted in it from a pre-prepared jug. The water here should be 1-2°C cooler than the water in the tub.

We wrap the baby in a towel and put it on the “changing” place on the towel.

We first blot the head of the crumbs, and then the body. All skin folds must be thoroughly dried. In no case should you wipe a child.

We process the umbilical wound

With special care, you should bathe the child until the umbilical wound heals.
Usually the umbilical wound is epithelialized by the 18-20th day of a newborn's life.

In the meantime, this does not happen, it must be carefully treated daily, as the navel can become the entrance gate for infections.

We process all the folds on the baby's body with baby milk or moisturizer.

We process the inguinal folds and the diaper area with baby diaper cream.

We put on a diaper and dress the newborn. It is important not to forget the hat.

The scheme of actions for the treatment of the umbilical wound

  • after bathing, the navel area is lightly blotted with a towel,
  • then, gently, parting the upper and lower edges of the umbilical wound, the formed crusts are carefully removed with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution,
  • with another cotton swab dipped in 1% brilliant green solution or 5% potassium permanganate solution, the umbilical wound area is treated.

Clean ears, nose and trim nails

In addition to bathing, the newborn should have a toilet for the nose, eyes, ears, and trimming of nails.

Don't forget to clean your baby's ears and nose, and trim your nails as they grow.

Ears are cleaned as needed.

For this, cotton buds with a limiter are required. They are wetted in baby oil, and with their help, sulfur is removed.

Nails are trimmed as they grow. Approximately 1 time in 4-5 days with scissors with round ends (they should first be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol).

My personal experience: it is best to perform nail trimming manipulations when the child is full and sleeping.


I almost forgot one important point: often crusts appear on the baby's scalp. In no case should they be removed immediately, otherwise there is a risk of skin injury.

As a rule, it is enough to wet the place with crusts with baby oil and simply remove the crusts with a comb.

After the bathing and dressing procedure is completed, it's time to feed the newborn. The best food, of course, is mother's milk. Usually, after breastfeeding, a clean and beautiful baby plunges into the realm of Morpheus.

OK it's all over Now! And you were afraid...

And finally, we offer useful video tips for young parents on how to choose the right bath for bathing a baby.

The appearance of a baby at home is always a joy, anxious expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions subside, parents begin to think that the baby should be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can raise many questions.

One of the situations that cause confusion in young mothers is the first bath of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or if you are lucky with the supervising nurse and doctor, then bathing will not be a big problem. But if not, moms need instructions. Therefore, now we will give detailed recommendations for bathing a newborn baby.

Preparing the bathroom and water for a newborn's first bath

First of all, it is worth refuting the myth that it is impossible to bathe a child until the umbilical wound is completely healed. You can bathe your baby from the first day of life, but you need to approach this issue very responsibly so as not to introduce infections.

Tray . The main thing to remember is safety. Therefore, take care of purchasing a baby bath in advance. There are many reasons not to bathe a child in an adult bath - the danger of positioning, a rough surface for the baby's skin, the remnants of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even accidental drowning.

The baby bath is safe for the baby in all respects. It is not worth saving when buying it. On sale there are anatomical baths, baths like "mother's belly", ordinary, built-in adult and inflatable models. The safest for newborns are "mother's tummy" baths. They are cup-shaped, non-slip, stable, comfortable for mothers and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support newborns who cannot hold their heads in the correct physiological position.

Water . Babies can only be bathed in boiled water and weak decoctions of herbs. The water temperature for the first bath of the baby at home should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of water in the newborn for the next few months. The baby should not feel the temperature difference. In order to control this aspect, you need to buy a bath thermometer in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid infection in the umbilical wound, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for the first bath. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze folded in two or three layers, and pour the solution into the bath, filtering through the gauze. Pour until the water turns slightly pink. You can also add strong solutions of herbs to the water - chamomile, linden, dill.

Bathing facilities. If possible, water and herbal decoctions with potassium permanganate should be dispensed with, but if detergents must be used, antibacterial products and soaps should be avoided. Only special foams for babies can be used. The packaging must indicate that the use is permissible from birth (0+). The foam must be dissolved in a small amount in water in the bath.

The temperature in the bathroom is also very important. If the temperature of the water contrasts sharply with the temperature of the air, the least to be expected is tears and screams; more - inflammation of the lungs. The bathroom should be warm, as well as the room in which the baby gets after bathing.

The first bath of the child should be as less traumatic as possible. Try to follow all the recommendations so that it does not cause long-term fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and it's time for a daily bath. First of all, you need to stock up on bathing attributes - a watering can with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flagella (by no means sticks), a solution of brilliant green, clean gauze, diapers and talc.

Let's go to swimming. It is necessary to undress the baby, wash it if necessary, and gently put / put it clean in the bath. To do this, you need to support the head (nape), neck, back with the left hand (if the mother is right-handed), and the legs and buttocks with the right hand. So the baby is lowered into a lying bath. In the baths of the "mother's tummy" type, the baby is planted supporting under the armpits and head, carefully leaning against the walls and making sure that the child is comfortable. It is necessary to lower it slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a watering can with water (temperature 36.6 ° C) and carefully pour the baby's body, but not the head. Water in the eyes will frighten the child and may cause fear of bathing. Watering the baby with water (or a decoction of herbs), you need to give him time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after swimming?

After the washing procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap it in a towel from the head to the feet. The towel should be soft, dry and warm. Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in a small amount (just a couple of drops) will help retain moisture. Apply it before you dry your baby's skin.

You need to prepare in advance the room in which the baby will fall after bathing. Cover the changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, put diapers and talcum powder next to it. Be sure to close windows and check for drafts. In the first 10 minutes, do not put on a baby diaper and sliders. It is enough to cover the child with a terry blanket and let the skin breathe.
