How to achieve porcelain facial skin? Skin whitening - eat right How to get a porcelain complexion.

Do you want to do natural makeup, even out your complexion, or hide skin imperfections? You need to choose the right shade of foundation, concealer and powder. And to do this, you need to correctly determine the skin color of your face. And this is where the difficulties begin. How to determine your skin color?

How to determine skin color: main types

There are as many skin types as there are face types. In Europe there are two main types of skin: yellowish and reddish.

Yellowish skin is skin that has a slightly beige, golden or yellowish-hazel tint. Most Russian women have beige-yellow skin.

Only 15% of our girls have reddish skin color. This skin appears pink, freckled, or pale.

The easiest way to classify tanned skin is. Yellow skin turns a distinct brownish-yellow color in summer, often with an olive tint. Reddish skin turns red after the beach, and when rested it takes on a copper tint.

If a girl is prone to rosacea - the formation of red streaks on the face, then her skin can be mistakenly attributed to the reddish type. Sensitive skin that experiences severe redness in the cheeks and nose area is also not necessarily the reddish type. In this case, you need to look at the forehead or chin - there is no redness in these areas, and the color is determined unambiguously.

It is also difficult for girls with a pale face to determine skin color. If you have a transparent-light complexion, and bluish blood vessels are visible in the eye area, then you should take a closer look at the skin of the shoulders, armpits, neck and décolleté. In these places the skin is more pigmented.

Yellowish skin color

Yellowish skin comes in a variety of shades, from light to dark.
Light yellow skin appears translucent or ivory in color. The very dark tone has an olive tint.

Between these polar tones there are many natural shades: light beige, sand, golden, rich nut and others.

The shades of foundations developed for such skin also have similar names.

Reddish skin color

The main color of the skin is yellow. The skin tans slowly and the tan lasts well.

The makeup base should be very light and yellowish. If there is no redness, then the foundation can be applied in a thin layer and powdered a little with transparent powder.

Porcelain color

The lightest skin tones will suit the lightest shades of foundation.

Ivory shade

Such dark skin will never appear pale. The face has a uniform olive tint and is of the yellowish type.

Here you need a rich beige foundation and powder of the appropriate color.

Problem skin

In the photo you see a girl with a beige complexion and sensitive skin with redness.

In this case, you need a liquid tone of a warm beige-golden hue. If you need a thicker layer of makeup, a compact foundation will come in handy.

How to choose a foundation shade?

How to choose a foundation to match your skin color? Do a little test. Place a little foundation on your finger and draw a line from your cheek to your chin. If the line seems invisible and blends into the skin, then you have chosen the right foundation. If in doubt, apply three strips of different shades and compare the result.

If there is redness on the face, apply a strip from the lower jaw to the neck. In the neck area in women with a yellowish skin type, redness is usually absent. If you have very pale, porcelain skin, also apply a strip to your neck.

Try to conduct the test in natural light. If artificial lights are turned on in the room, try to ensure that the light falls on the face from both sides.

Do not try to change your complexion with foundation. Concealer helps hide minor redness and blue circles under the eyes. You can make your face tone darker or lighter than natural using dark or light powder. Bronzers, highlighters and blushes add brightness and relief to the face. The foundation should be as close as possible to your natural skin tone. The purpose of foundation is to create the perfect canvas for makeup.

A cool pinkish base is not for everyone. If your skin has a reddish tint on both your face and neck, then a foundation with a slightly pinkish tint is suitable for you.

If the skin on your face has redness and the skin on your neck looks beige, then you need a warm beige foundation. Couperose and rosacea can be perfectly disguised with a yellow base, thanks to which the skin will acquire a fresh and neutral tone.

At the same time, certain shades of yellow base complement the skin of almost all shades. It's harder to go wrong with a yellow foundation than with a reddish foundation.

Often pink foundations, especially on yellowish skin, age the face.

However, for pale skin, a foundation with purple and pink pigments can give a fresh and healthy look.

A base with peach or apricot pigments softens the yellowish tint of olive skin.

A base with amber pigments gives tanned skin a special shine.

How to choose a concealer shade?

The concealer perfectly hides skin imperfections, masks areas of the skin that have slightly changed their color compared to the main tone. Concealer is applied only to the problem area. Decided to disguise dark circles under your eyes? Apply the product strictly to the bruise itself, but not to the entire eyelid.

For beige and ivory skin, use a yellow concealer. This color is versatile and works great to cover up dark circles, acne and brown age spots.

For bronze and ebony skin, the choice of concealer shade depends on the richness of the skin tone. A golden-orange concealer suits light to medium skin tones. Darker, tanned skin needs a dark brown concealer.

The coloring properties of concealer can be tested by applying it to a vein on the inside of the wrist.

How to choose a powder shade?

It is better to choose a powder whose tone exactly matches your skin tone. This will keep your skin looking healthy and juicy.

The translucent powder covers the face in a barely noticeable layer, but is still not transparent. It looks most unnatural on olive and dark beige skin. Also, translucent powder is appropriate in those areas where there is too much concealer.

How to determine skin color according to the Western system?

The palette of decorative cosmetics distinguishes several levels of skin color saturation:

  • fair - light, milky;
  • light - light, ivory;
  • medium – beige;
  • olive - golden nutty;
  • tan – bronze;
  • brown - brown;
  • black - black.

They correspond to the shades of cosmetics

Dairy (fair)

People in this group have red or very blond hair and white skin. The skin may appear reddish or bluish because blood vessels are visible.

They are characterized by light blue and green eyes and often have many freckles.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are light. If they are dark, you probably do not have the first phototype.

In the sun, the skin quickly turns red and burns, sometimes to the point of blistering. It is almost impossible to get a tan.

People of Nordic origin have very light, porcelain skin. The lightest powder color suits them.


Hair is light, shades of blond, light brown, light brown and sometimes dark.

Eyes - green, blue, light brown, sometimes dark brown (usually with dark hair).

The skin appears white, but if you look closely, you can notice a yellowish or pinkish tint, and possible freckles.

The skin does not tan well, but if you try, you can achieve a golden tan. A brown tan is practically impossible. Possible burning with burns in the form of “bubbles”.

Foundations with shades ranging from ivory to beige are suitable. The second color of the cosmetics palette is used by people of purely European origin.

Medium light beige (light medium)

Hair is brown, all shades from light brown to chocolate. Possible red hair with brown eyes.

Eyes - dark gray, gray-green, green-brown, sometimes blue or brown. Completely light eyes are not typical for this type.

The skin is beige, perhaps barely noticeable freckles.

You can tan until light brown. The tan goes on evenly, but at first there is a risk of burning. If the skin burns, it will turn red and peel.

If a light beige tone suits you, then you are the result of “friendship of peoples” and your ancestors are from South and East, from East Asia, and maybe from the Caucasus or from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco.


The rich beige color suits the descendants of the inhabitants of South America, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East.

Medium dark

Hair - dark brown, black.

Eyes - brown, black, dark gray, dark green.

The skin is dark beige, light brown, golden. No freckles. There may be pigmentation and white spots on the skin.

The skin tans quickly to the color of milk chocolate. It rarely burns when exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. If it burns, it turns red. Peeling occurs very rarely.

Brown foundation color, “cinnamon color”, coffee with milk, deep tan color are suitable for some residents of India, South America, the Persian Gulf, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.

Dark brown

Hair and eyes are dark. There are no freckles, pigment spots are possible.

Skin light brown, bronze, medium brown. The tan reaches dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

Dark brown foundation is suitable for residents of South Asia, Africa, and South America.

Very dark. Black (very dark)

Eyes and hair are dark. Skin from chocolate to black. Tans to black, never burns.

Very dark color is very rarely represented in cosmetic brands. It suits the darkest inhabitants of Africa.

The first 2 tones are light skin, the next 2-3 are medium, and the last 2-3 are dark.

How will this information help you when choosing lipsticks and eye shadows?

Light colors look very natural on light skin, they add brightness to medium skin, and are lost on dark skin.

Medium colors look bright and good on light skin, look natural on medium skin, and good on dark skin.

Dark colors look bad on light skin (especially if they don’t harmonize with the color of the eyes, hair and clothes), on medium skin they look good, they add brightness, on dark ones they look natural.

Very light colors, almost white, on darker skin they lose color and look chalky, pure white.


The names of the tones themselves will tell you how to choose a foundation that matches your complexion.

Do you have yellow skin type? Pay attention to sand, olive, walnut, light beige and gold shades.

Do you have red skin type? Your palette: apricot shade, copper or pink beige.

Do you have a noble porcelain appearance? Look for cosmetic products that have the words “light” or “transparent” in their names.

The effect of “porcelain skin” - perfectly smooth, white, slightly highlighted with a pink blush - is the dream of every woman. You can see this effect not only in ancient paintings (the women depicted in them achieved the effect of white skin using powder, blush and lead white), but also in modern photographs.

Contouring and bronzing are giving way to draping and strobing - makeup techniques that emphasize natural radiance, white skin and blush. Tanning obtained in a solarium or through sunbathing is no longer in fashion - it is considered harmful to the skin. Self-tanning is also not relevant - girls strive to demonstrate their natural, aristocratic skin color.

Our material is devoted to how to make your skin porcelain: what you should do for this, how to care for it, how to apply makeup, what products to choose.

Like Queen Elizabeth: what is porcelain skin?

Very fair skin, untouched by either tanning or cosmetics is a rarity. Natural porcelain skin is found only in red-haired women and very light blondes. The differences between this effect and simply light, untanned skin:

  • Evenness and smoothness, absence of enlarged pores;
  • Light, pastel blush;
  • Natural glow.

You can achieve the effect of porcelain skin with both properly selected care products and decorative ones.

A little history

For several centuries in a row, there has been a fashion for a snow-white complexion, achieved through the absence of tanning and the use of special decorative cosmetics. Pale skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin; it was not for nothing that such ladies were previously called “white-handed” and “blue blood” (in the 18th century it was fashionable to paint blue veins on white skin). Wealthy estate owners protected their faces and bodies from the sun's rays in order to maintain such privileges in their appearance.

Representatives of all known dynasties were white-skinned. Looking at the portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, Victoria, Elizabeth II, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth Petrovna, you can see how light their skin tone was.

Everything changed in the 20th century. Global changes in fashion due to social and political changes, first-wave feminism, and the discovery of exotic territories on the globe have also changed views on skin color. Now girls tended to wear more revealing swimsuits, sunbathe, and use darker foundations to imitate exotic beauties.

Dresses and skirts became shorter and shorter every year. The boom in beach fashion in the 1960s and the invention of the bikini style made tanning the most fashionable must-have among young people. Tanning was an integral attribute of hippies and free-thinking people.

In the late 1970s and 1980s, aristocratic pallor returned to fashion, heavily influenced by the music industry of those years. The “New Romantics” movement, another change in David Bowie’s image, and gothic music brought aristocratic pallor back to the crest of the fashion wave. Draping became fashionable - a special makeup method that involved creating snow-white skin and contouring with blush, due to which it was possible to achieve a porcelain effect.

The 1990-2000s became the triumphant decades of tanning - natural, obtained in a solarium, achieved with cosmetics and sprays. The darker the tan, the more in line the woman was with fashion trends.

The passion for this reached the point of absurdity. In Japan there was a subculture of ganguro - girls who tanned or used self-tanning until they achieved a dark brown shade, which, combined with white hair, looked ridiculous. Conservative society had a negative attitude towards such hobbies of young people. American and Russian women did not lag behind in this - on the Internet there are many archival photos of “fashionistas” with unnaturally dark skin color and bleached hair.

The 2010s were marked by minimalism, freedom from any conventions, and a desire for naturalness. Tanning is no longer condemned, but it is also not considered trendy - women must choose for themselves whether it is close to them or not. Doctors publish articles about the dangers of sunlight and the benefits of skin protection. In fashion magazines, along with tanned girls in swimsuits under tropical palm trees, advertising companies in the minimalist style coexist with white-skinned girls - Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel.

Porcelain skin is an attribute of many fashion shows. Using light texture and tonal products, makeup artists achieve smooth, light skin, as if illuminated from within, looking as if there is not an ounce of makeup on it.

Porcelain leather: modern look and new technologies

The newest approach to care and makeup combines gentle methods to achieve results, hydration plus nutrition and protection from solar radiation.

Japanese and Korean manufacturers are at the forefront of the best cosmetics. Menard, Shiseido, Mishka are famous Asian brands that combine traditional recipes and a high-tech approach. BB and CC creams are the know-how of Eastern manufacturers. Such products have many functions, combining toning, care, and protection. Many creams not only contain a powerful SPF filter, but also whitening components, because the skin of Asian women should be aristocratically pale.

You can achieve truly beautiful and aristocratic-looking skin if you build a competent care strategy.

  1. Cleansing should come first. The skin needs to be freed from excess fat produced by the glands, dust microparticles, clogged pores must be cleaned of impurities, and makeup remover must be done. The main cleansers are gels, foams, tonics, lotions, micellar waters. There are products for cleansing long-lasting cosmetics, and there are very gentle ones designed for youthful skin. It will be an additional advantage if the cosmetics contain hyaluronic or retinolic acids, amino acids, peptides and lipids.
  2. Care itself is the most important component of preserving the beauty and youth of the skin, as well as its delicate porcelain shade. Creams, lotions, serums, fluids must contain vitamin complexes, amino acids, plant extracts, micro-oils, glycerin and other nutritional and moisturizing components. Skin whitening substances – acid complexes, parsley and rhubarb extracts, vitamin C.
  3. To protect the skin around the eyes, it is worth choosing a special cream designed for thin and sensitive eyelid skin.
  4. Protection – the face must be protected from sunlight and its harmful effects. The cream should have an SPF filter, and in summer it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head.

Beautiful skin is the key to proper and competent care. Advice from experts in the field of cosmetology will help women make their skin truly porcelain, fresh, renewed and beautiful.

  1. You should select cosmetics that mask redness, blackheads, dark circles under the eyes and the slightest defects - the surface of the epidermis should be ideal. Primers, correctors, and special sticks that neutralize imperfections are suitable for this purpose.
  2. During the day in hot weather, do not forget to use matting wipes that absorb excess moisture and sebum. Use thermal water to refresh yourself - it does not wash off your makeup, but still gives you comfort.
  3. Cleanse your skin twice a day - in the morning - to remove sweat and toxins released overnight, in the evening - to remove makeup and impurities. Don't forget about day and night creams that moisturize and nourish the skin.
  4. Pimples and comedones will interfere with the effect of porcelain skin, so you should get rid of them. Use a solution of boric soap, which will dry out acne, or any ointment listed in. Solcoseryl ointment helps with post-acne.
  5. Do it once every 1-2 weeks, once a season - medium, 1-2 times a year - deep, which promotes skin regeneration and its rapid renewal.
  6. Do not touch your face with dirty hands - this can cause infection or cause acne. Also, you should not squeeze out pimples yourself - it is better to entrust this to a cosmetologist, and burn rashes on the face with alcohol or drying agents.
  7. In the morning, wipe your face with an ice cube - this procedure closes enlarged pores and refreshes the skin. Low temperature helps regulate sebum production.
  8. Do not forget about the drinking regime - you need to consume at least 1.8-2 liters of water per day. This will keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
  9. Use protective equipment not only in summer, but also in colder seasons. The SPF filter of the moisturizer will protect against the negative effects of sunlight.
  10. If you like to sunbathe, then do it between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm.
  11. To support antioxidant processes in the body, start drinking white and green tea instead of black tea daily. Another alternative to these miracle drinks is herbal teas and infusions. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, unlike black and flavored teas.
  12. Start watching your diet. Eating processed foods, fatty and spicy foods negatively affects your appearance. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber are the best path to beauty. Fermented milk products will cure acne and make your skin smooth. Honey will saturate the body with vitamins.
  13. Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon juice or 1 tsp. honey, and then eat 1 serving of steamed oatmeal with an apple and nuts - this detox will quickly put your skin in order, making it renewed, smooth and radiant.
  14. Get enough sleep. An 8-hour sleep starting at 10-11 pm helps the body recover and slows down the aging process.

Face masks with whitening effect

Folk remedies help make your face beautiful no less effectively than expensive products. Natural ingredients contain many vitamins and minerals, microelements, macroelements, lipids, amino acids, pectins, bioflavonoids, antioxidants necessary to create not just the effect of porcelain skin, but real whitening.

  1. Apple mask. The fruits of winter varieties, for example, Northern Sinap, are grated on a fine grater into a liquid pulp. Add a little lemon juice to the resulting mixture, place it in several layers of gauze and cover your face with it. If necessary, you will need to add fresh composition under the gauze so that the mixture is not dry. After an hour, the mask can be washed off the face.
  2. Milk mask. Farm milk with a fat content of up to 10%, cooled in the refrigerator, is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. When it dries, apply another layer, and so on 10 times. The mask is left on the face for 30 minutes, then washed off.
  3. Creamy mask with essential oils. The farmer's cream is cooled, then mixed with a pinch of sugar, and 1-2 drops of your favorite essential oil are added - any except cinnamon. Moisten several layers of gauze with cream and place it on the face. The action time of the composition is 30 minutes, after which the face is washed and wiped with tonic.
  4. Cucumber mask with parsley. Grate the cucumber, pour the excess juice into a glass - it will come in handy later. Parsley is crushed in a blender at high speeds, cucumber pulp is added to it. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face in a thick layer and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash off the vegetable mixture, wipe your face with cucumber juice, and leave for another 30 minutes.
  5. Parsley and yogurt mask. Parsley is ground in a blender, mixed with fatty yogurt and applied to the face. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  6. Japanese rice mask. Rice powder obtained in a coffee grinder or mill from ordinary rice is poured with kefir, milk or carbonated mineral water to form a mass with the consistency of sour cream. For thickness, you can add a little starch, and for moisturizing, glycerin (can be bought at the pharmacy). The finished mask is used once a week, applied to the face for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with water and tonic.
  7. Mask for problem skin with boric acid and bodyaga. Mix the substances in a 1:1 ratio, add 1 drop of essential oil suitable for your skin type, and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the composition to the entire face, except for the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. If there is a tingling sensation, it's okay. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes.
  8. Whitening mask for the nose area. Grind 20 g of raw potatoes to obtain a liquid paste, add a little lemon juice to it and apply to the skin of the nose. Use the mixture every day until the desired result is achieved.
  9. "Morning oatmeal" After waking up and cleansing the face, apply a mixture of steamed oatmeal mixed with yogurt, 1/2 tsp. iodized sea salt and 1 tsp. parsley juice. The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is done once a week, the optimal time is on weekends.
  10. Citrus face mask. Mix the pulp of orange, grapefruit and lemon, apply to the face until completely dry, then rinse with water.
  11. "Youth elixir". Sprouted soybean or wheat sprouts are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, applied to the face, and washed off with warm water after 30 minutes. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the “children” of plants, the quality and appearance of the skin can be significantly improved.
  12. Banana and milk mask. Half the fruit and 2 tbsp. l. The drink is ground in a blender, applied to the face and left for an hour. Then rinse with water and wipe the skin with tonic.
  13. Whitening product for heavily tanned skin. Mix egg white, a little shaving foam and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes. This product is especially suitable for oily and combination skin.

There are a couple more old recipes:

  1. Mask with Japanese camellia oil. Mix rice powder with rice starch, add 1-2 drops of essential oil (for your skin type) and 1 tsp. Japanese camellia oil, mix with a wooden stick, apply to the face before going to bed, then rinse with water.
  2. Mix dry buckwheat, crushed until smooth, with water in one bowl and apply to the face. After 30 minutes, wash off.

Make-up for those with fair skin

  • The face is cleansed with toner or micellar water, wiped with an ice cube to shrink pores and moisturize the epidermis. A tinting fluid primer is applied on top to correct imperfections in the dermis.
  • The face is covered with a thin layer of light-colored foundation that matches the texture: those with oily skin will prefer thicker products with absorbents, while dry skin likes light fluid creams with a moisturizing effect.
  • The T-zone should be treated with compact powder of a suitable shade. Use only this during the day, not foundation.
  • An alternative to powder and cream is a cushion, which combines two products at once and is more economical and suitable for any skin type.
  • Using a wide round brush, begin light draping - sculpting the face with blush. Choose softer and lighter shades. For those with a warm color type, peach tones are suitable, for those with a cold color type, pink tones are suitable.
  • Highlight your eyes and eyebrows. Don't make your eyebrows too thick and wide or too thin - they should look harmonious on your face and match your hair color.
  • During the day, use nude, terracotta, orange lipstick tones, in the evening - plum, dark cherry, red, scarlet. Those who love experimentation can try combining porcelain skin tone with extremely dark and even black lipsticks.

Making your skin porcelain, fresh, white and radiant is not so difficult if you follow the set of rules and actions described in this article. The correct daily routine, nutrition, cosmetics and care will make your skin truly beautiful, like that of aristocrats.

Porcelain leather at home

The main component of the mask is white clay (can be found at the pharmacy). Be sure to find her if you decide to radically change your appearance.

In addition, grind rice, oatmeal, dried rose hips, dried chamomile flowers and dry seaweed in a coffee grinder.

For one procedure, mix 1 tsp. all ingredients. Pour boiling water to form a semi-liquid mass, like pancake batter.

When it cools down, mix 1 tsp into the mask. jojoba oil (you can use olive oil). Apply to face for 15 - 20 minutes, then wash with mineral water.

I have already tried this Japanese face mask several times, though only with one, but our pharmacy didn’t have it, so I replaced it with olive oil. I don’t think this had any effect on the quality of the mask.

Oh, what a wonderful feeling after this mask! The skin is silky after the first use! And what complexion, mmm.

Among girls, there are approximately the same number of fans and opponents of tanning. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that sunbathing is harmful; that this leads to early aging of the facial skin. In fact, girls with the so-called porcelain skin tone look much younger than their age. For this reason alone, porcelain skin, like that of Japanese women, is gradually regaining its status as a standard of beauty. Read our article on how to make your skin porcelain.

What does porcelain skin look like?

Porcelain complexion is characterized by dullness and a complete absence of tan. We are not talking about unhealthy pallor. On the contrary, the main indicator of this type of skin is considered to be radiance, shine, and sophisticated beauty. For many women, the only way to achieve the effect of porcelain skin is to use decorative cosmetics. But to acquire a natural shade of whiteness, it is enough to regularly carry out a number of simple procedures at home.

Whitening facial skin with folk remedies at home

Many women began to prefer freshly prepared masks and creams based on folk recipes to expensive cosmetics. This is correct, since no one can guarantee the presence of components that are safe for the skin in finished creams. But, nevertheless, when using traditional methods, you should carefully approach the choice of ingredients, taking into account possible allergic reactions.

For the purpose of smoothing the relief of the epidermis and whitening, a rice-based mask is effective. It's easy to prepare. Rice grains must be ground in a coffee grinder. It is enough to take about 100 grams of raw materials. Add two tbsp to the resulting rice mixture. spoons of warmed milk, a little vegetable oil. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to do a rice mask every other day. The compress is kept for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After gently blotting your face with a towel, it is important to moisturize your skin after the procedure. For this purpose, a regular baby cream or your usual cream will be suitable.

Another recipe based on one of the most affordable products, which almost every housewife always has in the refrigerator - whitening with kefir and lemon juice. Add fresh lemon juice and a pinch of soda to 250 ml of kefir. Let the mixture sit for about two to three minutes.

Take gauze or thin cloth, moisten it in the mixture, and apply it to your face for 10 minutes. For convenience, you can make holes for the eyes and nose on a special “mask” in advance. Instead of lemon juice, it is effective to periodically add fresh parsley juice. The frequency of procedures is twice a week.
We suggest you try face whitening using a mixture of vegetables. The presented recipe will help not only achieve the effect of porcelain skin, but also improve the shade of the skin, eliminate freckles and age spots.

Preparation of the mask: squeeze the juice from the parsley root, add carrot and cucumber juices to it. Mix everything thoroughly, beat lightly. As in the previous recipe, soak pre-prepared gauze in the composition and carefully apply a compress. Rinse off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.
It is known that the key to a beautiful, well-groomed appearance is regular self-care, systematic beauty treatments, care about nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

Additional beauty measures to achieve porcelain skin

In order for facial skin to have a natural and healthy whiteness, exposure to masks is not enough. We must not forget to regularly cleanse the skin of the face and neck using scrubs of different compositions. Scrubs are also available to buy ready-made at any cosmetic store, but you can prepare them at home with your own hands. We offer two effective recipes.

  • Prepare a mixture of crushed apricot kernels, kefir, and sea buckthorn oil. Massage your face and neck with light, circular movements. Rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.
  • Mix an equal amount of table salt (preferably coarse) and soda, a few drops of lemon, and tomato juice. Massage pre-cleansed skin, rinse with cool water.

Preparation of antiseptic and disinfectants at home

Every woman should have disinfecting tinctures in her arsenal, which are useful for fighting or preventing inflammation. When cleansing the skin, the pores are open and infection often occurs. We offer several simple recipes for antiseptic lotions.

  1. Herbal lotion: to prepare the tincture you will need a collection of dry herbs: chamomile, sage, mint, calendula. Mix the raw materials and pour in vodka (you will need at least 100 g). In four to five days the tincture will be ready. It should be strained before use. It is important to keep the lotion in a dark place. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
  2. Cucumber lotion is the most common and very effective. Take a medium-sized cucumber, wash it, do not remove the peel. Cut into slices and pour in 100 g of vodka. After 7-10 days, the infusion will be ready.
  3. Lotion for sensitive skin. It is prepared without vodka. Take 50 g of fresh lemon juice, pour in slightly warmed honey and mint decoction. Shake the mixture thoroughly and leave for two hours. After this time, the lotion is ready for use.

Regular use of the recipes we offer will make your face healthy, smooth and porcelain. For facial beauty, it is important to take vitamins twice a year. The important elements for the skin are C, D, E and A. The listed vitamins are also contained in products. Proper, balanced nutrition, rich in vital microelements, will make you even younger and more beautiful.

In order to become beautiful, it takes a minimum of time, but a maximum of desire. As we see, there are no difficulties in achieving the effect of porcelain skin. Take care of yourself and achieve your goals!

Hello girls. I want to write today about safe skin whitening methods. I am one of that “lucky” percentage of the fair sex whose face, when sunbathing, becomes covered with pigmentation instead of tanning. For me this is a real problem, I have to constantly hide under SPF cream literally from May to September and it doesn’t help 100% anyway. Going to a beauty salon is not cheap, considering that whitening procedures must be done at certain intervals if you want to maintain the effect.

Cucumber pulp and juice are effective and gentle whitening agents that are suitable even for sensitive skin. They are also able to saturate the skin with moisture, saving it from dehydration. By combining cucumber with other products, you can make an effective mask for any skin type.

1. A universal mask for skin whitening consists of cucumber pulp and juice. Grate the fresh vegetable on a fine grater, fold the gauze in several layers and evenly distribute the cucumber pulp over it. Place the cloth on your face and relax for 15-20 minutes. For an additional anti-inflammatory effect, you can add a few 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the grated cucumber.

2. If your skin is dry and suffers from tightness and flaking, make a mask of cucumber and sour cream. Grate the cucumber as in the previous recipe and add a tablespoon of thick, fatty sour cream to the resulting mush. Apply the resulting mixture generously to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

3. A mixture of grated cucumber and liquid honey will help aging skin. Honey has a powerful anti-aging effect, helps fight wrinkles and sagging, and in tandem with cucumber juice very effectively eliminates pigmentation.

4. If your skin is not sensitive and prone to irritation, you can apply a gauze mask soaked in a mixture of cucumber and lemon juices. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse well.

Lemon is actively used in cosmetology. The acid contained in its juice acts on the skin in two ways: as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells, and as a brightening agent. In addition, lemon juice dries out. This property can be successfully used on skin prone to oily skin, and with great caution on dry skin. Under no circumstances should you apply masks with lemon if you have acne wounds or irritation. In addition to the beneficial effect on the skin, the essential oils contained in lemon will have a calming effect on the nervous system.

1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with a teaspoon of liquid honey. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face using a cotton swab, gradually adding as it dries, or you can add a little ground oatmeal to the mixture. If you choose the second option, you will also receive additional skin resurfacing. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes for dry skin and 15-20 for oily skin.

2. If your skin is very dry and sensitive, then it can be nourished and whitened at the same time. To do this, lemon juice must be mixed with cream or sour cream. For ease of application, you can add flour or starch. Distribute the resulting mixture over your face and leave for up to 20 minutes.

3. An effective mask that will help you gradually get rid of acne and lighten the marks after it, is made from finely grated raw potatoes and lemon juice with pulp. Apply the paste to your face or place gauze soaked in the mixture on it. The duration of the mask is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Fermented milk products are an ideal option for whitening sensitive skin. They act gently and, in addition, provide nutrition and hydration.

1. Rub 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese through a fine sieve and add the yolk to it if you have dry skin and the white if not dry. If the skin needs special, deep nutrition, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mixture. Apply the resulting mask in a thick layer and leave for about 20 minutes.

2. A mask of grated cottage cheese and honey will help lighten and refresh skin with signs of aging and pigmentation. A mixture of these components can be applied to the face twice a week, as it is nutritious and gentle.
3. For mature skin, masks made from fatty kefir with the addition of castor oil are recommended. These components will help smooth out wrinkles, brighten and improve complexion, and remove age-related pigmentation.

The frequency of use of whitening masks depends on your skin type. Those with combination skin, as well as skin prone to oiliness and inflammation, can do this procedure 2 times a week. If your skin is dry, aging or sensitive, then you should not apply a mask more than once every 7 or 10 days.

The arsenal of home remedies for a beautiful and uniform complexion is not limited to masks alone. You can prepare other natural cosmetics yourself, which will consolidate and enhance the effect of the masks. These products contain all the same simple ingredients that I have already shown in previous recipes.

1. A brightening lotion for oily and combination skin can be prepared from cucumber and parsley. You need to grind 4 tablespoons of each, pouring everything with 100 grams of vodka. Infuse this mixture for a week, then strain and dilute with purified water in a 2:1 ratio. Wipe your skin with this lotion morning and evening, it will help make your skin cleaner and brighter. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

2. For dry and sensitive skin, you can make a brightening lotion from cucumber juice and milk, mixing them in equal proportions. There is no need to stock up on this product for future use; it is better to prepare fresh one every 2-3 days.

3. A tonic that evens out and brightens the skin can be prepared from mint decoction. To do this, pour a cup of boiling water over a handful of leaves and let them brew. Squeeze 2 lemons into the cooled and strained broth. The result will be visible already at the end of the first week of use.

4. It is very useful for youthful skin and a good complexion to wipe it with an ice cube every morning. Freeze a decoction of mint, parsley, chamomile, diluted cucumber and lemon juice and pamper your skin with pleasant sensations and natural care.

5. Fair-skinned women in northern countries know a lot about skin bleaching because they often have freckles. Their recipe is a mixture of mashed blackberries and powdered milk. This paste should be applied pointwise to the areas that you want to lighten. Keep on the skin for no longer than 4-5 minutes daily. Results will be visible within 3 days.

6. An effective and healthy scrub is obtained from grated orange zest and honey, taken 1 tablespoon each. Apply the mixture over your face using patting movements and massage lightly. This product will help polish and whiten the skin, as well as smooth out fine wrinkles.

7. Grind the viburnum berries and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. Moisten gauze with it and make a compress all over your face. This procedure will not only whiten the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins, which this berry is rich in.

8. Regular baking soda will help get rid of post-acne. To do this, simply apply a paste of soda and water onto problem areas. Keep it for about 5 minutes and repeat the procedure daily until you are satisfied with the effect. Usually 3-5 procedures are enough.

9. Prepare a decoction of parsley, cool and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Mist your face as often as you like throughout the day. This will not only help maintain an even skin color, but also save it from dehydration.

10. Don't neglect the power of essential oils. Patchouli, sandalwood, citrus, black pepper, palmarosa, vanilla - choose an oil you like and add a drop to your night cream before applying.

It is better to do a whitening mask in the evening. Firstly, the skin may become slightly red; secondly, skin sensitivity increases; thirdly, if you go out into the sun after such a procedure, you can get a burn or hyperpigmentation. As in any matter, it is important not to overdo it when whitening. This is a long and gradual process in which it is not the intensity of the impact that is important, but consistency and regularity. Before applying the mask, your face should be cleansed of makeup and impurities with your usual cleanser. It would be a good idea to apply a scrub (no more than once every 10 days) to remove dead skin particles and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. You need to wash off the mask with lukewarm water, then wipe with tonic or lotion and apply night cream.

Whatever face whitening products you choose, remember that natural remedies do not work right away. If you don’t see results after a couple of procedures, don’t despair, but continue systematic care. Your reward will be a uniform, light-colored face without pigmentation.

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