How to strengthen nails at home: recipes for masks, baths, creams and ointments. How to strengthen nails at home with folk remedies

Some people have strong, smooth, shiny nails, while others suffer from their brittleness, thinness and generally unhealthy appearance.

Why? There are many reasons.

Here and genetics, and nutritional errors, and living conditions, and health problems.

Be that as it may, there are many options for how to strengthen nails at home, without going to the salon.

Anyway, try to do it.

Strengthen nails at home: is it possible?

If you do not take into account the diagnosed or concealment of the disease, then the following factors have a negative impact on the condition of the nails:

Constant wearing of extended nails;

Use of household chemicals without hand protection (protective creams, gloves);

Deficiency of vitamins (primarily vitamin E, A, D, C) and minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon);

Permanent mechanical injury to the nail plate, improper care, the use of low-quality manicure varnish;

Bad habits;

Constant exposure to bad weather, environmental conditions at work or at home (high or low temperature, humidity or dry air).

Obviously, the problem of brittleness and delamination has internal, physiological, and external causes. For example, in the spring, during the period of beriberi and after the winter cold, many people's nails deteriorate. If the nails began to exfoliate after self-manicure, it is quite possible that you simply hold the file incorrectly or use a file that is too coarse.

How to strengthen nails at home: methods

Can the situation be corrected? Not only possible, but also necessary, especially if brittleness and delamination are a sign of nutritional deficiency. How to strengthen nails at home? To get a guaranteed result, you will have to act in several directions, from the inside and out.

Permanently protect the nail plate. When doing housework, be sure to use household rubber gloves. From water, the nail plate swells and exfoliates, and aggressive chemicals exacerbate the situation.

File the nail from the edge to the center, moving the nail file in only one direction. This will prevent delamination. For home use, a glass nail file with an abrasiveness of 220 grit is suitable. It must be held strictly perpendicular to the treated surface of the nail.

In addition to care products, regenerating masks and baths are necessarily used. There are a lot of recipes, you need to choose a course that will work effectively and will not cause inconvenience.

On the eve of the summer season, be sure to drink a course of vitamins specially selected to strengthen nails and hair.

One of the reliable methods of strengthening weak, brittle nails is to cover the nail plate with biogel. Usually the procedure is done in salons. However, many girls today prefer a permanent gel polish coating done at home on their own to ordinary manicure and purchase household UV lamps. The device can also be used to strengthen nails with bio-gel. It is very profitable and convenient.

How to strengthen nails at home with bio-gel? You will need not only a gel, but also a primer, a degreasing liquid, and a top coat. Usually these funds are sold in sets for the lamp.

What should be done:

Put the nails in order (make a regular manicure);

Degrease the nail plate;

Apply a primer, dry in a lamp (the exposure time is indicated in the instructions for the device, usually two to three minutes);

Apply bio-gel, dry;

If you want, apply a second layer of gel, dry;

Wipe nails with nail polish remover without acetone;

Apply topcoat, dry.

After that, it remains only to rub a drop of olive oil or any means for nourishing nails into the cuticle. Under a layer of bio-gel, which includes a lot of proteins, the nail will feel cozy and warm. After a few months of such treatment, he will strengthen, rest, and acquire a healthy appearance.

A good, proven method of strengthening nails - use of pharmaceutical cosmetics V. This can be an oily solution of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A), sealing wax, as well as numerous therapeutic agents that are applied to the nail plate like regular varnish.

And yet the main method of strengthening nails at home is special baths and masks. Depending on the intensity of exposure, they can be applied either several times a week, or no more than once a month.

How to strengthen nails at home: recipes

The most common components for restoring the strength and beauty of the nail plate are sea salt, lemon, honey, natural vegetable oils, gelatin, glycerin, medicinal herbs and even iodine.

Sea salt

The simplest remedy is a bath of sea salt. A spoonful of the product must be dissolved in half a liter of very hot water and fingers should be immersed in it. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Then wet the skin, lubricate the hands with a nourishing cream. A course of ten daily procedures allows you to quickly strengthen your nails.

Sea salt and oils

The procedure for “sealing” the nail using sea salt is one of the most effective for exfoliating, weak nails. In a teaspoon of coarse sea salt, you need to drop a little warm, not necessarily boiled water. The grains should not dissolve, but turn into a scrub. Apply the salt mass on the nail plate and rub for several seconds with a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth. Remove the remaining salt and apply on the nail a mixture of the following composition: a piece of natural wax (half a teaspoon), melted in a water bath, three drops of evening primrose oil and the same amount of grape seed oil. Rub the mixture into the nail, blot the remnants. Regularity - twice a month.

Sea salt and lemon

A mask and a bath of sea salt and lemon have a firming effect. Lemon is one of the most indispensable products for nail health. It perfectly strengthens and whitens the nail plate. The first version of the mask: mix two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two pinches of sea salt in a glass cup. Apply to the nail plate for ten minutes.

honey and lemon

Another option for a great nutritious home remedy based on lemon and honey. Mix both components in equal proportions, apply the composition on the nails and cuticles for fifteen minutes. A healing agent, thanks to which the nails will stop exfoliating, acquire a natural shine, strength and health.

Lemon nail care products should be used no more than once a week, as the yellow fruit is highly active. You can use the fruit both on its own and in a mixture with vegetable or cosmetic oils heated in a water bath.

Vegetable oils and tomato

To accelerate growth, strengthen the nail plate, you can prepare a mask of olive oil and almond oil (one teaspoon each), four drops of rosemary (epiric) oil and one finely grated tomato. With such a strange composition, you need to lubricate your fingertips, hold the mask for seven to eight minutes. After rinsing, massage fingers and hands with a nourishing cream.

Gelatin and oils

Gelatin nail masks are also very useful. You can use the product on its own or mix the solution with pharmacy vitamins E, A in the form of oils or any cosmetic oils. To prepare a basic bath, you need to dissolve half a large spoonful of gelatin in one cup of hot boiled water, cool a little and immerse your fingertips for fifteen minutes.

Medicinal herbs

To prepare a strengthening bath, you need to mix chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort in equal parts. Pour two tablespoons of the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and dip your fingers into the infusion for about twenty minutes. Then blot the skin, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

There are many options for using iodine to strengthen nails at home. This method may seem too radical, but it works! The first option is to simply cover the nail with one layer of iodine solution using a cotton swab. You can do it overnight. Repeating the procedure often is not recommended, a maximum of once a month.

A bath of sea salt and iodine is a very effective way to quickly fix brittle, thin nails. You need to dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of boiling water, add five drops of iodine and hold your fingertips in this solution for twenty to thirty minutes.

A very effective mask is one tablespoon of olive oil heated in a water bath, half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and four drops of iodine. Soak the nails, skin of the pads, cuticles with the composition, hold for fifteen minutes, then remove the remnants with a dry cloth.

How to strengthen nails at home: reasons for failure

What to do if baths, pharmaceutical products and even bio-gel do not work? How to strengthen nails at home in a situation where the effectiveness of traditional methods is close to zero? First of all, review your diet. In addition to vitamins, foods rich in vitamins and microelements should be included in the diet: sea fish, butter, milk, spinach, broccoli, cereals, nuts, seeds, apples.

Now it's time to analyze your habits and the way you take care of your nails..

If the nails break and deteriorate on the background of smoking, it is not necessary to expect strengthening from them. Nicotine adversely affects the condition of the nail plate, so you have to choose: either a cigarette or beautiful hands.

You can temporarily refuse to cover your nails with varnishes and use acetone-based nail polish removers. Try to replace the decorative coating with a medical one within one or two months, and use acetone-free products to remove the old layer.

Brittle nails can be caused by a lack of calcium. You can replenish it in the grandmother's way, that is, eggshells ground into dust. Three times a day before meals, you need to eat a small amount of powder (a third of a teaspoon). If you don’t want to mess with the shell, buy a pharmacy calcium preparation.

If you take care of the condition of your nails, then the dream of a beautiful manicure will become a reality. Even the weakest, brittle, withered nails can be strengthened at home.

Beautiful manicured nails- this is a small property of a woman. Nails, like hands in general, require regular care. The state of the nails reflects the state of the whole organism. Brittle brittle nails, too soft or yellowed nail plate signal a disease. Also, nails can turn yellow due to smoking, constant use of varnish, after taking medications.

Healthy nails are your goal. They should be firm, smooth, shiny and with a pink tint. To achieve this goal, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, you can use folk remedies for strengthening nails.

Nail care at home

In the beauty salon you will be offered effective methods for nail care. But at home, you can also do various procedures that will have a beneficial effect on the health of your nails. simple but effective. With their help, in the shortest possible time, you can improve the condition of the nail plate.

  • Bath of cucumber juice and beer

It will take half a glass of cucumber juice and the same amount of warm beer. We mix the liquids and add 1 tsp to the solution. table salt. Soak your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes.

  • Bath with salt to strengthen nails

The composition of such a bath is very simple. In a glass of warm water, mix 5 drops of iodine and half a tablespoon of salt. Bath time is 15 minutes.

  • Chamomile nail bath

1 st. pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers with 1 glass of beer and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled to room temperature. Soak your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes.

  • Bath with apple cider vinegar

If the nails are very brittle, then they can be strengthened with apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

  • Baths with sea salt

Dissolve sea salt in warm water. Soak your fingers in water for 15-20 minutes. We apply a nourishing cream for hands and nails.

  • Baths of potato broth

If you boiled potatoes, do not pour out the broth. Arrange a little holiday for your hands. Dip your hands in warm broth for 20 minutes. Such a bath has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the hands and nails.

  • Olive oil and iodine mask

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with 2-3 drops of iodine. The resulting mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nails and adjacent areas of the skin.

  • Salt and sour cream mask

This tool perfectly strengthens nails, makes them strong and healthy, eliminates yellowness. 1 tsp salt mixed with 2 tsp. sour cream. Rub this mixture into the nails and skin of the hands. Wash off the mask with warm water and apply the cream.

  • Red wine and berries

Berries (black currant, red currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn) knead and mix with a quarter cup of red wine. Mix thoroughly and pour into a bowl. Leave to infuse in a dark and cool place for 4-5 days. After that, regularly rub the mixture into the nails. Do not rinse or wipe the composition for 40-45 minutes. This lotion helps with exfoliating and brittle nails.

To strengthen nails it is necessary to regularly rub cranberry, lemon or lime juice into them. After a course of such procedures, the nails cease to break and exfoliate, become strong and pink.

In order for nails to be healthy, it is necessary to include foods rich in calcium, minerals, vitamins D and A, and gelatin in your diet. Drink water, you should drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day.

Wear gloves while working around the house and in the country. Protect your hands, and therefore your nails, from unnecessary stress. Apply nourishing and moisturizing creams to your hands and nails daily.

Constant care of nails and hands should become a habit. Only in this way are you a deliverer from all problems with nails, and your hands will testify to your good health and attention to your own person.

Before you start strengthening your nails, you need to find out why they have become brittle and dull. This may be a lack of vitamins in the body, which is especially important in the spring and autumn, mechanical or chemical effects on the nails.

There are many recipes using natural products that help restore the old structure and beauty of the nails. Here are some recommendations from the hand care experts:

  • water procedures in sea water will improve the condition of the nail plate;
  • daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins will help prevent stratification;
  • in the diet, there must be seafood that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nail plates;
  • the key to the shine and beauty of manicure is lemon juice, and dishes with the addition of iodized salt.

There are also some subtleties of nail care that every woman should know. Professional advice will help improve the condition of nails if you use preparations and tools:

  • you should not build up nails often, and manicure should be done only with high-quality materials;
  • it is better to give preference to an abrasive file made of glass than metal;
  • to restore the epidermis of the nail plates, it is required to use creams after the strengthening procedure containing vitamins A and E;
  • all household chores with the use of cleaning products must be carried out with gloves;
  • it is necessary to abandon the nail polish remover with acetone;
  • after hand baths, it is best to apply a strengthening agent with calcium, minerals and vitamins.

Video - tips on how to make your nails strong and healthy:

Oil nail care

Every woman dreams of a beautiful manicure with well-groomed nails. Essential oils will help to strengthen the nail plate, restore its structure and normal color. The easiest way to heal involves regularly rubbing natural and essential oils into and around the nails.

Almond oil

The product contains a huge amount of vitamin E and has a moisturizing effect on brittle and dry nails. It is recommended to lubricate the cuticles and nails with this remedy before going to bed, waiting for it to dry completely.

Argan oil

This is one of the most miraculous preparations in skin and nail care. Oil strengthens the delicate skin around the nail plate and prevents hangnails with daily rubbing.

Jojoba oil

For centuries, the tool has been very popular for skin and nail care. The high concentration of vitamin E, protein and amino acids helps to strengthen and moisturize the nail plate. For a therapeutic effect, you need to rub the oil once a day.

Tea tree oil

The drug has an antiseptic and bacterial effect, penetrating into the lower layers of the epithelium. To strengthen nails, you need to mix 30 ml of olive oil and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Hands fall into this mixture for 5 minutes, after which they get wet with a napkin. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

Coconut oil

The tool perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the nail plate with nutrients. The principle of care is to lubricate the nails and cuticles with oil once a day.

Strengthening baths for nails

The easiest, most effective and affordable way to improve nails is a nail strengthening bath. To make nails strong and forget about delamination, special training and a lot of money are not required.

Nail Strengthening Massage

Massage has long been used not only for medicinal purposes against many diseases, but also to strengthen nails. A simple set of exercises can make the nail plate stronger, allowing you to get a beautiful and well-groomed manicure.

  1. The index finger and thumb of the right hand covers the thumb on the second hand. The thumb of the right hand should be on the bed of the nail, and the index finger should be placed under the thumb of the left hand. It is required to squeeze the fingers a little for 10 seconds and then relax. Similar actions are carried out with the rest of the fingers in turn. After performing the massage of the right hand, you can switch to the left hand.
  2. The right hand rests palm down on the table with spread fingers. With your index finger, you need to press on the tip of the thumb of your left hand, counting to ten. The same movement is carried out with all the fingers of both hands.
  3. It is necessary to perform massaging movements of the nails on the sides of the nail plate. The thumb of the right hand should support the thumb of the second hand, and the index finger should be massaged along the side walls of the nail of the left hand, moving towards the center. Such movements are repeated with all fingers.
  4. The nails are rubbed with the thumbs in turn along the vertical and horizontal lines.
  5. With the index finger of the right hand, it is necessary to press on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beginning of the growth of the nail plate, and when the pressure is released, a light massage is performed with the tip of the finger. The procedure is repeated with all fingers on the right and left hands.

Strengthening with cosmetics

Salon procedures will improve the condition of the nails. Some cosmetic products are better not to use on your own, so you need to trust real professionals.


Compared to nail extensions, such a coating does not spoil the structure of the nail, but rather strengthens it. The procedure consists in applying biogel to the nail plate after hand treatment, which polymerizes under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp. The tool lasts up to 1-2 months and is removed without filing, so the nails will remain healthy.


Silk coating helps to preserve and strengthen natural nails. The procedure is carried out only by a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. The silk material is cut exactly to the shape of the nail, creating a strong frame. Such a manicure looks natural.

Gel, acrylic

Gel nails have a glossy sheen and a well-groomed look, while acrylic nails are more like a natural nail. The coating is perfectly combined with the application of a beautiful design. Nail correction should be done every three weeks, but only a specialist should remove the artificial material.


The product combines nail polish and biogel. The coating lasts for three weeks, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful manicure. Shellac is applied and removed completely safely, so natural nails will remain healthy and smooth.

Strengthening varnish

Many world-famous companies that produce nail care cosmetics produce products to strengthen the nail plate. Healing varnish can be used as a base for colored varnish. You can buy the product in a specialized store or pharmacy. The rules for applying the product are indicated on the package, because some varnishes need to be applied daily, while others - once every three days.

Oil for strengthening nails

Special oil will help get rid of fragility and dryness of nails. It contains vitamins A, E, essential oils and a nutritional base. The drug is applied to pre-cleaned fingers, acting on the nail plate and cuticle with light massage movements.

In contact with

A beautiful manicure is an integral element of the image of a woman. Girls devote a lot of time to make-up, wardrobe, the appearance of their hands. In the article I will give effective step-by-step recipes for strengthening nails at home.

The nail is made up of keratin, water and fat. The health and beauty of nails is determined by the correct proportions. With a deficiency of fat, the nails become sick, thin and easily broken. Usually, disruptions in the endocrine system have a negative effect on the condition of the nails.

The main causes of brittleness

  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Regular washing of dishes and hands, laundry, cleaning without the use of gloves.
  • Use of acetone-containing nail polish removers.
  • Prolonged exposure to low temperature.
  • Wrong manicure.

Brittle nails are treated quite simply at home. But this problem is best prevented.

Prevention of nail diseases

  1. Use a vitamin-rich varnish with a healing effect. Avoid products containing acetone completely.
  2. Use protective gloves when working around the house. The main thing is that the nail plates do not come into contact with detergents.
  3. Do a manicure with an emery or glass nail file. Metal is better not to use. During the procedure, move in one direction, otherwise the nails will be seriously damaged.
  4. Regularly eat foods rich in protein, iron and calcium. The composition of desserts should include gelatin - jelly, marmalade, marshmallows.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails - recipes

Girls with free time and financial resources strengthen their nails in beauty salons. But, it is possible to solve this problem at home, using proven folk remedies.

Over the years, recipes, compresses, baths and masks have been invented.

Folk remedies are extremely popular among women because they are both effective and affordable. Recipes include ingredients that are available in any kitchen or medicine cabinet. We are talking about fruits, vegetables, oils.

Healing baths

Baths are an excellent way to strengthen the nail plates at home and moisturize the skin. I propose to consider three options for baths.

  • soda bath . Pour a glass of water into a small bowl, add a spoonful of soda, add 5 drops of glycerin and a couple of drops of iodine. After mixing, lower the hands into the liquid for a third of an hour, then get wet and treat with cream. I recommend taking a bath before bed. Then dip your fingers in melted wax, wait for it to dry and leave until the morning.
  • herbal bath . A bath is being prepared from infusion of chamomile, nettle, sage or plantain. Ideally, alternate herbs. Add a spoonful of herbs to a liter of water and boil a little, when the broth cools slightly, lower the handles into it. After such a water procedure, I do not advise you to wash your hands, blot them and treat them with a nourishing cream.
  • wine bath . Mix a glass of dry wine (preferably red) with a spoonful of salt and heat. Soak your hands in the resulting liquid for 15 minutes. Next, gently wet your hands and cover with a layer of nourishing cream. I recommend doing this bath 4 times a month.


Baths do not hurt to combine with masks that require a similar amount of time. As in the case of baths, after applying the mask on your hands, be sure to apply a nourishing cream. Mask recipes are waiting below.

  1. Olive mask . To make such a mask, you need to combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil with three drops of iodine and the same amount of lemon juice. Soak your fingers in the mixture for at least ten minutes. Next, wash off the mask.
  2. Wax mask . Melt beeswax in a bath. The temperature is around 40 degrees. Dip your fingers into the wax for a few seconds, remove and after hardening, wait for about 20 minutes.
  3. beer mask . Mix half a glass of fresh beer in equal amounts with warmed sunflower oil and a small spoonful of lemon juice. Dip clean hands into the mixture for a third of an hour, then get wet, massage the cuticles and do not wash for 2 hours.
  4. Pepper mask . In a small container, combine a small spoonful of hand cream, the same amount of ground red pepper and a couple of drops of water. Cover the nails with the finished product for half an hour, then rinse with water.

I have given the most effective and affordable folk recipes for strengthening nails.

Video instructions for the super strengthening method

Cosmetics for strengthening nails

The problem associated with brittle nails is familiar to many girls. Homemade recipes will be a good help on the way to solving it. However, the cosmetic industry does not stand still and develops new cosmetic products for strengthening - varnishes, creams, oils. The choice of a particular brand is determined by financial capabilities.

It is better not to buy the cheapest cosmetic products. Low cost is the first sign of cosmetics with little or no effect. Therefore, I do not recommend saving.

  1. Strengthening varnishes. Regular use will restore brittle, dull and exfoliating nails to a healthy look. To get the result, it is not recommended to use the same tool constantly. Lucky is better to alternate. The composition of varnishes should include amino acids, vitamins, coral extracts, silicon. The varnish should not contain formaldehyde, camphor and other aggressive ingredients.
  2. Oils for strengthening nails. Rub rosemary, peach or almond oil into the nails every few days with massage movements or with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Creams from natural oils, vitamin complexes and trace elements. It is good if the composition of the product includes wax or propolis. This cream is an excellent prophylactic.

To strengthen the nails quickly, the listed funds should be used systematically. True, remember that cosmetic preparations are effective if the fragility of the nail plates is not caused by diseases that lurk inside the body. The condition of the nails is a kind of indicator of health.

Strengthening nails after shellac

At the end of the last century, there was no shellac manicure, and in the 21st century it is rapidly gaining popularity and is replacing gel and acrylic nail extensions. Not surprisingly, this technology has a considerable number of advantages. To admire the beauty of well-groomed nails for a month, it is enough to go through just one shellac procedure.

Over time, shellac must be removed from the nail plates. It is at this moment that the young ladies despair, because after shellac the nails take on a terrible look. They exfoliate and break, even cutting and dark varnish are unable to correct the situation. The question arises, how to strengthen the nails after shellac and return them to their former shape?

  • Olive oil . Thinning is a consequence of polishing the nail plates after removing shellac. Olive oil baths will help strengthen your nails. Warm up one hundred milliliters of oil a little, then hold the nails in it for about 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily in the evening for a week.
  • Lemon juice . This natural product is rich in essential oils and vitamin C. These substances strengthen the nails. Rub lemon juice into the nails every other day for a few minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Iodine. Before going to bed, using a cotton swab, apply iodine to the nails. In the morning, there is no trace of the yellow color. Reviews of girls say that iodine is extremely effective in strengthening the nail plates.
  • Sea salt . The miraculous properties of sea salt have been known for a long time. Baths based on sea salt will make your nails incredibly strong. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in half a glass of water, add a little of any essential oil and hold your fingers in the resulting composition for 10 minutes. The weekly rate is three procedures.
  • sour berries . Weakened nails require vitamins. Masks based on sour berries - cranberries, red currants, lingonberries will help in this situation. Grind a handful of berries, apply the resulting slurry to the nails, wrap with a film, wait a third of an hour and rinse.
  • Nutrition. The procedures listed above are focused on external nail treatment. At the same time, their condition largely depends on the intake of nutrients from the body. Introduce foods rich in vitamins, proteins, iodine, calcium, mineral salts into the diet. For example, salmon, cottage cheese, cheese, greens.
  • Healing coverage. For the treatment of brittleness, special cosmetic coatings are used, which are applied daily. The greatest effect is given by products with calcium, minerals, vitamins and silk fibers.

In terms of effectiveness, home procedures are in no way inferior to salon counterparts. The only difference is that their implementation takes more time. If you regularly care for your nails, the effects of shellac will disappear quickly, leaving no trace. To keep your nails flawless all the time, take a short pause before the next application of shellac.

Women who love to constantly change their manicure are often concerned about the question of how to strengthen their nails after shellac or extensions. After all, any impact on the nail plates often spoils them, after removing varnishes, restoration and strengthening is required.

You should not immediately run for special nail products, many healing baths and masks can be prepared at home using the products that everyone has in their home. These recipes are quite simple, everyone can handle them.

The simplest recipe is strengthening with iodine. This substance is suitable for those who are interested in how to strengthen thin nails. You can simply apply the usual pharmacy alcohol solution to the nail, this method is suitable if a single procedure is required. Otherwise, iodine can dry out the nail plate too much, burn it.

Important! Traces of iodine can be removed from the fingers and nail plates with lemon juice a few hours after the procedure.

Bath with iodine and orange juice

You need to take half a glass of ordinary water, add half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice there. Add four drops of iodine to the resulting solution, mix gently. Keep your hands in the bath for about a quarter of an hour, then wipe and rub a moisturizer into your palms.

Olive oil mask

This mask nourishes and moisturizes nails well. One tablespoon of olive oil needs three drops of iodine. Heat the oil in a water bath, add iodine and mix. Apply to fingers, put on cotton gloves on top and go to bed like that. The mask stays on throughout the night. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Important! If iodine greatly dries the skin, these methods should be abandoned.

Strengthening with salt

Salt is the simplest assistant in strengthening nails. You should take sea salt, it includes a full range of useful minerals. After using salt, there should be no question of how to strengthen soft, exfoliating nails. This substance makes them durable and strong.

Important! Also, salt is the prevention of fungus.

You should take 2 tablespoons of sea salt per 250 milliliters of warm water, dilute thoroughly. Hold for about twenty minutes. It is best to do this procedure at night, then after you need to lubricate your palms with a moisturizer and put on cotton gloves.

Bath with salt and iodine

Sea salt and iodine can be combined. You need to take one tablespoon of salt and three drops of iodine per 250 milliliters of warm water. Hands should be in the solution for about half an hour, then wipe thoroughly and smear with a moisturizer.

Important! Salt procedures are not recommended for increased dryness of the skin of the hands.

Strengthening with lemon

Lemon is suitable for strengthening exfoliating, thin nails. In addition, it whitens yellowed nails, gently exfoliates the skin. The most convenient way is to simply cut the lemon into slices and apply them as a compress to the nails for fifteen minutes. Then gently rub in an oil that strengthens nails, such as olive oil.

Bath with lemon and salt

Squeeze the juice of one lemon, add a pinch of sea salt to it and mix. Keep your fingers in this mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse off the residue with water. If the skin of the hands is dry, after the procedure, you can apply your favorite cream.

Strengthening with onion peel

Nails can be strengthened even with onion peel. Usually this method is used to treat fungal diseases, if the nails are in poor condition, this remedy will quickly improve the situation.

It is necessary to brew a small amount of husk in hot water, leave to infuse. The solution should be quite strong. Keep your hands in it for half an hour, then rinse and smear with a moisturizer.


Wax sealing is a therapeutic manicure that can be done at home. In a water bath, a small amount of beeswax should be melted, when it becomes soft enough, it should be rubbed into the nail plates with gentle massaging movements. This is one of the ways to strengthen nails that have been badly damaged by aesthetic procedures in a week.

What should you eat to strengthen your nails?

In addition to local impact, it is important to strengthen the nails from the inside. To do this, you should follow a diet and, if possible, take vitamins and mineral complexes. For healthy nails, the following elements are required:

  1. Vitamin A. It is found in vegetable and butter oils, fatty fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, and cheese products. Vitamin A in artificial form - Retinol, sold in a pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin E. This element works in tandem with vitamin A. It is found in nuts, seeds, cereals and cereals, beans.
  3. Calcium. To maintain the right amount of this element in the body, you need to eat more seafood, dairy products, spinach, figs.
  4. Iodine. This element is found in all seafood: sea fish, sea kale, marine animals - shellfish, mussels, squid. It is also found in mushrooms and pineapples.
  5. Magnesium. It is abundant in nuts, seeds, dried fruits, wholemeal bread, sweet peppers.
  6. Vitamin C. There is a lot of it in brightly colored fruits, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. An additional artificial source of vitamin C is ascorbic acid.
  7. Iron. A large amount of this element is found in many berries, zucchini and cabbage.
  8. Fluorine. This element is found in seafood, grapefruits, onions, potatoes, eggs.
  9. Gelatin. This substance should be present in the diet in order to prevent brittleness and delamination of nails. There is a lot of it in marmalade, jellied meat and fish dishes, jellied meats, jelly.

In general, the diet of a person who is thinking about how to quickly strengthen nails at home should be balanced and include all kinds of vitamins and useful trace elements.

Any chemical or thermal effects destroy the nail plate, even if the necessary substances in the body are sufficient. Therefore, it is worth taking significant breaks between staining to allow the nails to recover. You should always use moisturizers. To remove varnish, the products must be chosen carefully so that it does not contain particularly aggressive components, such as acetone.

Only a qualified master should be trusted to do shellac, extensions or other complex methods; before the procedure, you should soberly assess the condition of your nails.

If there are signs of serious damage to the nail plate, fungus or irritation, you should consult a dermatologist, as the problem can be much more serious than it seems.
