How to make the New Year's Eve magical for young children. New Year's miracles for children

What unusual idea can you come up with for your child for the New Year? How to give a gift in a non-standard way? This is a childish question that worries many parents. Theaters, matinees in the garden and school - this is understandable, cool and interesting. But many of us want something “this and that” so that not only the child, but also the adults themselves will believe in the fairy tale. Perhaps the parents want this much more than the child, who, for joy, will have enough traditional gift under the Christmas tree and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at home.

But even if this is so (I’m talking about parents) - that’s great! Such things teach a child to believe in miracles and magic, that dreams come true. Sometimes the expectation of a miracle becomes even more beautiful than the miracle itself. And for parents there is real joy when their baby’s eyes glow with happiness and he, stumbling over his words, from overwhelming emotions, joyfully shouts: “Mom! Dad! He is real!!! Do you know that...” In my opinion, children's joy is the most precious thing we can wish for ourselves as a New Year's gift.

So, New Year is at the gates, how can we surprise our children? We won’t consider classic options here - just a gift for the Christmas tree and just calling Santa Claus to your house

1. Meeting with Grandfather Frost in the forest.

4 years ago, for the first time in Tomsk, the opportunity for such a meeting appeared. Good news does not lie still and now only the lazy do not offer such a service

What is worth paying attention to (as the creator of this idea, and the Snow Maiden, who has met about 700 children at forest meetings in three years, I know what I’m talking about, and I sincerely recommend listening to advice so that the fairy-tale moment is not spoiled)

  • Pay attention to the costumes, especially the Snow Maiden. We live in Siberia, and we experience both -1 and -31 degrees. In the very first year we worked in -36 degrees Celsius. Santa Claus is usually dressed warmly. But the Snow Maiden costume is not always suitable for street programs. The Snow Maiden, whose teeth are missing from the cold, looks very unfairy-like. It seems - 20-30 minutes is nonsense. I assure you - no! After just 10-15 minutes you begin to think about finishing everything quickly and escaping into the warmth. This state of the Snow Maiden does not add any magical sensations for clients.

  • Don't choose to meet Santa Claus crowded places- city squares, squares, courtyards, especially during daylight hours on weekends. The surrounding noise does not contribute to the fairy tale, and most importantly, there will be other children around who, most likely, will also want to approach Grandfather, play, and, of course, receive a gift. And what will it look like when your Mashenka’s grandfather gives her a long-awaited gift, but the child who comes up doesn’t? A sudden participant may be upset to the point of tears, and your child may ask a question - well, since grandpa is magical, couldn’t he do a magic spell?
  • Give gifts to grandfather in advance, so that immediately before the meeting you do not have to explain to the child what you have in the bag and why dad ran with him to that typewriter.
  • Do not tell a child, especially one over 5 years old, that “We are going into the forest to look for Santa Claus.” Just offer to go for a walk; as a rule, children don’t mind. You can tell a “legend” about how you, or your mother, your child’s grandmother, or your friends, one day, while walking in the forest, met the real Santa Claus! Moreover, it is better to tell it not immediately before the walk, but a couple of days before it.

2. In the footsteps of Santa Claus

If the meeting with Grandfather failed for some reason - suitable actors were not found, finances do not allow, or free time, then you can do without this hero. How? Very simple. One evening, while going to the park, you suddenly find a mitten. Red, big, beautiful. Whose? It’s not clear... She looks like Dedmorozov’s.

Oh, and there, in the snowdrift, are footprints! Let's go, son, and see - whose tracks? Big, like felt boots... And there’s something glowing there! Wow, it's a Christmas tree! With lights, a real one, growing here. What's that under the tree? Present. Whose, I wonder? “To Ivanov Misha from Grandfather Frost.” And who do we have here, Misha? You? What did you want from Grandfather? A typewriter? Let's see, if it's the one you wanted, then it's definitely for you! We open it - there is the long-awaited machine. It turns out that Santa Claus walked and walked and never met Misha, but he left a gift, although he lost his mittens. Let's hang them on the Christmas tree, grandpa will pick them up later.

Great, right? Certainly! And all you need is a red mitten, which are sold in abundance in stores or are easy to sew, a battery-powered garland, which, in principle, can be replaced by 3-4 candles in closed candlesticks placed under the tree, and an assistant who can be seen unnoticed. he will light it, put it down and watch behind the nearest pine tree so that someone else does not find the gift.

3. Miracles at home

If the street is not an option, the frost has struck, for example, there is no assistant, there is no time, there is no park nearby, then you can perform miracles at home.

The chimes have struck twelve - go out into the yard and watch the fireworks! Start yours, but bad luck, dad forgot the matches, let him run home. Come in from the street, and it’s fresh at home! What's happened? The balcony is wide open, there are snow tracks on the carpet, and gifts under the tree! Yes, Grandfather Frost visited you in person, he didn’t find you, but he left gifts, he was in a hurry, apparently he left a lot behind. So no wonder - on New Year's Eve he has a lot of worries!

What if this is also impossible? The baby is sick, for example, or it’s very cold, but you never know. In general, the child is spinning around the Christmas tree and there is no way the gift will appear under it. And who said that gifts can only be under the tree? You are dancing around the Christmas tree, and suddenly a cool breeze comes from the next room. What's happened?

And there the window is open, and there is a gift on the windowsill. Apparently, Santa Claus flew past the window, did not fit through the window, or was in a hurry, but left a gift. And Santa Claus, or his assistants, can ring the doorbell. Open it - and there is a gift there. Where did it come from? Well, definitely not mom and dad! They were with their son and daughter all evening.

And dad called his neighbor Uncle Petya and wished him a Happy New Year! Today is the night when you need to congratulate everyone! Let's take a tangerine, a piece of cake and go to our neighbors and tell us what miracles happen in our entrance. Let them be surprised too!

Tomsk, 2015

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Into the magic New Year's Eve Everyone believes - both adults and children. Moms and dads make wishes as the chimes strike. The children - all of them, young and old - write letters to Santa Claus. And then they wait impatiently for the kind old man and his granddaughter to drop in and see them. With congratulations and, of course, a bag full of gifts.

New Year for children: waiting for a miracle

- a family holiday. And many believe that meeting him better at home. With your family and friends. Decorated Christmas tree and snowflakes made of toothpaste on the windows, splashes of champagne and Olivier salad, congratulations from the president and the chiming clock, the Blue Light and a concert of amateur performances by the younger members of the family. From all this it blows sincere warmth passed down from generation to generation family traditions. Which, sometimes, doesn’t hurt to replenish and diversify. Especially if you have children growing up in your family.

New Year for children is an opportunity to plunge into an atmosphere of miracles. And you can create these miracles with my own hands, even without being a magician or wizard.

TOP 5: best children's games for the New Year

Already in mid-December, everywhere you go, a festive atmosphere reigns. Someone chooses a Christmas tree and decorations for it. Someone is in a hurry to buy for all their family and friends new Year gifts. And some are storming the intellectual Olympus in search of games and entertainment for their little ones. If you are in this moment lead active preparation To celebrate with your family, the games presented below may well help you organize your children’s leisure time on New Year’s Eve.


Prepare in advance small sheets of paper or cardboard with the names of body parts written on them (forehead, ear, cheek, nose, forefinger left hand, heel, thumb right leg, thigh, stomach, etc.). Place them in any box or, for example, in a hat. Players (both adults and children) take turns taking out a piece of paper with a body part written on it and “freezing” it to the same body part of the previous player. You cannot move after you are frozen.

In this game, the main thing is that at least one person who is not “frozen” remains in the family, so that he can capture the resulting cheerful installation as a keepsake.

Hold the snowflake

Make “snowflakes” from small balls of cotton wool and distribute one to each participant in the game. On command, all players throw their “snowflakes” up and begin to blow on them, trying to keep them in the air without using their hands. The participant whose snowflake floats in the air the longest wins.

The main thing is not to laugh

Participants write one word at a time on pieces of paper. New Year theme(snowflake, icicle, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, garland, etc.). The leaves need to be put in a box and mixed. Then each player pulls out one piece of paper and silently reads what is written there. The facilitator asks the participants prepared questions. To which players must always answer with one word. The one that is written on their leaf. Eg:

What is your name?


What did you eat for lunch today?


The winner is the one who answers all the presenter's questions without laughing.

Dancer in a hat

New Year's music is playing. Everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree. The presenter puts the hat on one dancer, then on the other. The one on whom the hat is put must show various dance movements, and the rest must repeat after him.

Children's disco

And finally, what would New Year be without a disco? Everyone loves to dance - both adults and children. As you prepare for the holiday, make a selection New Year's songs from cartoons. And in between games, dance with your children. After all

New Year is the favorite holiday of most adults and, of course, children. And if adults have already formed associations with this holiday (tangerines, a Christmas tree and champagne, for example), then small children are like an open book with clean sheets. And it depends on us, adults, how much we can instill in them a love for this holiday, instill in children faith in its magical component.
In this article, we will offer you options for preparing for the New Year that will help make the anticipation of the holiday for your child fabulous, unusual and memorable.

New Year with a small child. Let's dive into the New Year's Fairy Tale.

We suggest starting gradual preparations for the holiday from the beginning of December. Together with your children, you can first draw up a plan for pre-New Year's affairs, which includes items both directly related to decorating the Christmas tree and apartment, as well as topics for activities with children to get acquainted with this holiday.

The month of New Year and winter miracles!

For children, depending on their age, you can come up with themed decades. For example, during the first ten days you and your children will play games related to winter natural phenomena, winter fun. This is an acquaintance with snow, snowmen, snowflakes. There is simply enormous scope for creativity here - from walks to fresh air before creating winter-themed applications. Build a snowman, play snowballs, go sledding. If the weather does not allow, you can come up with a lot of indoor games and get creative. For example, print a picture with a winter landscape and cotton swabs or use your baby’s fingerprints to draw falling snow on it.

The second decade can be combined under the theme “Getting to know the holiday and its main symbols.” During these ten days you will study Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and, of course, the Christmas tree. You can talk about the origins of this holiday, that children all over the world eagerly love it and wait for it, that Santa Claus different countries wears different names and looks a little different than ours. In the pictures you can show children Santa Claus in his long fur coat and Santa Claus in his New Year's suit.

What is the difference between Father Frost and Santa Claus?

We are writing a Letter to Santa Claus.

You can include in this week's lessons teaching aids and games related New Year's characters. For example, write a letter to Grandfather Frost, print out a template of Santa Claus and decorate it with the children or decorate his beard cotton pads. These simple activities You can do this even with small children, helping them with everything.

You can’t ignore the Christmas tree. You can make your own unique Christmas tree from your baby's handprints using safe Finger paint. Then this Christmas tree can be decorated either with ready-made jewelry(snowflakes, sparkles, balls) or draw balls and beads yourself. Great option To decorate the Christmas tree - plasticine balls. You will roll small plasticine balls for your child yourself, and all he has to do is press them onto the drawing with his fingers.

Go to a New Year's photo shoot with your child, get a lot of emotions and cool photos. These photos can be used to prepare New Year's gifts.

During the third decade, we propose to engage in direct preparation for the holiday. Here we include:

  • Preparing gifts
  • Apartment decoration
  • Visiting ice towns with children
  • New Year's holidays for children ( non-standard methods Here.)

Even if your child is still small, you can do something together New Year cards, which you will then give to grandparents and other relatives. You can use ready-made blanks and decorate them, or you can, for example, draw a Christmas tree or New Year's toy using paints and self-made potato stamps. This simple and easy-to-implement idea will help you create unique cards that your relatives will definitely appreciate, because they were made by your baby!

Create Christmas mood Colorful books with a festive plot, as well as kind and magical New Year's cartoons, will also help.

Personalized Memorable gifts.

You can order a real miracle Personalized fairy tale about your child. This book will remain and delight long years You can order here

Wall calendar, Photo book, Personalized card, Photo Mug.

Personal Mug with congratulations and all sorts of interesting things

New Year's cartoons list.

  1. Santa Claus and Gray wolf
  2. The Snow Queen
  3. Last year's snow fell
  4. The Nutcracker 1973
  5. Winter in Prostokvashino
  6. Winter's Tale
  7. 12 months
  8. Snow Maiden
  9. Santa Claus and summer
  10. New year's night
  11. New Year's trip
  12. Wait for it! New Year's edition
  13. When the Christmas trees are lit
  14. Snowman Postman
  15. Snow paths
  16. It happened in winter
  17. Masquerade
  18. Grandmother Blizzard
  19. Come to the skating rink
  20. There's a fire burning in the yaranga
  21. Christmas Eve
  22. New Year's adventure
  23. New Year's adventure of two brothers
  24. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
  25. Look, Maslenitsa
  26. The Adventures of Little Penguin LOLO – 1, 2, 3
  27. Grandfather and grandson
