If the parents have a different group. Compatibility of blood types of parents when planning pregnancy

So that there are no problems when conceiving a child and during pregnancy, bearing a child, it is very desirable that partners have the same blood type, not same value Rh factor.

Reference: The Rh factor in blood is a special protein found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells). If such cells enter the blood of a person who does not have them, he forms antibodies on them that destroy foreign cells. With short contact different blood(the first pregnancy of an Rh-negative woman with an Rh-positive fetus, mixing of blood occurs during childbirth) antibodies are formed. but they do not have time to act on the cells of the fetus, because childbirth has already occurred. Antibodies continue to exist in the blood for several years, and during the second pregnancy with a Rh-positive fetus, they are already ready, and when the fetal cells enter the mother's bloodstream, they begin to destroy them. Normally, and during the second and subsequent pregnancies, mixing of blood occurs only during childbirth, and this is not so scary. But, unfortunately, in modern conditions placental permeability is often increased during pregnancy, and the baby's blood can reach the mother during pregnancy, antibodies have time to form (2 weeks) and act during pregnancy. Therefore, the Rhesus conflict can develop in the first pregnancy. Moreover, it does not matter how the pregnancy ended - childbirth or interruption, the timing and presence of antibodies are important. Blood cells begin to form at week 7, so antibodies may appear no earlier than this period - from this moment it is necessary to check their presence in the blood every month.

Disabled people are physical, combined and mental, they are less likely to pure form, children are called "psychomotor", i.e. mentality is closely related to physical development, with the development of motorcycle momentum. In addition, various genetic disorders affect areas of the psyche and, for example, the development of organs. Purely mental disability, for example, is associated with fragile X syndrome, where parts of the genes increase more than in healthy people or some types of autism.

However, most of what is written is valid and works in all types of disabilities.

The other way with these children is to find out that something is wrong, because doctors, parents, sometimes educators can find it. Often this occurs at the induction of birth, often a gene mutation, where the gene, its foot or just one thousand copies is distorted. Viruses, coincidences, inheritance, some substances used during pregnancy can be many.

Before planned pregnancy Rh negative woman It is necessary to check the level of antibodies to the Rh factor in the blood. If they are not there, pregnancy is planned, starting from 7 weeks each month, the level of antibodies is determined, if they are not there until the end of pregnancy, within 72 hours after the end (any and at any time), it is necessary to inject anti-Rhesus D-immunoglobulin. It prevents the formation of antibodies after mixing the blood at the end of pregnancy. This drug must be purchased during pregnancy and kept in the refrigerator, because it is not known when the pregnancy will end, and neither maternity hospitals nor hospitals may offer to inject immunoglobulin, and you yourself must remind the doctors about this and bring your drug.

If you find that something is wrong, after medical examinations there is an endless pilgrimage, because what seems to be mental retardation, may be unrecognized deafness, and it may be due to heart problems, the brain should be checked for resonance and blood tests, and a psychologist, of course, and a neurologist, a geneticist, and all through your pediatrician I would like Nightmare in the back. Leistra, with every step, flies into her knees, running after the Doctor becomes your new geocache, enriched by the expectation that you will come in line.

If there are antibodies, they can be removed from the blood by plasmapheresis, their synthesis can be blocked hormonal drugs, you can wait. They are gradually removed from the blood, the best prevention Rhesus conflict - a long interval between pregnancies.

If a woman is Rh-positive, she cannot have any Rh-conflict, because she herself has a Rh, and antibodies cannot form against it.

When parental leave ends, the child needs additional benches in special kindergartens. The planned contribution is respected. No child is born with hatred and prejudice. Even with hatred and prejudice against people with handicapped. At first, children do not understand the difference, the norms. If another child has begun to levitate against the ceiling, at most our child will be entertained. Later, he begins to notice some disagreements, but only curiosity. They start asking, "What is this?" And this important point for whether the child develops a person who will be afraid of different things, accept or reject them.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that blood groups are also encoded by special proteins on the surface of blood cells. Group 1 (0) means the absence of these proteins - "negative" blood. 2 - group A, protein A. 3 - group B. 4 - group AB. If a woman does not have some protein that her husband has, the child may also have a paternal protein, and a woman negative for this protein may form antibodies and act as if she had an Rh conflict. This situation develops much less frequently than the Rh conflict, but it must also be remembered and the level of antibodies to blood groups should also be determined from the 7th week of pregnancy.

It's up to you, your parents, means mass media and the whole society to shape the child. And also how they teach him to react differently to others. Difference is more complex than homogeneity. Therefore, to be different and happy to live with him is not for ordinary people, because simple people- prejudice, blind faith and black-and-white thinking. But it's really hard to understand.

At this moment the child needs you, he needs your wisdom, your answers. Sometimes some children ask me in the car or on the playground: Why is big child wears? But even pain is one of life, and much belongs to life with a child with disabilities, the family must cope with pain and balance all life. If a parent of a child with a disability does not want to answer your questions, they simply do not answer or do not answer indefinitely, indicating that your curiosity is not satisfactory, and it is not appropriate to burden him with thoughtful advice, questions and compassion.

There can be a conflict if a woman has 1 blood group (0), and a man has 2 (antibodies to protein A), 3 (to protein B), fourth (to both antitags); if women have 2 (A), and men have 3 (B) or 4 (AB) - antibodies to antigen B; if a woman has group 3 (B), and a man has 2 (A) or 4 (AB) antibodies to antigen A.

So there is no incompatibility in terms of the Rh factor and blood types as such, and different Rh does not mean the inability to become pregnant and endure healthy child.

Compassion is, in my opinion, a lot of intimate emotions, and it is difficult to find a balance between excessive sympathy and unnatural denial of empathy. You don't need to ignore your feelings, but sharing the sadness and anguish of repentance is more appropriate among loved ones. Similarly, it happens to me in a vehicle or in a store that a grandmother in less good will will notice something about my son's heartbeat about what he wears, but here is the role of prejudice and fear to ask directly.

If we call "the family of a disabled child", the poster's idiom family harmony, the family ring that connects a child with a disability is the tip of the glacier, the happiest part of the family. A serious diagnosis of a child is a real test of the relationship, because each person reacts differently to this fact, otherwise he experiences a primary shock and uses a different psychological defense.

Before conceiving a child - and especially before a woman's first pregnancy - it is simply necessary to without fail take tests to determine the Rh factor and blood type of future parents.

If suddenly the Rh factor of the blood of a woman and a man does not match, then before conception it is necessary to carry out therapy so that after the conception of a child, the mother's body does not reject the fetus.

The reaction is usually denial, rejection, finding the culprit, optimistic or pessimistic scenarios, apathy, and each family member can react differently, and these reactions can be so nasty that the family is torn apart. The situation can lead to parents running away, alcoholism or drug addiction, blaming each other for who can do it, etc.

Sometimes a disabled child leaves both parents who cannot accept a child who has not lived up to their expectations. On the contrary, people are ready to accept a suffering child with love, who is biologically unwilling and willing to go through this difficult experience and see enrichment in it.

By the way, in 99% of cases, the child inherits both the blood type and the Rh of the mother's blood, and problems in conceiving a child and pregnancy, and then after the birth of a child, arise precisely when the Rh factor of the mother's blood differs from the Rh factor of the father's blood .

And such people are really enriched because they are ready to go this way. If the family can cope and overcome the crisis after the discovery of a disability, the shared experience and mutual support can be strengthened and his relationship deepened. Sometimes at this stage, when the family is processing the change that has taken place, the child will be admitted and the family and people will begin to "function normally", exhaustion from worries and depression. Depression is a natural response to fear of the future and regret. The next step is to find resources that improve mood.

Regarding the compatibility of spouses and the conception of a child, one can also add that it is traditionally believed that the child is born healthier if the father has a higher blood type than the mother. In general, the higher the blood type of the father, the better.

Every person from the moment of conception to the end of life has one of four blood types: I (0), II (A), III (B) or IV (AB). In addition, by the presence of a certain protein in the blood cells, a conclusion is made about its Rh factor, which can be positive (Rh+) or negative (Rh-). IN Everyday life these differences do not special significance. If a man and a woman think about having a baby, the question of whether their blood types or Rh factors are compatible becomes one of the main ones for them.

Other siblings don't have a problem accepting disabled marriage at all, and they are the ones who bond the family and remind them of what spontaneous love and acceptance is all about. The task for siblings is to come to terms with less parental attention to their siblings, and to accept that siblings with disabilities will be forgiven, not for him, and will need to work better. Developing such a problem can develop the ego and strengthen the social skills of such a brother.

Spouses who have the same blood types and Rh factors are considered to be well compatible from a genetic point of view. In fact, people who are incompatible by blood type do not exist. And here different Rh factors a husband and wife, especially if he has Rh +, and she has Rh-, can make them worry. It is believed that this difference can cause problems with conception, gestation and fetal health.

Another family of relatives - grandparents, uncles and aunts. We should not ignore it, because it is difficult for them to do, they have to do the work of training such a child to be a support, while they are only at the end of the support chain, silent about their suffering and listen to their children, sisters, brothers. Like parents, they sometimes cannot accept a disabled child with a situation that can be handled.

Human solidarity and love make families richer

Even psychoanalysis approaches laughter in some situations as a defense of the ego, a manifestation of neurosis. Freud says that a joke is the most sociable spiritual exercise that seeks to enjoy. It can be interpreted as a joke that connects people, jokes that someone has to say, listen to someone, invite the neighborhood to react and share emotions. It helps us if we have the strength to cope with this, that our child is not healthy.

Despite popular belief, couples with different Rhesus do not usually have problems conceiving their first child. But at conception, the child receives the Rh factor of one of the parents. If they are different for him and his mother, an Rhesus conflict may occur: maternal organism will begin to produce antibodies that make it difficult normal growth and development of the fetus, harmful to the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, all pregnant women must donate blood to determine the group and Rh factor, which doctors compare with the indicators of the father of the child. In addition, during pregnancy, the absence or presence of antibodies in the blood of the expectant mother is strictly controlled.

And children feel and know because their heart is healthy. This is evident from the desire for a "normal" life without such sadness and fear, barriers in place. This is because life with an affected child is different, more challenging, but not in the direction that makes the world more interesting and enjoyable. But it's more complex and yes, the worse, the trip is full strong emotions, both poles and positive ones. Man experiences despair, but he also experiences beautiful love, solidarity and joy from another, unique angle.

Therefore, the words "This is not worst life, and we love him the way he is”, they express respect for this love, a new dimension and depth of feeling. Sometimes even to the mutual coexistence of people working outside the sphere of duties, friendly relations and experience that enriches caring for a person with a disability. But will we change this life as normal and average? In my opinion, children with disabilities have great importance for society. It is not a threat to society, on the contrary, it enriches it with many moral and ethical dilemmas, problems whose solution is a problem!

In most cases, the Rhesus conflict does not occur, the mother safely bears and gives birth to her baby. But during childbirth (as, indeed, abortion), if the blood of a child with a different Rh factor enters the mother’s blood, the process of producing antibodies can accelerate. Because of this, couples different rhesus doctors strongly advise not to terminate the first pregnancy in any case.

The very presence of these children is enriched if the surroundings are accessible, open. These children tend to be direct, emotional, often capable of imparting immediate love. And they remind people that health is the greatest asset.

We don't know my husband's blood type, it just so happens that he never tested it himself, there is no such information in his health book, and he was not a blood donor. What is the probability that he is not biological father children? Can children inherit the Rh factor from grandparents? Is there a way to do this without genetic testing? Please request an urgent response, thanks in advance and with Best wishes. more than a year back. The answer to the question is below.

IN rare cases Rhesus conflict still occurs. In this case, in pregnant women, the amount of antibodies in the blood is strictly controlled in order to prevent their increase to dangerous levels. After all, antibodies can seriously harm the fetus and even cause a miscarriage. If the number of antibodies is critical, it helps to save the situation anti-rhesus immunoglobulin, which inhibits the production of antibodies, which is injected into the mother's body. If necessary, a woman receives it after childbirth.

Based on the above data, it is therefore very likely that the father of the children is your husband. You can get detailed information only through genetic testing. Only paternity can be excluded from the blood type, but it cannot be confirmed. After each child inherits 0, the first child will inherit husband 0. This means that each child inherits a recessive allele from you. However, it is possible. Of course, such results cannot rule out paternity. The test that clearly confirms paternity is only a genetic test carried out in a certified center, and blood type results can only be considered as a diagnostic hint.

That is, women who are threatened by a Rh conflict, expecting a child, should be under the close supervision of a gynecologist and take everything in time necessary tests. After all, if you know about a possible conflict in the Rh factor in advance, its consequences can be successfully prevented.

Every woman who dreams of motherhood wants to give birth to a healthy child. The incompatibility of a husband and wife according to the Rh factor does not mean that during pregnancy a Rh conflict will necessarily arise and the child will somehow suffer. So the opportunity to give birth safely healthy baby exists in such a case.

We have collected additional information on the topics covered in the question. Use the links below to find out more. Prevention and treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system concerns only gynecology. Gynecological problems include disorders menstrual cycle, vaginal inflammation, contraception, infertility, genital tumors, breast examinations, anorexia, pregnancy problems, erosions and adnexitis. - Two dashes on a pregnancy test can make a lot of women happy to have a baby. However, there may be signs in the first weeks of pregnancy: morning sickness, headaches, sensitivity to smells, mood swings are just some of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Our doctors have also answered some similar questions from other users.
