What is the development of a child at 2 months. Medical observations as a guarantee of healthy development

The baby is already two months old... Despite the fact that the newborn stage has passed, the baby’s body continues to develop. Moreover, this happens so quickly that parents never cease to be amazed at the emergence of new abilities in the baby.

Physical development

In the second month of life, the baby noticeably gains weight and shows a significant increase in height. It can be said about many children during this period that they grow literally before our eyes. Such rapid growth of the baby’s body must certainly be supported by an appropriate amount of energy.

A 2 month old baby sleeps on average 18-20 hours per day. But every baby is different, so don’t sound the alarm if your baby is awake a little more or less. At two months, the baby eats well and often - this is especially true for breastfed babies who eat on demand. Such babies can be attached to the breast several dozen times a day, sucking out the amount of milk they need.

Today, many experts recommend not introducing quantitative restrictions on feeding, since children themselves feel how much and when to eat. So if your baby is eating well and sleeping enough, you have nothing to worry about. If the physical development of a child at 2 months of age is far behind the norm, the doctor may advise you to introduce supplementary feeding or appropriate treatment.

Motor skills

At this age, the child can already independently raise his head, hold it vertically for several seconds, and also lift and hold it while lying on his stomach. The baby's legs and arms are relaxed, he can stretch them in different directions. Parents notice that the baby’s involuntary muscle twitching has noticeably decreased compared to the first month. At 2 months, the baby can no longer hold objects in his hands for a short time - a rattle, a pacifier, etc. You can also observe that the child begins to aimlessly knock his hands on the crib or on himself.

2 month old baby – mental and emotional development

During this period, the baby can use the organs responsible for communication much more confidently compared to the first month of life. The child already consciously catches the glances of his parents and catches their movements. If he sees an object of interest to him at a distance of up to half a meter, then he can focus his gaze on it. Such concentration of vision is an unconditional progress in the development of the baby.

In addition, the child can already carefully observe moving objects. Moreover, now he can do this not only by moving his eyes, but also by turning his head in the right direction. If you don’t notice such progress, then conduct an experiment: move some bright toy in front of your baby’s eyes.

In addition to the development of the visual organs, the baby is actively developing his emotional state. Now the baby is already able to respond to the affectionate treatment of adults, touchingly “blurring” into a smile. Some children at this age already know how to please their parents not only with a smile, but also with a roaring laugh.

2 month old baby who is developing incredibly fast, can distinguish between living and nonliving objects. Therefore, when a baby sees another child or some animal, his attention will be focused precisely on the “live” object, and not on his favorite toy.

Many parents note that when the baby reaches the age of two months, he already begins to pronounce his first “Agu-au-ha-he”, etc. Such revelry can be calm and quiet, but some children, rejoicing at their own successes, are able to loudly and cheerfully repeat new sounds throughout the day.

At two months, the baby already clearly understands that he can call for help or ask for something by crying. During the first month of his life, the baby trained and realized that after every cry, his mother rushes to the rescue. Such mental associative connections in the child will only develop in the future.

It is no secret that children feel the atmosphere of their surroundings and the mood of loved ones. Therefore, any change in your emotional background can plunge the baby into “deepest thought.” The baby will look at you intently, as if scanning your facial features, and when he realizes that you are sad, he may also cry.

Auditory development

In the second month of life, the baby tries to determine the location of the object making sounds. For example, if you wind up a musical toy, shake a rattle, or simply turn on music from across the room, the baby will first concentrate very hard, trying to determine the source of the sound, and then begin to turn its head, trying to see it. In addition to various “sounding” objects, the baby is also interested in the voices of others. Therefore, when you talk away from the baby, he begins to look for you.

The baby's movements are no longer so erratic, not so jerky. He spins, kicks his legs, as if he is pedaling. It holds your head up better, although you still need to support it. He is increasingly active: if you pick him up and pull him towards you, his head follows his body, and does not lean back as before.

Child's rhythm


Sometimes the baby even sleeps all night long, and periods of wakefulness become increasingly longer - up to several hours a day.


Regardless of whether you feed your baby breast milk or formula, he drinks 700 to 800 ml of breast milk or formula per day (that is, five to six bottles per day). If you are breastfeeding, continue to feed on demand.

Baby's senses


At two months, the baby can already determine where the sound is coming from.


It becomes sharper, less blurry, and the field of vision expands.

When baby is awake

The baby becomes more and more curious and active. He recognizes the faces of the people around him; at two months he reacts to familiar faces with a hum and a response smile - this is his first real smile. The first cries of the newborn are mixed with the crying. The baby starts playing: he coos, he likes it when you repeat the sounds he makes. When he feels good, he babbles; when he is encouraged or when the baby is excited, he fidgets vigorously, like a spring, spreading his arms and legs to the sides.

He recognizes some objects that are familiar to him and gradually remembers daily, repetitive actions (feeding, walking, bathing). He can hold a light object in his hands and turns his head, following it with his eyes.

Evening crying: a tiring, but natural episode for this period. Towards the end of the day, for no apparent reason, the baby begins to sob inconsolably. This evening crying is very common in babies from one to three months: it allows them to relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day. Do not worry! Rock the baby or, if this calms him, give him the breast, stay with him in a semi-dark room, away from bright light. If all else fails, stay with him, do not lose your good mood; Carry your baby in your arms or in a sling. Such episodes, tiring for both the child and the whole family, will end with the beginning of the second trimester of his life.

Child's health

Second month: visit to the local pediatrician

As during the first visit, the doctor checks the child’s physiological, mental and physical condition, as well as the state of his immune system and measures height, weight, and skull circumference.

  • Boys are about 57 cm and 4.9 kg, skull circumference is about 39 cm.
  • Girls are about 56 cm and 4.6 kg, skull circumference is about 38.5 cm.

Archaic reflexes gradually disappear and are replaced by a less “reflexive” muscle tone. The doctor again evaluates the functioning of all major organs and systems - conducts an examination of the cardiac, respiratory, and vascular systems. The characteristics of the normal functioning of these systems are almost similar to those that we cited in connection with the first settlement of the doctor.

Official start of vaccination

Your doctor will certainly suggest that you start vaccinating your baby in accordance with the national immunization schedule. The calendar includes immunization against 11 diseases: measles, tuberculosis, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, mumps, rubella, chickenpox (since 2009).

What you should know before getting vaccinated

Before each vaccination, you must give written consent, which must be pasted into the child’s medical record. In addition, the baby’s medical record must indicate the date of vaccination, number and name of the vaccine.

Before vaccination, you need to measure the baby's body temperature. The doctor is obliged to examine the child, listen to the heart and lungs, examine the throat, and ask the parents if there are any complaints. The examination data is also entered into the medical record.

Before giving the injection, the nurse should show you the vial and read the name and number of the vaccine out loud.

Depending on the type of care you choose for your baby - especially if he stays at home and you breastfeed - you may start vaccinations a little later. One last piece of advice: avoid hepatitis B vaccinations, they have only recently been introduced and are controversial. Whatever your opinion, take the time to read the information about this vaccine in detail.

In Russia, many vaccines are complex: with one injection they are vaccinated against several diseases at once. It is believed that in this way complications can be avoided. Often, weakened children are prescribed, instead of the DTP vaccine, a weakened ADS or ADS-M without the pertussis component, which accounts for most of the reactions such as high fever and general malaise.

Natural Recipes

Simple homeopathic remedies that neutralize the side effects of vaccinations:

  • On the eve of vaccination and in the morning before vaccination, give your baby 1 dose of Thuja 9 CH.
  • During the day after vaccination: 1 dose of Silicea 15 CH and Sulfur 15 CH.
  • Immediately after the vaccination (notify the doctor who is vaccinating the child), apply a compress with clay to the upper part of the arm and do not remove it until the evening bath.
  • Give your baby a solution of the administered drug (it can be ordered at the pharmacy) at a concentration of 30 CH. Dosage: 1 dose the day after vaccination, and then every Sunday for a month in case of a reaction to the vaccine (fever, redness or abscess at the injection site, etc.).

Colic and regurgitation

They are mainly due to the fact that the baby’s digestive system has not yet fully formed.

Although in most cases these symptoms are harmless and natural, they - and especially colic - frighten parents, who often do not know what to do. Babies cry all night long or seem to be painfully pushing, while nothing can console them... Maternal care, osteopathy and natural remedies are the means that can help you fight these difficulties, which over time will disappear on their own.

Natural Therapy

Every evening prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of green clay per glass of water; Mix the solution well and leave it to settle. The next day, give the baby the infused solution before each feeding, 1 pipette (or 2 coffee spoons), leaving the sediment in the glass.

Order a water-based solution from a homeopathic pharmacy: “Vegetable charcoal 7 CH”, “Emetic nut 9 CH”, “Hamomilla 9 CH”, “Colocyntis 7 CH”. Dosage: 1 pipette (or 2 coffee spoons from a syringe) 3-4 times a day between feedings.

For colic, gas and severe agitation: Calmosine (use in small doses, the drug is very sweet) in the evening or at night.

Any soothing or antispasmodic herbal remedies in the form of an infusion can be given 1 pipette before each feeding, especially at night, starting from the third month. Nursing mothers can drink infusions that combine lactogenic herbal remedies and agents that promote proper digestion.

He smiled

He smiled! By the second month the baby begins smile. The English psychologist Bauer argued that even such a baby already has several types of smiles that express different emotions. First: “Hurray, I did it!” Second: “I'm glad to see you,” - this is how the baby usually smiles at his mother or the person who replaces her. If the mother went to work immediately after giving birth, you should not be surprised if this smile goes not to her, but to the nanny or grandmother. And the third type of smile is relief after fear or stress.

This list does not mean that your baby cannot smile for some other reasons. His emotional life is already quite rich. Watch him carefully, and perhaps you will see some other shades of feelings in his smile.

Another new manifestation of emotions - revitalization complex: Having seen or heard a loved one, the child turns his head in his direction, begins to wave his arms, twist his legs - in short, expresses his joy by increasing motor activity.

Psychologists call the second month extremely important in the formation of a person’s emotional sphere. If during this period the child did not receive enough maternal warmth, attention and affection, then later, in kindergarten or at school, he may have difficulties adapting. What to do? After all, there are different situations in life. First, set your priorities. Just remember that your baby really needs you, and make your decision based on that.

Case from practice: The child was about two months old when the mother was offered the role of presenter in a new television project. Such a chance probably comes once in a lifetime. And the mother agreed, entrusting the upbringing of her daughter to nannies and grandmother. The girl was brought to see me when she was seven years old. She categorically refused to go to school - she screamed, cried, and ran away from class. Things reached the point of real hysterical fits. It seemed to her that the unfamiliar environment was extremely dangerous, although she could not explain what exactly she was afraid of. This was a classic example of neurosis due to a lack of basic trust in the world around us that was not formed in infancy. And the mother had to fill the gap that the child had in early childhood: she left work and went to school with her daughter for a year and a half, sitting through all the lessons in the corridor next to the class. Otherwise, the girl refused to go to classes. So, after many years, the choice made by my mother in favor of a career “came back to haunt me.”

And yet, none of us is immune from force majeure circumstances. Therefore, I strongly recommend to all mothers: get your child comfort toy. This wonderful thing should appear during the period when the baby sleeps with you. Gradually, it will become saturated with the smell of mother's milk, mother's warmth - all those smells that for the baby are associated with your closeness and state of peace. In a situation of forced separation, this comforter will give the child a feeling of stability.

A comforter is useful for absolutely all children, and not just those who are about to be separated from their mother. With this toy you can go on a visit or go on a trip.

It will help you relax and fall asleep in a new place, in new, unusual conditions.

What should be the consolation? Firstly, multi-colored (in the second month the baby can already distinguish colors). Secondly, soft, like a pillow, so you can hug it. Thirdly, there should be no hard parts on it - buttons, sparkles, etc. If the child slept with you for the first time, this toy will help you move him to a separate crib. First, place the comforter between you and your baby. After some time, move the baby and the toy to a crib moved next to your bed. In my practice, I have been convinced many times that with a comforter such “removal” is much easier.

This toy will serve you faithfully for many years. Most children don't just hug their comforters - they suck, chew and wear them to holes. But you can’t throw away the comforter! Accept its unmarketable appearance. It is needed not for beauty or for play, but for calm. You can get another one to replace it. But you can change and wash comforters only during periods of stability, when everything is good and calm in the child’s life.

Orienting ourselves in space

In the second month, the so-called orienting reflexes develop - the baby begins to follow moving objects. It's time to hang up the first carousel and introduce new exercise games.

Orientation by ear. We take objects that make soft, quiet sounds, such as a bell, and start ringing them while walking around the room. The baby will turn his head in the direction where the sound is coming from.

Game "Where is Mommy?". The disappearance of the mother from sight is perceived by the baby as a disappearance from his world. This game shows him that mom may not be visible, but if her voice sounds, it means she is nearby. How to play? You step out of the baby's line of sight, go to the other side of the crib and call the baby by name. He should reach out to your voice and see you. It would seem like a very primitive exercise. But it is thanks to him that you will very soon be able to calm the child simply with your voice, without approaching him. And a little later, you can read fairy tales into the recorder, and he will fall asleep to them if you are not around.

A two-month-old baby looks with interest at the face of an adult, especially his mother. And not the face as a whole, but its individual parts - eyes, nose, lips. This is how the process of capturing the image of a loved one occurs. It is interesting that a baby can look at both a living face and its image or photograph with equal pleasure.

Advice: Hang a large photo of mom or dad next to your baby's crib. Let him capture it.

Fitball. A large ball can be used to train children from an early age. The simplest thing is to put the child with his stomach on the ball, hold it and roll it around. Develops the vestibular apparatus and sense of balance well.

Exercise “Great Journey”. We take the child in our arms, begin to walk around the house with him, look at different objects and name them. Probably all mothers do this, without even suspecting that this is some kind of special exercise. Know that you are not just carrying a baby in your arms, but doing a very useful thing. “The Big Journey” teaches the child to perceive a world that is wider than his crib or room.

Yes, in the first month the baby’s cognitive activity is low. It is enough for him to just be near his mother. But the second month is the age when it is necessary to pick up a child. "I want to know. I am curious. I’m interested,” these are the motives that you are beginning to develop now. If a baby at this age is overprotected, constantly kept in a crib, covered with gauze when going out for a walk, he will develop a motive not to explore the world, but to avoid pain, danger, and failure. Curiosity will never develop in him.

Moms complain

“I don’t have time to do anything around the house. I am accumulating a feeling of guilt because the floors are unwashed, dinner is not prepared...” Really, how can you manage everything? After all, the child’s activity has increased, he sleeps less and needs communication. And it’s getting harder and harder to wear.

The main advice that can be given here is: change your attitude towards order. There can be no order in a house where there are small children. In advance, come to terms with painted walls, scattered toys, cut tablecloths, and a kitchen splattered with porridge. Don't let excessive cleanliness ruin your joy of motherhood. Better an untidy house and a calm, balanced child than perfect order - and you with neurosis, rubbing the tiles in the bathroom.

Do you feel like a bad housewife? Are you ashamed in front of your husband? I can console you: men perceive order absolutely differently than women. There are, of course, pedantic men who pay attention to all the little things. But most often, husbands simply do not notice what seems to you to be blatant chaos. Don't have time to prepare dinner or lunch? Invite your mother-in-law. She knows better what her “boy” likes. At the same time, strengthen your relationship with your husband’s parents. He will be very pleased with this.

“I feel like a nursing cow, attached to my child. I sleep and eat not when I want, but when he allows me.” In psychology, this is called a feeling of depersonalization. After pregnancy and the first month of life with a baby, a woman begins to feel like she has lost herself. Kind people advise: “Take a few hours for yourself. Go to the hairdresser and get a manicure.” Don't follow this advice. All you can afford now is a few minutes away from your child. Under no circumstances leave it for several hours. And there is no point in this, because if you leave it, you will not find yourself. I propose another solution to the problem.

Look at motherhood not from the point of view of loss of identity. You haven't lost it, it's just taking on a new facet. Now you can incorporate new activities into your life that you never thought about before. For example, you can go to the gym with your baby or go swimming together. On the one hand, you will satisfy your need for physical exercise, on the other hand, you will expand your circle of acquaintances, and these will be women with similar interests, because they will all also be mothers with infants. And your personal life will become more diverse.

A great helper for mom is a sling. This long-forgotten and recently returned to Europe invention of mankind will give you both free hands and freedom of movement without being separated from your child. The sling can be worn in front, behind, and on the side, the baby sleeps and is awake in it. The sling will give you the opportunity to increase your activity and follow your needs, rather than sit within four walls. And what is also very important: the sling allows us to actively include children in our lives, thereby developing their socialization skills.

What's bothering dad?

“Why doesn’t he look like me?” Looking at their two-month-old child, men often ask this question. By this time, the baby’s facial features are smoothed out, and dad begins to peer intensely at them, trying to find his reflection. And he doesn’t find it. The child, it turns out, has his own appearance, his own nose, eyes, mouth...

Ask your mother-in-law for childhood photographs of your husband - they will most likely show how much the father and baby have in common. From time to time you yourself may notice out loud the similarity of temperaments: “Same as you! Anything I don’t like, he immediately kicks his legs!” Treat your husband’s concerns philosophically, don’t argue or be indignant. It will soon pass.

In the second month of the child’s life, the father may again experience the feeling of “I’m not needed here.” The man becomes irritable, picky and constantly expresses his dissatisfaction with the words “I told you so...” In fact, it is not so important what exactly he said. The key word here is “I”. With his nagging, he is simply trying to attract attention to himself, he wants to be heard, to be taken into account.

There may be several reasons for the exacerbation of feelings of lack of demand:

  1. decline in euphoria that accompanied the first month,
  2. lack of involvement in household chores,
  3. a woman's unwillingness to return to intimate relationships.

How can I give my dad back his sense of importance?

Don’t isolate yourself in your troubles, involve your husband in them. If you weren't able to do this in the first month, it's much more difficult now. Life has fallen into a routine rut, and everyday life does not cause much inspiration in a man. However, don't give up. The child grows, it becomes more interesting to be with him, and the range of activities in which dad can be involved expands.

When caring for the child, continue to entrust your husband with what gives you pleasure, and for now take on the solution of difficult tasks yourself. For example, if a child is screaming, there is no need to ask: “Go, calm him down.” No, you go to the screaming baby yourself. But if he talks and is in a good mood, then you can involve your husband in some activities. And do not be outraged by such an “unfair” distribution of responsibilities. The time will come, and paternal feelings will be fully revealed in your husband, then you will be able to turn to him in a variety of situations. But for now he is just getting used to the role of a parent, and for him this process is much longer and more complex than for you. Help him see the joyful side of fatherhood, feel love for the newborn and a sense of responsibility.

A few more tips:

  • Don’t forget to thank and encourage all the time: “How you help me!”
  • Remember the exercise for orienting reflexes and start playing the game “Where is our dad?” with your child. It's very simple. Walk into the room with a child in your arms: “Where is daddy?” Walk around the room, find dad. “Dad is here. Here's dad! And you give the baby to daddy’s arms.
  • If you need to go out somewhere, leave the baby with dad. Not with the nanny, not with the grandmother, but with the father.

It's time to remember that you are not only a mother, but also a wife.. Your husband should feel that you love him no less, but even more, because he gave you this little miracle. Ask him about work, about business, about friends, about how he lives now. There is no need to demand that he live as a child. Besides his home and family, he has another world, and this world has not gone away. Your social circle may have changed a lot, but this does not happen for a man.

How to return to intimate relationships? This often becomes a problem. A woman’s reluctance, as a rule, is caused by three reasons: fatigue, pain, and fear of appearing unattractive. With the first two, everything is more or less clear. If you are tired, you need to rest. If pain persists, you need to wait a little. But the third reason is worth paying more serious attention to.

Indeed, a woman’s body changes after childbirth, sometimes stretch marks appear on it, and the shape becomes less graceful. It is difficult for her to get used to these changes, and even more scary that they will push her husband away from her. If such fears come between you and your spouse, then it’s time to rebuild.

Do you think your husband doesn’t see that you’ve gained weight? Of course, he sees it and doesn’t attach any importance to it.

Perhaps in a year he will make some complaints to you, but not now, when you have just recovered from childbirth. And many generally consider the rounded forms of a nursing woman to be very attractive. So your task is to accept yourself and trust your husband. It’s not his wasp waist that’s important to him now, it’s important to him to feel needed. And if you push him away just because you are embarrassed by your imperfect appearance, this will greatly complicate your family life.

I'll say more. You and your husband are now moving to a new level of relationship, when they love not for any special merits, but simply love without any conditions, forgiving all imperfections, including external ones. No matter how good-looking your husband is, he won’t stay that way forever either. Sooner or later he may gain weight, go bald... So what? Will you stop loving him for this? After all, your exactingness towards yourself means that you set an equally high bar for him. A man subconsciously feels this. “She won’t need me old and bald,” he thinks. It is impossible to build a happy family on such a shaky foundation. You need to learn to accept each other for who you are. This will be the unconditional love that inspires and gives strength, and does not drive you into a dead end.

Dad's jokes

Help your husband learn jokes and exercises for the baby.

If your husband is ready to listen to you, teach him yourself; if not, call your mother-in-law for help and ask her to give a master class to both of you. The man is used to learning from his mother; for him it is more natural than being an apprentice to his own wife. A nurse or pediatrician can also act as a teacher, that is, a person who, in the eyes of a man, has sufficient expert status to give advice.

The development of a child at 2 months of life is full of discoveries. Vision and hearing improve, physical skills become more complex. The baby becomes sociable and active.

The pace of a child’s development is an individual phenomenon. There is a certain common denominator that unites parents and answers the question - how a child develops at 2 months of age. This denominator is the skills of a child at 2 months.

What should a 2 month old baby do?

The capabilities of a child at 2 months should be considered in terms of physical and psychological.
By the age of two months, the baby experiences the following changes:

  • Two months is the time when the baby can independently and confidently raise his head. Moreover, lying on his stomach, the baby turns his head towards the sound.
  • Coordination of movements becomes clearer. This is due to the disappearance of increased muscle tone. Now the child makes attempts to reach visible objects, making voluntary movements with his limbs.
  • Studying the world around you and, above all, yourself. The baby can watch his arms and legs for a long time, shake the rattle placed in his hand.
  • A 2 month old baby is cooing. These first sounds are vowels. They are still short and short-lived. The baby makes them and listens himself. Soon these sounds will replace syllables.
  • He tries to roll over from his side to his back, and he succeeds.
  • Can distinguish between day and night, reacts to changing weather conditions. Knows his bedtime and wakes up at approximately the same time. They may react to changing weather conditions by prolonged crying, restless sleep, or excessive activity.

Sometimes parents think that a 2-month-old child is trying to sit up. This is not entirely true. The baby's bones, muscles and joints are completely unprepared for such an impact. There's no need to rush. The vertical position expands the boundaries of visibility, but a two-month-old baby does not need this now. In order for the child to sit down at the right time, it is necessary to lay him on his stomach as often as possible. In this position, when raising the head, chest, arms and shoulders, the muscles that are necessary for mastering the skill of sitting will be strengthened. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to place a child at 2 months old, the answer is categorical - it is impossible.

How does a 2 month old baby see?

At birth, the child's vision is quite developed. Therefore, the absence or presence of light does not remain without his attention. The first few days the baby sees everything around him as if in a fog. What do babies see at 2 months? The baby can see large objects located nearby. The baby's visibility distance is up to 30 cm. Therefore, he remembers the face of the mother who is feeding the fastest. At the age of two months, a child is able to distinguish between three-dimensional and flat, concave and convex objects. The baby's eyes are still squinting, but this will soon pass. Usually by the age of six months the position of the eyes is normalized.
A child’s vision at 2 months reaches a new level because the ability to concentrate on a stationary object appears. Parents are wondering what colors children can distinguish at 2 months? The first months of life, the baby sees white and black. Therefore, toys and objects in black and white attract children's attention. Only this contrasting combination is observed by the child up to 3 months. Afterwards, the ability to distinguish some primary colors appears.
A child’s achievements at 2 months are of great importance for further development. Timely acquisition of skills will ensure successful completion of subsequent tasks and goals.

The second month of the baby’s life is marred by active colic. Colic attacks occur mainly in the evening and are accompanied by severe crying. There are ways to relieve acute pain from colic and effective medications.

The baby develops dynamically and improves his skills and abilities. Now he regularly pampers those around him with his smile. A smile is the baby’s first means of communication with the world. Activity, curiosity, sociability - qualities with which the baby meets every new day. How a child behaves at 2 months of age is largely determined by the skills he has mastered. This period is indicative of the following emotional and physical skills:

  • The ability to focus and maintain attention on a mobile and moving object.
  • The appearance of a reaction to sound, which is expressed in turning the head and detecting the source of the sound.
  • Response to communication. The baby perks up noticeably and always smiles.
  • The range of pronounced sounds expands significantly.
  • The baby’s motor activity is noticeably expanding. Now he can roll over from his side to his back, lift and hold his head while lying on his stomach.
  • Activation of the grasping reflex. The baby grabs the offered rattle firmly and holds it for a long time.

The behavior of a child at 2 months is determined not only by the increasing pace of physical and emotional development. This period is indicative of frequent manifestations of imperfect functioning of the digestive system.

Why does a 2 month old baby cry?

This period of a baby’s life is marked by active manifestations of colic. The so-called “infantile colic” appears at two weeks of age. In the second month of life, the acute phase of this condition passes. The third month is characterized by a decline in colic. Complete release occurs before six months of age. Infantile colic is a paroxysmal acute pain in the abdominal cavity, which is functional in nature and manifests itself in children in the first year of life. During the day, the baby’s well-being, mood, motor activity, appetite and facial expression change. This is a normal process. And the reasons for a child crying at 2 months - colic - are of a natural nature. During the newborn period, every baby experiences a similar condition. The etiology of colic is not clear, so there is no universal recipe for getting rid of it. The stability of colic is expressed in the constancy of their manifestation. This happens around the same time. A certain system of manifestation can be traced. Colic usually occurs in the evening. That's why my two-month-old baby screams loudly every evening.
Characteristic signs of the onset of colic are: body tension, redness of the face, clenched fists, erratic movement of the legs, pulling the legs towards the stomach, passing gas and refusal to feed. There is an opinion that colic is not a pain in the abdomen, but a characteristic behavior of a child. If a baby is constantly screaming at 2 months, mothers are guilty of their diet and literally stop eating. Such extremes do not make common sense. Following the diet of a nursing mother is enough. Because the occurrence of colic is influenced by several other factors:

  • Early introduction of complementary foods, in the form of foods or liquids.
  • Unfavorable home atmosphere. There are frequent quarrels, swearing, and causeless anger in the family.
  • The infant has increased intracranial pressure.
  • The mother had a difficult pregnancy or the course of labor was unfavorable.
  • The baby has increased weather sensitivity. Two months is the time when the baby begins to react to weather conditions and astronomical phenomena. Therefore, a 2-month-old child often becomes capricious in the evening due to a sudden change in the weather.

How to calm a baby at 2 months?

When a two-month-old baby arches and jerks his arms and legs, it is not easy to relieve his condition. The main thing is emotional contact with your mother. The baby must understand that his mother is nearby and will help him. You need to take the baby in your arms, place it in an upright position on your stomach and carry it. A warm diaper applied to the baby’s belly will relieve an acute attack of pain. A gentle massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction can also help. Many children feel better if they spend colic time in the bath. Water relieves spasms and relieves the condition.
Tea with fennel and dill water are safe for children. There are also a number of special medications for colic and homeopathic remedies. Their prescription and dosage are within the competence of the pediatrician. The same rule should be followed regarding the use of activated carbon as an anti-colic remedy.
Evening crying can be of a different nature. The inability to sleep due to excessive overstimulation and the presence of discomfort are also accompanied by crying. These conditions often occur in children who have had a difficult birth. Nervous shock is expressed in the fact that a child of 2 months of life shudders at every rustle even in his sleep. In a situation where a 2-month-old child is constantly twitching and shaking his arms, his chin is shaking in combination with crying, an urgent visit to a specialist is necessary. A consultation with a neurologist will relieve parents from uncertainty and allow timely treatment to begin, if necessary. The fact is that similar signs are inherent in Graefe’s symptom. This is a manifestation of hydrocephalic syndrome, which disappears with proper and prompt treatment. The most obvious sign of this problem in an infant is the ability to see a white stripe of the eyeball above the iris. This happens when the eyes are wide open, due to a sharp sound or sudden bright light. When such conditions are identified, the following are prescribed for calm and treatment: nootropic and sedative drugs, soothing baths and massage, diuretic drugs.
Immaturity of the nervous system is the main thing that can bother a child at 2 months. The baby's restless behavior, crying, colic, obsessive movements of the arms and head are the results of this process. Therefore, the completion of its formation will have a positive effect on the condition of the baby.

By the 2nd month of life, the child is transformed. Thanks to diligent development in the first months, the baby is noticeably stronger, holds his head up on his own, strives to look around while lying on his stomach, looks attentively at his mother and recognizes her, giving her a smile, sleeps less and is awake more often. The time is coming for diligent learning of new skills, studying one’s own capabilities and the world around us, the rapid fading of innate reflexes and the establishment of one’s own, individual character and habits.

Third month of life. What parents need to know

The two-month-old baby continues to develop at a rapid pace. Thanks to some previously acquired control over the limbs and body, the toddler learns new skills twice as quickly, and progress can often be seen daily. But the goals facing the baby for the next four weeks are quite complex. He will:

  • dial about 800 g;
  • grow 3 cm;
  • complete the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, leaving colic behind;
  • improve the nervous system;
  • learn to play with your hands;
  • Improve your gripping, shaking and more.

Hand movements

A little toddler between 2 and 3 months of life actively strives not only to completely subjugate his hands, but also to learn to play with their help. Grab the rattle, shake it, bring it to your eyes and examine it. Reach the object laid out by your mother from a position lying on your stomach and, finally, take out the garland hanging in the crib. It is during this period that the desire arises not only to touch, but also to taste. Many babies put their hands and surrounding things in their mouths and learn to clap their hands.

Raising and holding your head

Usually, by 2 months, babies raise their head, lying on their stomach, 45 degrees, using the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Between 2 and 3 months of life, the baby’s forearms will come to the aid; he will be able to increase the viewing angle. By the age of 3 months, the most active babies will already rest on their palms and raise their heads high. Thanks to the innate interest in the world around him and the desire to look at everything around, the baby will increase the time he holds his torso every day, helping his back muscles to train and prepare for new achievements.

Having become sufficiently strong, by 2.5 months the baby can surprise you with its strength. Lay him on his back and put your index fingers in his hands. The baby will grab onto them and try to rise to a sitting position. But you shouldn’t help your little one sit down so early. This exercise should only be performed by the child without the help of the mother. Daily back training will allow your baby to independently master rising to a sitting position without harm to health by the age of 5-6 months. The principle of independently performing elements with a baby should prevail. Remember, despite the apparent strength and abilities, the baby is still quite fragile. Each element must be brought to automatism at the formation stage, new peaks must be conquered gradually, without haste.


A new skill that is important for a 2-3 month old baby is the ability to roll over from back to side. The little one comes to him gradually, and some little ones require help from their parents. If by 3 months your baby is not able to toss and turn on his own, you can offer him an exercise to gain this skill.

Place the baby on his back. Take his right hand and bring it behind his left shoulder, lifting the baby’s side off the ground. Give your baby a gentle nudge by offering to roll over. Repeat on the other side. Thanks to daily use of this simple exercise, the baby will gradually understand the principle of movement and learn how to do a flip on his own.

Excessive drooling

Around 2 months, most babies begin to drool profusely. This is a harbinger of the appearance of teeth. Depending on the timing laid down by nature, they can appear either in 3 months or in six months. The appearance of the first teeth can be accompanied by various manifestations of anxiety and even fever. If you notice changes in your child's behavior, examine his gums. If they are swollen and red, then the cause of concern is the eruption of the first teeth.

The appearance of baby teeth is a natural process. But it often causes anxiety and even sleep disturbance. Teeth don't appear every second. Sometimes this process can drag on for a month, periodically causing the baby to experience discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you can use:

  • special gels to reduce pain. Consult your pediatrician before use;
  • teething toys. In children's departments you can find special rubber devices filled with gel. Before use, they are kept in the refrigerator and offered to the baby during wakefulness;
  • frequent breastfeeding. Mother's milk has an analgesic effect, and the process itself calms the baby.


Bowel movements between 2 and 3 months in color, frequency and consistency depend on the method of feeding. The appearance of regularity in this process is noticeable.

Externally, the feces of a child on breastfeeding are mushy, almost completely absorbed into the diaper. Bowel movements occur daily, at approximately the same time, up to 5 times. Depending on the stage of maturation of the gastrointestinal system, stool retention may occur for up to 3-4 days. This is the norm. No action is required in this situation. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the baby has not pooped for more than 4 days.

Formula-fed children require more careful stool control. If the baby shows anxiety after delaying stool for more than 2 days, then you need to consult a doctor and possibly change the formula. Doctors often prescribe drinking water. This helps solve the issue of establishing food digestion. If your pediatrician gives you this advice, try to follow it. The little ones are fed with boiled water from proven sources. Never offer raw water to your baby. Even if it is taken from a well or holy spring. The child's body cannot yet resist the various pathogenic organisms found in raw water, so it is necessary to purify the water by boiling.


Typically, babies sleep at night for 10 hours, during which they wake up to eat. During the day the baby sleeps up to 4 times. The duration of daytime sleep alternates. Usually there is a short nap (20-30 minutes) after morning procedures and feeding, a long nap (up to 2 hours) closer to lunch, a short (up to 30 minutes) lunch nap and a long evening nap before active games and swimming. Establishing a sleep and wakefulness routine helps the mother distribute activities, choose time for her rest and walks, and solve everyday problems.

It is worth noting that by the age of 3 months, many children experience sensitivity to weather changes. The reaction to the full moon and other natural changes can be expressed by anxiety, whims, and disruption of night sleep. But don't be afraid. In most cases, the baby will gradually get used to the new sensations and everything will work out.

Physical development of a two-month-old baby

If you look at a child aged 2-3 months and compare it with a newborn, physical development is noticeable. The baby has grown stronger and older. The weight increased almost 2 times, and the height increased by 5-6 cm. The baby became plump, cheeks and folds appeared due to the development of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Depending on the weight, genetics and nature of the toddler, by 3 months a jump in motor activity may occur or additional classes may be required to stimulate the development of skills. Some children happily toss and turn and try to crawl, others prefer to get what they need through crying and demands. During this period, it is already easy to recognize the features of the future character.

At a monthly appointment with a pediatrician, the child’s anthropometric data must be measured and checked for compliance with the norms of harmonious development. Each baby gains weight and height according to its own schedule, so don’t be upset if during this period the baby gains less or more, or grows by 1 cm and not 2. The set of these important indicators for determining health occurs spasmodically. Some children can gain 1400 grams in one month, and only 400 in the next, grow by 1 cm in one month, and by 4 in the next.

Changes in weight and height parameters occur depending on genetics, the nature of the development program, and the characteristics of the body. Assessment of the harmonious development is based on observation and assessment of changes in indicators over several months. The situation should cause concern if the baby gains very little or a lot during all 3 months; if a significant difference between the indicators is noticeable, the deviation from the boundary indicators is significant. When measuring the baby, the pediatrician compares the result with established standards and indicates the harmonious development in the child’s chart. If any indicator bothers you, do not hesitate to ask your doctor what this may be related to.

The height and weight of babies born prematurely are measured using separate tables. The goals of such little ones are higher. Normally, premature babies should approach the weight of their peers by 3-6 months.

Head and chest circumference measurements at the 3 month appointment should show similar values. By this period, the sternum should increase, almost reaching the circumference of the head.

Boundary indicators of the main physical parameters of child development depending on gender

Small achievements at 2 months of life

A child between 2 and 3 months of life is constantly improving. Skills and abilities come through constant activity and the process of improving internal systems. This period is filled with many small but important achievements. Gradually, during the 3rd month of life, the baby learns:

  • Turn from your back to your stomach. Exercise helps stimulate this skill. It is recommended to place the baby on a hard surface several times a day and show him how to do this;
  • Confidently hold and move your head in different body positions. It is no longer necessary to hold the baby, it is enough to protect against sudden and uncontrolled movements;
  • Prop your feet in a lying position, guided by your own desire. This skill gradually transforms from reflexive to independent;
  • Reach for toys while lying on your stomach, try to reach the garlands hanging in front of your eyes, grab the objects offered;
  • Laugh. This skill appears by 2.5 months, and depending on the nature of the baby, laughter can be very loud or almost inaudible;
  • Walk. In addition to screaming, children between 2 and 3 months are actively learning new ways of communicating with the world. First, chanting vowels appear, after which consonants are added to them. By 3 months, the baby can “sing” various sounds for quite a long time, trying to attract the attention of adults. When communicating with parents and other familiar people, he joyfully poops, poops and poops;
  • Keep your gaze on the object for up to 30 seconds, monitor the movement of the object at a distance of up to half a meter;
  • Taste the toys. The baby’s knowledge of the world occurs through all the ways available to him. The desire to taste toys is normal for a 2-3 month old baby. Having assessed the appearance, sound and texture, the little one wants to understand whether it is edible. It is worth paying close attention to the cleanliness of objects in the child’s field of vision and accessible to his hands.

Motor activity and emotional development

If up to 2 months the baby spent most of his time sleeping, then starting from the 8th week there will be a gradual reduction in rest time and an increase in the duration of active pastime. Increasing physical activity will gradually lead to the development of various skills and will become a guide to emotional maturation. By studying the capabilities of his body, examining and touching everything around, the baby receives a large amount of information, which allows him to gradually form knowledge about himself, his capabilities, and surrounding objects.

The knowledge base about the world around us is built on simple sensations and information received through the senses. At 2 months, the baby is ready to fully immerse himself in the learning process. Offer to look at different objects, touch different materials, listen to different sounds. Train your motor skills with morning exercises, periodic exercises, and massage.

Safety and emotional comfort should be carefully monitored. Try to maintain the psychological balance of the baby and create ideal conditions for him. The mother's psychological peace is also very important. At this age, children are very sensitive to changes in their mother’s mood, her condition and mood. Try to smile and enjoy your child as often as possible, and talk to him. You need to learn to control yourself and be able to tune in to a positive wave in any situation.

Anxiety, aggression, despondency, melancholy, resentment - all these emotions of the mother are felt by the baby. Not understanding what is happening, he reacts to them with crying, whims, and sleep disturbances. This does not help the baby develop, but scares him. Try to always be cheerful, kind and happy when you are near your baby.


In the third month of life, the baby’s vision has already improved significantly. The little one is already confidently focusing his gaze and studying the objects offered to him, looking for his chest not by touch, but by looking. Seeing the boob, the baby opens his mouth; when he hears the sound, he turns his head in its direction, looking for the object that made it; when he sees a familiar face, he smiles and begins to walk. Vision begins to play an important role in the life of the baby. The ability to distinguish colors, highlight familiar objects, and react to them positively or negatively appears.

A variety of exercises should be offered to stimulate visual activity. Continue playing the rattle in front of your eyes, encouraging you to follow its movements. Place various bright objects in the crib and on the table, give the opportunity to study your face and the world around you. Offer to play peek-a-boo.

It would be ideal to show the baby that any object can make a sound. Let him see you clapping your hands, shaking a rattle, singing songs. The formation of strong visual-sound connections will lay the foundation for future mental success and will motivate independent study of the surrounding reality.

Between 2 and 3 months, the baby begins to look in the same direction with both eyes. If before this it was possible to notice some discrepancy in the position of the pupils, then by 3 months it should disappear. If severe strabismus does not go away by 3 months, then you should urgently consult a specialist.


Hearing development after 2 months requires variety. At this age, mother’s singing and listening to classical music play a special role. You can play soft music for up to 15 minutes a day, monitoring the baby’s reaction.

Various exercises for the development of visual and auditory skills have a positive effect on the development of auditory centers. Try tying a bell to your baby's arm and showing him how to play. Offer to shake the rattle yourself.

In addition to singing and music, try to talk to your baby as often as possible, and it is advisable that he sees your articulation. Have a dialogue with the baby, show how animals talk, read and show books. A variety of sounds will allow the baby to quickly form a sound base and stimulate the desire to repeat what he heard and speak.

Emotions and behavior

A 2-3 month old child does not yet know how to control his emotions, so their manifestation is always quite violent. Watching the toddler, the mother can easily understand how the baby feels. The range of emotions is already quite wide, so the options for expression are expanding:

  • Smile and laughter are caused by pleasant things for the baby. The face of a loved one, the mother’s voice, familiar toys and music allow the baby to feel a surge of positive emotions;
  • active movements and walking accompany the desire to communicate;
  • With a cry of varying volumes, the toddler communicates that he wants to eat, he is wet or bored;
  • Crying accompanies pain and discomfort.

In the baby's voice one can distinguish the manifestation of new types of emotions. The baby can demand, ask, complain, play. It is recommended to try to learn to recognize the baby’s emotions as early as possible. This will allow you to accurately meet your needs, assess your condition, and promptly prevent possible negative changes.


Human speech does not appear on its own. It goes through a long process of formation. Between 2 and 3 months of a baby's life, an important change occurs. The baby learns not only to cry and scream, but also to express his emotions using the speech apparatus. The appearance of humming is an important step in the formation of speech. The absence of sounds in the baby’s speech by the end of the 3rd month of life may be signs of some hearing or nervous system disorders. It is recommended to stimulate the emergence of this important skill. Children develop according to the pattern of the adults around them. You need to try to contact your baby as often as possible, tell him fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, and sing.

The first sounds in most cases are the vowels “a”, “o”, “e”, “i”. Often they do not appear in pure form, but in pairs with consonants. This is a good sign. Try to respond to the spoken rudiments of words and show interest. If the baby understands that he can attract your attention with the help of sound, he will strive to improve this skill.

Caring for a 2-3 month old baby

The principles of caring for a baby at 2-3 months remain the same. Reducing the frequency of bowel movements and urination will allow you to set an approximate diaper change schedule and calculate the required amount of this hygiene item for a certain period.

Mandatory daily activities for a 2-3 month old baby are:

  • morning hygiene procedures. Changing diapers, washing, cleansing eyes, nose and ears;
  • morning exercises;
  • air baths;
  • walk outside;
  • daily set of exercises;
  • evening swimming;
  • developmental activities.

The arrangement of these activities throughout the day remains the same. It is recommended to perform certain types at a set time and try not to violate the accepted regime.


The baby is stronger and holds his head well enough. Bathing becomes easier and more convenient. The little one sits comfortably in a special slide and watches with pleasure as mom or dad entertain him. The use of soap and other cleaning agents is not yet required. For sleep disorders, skin problems and other negative reactions of the body, the pediatrician may prescribe bathing in herbal decoctions and infusions. When using bath additives, be sure to rinse your child’s skin with clean water after completing the procedure.

A strengthened 2-month-old baby can be offered a new type of bathing. In the children's department, purchase a special neck circle suitable for age. Invite your baby to swim in the filled bath. Such bathing promotes the comprehensive development of the child’s body muscles, relieves excess tension, and normalizes mental balance.

Nutrition and daily routine

At 2-3 months it is recommended to breastfeed your baby. Artificial feeding is used in cases of absence or small amount of breast milk, the inability to establish normal feeding, or in cases of intolerance to the components of breast milk. If it is possible to maintain lactation, it is advisable to do everything possible to facilitate this. Breast milk at this age is the most nutritious and healthy product, containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is ideal for the developing digestive system. Breast milk contains antibodies that help fight infection. In case of pain, the chest allows the little one to feel relief. In the third month, a woman's hormonal levels decrease, which can cause some problems with milk production. To avoid decreased milk production, you should:

  • eat well and quality food;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • rest;
  • maintain breast hygiene;
  • Offer your baby a snack more often or lightly massage your breasts.

Power supply

Typically, breastfeeding children eat up to 10 times during the day and 2 times at night. The number of food demands from the baby is reduced and reaches a certain frequency. Most children eat at intervals of 2.5-3 hours, while feeding time is reduced to 15-20 minutes. The baby has become stronger and can eat the required amount of food faster. The baby is often distracted from eating by extraneous noises, so it is worth feeding the baby in a quiet place.

At 2-3 months, children are already more active, so feeding does not always end with sleep. Regurgitation after feeding is practically not observed and becomes minimal.

Normally, there is no need to introduce additional products or mixtures during this period. The best indicator of milk sufficiency is the baby’s cheerful, cheerful mood, restful sleep, constant bowel movements, weight gain from 125 grams. in Week. If it seems to you that the baby is not eating enough, and one of the above signs is absent, you should consult with your pediatrician about the need to introduce complementary foods or formulas. It is not recommended to make decisions about supplementary feeding on your own!

Artificial feeding

Formula-fed children need additional vitamins. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, you can introduce the first juices. Most often they start with apple juice, offered in minimal doses. On the first day, a few drops in the morning. On the second day, half a teaspoon. On the third day, a teaspoon.

Please note that the introduction of juice must begin after the baby has been examined by a pediatrician in the absence of rashes, fever, nasal congestion and other manifestations of infection. All new products are introduced in the first half of the day, without mixing. After introducing a new product, you need to carefully monitor your baby’s reaction throughout the day. If rash, irritation or moodiness occurs, the administration of a larger dose should be postponed.

Artificial feeding is often accompanied by some difficulties in digesting food. You should carefully monitor the consistency of bowel movements and the consistency of the exiting masses. Too dry, hard stool indicates a lack of fluid in the body. Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

When choosing a formula for your baby, always follow the recommendations on the package. Before purchasing, make sure that the age indicated on the package matches your child. Food preparation must comply with the rules indicated on the packaging. Please note that each baby food company indicates the method and amount of dry formula that is suitable directly for the specified product. Even if it seems to you that the consistency is too liquid, follow the indicated proportions.

Daily regime

Already at 2 months it is worth taking care of consistency in the baby’s life. Getting used to the routine early will help you avoid problems with sleep, nutrition and development in the future. Try to offer your baby various treatments, exercises, feeding and sleep at the same time, while trying to maintain your baby’s good mood.

Excessive overexcitation, overexertion and fatigue of the toddler should be avoided. During this period, there is active learning about the world around us and, along with emotions, the baby needs a good rest.

Mental development (reflexes)

In the period between 2 and 3 months of life, a gradual decline in innate reflexes and the appearance of conditioned ones are observed. The child's muscle tone practically disappears; normally, the stepping and proboscis reflexes are barely noticeable.

Among the remaining striking manifestations of innate behavior are the sucking reflex, throwing up the arms in response to raising the legs and crawling (if a baby lying on his stomach is given support on his heel, he will try to push off). The gradual extinction of innate unconscious behavior indicates the improvement of the nervous system, the formation of conditioned behavior, and normal development. Between 2 and 3 months it is good to visit a neurologist for control.

For further development, it is necessary to stimulate a variety of motor skills, continuing to perform the previously studied physical complex and introducing new exercises into the baby’s life.

To help your baby master the necessary skills, it is advisable to:

  • Suggest lying on your stomach several times a day, training the muscles of your back and neck;
  • Place a variety of bright objects in front of the baby lying on his stomach, stimulating him to reach for them;
  • Stimulate side rolls while lying on your back. Place the baby's hand behind the opposite shoulder, motivating him to roll over;
  • While lying on your back, invite your baby to grab your fingers and lift him slightly. With constant practice of this exercise, you will be able to gradually notice how the back muscles are strengthened, and the baby tends to sit down. But don't be too persistent. The ability to sit will appear closer to six months. At the moment, the back muscles are not yet strong enough; excess load can have a negative impact. Try not to help, but to stimulate!

By three months, the baby will already have a practically formed nervous system and will be ready to begin conquering new heights.

Developmental activities

In addition to stimulating motor activity, it is recommended to begin training sessions at the age of 2 months. To do this, you need to start introducing your baby to a variety of activities. Offer your baby:

  • Listen and look at books. In stores you can find many small books for babies. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the baby to speech. Watching you read, seeing your articulation, the little one will begin to understand how this is done, and in the future he will certainly please you with early successes. In the absence of special books, you can read any literature. The main requirement will be increased emotionality when reading, parents’ pleasure from the action being performed;
  • Enjoy your singing. Continue singing to your baby and introduce him to simple poetic forms. The combination of speech and music will stimulate the toddler’s hearing and introduce him to a variety of means of expression;
  • Watch the performance. You can sew button eyes to old socks and the resulting hero can talk to the baby lying in the crib. If desired, you can use ordinary toys depicting people or animals;
  • Listen to how the animals and he himself speak. When communicating with your baby, show him how various animals speak, repeat the sounds after the baby, carry on conversations and smile;
  • Talk face to face. In addition to communicating in the crib, invite your baby to communicate by closely examining his mother’s face. Take the baby under your arms and bring it to your face. Tell him how much you love him or sing him a song;
  • Explore the world from a specially designed high chair, playpen, or swing. You can purchase various devices that allow the baby to look around without being in the mother’s arms. The main thing is to ensure that the selected devices are suitable for the child’s age.

Possible problems

Even if you offer your baby the best care, no one is immune from some problems. Let's look at the most frequently asked questions and options for solving them.

Remains of scales on the head

If up to 2 months the presence of crusts on the scalp of a child is normal, then after 2 months they should normally completely disappear. If you notice that the baby still has these manifestations in some places, then you need to soak this area with Vaseline and carefully comb it out. If the scalp cannot be cleansed, you should contact your local pediatrician for advice.

Lack of smile

Some babies don't start smiling by 2 months. This does not indicate developmental delay. You should be patient and talk to your baby more often. Sometimes babies take this step closer to 2.5 months.

If there is no reaction to conversation or smile by 3 months, you should contact your pediatrician to prescribe additional tests.

First teeth

It is not uncommon for a baby to start drooling profusely by the age of 3 months, the gums to swell, and the baby to become capricious. Early teething is quite normal. To reduce pain, invite your baby to play with the teether, consult with your pediatrician about the use of medications that make teething easier, and offer your breast more often.

Reaction to vaccination

During this period, many children receive the DPT vaccine at this age. One of the common complications of this vaccine is fever. In order to clearly understand how to act in this situation, when obtaining permission for vaccination, it is worth asking your local pediatrician in detail about possible reactions and the timing of their manifestation.

The child’s temperature should be brought down when it rises above 38.5 degrees. At a lower mark, you should remove the child’s diaper and let him lie naked. There is no need to wrap up or additionally cover the baby. Until the age of 3, children do not have the ability to control their own body temperature. Your attempt to cover and warm your baby can play a cruel joke, further increasing the temperature. The child may be lethargic, eat little and sleep for a long time. This is a normal reaction to the vaccine.

Diaper dermatitis

You can often encounter a reaction to diapers in the form of diaper dermatitis. The reaction begins with redness, which after a short time becomes covered with a crust. In most cases, redness does not require treatment. It is enough to change the brand of hygiene items used, lubricate damaged areas with Vaseline, and arrange air baths more often. If, 3 days after changing the brand of diapers and constantly treating the affected area, the redness does not go away and cracks appear, then you need to contact your local pediatrician to prescribe special treatment.

The age from 2 to 3 months is rich in events and changes. The gradual transformation of a child from a constantly sleeping baby into a cheerful, active and talkative person is real happiness. Be attentive to your baby, take care of your own health, and enjoy this wonderful time.
