When is the best time to bathe a baby? Herbs for bathing a newborn

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Bathing a newborn baby is part of daily care. Incorrect technique and mistakes made can lead to a negative attitude of the baby to taking baths, and sometimes to serious complications. How to bathe correctly, what nuances should be taken into account, about this and more, in more detail.

Necessary attributes for bathing a newborn

For bathing a newborn, the following items are needed:

Bathing products

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and after childbirth is not fully formed, the sebaceous and sweat glands are not developed, so there is some dryness of the skin, unstable thermoregulation.

Cosmetics containing chemical fragrances, various harmful components can lead to unpleasant moments, such as dryness, rashes, dermatitis, etc.

Baby shampoo and bath foam are not recommended for the first six months of a baby's life. This is due to the content of fragrances and other substances that cause dry skin, allergic reactions.

The first week after birth, the baby should be bathed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, in other words, potassium permanganate. This anesthetic disinfects water, does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply, and promotes healing of the umbilical wound.

For bathing, a weak solution of the substance is used. In the pharmacy, you can buy already prepared 5% potassium permanganate, add 2-3 drops of the concentrate to the water prepared for bathing.

If it is not possible to find a finished drug, then you can do the following:

After consulting a specialist, when the umbilical wound has healed, the child should be bathed using herbal preparations. It must be remembered that herbs must be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies, have appropriate safety certificates for use.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal properties

Oak bark

It is used for various skin rashes (diaper rash, sweating, etc.). It has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Promotes rapid healing of wounds. It is not recommended to apply more than 2 times a week.

It has the following healing properties: anti-inflammatory, soothing, reduces irritation. It is recommended for the development of diaper rash, various skin rashes.

It has a calming effect, normalizes sleep, improves the condition of the skin. It is used for various neurological conditions.

Typically used for skin problems. Relieves inflammation and rash, especially in the formation of a crust-gneiss, seborrheic skin manifestations. It is not recommended to apply more than 2 times a week.

It has anti-inflammatory, softening properties.

The main property is calming. Shown as a sedative for hyperactive babies.

The combination of herbs allows you to enhance the healing properties and achieve several effects, for example, a relaxing collection:

  • valerian root;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort;
  • chamomile.

It should be remembered that the use of any collection of medicinal herbs should be only after consultation with a pediatrician in order to avoid side effects.

Preparation of herbal decoction for bathing a newborn

The shelf life of the prepared bathing decoctions is not long, as a rule, does not exceed 48 hours. Therefore, it should be done on the eve of water procedures, so all useful properties are preserved.

For cooking, you need to take a 2-liter pot, boil water, add a handful of herbs of your choice. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. After that, the mixture should be filtered through cheesecloth. Pour the resulting solution into a bath with water for bathing a baby.

If the decoction has been made in large quantities or has not been used for any other reason, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Choosing a baby bath

The range of children's baths is quite diverse, various models and a rich selection of colors. However, not all of them may be safe. In order not to put your child at risk, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • baby bath must be made of safe materials (polyurethane, acrylic, etc.)
  • have appropriate security certificates;
  • bath surface (sliding or vice versa);
  • the baby bath should be well tolerated by systematic treatment with detergents;
  • convenient dimensions (length from 80 cm, width at least 50 cm, height from 30 cm);
  • stability of fasteners and the structure of the sides.

Baby bathtubs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Today there are the following varieties:

  • The oval bath is a fairly common model and is in demand because of its cheapness. Regular model that does not contain additional accessories, however, they can be purchased separately;
  • The anatomical bath is complemented by a built-in slide that repeats the shape of the baby's body. Prevents baby from slipping, head above water surface, suitable for single parent bathing;
  • Antimicrobial bath surface, which is made of a material with antimicrobial properties, is indicated for children with high sensitivity of the skin. The disadvantage is its rather high price;
  • The folding model of the bath is convenient because it does not take up space and is compact due to the folding property;
  • The inflatable bathtub is an addition to the main bathtub, it is convenient for traveling, it can serve as a swimming pool;
  • Built-in bathtubs allow you to install in special cabinets, combining with a changing table, or for installation in showers, bathrooms.

Preparing a baby bath

The purchased bath should be prepared before starting water procedures. It is necessary to wash it with ordinary baking soda, then rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and pour boiling water over it. This should be done before each bathing the baby.

It is not recommended to wash the baby bath with the usual detergents, since excess with insufficient rinsing can provoke a number of complications in the form of allergic reactions, poisoning and other pathological conditions.

Today, the topic of bathing a baby in an ordinary bathroom is becoming popular, however, in the first months of a child’s life, when the body is not yet adapted to the environment and for safety reasons, experts recommend conducting water procedures in special baby baths using various devices.

Bathing in the bathroom

Bathing a baby in a regular bath is not an absolute contraindication.

If the choice fell on the use of an ordinary bath for water procedures, preparation is necessary. It should be cleaned with baking soda, then thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water. This manipulation should be done before each water procedure.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be between +22 and 24°C. You can’t overheat because of the risk of complications in the baby due to temperature changes, where bathing is carried out and where the baby is dressed afterwards. There must be an anti-slip mat on the floor to prevent falling.

There are a number of points when it is worth making a choice in favor of a baby bath:

  • poor condition of an ordinary bath;
  • inconsistency of the microclimate of the bathroom;
  • poor quality of running water;
  • premature baby;
  • the impossibility of the presence of an assistant.

Additional baby bath accessories

Today, to facilitate the task, a number of devices have been invented that not only make the bathing process safe, but also enjoyable for the baby. They are an addition to the baths, where such innovations are not provided.

Additional attributes include:

  • inflatable circles;
  • hammocks;
  • mattresses;
  • various coasters.

Some of them are already built into the baths, which is very convenient and does not require additional costs. It should be noted that they also require cleanliness, like the baby bath itself.

After each use, rinse with baking soda, rinse with plenty of water and, if possible, pour over with boiling water. It should be stored in a certain place where there is no accumulation of dirt and dust.

bathing water

On the issue of whether to boil water for bathing, experts are divided into two camps. Some recommend bathing in boiled water in the first month of a child's life, while others believe that this opinion is erroneous and the baby must be washed in running water from the first days of life.

The danger of swimming in ordinary water can be in the following case:

  • if the water does not meet sanitary standards;
  • if the umbilical wound has not healed, infection may occur with poor water quality;
  • the threat of ingestion of poor-quality water.

In order not to endanger the baby, it is recommended to wash the first six months in boiled water. The temperature should not exceed + 37°С. To determine, you should use a special thermometer, in case of its absence, you can determine the comfort with the help of your wrist, dipping it in the bath. The water level should be approximately 5 - 10 cm, in the process of water procedures it will be necessary to add warm water.

It is necessary to boil water for bathing in advance, so it will be possible to dilute it to a comfortable temperature. To do this, you need to purchase an enameled bucket with a lid. Boiling water must be stored separately, out of the reach of children!

Conditions for conducting water procedures

Before bathing a baby, it is necessary to prepare not only a bath and water, but also a room where the procedure itself will take place. The room or bathroom should be warm. The air temperature should be + 22 - + 23 ° С, you can use a room thermometer to determine it.

It is necessary to bathe in a separate room (bathroom) so that humidity does not affect the microclimate of the place where the baby is most of the time. It is not necessary to close the doors to avoid drafts, a temperature drop can lead to a negative result.

First you need to prepare a changing table and the necessary things:

  • cotton diaper, necessary for carrying out the first water procedures and adapting the baby to the difference between the temperature of the water and the environment;
  • natural fabric towel (cotton 100%);
  • diaper ironed on both sides;
  • diaper;
  • things for changing clothes after swimming (calico vest or knitted bodysuit, knitted overalls, cap);
  • means for treating the umbilical wound, if it has not yet healed (hydrogen peroxide solution, brilliant green or chlorphilipt solution, sterile bandage, cotton swabs);
  • sterile oil, powder.

Bath time

The bathing regimen should be stable and unchanged, so the child will be disciplined in the future, and over time the daily routine will be established. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening, as it is relaxing in nature. At the same time, intestinal colic bothers the baby less, due to the antispasmodic effect of baths.

Bathed in the evening, the newborn falls asleep faster, and the quality of sleep is much better.

The period of the first bathing is up to 5 minutes, then in the subsequent time increases.

Bathing rules and techniques

The success of water procedures depends on the following points:

Massage and gymnastics

Performing massage and gymnastics allows not only to prepare for water procedures, but also to improve the physical, psycho-emotional state of the baby. Before bathing, while one of the adults is preparing everything necessary for bathing, as well as water, another adult is preparing the child. It is recommended to undress the baby and massage with light movements, turn it over on the stomach, and do gymnastics.

Massage consists of three stages:

  • Stroking is carried out by hands with light movements. Sequentially, starting with the lower limbs, then the upper limbs, turn on the stomach and stroke the buttocks, back. After the baby is turned on its back and the stomach is massaged clockwise;
  • Muscle kneading is carried out in the same sequence as stroking, with light kneading movements;
  • Gymnastics is carried out by flexion and extension of all joints, it is forbidden to perform movements forcibly.

When performing exercises, there should be no negative emotions in the child.

Bathing technique

Bathing technique:


The initial stage of bathing

The child is awake, calm and in a crib.

Prepares boiled water for bathing, potassium permanganate solution or herbal decoction. And also prepares a changing table, things and means for treating the umbilical wound, skin.

Helps mom prepare water for bathing. Measures the child's body temperature. Communicates with the baby.

The second stage of bathing

The child is calm.

Undresses the baby and prepares him for the adoption of water procedures. It is recommended that air baths for 2-3 minutes, you can do a light massage or lay the child on his stomach. Manipulation is carried out accompanied by communication with the child.

At this time, dad is preparing the room for the bathing procedure. Installs a pre-treated bath so that both parents have access. Prepares water no more than + 37ºС, also pours it into a jug for pouring. Pours a decoction or a few drops of potassium permanganate. Preparing a diaper for bathing.

The third stage of bathing (immersion)

The child is immersed in water. His reaction may be different and depends on the mood of the parents, who should not interrupt communication with him for a minute. Fear often arises not from water, but from the difference in temperature between air and water, as well as a misunderstanding of what is happening.

Mom wraps the baby in a diaper and places it on a slightly bent left arm, the baby's head should be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow. The hand should be under the knees of the newborn, holding it.

First, the legs fall, then the buttocks and then the back. Thus, there is a slow immersion in water. The head is slightly raised above the water.

At this moment, dad should be on the hook and serve everything you need. At the same time, he must monitor the temperature of the water, if necessary, add warm water from the prepared bucket. And also maintain an emotionally positive attitude towards water procedures.

Fourth stage (bathing)

With his free right hand, he waters the body of the baby. Washes with light movements using a terry washcloth the face, neck, arms, chest and stomach, legs of the child. At the same time, it makes sure that the water does not cool down and does not get into the ears.

Dad has to keep track of time. Monitors the child's condition, namely the symptoms of hypothermia (the appearance of "goose bumps"). Keep pouring hot water.

The final stage of the water procedure

The child may be tired from bathing and act up. A situation may arise that crying will occur after the end of the procedure, which should not cause concern for parents.

Having freed from the diaper, turns it gently back up. At the same time, mother continues verbal communication, for example: “Vodichka washes, makes our bead clean and healthy.”

After transferring the baby to the changing table, the mother gently dries the baby, treats the umbilical wound as necessary, as well as the skin in the places of folds, then puts on a diaper and clean clothes.

Dad helps mom. Pours warm water from a ladle. Then wraps in a prepared terry towel and transfers to the changing table.

After bathing, the father collects all the equipment, washes and prepares it for the next procedure.

Features of bathing a premature newborn

Bathing premature babies is different and requires the following guidelines:

  • if the baby was born less than 1500 gr. bathing is contraindicated for the first 2-3 weeks after discharge;
  • if the newborn was born with a body weight of more than 1500 gr. bathing is shown after 7 - 10 days;
  • bathing should take place only in baby baths;
  • room temperature + 25°С;
  • water temperature + 38°С;
  • after bathing, wrap in a warm towel;
  • things intended for changing clothes after swimming should be warmed up and ironed on both sides.

Features of bathing boys and girls

In principle, there are no special differences, except for the difference in the anatomical structure of the genital organs in boys and girls. Ignoring these features can lead to various pathological conditions.

How to wash a girl

How to wash a boy

The health of the genitourinary system depends on the correct washing of the girl. It is necessary to wash the genitals from the clitoris towards the anus. This is necessary to avoid getting feces and intestinal infections into the vagina and urethra, which can cause inflammation and the development of diseases of the genitourinary system (vaginitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

You can not move the foreskin on the penis. In the first year of life, physiological phimosis is observed (the foreskin is motionless and completely covers the glans penis). It is recommended that while bathing, gently and gently pull the fold and clear the accumulated mucus, while the baby should not experience negative sensations. When the head of the penis opens, then special hygiene care is required using soap and rinsing with water.

Umbilical wound and bathing

Bathing a baby with an umbilical cord that has not fallen off is not an absolute contraindication. The use of boiled water and an antiseptic in the form of potassium permanganate prevents the infection from entering the wound.

If the child has additional contraindications to taking baths, then you can resort to skin hygiene in the form of wiping and washing, which is carried out with warm, boiled water.

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What follows after bathing?

After bathing, the baby should be wrapped in a warm soft towel and transferred to the changing table, where the following manipulations will be carried out:

  • Drying should be carried out with light movements. It is necessary to carefully perform movements, since the skin of a baby is extremely delicate and sensitive.
  • Treatment of the navel is necessary after each bathing with an unhealed wound. For this you need:
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • antiseptic (solution of brilliant green, chlorphilipt, concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, etc.);
    • cotton buds.

    First, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide - this is necessary to remove dead cells, dried blood clots and impurities. Then, with a cotton swab, previously moistened in one of the antiseptics, the umbilical wound is carefully lubricated, without affecting the surrounding skin. After the final healing, this procedure is no longer necessary.

  • Treatment of the skin, nasal cavity, eyes and ears. During bathing, water may enter, which, in principle, is not dangerous due to the anatomical features (the ear canal is wider in a newborn than in an adult), however, it can cause the development of otitis media. The ears are cleaned with the help of cotton wool twisted into a flagellum, prepared for each ear canal separately.

    If water gets into the eyes, drying is carried out with clean cotton swabs or disks from the edge of the eye to the inner corner, also adhering to the principle of a separate swab for each eye.

    Then the skin is treated with baby oil or sterile olive oil. Wipe with your hands every crease in the neck, behind the ears, armpits, inguinal region, popliteal region. If there is diaper rash, it is necessary to use special creams Depanten, Bepanten, Desitin, zinc ointment, etc. The use of baby talc prevents the development of diaper rash in the folds.

  • Dressing the baby begins with a diaper (the size corresponds to the age and body weight of the child). If the umbilical residue has not yet fallen off, the front of the diaper should be folded over to avoid injury. Then they put on a bodysuit made of natural fabric, usually made of 100% cotton, then they put on a jumpsuit or romper with a blouse and a fastener in front, knitted mittens. A cap made of chintz or knitwear is put on the head of the newborn.
  • Feeding the baby is the final step. Then the baby goes to sleep.

Sterile leather treatment oil

The availability of various baby cosmetics relieves some parents of the hassle. However, there are situations when the baby suffers from excessive sensitivity to the components of the industrial baby oil. In this case, the use of sterile vegetable oil is indicated.

For its preparation, you can use vegetable, olive, linseed and other types of oils. The content of nutrients (vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, healthy fats, etc.) contributes to gentle protection, regenerative ability.

Preparation of sterile oil is possible in advance, and the manufactured product must be stored in a dark place.

You need to use only high-quality oil, pour it into a glass for testing and leave it in a dark place if flakes have formed or other inclusions cannot be used.

Preparation of sterile oil:

  • it is necessary to prepare dark glassware with a lid;
  • the oil should be boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  • you can only stir with a wooden stick;
  • the finished product is poured into a prepared jar, sealed and stored in a dark place.

Psycho-emotional factor

Bathing is not only a necessary daily care, but also a psychological process when a child receives communication and understanding, the realization that he is loved and taken care of.

By the expression on the faces of his relatives, the intonation of their voice, he feels safe and secure.

It is recommended that when bathing a baby, turn on music or sounds of nature (birdsong, water sounds, etc.). Thus, the effect of relaxation is achieved and the child receives positive emotions from what is happening. Communication during the procedure develops his sensory skills, namely visual and auditory. It is necessary to pronounce all the words in a calm tone, for example: “This is how well we swim”, “The water loves us, the water is warm”, etc.

Bathing for a baby is not something new, as spending 9 months in the womb, being in the aquatic environment introduced him to the feeling of lightness and weightlessness of the aquatic environment. Taking baths after birth, he already sees his mother's face and clearly hears her voice. This strengthens the bond between mother and child, which subsequently plays an important role in the educational process and psycho-emotional development of the child.

The reward for a good organization of bathing is a beneficial attitude towards the baby’s procedure, accompanied by a smile, his satisfied pronunciation of sounds in the form of “agu” or “uh-uh”.

Why is the baby crying?

Often parents make mistakes that cause negative emotions in the baby from the bathing process. These factors can play a cruel joke, and subsequently the child will have a fear of water.

Bathing Mistakes:

  • violation of the bathing regimen (late time);
  • too cold or hot water;
  • hit of soap or water on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • bad mood of the baby (crying, screaming);
  • hunger;
  • bad mood of parents.

What to do if the baby cries?

If the child expresses dissatisfaction in the form of crying or screaming, the procedure must be stopped immediately and calm the baby. In the case when the crying of the baby arose already after being taken out of the bath, it is necessary to quickly complete the process of treating the umbilical wound, skin and dressing. Start feeding immediately.

You can not carry out the procedure while the child is screaming or crying, or in a sleeping state!

Note to parents

Bathing is essential in daily care, however, there are a number of conditions when water procedures are prohibited.

The contraindication is:

  • high body temperature (more than 37.5 ° C);
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • the first two days after vaccination;
  • heart defects;
  • acute forms of various pathologies, accompanied by violations of the general condition (runny nose, vomiting, lethargy, etc.);
  • postoperative period (first week).

In such cases, wiping the child with a damp cloth or a soft towel moistened with warm water is shown.

dangerous moments

Parents need to remember that bathing can become dangerous, lead to a fatal outcome in case of inattention and negligence. To avoid unpleasant moments, you must remember:

  • Preparation of water at the desired temperature should be carried out in advance, without the child being in the bath. It is always necessary to check the water intended for pouring in order to avoid burns. Boiling water should not be near where water procedures are carried out!
  • Today, the use of various bathing devices has become common, they are not a guarantee of the safety of the child, so the child should not be left unattended for a minute!
  • Two adults must bathe the child. You can not leave the baby under the supervision of younger children!
  • At the end of water procedures, when the baby is turned on his stomach, it is necessary to ensure that he does not swallow water. To do this, the baby is lifted above the water level, then gently turned on its stomach, so that it is located on the adult's arm, slightly bent at the elbow joint. At the same time, the helping adult secures and pours warm water from the ladle.
  • Bathing an infant with an adult or other children is contraindicated, as there is a risk of infection or injury.
  • After transferring the baby to the changing table for further manipulations (treatment of the umbilical wound, skin, dressing), it must not be left unattended!

First aid

If force majeure occurs during bathing, you must not panic and adhere to the following recommendations:

Clinical manifestations

What to do?

Water got into the ears

Maybe anxiety in the presence of inflammatory processes.

The baby should be taken out of the bath onto the changing table. Turn on the barrel so that the water that has got in can come out, then wipe the ear with a cotton flagellum made. Remember not to use: cotton buds, sharp objects, etc.

Water got into your eyes

May cry if exposed to soapy water.

Dry with a cotton swab.

Chemical burn of the eyes with potassium permanganate crystals

Scream, cry, blush.

It is necessary to rinse the affected eye with plenty of water and immediately consult a specialist.

child swallowed water

There is no violation of the general condition.

Assistance is not required if there is no violation of vital parameters.

Child choked on water

The child's eyes are frightened, and the mouth is wide open. If the skin is pale or red, the water has not entered the lungs. In the case of bluish skin color, water is in the bronchi and lungs. Absence of breath.

Do not panic! Remove the infant from the water immediately. Turn your head down, shake slightly or lightly pat in the interscapular region. Call an ambulance! If breathing has not been restored before the arrival of the doctors, carry out artificial respiration "mouth to mouth".

contact with boiling water

Scream, cry. Possible loss of consciousness. Local hyperemia of the burn site, blistering.

Remove the baby from the water, pour cold water over the burn site, apply a sterile bandage with a solution of furacilin or cool water. Urgently contact a specialist.

allergic reactions

Asphyxia attacks, skin rashes in the form of urticaria. The risk of developing Quincke's edema.

Avoid contact with the allergen. Contact a specialist for antiallergic treatment.

Hygiene of the newborn with a contraindication to bathing

There are situations when bathing is contraindicated, then the following methods of maintaining the frequency of the skin are used:

Hardening and bathing

It is considered erroneous to think that hardening is only dousing with cold water. Pouring, bathing in the bathroom, ponds, sponging, air baths, walking barefoot are methods of improving health.

Bathing is not only daily care and hygiene, but a type of hardening, which strengthens the child's immunity. Proper execution allows you to avoid frequent viral and colds.

Hardening must be carried out against the background of the complete health of the baby. First, the water temperature is + 37°C, then after 3-4 days it gradually decreases by 1°C. And also increases the time spent in the water of the child. In this case, one should observe the general condition (body temperature, absence of catarrhal symptoms, etc.).

Hardening should not be carried out in the following situations:

  • if the child is sick;
  • rash of various etiologies;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • period of treatment;
  • when switching to another type of feeding (from natural to mixed or artificial feeding);
  • the introduction of complementary foods;
  • before and after vaccination;
  • change in climatic conditions.

Folk omens and bathing

Many parents adhere to the rules associated with folk signs at the same time, without thinking about whether this is good for the baby, or can cause trouble.

For example, it is believed that it is impossible to bathe babies on Sunday and Friday, or on the full moon, as misfortunes and illnesses will overtake him. Or you can wash the baby only after his baptism. However, as a rule, the child is baptized on the 40th day, which is not acceptable for refusing hygiene procedures and can provoke a number of pathological conditions (dermatitis, diaper rash, prickly heat, etc.).

Such hypotheses are not supported by scientific evidence, therefore, they are groundless and it makes no sense to deprive a child of bathing.

There are a number of rituals that do not negatively affect the health of the baby and their use is harmless, permissible at the request of the parents:

  • the mother prepares the first water for bathing, in order to avoid the evil eye of the baby;
  • a little holy water is added to the water so that troubles bypass the baby;
  • water after bathing with holy water should not be poured into the sewer, but only under a tree - this will help release all the negative into the ground and give the child strength;
  • so that the baby is not jinxed, several silver coins are thrown into the bath;
  • after being taken out of the water, the baby must be wrapped in a towel three times to kiss and spit into the bath, so the baby will not have hydrophobia.

It is the right of parents to adhere to certain superstitions, however, one should take into account the fact of possible damage to the health of a small creature. It is necessary to rationally treat certain customs.

Bathing for a newborn child and his parents is a whole event (especially if it is the first after the hospital). Like any very responsible business, this process raises many questions: how and when to bathe, boil water or not, whether it is possible to add decoctions of herbs and how often to do this, is it dangerous to get water in the ears, and so on. The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky in his books and articles has repeatedly talked about the basic rules and principles for organizing water procedures for a baby.

It is worth considering the most important points that you should know so that bathing brings pleasure and benefit to both the child and his parents.


Water procedures are absolutely useful for all babies from the very first days of life. In the womb, the crumbs are in the aquatic environment, and therefore it is familiar and familiar to them. In the water, the little one feels at home. Bathing is not only a hygienic procedure aimed at keeping the skin and hair of the child clean. Taking baths promotes physical development, carries an element of the game, and therefore has a positive effect on the mental and emotional development of the baby.

A few decades ago, pediatricians categorically forbade bathing a child with an unhealed umbilical wound, opposed raw unboiled water, and set quite a few rather stringent requirements and restrictions for parents.

Modern doctors look at bathing more democratically.

Experienced parents, as a rule, have much less difficulties when bathing a newborn at home for the first time than new moms and dads who just a few hours ago received their first child in their arms. Komarovsky advises to keep the Spartan calm. It is this that guarantees success in the difficult task of bathing the baby.


Should I bathe with an unhealed umbilical wound?

This question comes up quite often. Some pediatricians allow bathing even with a clothespin on the navel, others recommend refraining from taking water procedures until the umbilical cord dries. Yevgeny Komarovsky says that the choice is, of course, for the parents. However, if the child is kept in acceptable living conditions, does not sweat, does not overheat, does not get dirty, then nothing bad will happen to him if the baby does not bathe for a week or two. It doesn't bother him at all. If anyone is worried, then only mom and dad, but in this case there are wet baby sanitary napkins that you can wipe problem areas and folds at any time.

However, if you still decide to bathe, then the doctor advises doing this only with boiled water until the umbilical wound heals.

For a long time, doctors advised bathing in water with a solution of potassium permanganate. However, here you need to be extremely careful, undissolved grains of potassium permanganate can cause serious burns on the delicate skin and mucous membranes of the baby. The solution should be pale pink and should be added to the water just before bathing. Komarovsky does not recommend potassium permanganate at all, since in small doses it is useless, and in large doses it is dangerous. It is better to replace it with an infusion of a string.


Massage before evening bathing is a very useful and important procedure, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. During stroking and patting, the blood supply to the muscles and skin improves, and the benefits will be even more noticeable if the baby is bathed immediately after the manipulations. To master a simple massage is within the power of all parents without exception. You do not need to enroll in special courses for this.

Massage before the bath Komarovsky recommends making it light and soothing. At first, with baby cream, mom can easily massage the hands (with strokes and circular motions, this should be done with the thumbs). Then the legs are massaged in the same way. The tummy is stroked with the palm of your hand or fingertips clockwise. Then the crumbs are laid out on the tummy and the back is gently massaged - first with circular and arcuate movements, and then with light pats.

Mom's movements should not hurt the baby, he should not go to the bath too overexcited and screaming from the heart.

Water temperature

Doctors recommend keeping the temperature at 37 degrees. It should be followed for at least the first 10-14 days. Then you can experiment - slightly raising or lowering the temperature (maximum - by 1 degree).

Some parents try to warm up the bathroom in advance, bring heaters into it (especially in cases where the first bathing at home takes place in winter). Komarovsky does not advise doing this. The temperature in the bathroom should be about the same as in the rest of the apartment (optimum values ​​​​are 18-20 degrees), and it is harmful to overheat the air in the bathing room.

Komarovsky for sound sleep at night advises to practice bathing in cool water, the temperature of which is not higher than 32 degrees.

Such procedures will not cause any harm, but the general strengthening effect will be evident, besides, in a cool bath, it is more difficult for a child to fall asleep while bathing. However, do not immediately rush to implement this recommendation. This should be started gradually. The initial water temperature for a newborn is 34 degrees. In a month, a child can reduce it by 2 degrees - up to 32 degrees, and increase the bathing time from 15 minutes to half an hour. In two months, the temperature of cool water can be lowered to 28-30 degrees, bathing time is half an hour.

These figures Komarovsky advises to take rather conditionally. If a child at 1 month calmly perceives bathing in water, the temperature of which is 24 degrees, there is nothing wrong with that. He sleeps soundly, has a great rest, worries himself less and lets his parents sleep.


The first bath should not be made very long. It is better to start with 3 minutes, the next day extend the procedure to 5 minutes, then add a little more time. The best duration of bathing Komarovsky considers 15-20 minutes. If a quarter of an hour has passed, and the baby is calm and determined to continue the procedure, nothing bad will happen if the bath is extended.

A newborn does not have time to get dirty enough to need to be bathed every day.

Although Komarovsky strongly advises washing the baby every day. When the baby begins to crawl, get dirty, actively explore the world, water procedures before bedtime should become regular and mandatory - you will have to bathe the baby daily.

It seems to Komarovsky that evening swimming is not a dogma. Parents themselves have the right to choose the most convenient bathing time for the family. Some evening hygiene procedures are transferred to lunchtime. However, Komarovsky warns that evening swimming has its benefits - for example, it promotes relaxation for a sound and healthy night's sleep.

Herbs and decoctions

Whatever traditional healers say, it is better to coordinate any use of phytotherapeutic agents when bathing with the attending pediatrician. Grandmothers, of course, will advise you to bathe your granddaughter in a row more often or be sure to brew nine forces for him, but the common sense of parents should be above all. If a child suffers from atopic dermatitis, diaper rash, a tendency (genetic) to allergies, be sure to consult a doctor.

For healthy children, bathing with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs is a rather useful procedure, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. However, measure is good in everything, you should not prepare herbal baths daily, and you should be more careful with the dosage of decoctions and infusions.

Naturally, it will not work to treat something with the help of herbal decoctions added to water, since this is impossible, says Dr. Komarovsky. But big harm with moderate dosing will not happen.

What to do if the child does not like to wash and screams?

Such situations do occur, says Komarovsky. But the point here is not at all in the child, and not even in the fact that he is afraid of something. Most likely, according to a well-known pediatrician, bathing conditions should be adjusted. Maybe the temperature of the water does not suit the baby - it is too high or too low for him. After experimenting for several days, parents will be able to understand which water is most comfortable for the child. Bathing should begin with it - and only then adjust the temperature in favor of cooling (adding cold water in a thin stream) or heating (adding hot water in the same way).

Another reason for a child's cry in the bathroom, according to Komarovsky, lies in the rejection of the baby's bathing process, since it goes against his internal biological clock.

For example, a mother tries to bathe her baby only at night, and it is at this time that the child wants to sleep, not bathe. Therefore, Komarovsky gives some advice that will help parents whose children are rowdy in the water:

Change the time of day.

Change the order of eating and bathing. If the baby screams when bathing half an hour after eating, then try bathing him half an hour before eating (or vice versa).

Practice bathing with your child.

Large bath

This can be done already in 2-3 months, says Evgeny Komarovsky. At first, a child can get used to a large body of water with a circle around his neck. This is a special inflatable device with a notch for the chin and Velcro at the back of the neck. The kid is fixed in such a circle, his head is always above the water, and he can practice swimming on his back, stomach, turning over in the water on his own. Usually this picture leads the parents of the crumbs into indescribable delight.

You can swim without a circle. For this, Evgeny Komarovsky advises three poses:

The baby is completely immersed in water, only the face remains on the surface. At the same time, it is supported with index fingers under the neck. There is nothing dangerous in getting water into the ears and eyes, says the doctor. The main thing is that water does not get into the nose and mouth. Even if the baby takes a sip of it a little, nothing bad will happen either.

How to make the daily procedure of bathing children pleasant and safe? Let's answer the most common questions parents have.

1. What should I do to prevent a newborn baby from crying while bathing?

The main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the child. That is, he should not experience hunger, discomfort from contact with hot or cold water, dry skin, or too long nails of his mother's hands holding him. The baby should be lowered very slowly, starting from the feet, into the water, while gently pronouncing affectionate words. Getting used to the bathing procedure will pass faster if the time spent in water is increased gradually, starting from 3-5 minutes. It is important to exclude noises that frighten the baby: the sound of water pouring into the bath, loud speech, and even more so screams.

Often no tricks can help to avoid the desperate cry of a child. Then it is better to quickly wash it under the tap and do it for a couple more days, and then try again to lower it into the bath. Remember: patience and perseverance will definitely bear fruit.

2. In what position should a child be bathed under one year old?

A baby who cannot sit is kept in a bath in a supine position. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the chest in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is completely immersed in water only for short periods of time. You can use a special plastic mattress with a raised head end, an inflatable ring around the neck for additional security.

When the child learns to sit steadily, you can bathe him in this position, but be sure to hold him by one shoulder. The baby is still so small that there is enough water in the bath to push him out of the bottom like a float. Having lost support, the baby can very quickly roll over on its side or face down and choke.

If swimming is a pleasure for a child, he can be taught to swim by performing special exercises in different positions.

3. If water gets into the ears, will the baby get sick?

No. The ear canals in newborns are wide, short and located so that their inner end, closed by the eardrum, is at the highest point. Therefore, it is enough to give the child a vertical position so that the water that gets into the ear pours out.

For those who still doubt, I propose to answer the question: “And how did the baby “save” his ears from amniotic fluid, floating in his mother’s tummy?”.

What can cause otitis after swimming? First of all - drafts. Then - poorly dried hair and scalp, if the baby is taken out into the street after a very short time. Overheating of the child in the bath or excessive wrapping after it is also important, which causes profuse perspiration, soaking the pillows and caps with sweat.

4. Can I feed my baby before bathing?

After eating, at least an hour should pass. Otherwise, the child may burp during the procedure, and after it - survive the attack.

5. What time of day is best to bathe?

There are no strict requirements in this regard. When it is convenient for the mother, then it is better. But we must not forget about the child: if after bathing he quickly falls asleep and sleeps for a long time with the “sleep of the righteous” - of course in the evening! If water procedures, on the contrary, excite him, bathe in the morning immediately after sleep.

6. Why wrap the baby in a diaper, lowering it into the water?

This is a useful recommendation in cases where a solution of potassium permanganate is added to the bathing water. The fabric of the diaper can become an insurmountable obstacle to the contact of a crystal of the strongest oxidizing agent potassium permanganate that has not completely dissolved on the skin, causing a deep dry burn of the skin. Moreover, it is not necessary to tightly wrap the child: it is enough, after the solution of maranths is poured into the water, to lower the diaper into it.

Practical advice: allocate one diaper for bathing, as brown spots will immediately appear on it, which cannot be removed.

7. How to bathe a child if the umbilical wound has not yet healed?

Heals on average three weeks. If the baby is not bathed all this time, diaper rash, prickly heat and even a pustular rash cannot be avoided. Let's open a little secret: most children bathe already in the first day of life. Only this procedure takes place not in the bath, but under the tap. At the same time, a short-term contact of the umbilical cord residue with unboiled water does not cause any concern in the pediatrician.

After the umbilical cord falls off and the baby is discharged from the hospital, it is necessary to bathe daily. The baby bath should not be used for any other household needs. It must be washed with rags and poured over with boiling water before each use. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, the bathing water must be boiled. And in order to reliably insure the baby from harmful microbes and fungus, add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution so that the water ends up turning a slightly pink color.

After bathing, the umbilical wound area is treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide (if there are crusts), then with medical alcohol or 5% potassium permanganate solution (stored in a dark place).

From the 4th week of a baby's life, bathing water can not be boiled.

8. What is useful to add to the water when bathing?

Until the umbilical wound heals - nothing but potassium permanganate. If there is a desire to treat diaper rash with decoctions of herbs, it is better to water the ass and other folds from the jug with them.

Neurologists recommend bathing in water once a week with the addition of coniferous concentrate or sea salt. This advice is especially useful for easily excitable babies, with muscular dystonia, difficulty falling asleep and disturbing sleep. In some cases of severe arousal syndrome, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can add a decoction of valerian root, motherwort herb, lavender oil.

With prickly heat, diaper rash, dry skin and its peeling, folk remedies in the form of decoctions help to cope: herbs of string, sage, chamomile flowers, currant leaf and stem, birch leaf and buds. Plants (dry or freshly cut) are steamed in high concentration and stored for up to 3 days in a separate saucepan in a cool place. Strained broth is added to the bath immediately before bathing.

9. Basic rules for safe swimming.

  • Any product that is added to water can cause allergic reaction at the baby. Therefore, the first time it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being of the child and the skin. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, bathing is immediately stopped, the baby is washed with tap water.
  • Applying folk recipes for bathing, it is necessary to clarify whether the plants are poisonous or conditionally poisonous. The skin of the child has a large suction capacity, so the baby can get poisoned. For this reason, celandine, lily of the valley, lilac, belladonna, bird cherry, spurge, soapwort, foxglove, adonis, spring adonis are prohibited for use.
  • Let's recap the importance constant monitoring of a bathing child. Remember: in the presence of parents, the baby behaves calmer and more predictably. Do not rely on an inflatable ring or a special highchair for bathing. Turning away, and even more so leaving the bathroom even for a few seconds, you can find the baby choked!
  • Due to the immaturity of the centers of regulation of vascular tone, children react differently to hot water. One can not die in the steam room, but the other is enough to raise the temperature a little or allow a longer swim in the bathroom to cause overheating. Parents need monitor the baby's well-being. If bright redness of the skin appears, especially in combination with perspiration and blanching of the nasolabial triangle, with unmotivated anxiety or signs of fatigue, bathing should be stopped immediately.
  • The older the child becomes, the greater should be the distance from the bath to household chemicals stored in the bathroom, shaving accessories, open sockets, light bulbs and electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric shavers). Children's curiosity and desire to taste everything or experience it in action can end in tragedy.

Swimming in open water and inflatable pools is a great pleasure, but it is not a hygienic procedure. On the contrary, after them it is recommended that the baby be at least rinsed with clean water, and before a night's sleep - bathed with soap.

When a baby appears in the house, parents have many questions related to bathing a child.

Why bathe a child? Is it not enough just to wash?

Most parents are sure that bathing a child is necessary, first of all, for cleanliness. However, in addition to the hygienic role, regular water procedures have a wide impact on the body and the psycho-emotional state of the baby.

Bathing your baby is beneficial because:

  1. During bathing, the child hardens. Since the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times higher than the thermal conductivity of air, even a small one, 1-2 ° C, the difference between the temperature of the body and water is sufficient to achieve a powerful hardening effect, exceeding that of hardening by air baths. This effect will be enhanced by dousing the baby at the end of the procedure with cool water with a temperature several degrees lower than that in which the bath was taken.
  2. Bathing a child has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child and his psycho-emotional development. Moving from air to water and vice versa leads to the stimulation of many nerve receptors located in the skin. At the same time, training and regulation of the activity of various parts of the nervous system take place, a certain balance and optimization of their work are achieved. In addition, bathing provides a child with vivid emotions and impressions, which positively affects his intellectual development. The use of various toys according to the age of the baby and short sessions with them in the water enhance this effect.
  3. The movements of the child are improved. It is more difficult to move in water than in air, due to its increased resistance. Throwing arms and legs, the baby strengthens its muscles and trains the heart. The greatest effect can be achieved when bathing a baby in an "adult" bath, where he can move his arms and legs more freely and change his body position. It is very useful to perform small complexes of water gymnastics with the baby.
  4. Helps to improve the condition of the chest. Being in water reduces or completely relieves pain, which helps to calm the child, for example, when he is being tormented.
  5. Bathing for a baby is communication and a valuable experience. In the process of bathing the baby, there is an emotional contact between the child and adults, which has a positive effect on the development of relationships between the baby and the people around him.

Bathing a newborn: questions from parents

It would seem that it is difficult to bathe a child? However, many young parents are afraid of this simple procedure, afraid to do something wrong, because the newborn baby is so tiny and defenseless. We have collected the most popular questions that parents ask about bathing.

When should you start bathing your newborn?

According to the recommendations of domestic pediatricians, you can bathe a newborn already on the day of discharge from the hospital - if the BCG vaccination was given the day before, or the next day - if the BCG was given on the day of discharge. Up to this point, the child is simply washed several times a day after each stool. Bathing is contraindicated in any acute diseases accompanied by fever, as well as in the presence of pustular skin lesions.

What is the best time to bathe a baby?

The answer to this question depends both on the characteristics of the child and on the rhythm of life of the whole family. As a rule, children calm down and sleep soundly after water procedures, and therefore bathing is often carried out before one of the evening feedings. For those babies for whom bathing is exciting, the bath time can be moved to daytime and even morning hours. It is important that the procedure begins no earlier than one hour after eating and no later than 30-40 minutes before the next feeding.

How to prepare a room and a bath for water procedures?

It is most convenient to bathe a child directly in the bathroom. The optimum temperature in the room where water procedures take place is 24–26 ° С. It is better to lay a rubber mat on a slippery tiled floor in advance, and set a clock on a shelf within sight in order to navigate in time.

The location of the baby bath should be, first of all, convenient for parents. It should be noted that at present there are many different models of bathing trays on the market - for every taste and budget. For example, double-walled baby baths provide long-term maintenance of the water temperature at the initial level, and built-in temperature sensors help to monitor its level. "Slides" are designed to help keep the baby in the bath, they are built-in or removable. It can be convenient to have a drain hose in the bath, thanks to which it will not be necessary to turn it over to pour out the water - just open the drain. There are even changing tables or chests of drawers that have a built-in bathing container. So that during the procedure the adult does not have to be in a half-bent position, special coasters for baths have been invented. Some of them are installed on the floor, while the bath is approximately at the level of an adult's belt. Others are placed on the sides of an adult bath. In both cases, you need to make sure that the bath is firmly fixed on the stand.

The bath in which the baby bathes must be washed with hot water and soap immediately before each procedure. If a child bathes in an adult bath, it is recommended to clean it with soda. While bathing, the bathroom door can be kept slightly ajar, provided there is no draft, of course, so that too much steam does not accumulate in the bathroom. Then the subsequent transition of the child from the bathroom to the corridor will not be very abrupt.

Do you boil water for bathing?

Currently, subject to the availability of centralized water supply, there is no need to boil water for bathing the baby. However, if you live outside the city and water is not supplied from centralized sources, boiling water is mandatory at least in the first month of a child's life.

How to disinfect water?

Minimal disinfection of water is recommended until the umbilical wound is completely healed and the crust falls off: as a rule, this happens by the 2-3rd week of the baby's life. Potassium permanganate solution is usually used for disinfection. Potassium permanganate is diluted in a separate container until a saturated solution is obtained, which is then filtered through a three-layer gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from getting on the skin of the crumbs, which can lead to a chemical burn. The filtered solution is added to a bath of water until a pale pink hue is obtained.

Bathing a baby with the addition of potassium permanganate causes dry skin, so it is no longer added as soon as the umbilical wound heals and the crust falls off.

Decoctions of herbs are also traditionally used as disinfectants - calendula, string, chamomile. To prepare the infusion, a glass of dry grass is poured with a liter of boiling water, after which it is infused for 3-4 hours. Then the resulting broth is filtered through a three-layer gauze and added to the bath. It is recommended to use decoctions of antiseptic herbs when prickly heat or diaper dermatitis appears on the skin of a child. If the baby's skin is healthy, there is no need to add herbs.

What should be the temperature of the water for bathing a baby?

The optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn is 36–37 °C. It is recommended to use a thermometer to measure the water temperature. The so-called elbow method, that is, lowering the elbow of an adult into the water - while the water temperature should practically not differ from body temperature - is inaccurate due to the difference in subjective sensations when the air temperature and humidity in the room change.

In the "adult" bath, the water cools rather slowly. And when using a baby bath, it is better to control the temperature of the water with a thermometer throughout the process and add warm water if necessary. To obtain a hardening effect, the temperature of bathing water can be reduced by one degree within 7-10 days to 32-33 ° C.

It is useful to finish bathing the baby by pouring cool water from a jug, ladle, etc. The water temperature should be a couple of degrees lower than the one in which the child bathed: for example, 34-35 ° C, if bathing took place at a temperature of 37 ° C.

What should be the duration of water procedures?

The very first bathing of the baby should not take more than 5-7 minutes. By 2-3 months, this time increases to 15 minutes, and by six months - up to 20 minutes.

How often should a baby be bathed?

For normal psycho-emotional and motor development and to improve the health of an infant, it is necessary to bathe daily. In the hot season, water procedures can be carried out twice a day to prevent overheating of the body and prevent prickly heat.

What detergents are best used when bathing a child and how often can they be used?

When bathing a baby, it is better to use detergents designed specifically for infants - there should be a corresponding note on the label. We list some of them:

Baby soap - liquid, in the form of a gel or solid. Its main difference from conventional soaps is the minimum alkali content - pH neutrality. In this regard, baby soap does not cause unwanted drying and irritation of the skin. Bathing a newborn with use should be no more than 1 time per week, not counting regular washings. In the second half of life, when the child begins to actively crawl around the apartment, you may have to bathe him with detergents more often.

Baby shampoo. It is used from 2-4 weeks of age to wash the baby's hair, as a rule, no more than 1 time per week. It should be noted that you can wash the baby's scalp with baby soap or bathing gel. To soften and remove gneiss - a seborrheic crust on the scalp - before using baby shampoo, you can use any natural vegetable oil.

How to bathe a baby?

The process of bathing a child should evoke positive emotions: only in this case all the positive effects that we talked about at the beginning are achieved. If the baby does not like something, then, first of all, the adults themselves need to tune in to the positive and analyze the entire bathing process, trying to find out what upsets the baby. Maybe the time of the procedure or the temperature of the water is not suitable for the child, the light is too bright, or the sound of water from the tap scares him. It is necessary to understand this and create suitable bathing conditions for the baby.

It has long been observed that plants have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby. For bathing newborns, our ancestors picked up soothing herbs. It is easier for modern mothers, because everything has already been tried before them. You just need to find out in which herbs you can bathe a baby, and how to brew them.

In what herbs can you bathe a newborn baby

A huge number of medicinal herbs will help to make the water procedures of the baby pleasant and useful. Most often, mothers ask what to bathe a newborn baby in to calm down, because many babies are naughty and cry at night. If you are familiar with this situation, then for bathing newborns you should choose such soothing herbs: lavender, valerian, juniper. Valerian, for example, has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, it will help get rid of overexcitation. These herbs help your baby sleep soundly. Oregano is also used to soothe the baby, it is indicated for bathing newborns with hypertonicity.

For bathing newborn children with allergies, you can use a decoction of bay leaves. With regular use, you can get rid of allergies forever or reduce its manifestations. For bathing from the first days of a newborn's life, calendula is suitable, which soothes irritated skin and contributes to the disappearance of peeling. Water procedures are often carried out using chamomile and string, which have a disinfecting effect and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Medicinal herbs should be used on the recommendation of a pediatrician. It is necessary to compare the beneficial properties of plants and the individual characteristics of the child. For example, a string dries the skin, so it is not worth bathing a baby with dry skin prone to peeling in it often.

Herbal decoctions for bathing newborns

In which herbs you can bathe a baby, it depends on what tasks need to be solved with the help of herbal baths, for example, if the navel has not yet healed in a newborn child, then you need to use disinfecting herbs (string, chamomile, calendula); while an excited baby is shown bathing with valerian, mint, motherwort, lavender, nettle. With colic, hop cones, bearberry, motherwort will help.

What can be added to tap water when bathing a newborn, the pediatrician will tell you, so do not hesitate to ask him this question: doctors welcome herbal baths, the main thing is that the choice of plants is thoughtful. How (in what proportions) to brew a medicinal herb for bathing a newborn is also worth asking the pediatrician. Following the general rules, you need to take a special collection of herbs for bathing newborns, measure out 2-4 tablespoons and add half a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse decoctions of herbs for at least half an hour, then they can be used both for bathing and rinsing newborns. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator. When brewing, you should follow the instructions that come with each pharmacy fee, so the infusion will be as effective as possible.

In the pharmacy for bathing newborns, special extracts are sold. They help save time, since you do not need to brew anything. Extracts are added to the collected water. They are economical: one cap is enough for about ten liters of water.

How to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn baby

Most often, chamomile is used to bathe a newborn baby, but you need to know how to brew it correctly. There is nothing difficult in this. It is most convenient to buy chamomile preparations, because brewing instructions are attached to them. The proportions for preparing the infusion are as follows: chamomile - 1 tablespoon and hot water - 1.5 cups. The infusion should be covered with a lid and let stand for a quarter of an hour. Most pediatricians recommend boiling chamomile before diluting. This is especially true at first, when the baby's skin is still very delicate and sensitive to everything. First, for bathing newborns, it is worth preparing a less concentrated chamomile decoction, the pediatrician will tell you how to do this. It is generally recommended to use 1.5 tablespoons of flowers per 300 ml of cold water. The pot must be put on fire for five minutes. For bathing a newborn, it is convenient to use a packaged type of chamomile, how many bags you need to brew are indicated on the package. For a large bathroom, three bags are brewed; for baby baths, one is enough.

How to bathe a newborn baby in chamomile? The procedure differs from ordinary bathing only in that a medicinal herb is added to the water. If you use a not very concentrated decoction, then you can not reduce the bathing time.

Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to bathe a newborn baby not in pharmacy chamomile, but in the one that is sold on the street. This is strictly prohibited. In order for the flowers to retain their medicinal properties, it is necessary to adhere to the technology of collecting and drying the plant.

If, after a chamomile bath, rashes appear on the baby's skin, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician.

A solution of potassium permanganate when bathing a newborn

Often grandmothers recommend bathing a newborn in potassium permanganate, but is it possible to do this? Previously, the first bath of a newborn always took place with potassium permanganate, it was believed that thanks to this, the umbilical wound would heal faster. Potassium permanganate does have a healing and antibacterial effect, but its use in infant care is ambiguous. Before using the product for bathing newborns, you need to know how to properly dilute potassium permanganate so that there are no negative consequences. It is also important to find out how many potassium permanganate crystals need to be added to the water to prepare the solution.

How much potassium permanganate to add to water

Correctly prepare a solution of three to five potassium permanganate crystals, the preparation should be carried out in several stages. You need to dilute manganese in a glass of water, because if you pour the crystals directly into the bathroom, they may not dissolve, which will cause a burn on the baby's delicate skin. The water in the glass should be crimson in color, but do not rush to pour it into the bathroom: the water must be filtered through gauze, and then only added to the water in which the baby will bathe. It is important to observe the proportions: a solution of potassium permanganate requires quite a bit for the water to turn pale pink.

Is it worth bathing a newborn in potassium permanganate, how long should such a procedure take, how to prepare the solution correctly - these are the questions that you should ask the pediatrician if you plan to use this product for baby care.

Bath time for a newborn

An alternative to potassium permanganate can be an infusion from a string. Grass is often used for bathing newborns, as string has an antimicrobial effect due to the high content of manganese. Is it possible to bathe your newborn child in a row, you should check with the pediatrician, since the plant has pronounced drying properties and in some cases cannot be used.
