When is the Muslim holiday Kurban Bayram. Holiday Eid al-Adha: History and Traditions

Probably, many have heard that Muslims have a big holiday called Eid al-Adha. And what is its meaning?

history of the holiday

Kurban Bayram has another name - 'Eid al-adha, which means "holiday of the sacrifice." It is celebrated in honor of the end of the Hajj 70 days after another great Islamic holiday - Uraza Bayram, on the 10th day of the month of Zul Hijj, in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim.

According to the Koran, the angel Jabrail appeared to the prophet Ibrahim in a dream and gave him a command from Allah - to sacrifice his son. According to legend, it was about the eldest son of Ibrahim - Ismail. Ibrahim went with his son to the valley of Mina (where the holy city of Mecca would later be built) and began preparations for the sacrifice. Ismail knew what was ahead of him, and wept and prayed, wishing to be obedient to his father and Allah. However, at the last moment, Allah replaced the victim with a ram. Ismail was saved. It turned out that this was a test of faith for Ibrahim. As you can see, the tradition is almost completely identical to the biblical myth of Abraham and Isaac. By the way, the second son of Ibrahim was called Ishak.

What should Muslims do on this day?

The first part of the Turkic name Eid al-Adha - kurban - in the Muslim tradition means everything that brings a person closer to God. On this day, Muslims make a ritual sacrifice, slaughtering an animal in the name of Allah.

The Quran says: “And We have ordained for you the sacrifice of camels as a rite ordained by Allah. This is good for you. Say the name of Allah over the camels when they stand in rows. And when they are thrown on their sides, then eat their meat, feed both the one who is ashamed to ask, and the one who asks openly. Thus We have given you dominion over sacrificial camels, so that you may be grateful for this. Neither the meat nor the blood of sacrificial animals is needed by Allah, He only needs your piety. Therefore He has given you authority over sacrificial animals, so that you may praise Allah for having guided you to a straight path. So give good news to those who do good” 22:36, 37 (Osmanov).

The day before, pilgrims going to Mecca climb Mount Arafat, and on the day of sacrifice they symbolically throw stones from there and perform tawaf - they circle around the shrine of the Kaaba seven times.

All Muslims, except for pilgrims, on this day in the morning at dawn must take a full bath - ghusl, put on new neat clothes, if possible anoint themselves with incense and go to the mosque. It is not recommended to eat before.

A festive prayer is performed in the mosque on the day of Eid al-Adha. Then the believers return home and after some time again go to the mosque or to a special site - namazgah, where the imam-khatib reads a sermon (khutba). It begins with the glorification of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, after which the essence of the Hajj and the rite of sacrifice are explained.

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated?

After the sermon, those who have the opportunity to do so make a sacrifice. This is done before sunset on the third day (according to the Hanafi madhhab) or the fourth day (according to the Shafi'i madhhab).

Usually a sheep, camel, goat or cow is sacrificed. Not all animals are suitable for this. According to the Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Four types of animals are not allowed to be sacrificed: a one-eyed animal, the defect of which is obvious; a sick animal whose illness is obvious; a lame animal whose lameness is obvious; an emaciated animal whose weakness is evident."

If funds permit, one animal from each family member can be sacrificed. Sometimes a sacrifice is made for the deceased person, if he bequeathed to do so.

In the process of sacrifice, a Muslim can say a short formula: "Bismillah, Allah Akbar", that is, "In the name of Allah, Allah is great!" Before cutting, the animal is placed on the ground with its head towards Mecca.

The skins of slaughtered animals are usually given to the mosque, and their meat is boiled and eaten at a common meal. Part of the meat is given to the poor.

On Eid al-Adha, be sure to eat meat dishes prepared in accordance with the recipes and traditions of different Muslim countries. Numerous sweets are also served at the table. On this day, gifts are given to relatives and friends. In the following days, it is customary for them to pay visits.

Recently, the number of appeals from animal welfare organizations and individual citizens to the authorities with protests against sacrifices has increased. So, in 2006, Moscow introduced a ban on public sacrifices on Eid al-Adha, and each mosque was allowed to kill no more than one animal during the holiday.

The name of one of the main Islamic celebrations - Eid al-Adha (Turk.) or Eid al-Adha (Arabic) - literally translates as "holiday of the sacrifice." It is celebrated by Muslims around the world 70 days after the completion of the holy month of Ramadan.

Within a month and a half before the onset of Eid al-Adha, it is customary for Muslims to make a hajj - a pilgrimage to holy places in Mecca. A difficult path full of hardships helps to raise the level of religious and moral development. According to the pillars of Islam, every true believer must perform the Hajj at least once in his life. Eid al-Adha is the apogee of the pilgrimage and proclaims mercy, kindness and love for people.

The holiday is celebrated in honor of the prophet Ibrahim. According to the Koran, the angel Jabrail appeared to him in a dream and ordered, by the will of Allah, to sacrifice his son Ismail. Preparing for the ceremony, Ibrahim went to the valley of Mina, to the location of Mecca. Ismail followed his father, obeying the will of the parent and the Almighty. During the sacrifice, the angel Gabriel gave the prophet Ibrahim as a substitute for a ram. For the devotion and spiritual purity of Ibrahim, Allah gave Ismail life.

Muslims during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha at the Cathedral Mosque in St. Petersburg. Photo: ITAR-TASS / Interpress / A. Nikolaev

A Muslim during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha at the Cathedral Mosque. Photo: ITAR-TASS / Z. Javakhadze

Muslims during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha near the mosque on Furmanovskaya Street in Rostov-on-Don. Photo: ITAR-TASS / V. Matytsin

“Allah, having learned the sincerity of Ibrahim and his son through this test, called on him as a friend: “O Ibrahim! You justified Our suggestion and did not hesitate to carry out Our command. That's enough for you. We will lighten our trial by rewarding you for your good deed. This is how We reward the virtuous! The test to which We subjected Ibrahim and his son is a test that revealed their true faith in the Lord of the inhabitants of the worlds. We redeemed his son with a great sacrifice so that he would live according to the command of Allah Almighty.

From the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims prepare for the celebration in advance and fast for 10 days.

It is advisable for the faithful to spend the night on the eve of Eid al-Adha by reading namaz. It is believed that at this time the Almighty answers the requests of his slaves. The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever was awake on the night of conversation and the night of Kurban in the service of the Almighty, sorrow will not befall his heart when sorrow befalls others.”

Eid al-Adha celebrations start early in the morning. Having performed a full bath and put on neat clothes, Muslims collectively pray in the mosque. In the sanctuary, they read the Koran, listen to the sermon of the imam, which explains the meaning and origin of the rite of sacrifice.

After the sacrifice, one third should be kept for yourself, the second third should be given as alms, and the rest should be used for a festive meal in the family. Since the sacrifice is made in the name of Allah, it should benefit the beggars and reward the sacrificers in the Hereafter. The ritual treat of the poor - sadaka, thin - protects those who give from all sorts of misfortunes and illnesses.

Muslim cuisine dishes

Muslim family during a festive feast. Photo: ITAR-TASS / V. Alexandrov

Eid al-Adha traditional dish

The celebration of Eid al-Adha lasts three to four days and is considered a desirable and blessed time for visits to relatives and friends, who are given gifts.

Since ancient times, Muslims are famous for their hospitality and cordiality. Every true believer these days tries to gather as many guests as possible under the roof of his house, to treat and please people from the heart. It is customary to cook dishes traditional for this holiday from the meat of a sacrificial lamb, and the more dishes you can cook, the better.

On the first day, the housewives serve dishes from the liver and heart. On the second day, the treat begins with soups cooked on lamb heads and legs. On the second - roast, supplemented with a side dish of rice or vegetables. On the third and fourth days, they cook fried lamb ribs and traditional manti, shish kebab, lagman, pilaf, beshbarmak. Not a single feast is complete without everyone's favorite sweets and desserts - pies, flatbreads and almond and raisin dishes.

Eid al-Adha in Russia is an official holiday in the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic.

This year, the holiday will be remembered by Muslims as a long-awaited event: the opening of the main shrine of Moscow - the Cathedral Mosque on Prospekt Mira. This building appeared here in 1904. He miraculously managed to survive during the years of Soviet power. For about 10 years, the mosque has housed the Council of Muftis and the residence of Mufti Gaynutdin.

After the reconstruction, the building acquired six floors, and the area of ​​the mosque increased 20 times. The designers of the renovated building combined the canonical decoration of the mosque with modern technologies. The work was carried out at the expense of charitable contributions and voluntary donations.

“Eid al-Adha is the day when sacrifice becomes a boon for all those who have and those who have not. He reminds us that the traditions of Islam, as well as other world religions, are based on the eternal values ​​of justice, kindness, mercy and care for one's neighbor, regardless of his nationality and religion. Truly, this is a celebration of the rapprochement of families, nations and the community as a whole, which is especially important today, when there are more and more manifestations of extremism in society, attempts to distort the essence of Islam, use it for selfish purposes.
In his famous sermon, delivered during the "Farewell Hajj", which became a testament to posterity, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Excellence is only in piety and good deeds."

Saigidhuseyn Magomedov, founder of the First Charitable Foundation

What date is Kurban Bayram celebrated in 2019 in Russia, when the beginning and end of the holiday in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan: the beginning and end of the holiday, dates.

This holiday, which Muhammad commanded to celebrate, is the second largest after Ramadan Bairam. It is also called the Eid al-Adha festival of sacrifice. The holiday symbolizes absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him and approaching him. Eid al-adha (the Arabic name for the event) always occurs seventy days after Uraza Bayram.

Date of Eid al-Adha 2019: when does it start and end

The holiday is celebrated in the month of Zul-Hijja on the 10th, that is, in 2019 Kurban Bayram will begin on August 11 and last until the 15th.

How to prepare for Eid al-Adha

Despite the fact that the holiday itself will come on August 11, 2019, preparations for the sacred event will begin ten days before the very date of Eid al-Adha. Faithful followers of the Prophet Mohammed, who believe in Allah, will fast.

Women during this time will carry out a general cleaning in their homes and prepare clean, elegant clothes for the holiday.

On August 11, before dawn, Muslims will perform ablution, change clothes and go to prayer. Eating before the first prayer on the holiday should not be. After prayer, you can have breakfast in order to return to the mosque later and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning.

Rules and traditions for Eid al-Adha, which must be observed in 2019

The celebration will begin at sunrise. Believers wash their faces, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque to attend the morning prayer. Then the local mullah reads a sermon, at the end of which Muslims go to the cemetery in order to honor the memory of deceased relatives.

The final stage of the holiday is the sacrifice of an animal. It can be a ram, camel, bull or other hoofed creature. The custom allows sacrificing not only for the health of the living, but also for the repose of deceased relatives or friends. As a victim, you can not choose any animal that caught your eye. For example, the age of a ram should not exceed a year, a bull or a cow - no more than two years. As for the camel, it is allowed to choose an individual that has reached the age of five.

It is desirable that the chosen victim should be in excellent health, be large in size and not have any physical defects. This means that lame, blind and sick beings cannot be used in the sacred rite of sacrifice.

Muslims believe that poor physical condition affects the palatability of the animal. Before slaughtering the victim, the believer can say a prayer in the name of Allah. Then the animal is knocked down on the floor, always head towards Mecca.

It is recommended that after the sacrifice, the meat of the slaughtered animal be divided into three parts: give one to the needy and poor people, use the second part as the basis for festive dishes, which will then be distributed to neighbors, friends and relatives, and the third part can stay at the owner's house.

The meat of a sacrificial animal is allowed to be sampled by people of other religions, but in no case should it be sold or exchanged for something. It is forbidden to use this meat at the end of Kurban Bayram.

Muslims are of the opinion that a sheep or goat can be slaughtered from one person, and a camel, cow or bull from seven people.

What to put on the table for Eid al-Adha 2019: traditional dishes

Muslims are hospitable people, they love to treat and delight other people, so it is not surprising that with the onset of Eid al-Adha, any true believer tries to invite as many people as possible to his house. They pay special attention to the poor and needy people. It is customary to cook dishes traditional for this holiday from the meat of the sacrificial lamb. The more food prepared, the better.

  • On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared,
  • the second day must begin with soups cooked on lamb heads and legs. Roast or stew meat is also cooked, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish.
  • On the third and fourth days, Muslims have lamb bone soups, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara on the tables.
  • Not a single festive table is complete without the usual sweets, homemade bread, pies, cakes and biscuits. As a favorite dessert, Muslims prefer dishes of their almonds and raisins.

How did the holiday of Eid al-Adha come about?

Kurban Bayram, the feast of sacrifice, appeared as proof of the unconditional faith of a true Muslim in Allah. According to the Koran, many centuries ago, the Almighty sent a test to the prophet Ibrahim: he had to sacrifice his own son named Ismail. Prophet Ibrahim, following the will of the Almighty, was about to sacrifice his own child to him.

The Lord, convinced of the inviolability of his words, sent down to him an angel who stopped the prophet's knife. Instead of a son, Ibrahim sacrificed a ram to the Almighty. Since then, the faithful followers of Islam, celebrating the great day of Kubran Bayram, have also slaughtered a lamb, a calf or a young camel.

Traditionally, animal meat is divided into three parts. Leaving only one third for itself, the remaining two parts of the sacrificial animal are distributed among the community and the poor people.

On this day, not a single person should remain hungry, and the doors of the houses of the followers of Islam are open to all guests.

(Arabic عيد الأضحى - Eid al-Adha) - the main Muslim holiday, celebrated 10th Zul Hiji and continues for three more days on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijji - days of tashriq.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

"The greatest day is the day of sacrifice."

Sacrifice in Islam- this is a prescribed rite of worship of the Almighty, proving the God-fearing of Muslims. This holiday teaches understanding of human life as a divine gift, brings up the ability to do good for others in the name of Allah.

The revelation about the sacrifice was sent down in the second year of the Hijri. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on this day performed the slaughter of two animals - one from himself, and the second - from the whole ummah.

Worship during the days of Eid al-Adha

The holiday of Eid al-Adha with its rite is another opportunity for spiritual purification in the worship of the Lord.

holiday nights spend in prayer, make up for missed prayers, read the Holy Quran. It is advisable to spend the night from the 9th to the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah in Ibadat. After midnight (until morning) they perform a full ablution, engage in personal hygiene. Those who participate in the ritual of slaughtering a sacrificial animal (kurban) do not cut their hair and nails for ten days before the sacrifice.

Ritual slaughter of an animal(kurban) is performed for the sake of Allah Almighty as a token of gratitude for His gifts. This worship performed by property (ibada) belongs to wajib.

The rite of sacrifice brings the mercy of Allah closer, promotes spiritual purification, brings believers closer: two-thirds of the meat of the sacrificial animal is distributed to the poor, the poor, the needy and neighbors.

What animals can be eaten according to Shariah?

In Islam allowed (halal) to eat pet meat: meat of ram and sheep, goat, cow and bull, buffalo and buffalo, camel and camel, horse and horse(minor condemnation of the use of horse meat), a hare, as well as poultry meat: chicken, goose, pigeon, crane, ostrich. Halal locust And any fish, except for the one who died of natural causes.

In order for the meat of these animals and birds to become halal, it is necessary to observe slaughter rules:

  1. the performer of the ceremony (Muslim, Christian or Jew) must be of sound mind;
  2. the animal is laid on its side, praise is given to the Lord, the intention “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” is pronounced, and the cervical artery, esophagus and larynx (respiratory tract) are simultaneously cut with a sharp knife.

Subject to the rite of slaughter, it is permissible to eat meat of wild herbivores(gazelles, deer, wild cows, hares, etc.). In the case of hunting with firearms, it is necessary to mention the name of Almighty Allah during the shot. If the animal was only wounded, then the hunter must complete the rite of slaughter using a knife.

What animals can be sacrificed?

Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was the first to slaughter a sacrificial animal in the name of the Almighty.

Our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Kurban is the Sunnah of our father Ibrahim, peace be upon him” (Abu Dawud)

On Eid al-Adha allowed to sacrifice ram, sheep orgoat, bull, buffalo or cow, camel. Preferred Kurban - ram or sheep.

goat must be at least a year old sheep (ram) can be 6 months old if the size is like a year old. One ram, one sheep or one goat can be sacrificed by one person.

cow or buffalo must be at least two years old camel - at least five. One cow, buffalo or camel can be sacrificed from one to seven people or families. For one family, one sacrifice is enough, which is performed by the one who provides for the family.

The animal is recommended to buy a few days before the slaughter. It is acceptable if the animal has minor flaws, for example, the horn is broken, several teeth are damaged. Also, the animal can limp, the main thing is that it can stand on its own.

What animals should not be sacrificed?

Don't sacrifice wild artiodactyl animals(for example, wild buffalo, goat, etc.).

In addition, a bird (rooster, chicken, duck, etc.) is not a kurban.

If the allowed sacrificial animals - sheep, goat, cow, buffalo or camel There is significant disadvantages:

- blindness (one or both eyes cannot see);

sick or weakened animal;

- broken horns (one or both - to the base);

- a problem with the ears (missing more than half of the ear, congenital absence of the ear);

- a problem with the tail (more than half of the tail is missing, congenital absence of an ear or tail);

- lameness that does not allow you to stand up;

- a problem with the teeth (the teeth are so damaged that the animal cannot eat);

- damaged nipples (if a goat or a sheep has one nipple, and a cow or a buffalo has two nipples)

Don't sacrifice castrated animals.

Kurban Bayram - the greatest Justice and Wisdom of Allah Almighty

Eid al-Adha is an opportunity for wealthy Muslims to feed all those in need during the holiday, get spiritual satisfaction and find the pleasure of Allah Almighty. This is the greatest Justice and Wisdom of the Lord.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

"He who is full when his neighbor is hungry is not one of us" (Haysami, "Majmauz - Zawaid")

Recall that Allah Almighty does not need the meat and blood of sacrificial animals. Eid al-Adha - a holiday of sacrifice, hospitality, generosity, solidarity, mutual respect, selflessness and kindness.

Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahimi, Allahu Akbar!

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A scandal erupted in Moscow over the coincidence of the Day of Knowledge and the main Muslim holiday Kurban Bayram. Some media outlets have reported that due to the Muslim holiday, schools may reschedule the beginning of the school year to September 4th. Later this information was refuted. We tell you what Eid al-Adha, which caused such a stir. We answer all the questions that you would like to ask about the main holiday in the Islamic religion.

What is Eid al-Adha and when is it celebrated?

Eid al-Adha is considered the main holiday of all Muslims. This is a holiday of joy and love for Allah. Also this holiday is one of the most famous in the world.

Muslims celebrate Kurban Bayram 70 days after another important holiday - Uraza Bayram - on the tenth day of the month of Zul-Hijjah in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim. In 2017, the celebration of this day falls on September 1.

How did the tradition of celebrating Eid al-Adha come about?

According to the Koran, many centuries ago, the Almighty sent a test to the prophet Ibrahim: he had to sacrifice his own son named Ismail. The Prophet agreed with the will of the Almighty, but instead of his son he sacrificed a ram. Thus, Ibrahim passed the test. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated. When Eid al-Adha comes, many rituals are performed that symbolize gratitude to the Almighty. In particular, on a holiday it is customary to go and meet guests, treat them with delicious dishes and help people. At this time, people visit the graves of their relatives and loved ones, pray for them and distribute treats.

What does "Eid al-Adha" mean?

The phrase "Eid al-Adha" means "holiday of sacrifice". The first part of the word "Kurban" comes from the Arabic ("sacrifice"), the second part is the common Turkic word Bayram ("holiday"). As a religious term, it means sacrificing an animal at a certain time with the intention of worship in order to draw closer to Allah with the heart.

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated?

Muslims begin to fast ten days before the holiday. They start celebrating Eid al-Adha in the early morning. Believers perform ablution, put on new clothes. After that, in the mosque, they perform the morning prayer, which is called namaz. According to tradition, the mullah delivers a sermon, after which Muslims go to the cemetery, where they remember their dead loved ones.

Of course, the culmination of the holiday is the sacrifice of a ram. The ritual should be performed exclusively by an adult and wealthy Muslim who has undeniable authority. Mostly sheep are sacrificed, but in some regions goats, bulls, and camels are used. It is forbidden to sacrifice a sick, injured or weak animal. The meat is divided into three parts, one of which is left for the family, another is given to relatives and neighbors, and the third is distributed to the poor.

The holiday is usually celebrated for several days. It is customary to cook mainly traditional dishes from animal meat. On the first day, these are treats from the heart and liver, on the second day - soup from a lamb's head and legs. On the third and fourth days, it is customary to cook soup, fried ribs or pilaf, manti, lagman or beshbarmak. Muslims also put sweets, homemade bread, cakes, pies and biscuits on the festive table.

How do people relax on Eid al-Adha?

Eid al-Adha is considered a non-working holiday in Tatarstan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Crimea, Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria. In 2014, for the first time, the command of the military units of the Russian Armed Forces granted Muslim military personnel a special day off to visit a mosque. The exception is military personnel who are on combat duty or on guard. In different countries, when Eid al-Adha arrives, millions of believers around the world gather in mosques. It is celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Fitr. The fast of Ramadan is completed by such holidays as Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha. The date on which the holiday falls depends on the lunar calendar.
