What to do with your child during the winter holidays. Winter holidays - what to do with children? If you want summer

Consultation for parents

“What to do with your child during the winter holidays”

“New Year's holidays are a fabulous time not only for children, but also for their parents. After all, this is a great opportunity to remember your childhood, have fun from the heart, and also get closer to the children and become true friends for them.”

So, the beginning of the winter holidays coincides with preparations for the New Year, so try to captivate your child with them. This should not be done forcibly, but playfully. For example, you can offer a competition for the most exquisite paper snowflake (this works especially well if older children or dad take part in the cutting). You can decorate the walls of the rooms with paper figures, garlands made by yourself... Perhaps the greatest joy and pride in children is when their parents ask for help in choosing a Christmas tree. With no less delight, the children begin to decorate the Christmas tree (let the child dream up, and perhaps the child will hang toys on the tree so that they resemble scenes from fairy tales). If the child does not know how to do this yet, teach him, he will like it.

New Year's decorations made of ice.

If you have the opportunity to decorate a Christmas tree in the forest or in your yard, then you can make decorations for it from ice: you need to prepare the molds in advance and fill them with water, after which the “decorations” are carefully removed and hung on the tree. To make the toys even more beautiful, you can pour colored water or put berries, tinsel, pieces of foil or figures made from it, etc. in it.

Take your child to the New Year's party.

Even if you have already attended a matinee in kindergarten, it doesn’t matter! You can always go with your child to the New Year’s party in the park or to any establishment that holds holiday programs. Believe me, such an event will bring a lot of fun to everyone! Children's eyes will shine with joy, and parents, as if inchildhood , they will be happy to dance in circles and shout: “Christmas tree, light up!” By the way, take your nephews, godchildren or friends with children there - it will be even more fun.

Everybody go for a walk!

In the modern world, parents rarely have the opportunity to actively spend time outside with their children. So put everything aside and have fun with your whole family. You can go up the hill with a sled or play in the snow, have fun floundering in the snow, remember everything you played before, for example the famous game “Tsar of the Mountains”. This is one of the most popular games among children's games. According to its terms, the one who takes the top of the mountain (usually an artificial snow hill) the fastest becomes its “king.” Other guys are trying to take the place of the king, pull the impostor from the top, so the mountain is stormed from all sides. In the game it is prohibited to use any objects that could cause bodily harm; you cannot push or pullscarf , grab the throat and use techniques that lead to injury. If the king of the mountain “cannot sit still” for a long time, then the one who most often took the king’s place can be considered the winner.

Would you like to play sports with your baby? Like ice skating? What's stopping? Then head to the indoor skating rink, where you can rent skates. By the way, skating is not only good for health, but also for the development of intelligence. In addition, when skating it is necessary to maintain balance; the vestibular apparatus is actively developing. If your child is unsure of skating, the winter holidays are a great time to teach him how to skate.

You can also build a snowman and a girlfriend for him, or build an ice fortress. You can also go on some interesting excursion with your children, maybe even to another city. For example, why not go to visit Grandfather Frost at his residence in Abzakovo? Believe me, your baby will remember this trip for a long time!

Competition for the best feeder

You can involve children from the entire entrance or yard in this creative activity. Just give a call and the kids will build wonderful canteens for birds. Celebrate the conclusion with a tea party and be sure to praise all the craftsmen. Hang the feeders in the yard or in the nearest park and come there to watch the birds.

Outdoor photo shoot

Take it with you for a walkcamera and have a winter family photo shoot. During the break between filming, you can organize a picnic: prepare tea in a thermos, take sandwiches and sweets with you. Children will have an unforgettable experience!

Home concert

Organize a real home concert or performance and invite friends with children to it. To do this, prepare in advance: come up with a scenario, collect the necessary props (old things, different scarves,scarves and hats), put up decorations and organize several fun games, with the distribution of small souvenirs, a song and dance competition. Of course, you don’t have to stick to the program; with children there is always a place for impromptu. Let the little actors dance, sing, recite rhymes, and you applaud loudly and support them! You can also invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden to visit, let them give gifts to the baby. And don't forget to take everything offvideo camera !

Cook something delicious

Children love to cook! You can devote your entire vacation to culinary master classes, which adults don’t have enough time for on weekdays. Make a menu for the week and experiment every day - bake cookies together, make figures of animals and cartoon characters from dough or marzipan, come up with a new salad recipe, give it an original name. It's incredibly fun to cook with the whole family! And after everything is ready, arrange a festivetea party with cookies.

So, during the New Year holidays, you can and should take a break from work and devote yourself entirely to your family. Feel free to fall into childhood and have fun with your kids, sincerely rejoice and be surprised by gifts and new events. This is the only way you can win their trust and become true friends!

The festive night has already passed, and now it’s time to think about how to please the children during the New Year holidays. It is best to spend these days having fun, playing games together, and not sitting in front of the TV.

Drawings in the snow

Ksenia Dryzlova, author of the book “Wonderful Time: Winter,” suggests surprising your child by inviting him to draw outside, where instead of paper you will have white snow! You can take regular paints and brushes outside and paint small areas of dense snow, for example, on snowmen.

It is convenient to paint large snowy areas using a spray bottle. Add paint or food coloring to the spray water in advance. In this way you can paint snow figures, snow on bushes and tree branches.

For drawing thin lines on the snow, a plastic bottle with a hole in the lid is useful. You can also use sticks (and any other natural materials) to lay out some kind of design and spray it on top with spray paint. When you remove the sticks, you will be left with a white design on a colored background.

Ice fun

Ice is an excellent material for creativity. It needs to be prepared in advance. You can freeze ice in the freezer, on an open balcony or on the street. Any non-glass molds, plastic food containers, sandbox molds, cut-off plastic bottles and juice boxes, silicone and aluminum baking dishes, tin cans, bowls, plastic cups and even rubber gloves will come in handy.

The resulting pieces of ice can simply be examined, sorted through, counted, arranged by color, thrown, carried on a typewriter, broken, laid out into patterns and built into towers, holding them together with water.

To get ice in the form of flat disks, pour 4-5 cm of colored water into cut-off five-liter plastic bottles or any other container. Lay out a multi-colored path out of them, along which you can then walk or jump from one circle to another.

You can make interesting decorations for the street from ice and decorate trees with them near your house or on the way to kindergarten. To do this, freeze natural materials, colored ice cubes, glass balls, beads, shells, orange or lemon slices in flat forms. You can also freeze lace napkins, confetti, colorful paper snowflakes or any other shapes. Don't forget to dip the ends of the thread or rope you will use to hang the decorations into the water.

Crystal soap bubbles

If you blow a soap bubble in the cold (from –7ºС), before your eyes it will become covered with icy patterns and turn into a crystal ball. The lower the temperature, the faster the bubble will freeze. The ideal temperature for crystallization is –15ºС.

To speed up the process, you can drop a snowflake on the soap bubble or place it on the snow. Depending on the air temperature, the bubbles may become elastic or brittle.

You can blow a bubble through a special straw, a cocktail straw, or an empty ballpoint pen.

You can decorate trees and bushes near your home with crystal soap bubbles.

If the temperature is not suitable for freezing soap bubbles, you can catch them with a net or play jumping soap bubbles. To do this, just wear woolen gloves or mittens, from which the bubbles will bounce instead of bursting.

What else to do outside

In winter you can perform exciting tasks. For example, find out what time the lanterns come on, pour seeds into all the feeders you see on the street, or build a huge snowman. “Neskuchalka” will help you come up with an activity for each month. Calendar 2015". Here's what you should do in January:

Shadow theater

If there is biting frost outside, don’t be upset. There are a lot of fun things you can do at home. For example, home productions are a very fun and rewarding pastime. They are especially valuable if all family members and friends participate.

Create a shadow theater on the wall using any toys and your hands. Place animal figurines on the table and backlight them with a lamp or powerful flashlight so that their shadows fall on the wall. With the shadows of various objects you can create entire cities, mountainous or fantastic landscapes. If an object is placed closer to the lamp, its shadow will be larger, so even objects of the same size can produce different shadows.

Make up stories by playing along with hand shadows. You can look online to see how to make a wide variety of shadow shapes.

Magic jars

From the most ordinary cans you can create truly amazing objects. For example, something like glass snow globes.

You will need:

  • glass jar with screw cap;
  • boiled water;
  • glitter (available at arts and crafts stores);
  • glycerin (sold in pharmacies);
  • hot glue gun or superglue;
  • plastic toy (you can make a figurine from hardening plastic).

Cooking method:

Glue the toy to the inside surface of the lid. Pour boiled water into a jar and, stirring, add glitter and glycerin. Glycerin is needed to make the glitter swirl smoothly in the water. Glitter comes in different qualities, so test it in a different container first. Once the glue on the lid has dried, screw the lid back on and, if necessary, add more water to the jar to prevent any air bubbles.

Turn the jar upside down, shake it a little and enjoy the smoothly swirling sparkles, just like in real glass snow globes.

Drawing on glass

Another home entertainment: invite children to draw on the windows with a special glass pencil. Such drawings can be made on the eve of the New Year or at any other time. Try tracing objects outside the window: trees, houses, roads, parked cars.

Indoor games with snow

In winter, children really like to play in the snow. But what to do when there is severe frost outside the window - you can’t stick your nose out? Asya Vanyakina, author of the book “Iceberg on the Carpet,” gives advice for this case.

Take a basin and collect clean snow outside. If a child is about two years old, then he will be interested in picking through the snow in his hands and watching how it melts. Offer different figures of animals, people, cars for the game and play in a snowy winter in a fairyland until the snow finally melts. With older children, you can play snow castle siege at home. The main thing is that the snow sticks well.

You can make artificial snow without leaving your home. The easiest way is to use cotton balls, regular cotton wool or stuffing for soft toys in the game. Cotton wool can be transported in the back of trucks. If you have large pieces of cotton wool, you can lay them under the toy railroad. You can act out entire scenes about how the train was covered in snow.

Try to make snow that looks almost like real snow. You will need 2 cups of starch; half a glass of sunflower oil; large bowl. Mix starch and butter in a bowl. Grind the resulting mass in your hands until you feel that it begins to stick. Build a little snowman or a whole snowy city.

Great snow comes out of shaving foam. You get a lot of it at once, and at the end of the game you can easily wash it off with water.

If you have a small child, then any time of year is a reason for creativity and experimentation. Every day can be a fun game. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. This winter we advise you to use ideas from the books “Wonderful Time: Winter”, “Iceberg on the Carpet”, “Never Bored.” Calendar 2015".

Have a great winter break!

My favorite holidays, both during my school years and during my university years, have always been winter ones. Now I have my own children, and I love them even more. Lately, I am very happy that I can spend the winter holidays at home with the whole family so calmly and measuredly. Today I will tell you about several interesting activities with your children so that the holidays are not boring and monotonous.

Cultural program

Even if you really don’t want to leave your warm, cozy home in the cold and snowstorm, take tickets to one of the New Year’s performances. Fortunately, there are now enough of them in every city. Focus on the age of the children and their interests:

Peppa Pig - for kids;

Cinderella or Frozen - for older girls;

Fixies - suitable for any age, even adults;

And teenagers will be interested in 3D and light shows.

Not only concerts, but also excursions can serve as a cultural program. At the Christmas tree decoration factory - everyone likes it! Here you can not only learn how New Year's decorations are made and painted, but also attend a master class on applying your own unique image to a ball.

Active games

It should be noted that adults love skating, skiing and sledding just as much as children! So, without hesitation, go to the nearest hill. You can take a thermos with warm tea with you or not take anything, and after riding, go to the nearest coffee shop, where mom and dad will treat themselves to mulled wine, and the kids will enjoy tea with sweets.

If there is no slide in your yard, or there is no snow in the region, the ideal solution would be a skating rink, or even better, a complex where they go skiing and snowboarding.

Cook's Day

Why not make some delicious treats from what you have in the fridge? There will only be one condition: all family members must be involved. Distribute in advance the work that everyone will do and you will be surprised how quickly your family will make a mountain of dumplings or pancakes with different fillings.

When everyone is satisfied with a delicious home-cooked lunch, cleaning should also be done together. Therefore, it is important to understand in advance how much the hectic family activity will liven up your kitchen order!

If you want summer

Go to a water park! Indeed, the genius is that nowadays you can not only swim in the pool at any time, but also ride slides of different heights, dive in the waves or drink a cocktail while relaxing in a warm jacuzzi.

Each water park is equipped not only with areas for children of different ages and adults, but also with saunas. Each of them has its own temperature, so you can easily choose the most comfortable one for yourself.

Think in advance about how and where you can have a snack after the water park; children are always very hungry after playing in the water.

Winter camp

And finally, I’ll tell you how my friends spend their weekends. This is a dance family whose job is to teach the art of dance to children. So, every holiday they organize a home camp for a nominal cost. As a rule, at least ten children are recruited. And the program is as follows:

Gathering at 10 am at their home;

One and a half hour ballroom dancing training;

Cooking lunch together;

Time for home games and socializing.

The interesting thing is that those who have been to such a camp at least once go there again with great pleasure. Both children and parents are happy.

If you take note of such holidays, you can not only take your child to such a camp, but also organize it yourself at home.

I wish you an unforgettable winter holiday, because our life consists of happy and joyful moments!

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You know how difficult it can be to keep a child from playing pranks, especially when you need to do household chores. To protect your home from destruction, keep your fidget busy with something.

Children develop through games, form an understanding of the world, and gain experience. So why not devote the New Year holidays to free creativity? Give your child the opportunity to freely express himself and make interesting crafts with him. This is useful.

Fine motor skills allow the brain to develop, therefore, children's fingers must knead, sculpt, squeeze something. Let your child help you prepare for the New Year, he will be happy about it!

In this article, you can choose an activity for your child during the holidays and involve him in common pleasant chores.

You will need:

Get creative. Shall we draw?

Try to work together to make an applique with a New Year's theme, a plasticine composition, or draw or color something themed.

New Year's drawings

We have prepared a New Year's collection of step-by-step drawing instructions with pictures and descriptions. Click on the picture you like and start drawing. The instructions are very simple.

Christmas tree decorations

Paint balls for the Christmas tree together. You can use the same instructions. Acrylic paints and a child's imagination will turn ordinary monochrome Christmas tree balls into original masterpieces. Bravely! (1)

Okay, okay

Make drawings using your hands and feet. In this way you can create wonderful pictures. (2)

Let's use our imagination

  1. Take a sheet of paper and drip a few blots in the center;
  2. Now fold the paper in half;
  3. Unfold it and dry the blot;
  4. Let the child try to see some creature or object in the shapeless spot and come up with a story with it. If necessary, let him add the missing details. (3)

Vegetables on a plate

Take white paper and cut out a circle from it. We explain to the child that this sheet will represent a plate on which vegetables must be placed. The child must name all the vegetables he knows and what color they are. Then, together, cut them out from paper of the color that matches the item. All that remains is to arrange them picturesquely on a sheet of paper and stick them on.

As an option - coloring books

You can offer your child ready-made coloring pages in an album or online. Modern children are familiar with technology, so most kids prefer the second option.

The separate drawing book (which we presented above) comes with an online coloring book. You can color it right here. Explain to your child what and how, and you can go about your business. The baby will enthusiastically play with flowers without your participation. The house is clean, the child is interested, and you have free time.

Coloring page “Santa with gifts”

Coloring page “Christmas tree toy”

Choose how you want to paint.

“New Year tree”

Choose how you want to paint.

"Christmas sock"

Choose how you want to paint.

Decorate your windows beautifully

When coming up with New Year's decor for windows, it is not forbidden to improvise. This process will be a fun game for the child.

Classics of the genre - snowflakes

With some skill you can create true works of art. Can be made from cardboard or multi-colored paper. Glue it to the glass using a soap solution or flour diluted with water.

Frosty pattern

  1. It is made using stencils cut out of cardboard.
  2. Applying it to the glass, use a sponge dipped in gouache of the desired color to blot the figure and a little around it.
  3. Dried stains will resemble frosty patterns.

Involve your child in this activity by first dressing him so that you don’t feel sorry for spoiled things. The young artist may not be able to cope with the task right away. It's okay, warm water and a sponge do a great job with gouache. After deleting the unsuccessful drawing, you can start over.

Fairy lights

The techniques for making them are very diverse.

  1. One of the options is when the paper is folded several times, then a figure is cut out. Unfolding the folded sheet, you can see a whole garland of such figures.
  2. Another option is when circles of various sizes and colors are cut out, and then strung one after another on a thread.
  3. Another one: cut out symmetrical objects, for example, stars, from two pieces of fabric, connect them together, making a cardboard spacer inside. Each star has a loop sewn onto it so it can be placed over the window.

Make New Year's cards

Invite your child to start making “snow” cards.

  1. Take a brightly colored cardboard and cut out the shape of a postcard from it. It does not have to be rectangular; the postcard can look like some kind of animal.
  2. After this, we glue the figure and connect it with thicker cardboard.
  3. Now we can depict whatever we want on it. Looks interesting if you use .

Make New Year's toys

Invite your child to make Santa Claus together, for example, from eggshells.

  1. Take an egg and crack it on the top of the head.
  2. Carefully remove a small amount of shell to pour the contents through the hole.
  3. Thoroughly rinse the inside of the egg and let it dry.
  4. After this, you can start making toys.

You need to prepare:

  • Cotton pads;
  • Plasticine;
  • Any decor for Santa Claus's headdress;
  • PVA glue;
  • Red paper;
  1. We give the paper a cone-shaped shape that matches the size of an eggshell.
  2. We trim the edge of the future hat. We glue the cap onto the top of the eggshell, thus hiding the hole.
  3. Separate the cotton pad into two components. The inside of the disc is fluffy, which can perfectly serve as cotton wool.
  4. We form a small pea, which will be a pompom on the headdress of Santa Claus.
  5. Cut a narrow ribbon and stick it to the bottom edge of the headdress with the fluffy side facing out.
  6. The second part of the cotton pad will act as a beard. To do this, cut a hole in the place where the mouth will be and glue it onto the eggshell with the fluffy area facing out. We decorate the cap to your taste.
  7. To depict the mouth and nose we use red plasticine. For the eyes we take black plasticine.

Santa Claus is ready! All that remains is to attach a beautiful cord to it and you can decorate the Christmas tree.

Wrap gifts for your loved ones together

To interest your baby, use simple design techniques.

Option 1

You can tie a gift box with multi-colored threads, creating a bright rainbow from them. The child will like this elegant design and will enthusiastically start wrapping the boxes with colored threads.

Option 2

The packaging made from intertwined colored strips of paper looks beautiful. Ribbon binding is made according to the basket principle and looks especially interesting on a newspaper wrapper.

Option 3

Take ready-made interesting figures and ask your child to attach them with double-sided tape or clothespins to gift boxes. It will be interesting if the child can explain why he chose this particular figurine for this or that gift.

Make New Year's figures from plasticine

Christmas tree

  1. Take green plasticine and roll it out to make a sausage.
  2. The height of the Christmas tree depends on the length of the sausage.
  3. Now we place the plasticine in a spiral, tapering towards the top.
  4. We form small lumps of plasticine of different colors into balls that will decorate the Christmas tree.
  5. The final stage will be a beautiful top.

Father Frost

  1. First, let's roll balls: from red plasticine - two large and three small ones, from pink plasticine - one large ball. And from white we make a sausage, which we divide in half.
  2. We slightly flatten the large balls and place them on top of each other so that the pink one is on top - this is the head.
  3. The hands and cap are made from small balls.
  4. A fur trim is formed from one sausage, and a beard, mustache, and eyebrows from another.
  5. Small black peas made of plasticine are eyes.


  1. We form three balls from white plasticine and place them on top of each other.
  2. Take orange plasticine and make a carrot for the nose.
  3. Attach the eyes.
  4. We use yellow plasticine to make paws and buttons.
  5. We make arm branches from brown plasticine and attach them to the body.
  6. The hat and scarf can be made in any color and shape.

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Children are looking forward to the winter holidays. After all, there will be a New Year tree, a mountain of gifts, meetings with friends, and most importantly - the absence of school everyday life. What is important for parents to remember during this time?

Many people prepare for the winter holidays several months in advance: they save money for entertainment and goodies, write down recipes for homemade sweets, buy expensive toys, order tickets for Christmas trees, performances, ice shows, going to the movies, etc. But psychologists are sure that too much leisure time can harm a child.

Program crash

For parents who work from morning to evening and spend their free time surfing the Internet, the New Year holidays are a chance to devote time to their child. And they use it to the fullest. After all, we want our child to learn more, see, and receive the positive emotions that we ourselves so lacked in childhood. Nowadays the entertainment industry is developed a million times better!

The anticipation of the holiday is often more pleasant than the holidays themselves, which lead to disappointment for both children and adults. Why is this happening? The plans were drawn up flawlessly, everything was taken into account. In the morning you run to the Christmas tree, then have a snack in a cafe and go to the aquarium, then watch a new 3D cartoon in the cinema, and in the evening you will find a mind-blowing ice show, tickets for which cost half a month’s salary. But your child breaks down even at the matinee: he doesn’t want to dance for Santa Claus, and the donated car is nonsense, he wanted a transforming robot.

And then it’s your turn to lose your temper: “As much as possible! I am everything to you, and you... Yes, at your age I never received a tenth of such gifts! The more I try for you, the worse your behavior!” The child is hysterical, you can barely hold back your tears. Drag him home by the hand, arrange tickets for an ice show through your friends, and then sit down with a cup of tea on the sofa in front of the TV or call a friend to complain about life. And at this time the child, having had plenty of hysteria, sniffles peacefully, hugging a teddy bear. Is this the kind of vacation you dreamed of?

Work on mistakes

Psychologists say that any change in the usual routine in a child’s life causes stress, and the busy New Year holidays in this regard are a test for the child’s psyche. The baby gets tired very quickly from the amount of information, emotions and impressions and reacts to this with tears, hysterics and disobedience. And sometimes - a failure of the immune system and a sore throat that comes from nowhere.

During two weeks of vacation, the maximum that a child’s body can survive without consequences is 3-4 events.

Don't be discouraged if you can't afford tickets to expensive entertainment. For a child it doesn't matter at all. He will get positive emotions from playing snowballs in the yard with his dad, sledding down the hills with his mom, and cooking a holiday pie with his grandma. You can come up with a New Year’s quest yourself and go through it with your whole family or organize a home performance. Don't forget that every family member needs free time, and a child is no exception. Let him be left to himself for a couple of hours a day, do what he wants, or even just hang around the house.

A regime is a regime!

“Let him sleep longer, it’s the holidays!” To be honest, we try to ensure that the child gets as much rest as possible, we allow him to eat sweets in excess, and we free him from household responsibilities. A regime failure along with an abundance of impressions is simply an explosion for a child’s psyche. His nervous system does not have time to adapt to the changes, and the abundance of sweets provokes the release of insulin into the blood, which turns a cute son or sweet daughter into a capricious roaring monster. Well, it’s also worth remembering about instantly developing childhood caries and early diabetes mellitus.

Ideally, parents should provide their child with a daily routine even during the holidays.

This will help him not get unsettled. You should maintain a daily routine, household chores, and developmental activities. Of course, you can postpone getting up an hour later, and increase the time in front of the computer or TV by half an hour or an hour, but nothing more! This will provide the main thing for which vacations are needed - unloading and rest. And it will be easier for the child to return to school everyday life.
