Cool dating with a girl. Cool statuses, words and phrases for dating a girl

Phrase for dating at your own risk:
Let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night now, and you refuse?

- Girl, can you tell me what time it is?
- Not
- Do you have a free one for me?

Girl, you are such a sweetheart ... I would paw you and paw ...

The original way of dating:
- Girl, I'm sorry, I lost my phone, you can call him from yours and find out where he is, if you're lucky.
- Can.
The guy's phone rings in his pocket.
- ?!
- My name is ... And do not tell me your name to write down your number. Let's get acquainted. The weather is wonderful for a walk, isn't it?!)

I will give myself up to good female hands, unpretentious in food, accustomed to the toilet, affectionate, I respond to a cat, a bunny, etc. completely domesticated (salary home, "to the left" with no foot) not castrated.

Phrase for dating a girl
- Girl, you probably want a child?
- Do you want me to help you?

Hello, let's meet? - Who are you? Perhaps the one you've been waiting for all your life. - Cristiano Ronaldo... is that you? :)

Girl, do you have a home Plush Toys? Me too! Let's introduce them.

A guy sticks up on the street, well, like to get to know each other. - Girl, do you have a boyfriend? - Not. - Why? - Because I doused him with gasoline and left him to burn alive! I will never forget his face...

Sorry I forgot my phone number. Won't you borrow yours?

The girl is standing with her back to you. You take out a piece of thread 30 centimeters long from your pocket and pretend to take it off the girl’s shoulder. Here you can say the phrase: "And how long does it hang on you?"

You get lost! No, girl, you are definitely lost and I can help you!

When reading in a train compartment, put the dust jacket upside down, and you will see how many interesting people you will get to know.

Words for dating a beautiful girl:
Are you an English princess by any chance? You just have a royal gait!

beautiful phrase for dating a girl is a joke or a bad remark.

Girl, please call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!

“To the best of a vulgar romantic will meet an adequate Princess for a joint licking of Dreams”

Can you tell me how to effectively warm the soul?

Girl, girl, can I take a walk with you, otherwise all sorts of pester me, they ask for documents.

Girl, can I get to know you or at least five minutes to pester?

You must be tired: you've been running after me in your sleep all night.

"At first there was a word" - isn't it about online dating? Masters of folding letters into meaningful sequences turn out to be people with pleasant faces and characters.

Oh my God! Imagine, I thought I was gay until I met you!

We are usually driven to new acquaintances not so much by fatigue from old ones or by love for change, but by dissatisfaction with the fact that people we know well do not admire us enough, and the hope that people who are little known will admire us more.

In the restaurant:
- Look what girls are at that table, let's go get acquainted!
- Wait, let them pay first!)))

Girl you are very beautiful beautiful girls need to multiply.

Young woman! Which stall's wine do you prefer at this time of day?

Getting acquainted on the Internet, find out all the subtleties in order to avoid embarrassing trouble. Sometimes you expect, for example, a girl from jersey. Ah, here comes the grandfather in jersey!

You know, your hair matches my pillow so well.

I have amnesia - have I approached you yet?

I'm standing at the bus stop, a guy comes up. "Girl, can I meet you?" I decided to make fun and say - “Do you believe in God the way I believe in him?” ... How he ran ...))

Let me take you home. At least with a glance.

I want to meet a girl with whom we will not have common acquaintances. It's so wonderful. It's like starting a new life.

Neutral words for dating: You probably spent half your life looking good and attracting men ... And now, I fell for it!

Fortune telling in the kitchen of the hostel: the girls put potatoes on several pans to fry. From whose frying pan the men eat potatoes, she goes to their room to swear and get acquainted.

Girl, you seem so very familiar to me ... Yes, exactly, I remembered that we went to one Kindergarten!

On the street, some people come up to meet you. Before he had time to introduce himself, my children ran up shouting "YOU are our dad!"

I'm looking for a girl, preferably without habits at all)))

If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!

You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

- What is your name?
- Anastasia.
- What a long name! I won't remember. Can't it be shorter?
- Ira

All acquaintances, friendships and relationships with people are like hard knockout games. I was fine with you, but now you are the weakest link, goodbye ...

- Can I meet you girl?
- Can)))))
- And let's go with you right away on "you"?
- And let's go to the "sun" with you right away?))))))

- Guys, do not look for "The One" in clubs and bars.
She sleeps at home at night.
- So what?
- Go knock on the windows!

"I'm going to meet a girl. I will answer emails with photos. Those who know "Photoshop" please do not disturb ":-))

- And you what do you do? - Landscape designer. - Cool! What does it mean? - I work on a bulldozer ...

I'm at the bus stop in the morning. Nearby is a girl of about 20 years old. A dude approaches her, obviously wanting to get acquainted, and gives out: “Girl, I'm sorry, do you know your name?”


And what will you do tonight after we go to the cinema with you?

- girl, you and I, probably on the way ???
- No, I'm not fucking!

A phrase for acquaintance, said with a very preoccupied look: I, you know, bad memory. Haven't I approached you yet?

- I'm modest and shy to approach a girl!
- And you get drunk and crawl.

Girl, excuse me, but your legs are not tired? .. You always do not get out of my head.

I will meet a girl who can dig worms, clean fish, weave nets, with a motor boat! A photo of the boat is required))

She: I don’t give on the first day of our acquaintance!
He: blah ... well, then at least take it?

Unexpected phrase for dating:
Girl, what are you doing for the rest of your life?

Stop! We looked at each other so much that we forgot to introduce ourselves. Let's try again.

Kazakh acquaintance:
- Girl, what's your name?
- Asem.
- Why not, A eight?
- How are you?
- Abzal.
- Why not about the kitchen?

An experienced firefighter is looking for a fire woman. Lighter girls, please do not disturb.

Girl, what's your phone number? - Sony Ericsson. - No, I mean the number? - Federal. - No, what are the numbers? - Arabic

Young woman! Marry me or I'll change my mind.

cool statuses, words and phrases for dating a girl

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. At your place beautiful eyes And what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hey I'm reading right now interesting story. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be the most beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change mine free time to communicate with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. That's where the two fucking met attractive person. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Have you ever had young people crawling at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, oil and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? Not? It's a pity…
  72. Interesting, but your inner world matches your photo?
  73. It must be bad to be your girlfriend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever really seen interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. Do you have such Perfect eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.

Have you ever met an interesting young man near the subway?

Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No. And why then does it seem to you that we have known each other for a long time? full of passion glances?.. Then why did you pester me without even looking?.. Perhaps you want to give me a phone number?

Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? Not? And no wonder - because I was not there. And where did you meet me, do not tell me?

What is the current rate for the Spanish peseta? And the Portuguese escudo?

Didn't I talk to you on the phone today?

And you, by chance, do not have my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!

And what will you do tonight after we go to the cinema with you?

What are you doing for the rest of your life?

Borjomi and sausage I have already bought. So we can arrange a date right here and now.

Be mine beautiful lady and I'll be your knight. Who said that the knights were transferred? Knock on my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.

Your wig really suits you!

Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.

Your mother needs a son-in-law?.. Well, what to do? Then let's not sign for now, but let's live.

Your magic eyes drove me crazy, and if we don't see each other soon, my heart will break.

Your documents!

See that bright dot in the night sky? It's a comet that's coming straight here at 35,000 kilometers per second. She's supposed to be here in an hour. So you want to have sex?

I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.

That's you I was looking for!

Can you tell me the time?.. What about free time?

Are you Natasha, my contact?

You have arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve a life sentence in the captivity of your heart.

You are to blame - you are the one to disentangle! ..? .. That you have such a bewitching look single man in the prime of life, it is stronger than weapons of mass destruction.

Do you speak Russian?

You get lost! I can help you?

You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl walking slowly. In our time, everyone is running like that ... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: caught up - it means you got married, if you didn’t catch up - it’s your own fault. Do you know such a custom?

Do you know what a good frying pan is? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to find out your name and ask for a phone number.

Do you know how this street (square, station, wagon) differs from all others?.. The fact that we met on it.

Do you know what love at first sight is, or should I go through it again?

What fairy tale are you from?

Have you ever been to Paris? And in Tahiti? Do you want to visit? I'm going to go in ten years, I can take you with me.

You are beautiful like a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.

Won't you tell me?

I liked you so much that I have been following you for three stops. Do you mind if we sit down and rest a bit?

Do you play drums?.. Me too! See how much we have in common, let's get to know each other.

Do you look at everyone like that, or only at those you like?

you remind me of mine cousin. I also really want to fuck her, but I understand that this can not be done.

You remind me of my late girlfriend.

Are you afraid that someone will meet you like this?

You did not see by chance - here five minutes ago my White horse did not run?

Do you mind if I hide from the scorching sun in the shadow of your slender figure?

Do you know how best to spend my salary?

Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.

Are you in a hurry? I so want to treat you to ice cream!

You are not mistaken - I am going straight to you.

Won't you take me to the other side?

Can you tell me which year?

Can you tell me why planes fly but don't flap their wings?

Can you tell me which side the cigarette is lit on?

Can you give me a recipe for cactus jam?

Will you invite me to a restaurant?

You understand, I have such problems ... As soon as I see a girl, I immediately want to hug her, press her to my chest, kiss her body, and then make love to her all night. I just want it unbearably. And I can’t do anything about it ... Maybe you can offer me something?

You are simply adorable! I can’t pass by and not give you this compliment, but there’s just physically not enough time to get to know each other, since I’m very late. Maybe you can give me your phone number? I'll call you and we'll get to know each other.

Will you exchange your solitude and monotonous existence for romantic walks under the moon for two and cheerful laughter?

Will you exchange my free time for your name and phone number?

Will you exchange my boredom and loneliness for the mischievous sparkle in your eyes?

you don't happen to British Queen? You just have a royal gait!

You look so intellectual in glasses that I don't even know if I can interest you.

You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

You are so sad... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.

You are so beautiful, do you need a bodyguard? .. I can shoot with two hands and hit a can from 20 steps ... From ten meters I hit a running cockroach in the eye ... I can shoot down a helicopter with a stool if I throw it correctly ... I catch a bullet on the fly with my teeth ... I have black belt... in chess. My name is Andrei, which means “courageous”… And what are we all about me and me… Let's talk about you. What is your name?

Do you think you can look at me as a sex object and get away with it?

Are you following me?! I've seen you a couple of hundred times already, what do you want from me? You have been dreaming of me at night for half a year, but I don’t know what to call you in a dream! Can you finally tell me your name? Then I can talk to you, even if in a dream!

You must be tired... All night long they ran after me in my sleep.

You must have spent half your life trying to look good and attract men ... And now, I fell for it!

Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me.

Marry me or I'll change my mind.

The horoscope promised me an acquaintance with a witch. Obviously, it has already taken place.

Let's not get to know each other, we will pass each other and you will not know that my name is Ruslan, and I will not know your name. You will lose me, so kind, cheerful, beautiful, and I will lose the uniquely divine you. And we will not be able to spend minutes, hours together, and the days spent together will seem to us only seconds. Do you agree?

Let's play scales! You will sit on my face and I will guess your weight.

Let's play interesting game. I will tell you my name, you will tell me yours, and then we, holding hands, will go to eat ice cream in the nearest cafe.

Let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night now, and you refuse?

Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.

Good afternoon, I have a completely unconventional question for you. I am interested in how you would refuse a young man who would come up to you and say: “Let's get acquainted”?

It must have hurt... falling from the sky.

Friends call me Andrey, but you can call me tomorrow.

If God created something more beautiful than you, then he kept it for himself.

If the stars would fall every time I think of you, the sky would be black, the night would become gloomy.

If you cut off your hands, you will become like the Venus de Milo.

If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!

Is it really hot in here, or are you that hot?

Here the area is mined. Come on, I'll show you a workaround!

Hello! Tomorrow?.. Like what? Tomorrow we meet here at 8 pm? .. Would you like to? OK, so tomorrow at eight in another place? .. Not so? So, is it still here? .. So we agreed!

Hello! I'm doing a census, and I decided to start with you.

Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you, who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.

You know, your hair matches my pillow so well.

You know, I look at you and think how my future children will ask: “Dad! Dad! How did you meet your mother?” And I will remember this wonderful moment when I saw you.

You know, spring has come - it's time to breed. Yes, it's good for health too. Come to me.

And what does it feel like to be beautiful girl in this city?

Let's go on a date!

Go to your uncle before I soap your ears.

Sorry, you may consider me crazy, but I'm afraid that if I don't hear your voice, I'll never forgive myself for this. You touched all my thoughts and I'm scared that I won't be able to get rid of it. The dream will lose all meaning for me, for it will be with great joy replaced by writing sonnets and poems to you. It will be a great pity if they are wasted and you cannot read them. Are you ready to sacrifice the life of a poor poet in love?

Excuse me, do you like me?.. Don't answer, my name is Roman. And what is your name? Let me give you a call sometime. Do you have a phone?

Sorry, I forgot my phone number. You won't lend yours?

Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.

It looks like we're on our way...

It seems that today there was a rainbow ... My wishes come true.

How do you like it here?

What do you think an interesting young man should say pretty girl when meeting on the street, so as not to get rejected?

What dish do I cook best? Breakfast in bed.

What is your shoe size?.. Well, we met!

Cool legs! What time do they open?

Cool shoes! Do you want to fuck?

When I see a girl like you, I thank the Lord that I am not married.

When I look at you, my heart skips a beat! Call an ambulance for cardiology.

Touch her blouse and ask, "Is this cotton?" Then touch it in the crotch area and continue: "Oh, and this must be felt."

Little Red Riding Hood, I'll eat you!

Who can be late for such a beautiful girl? For example, I'm already here!

Who is she? Why dont know?

Where would you go if you wanted to find yourself a new friend?

Where are you going? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. Hurry up? Let me take you. By the way, my name is Misha, and you?

My name is Andrey, and I was instructed to send you greetings ... From whom? From my heart.

My name is Andrew, but who are you?

I miss two things in my life - hair and you.

I was told to kiss smoking girl it's like licking an ashtray. What can you say to this?

Am I still far from Chukotka? And then I want to visit my grandmother.

I feel sorry for those around me. Your beauty makes them a gray mass.

I'm wondering how your content matches your forms.

I don't think our paths crossed by chance...

It seems to me that we are relatives. Let me take a look at the family mole on his chest.

I like your hat! .. I like your watch! .. If you think about it, I like everything about you! .. My name is Ivan. What name are you called, a brilliant example of natural perfection?

A gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in a red dress. Does this description remind you of anyone?

I could swear you could do with an escort of some currently ladyless knight. Luckily for you, I'm right here without a lady... for now.

[Many of these initial dating phrases that people with limited imagination like to use were once invented offhand by people with imagination when communicating with a stranger. If you want to develop your ability to improvise and act according to the situation, especially when introducing and seducing, you can learn this in real conditions at practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy under the control of special equipment in “hot mode”.]

Can I flirt with you?

Maybe we'll go to my place, draw the curtains, undress, lie down in bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what happens?

May I say hello to you?

May I kiss you on the lips? I want to overcome the complex of disgust in myself!

Can I ask you? .. What would you like to ask?

Can I have your photo?.. I collect “Pokémon”.

Can I walk with you? And then all sorts of pester me, they ask for documents.

Can I take a picture of you near the statue? Then the picture will be more alive.

Can I take a photo from you? I want Santa Claus not to make a mistake with a gift for New Year.

May I know your name? I want to introduce him with my last name.

Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!

May I meet the New Year with you?

Milk and chocolate, yin and yang, black and white, day and night, you and me.

Did my tie move out of the way? I'm going to important meeting and I want to look perfect.

My love for you is like diarrhea - I can't contain it.

My dream is an angel's kiss...

My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought lottery ticket and I want you to kiss him and bring me good luck.

I don't know who you are or what your name is, but I want to see you again.

Don't answer the call. This is me.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a nice chat with a young man to whom you are very nice, while I escort you to the place where you need to.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of morning coffee in my company.

Are there Germans in the city? And the Russians?

Does such a beautiful girl like you really have no boyfriend today?

Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?

Oh my God! I thought I was gay until I met you!

I promise that I will not breathe into the tube at night

Oh, what do you have cool perfume and where to buy them?

The railing is, of course, good, but my courageous hand for support is much more reliable.

Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?

Tell me, please, where exactly do you want to put your autograph - in this notebook or on this pretty postcard?

Let's go to the forest - I'll show you the city.

Let's go to the garden - I'll show you my big hard cucumbers.

Remember me? We met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.

Help the homeless, take to your home.

Help me buy beer! I don't know which one to choose?

Help me go to the left!

In my opinion, both you and I are bored in this crowd. Maybe we should go somewhere?

Listen ... I could come up with some kind of pretext for acquaintance, but I do not want to fool you. Can we do without formalities?

Stay calm for at least a minute. I draw you.

Touch my forehead. I think I have a temperature.

Kiss me if I'm wrong, but I think your name is Agripina.

Truth! The sunset looks very romantic, doesn't it?

Hello! Why didn't you call me, why didn't you write? You know how sad it is to realize that no one needs you.

Hello! What are you doing here?.. Are you standing? Wonderful! Let's stand together!

Hello! Let me call you “Fekla”, and you call me “Mr. Wet Pants”!

Hello! You know (you understand, you feel, you see...) that today the Sun is shining (it warms, pours rays, rejoices...) and the weather is pleasant (cool, fabulous...) outside. We could walk, talk, eat ice cream (drink gin...) and have a lot of fun (cool, cute, nice...) to have a great time. It would not be forgotten. By the way, the last time I saw you, you were in an amazing dress (skirt, suit) that it would be a crime not to invite you for an easy walk. And your consent will be an acquittal for me, dear guy!

Hello! How are you?

Hello! Today we are lucky...

Hello! Recognized? .. So I didn’t recognize you right away either.

Hello sunshine! My name is Tarzan. I was picking coconuts here, and suddenly I see - there is a lonely girl whose name is ...

Come and read to me about Pinocchio.

Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn't you just pinch my ass? .. No? .. Damn! It's a pity…"

Forgive me, this is apparently fate. This is the second time we have met in such a huge city… My name is Andrey. How would you react to the offer to have a nice time together by the water on the lawn, with good champagne?

Excuse me, can you tell me... Your name and phone number.

Excuse me, miss, do you have a spark? .. Actually, I don’t smoke, but I had to start acquaintance with you somehow.

Excuse me, have I fucked you before?

Excuse me, can I fit into your evening schedule?

I'm sorry... I just want to thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you're not entirely happy, and not...when you feel like you're going with the flow. And suddenly you run into someone and see a surprisingly warm and beautiful smile, which instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a sense of beauty for the whole day? .. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like you have adorned my life with your appearance ...

Glad to serve the sweet lady! May I accompany you?

Allow me to offer you a hand and a heart. I am a surgeon, I have this stuff in bulk.

Let me take you home. At least with a glance.

Is it possible to get to know you or so - to pester for five minutes?

Is it difficult to get to know you?

From the very morning I was late for work, in the afternoon I was almost hit by a car, then I was bitten angry dog, the bearded janitor shouted, I fell into the sewer and lost my wallet with documents there, but that's not all - my pager burned out from a lightning strike, the tamagotchi died from an overdose, and an hour ago, an evil virus erased the book on my computer over which I I've been working for six months now. And if you don't give me your phone number now so that I can call you and invite you for a cup of coffee, then I'll probably go and drown myself in that puddle on the other side of the street. Consider, you have a chance to save a good man!

Tell me something sweet!

Tell me honestly, do these contact lenses suit me?

Please tell me what kind of perfume you use - I will buy the same ones and perfume my cat with them so that she reminds me of you.

Tell me, is it not from your purse that it smells so delicious of pies?

How much is your smile worth? I would buy one!

Save! I'm being followed by an American spy who's after this note. Please take it and hide it well, but never read it! Give me your phone number so I can pick her up when things calm down a bit. (In the note “Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera!”)

Shooting eyes, do not leave the wounded!

The fate of the Motherland depends only on your decision! Gather all your will into a fist and tell me, will you meet me or not?

Here I have a couple of teeth missing - but more room for your tongue.

Can you play spin the bottle? Let's go together!

You're on my to-do list for tonight.

You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.

Did you buy potatoes? That's what I thought! Okay, then I'll buy potatoes. Today I'm waiting for you for dinner. Everything has already been bought, only potatoes remain. But it's nothing. I'll cook everything. What time can you come?.. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my address! Write it down.

Are you not gay? Me too! Then you can sleep.

You could not smile: It's dark outside.

Will you kiss me or will I have to lie in my diary again?

You were bad today, very bad girl. I have to punish you...

You don't do interiors by any chance? The room became beautiful as soon as you entered it.

You spend so much time in my thoughts that soon you will have to take rent.

You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you.

You are so cool that I am ready to drink bath water after you!

Do you want beer or just give you money?

Thousands of artists over a thousand years have not been able to create such beauty that could compete with yours.

Do you have a taxi token?

You won't have a can key?

You will not have a piece of paper and a pen?.. Can I write down my phone number for you? I would hate to lose you.

Don't have aspirin?

Do you have a thread to start our friendship right here?

Your right eye is lighter than your left - I have never seen such a thing in my life!

You have the most beautiful place got dirty.

I have amnesia - have I approached you yet?

There's a party in my pants and you're invited.

I have a fiancé for your dog. And maybe for you.

I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..

I have a request to you: can I give you this flower? I would like to see you someday and give you big bouquet roses. Do you love roses?

My hands are busy. Will you zip up my fly?

I have two holidays today! First - I saw such a wonderful, beautiful girl who has such a warm and soulful look. And the second - I spoke to you.

There's something wrong with my eyes - I can't tear them away from you.

You have a boyfriend? Do you need a better guy? Answer the second question first.

When I saw you, I thought about the days that I will remember in my old age - when my children were born, when I got married and when I met you.

The phrase “You are dancing” where there is no dancing at all.

Do you want a pickup artist? .. It's me, in fact, and what this word means - you can’t say in a nutshell. Let's go, sit down on the bench, I'll explain... No time? Nothing, give me the phone, I'll find you.

Do you want me to give you a ride with the breeze on the escalator?

Do you want to see your feet in the rearview mirror of my car?

What are you doing at three in the morning?

Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?

What is such a beautiful girl doing on this escalator/elevator?

What is it you are weaving like a sad turtle, can you do anything to help?

It was difficult, but still I decided to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue.

It's incredible! All 27 of my personalities found you amazingly attractive!

This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would have looked no worse in his place.

Oh, good Masha! Not ours.

I am a well-deserved brake, I do not know how to glue girls, but I just could not get past you, so I hope that you will take a miserable three minutes to communicate with me. May I accompany you, well, at least a little?

I am a seller of happiness. Would you like me to sell it to you at cost?

I'm running for president in 2024. Your voice is important to me. And I need your number to tell you...

I will sleep with you, with you and with you! Who is first?

I am in the city for the first time. Can you show where you live?

I am ready to put everything I have at your feet. Give me your address and I'll take my things to you tomorrow.

Pretty girls know their worth, so they like to be conquered. How does the conquest of a pretty female begin? From dating! If on the street a guy comes up to a girl he likes and asks uncertainly or confidently:
"Girl! Can I meet you!" What is the most common response he hears? - Not! Because this answer is beautiful and proud girl asks for itself.
In order not to be rejected immediately, the girl (woman) needs to be intrigued or made laugh with a cool phrase. This is the beginning of what is now called the very fashionable word PICKUP (Removal Rules or Acquaintance for the Purpose of Seduction)

So original phrases for acquaintance:

You couldn't smile, otherwise it's dark outside. (Any girl will melt)

How do you do it?.. Look so good. (100% option)

How lovely! Are these your legs?

Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!

Have you had young people crawling at your feet before?

May I look at you?

You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you. (Disarms the girl unambiguously)

Many already today sent off? I have only three so far. Well, the arrogant girls went.

You must have started. By at least, you start me terribly.

Do you need a husband? ("No!" - "Oh, then I'll come to you!")

You are so cool that I am ready to drink bath water after you!

Hello, do you think we will look like a young dynamic couple?

Girl, are you interested in cute unmarried guys? No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about a friend. His girlfriend is a bitch and left him. And you are not a bitch?

Walk past her, then turn around abruptly and ask, “Didn’t you just pinch my butt?.. No?.. Damn! Sorry…”

Do you look at everyone like that or only at those you like?

Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?

What do you think, who likes whom more: me to you or you to me? (Presumptuous, so watch over the girl)

Help me go to the left! (Rough, but it can work)

Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?

Stop! We looked at each other so much that we forgot to introduce ourselves. Let's try again. (This is if the girl is really staring)

Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor. (Only suitable for real womanizers)

Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.

You have the most beautiful place dirty. (very intriguing)

Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?

I looked in the dictionary for a synonym for the word "beautiful" - your name there was also...

Girl, I'm looking for a dance partner... Allow me to examine you more closely.

And you, by chance, do not have my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, but to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!

And what will you do tonight, after we get to know you?

Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?

Did you happen to see that my white horse didn't run here five minutes ago?

You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

You are so sad... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.

Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.

What is your shoe size? .. I have the 45th. Well, we got to know each other!

Girl, how long do you think it's decent to be late?

Hello! Today we are lucky...

Girl, please call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!

Hello! Recognized? .. So I didn’t recognize you right away either.

Let me take you home. At least with a glance.

I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..

Girl, excuse me, but your legs are not tired? .. You always do not get out of my head.

Girl, do you believe in love at seventh sight?

Girl, I like you so much that I've been following you for three stops ... Do you mind if we sit down and rest a little?

Girl, do you know how to get to the Eiffel Tower?

Girl, do you know what makes Tefal dishes good? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to find out your name and ask for a phone number.

Do you play drums?.. No... Me too! See how much we have in common, let's

Sorry I forgot my phone number. Won't you borrow yours?

You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.

Do you have a thread to start our relationship right here?

Girl, do you have a compass? BUT hourglass? I think it's not worth asking about the barometer.

Girl, your help is urgently needed! .. The fact is that I'm going to drown. And your eyes are perfect for that.

The only thing your eyes didn't tell me was your name.

I'm a visitor. Can you tell me how to get to your house?

I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.

Girl, don’t you know why the lens is round, but the photos are square? (before that, you can ask you to take a picture)

Giving a girl a flower: "I really wanted to show this rose how beautiful you are..."

Do you know how this street (station, square, wagon) differs from all others?.. Here I met you...

If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!

Girl, do you know if the New Year will be this year or next?

Girl, get out, see that young man? So he doesn't know yet, doesn't know yet... What's your name?.. And my name is Misha. So, that young man does not yet know that we just met.

You know, I have absolutely no idea what I should say to get to know you, but let's better imagine that I have already said all this.

Girl, did you sleep well yesterday? And didn't even flinch? I couldn't sleep all night waiting for our meeting.

Girl, do you have plush toys at home? Me too! Let's introduce them.

I bet you are a stubborn person... I read in a magazine that girls who wear round earrings/red pants/green bags/whatever have very stubborn personalities. (Most people consider themselves stubborn, so it's easy to strike up a conversation.)

Do not tell me in which direction you need to go to get acquainted with SIMULTANEOUSLY ATTRACTIVE AND SMART girl? There? (pointing to one side) There? (pointing the other way) Or stay here (smile)?

Hello. I agree...

Don't you remember me, I lived next door? Not? And no wonder - after all, I have never lived near you. Maybe we have everything ahead of us?

Hello, I am your dream.

Coming close enough to the girl, you can stand for a minute or two with the air of a man thinking about something of his own, and then dumbfound the unfortunate innocent question: -Girl! Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way

When I get old, I will remember the brightest moments of my life: the day my children were born, the day of my wedding, and the day I met you.

Please remind me what I was wearing when we saw each other last time?

Can you tell me the time?.. What about free time?

Girl, do you meet young and pretty people?

Hi Vera! (Come and hug tightly). How long have I not seen you! (Kiss her) Wow, you've changed! (She, not understanding anything, answers: "I'm not Vera.") What? My God, you even changed your name!

Girl wait! You seem to have lost something!.. I don't see your smile anywhere!! Ah, no! Here I found it!!

Girl, kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Evdokia?

Girl, you know what I just saw? I saw a young man just meet a girl. And literally after five minutes of conversation, they communicated as if they had known each other for 100 years. By the way, you know how the young man started the conversation. He said: "Do you know what I just saw? .."

Girl, I'm sorry, didn't you get hit by a shrapnel? .. It's just that you, passing by, broke my heart. I thought, suddenly I hooked you?

You approach the girl with a smile: "Lend me your hand, girl, I'll tell you what you have on it." If she stretches out, you take her hand, actively touch it and with huge eyes and a surprised voice: "Amazing! .. She's all in her fingers!"

Such a beautiful girl should have a beautiful phone number!

After much trying to catch his eye, smiling, "Why are you staring at me so intently?" Her: "I'm not looking at you." "Okay, why aren't you looking at me?.."

The girl is standing with her back to you. You take out a piece of thread 30 centimeters long from your pocket and pretend to take it off the girl’s shoulder. Here you can say the phrase: "And how long does it hang on you?"

If the girl in sunglasses with mirror lenses, you can ask them to use them as mirrors (comb your hair, for example).

If a girl reads a book, then give her beautiful bookmark with the image of a pleasant animal or flower, at worst, a leaf from a tree will do, with the words: "I noticed that there is no bookmark in your book, so I decided to give it to you. It seems to me that this bookmark suits your book very well." If she has a bookmark, you just need to offer a more beautiful option.

How did you know that I'm here?

It was very interesting which of us smiled wider.

May I see your profile? Thank you. You have one of the most beautiful profiles I have ever seen in my life.

Can you forgive yourself... if I don't get to know you?

If you are afraid of being sent when trying to get acquainted, then approach twenty girls with the goal of being sent and try very hard! What are you afraid of - that you will be sent or that you will not be able to be sent? If the girls ask, say so: “My friend said that it’s very difficult to be sent by a girl. I bet him for 20 rubles, so you can help me earn money for beer. But I ask you - the message must be of high quality, I I'll record it on the recorder."

Being close to a girl, inflate balloon, write or draw with a marker what you want, and solemnly hand it over.

Shake off her shoulder, sleeve, back (but not the back) and say: "Now you look even better. I am Alexander."

Give the girl a piece of paper with the words "Read, please, otherwise I can't see well." On the sheet the text "I really like you, and I suggest we get to know you. My name is ..."

You appear in front of a sitting girl, you say: "I'll come right now." And you disappear, after which you reappear, but already as an old acquaintance of hers.

You look at the girl and smile, trying to evoke a response. If she doesn't smile, stick out your tongue and smile again.

buy bubble, and let them go towards the girl, not forgetting to smile. Then you can come up and give them to her with the words: "Now it's your turn."

You ask the question: "Girl, what's wrong with you?" After her surprise: "Now, here ..." You take out your mobile phone, take a picture of her and show her the picture. "See?" She will be even more surprised. You answer, smiling: "HOW??!?? There is no smile on your face!?!"

You uproot a simple flower, approach a girl or a group of girls and say: "This is a flower, and I am Sergey."

In transport

Didn't you just pinch me?

Girl: Are you leaving?
You: If you invite, then yes.

I can’t reach the handrail - can I hold on to you?

I have seen such a gathering of people three times in my life: at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, during student unrest in Cambridge and in Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace".

They don't put much pressure on you?.. Do you know why? Because I hold them all. Now I know how fish feel in a tin can.

Please punch my brains with your name and phone number.

Girl, you know today is a big holiday, just the same anniversary! A holiday is that I have the pleasure of riding in the same tram with you, and an anniversary is the tenth time. How about to celebrate this cause, go to "..."? (go for a walk...)

I just thought that if it were not for your smiling face that I see every morning, I would probably quit my job and stay at home.

Is it okay if I stare at you from up close, and not from across the bus?

See how good we are at fighting for our balance.

At the bus stop

Girl, can you tell me if the right bus has left for a long time?

Girl, what do you think, which door of the trolleybus is better to enter (in which tram car to go)?

Excuse me, can you tell me which bus is better to go?

No, I suggest not to miss such a wonderful moment and get to know each other right now!"

In the underground

Why do you always get off at the same stop as me?

Have you ever met an interesting young man in?

Do you want me to give you a ride with the breeze on the escalator?

Excuse me, but if I get on the first carriage, will I get to the Borovitsky Gate station? What if I sit in the last one? And if together with you?

Can you tell me where the dining car is?

You probably know. I bought pasta, but I have no idea what to do with them ... May I always consult with you?

Can you tell me where they sell men's tights with hair holes?

- (In line) Doesn't it bother you that a handsome single guy is standing behind you?

- [Counting change] Girl, how much is your smile worth?

In the cafe

Sorry, I have a little problem here. See that table over there?.. There are too many lonely chairs around it. How about keeping me company?

Girl, if you want, I'll treat you to French cake or Turkish coffee.

In the museum

Would you hang this picture in your home?

If I had a million dollars, I would buy you this painting.

In my opinion, this is a portrait of your great-great-great-grandmother.

In the elevator

Aren't you afraid of being stuck in a stuck elevator with a maniac like me?

Do you know if this elevator goes to heaven?

In room

It seems to me that you are a creative person ...

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I enter again?

In the dark

Do you meet in the dark? What about under the lamppost?
- You are beautiful?

On the beach

- Girl, help me squeeze out my swimming trunks, please ...

Girl, I see, you swim so cool, could you watch me, otherwise I don’t know how to swim at all. Thank you for ice cream and coffee.

Give me your glasses, please, otherwise my swimming trunks sank.

In fins and a mask you look very sexy!

Please look after my things while I bathe.

Girl, teach me how to eat watermelon, huh? And then I can't. I eat the crust - and I've already eaten.

Young woman! Be so kind as not to walk around swaying your hips past that old man over there. He's already had two heart attacks! Walk better past me, I have a strong heart.

- Girl, do you want to guess what you have under your swimsuit? (Risky!)

Girl, can I sleep on your sunbed? Yes, don’t get up, don’t get up! .. (Even riskier)

“Girl, where is the sand you walked on?” I run and kiss him. If you want, I will kiss this asphalt for you! I will kiss any rubbish for you, even your girlfriend and your husband! (a hundred poods will make a girl laugh, and that's half the battle)

In a place that is not the most suitable for dating, for example, in line for a paid dry closet:
- Girl you never met in the toilet?

- Girl, can I meet you?
— Hum!

Phrases are prohibited for use by people without a sense of humor! Many of them require a lot of confidence and acting skills, which is why they are not always suitable for novice pick-up artists. If you like to show off, then this collection will be a source of inspiration for you. The rest will be enough the phrase “Hi, I liked you! My name is… and yours?!”

  • Have you ever met an interesting young man near the subway?
  • Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No. And why then does it seem to you that we have known each other for a long time? .. And why then do you throw such inviting and passionate glances at me? .. Why then did you pester me without even looking? telephone?
  • Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? Not? And no wonder - because I was not there. And where did you meet me, do not tell me?
  • What is the current rate for the Spanish peseta? And the Portuguese escudo?
  • Didn't I talk to you on the phone today?
  • And you, by chance, do not have my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!
  • And what will you do tonight after we go to the cinema with you?
  • What are you doing for the rest of your life?
  • Borjomi o sausage I have already bought. So we can arrange a date right here and now.
  • Be my fair lady and I'll be your knight. Who said that the knights were transferred? Knock on my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.
  • Your wig really suits you!
  • Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.
  • Your mother needs a son-in-law?.. Well, what to do? Then let's not sign for now, but let's live.
  • Your magical eyes have driven me crazy, and if we don't see each other soon, my heart will break.
  • Your documents!
  • See that bright dot in the night sky? It's a comet that's coming straight here at 35,000 kilometers per second. She's supposed to be here in an hour. So you want to have sex?
  • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
  • That's you I was looking for!
  • Can you tell me the time?.. What about free time?
  • Are you Natasha, my contact?
  • You have arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve a life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
  • You are to blame - you and clear up the mess! ..?
  • Do you speak Russian?
  • You get lost! I can help you?
  • You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl walking slowly. In our time, everyone is running like that ... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: caught up - it means you got married, if you didn’t catch up - it’s your own fault. Do you know such a custom?
  • Do you know what a good frying pan is? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to find out your name and ask for a phone number.
  • Do you know how this street (square, station, wagon) differs from all others?.. The fact that we met on it.
  • Do you know what love at first sight is, or should I go through it again?
  • What fairy tale are you from?
  • Have you ever been to Paris? And in Tahiti? Do you want to visit? I'm going to go in ten years, I can take you with me.
  • You are beautiful like a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
  • Won't you tell me?
  • I liked you so much that I have been following you for three stops. Do you mind if we sit down and rest a bit?
  • Do you play drums?.. Me too! See how much we have in common, let's get to know each other.
  • Do you look at everyone like that, or only at those you like?
  • You remind me of my cousin. I also really want to fuck her, but I understand that this can not be done.
  • You remind me of my late girlfriend.
  • Are you afraid that someone will meet you like this?
  • Did you happen to see that my white horse didn't run through here five minutes ago?
  • Do you mind if I hide from the scorching sun in the shadow of your slender figure?
  • Do you know how best to spend my salary?
  • Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
  • Are you in a hurry? I so want to treat you to ice cream!
  • You are not mistaken - I am going straight to you.
  • Won't you take me to the other side?
  • Can you tell me what year?
  • Can you tell me why planes fly but don't flap their wings?
  • Can you tell me from which side the cigarette is lit?
  • Can you give me a recipe for cactus jam?
  • Will you invite me to a restaurant?
  • You understand, I have such problems ... As soon as I see a girl, I immediately want to hug her, press her to my chest, kiss her body, and then make love to her all night. I just want it unbearably. And I can’t do anything about it ... Maybe you can offer me something?
  • You are simply adorable! I can’t pass by and not give you this compliment, but there’s just physically not enough time to get to know each other, since I’m very late. Maybe you can give me your phone number? I'll call you and we'll get to know each other.
  • Will you exchange your solitude and monotonous existence for romantic walks under the moon for two and cheerful laughter?
  • Will you exchange my free time for your name and phone number?
  • Will you exchange my boredom and loneliness for the mischievous sparkle in your eyes?
  • Are you by any chance an English queen? You just have a royal gait!
  • You look so intellectual in glasses that I don't even know if I can interest you.
  • You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
  • You are so sad... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.
  • You are so beautiful, do you need a bodyguard? .. I can shoot with two hands and hit a can from 20 steps ... From ten meters I hit a running cockroach in the eye ... I can shoot down a helicopter with a stool if I throw it correctly ... I catch a bullet on the fly with my teeth ... I have black belt... in chess. My name is Andrei, which means "courageous" ... And what are we all about me and me ... Let's talk about you. What is your name?
  • Do you think you can look at me as a sex object and get away with it?
  • Are you following me?! I've seen you a couple of hundred times already, what do you want from me? You have been dreaming of me at night for half a year, but I don’t know what to call you in a dream! Can you finally tell me your name? Then I can talk to you, even if in a dream!
  • You must be tired... All night long they ran after me in my sleep.
  • You must have spent half your life trying to look good and attract men ... And now, I fell for it!
  • Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me.
  • Marry me or I'll change my mind.
  • Voices from above told me to come and talk to you.
  • The horoscope promised me an acquaintance with a witch. Obviously, it has already taken place.
  • Let's not get to know each other, we will pass each other and you will not know that my name is Ruslan, and I will not know your name. You will lose me, so kind, cheerful, beautiful, and I will lose the uniquely divine you. And we will not be able to spend minutes, hours together, and the days spent together will seem to us only seconds. Do you agree?
  • Let's play scales! You will sit on my face and I will guess your weight.
  • Let's play an interesting game. I will tell you my name, you will tell me yours, and then we, holding hands, will go to eat ice cream in the nearest cafe.
  • Let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night now, and you refuse?
  • Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.
  • Good afternoon, I have a completely unconventional question for you. I am interested in how you would refuse a young man who would come up to you and say: “Let's get acquainted”?
  • It must have hurt... falling from the sky.
  • Friends call me Andrey, but you can call me tomorrow.
  • If God created something more beautiful than you, then he kept it for himself.
  • If the stars would fall every time I think of you, the sky would be black, the night would become gloomy.
  • If you cut off your hands, you will become like the Venus de Milo.
  • If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
  • Is it really hot in here, or are you that hot?
  • Here the area is mined. Come on, I'll show you a workaround!
  • Hello! Tomorrow?.. Like what? Tomorrow we meet here at 8 pm? .. Would you like to? OK, so tomorrow at eight in another place? .. Not so? So, is it still here? .. So we agreed!
  • Hello! I'm doing a census, and I decided to start with you.
  • Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you, who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.
  • You know, your hair matches my pillow so well.
  • You know, I look at you and think how my future children will ask: “Dad! Dad! How did you meet your mother?" And I will remember this wonderful moment when I saw you.
  • You know, spring has come - it's time to breed. Yes, it's good for health too. Come to me.
  • And what does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this city?
  • Let's go on a date!
  • Go to your uncle before I soap your ears.
  • Sorry, you may consider me crazy, but I'm afraid that if I don't hear your voice, I'll never forgive myself for this. You touched all my thoughts and I'm scared that I won't be able to get rid of it. Sleep will lose all meaning for me, for it will be replaced with great joy by writing sonnets and poems to you. It will be a great pity if they are wasted and you cannot read them. Are you ready to sacrifice the life of a poor poet in love?
  • Excuse me, do you like me?.. Don't answer, my name is Roman. And what is your name? Let me give you a call sometime. Do you have a phone?
  • Sorry, I forgot my phone number. You won't lend yours?
  • Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.
  • It looks like we're on our way...
  • It seems that today there was a rainbow ... My wishes come true.
  • How do you like it here?
  • What do you think an interesting young man should say to a pretty girl when meeting on the street, so as not to be rejected?
  • What dish do I cook best? Breakfast in bed.
  • What is your shoe size?.. Well, we met!
  • Cool legs! What time do they open?
  • Cool shoes! Do you want to fuck?
  • When I see a girl like you, I thank the Lord that I am not married.
  • When I look at you, my heart skips a beat! Call an ambulance for cardiology.
  • Touch her blouse and ask, "Is that cotton?" Then touch it in the crotch area and continue: "Oh, and this must be felt."
  • Little Red Riding Hood, I'll eat you!
  • Who can be late for such a beautiful girl? For example, I'm already here!
  • Who is she? Why dont know?
  • Where would you go if you wanted to find yourself a new friend?
  • Where are you going? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. Hurry up? Let me take you. By the way, my name is Misha, and you?
  • My name is Andrey, and I was instructed to send you greetings ... From whom? From my heart.
  • My name is Andrew, but who are you?
  • I miss two things in my life - hair and you.
  • I was told that kissing a girl who smokes is like licking an ashtray. What can you say to this?
  • Am I still far from Chukotka? And then I want to visit my grandmother.
  • I feel sorry for those around me. Your beauty makes them a gray mass.
  • I'm wondering how your content matches your forms.
  • I don't think our paths crossed by chance...
  • It seems to me that we are relatives. Let me take a look at the family mole on his chest.
  • I like your hat! .. I like your watch! .. If you think about it, I like everything about you! .. My name is Ivan. What name are you called, a brilliant example of natural perfection?
  • A gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in a red dress. Does this description remind you of anyone?
  • I could swear you could do with an escort of some currently ladyless knight. Luckily for you, I'm right here without a lady... for now.
  • [Many of these initial dating phrases that people with limited imagination like to use were once invented offhand by people with imagination when communicating with a stranger. If you want to develop your ability to improvise and act according to the situation, especially when dating and seducing, you can learn this in real conditions at the Dating Academy's practical pickup training under the control of special equipment in "hot mode".]
  • Can I flirt with you?
  • Maybe we'll go to my place, draw the curtains, undress, lie down in bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what happens?
  • May I say hello to you?
  • May I kiss you on the lips? I want to overcome the complex of disgust in myself!
  • Can I ask you? .. What would you like to ask?
  • May I have your photo?.. I collect Pokemon.
  • Can I walk with you? And then all sorts of pester me, they ask for documents.
  • Can I take a picture of you near the statue? Then the picture will be more alive.
  • Can I take a photo from you? I want Santa Claus to make the right gift for the New Year.
  • May I know your name? I want to introduce him with my last name.
  • Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!
  • May I meet the New Year with you?
  • Milk and chocolate, yin and yang, black and white, day and night, you and me.
  • Did my tie move out of the way? I'm going to an important meeting and I want to look perfect.
  • My love for you is like diarrhea - I can't contain it.
  • My dream is an angel's kiss...
  • My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought a lottery ticket and I want you to kiss it and bring me good luck.
  • I don't know who you are or what your name is, but I want to see you again.
  • Don't answer the call. This is me.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a nice chat with a young man to whom you are very nice, while I escort you to the place where you need to.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of morning coffee in my company.
  • Can you tell me where the nofelet is?
  • Are there Germans in the city? And the Russians?
  • Does such a beautiful girl like you really have no boyfriend today?
  • Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
  • Oh my God! I thought I was gay until I met you!
  • I promise that I will not breathe into the tube at night
  • Oh, what kind of cool perfume do you have, and where can I buy it?
  • The railing is, of course, good, but my courageous hand for support is much more reliable.
  • Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?
  • Tell me, please, where exactly do you want to put your autograph - in this notebook or on this pretty postcard?
  • Let's go to the forest - I'll show you the city.
  • Let's go to the garden - I'll show you my big hard cucumbers.
  • Remember me? We met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
  • Help the homeless, take to your home.
  • Help me buy beer! I don't know which one to choose?
  • Help me go to the left!
  • In my opinion, both you and I are bored in this crowd. Maybe we should go somewhere?
  • Listen ... I could come up with some kind of pretext for acquaintance, but I do not want to fool you. Can we do without formalities?
  • Stay calm for at least a minute. I draw you.
  • Touch my forehead. I think I have a temperature.
  • Kiss me if I'm wrong, but I think your name is Agripina.
  • Truth! The sunset looks very romantic, doesn't it?
  • Hello! Why didn't you call me, why didn't you write? You know how sad it is to realize that no one needs you.
  • Hello! What are you doing here?.. Are you standing? Wonderful! Let's stand together!
  • Hello! Let me call you "Fekla", and you call me "Mr. Wet Pants"!
  • Hello! You know (you understand, you feel, you see...) that today the Sun is shining (it warms, pours rays, rejoices...) and the weather is pleasant (cool, fabulous...) outside. We could walk, talk, eat ice cream (drink gin...) and have a lot of fun (cool, cute, nice...) to have a great time. It would not be forgotten. By the way, the last time I saw you, you were in an amazing dress (skirt, suit) that it would be a crime not to invite you for an easy walk. And your consent will be an acquittal for me, dear guy!
  • Hello! How are you?
  • Hello! Today we are lucky...
  • Hello! Recognized? .. So I didn’t recognize you right away either.
  • Hello sunshine! My name is Tarzan. I was picking coconuts here, and suddenly I see - there is a lonely girl whose name is ...
  • Come and read to me about Pinocchio.
  • Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn't you just pinch my ass? .. No? .. Damn! It's a pity…"
  • Forgive me, this is apparently fate. This is the second time we have met in such a huge city… My name is Andrey. How would you react to the offer to have a nice time together by the water on the lawn, with good champagne?
  • Excuse me, can you tell me... Your name and phone number.
  • Excuse me, miss, do you have a spark? .. Actually, I don’t smoke, but I had to start acquaintance with you somehow.
  • Excuse me, have I fucked you before?
  • Excuse me, can I fit into your evening schedule?
  • I'm sorry... I just want to thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you're not entirely happy, and not...when you feel like you're going with the flow. And suddenly you run into someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a sense of beauty for the whole day? .. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like appearance of my life...
  • Glad to serve the sweet lady! May I accompany you?
  • Allow me to offer you a hand and a heart. I am a surgeon, I have this stuff in bulk.
  • Let me take you home. At least with a glance.
  • Can I get to know you or is it like this - to pester for five minutes?
  • Is it difficult to get to know you?
  • From the very morning I was late for work, in the afternoon I was almost hit by a car, then I was bitten by an angry dog, a bearded janitor shouted, I fell into a sewer manhole and lost my wallet with documents there, but that's not all - my pager burned out from the impact lightning, the tamagotchi died of an overdose, and an hour ago a vicious virus wiped a book from my computer that I've been working on for half a year. And if you don't give me your phone number now so that I can call you and invite you for a cup of coffee, then I'll probably go and drown myself in that puddle on the other side of the street. Consider, you have a chance to save a good man!
  • Tell me something sweet!
  • Tell me honestly, do these contact lenses suit me?
  • Please tell me what perfume you use - I will buy the same ones and perfume my cat with them so that she reminds me of you.
  • Tell me, is it not from your purse that it smells so delicious of pies?
  • How much is your smile worth? I would buy one!
  • Save! I'm being followed by an American spy who's after this note. Please take it and hide it well, but never read it! Give me your phone number so I can pick her up when things calm down a bit. (In the note “Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera!”)
  • Shooting eyes, do not leave the wounded!
  • The fate of the Motherland depends only on your decision! Gather all your will into a fist and tell me, will you meet me or not?
  • Here I have a couple of teeth missing - but more room for your tongue.
  • Can you play spin the bottle? Let's go together!
  • You're on my to-do list for tonight.
  • You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
  • Did you buy potatoes? That's what I thought! Okay, then I'll buy potatoes. Today I'm waiting for you for dinner. Everything has already been bought, only potatoes remain. But it's nothing. I'll cook everything. What time can you come?.. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my address! Write it down.
  • Are you not gay? Me too! Then you can sleep.
  • You could not smile: It's dark outside.
  • Will you kiss me or will I have to lie in my diary again?
  • You were a bad, very bad girl today. I have to punish you...
  • You don't do interiors by any chance? The room became beautiful as soon as you entered it.
  • You spend so much time in my thoughts that soon you will have to take rent.
  • You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you.
  • You are so cool that I am ready to drink bath water after you!
  • Do you want beer or just give you money?
  • Thousands of artists over a thousand years have not been able to create such beauty that could compete with yours.
  • Do you have a taxi token?
  • You won't have a can key?
  • You will not have a piece of paper and a pen?.. Can I write down my phone number for you? I would hate to lose you.
  • Don't have aspirin?
  • Do you have a thread to start our friendship right here?
  • You have a very pleasant voice! I would love to microchip it and put it inside my alarm clock so I can wake up to it every morning.
  • Your right eye is lighter than your left - I have never seen such a thing in my life!
  • You have the most beautiful place dirty.
  • I have amnesia - have I approached you yet?
  • There's a party in my pants and you're invited.
  • I have a fiancé for your dog. And maybe for you.
  • I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..
  • I have a request to you: can I give you this flower? I would like to see you someday and give you a big bouquet of roses. Do you love roses?
  • My hands are busy. Will you zip up my fly?
  • I have two holidays today! First, I saw such a wonderful, beautiful girl who has such a warm and soulful look. And the second - I spoke to you.
  • There's something wrong with my eyes - I can't tear them away from you.
  • You have a boyfriend? Do you need a better guy? Answer the second question first.
  • When I saw you, I thought about the days that I will remember in my old age - when my children were born, when I got married and when I met you.
  • The phrase "You dance" where there is no dancing at all.
  • Do you want a pickup artist? .. It's me, in fact, and what this word means - you can’t say in a nutshell. Let's go, sit down on the bench, I'll explain... No time? Nothing, give me the phone, I'll find you.
  • Do you want me to give you a ride with the breeze on the escalator?
  • Do you want to see your feet in the rearview mirror of my car?
  • What are you doing at three in the morning?
  • Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?
  • What is such a beautiful girl doing on this escalator/elevator?
  • What is it you are weaving like a sad turtle, can you do anything to help?
  • It was difficult, but still I decided to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue.
  • It's incredible! All 27 of my personalities found you amazingly attractive!
  • This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would have looked no worse in his place.
  • Oh, good Masha! Not ours.
  • I am a well-deserved brake, I do not know how to glue girls, but I just could not get past you, so I hope that you will take a miserable three minutes to communicate with me. May I accompany you, well, at least a little?
  • I am a seller of happiness. Would you like me to sell it to you at cost?
  • I'm running for president in 2024. Your voice is important to me. And I need your number to tell you...
  • I will sleep with you, with you and with you! Who is first?
  • I am in the city for the first time. Can you show where you live?
  • I am ready to put everything I have at your feet. Give me your address and I'll take my things to you tomorrow.
  • I think about you twice a day - when my eyes are open and when they are closed.
  • I think about you when I masturbate.
  • I think we are thinking about the same thing.
  • I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
  • I'm going to bed - are you with me?
  • I'm going to take a pee - will you join?
  • I am an intelligent young man, 25/180/79, Libra, Rabbit, I am fond of classical music and yoga, I want to get to know you for a joint pleasant pastime on my territory, the phone will speed up the meeting.
  • I'm going to the dentist, but I don't have the courage. Inspire me, please be my muse.
  • I collect inscriptions on T-shirts. Allow me to read on yours.
  • I'm not drunk, I'm drunk on you.
  • I am blinded by the light of your beauty
  • I am writing a book on how to pick up girls and would like to ask you a few questions.
  • I understand that the street is not the most the best place for acquaintance, but I will never forgive myself if I do not at least try to get to know you. Maybe you will understand such a good, albeit shy young man and not immediately send him on an erotic journey on foot ...
  • Am I going right?
  • I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't get your name and phone number.
  • I humbly have the honor to address you. Do you have a minute for the humble me?
  • I'm too busy making millions of dollars, but there are a couple of minutes to get to know each other.
  • I heard that with whom you will lead, from that you will type. I liked you so much that I decided to pick you up.
  • I had a bet with a friend about whether I could get your name and phone number. Help me win please.
  • I almost got into a fight with my friend because of you. He says that you are beautiful, but I disagree with him and say that you are very beautiful. Which one of us is wrong?
  • I collect signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind posting yours?
  • I hid my tear in the ocean for you. And I will love you until you find her.
  • I just checked my schedule here - I can get you pregnant by Christmas.
  • I'm already here. So you only have two wishes left.
  • I would like to be your tear. Born in your eyes, flow down your cheek and die on your lips.
  • I want to be the Christmas tree in your house.
  • I want to be the snowflake that melts in your divine hair
  • I want to invite you for a cup of coffee (for ice cream, barbecue, corn sticks) with serious intentions!
