Japanese make-up: interweaving of traditions and art. Japanese makeup: features, tips, step-by-step execution

The desire to surprise with their image in everyday life pushes women in search of new original make-up techniques. The popularity of anime cartoons has made it possible to replicate the Japanese make-up, which is characterized by whitened skin, beautifully accentuated eyes and seductive lips. This is one of the favorite types of makeup for modern girls, and, most importantly, it suits dark-skinned and fair-skinned people equally well.

Attributing Japanese makeup to evening or daytime will not work. It can be everyday, for example, for employees of sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, it is imperative to apply Japanese-style makeup every day to work. And what effect does Japanese makeup have on theatrical performances and parties! A young girl should definitely learn the basics of Japanese make-up.

Subtleties of Asian appearance

Many are sure that Asian girls have narrow eyes. This effect is created due to the eyelid hanging over the eye. In an effort to be like a European woman, many Chinese and Japanese women are trying in every possible way to expand their eyes, to "open" their eyelids. The result is an image of a naive girl with huge eyes full of mystery.

Girls with a European appearance, in order to create a Japanese-style make-up, on the contrary, need to narrow their eyes. So you can give the face a characteristic Mongoloid outline. There are several completely different Japanese make-up techniques: everyday, and geisha makeup. How important it is to choose a make-up that is appropriate for the occasion, you should not even remind. If you show up to work with a geisha make-up, you can run into not only approval, but also a serious reprimand.

Makeup in Japanese style for every day

Suitable for office work, daytime outings and any formal occasions. Skin preparation plays an important role, so the main attention when creating a make-up should be given to decorative skin lightening.

White porcelain skin color is a must for Japanese make-up.

A simple instruction on how to do Japanese makeup for every day:

Everyday Japanese makeup has many different variations. Some makeup artists are of the opinion that there is no need to use mascara, and after drawing the arrows, they recommend adding bright accents in the form of pink shadows on the outer corner of the eye.

Anime makeup

Anime makeup is huge bright eyes and seductive bow-shaped lips. One of the most popular make-up techniques among young girls involves artificially slanting the look and reducing the contour of the lips. The image turns out to be a little puppet, but this does not prevent many girls from using it in everyday life.

To perform anime makeup, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Cleanse the skin, wipe with tonic, and then apply a daytime moisturizer.
  2. Use foundation as a base. For Japanese makeup, you need a base 2-3 shades lighter than natural skin.
  3. On the upper eyelid, draw arrows with black eyeliner that extend beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  4. Draw a wide line along the lower lashes with white eyeliner, and after it draw an arrow with a black pencil.
  5. From below, draw short eyelashes with a black pencil.
  6. Use false eyelashes on the upper eyelid to add volume.
  7. Make a bright accent on the outer corner of the eye with pink shadows.
  8. To reduce the size of the lips, use foundation. This base will hide the natural size of the lips, after which it is easy to create any desired shape. The lips of Japanese women are always small and plump, the best shape is a "bow".
  9. Insert large contact lenses into the eyes, which will further increase the diameter of the iris.

Use anime and theatrical performances or for every day - the choice is individual. If you are attracted to big doll eyes and tiny bow lips, try on this look in your daily life.

How do Japanese women differ from other representatives of the countries of the world? Of course, this is light porcelain skin and a special cut of the eyes. Given the features of the face, everyday and evening makeup have a number of features.

The main feature of Japanese women is a completely different attitude to makeup and cosmetics in general. All components are made exclusively from natural products. Japanese makeup emphasizes smooth and clear skin, but it requires high skill. When they talk about makeup for Japanese women, they immediately understand three types of makeup:

  • everyday make-up;
  • makeup for geishas;
  • image of an anime girl.

Interestingly, the elements of the first visage are used by all women from different countries, which cannot be said about the other two. We are talking about thematic images used for specific parties or holidays of Japanese culture. If you decide to wear geisha makeup on your face, then be prepared to fall into dissonance with European culture. Interestingly, the everyday makeup of Japanese women is so discreet that it creates the feeling of its absence.

The Japanese image is suitable for owners of any color of eyes, hair or skin. But still, it is most preferable to apply it to brunettes, because in Japan women have dark, blue-black hair. In the make-up of Japanese women, a high hairstyle and smooth, shiny hair are of great importance. Bangs are recommended to be short and straight. Japanese make-up looks unnatural with wavy or thin hair.

Skin preparation

Before applying cosmetics, it is recommended to thickly lubricate the skin of the face with a nourishing cream, cover it with a damp cloth for 10 minutes. After the cream is absorbed, the skin is rubbed with ice in order to narrow the pores and give the face a smooth texture. Such preparation is not typical for European girls, but Japanese makeup requires the implementation of all the rules and subtleties.

When choosing a shade, it is recommended to give preference to light and even bases with a porcelain texture. The ideal option would be foundation or mousse with a light consistency. Your foundation should be a tone or two lighter than your natural skin tone. It is important to use whitening products in moderation so that the skin in everyday make-up does not look doll-like. In the case of evening make-up, it does not hurt to give the skin a porcelain tone. A light shade of matte powder is applied on top of the foundation layer to remove excess shine.

According to Japanese traditions, blush is applied only to the cheekbones, without affecting the temples. It is better to give preference to pale pink and peach tones. This will make the woman younger and the skin softer.

Highlighting the eyes in the Japanese image

There are legends about the expressiveness of the eyes of Japanese women, they do not require a strong highlight. The almond shape is their main feature. For makeup, you need a black eyeliner, which is applied along the lash line to the upper eyelid. It is recommended to draw an arrow towards the outer corner, going below eye level. Black arrows make the look mysterious and expressive.

Japanese makeup is characterized by minimal use of shadows. They are recommended to be applied to the outer corner of the eyelid, in order to emphasize the beautiful curve of the eyes. To create a daily make-up, light shades are used: beige, white, cream, sand and shimmer. Light shading of a brown shade with transitions to pink looks spectacular.

A casual look does not require mascara. In extreme cases, you should apply brown mascara, which gives expressiveness and emphasizes the color of the eyes. Thanks to special tweezers, eyelashes should be bent up - this is a hallmark of Japanese women.

Eyebrows are important to give the shape of a perfect semicircle. Representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun are distinguished by natural beautiful eyebrows, which should only be emphasized with a brown pencil. Excessive selection will only spoil the image. To complete the eyebrow makeup, it is recommended to use eyebrow powder.

Lips in everyday makeup

When applying a light tone of the base, the contour of the lips is erased, so it should be emphasized again with a contour pencil. Japanese makeup involves applying bright shades of lipstick: red, scarlet, crimson. The main rule is an impeccable accent on the lips. At the same time, the lips should not be plump, and excess swelling can be easily eliminated with matte lipstick. Traditionally, in past centuries, Japanese women gave their lips the shape of a bow, so today they draw a shape with a contour, as before a kiss.

Japanese Anime Makeup Technique

This type of make-up is characterized by a certain puppetry. Its main accent is large and most expressive eyes. At the same time, there is no blush on the face, and its tone is much lighter than natural. To perform the correct make-up in the anime style, certain changes in facial features are necessary: ​​correction of the shape of the nose, highlighting the cheekbones and contour of the lips. Let's take a step-by-step look at the technique of applying make-up.

If there are redness and problem areas on the face, it is recommended to carefully hide them with a corrector. Only after that the base is applied, and the final stage of skin preparation is the application of a thick layer of loose matte powder. As a result, the face becomes unnaturally porcelain, perfectly smooth and matte.

For further correction, bronze powder or bronzer is required, which must be applied on the sides of the nose and on the cheekbones, without affecting the temporal region. After contouring, the face acquires clearly defined boundaries, and the nose visually becomes smaller.

When creating a puppet image of an anime girl, difficulties arise at the stage of drawing the eyes. First, you should cover the upper eyelid with beige shadows and blend thoroughly. On the lower eyelid, draw a thick line with a white pencil, hiding all the bumps.

Further, with the help of eyeliner, a thick arrow is drawn along the growth of eyelashes on the upper eyelid, the end of which tends up to the eyebrow. The arrow also frames the lower eyelid, located below the white stroke. Using shading, you should connect the ends of the arrows, and then attach several bunches of false eyelashes. Eyebrows are given a clear shape.

The resulting image is suitable for theme parties and for original photo shoots. In addition, for everyday activities, it can be modified.

Geisha makeup

In ancient times, the make-up of mysterious geishas depended on the age of the girl: bright colors adorned young girls. A full classic make-up was worn exclusively by full-fledged geisha. A similar image has been preserved to this day in photo shoots and theatrical productions. To create such a make-up, you will need face painting or whitewash, which are sold in specialized stores.

Before applying cosmetics, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and only then a wax-based cream should be laid in a thin layer. This product perfectly moisturizes and evens out the skin. For geishas, ​​makeup is applied to the face, neck, décolleté and back, so all areas should be prepared. With the help of face painting or toner, a light base is applied, as a result, the skin acquires a porcelain color.

Since even eyebrows are drawn with whitewash, a new line should be drawn just above the natural growth line. New eyebrows should not be curved, and at the base they are drawn a little wider. For eye makeup, red or pink shadows are used, which are applied to the outer corner of the eye and a little to the inner one. A distinctive feature is the wide black arrows. The final touch is black lengthening mascara or tufts of false eyelashes.

Blush is lightly applied to the cheeks. Drawn lips should be slightly smaller than natural. To do this, the shape of the new lips is drawn with a contour pencil and painted over with bright scarlet or crimson lipstick.

If you like the idea, check out the video for the intricacies of makeup for a geisha:

We women are mysterious, incomprehensible and very curious creatures. We never have enough of what nature has given, we want something new, unusual, preferably radically opposite. Perhaps that is why traditional Japanese makeup can be increasingly found far beyond the Celestial Empire.

The image of a sophisticated, weightless-airy mysterious Japanese girl has been exciting the imagination of residents of other countries for many years. And women of traditional Caucasian appearance again and again try to give oriental features unusual for her: almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones, thin nose. It's funny, but at the same time, Japanese women carefully widen their eyes, sunbathe in a solarium and bleach their hair. Both the first and the second are difficult to do without a talented plastic surgeon, but good makeup can temporarily improve the situation.

Modern Japanese makeup only remotely resembles its classic one, which today can only be found in the theater or on art objects. But that's what he relies on.

Particularly revered both today and before was delicate, even, porcelain-white skin, which was considered a sign of high origin. It was by no means fair-skinned Japanese women who achieved such a shade with the help of lead white - a proven, but extremely unhealthy remedy. Later it was replaced with a safer rice flour gruel, which covered not only the face, but also the neck, décolleté, part of the back and even the ears. A similar tool is sold now, but it is not easy to find it, and even more difficult to be able to use it correctly. It’s easier to buy face painting or just a good foundation and powder.

Another important detail is the small sponge-bows. They were tinted with a precious tool - a powder of passionflower petals diluted in water. Fortunately, there were no problems with black - traditional coal was everywhere and always.

Of course, the Japanese beauties had other secrets: a whitening scrub mask made from canary droppings, bags of rice husks and herbs for rubbing the skin, aromatic oils ... In order to use all this correctly, one had to learn from childhood, devoting a lot of time and energy to this activity. . We can use not so sublime, but also effective modern cosmetics.

What is Japanese makeup

Before you do Japanese makeup, it's a good idea to figure out what it is like in general. There are many types, but the following three are most commonly used:

  • Everyday makeup in Japanese style. The lightest and most non-provocative, it involves giving the eyes a characteristic almond-shaped incision and a slight retouching of other facial features. His goal is to create the image of a cute Japanese girl, modest and gentle.
  • Anime style. More bold and provocative, it is suitable for costume parties, themed parties or photo shoots. Its goal is to reproduce as accurately as possible the image of a particular anime heroine or a generalized type. Allows the use of bright contrasting colors, as well as additional decorative elements.
  • Japanese geisha makeup. The closest to the classic image, it obeys strict rules and allows only three colors - black, white and red.

When you have decided on the style, you can get down to business, armed with our instructions.

Read also: Professional cosmetics for make-up - acquaintance with brands

Basic Rules

Our main task will be to turn European facial features into Asian ones:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the skin: wipe it with a tonic, mask cosmetic defects with a corrector. Now we apply the tonal base. It should be 2-3 shades lighter than the natural complexion. More - it will be unnatural, less - it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. On top - powder of the same tone.
  • With light blush, you need to emphasize the cheekbones, visually making them higher and more prominent. To do this, light shadows are formed under the cheekbones with two strokes from the ears to the nose. Further, starting from the eyes, draw vertical lines on both sides of the nose, narrowing the wings.
  • Japanese eye makeup is the most difficult and crucial moment. It may not work the first time, so it’s worth practicing in advance. A dense corrector should cover the lower and upper eyelids. Now, with a sharply honed soft black eyeliner or eyeliner, you need to draw the upper line of the eyelid. It should start below and beyond the inner corner of the eye, crossing it. Up to a third of the eye, it coincides with the lash line, then rises higher, visually rounding the eye. On the outer third, the eyeliner again descends to the hairline, rising up at the outer corner. On the lower eyelid, it is necessary to make eyeliner along the mucosal line, visually narrowing the eyes somewhat. On the outer part, it goes up, repeating the corners of the eyes raised up. You can shade the black eyeliner with a white pencil, circling it along the contour on the inner third of the eye.

The rest of the details will depend on the chosen makeup style, but these items are mandatory.

Everyday makeup

The everyday makeup of Japanese girls is actually not too different from ours.

There are no difficulties here and are not expected. The steps already described for creating a Japanese face are complemented by light shades of silver, light gray, peach or beige. Eyelashes can be lightly painted with black or brown mascara, Special attention giving the outer corner. Eyebrows should be in the form of even and thin arches.

Lips can also be modified a little, making them more plump and short with a contour pencil. Lipstick will suit matte natural tone - beige, pink. You can use transparent gloss.

anime makeup

Makeup in the Japanese anime style implies more daring experiments and bright details. For example, for him, you can pre-select colored lenses. If you choose a dull black color, then your eyes will become deeper and more mysterious. Bright colors also look beautiful - green, blue, yellow, lilac. You can also fit more exotic lenses - white, in the form of a cat's eye, and so on.

The main touch that characterizes Japanese anime makeup is the emphasis on the eyes. They should be both almond-shaped and large, wide open, with a surprised naive look. This can be achieved by making a thicker modeling eyeliner using shading. Shadows can be bright, to match your eyes or suit.

The contrast of bleached skin, pronounced eyes and voluptuous lips - these are the three components of Japanese makeup. Japanese-style makeup is suitable not only for the holidays: masquerades, Halloween, an unusual photo shoot, but also for everyday (moderate) or evening makeup. The versatility of Japanese makeup lies in the fact that it is equally good for both dark-skinned and fair girls.

Japanese style makeup technique

The first step in creating a Japanese-style look is to apply a very light and even complexion., the so-called: "porcelain" skin color. For this, a light base is taken, very light and thin. After applying this foundation, take a light compact powder of the same tone as the foundation. It is better if the foundation and powder are two tones lighter than the main skin color. In no case should you take a completely different tone from the natural. Although the skin will seem more “porcelain”, it will look extremely comical and very much in the spirit of Japan's Kabuki theater.

By the way, when it comes to the theatre, Japanese-style make-up for theatrical parties and masquerades allows for such overdoing and, of course, will be greeted very warmly at a certain moment and in a certain place.

The next stage of makeup is applying eye makeup. Japanese women, like many Asian women, have slanted eyes. To create this effect, you can use an eyeliner or liquid eyeliner. Shadows are rarely used in Japanese make-up, as the upper eyelid of Asian women has a more closed look and hangs over the mobile eyelid, on which we mainly apply eye shadow in other types of makeup. Therefore, we use a black contour for the eyes, black eyeliner. “Arrows on the upper eyelid are drawn with a thick line. Can be applied to the outer corner of the eye a large number of shadows, but you can not do this.

The shape of the “arrow on the upper eyelid is such that it gives the eye a slant and extends upwards beyond the outer corner of the eye, slightly curving. This is in order to narrow the eye, give it an Asian flavor and mystery. The eyebrows of Japanese women are traditionally thin, like strings. You can give them a slight bend, as in Japanese paintings - a crescent. Moreover, if the eyebrows are light, you can safely draw this semicircle with an eyebrow pencil.

Mascara for Japanese makeup is not used. Instead, to give more "oriental", you can try to apply bright pink shadows on the middle of the upper eyelid and the outer corner of the eye.

Modern Japanese style makeup.

Japanese women prefer the classics in lipstick colors: red, scarlet, rich raspberry. The shape of the lips is a "bow". It can be achieved if you create such a shape with a contour pencil and fill it with a color selected from the above. Matte lipstick here does not play a significant role and does not cause controversy. Japanese women use both matte and glossy lipstick. When applying the contour with a “bow”, it should be borne in mind that you can retouch the “excess” of your own lip size by additionally applying powder and foundation to the lips themselves.

Well, as always, the completion of any makeup is the application of blush on the face. Again, if you look at the paintings of Japanese artists depicting girls, you can pay attention to the fact that their cheeks are covered with a pink blush, therefore, the final point of Japanese makeup is applying a gentle blush of pink tones to the cheekbones.

Video "Japanese geisha makeup"

Video "Everyday Japanese makeup"

Video "Basics of Japanese makeup"

Japanese makeup at home. How to apply Japanese makeup correctly. Japanese makeup technique, Japanese style makeup photo.

As you know, the mysterious image of an oriental woman has attracted men since ancient times, excites and excites their imagination. First of all, beauties from the East are distinguished by their quiet and calm disposition, humility, tenderness and meekness. In addition, they have the very beauty that can be called pure, flawless and even a little innocent. Japanese women stand out especially here with their even snow-white skin, slanting eyes, penetrating gaze, sensual lips and a gentle blush. That is why many women of other nationalities try to look like the inhabitants of Japan, carefully copying their image in general and makeup in particular.

In general, lately among European women and women of Slavic appearance, oriental-style makeup has been very popular: Arabic, Indian and Japanese. It is about how to properly apply Japanese makeup, its subtleties and secrets will be discussed in our article.

By itself, Japanese makeup can be completely different. It can be very bright and provocative, especially when it comes to geisha make-up or a character popular among young people in animated comics and cartoons. At the same time, classic Japanese-style makeup is perfect for every day, because it is done in a calm color scheme and it turns out to be quite neutral, but at the same time, it makes the face fresh and rested. A girl with traditional Japanese makeup looks very young, mysterious and even a little mysterious. If the first make-up option is more suitable for a theatrical performance, performances on stage or a carnival, then the second one will fit perfectly into everyday life.

Japanese women by nature have a rather specific appearance, namely black straight hair, very fair skin and slanting eyes. But, despite this, Japanese-style makeup, its basic principles and features can be very useful for women of Slavic appearance.

The most important features of any Japanese makeup are snow-white, porcelain skin, bright eyes and juicy, well-defined lips. It is from this that it is worth starting from, intending to start the technique of applying makeup in the Japanese style.

Japanese makeup step by step

Step one.

First of all, before applying makeup, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin of the face. This is done before applying any makeup, but in this case, the skin should be just perfectly smooth and flawless. Therefore, first we wash our face with milk or lotion, wipe the skin with tonic, apply a light moisturizer. Also at this stage, it is advisable to adjust the shape of the eyebrows, if necessary.
After the cream has been thoroughly absorbed, and the redness from plucking the eyebrows has gone, you can start applying the tone. To do this, you will need foundation and powder of the lightest shades. After all, we need to lighten the skin as much as possible, make it porcelain. So, first of all, we carefully mask dark circles under the eyes, as well as skin imperfections with the help of a concealer or a special corrector. Then we apply a tonal foundation to the skin, it should not be dense. Blend the borders well. After that, apply powder with a large brush. The shade of the powder should be a couple of tones lighter than your natural skin color.
Step two.

So, when the skin of the face has become even and snow-white, you can start eye makeup. Shadows are rarely used in Japanese makeup. This is justified by the fact that Asian women, for the most part, have naturally slanted eyes, and the movable eyelid is closed by the upper eyelid hanging over it. Therefore, for Japanese-style eye makeup, only eyeliner is most often used. Eyeliner is best to take a liquid, saturated color. With the help of eyeliner, arrows are drawn, and with the help of the arrow you should narrow your eyes a little, make them slanted like those of Asian women. The arrows must be very clear and even, any even the smallest and most insignificant flaws are unacceptable here. The arrow goes from the corner of the eye along the entire ciliary contour, goes beyond the eye, thickening and tending upward. The lower eyelid can be left untouched. Mascara in Japanese makeup is also rarely used.
Japanese women do not have thick, wide eyebrows. On the contrary, their eyebrows most often resemble thin threads. So keep this fact in mind when doing Japanese makeup. Eyebrows should be clearly defined, so draw on the eyebrows with a black pencil, lengthening them and making a slight bend in the middle.
Step three.

Japanese women are very fond of bright, juicy lips, in their shape resembling a bow. Therefore, Japanese makeup is characterized by such lipstick colors as red, cherry, plum, scarlet, raspberry. Since Slavic women by nature very rarely have lips with a bow, then they will have to be drawn. A contour pencil will help you to give your lips the desired shape. It should be soft and almost completely match the shade of the chosen lipstick. So, start drawing the bow from the middle of the upper lip, moving towards the corners of the mouth. Then carefully outline the lower lip, connecting both lines. Now fill the resulting shape with color using the same pencil. Then apply a thick layer of lipstick on top of it, it is most convenient to use a special brush for this purpose. What will be the lipstick, matte or glossy, you decide. Japanese women themselves equally love both one and the other. To give lips even more juiciness and seductiveness, you can apply a little lip gloss over lipstick.
Step four.

So, we have successfully overcome the three main stages of applying Japanese makeup. Now we have porcelain skin, bright slanting eyes and luscious lips. The last touch remained - a drop of blush. Blush should be light peach or pink. An ideal option would be liquid blush, it is they who give the face a special freshness and tenderness.
On this Japanese makeup can be considered complete. Now you can safely go to work, meet friends, go on a romantic date. But be prepared for admiring glances and male compliments, because a properly executed Japanese make-up makes any woman simply stunning beauty.

Japanese geisha makeup

Geisha make-up is a special kind of Japanese make-up, a real art thanks to which representatives of this ancient profession have conquered men's hearts for many centuries. Of course, if for Japan such a make-up will not surprise anyone, then in our country it is not recommended to walk around the streets of the city with such a coloring. Geisha makeup is a great option for a masquerade, costume party or participation in a theatrical production.
In principle, geisha makeup is based on the same principles and features as classic Japanese makeup. Only everything here takes on a hypertrophied form. Real geisha cover their faces with a thick layer of a special white paste made from rice flour. Eyebrows are most often shaved, and straight or curved lines are drawn in their place with a black pencil. Their lips resemble a bright red spot.
Of course, in the modern interpretation, everything does not look so intimidating. In order to do geisha makeup, you will first need to whiten your skin very carefully. Here you will need a special paste, sold in the departments of theatrical cosmetics. First prepare the skin of the face as described above. Then apply this white paste on the face, and this also applies to the eyebrows and lips. After that, using a black pencil, draw straight eyebrows. Apply pink or yellow shadows on the upper eyelid, draw a clear arrow with black eyeliner going up from the outer corner of the eye. Now draw the lips with a contour pencil, giving them the shape of a bow or flower. Apply bright red lipstick and lip gloss. The finishing touch will be light pink blush.
Such makeup must be complemented by a kimono and a high hairstyle.

japanese anime style makeup

Another version of Japanese makeup, characteristic of the heroines of Japanese cartoons and comics, is now at the peak of popularity. This type of makeup is characterized by a special drawing of the eyes. Here you do not have to strive for slantness. On the contrary, your goal will be to make huge, expressive eyes looking into the very soul. So your main assistants will be the shadows of the most saturated and bright colors, contour pencil, false eyelashes, and in some cases contact lenses.
So, first, as always, we prepare and brighten the skin of the face with the help of a tonal foundation and powder. Now draw straight, well-defined narrow eyebrows with a black pencil. Then we apply shadows of light shades, for example, pink or beige, to the entire upper eyelid. With a white contour pencil, draw a ciliary contour on the upper and lower eyelids, moving along the mucous membrane of the eye. Apply white eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye. Now we apply bright-colored shadows on the entire upper eyelid, reaching the very eyebrows, carefully blending the borders if several shades are used. We draw arrows with liquid eyeliner, here they should not go up, on the contrary, going beyond the eye, they go in a straight line. The lower eyelid is also drawn with eyeliner, it is not necessary to connect the arrow of the lower and upper eyelids. Then we glue false eyelashes, paint over the eyelashes on the lower eyelid with mascara. Lips are painted as usual in Japanese makeup. A bow is drawn, a matte lipstick of rich red color is applied. It remains only to apply a little blush and complement the image with ponytails, braids or a large pile.
How to do Japanese-style makeup, Ekaterina Novoselova told.
