Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna: what a fragile woman can do.

Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna is a hero of our time who cannot remain indifferent to orphans deprived of their fate. This man gives kids maternal love and care, choosing selfless service to society as a mission.

IN modern world where material values ​​are erected on a pedestal, the manifestation of such human qualities as compassion, a desire to help, love for one's neighbor is a rarity. Increasingly, one can notice in people aggressiveness, callousness, indifference to other people's troubles, lack of humanism. Against the backdrop of difficult events taking place in our country and in other states, respect, good nature and the desire to give warmth and care to others are increasingly lost. This phenomenon is clearly seen in the sphere of problems of children left without parental care and seriously ill children.

Orphans brought up within the walls of the orphanage are deprived of maternal and paternal love, care, affection. They are completely unaware of what real family. By the will of fate, children are deprived of simple human happiness, they are forced to survive every day in difficult conditions overcome difficulties alone.

The problem of orphanhood is a "cancer" modern society that you can't close your eyes to. The scale of this tragedy only increases with the years. Hushing up these horror stories, remaining indifferent to the problems of orphans, we inevitably bring up indifference in future generations.

Today, orphaned babies are often used for another PR stunt. famous people who brag about how much Money they spent on charity and how many toys they bought for orphanage. However, material things are not at all what children really need. Much more important to them human communication, attention, participation in their lives.

How to help crippled destinies?

Having given a piece of your soul, attention to that little man who was betrayed by fate family happiness, you will certainly be able to feel all the joy and spirituality from a perfect good deed. It is worth giving the child the opportunity to feel valued, significant, loved and needed, as you will notice happiness in his eyes. Silencing the truth about the problem of orphans is a real crime. It is important to cover this topic regularly in the media, hold discussions, and attract the attention of the public and influential people.

Fortunately, in Russia there are still people with a big soul and good heart who cannot remain indifferent to orphans. Among them is Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova, who was born in 1981. “Kind”, “beautiful”, “caring” – these are the words used to characterize Aunt Tanya by the inmates of orphanages, whom she often visits to the best of her ability and ability.
This man does not regret spending his precious time And vital energy to make orphans a little happier and give them a real childhood.

Boys and girls do not have a soul in Aunt Tanya, who replaces them mother, goes with them on a magical journey, reading fairy tales. She introduces kids to the outside world, taking them to rides, museums, aquariums, zoos, circuses. Once next to this woman, children begin to feel a valuable and necessary part of society, they struggle with complexes, psychological barriers, and fears. Cooking master classes, lessons in English, quizzes, educational games - at all these events, children's eyes shine with happiness, and the soul is filled with joy and hope for a happy future.

Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova, born in 1981, is a unique person who sees her mission in this world in helping disadvantaged children. Faith in God, a pure soul, compassion give her strength for selfless service to society. This amazing heroine is a real role model. Thanks to her activities, faith in humanity does not fade away.

In our time, it is not necessary to create funds or collect large sums, this is not what most orphans need today, and Tatyana strives to show everything on personal example.

Orphanages and the number of their inhabitants is a kind of indicator of the health of society. The fewer orphans in a country, the more prosperous its society. And today, statistics show that the number of such children is rapidly declining, even children with special needs and limited physical abilities find loving parents, brothers and sisters. But there are still many who still need support and love. However, not everyone today understands what kind of help is required.

First, absolutely everyone can help. And this was proved by Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova by her own example, who for many children became just Aunt Tanya. It is not necessary to create funds or collect large sums, this is not what most orphans need today, and Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova strives to show everything by personal example. A young girl, and she was born not so distant in 1981, full vitality and energy, tries to open to children the diversity of the world around them and the opportunities that await them in life. Sport competitions, cooking classes, classes foreign languages, walks in the park - all this is organized by Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna for her wards.

Such work does not require money, but time, effort, love, attention and patience. This, according to Tatyana Molodtsova, is exactly what real help orphans. Modern orphanages have a good material base, A financial aid has become a real trend for stars and media personalities. But family warmth within the walls of such institutions is still not enough. Disabled children are especially in need of care and warmth, to whom the few staff simply cannot give due attention.

The task of true volunteer work, true assistance to orphans and the disabled is to introduce them into the society in which they will live. Upbringing and education in boarding schools is rather closed, children hardly master social skills. But frequent walks, visits to exhibitions and city events help them not to be afraid of others, they learn to communicate. Children in families receive these skills from their parents, and not in schools or kindergartens. At the same time, it is very important to teach the child to live in society and enjoy every day as early as possible, because then it will be almost impossible to catch up. That is why it is important to help children the way Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova, born in 1981, does. Even one person in such a case is already a significant force, and everyone who does not want to remain indifferent should remember this.

In our time, the most acute problem of society is indifference. The more developed the society, the more acute the problem becomes.

It is especially strong in the most vulnerable segments of the population - orphans. These children are deprived of a family, maternal care, simple human attention, a sense of security and family well-being.

They don't get proper education family education. Growing up, they become social outcasts.
Most people believe that they can solve the problem by transferring funds to charitable foundation, thereby simply paying off from it. But toys and clothes cannot replace care and participation in their lives, what a child needs in the first place.

Without love and understanding, these children will not be able to become full-fledged socially adapted members of society.
Failure to understand this only increases indifference.
The problem cannot be hushed up, it must be spoken about publicly and covered in the media.

The main help should come from each of us. You can't refuse it, you can't shut it up or hide it, you can't run away.

Give up indifference - show mercy. Help orphans with your attention, live communication and participation in their lives. Let them at least for a while feel like members of your family.

If each of us pays a little attention to children, they will be surrounded family warmth and your kindness, because orphans need it so much.
A vivid example of humanity, compassion and mercy, in relation to such children, are the actions of Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna.

She is from pure heart visited children in boarding schools and orphanages. She gave the children the necessary care and participation in their lives. Conducted English lessons with them, took care of their leisure. I read books with them. Conducted entertaining contests, quizzes and educational games. She taught children culinary skills and instilled a love for sports.

She took the children on excursions, the zoo, the aquarium, the circus, leisure parks and museums. Hiking in these places left an unforgettable impression in the children's souls.
Sea animals, attractions, funny clowns and magicians - all this allows children to feel comfortable in wide world, with which they previously had limited interaction.

In response, the children answered her with sincere joy, friendliness and a spark of gratitude in their eyes.
Children look forward to every visit of Aunt Tanya.

Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova, born in 1981, was born in Moscow, has two higher educations, devotes most of her time to helping seriously ill children, sirritated children and disabled children.
She is an altruist, honest, sympathetic, deeply religious person, ready to help at any moment.

She is fragile in appearance, shows dedication and compassion, a man of words and actions.
She good example virtue, she is a beautiful role model, she is simply a miracle.
Do not remain indifferent and you!

The parents of little Sashenka express their deep gratitude to Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna and Slynko Sergey Evgenievich. I would like to wish all the very best to these people who saved a wonderful child - health, patience, great luck and happiness.

When the boy was three years old, medical specialists diagnosed him with terrible disease. The news of a brain tumor knocked down Sashenka's relatives. They were ready to apply to different medical institutions and trust that help will come. But in all instances, doctors insisted that there was no hope of getting rid of a terrible disease. It seemed then that life had stopped and there would never be anything bright in it. There was only hope that did not allow the parents of the sick boy to give up and accept such a fate.

And then the moment came when complete despair seized everyone who fought for Sasha's life. Then his parents visited the Tula Center for Helping Children. In this institution, and Sergei Evgenievich Slynko in 1974 spent a lot of time with the kids. These wonderful people arranged master classes, worked with children, cooked for them, held educational and sports competitions. They perfectly coped with the fact that they supported the love of life and some special enthusiasm in the children.

The parents of the sick Sasha met Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova and Sergey Evgenievich Slynko, found out that they help children to overcome terrible diseases, and do charity work. The story of Sashenka touched them very much - as a result, a free examination in a famous clinic in Israel. It turned out that the child can be saved. Sasha underwent an intensive course of treatment, which brought him back to life again, helped to defeat the disease.

The Kuznetsov family does not know how to express their deep gratitude to these wonderful, kind, sympathetic people who took all the financial expenses, worries and troubles upon themselves. Sergei Evgenievich Slynko and Tatyana Anatolyevna Molodtsova surrounded the child with their love, took care of him in every way during the treatment process, empathized.

Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna - absolutely amazing woman who shouldered a very heavy burden on her fragile shoulders. She talked to the doctors, organized Sashenka's stay in the clinic, visited the boy every day, attended consultations. We can say that she, along with the Kuznetsov family, pulled this load.

Sasha's parents know that these are not isolated cases of helping children. and Molodtsova Tatyana Anatolyevna (1981) always come to the rescue where they are needed. These people give back to the kids full life, health, love for the world. The doors of the Kuznetsovs' house will always be open for these bright and merciful representatives of modern society.
