The high self-esteem of a woman acts magically on men! How to communicate with a person with high self-esteem if there is no way to avoid him.

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How to communicate with a person with high self-esteem

Doctor, I have delusions of grandeur

What kind of megalomania can you have, pathetic worm

Is it easy for you to communicate with a person who is sure that he is the best? After all, there are people for whom this is a funny feature. And, for example, in work or business contacts, over-the-top conceit can become serious problem. Therefore, I propose to discuss in what cases andhow to communicate with a person with high self-esteem. But before that, do not forget to check with the help of the test what kind of self-esteem YOU have. It can be done.


If your interlocutor has been “awarded” with a great opinion of himself, know: “thank you” should be said to his parents. Since they either scolded their child and beat him for nothing, or praised him and in every possible way inspired his exclusivity.

In the first case it works overcompensation- in self-defense, the victim puts on a mask of self-confidence. Second case inflated ego possible when the child is the only one in the family or long-awaited.


Given this, it is easy to imagine what kind of adults these children will be.

As Faina Ranevskaya would say: it's very hard to be a genius among boogers.

The most harmless manifestation: excessive self-confidence. Always and in everything.

As a result, as practice shows, their natural abilities are realized better than people with identical potential and normal self-esteem. At the same time, women in communication will emphasize to others their external beauty, talent, and men brag about their own successes.

Seems to be harmless by-effect, which you can simply ignore and communicate like with everyone else. It turns out that such a profit is useful for life? But imagine such people in a professional environment. Their distorted perception myself misleads others.

The boss, believing in bragging, will entrust a responsible project that is beyond the strength of the employee. The colleague will get a double load by correcting the narcissist's mistakes. Partners, seeing the discrepancy between promises and real results, will think about the need for further cooperation.

After us at least a flood

Another serious catch that awaits you in the process of communicating with them: as a result of excessive selfishness, you will be used. Since your own interests are more important than others, even if they harm you. The feelings of others are not taken into account, such people are often prudent and emotionally cold.

And if talkwith them, criticizing and questioning, then in return you will receive all sorts of attempts to humiliate you and others. This is necessary to maintain your status and high opinion of yourself. Thus, consider the following features when dealing with a person with high self-esteem:

Communication strategies

I emphasize that if you adequately evaluate yourself, then the behavior of a person with high self-esteem will not affect you in any way, but will even amuse you a little. You will try not to step on a sore spot, provoke, get angry or test others. negative emotions. If you need to negotiate with such an individual or achieve some results from him, then take into account the following strategies:

  1. Head-subordinate. If an employee in subordination "starred" - does not pay attention to criticism, does not correct mistakes,only listens to himself, overestimate their abilities, then this is an easy option. There is all the authority and power to put him in his "place". But without insults and rigidity.

It is necessary to criticize the behavior of a negligent employee with arguments, using practical examples, or place him in an environment of real professionals. Also successful will be the reception to conduct certification and test evaluation.

What to be ready for?

Be prepared for the fact that you will always be wrong, the most best deeds, gifts and a sea of ​​attention. You will be demanding. To be close to such a person and communicate with him, you must first of all have adequate self-esteem, but not too high. Then there will be a return, and not a one-sided game.

OK it's all over Now. I hope I helped you. Maybe you have a couple too. useful advice? Write and invite friends.

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What is better low or high self-esteem? Many lovely ladies they will answer that it is better to have an overestimated than an underestimated one. Therefore, when they try to raise their self-esteem, an adequate assessment of themselves is often lost.

Some may argue, because ladies with high opinion, solve problems better, make acquaintances and relationships, and, of course, know their own worth better. Unfortunately, women with an adequate understanding of themselves have all these advantages, while the rest of the fair sex develop negative character traits.

For example, people with high self-esteem can be observed - selfishness, arrogance, narcissism, arrogance. And with low self-esteem, you can see - cowardice, envy, resentment, jealousy.

How can you define high self-esteem and the weaker sex? How to understand that a girl or woman overestimates herself and her importance?

There are many signs by which this can be determined. Here are some of them:

She always wants to be the first in everything.

Requests often sound like orders, and the word "please" is rarely used.

She constantly talks about herself, interrupts and teaches others how to live correctly.

Mistakes are unacceptable at all, everything should be perfect, and as she wants.

Criticism is taken hard and as a personal insult.

"I" sounds very often in speech.

All points of view, except your own, are wrong.

A pronounced, but sometimes hidden, selfishness is manifested.

Failure is accompanied by irritability and depression.

She expresses her opinion always and everywhere, despite the fact that sometimes it is not appropriate.

There is constant competition with others with or without reason.

The words "sorry" and "sorry" are used very rarely.

In all troubles, others or circumstances are to blame.

She always has the last word.

Men are rarely attracted to selfish women, so having an inflated opinion of yourself does not help create family life, and also does not always contribute to a career. The same can be said about low self-esteem.

Although there are differences between high and low self-esteem a big difference. From low girls and women more often want to change their attitude than from high. Since selfish people never want to change, considering themselves ideal.

It is unlikely that women with high self-esteem are calm and happy, because the fear of losing or making a mistake makes them live in tension and follow their every step. Having found signs of high self-esteem in yourself, you should take care of yourself and strive for an adequate assessment of yourself and the world around you.

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It happens that in different areas we don't feel the same. For example, a woman can easily be confident in herself as a specialist, and then the professional part of her self-esteem will be high. But this does not mean that she will be confident in herself as a woman.

Women's self-esteem is inner feeling its value and attractiveness to the opposite sex. A woman with adequate self-esteem is not afraid male attention, feels himself worthy of love and respect. The attitude towards oneself as a woman is also strongly influenced by attitudes regarding love, relationships, female and male. For example, many people have the belief that "To love means to suffer and sacrifice." Is it possible to treat yourself with respect with such an attitude?

If we do not believe that we are worthy of male attention, that the woman of us is “not very good”, then we will behave accordingly. Faktrum publishes an article from the online magazine School of Life listing five signs of a woman with low self-esteem:

1. A woman with low self-esteem does not know how and cannot accept help, gifts and just male attention. Somewhere inside, she does not believe that she deserves to be loved just like that. Therefore, she is lost or looking for a catch when compliments are given to her or they try to get to know each other.

2. Low self-esteem keeps whispering to a woman that she is “not very good” that you need to agree to the relationship that is offered to her. Who knows, maybe she won't be able to attract anyone else? And as long as she thinks so, that's exactly what she will get: few people are attracted to an insecure woman. As a result, she does not consider herself in the right to choose a man and often finds herself in relationships with those from whom it is better to stay away.

3. Another indicator of low self-esteem is inability to speak directly and aloud about their desires. And this applies not only to help or gifts. Even if a man honestly tries to make her feel good, asks what she wants, then such a woman speaks in riddles or avoids answering. The partner each time has to pull her desires out of her with claws, and sooner or later such games will tire anyone adequate man. But this state of affairs will completely suit someone who is not interested in her desires.

A woman with low self-esteem is afraid to “frighten off” a man, it seems to her that she will be loved only if she adapts to other people's desires, if she is comfortable and does not want something for herself. Unconsciously, she believes that love must be earned, and if she is herself, then she will be abandoned. In a relationship, these attitudes force women to make any concessions, if only a man is nearby, if only they don’t leave us. And this The best way to be in a place where we are not valued or respected.

4. This implies another sign of low female self-esteem: she is not respected by those around her. The people around us reflect the level of our self-esteem. How you value yourself is how others will react to you. Remember your feelings different people: there are those who get nasty - well, the tongue does not turn. And there are those who are drawn to kick. What does it depend on? From self-esteem. If a person feels inner dignity, if he loves and respects himself, he will not allow himself to be rude. He will not associate with those who are disrespectful, will not tolerate this.

5. Our self-esteem is reflected in how we treat other women. A woman with low self-esteem compares herself to others all the time and often sees all around competitors. If deep down you know that no one else has such a set of qualities as you, then you will not compete. You have your advantages, the other lady has hers. And each will be attractive to those who appreciate precisely its features. If you, for example, are tall, then those men who love tall people will be attracted to you. That's all.

But if a woman sees a rival in every other lady, this suggests that deep down she feels not unique and not valuable. She compares herself to others all the time. And it doesn't matter if it loses in comparison or wins. Indeed, in this case, her attitude towards herself constantly depends on those who were nearby.

What gets in the way of self-esteem? Fear of being bad, fear of being selfish, fear of being abandoned. We feel that if we love and respect ourselves, then someone may not like it, that they will stop loving us. I will not lie and say that everything will be fine. Yes, indeed, there will be people who will not be satisfied with this. What does "egoist" mean? This is a person who is inconvenient to others. The one who thinks with his own head, the one who cannot be controlled. And for some people, this state of affairs will seem very disadvantageous. Do you need these people around you?

Many of us have a fear that if we begin to demand respectful attitude If we start to love and protect ourselves, we will become bad. As one great psychotherapist said: "Defending your borders, you do not become a bad person. You become an adult."

Every woman wants to be loved, valued and happy. But for some reason, some achieve this, while others are always in problems, they are treated without respect, and they fall more and more into depression, and sometimes into various addictions. What if you don't get what you want with all your heart? Change your attitude towards yourself, accept yourself and realize that you deserve all the best. So, let's look at exactly how a woman with low self-esteem behaves.

It happens that in different areas we do not feel the same. For example, a woman can easily be confident in herself as a specialist, and then the professional part of her self-esteem will be high. But this does not mean that she will be confident in herself as a woman.

Women's self-esteem is an internal feeling of their value and attractiveness for the opposite sex. A woman with adequate self-esteem is not afraid of male attention, feels worthy of love and respect. The attitude towards oneself as a woman is also strongly influenced by attitudes regarding love, relationships, female and male. For example, many people have the belief that "To love means to suffer and sacrifice." Is it possible to treat yourself with respect with such an attitude?

If we do not believe that we are worthy of male attention, that the woman of us is “not very good”, then we will behave accordingly.

1. A woman with low self-esteem does not know how and cannot accept help, gifts and just male attention. Somewhere inside, she does not believe that she deserves to be loved just like that. Therefore, she is lost or looking for a catch when compliments are given to her or they try to get to know each other.

2. Low self-esteem keeps whispering to a woman that she is “not very good” that you need to agree to the relationship that is offered to her. Who knows, maybe she won't be able to attract anyone else? And as long as she thinks so, that's exactly what she will get: few people are attracted to an insecure woman. As a result, she does not consider herself in the right to choose a man and often finds herself in relationships with those from whom it is better to stay away.

3. Another indicator of low self-esteem is inability to speak directly and aloud about their desires. And this applies not only to help or gifts. Even if a man honestly tries to make her feel good, asks what she wants, then such a woman speaks in riddles or avoids answering. The partner each time has to pull her desires out of her with claws, and sooner or later such games will tire any adequate man. But this state of affairs will completely suit someone who is not interested in her desires.

A woman with low self-esteem is afraid to “frighten off” a man, it seems to her that she will be loved only if she adapts to other people's desires, if she is comfortable and does not want something for herself. Unconsciously, she believes that love must be earned, and if she is herself, then she will be abandoned. In a relationship, these attitudes force women to make any concessions, if only a man is nearby, if only they don’t leave us. And this is the best way to be where we are not appreciated and respected.

4. This implies another sign of low female self-esteem: she is not respected by those around her.

The people around us reflect the level of our self-esteem. How you value yourself is how others will react to you. Remember your feelings from different people: there are those who get nasty - well, the tongue does not turn. And there are those who are drawn to kick. What does it depend on? From self-esteem. If a person feels inner dignity, if he loves and respects himself, he will not allow himself to be rude. He will not associate with those who are disrespectful, will not tolerate this.

5. Our self-esteem is reflected in how we treat other women. A woman with low self-esteem compares herself to others all the time and often sees all around competitors. If deep down you know that no one else has such a set of qualities as you, then you will not compete. You have your advantages, the other lady has hers. And each will be attractive to those who appreciate precisely its features. If you, for example, are tall, then those men who love tall people will be attracted to you. That's all.

But if a woman sees a rival in every other lady, this suggests that deep down she feels not unique and not valuable. She compares herself to others all the time. And it doesn't matter if it loses in comparison or wins. Indeed, in this case, her attitude towards herself constantly depends on those who were nearby.

What gets in the way of self-esteem?

Fear of being bad, fear of being selfish, fear of being abandoned. We feel that if we love and respect ourselves, then someone may not like it, that they will stop loving us. I will not lie and say that everything will be fine. Yes, indeed, there will be people who will not be satisfied with this. What does "egoist" mean? This is a person who is inconvenient to others. The one who thinks with his own head, the one who cannot be controlled. And for some people, this state of affairs will seem very disadvantageous. Do you need these people around you?

Many of us have a fear that if we begin to demand respect for ourselves, if we begin to love and protect ourselves, then we will become bad. As one great psychotherapist said: “Defending your boundaries doesn't make you a bad person. You become an adult."
