How fresh air affects the baby. Make a person more attractive

The purpose of walking with a child in the first months of life is mainly to find him "in the fresh air." The baby begins to receive any impressions only from about six months, or even later, when he can already be awake on the street. Let's take a closer look at this reason for the ubiquitous long walks with an infant.

The tradition of taking the baby on many hours of walks, regardless of the weather, was originally based on the discovery of physiologists that developing brain oxygen is needed. And only then mothers noticed that in the fresh air the child sleeps longer and deeper, and such a dream is automatically considered as useful.

However, if we analyze the situation with a walk in detail, it turns out that in addition to the abstract benefits of receiving portions of oxygen, such walks have many disadvantages.

Firstly, the system of thermoregulation in a child during the first months of life is only developing.

The same physiologists noticed that the baby is not able to maintain its body temperature on its own. His body is designed for the fact that in the cold it will be warmed by the body of an adult, mother. Finding a baby in a stroller does not give such an opportunity. Therefore, in winter, the child is wrapped in countless layers of fabric, dressed in countless clothes, but it is not always possible to keep warm. Practice shows that children with whom they often walk for a long time in the cold often get colds.

Secondly, in the stroller, the child is separated from the mother, which, up to six months, runs counter to his psychological need and innate expectations.

After 5-6 months, the child gradually begins to leave the manual period, but until the moment when the baby begins to walk on his own, the unfamiliar situation on the street continues to frighten him, the abundance of impressions overloads, therefore, at this age, it is better when the child is with his mother " on hands".

Thirdly. Large doses of oxygen and motion sickness from riding in a stroller certainly lead to the fact that the baby falls asleep. But many children fall asleep as a result of deep sleep, the rhythms of which go astray. Deep dream without a paradoxical phase is harmful to the development of the child's brain.

In addition, a soundly sleeping baby may not wake up for feeding, sleep for 3, 4 hours in a row. If this situation is repeated from day to day in relation to a child younger than 2-3 months, then this results in the fact that the child does not receive enough milk.

Even if the baby wakes up for feeding, it is difficult for the mother to organize attachment to the breast during a walk, and she either “rescues” with intense motion sickness or uses a nipple. Both of these are of no use.

But here we note that after three months the baby sucks during the day much less often, mainly around dreams, and even 4-hour breaks in feeding once a day are already quite acceptable.

And the most interesting. Observations have already been accumulated of children who walked in the fresh air in the first months of their lives irregularly and not for long: their mothers took them out into the street mainly only when they went about their business. These children do not lag behind their peers in development, and often, due to more proper care they are more mentally and physically healthy.

In a well-ventilated apartment, there is enough oxygen for the baby's brain to fully develop. And if you use air purifiers and humidifiers, then the “freshness of the air” in a city apartment can compete with the “freshness of the air” on the streets of a metropolis. And in order to fill the need for vitamin D, you only need to spend 2 hours a week on the street during daylight hours.

Why is such a number of minuses unknown to doctors, and pediatricians continue to strongly recommend long walks even in the cold season?

The answer is still the same. Medicine does not perceive a person as a whole. Highly specialized specialists know only their area, their body system, and by treating it, they often "cripple" other systems.

There is a knowledge that oxygen is good for brain development. So, you need to ensure its flow through walks.There is no further analysis of the circumstances surrounding such walks.

BUT ordinary people, they don’t even know about the negative effects of walking.

Well, let's add that the psychological needs of the baby until recently in the West (and in Russian pediatrics and still) were not studied in detail by anyone and were not taken into account in particular.

Compared with the physiological needs of the body (the same supply of oxygen to the brain), they were considered something deeply secondary and easily replenished. If the baby, apart from the mother in a crib or stroller, worries, it is believed that his spiritual discomfort can easily be compensated by a pacifier and motion sickness. But it's not.

So how can you organize walks with a baby without compromising his mental and physical health?

With a baby under one year old, it is not recommended to go outside during the cold season on long time. By at least, up to six months, if the air temperature is below minus 10 degrees, it is generally better to postpone the walk and put the baby to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

    If the mother still believes that the baby needs “fresh air”, she can arrange the child on a closed balcony after he has passed the phase REM sleep. It is best to lay the baby in this way for no more than an hour or two, depending on age, since then you need to take a break for feeding.

    If the temperature is above zero, you can walk for more than an hour, or two, or three, but in this case, you need to think about organizing feeding on the street if the child is less than 3 months old. After six months, the baby can definitely wait with breastfeeding throughout the walk, especially if she fell on his wakefulness.

    If, in the middle of a walk, the child began to go to bed and asks for a breast, he should not be denied this. At the same time, if once a day a child falls asleep calmly without a breast after six months, this will in any case not adversely affect breastfeeding.

It is best to use an ergonomically designed carrier, as body contact with mom to baby manual period just needed. If for some reason it is not possible to use the carrier exclusively, it is recommended to put the child in the stroller (under the cut) only in positive temperatures and only after the onset of the slow sleep phase.

    At the first sign of dissatisfaction with the baby, of course, you need to pick it up or put it in a carrier. At first glance, it seems that in cold weather, a baby in a stroller is warmer than in a carrier, since it is possible to wrap him up well. This is not true. With a long walk, the child's body cools more and more due to the imperfection of thermoregulation. In the carrier, the baby’s stomach (the place that should be warmed first of all) is constantly warmed by the mother’s body.

    Both mother and child can dress in special clothes designed for winter walks with carry. Also, the mother can choose the type of carrying that is convenient for her, taking into account the “bulkyness” winter clothes. When using the baby carrier, it is convenient to apply to the breast almost anywhere, at any time of the year and unnoticed by others.

    In addition, a child placed in a carrier does not need to be rocked. He instantly falls asleep on his mother's chest, feeling her protection, smell and warmth. Very young babies under the age of three months usually sleep on a walk in the “cradle” position. Starting from three months, the child can already be carried in a vertical position, he sleeps well in this position, it is physiological for him.

Until about 6-8 months, it is better to go for a walk with the child for his sleep. You can attach it to your chest before dressing, after or after leaving the house, when it is in a carrier. How it is more convenient to act - this is decided by each mother in practice.

    Almost all children do not like to dress up and express their dissatisfaction loudly. You should not worry about the sobs of the baby - all his basic needs are satisfied, his mother is nearby, and he cries because he does not understand why you need to dress. There can be only one recommendation here: dress the child as calmly and quickly as possible. And, of course, a pacifier should not be given to a breastfed child under any circumstances.

    After dressing, you can immediately give the breast to calm down. If it is difficult to tear the baby from the breast, and he is already dressed and you need to leave the house, it is better to dress quickly first, put / put in the carrier, and only then give the breast. If a child falls asleep and does not wake up from being dressed and put in a carrier, it is better to first attach such a child to the chest, and then dress the sleeper.

    After 6-8 months, babies no longer always fall asleep on a walk, and you can go outside with them for new experiences, while they are awake, and put them to bed at home.

    Some children start walking before the age of one. It is important that the baby, as far as possible, walks on the street by himself, and does not ride in a stroller or carrier. From now on, using the stroller will no longer be stressful for the child. But here it is important that mom does not abuse the stroller, use it only when she is in a hurry or tired.

    At least up to a year and a half, you need to use a stroller in which the baby sits facing his mother. And we must not forget that the use of a wheelchair often makes it difficult to practice following behavior. It is best, of course, to continue to use the ergonomic carrier, but also only if the mother is in a hurry.

If the problem of walking with the child is solved by the mother’s assistant, who categorically refuses to carry the baby in an ergonomic carrier, then it will be optimal for the child if, up to six months, the mother’s deputy will put him in the stroller after he has fallen asleep, and get him out of it without waiting for waking up . It is important that the child does not feel in a stroller thrown into the unknown, torn off from his hands. It is best in such a situation to put the child to sleep on a closed balcony.

    At 8-9 months, the manual period ends completely, and for the baby, accustoming to the stroller will no longer be a strong stress. Here it is important to use a stroller in which the child will sit facing the mother's assistant.

For reflection: B. P. and L. A Nikitin. We and our children.

"When your own children appear, willy-nilly, you begin to watch the kids on the street more, gradually even compare your own with others. Maybe that's why we somehow paid attention (watch for yourself - check!) Here's what: some kids in a stroller their eyes are indifferent, lazy, somehow dull, like those of old people weary of life.They do not look around, are not surprised at anything and are not happy, full, inactive, incurious.

This surprised us: we did not see this among our guys, who were always interested in everything. What's the matter? Maybe some innate mental characteristics are at work here? We could not answer this question. And then somehow read this.

African mothers usually carry newborns behind their backs. The child is constantly with his mother: while walking, any work, on holidays, at night and during the day. What she sees, he also sees - what a change of impressions! Yes, and a constant sense of security, physical closeness to the mother. And what? African two year olds on intellectual development far ahead of their "bed" European peers from a civilized society.

Then, of course, there may be a lag - this is how the level of development of society affects the child. AT recent times psychologists have experimentally proven that in the first months of life, the baby gets a lot from simply looking at the objects around him.

Here are some of the amazing discoveries that led to thinking about simple question: is it worth carrying a child in her arms or keeping him in a crib and carrying him in a stroller, shielding him from everything white light, leaving for viewing only a piece of the sky and my mother's face, which is often turned not to him, but to a book or ... to another mother with a stroller "

A few reasons in favor of walking or why houses are worse than on the street:

  • lack of ultraviolet radiation, which is necessary for the production of vitamin D;
  • accumulates in the house a large number of bacteria, including those harmful to the baby;
  • the presence of allergens, dust and household chemicals.

Newborn on a walk

To begin with, it is worth determining when a child can be called a newborn. Officially, according to World Organization health care, a newborn baby is within 28 days of birth. During this period, some parents are accompanied by a lot of fears and fears for the baby. And for protection purposes, they keep the newborn at home, away from polluted streets and yards. it big mistake because regardless of age and weather conditions The child is in dire need of fresh air. The main thing for parents is to properly prepare for this event.

When the first walk of the baby takes place depends on what time of the year he was born. Pediatricians advise winter babies to go out into the fresh air no earlier than 14 days after birth. For the first time, it is enough for a newborn to spend 15-20 minutes on the balcony, provided that it is clean and safe there. It is recommended to increase the interval every day by 15 minutes. If the balcony does not blow through, and it is well equipped, you can increase the time to two hours, as the frosty air contributes to a strong and healthy sleep. In calm weather, it is allowed to go out for a short walk in the yard, but there is no great need for this in the first month of life.

Babies born between May and October were a little more fortunate. If the thermometer is not lower than -5 0, a walk on the street is allowed. AT summer time the baby can be in the fresh air for hours - from feeding to feeding.

What clothing is suitable for walking with a child will become known after the first exit to the street. If the child is red and sweaty, it means that he is dressed too warmly, and if the nose and wrists are cold, then he is cold. When a baby cries, this can also be a sign that he was not dressed for the weather.

To help parents, there are simple generally accepted rules:

  1. At temperatures from +18 to +24, mothers can dress their newborn as themselves.
  2. If the temperature is less than +18, then you need an additional layer of clothing, such as a bodysuit or light cotton overalls.
  3. In hot weather above +24, it is allowed to dress a newborn as yourself or minus one layer, for example, it is enough to leave the baby in a light T-shirt and shorts. Mom will eventually be able to independently determine how best to dress the child, depending on his reaction.

Organization of activities for a walk with baby does not require much effort from parents, as a newborn can sleep peacefully for up to 4 hours in a row. It is enough to take baby hygiene products with you ( wet wipes, diaper, handkerchiefs, diaper). If you plan to go for a walk away from home, you need to take a bottle of formula, water or pumped milk with you. breast milk(depending on feeding method).

A newborn does not have a feeling of day and night, so it is better to walk at the same time, having previously fed him. If a child cries while walking, you should take him in your arms and try to calm him down. When this fails, it is better to return home. Also, do not linger if the baby is in the stroller for a long time under a raincoat, and the rain does not stop, as a microclimate of harmful fumes can form inside the cradle.

Walking with children under one year old

Until the baby has learned to sit, walks are very monotonous. When the child is already sitting, his horizons become much wider and it is likely that he will not want to sleep when there are so many interesting things around.

Now parents take in the walk Active participation. They should explain to the child everything that he sees around, showing and clearly pronouncing the names of all objects. Can be felt different surfaces and pronounce their names, because the child is already able to remember, although he does not know how to show it. After an hour of such a journey, most likely, the baby will get tired and fall asleep.

If parents carried a lying baby in their arms or in a stroller, then with a sedentary child, the choice of means for this activity increases markedly. It can be a sling, a kangaroo carrier or a physiological backpack. Having studied their advantages and disadvantages, parents can easily choose a convenient option.

The bag for walking with the child becomes larger, as the child's favorite toy is added there, which will help distract the baby if he cries and a small snack. The principle of dressing at this age is the same as that of a newborn.

Walking with children from one year and older

As a rule, one-year-old children already know how to walk and explain their desires more clearly. Parents no longer have to guess whether the child is cold or hot, he can already show it himself. The main thing is to listen to him and help.

The organization of activities to prepare children for a walk should correspond to their desires. Parents should give the baby the opportunity to choose what to wear and what toys to take. You just need to help him make the right choice.

Parenting experts note that it is not necessary to spend all the time on playground. Let the child join nature.

The following points should be included in the children's walk:

  • games with leaves, especially autumn ones;
  • entertainment with puddles (you can jump into them or just throw sticks, pebbles there);
  • teaching a child to sculpt a snowman and throw snowballs;
  • downhill or sledding;
  • bird feeding;
  • observation of natural phenomena, insects, animals;
  • let the children actively run, jump, roll, wallow in the snow.

All this is useful for general development child, he will quickly learn to call a spade a spade.

Increases by age two physical activity children for a walk. They are interested in playing with other children, but they do not stray far from their mother.

When a child is already three years old and his vocabulary is quite wide, it is worth looking for a suitable game and teaching all the children on the playground to play it. This will help them to be more courageous in communicating with their peers and encourages joint play activities.

From the age of four, a child is already able to learn how to ride a bicycle, scooter, ride figure or roller skates. From this age, children can be taught role playing, for example with heroes from favorite fairy tales. Also during this period there is an opportunity to teach a child to count (birds, cars, trees), to distinguish between seasons, to find common features and differences.

With the increase in spending time on the street, the list of things for children on a walk also increases:

  • accessories for games in the sandbox (molds, shovels, bucket);
  • colored crayons;
  • small diameter ball or ordinary balloons;
  • soap bubbles (not necessary, but kids love them very much);
  • machine or doll;
  • juice, biscuits, puree or other food for a small snack.

Even if it was not possible to take items for games with you, you can always find something to do with your child on the street. Also, by this time, parents no longer have questions and doubts about how to dress their child for a walk.

Is it possible to walk if the child is sick

Pediatricians prohibit walks on the street in several cases:

  • The child has heat bodies (from 37.5);
  • the baby has an acute period of an infectious disease;
  • bed rest was prescribed.

It is not recommended to stay at home due to illness respiratory tract. Fresh air only contributes to recovery. It is only necessary to warn other mothers that the child is sick, in order to avoid infection healthy babies. Walking time in this case is reduced to 30 minutes a day.

Knowing the theory, in practice it will be much easier for parents to cope with possible difficulties. Joint walks teach parents and the baby to understand each other. The more actively mom and dad take part during walks with the baby, the more he will feel their love and care, and this important factor for its proper development.

A walk in a child's life takes important place. During the walk, knowledge of the world around takes place, the child learns to communicate with peers, and the walk also has a healing value. Parents understand that the child needs to walk as much as possible. od However, not everyone knows about the importance of walking for children.

Walking in the fresh air is important for everyone, and especially for children. They have a positive effect on health and emotional condition crumbs. With their help, you can improve the condition of the body as a whole. First of all, during a stay in the fresh air, the lungs are cleared of allergens and dust, which improves the functions of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa. Walking is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite, digestibility of nutrients, especially the protein component of food. The outdoor activities of children great importance for physical development. The walk is the first and most accessible means hardeningI am a child organism. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds. Finally, a walk is an element of the regime, enabling children in outdoor games, labor processes, various exercise satisfy your needs in motion. If the walk is well and correctly organized, if it is sufficient in duration, the children will realize about 50% of it. daily requirement in active movements. Reducing the time spent in the air creates a deficit of movements. Walking is also good for mental development. During their stay on the site or on the street, children receive a lot of new impressions and knowledge about the environment: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. Walks solve not only educational, but also health-improving tasks. Walking with a child should be every day and in any weather. You should not be afraid of the wind, rain, cold or heat. The child must face all this so that in the future there will be no “surprises” in the form of a cold at the first wind and other things.

Pros of walking:

  • increases the adaptability and performance of organisms and systems of a growing organism;
  • promotes hardening of the body, prevention colds;
  • forms health-saving and health-improving motor behavior;
  • forms the correct skills for performing basic movements, important elements complex movements;
  • there is an accelerated development of speech through movement;
  • educates positive attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility for the state environment and nature in general;
  • develops the ability to note and make primary analysis seasonal changes in the life of the environment.

Every child should be outdoors as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. A walk is a wonderful time when an adult can gradually introduce the baby to the secrets of nature - living and inanimate, talk about the life of a variety of plants and animals. This can be done anywhere and at any time of the year - in the yard of a city and rural house, in a park, in a forest and in a clearing, near a river, lake or sea. Walk more with your children and get as much satisfaction out of walking as possible.

The benefits of walking outdoors.

Often parents try to limit the time their child spends on a walk, although pediatricians and child psychologists have long proven that long walks in the fresh air are very beneficial for children.

To maximize the benefits of walking, experts advise walking and breathing fresh air with children. For children, such walks are very useful. Thanks to children, adults become more organized.

The walk is the easiest and sure remedy hardening of the child.

Walking with a child is necessary at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

. Walk in the airis the best way to improve health, increase immunity, and hence the prevention of colds in children and adults. Besides, stroll helps to increase the child's appetite. Metabolism improves, nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks tooutdoor walksthere is a natural cleansing of the body, the upper respiratory tract functions better.

In the summer, the child can be in the air all day.Well, if it will be a vacation in the country, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and the scorching sun.

Walk is excellent tool prevention of visual impairment in children. After all, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his eyes from nearby objects to objects far from him.

Walk - this is the best remedy prevention of rickets in children. The body is saturated with ultraviolet light, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body.

While walking the baby has a lot of positive emotions and new experiences, on which both his intellectual and social development depends.

Properly organized walk is the key to a good mood.

In order for the child to be active on the street, it is necessary to choose the right clothes. She should not hamper the movement of the child, prevent him from jumping and running. Do not wear a lot of things on the baby, this can only harm, lead to overheating, and then to a cold. Feel the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm, everything is in order, if it is wet and hot -baby hot and he was sweating, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is cold and should be insulated.

In order for the walk to be interesting, fun, parents should know how to entertain the child.

In the summer there may be games with a ball, jump rope, word games, observations of the surrounding world (living and inanimate nature). In winter - with snow, sledding, guessing riddles, skating.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Advice for parents "The benefits of walking in the fresh air for children"

Walking plays an important role in a child's life. During the walk, knowledge of the world around takes place, the child learns to communicate with peers, and the walk also has a healing value. Will give birth...

The benefits of walking outdoors.

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Conversation - consultation "Walks in the fresh air"

Advice for parents "Let's go for a walk in the park"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: The conversation and excursion is devoted to the problem of preserving the environment, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility. This material will be useful class teachers, biology teachers, educators additional education, parents, educators.
A walk in the green zone has a positive effect on the body, increases the emotional mood.

the formation of an idea about the benefits of walking in the fresh air.
- arouse the desire in children and adults to take walks in the fresh air;
- broaden the horizons of parents and children.

Educator: What a pleasure to take a walk in the fresh air in summer. Enjoy the beauty of nature, the fragrance of flowers. And it is doubly pleasant to go out and take a walk with the whole group, with your friends and their parents. I am very glad that you, dear parents, found the time and decided to take a walk with us. But this is where we will all go, our children will tell us, having guessed the riddle.
Few trees in the city
And everyone wants to walk
Going two blocks away
From avenues and highways.
It's cool here in the alleys,
And green poplars. (Square, park)

Children answer.
Educator: Of course, we are going to our beautiful and wonderful park. I hope that all of you will have only good memories from our walk, and you will all get a lot of positive emotions.
Parents and children answer - discuss.
Educator: We will go to the park on foot, so we will have to cross the road. I invite our children to remember"Rules of conduct on the road."
Answers children.
- Cross the road, you need to cross the transition.
- when crossing the road, you need to first look to the left, and on the dividing strip, look to the right.
- You can cross the road green light.
- Do not cross the road in front of a moving car.
- If there is an underpass, then you need to go through it.
- You can not play near the roadway.

Educator: Why do you think I chose our park for our walk?
Educator: Of course, because there are many beautiful flowers, trees, a huge green lawn, a pond with clean water, and of course, there is fresh air, which is so necessary for all of us. Guys and dear parents, I hope you all remember the rules of conduct in public place, and rules of conduct in nature.
- You need to walk along the paths and paths.
- Do not be noisy.
- Don't pick flowers.
- Don't catch butterflies.
- Don't destroy the anthill.
- Don't tear the web.
- Do not knock down inedible mushrooms.
- Don't light a fire.
- Don't leave trash behind.

Educator: Dear parents! You know that walking is very important for your children. On the street you need to spend as much time as possible, and especially in summer period, and even in good location. You need to walk during the day, and in the evening, and in winter, and in summer. You need to dress according to the season.
Educator: Well, ready to travel, let's go.
So we came with you to our chic park. Look around. The beauty!!! Take a deep breath of air. Did you smell the smell in the park? It is the flowers in the flowerbed that are fragrant. What flowers do you see?

Educator: You know, after all beautiful flowers, beautiful flower beds improve and cheer us up. So let's and we will please the flowers. We are with you in kindergarten, and many of you have prepared poems about flowers at home. But I want you to read poems only about the flowers that you see in the park.
Child: In delicate velvet all the flowers,
Dressed in the sun
Drops morning dew,
Like gems
They burn on their leaves,
shining brightly,
Your emerald outfit
Long without losing.
Very strong fragrance
Marigolds have
And in the flower beds their outfit.
Red before winter.

Child: Since childhood, nasturtium, I remember,
Not on the balcony, not on the window,
Only the sun rises in the sky
Again nasturtium blooms in the garden.
The sun moves slowly across the sky
My scarlet flower does not take my eyes off him.

Child: What strange flowers
Under the name Marigolds?
So similar to daisies -
All in orange shirts
They laugh all day long.
Everyone is called Calendula.

Child: Late autumn farewell bonfire
In clusters of mountain ash burns out,
And the dahlias are still in the garden
They burn with bright flames.

Child: Pansies -
fairy tale flower,
They have faith, hope, love.
pansies -
tricolor paints,
Waking up
You are happy again

Child: white chamomile,
Petals - in flight,
Rushing with you in the palm of your hand
Like a helicopter.
Petals - propeller,
I am healing a little.
I'm a daisy for mom
I want to donate!

Educator: You know a lot of poems about flowers, do you know how to guess riddles? Riddles are also about flowers that grow in the park.
- beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the nose. (asters)
- Golden and young,
Became gray in a week
And two days later
Bald head.
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former ... (dandelion)
- Look - at the fence,
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa
And in the thorns beauty ... (rose)
- White basket -
golden bottom,
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles. (chamomile)

Educator: Let's listen to our parents. I'm sure they also know medicinal flowers and where to use them. Probably, many of them use tinctures from flowers in household, can tell you some interesting recipes.
Parents' stories.
- Parent: Calendula - it is used for bruises, burns, boils.

- Parent: Mother and stepmother - used for sore throat, respiratory tract. Linden flowers are added to tea, an expectorant and a bactericidal agent.

- Parent: Plantain - applied to wounds, has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
Chamomile - antiseptic, diaphoretic, analgesic action. Wash your hair with a decoction of chamomile.

Educator: You are all great
Work hard from the heart.
I suggest you play
And call me flowers.
We will play a game, we call a flower, the next player calls the flower, with the last letter. Both adults and children play. For example: aster, the next player calls astilbe on “A”, etc.

Game: Name the flowers.
Educator: Now the kids are playing. Girls name flowers female, for example, she is mine - a rose, and the boys are male - for example, he is mine - a cornflower.
Let's start the game and remember the flowers.
Educator: We had a good walk, played games, I hope we breathed enough air. After all, fresh air prolongs our life.

Educator: Everyone thank you so much that walked. Hope you enjoyed the walk. Walk more often in the air, enjoy the beauty.
