Parent meeting in the senior group at the beginning of the year. Parent meeting in the senior group: “The beginning of the school year

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

state budgetary educational institution

additional education Nizhny Novgorod Institute

development of education NIRO.

Methodological development of a teacher’s project activities on the topic: “Plan-outline for holding a parent meeting”

course: "Current problems of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Larionova Olga Nikolaevna

teacher at MADOU

kindergarten "Zvezdochka"

Red Buckies

year 2014

Summary of the parent meeting in the senior group “The role of the family in the formation of the personality of a preschooler”


1. Identifying the characteristics of the relationship between the child and parents;

2. Expand parents’ understanding of the rules of family education.

Design, equipment and inventory:

1. An exhibition of children's drawings "My Family" was created

2. An exhibition of parental drawings “Family Coat of Arms” was created

3. There are posters on the wall with written expressions.

“The character and moral behavior of a child is a copy of the character of the parents, it develops in response to their character and their behavior” Erich Fromm

“Where there is no wisdom of parental education, the love of a mother and father for children disfigures them” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

5. Invitations to the parent meeting (in the shape of a heart).

6. A selection of various melodies, a tape recorder.

7. Literature for parents; A.S. Makarenko "Book for parents".

8. “Complete the sentences” test.

9. Game "Guess the word from children's explanation books."

10. Paper hearts with proverbs “explain the meaning of the Russian folk proverb about family.”

11. Folder - moving "The role of the family in raising a child."

12. Flower of mood (words of politeness are written on the petals)

13. Children's palms (the children circled their hand).

14. Memo for parents.

Preparatory stage:

1. Arrange tables and chairs so that the center of the group is open and parents can see each other.

2. Prepare an exhibition of literature for parents.

3. Prepare instructions for parents.

Progress of the meeting:

Calm, pleasant music sounds.

Hello, dear parents! We are very glad to see you.

Dear parents, today let’s talk about your children and what role the family plays in their upbringing. For a child, family is the place of his birth and formation. What a child acquires from the family during childhood, he retains for a significant part of his life. It lays the foundations of the child’s personality. Without an alliance with children, without your support and help, the child will not be happy or healthy.

But first, let's relax a little after a hard day at work.

Game: "Mood Flower"

Goal: To create a great mood in parents and a desire to communicate.

Take a flower - tear off a petal (politeness) and give it to a neighbor, who in turn is the other and so on in a circle, this is an important condition when we meet.

A truly educated person can be in an environment in which the traditions and customs of generations are respected, where there is a close connection between the past, present and future. Only his family can give such an opportunity to a person.

Conversation "Family Coat of Arms".

And now, I suggest you take your family coats of arms and tell us what you depicted.

Parents' stories.

Thank you for having family traditions in your families, respecting your elders and their work, helping the younger ones, creating harmony, you are all united by one word - “family”.

The behavior of parents is the most decisive in education. A person can acquire various professions, but one of the main professions of a man and a woman, mother and father is the profession of being a parent. If a father and mother strive to comprehend the science of fatherhood and motherhood, if they demonstrate their reasonable behavior and actions as parents, they have a chance to achieve success and victory in raising their children.

Game - guess the word from children's "explanations""

Target: Give parents the opportunity to do a self-analysis of their relationship with their child, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, younger brother or sister, and children’s friends.

“She loves to cook, go to the store and spend money, takes care of me when I’m sick, scolds me when I don’t tidy up my toys, hugs and kisses, says “my darling,” makes comments to dad. (Mom).

Every parent wants to raise their child happy, healthy, and smart. So that he chooses the right path, is able to realize himself, creates a happy family and raises his children with dignity - all parents think about this, no matter what country we live in, what language we speak. Each of us parents wants only the best for our children.

We spend a lot of time at work; it seems that the main thing is to feed, clothe, and create certain benefits. But we don’t have time to talk with the child, to hear about what is going on in his child’s soul. Or we do it on the run in a hurry.

Dear Parents! Put everything aside, attract the child to you, hug him. Psychologists say that in order for a child to feel happy, he needs to be stroked on the head, hugged, approved 7 times during the day, that is, through physical touch he needs to be confirmed: “I love you.”

And therefore, proper upbringing in the family, as stated in the popular proverb. - “This is our happy old age; bad upbringing is our future grief - these are our tears.”

Proverbs "hearts"

Target: Develop social thinking, social creativity, sociability, and introduce the rules of behavior in society.

And now, I offer you, dear parents, paper hearts

with Russian folk proverbs about family, you take out small hearts from a big heart, think and explain the meaning of the proverb.

"It's warm in the sun, and good in the mother's presence"

"A mother feeds her children - like a land of people"

"There is no better friend than your own mother"

"You don't need a treasure when there is harmony in the family"

"A housewife is like a pancake in honey or a bee in the garden"

"A hut is not red in its corners - it is red in its pies"

"Being a guest is good, but being at home is better"

"Houses and walls help"

"My home is my castle"

"Like the parents, so are the children"

"Life is beautiful when there is peace at home."

Thank you for your heartfelt explanations.

Computers and television currently play a huge influence on the formation of a child’s moral qualities. It must be remembered that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day becomes irritable, unbalanced, and aggressive. You, the parents, need to control what games your child plays, what programs and movies he watches.

We offer you the game "Finish the sentence".

Please take one colored pencil from the stand, unroll a roll of paper on it, read it carefully and in the free space, complete the sentence with one or two words, adding the word - he is studying.

1. The child is constantly criticized, he learns...(hate).

2. The child lives in hostility, he learns... (to be aggressive).

3. The child lives in reproaches, he learns... (live with guilt).

4. The child grows up in tolerance, he learns...(understand others).

5. The child is praised, he learns... (be grateful).

6. A child grows up in honesty, he learns... (to be fair).

7. The child grows up in safety, he learns... (to believe in people).

8. The child supports, he learns...(value himself).

9. The child is ridiculed, he learns...(be withdrawn).

10. Lives in understanding and friendship, he learns... (to find love in the world).

Thank you for your advice and warnings, they will help many of you in a certain situation.

Results of the meeting:

Dear parents, it depends on you, to a large extent, how your child, kindergarten, and we, educators, will grow up, can only help you find a way out of a difficult situation. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior have the greatest influence on the formation of the child’s personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Dear parents, children have prepared “gifts” for you with their palms and painted their hearts on them. And you write on each finger what you affectionately call your child to the music of “Family Anthem” (I. Reznik).

I would like to end our meeting with a poem, once again confirming everything that was discussed at the meeting.

"A child learns that

What he sees in his home.

Parents are an example to him!

Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

Who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will receive more than

Everything that teaches them comes from them.

It was not the wolf who raised the sheep,

Father gave cancer the gait!

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds.

And for the words: easy to push

children on a bad path.

Keep your house tidy

so as not to repent later." Sebastian. Brant.

At the end, all parents are given leaflets with rules for raising children and are invited to a tea party.

Application #1:

Memo for parents on instilling a culture of behavior in children.

1. Do not show your child ostentatious politeness and sensitivity. Very soon he will begin to imitate you and do this primarily towards you.

2. Don't be rude or use foul language yourself. Your habit will become your child's habit.

3. Don't talk badly or disrespectfully about strangers. If you set an example for your child in this, expect that very soon he will become the same about you.

4. Be considerate towards other people. This is a good lesson in kindness and humanity for your child.

5. Don't be afraid to apologize to someone in front of your child. At that moment you do not lose anything, you only gain his respect.

6. Show nobility even when you really don’t want to show it, teach your child nobility. Remember that behavior is a mirror that reflects the true appearance of everyone!


1. "Parent meetings in preschool educational institutions" O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova Iris didactics, Moscow 2007

2. "Parent meetings in kindergarten" senior group S.V. Chirkova "VAKO, Moscow 2008

3. "Kindergarten and family" E.S. Evdokimova, N.V. Dodokina, E.A. Kudryavtseva Mosaic-synthesis Moscow 2007

Parent meeting in the senior group

“Tasks of upbringing and education of children 5,6,7 years of life in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: introduce parents to the tasks and age-specific characteristics of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new school year; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

Form: meeting.

Participants: teacher, parents.

Event plan

1. About the beginning of the school year

2. About summer health work. Showing the presentation “Summer”

3. On the tasks of raising and educating children 5,6,7 years of life in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Speech by teachers

4. “Organization of correctional work at the speech center.” Speech speech therapist speech

5. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the MAOU for the new academic year.

6. About the safety of children. Speech by the head Ivanova L.D.

Consultation for parents on the topic: Safety rules that you should teach your child. Teacher Samorodova L.N.

7. Election of the composition of the parent committee.

8. Miscellaneous.

Progress of the event

Educator. Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our children have grown up, become a year older, one step closer to school.

If school is learning, then kindergarten is play (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

Today we will play a game that teaches us to be kind, attentive, polite, and friendly.

GAME 1. “Pyramid of Love”


  • cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Progress of the game:

Each of us loves something or someone, we all have this feeling, but we all express it differently “I love my family, my children, my home, my city, my work.

Tell us who and what you love!

And now, let's build a “pyramid of love” from our hands. I will name something I love and put my hand in, then each of you will name my favorite thing and put my hand in (build a pyramid).

Do you feel the warmth of your hands?

Do you enjoy this state?

Look how tall the pyramid turned out. High because we love and are loved ourselves.

Educator. A fun summer has passed, and I want to invite you to watch a presentation about a wonderful time of year.

Samorodova L.N., Soesheva G.F.

Speech by teachers:“Tasks of raising and educating children 5,6,7 years of age in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Game "Bragging". Parents write with a felt-tip pen on an autumn leaf some quality or skill of their child (for example, my daughter Masha is the best at tying her shoelaces).

Speech by speech therapist Yakovleva O.V.

Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the MAOU for the new school year.

Speech by the head Ivanova L.D. about the safety of children. Speech by teacher Samorodova L.N.“Safety rules you should teach your child”


Election of a new parent committee

· The work of the group’s parent committee is regulated by the document “Regulations on the parent committee of a municipal preschool educational institution.”

· Parents should be briefly reminded of its functions.

Parents are encouraged to discuss nominations. Parental votes are counted, the results are announced, and the personal composition of the group’s parent committee is discussed. The parent committee is approved by direct vote.

One of the forms of work with parents is surveying. And we invite you to cooperate with us a little and fill out a small questionnaire

Questionnaire for parents.

1 Do you consider it necessary for the home and family to work together?

2. What problems of raising a child would you like to discuss with preschool teachers?

3. Do you experience difficulties in communicating with teachers?

4. What are the reasons for these difficulties:

· lack of knowledge

· inability to engage in dialogue

Excessive shyness, timidity

misunderstanding of the teacher

· other

5. What activities could you organize for your children together with their teachers?

6. Are you ready to participate in the events offered by the preschool educational institution team?

7. Were your expectations from today's meeting met?

Educator. In exchange for the questionnaires, we offer you reminders (read aloud)

Game "Magic Ball"

I suggest each of you wrap a thread around your finger and answer the question: What quality do you want to reward or nurture in your child? What do you think your child is lacking? (Everyone winds the thread and names the qualities, the teacher says his wishes last) Teacher : Our little ball is magical and the thread that connected us is also magical, we will now put it in an envelope and it will be stored until we leave school. I am sure that all your wishes will come true, because the word has the ability to materialize.

All the best. Thank you for your cooperation!

Parent meeting decision:

1. The game “Pyramid of Love” should be recognized as effective in fostering a respectful attitude towards people and developing communication skills.

2. Work during the summer recreational period is considered satisfactory.

3.Take note of the educators’ information.

4. Information from speech therapist O.V. Yakovleva. take into account.

5.Parents to interact with teachers to implement the intended goals and objectives for the 2015-2016 school year.

6.Parents and educators continue to work with children to develop safe behavior both in society and in the world around them.

7. Approve the parent committee with the following composition:

Astakhova E.V., Petrova N.V., Asfandiyarova I.I., Khakimova A.Kh., Gaisina S.F.

8. Educators and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable conditions for the education of children in an established team



1. Your first name, patronymic and last name.

2. Your age (preferably date of birth).

3. Your home address.

4. Your city, its main attractions.

5. The country in which he lives.

6. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents, their profession.

7. Seasons (sequence, months, main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons).

8. Domestic animals and their young.

9. Wild animals of our forests, hot countries, the North, their habits, cubs.

10. Transport by land, water, air.

11.Distinguish between clothes, shoes and hats; wintering and migratory birds; vegetables, fruits and berries.

12.Know and be able to tell Russian folk tales.

13. Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.

14.Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.)

15.Be able to fully and consistently retell a story you have heard or read, compose, or come up with a story based on a picture.

16.Remember and name 6-10 pictures and words.

17. Distinguish between vowels and consonants.

18. Divide words into syllables according to the number of vowel sounds.

19. Good use of scissors (cut strips, squares, circles,

rectangles, triangles, ovals, cut out an object along the contour.)

20. Use a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler, draw geometric shapes, animals, people, various objects based on geometric shapes, carefully paint over, shade with a pencil without going beyond the contours of objects.

22.Be able to listen carefully, without distractions (30 - 35 minutes).

23. Maintain a slender, good posture, especially when sitting.

Nadiya Aitova
Parent meeting in the senior group at the beginning of the year

Parent meeting in the senior group.

Subject: « Beginning of the school year - beginning a new stage in the life of kindergarten and pupils senior groups


Familiarization parents with developmental features of children 5-6 years old.


1. Form parents practical skills in the field of interaction with children.

2. Develop interest in learning about your child, promote active interaction with him.

3. Promote the emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process and organize their communication.


1. Solemn start of the meeting. Congratulation parents at the start of the school year. Performance teacher: « Senior preschool age - what is it like?

2. Features of the educational process in senior group.

3. Test "Me and my child"

4. Speech by the head on topics of interest parents questions.

Educator: Hello, dear parents! Gathered we are with you today beginning of the new school year. We moved to senior group.

The age from 5 to 6 years is a new important stage in the development and upbringing of a preschool child.

It can be called the basic age, when many personal qualities are formed in the child, the image of "I", gender identification. An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between adults or an adult and a child. 90% of all child’s personality traits are formed at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.

The leading need at this age is the need for communication and creative activity. Children's communication is expressed in free dialogue with peers and adults, expressing their feelings and intentions through speech and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions). At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life.

This is the period of highest opportunities for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. Therefore, great attention must be paid to educational activities.

2. Today we are working on a preschool education program "From birth to school". Our GCD now lasts for 25 minutes.

Your children have become older, due to this, their responsibilities increase. And I would really like you to - parents took the educational process seriously.

According to Art. 18 of the Russian Federation Law on Education,

clause 1Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood.”

clause 2: “For the education of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool institutions operates to help the family”

We prepare children for school, develop perseverance, curiosity, attention, and memory.

And it is the joint work of us teachers and you, parents, can give a positive result.

At home, you shouldn’t treat them like kids, but rather involve them in helping around the house. In developing children's independence and self-care, we will form in children the habit of keeping their bodies clean, their clothes and hair tidy. In this regard, we request you to parents bring children to kindergarten neat, ensure that changing clothes in the kindergarten are clean, girls have their hair neatly combed, preferably with braids, and keep the lockers in order.

I ask you to pay great attention to reading fiction. This develops hearing, enriches vocabulary, develops speech, the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, and the ability to correctly compose a sentence. After reading the work, be sure to discuss what you read with your child so that the child learns to listen and hear.

In classes on speech development and familiarization with the environment, drawing, modeling, appliqué, and mathematics, we monitor correct sound pronunciation throughout the day.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that speech and intellect are closely related interconnected: If we improve speech, it means that the level of development of thinking increases. Speech defects have an inhibitory effect on the development of speech itself, and on the development of the child’s thinking, on his preparation for mastering literacy.

Incorrect pronunciation brings children a lot of grief and difficulties: they are embarrassed by their speech, feel insecure, become shy, withdrawn, have difficulty communicating with others, and suffer ridicule painfully. Of course, this will affect the child’s interest in learning, his character, will interfere with the assimilation of the school curriculum, and will cause poor performance.

It is important that you monitor the correct speech of your children; you must constantly remind to kid: “You know how to speak correctly!”; correct his speech in order to eliminate the incorrect stereotype of pronunciation, introduce clear sound into speech. Also respected parents Please pay attention to the communication style at home. Some of our children began to use bad words when communicating with children. And when asked where you heard this, they say mom says so or dad.

In the formation of mathematical concepts, we will master quantitative and ordinal counting within 10 and numbers from 0 to 9. Obtain equalities and inequalities. Ability to count to 10 forwards and backwards. Determine your location among surrounding objects and directions (straight, left, right, etc.) We will master time relations (parts of the day, days of the week, names of months, concepts of yesterday, today, tomorrow). I would like to end my speech with an excerpt from Orlova’s poem "Children"

Children are happiness, children are joy,

Children are a fresh breeze in life.

You can't earn them, it's not a reward,

Their God gives grace to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge.

Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.

They need care, affection, understanding.

Children are time, children are work.

Children are a miracle, a message of kindness,

Rays of sunrise, droplets of love.

Children are every girl's desire

(Even careerists, at heart).

3. And in order to determine for yourself what role the child plays in your life, what place he occupies, we will conduct a short test. Test for parents"Me and my child"

I can and always do this - A

I can, but I don’t always do this - B

I can't - B

Can you:

1. Leave everything at any time

your own business and take care of the child?

2. Consult with your child, regardless of his age?

3. Confess to your child a mistake made towards him?

4. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

9. Always refrain from using words and expressions that can hurt

10. Promise a child and fulfill his wish for good behavior?

11. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants and behave as he pleases.

wants to and doesn’t interfere with anything?

12. Do not react if your child hits, roughly pushes or simply

unjustly offended another child?

13. Resist children’s tears and requests if you are sure that this is a fleeting whim


Answer "A" is worth 3 points.

Answer "B" is worth 2 points.

Answer "IN" is worth 1 point.

Test results

"Me and my child".

From 30 to 39 points. A child is the greatest value in your life. you strive

not only understand, but also get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to

progressive methods of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words,

You are doing the right thing and can hope for a good result.

From 16 to 30 points. Taking care of your child is of paramount importance to you. You

you have the abilities of a teacher, but in practice you do not always use them

consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases -

too soft; in addition, you are prone to compromises, which weaken

educational effect. You should think about your approach to parenting

Less than 16 points. You have serious problems raising your child. You're missing

either knowledge or patience, or perhaps both. We advise you to contact

help from specialists, teachers and psychologists, get acquainted with publications on

issues of family education.

Everyone has probably concluded for themselves what place your child occupies in your life.

Systematic parent-teacher meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten help to establish close ties between educators and parents of children attending a preschool institution.

About the main educational institutions

The family has two main kids. They have completely different educational functions, but with close interaction between the family and the kindergarten, the harmonious all-round development of the child is ensured.

Among the important principles we can mention active interaction between parents and educational psychologist. Systematic parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard require the participation of specialists such as a speech therapist, psychologist, and medical worker.

Traditional forms of parent-teacher meetings

Among the traditional options for holding meetings, the main place has always been given to:

  • reports;
  • thematic messages;
  • various diagnostics;
  • questioning.

Such forms of work did not provide the desired feedback from parents of preschool children.

Innovative methods of working with parents

Modern conditions dictate that workers need to look for more effective options for communicating with parents of preschoolers. Educators, when organizing parent-teacher meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten, try to look for active ways of communication, to involve mothers and fathers in the process of development and learning of children.

Interactive methods of communication with parents

Among the alternative ways of working with parents, one can note an active discussion of a certain problem and organizing a discussion. Psychologists are confident that any team has its own unique characteristics and hidden capabilities.

The interaction between teachers and parents during the meeting is carried out in verbal form: someone speaks, and someone listens carefully. To expand the range of active interaction methods, interactive communication methods can be recommended.

The very concept of “interactive” translated from English means “to act.” “Interactive” involves interaction within the framework of a dialogue, conversation with a person or with a computer. In education, such methods involve the formation of personality through interaction and participation. A Chinese proverb comments on this type of education as “I hear and forget, I see and understand, I do and I remember.” The use of the method of interaction and active participation guarantees the involvement of parents of preschoolers in the educational process.

What problems can be solved using interactive education methods?

Considering that parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten are planned a year in advance, using interactive teaching methods it is possible to solve several complex psychological and pedagogical problems at once.

The importance of diagnostics in interactive techniques

Interactive methods involve diagnostics; with their help, you can identify parents’ expectations from educators and justify fears and anxieties. Since the purpose of the research is not always clear to mom and dad, a preschool psychologist can obtain information that will bring them closer to the educational process. Also, with the help of interactive methods, it becomes possible to transfer certain skills and knowledge to parents, and teach them how to properly communicate with their children.

Options for parent meetings in kindergartens

For such events, you can choose the following interactive methods:

  • discussions;
  • role-playing games;
  • business games;
  • survey;
  • simulation games.

"Big Circle"

For example, a parent meeting in an older group can be held using the “Big Circle”. Using this technique, you can quickly find a problem and find ways to solve it. All work is carried out in three main stages:

  • Stage 1. Participants sit down, forming a large circle. The group leader creates a specific problem.
  • Stage 2. Over a certain period of time (10-15 minutes), ways to solve the problem are written down individually on a separate sheet.
  • Stage 3. Each participant reads out proposals in a circle, while the rest of the parents and teachers listen carefully. Next, voting is carried out on individual items.


An aquarium is a form of dialogue that involves discussing a specific issue in front of members of the public. The group selects the topic of the dialogue, as well as the person to whom all participants will entrust the role of leader. The remaining representatives will be ordinary spectators. Parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten at the end of the year in a similar form will allow us to identify all the problems that have accumulated during this educational period. Participants get a chance to see themselves from the outside, learn to resolve conflict situations, and argue their own ideas.

"Round table"

A similar technique is used to develop a general opinion on a certain problem. During this event, 1-3 questions are asked. In order for the round table to be as effective as possible, the overall design of the room in which it is supposed to be held is thought out. During the discussion, a separate decision is made on each individual issue. Those participants who have experience on the issue under discussion are given the right to express their opinion. The presenter sums up the results and adopts a common position, taking into account amendments and additions.

KVN competition as a means of effective work

Parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten at the beginning of the year can be planned in a non-traditional form. For example, make a competition calling it “Moms, it’s time for us to go to school.” This game can be called a real magic wand, thanks to which you can teach any child to write, count, invent, and think. The teacher divides the parents into three teams, each coming up with a motto and name for itself. The jury may include educators, speech therapists, and medical workers. During the warm-up, parents are asked to answer various questions related to the characteristics of raising preschoolers and their preparation for school.

At the second stage, which can be called “Think Now,” parents are offered cards with different tasks. The cards contain different statements from moms and dads, and you need to analyze how the future first-grader will perceive them. You can also offer a task to correlate the parent’s phrase and the child’s reaction. It is important to hold such parent-teacher meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten, which are fully taken into account. They will help motivate parents to prepare their child for school. Also, mom and dad will have to develop a method of behavior if the child returns from school with bad grades. Such a meeting can be concluded with a tea party, during which all issues that remain unclear are easily resolved.

Formation of traffic rules skills in kindergarten

Recently, such a children's competition as “Safe Wheel” has begun to be held not only in educational institutions, but also for kindergarten students. Kids taking part in it learn the rules of the road, learn how to ride a bicycle, and learn the rules of first aid. In order for parents to be actively involved in this process, you can organize thematic parent meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten on traffic rules. For example, you can hold a joint competition for parents and children, so that both children and their mothers and fathers can show their knowledge in the field of traffic safety.

Speech development of a preschooler

Of particular importance in the educational process of preschool children is the formation of communication skills and speech development. For example, they are held in the senior group of kindergarten. Speech development is the main goal pursued by educators. Parents need to understand what problems their child has and how to deal with them so that the child does not have problems while studying at school.

The process of speech development in preschoolers is closely related to mental development. There are some regularities in the formation of speech. It is at the age of 5-6 that a child learns to pronounce sounds correctly and his quantitative vocabulary increases. A preschooler, talking about some event, tries to find words that would accurately convey his thought. In addition, children are able to carry on a conversation with their peers using topics that are interesting and understandable to them. That is why parent-teacher meetings in the senior group of kindergarten on speech development are an important stage in the formation of a child and real assistance to the parents of a preschooler.

The muscles of the articulatory apparatus have become stronger in children, so they are able to pronounce words correctly. At the age of 5-6, children begin to realize the polysemy of words, use their literal and figurative meaning, and use synonyms. A preschooler should be able to show feelings such as sadness, joy, anger, tell fairy tales, and construct sentences. Only if they have full-fledged speech will children be able to communicate with their peers without any problems, and therefore teachers of preschool institutions pay serious attention to development in this direction and at parent meetings they talk about how to help the child develop.

Examples of elements that contribute to the development of a child’s speech

  1. Children learn to tell stories, to compose their own stories based on the pictures that teachers offer them.
  2. Learning poems, reading them expressively.
  3. Introduction to tongue twisters and tongue twisters.
  4. Guessing and making riddles.
  5. Using games to increase the speed of learning.

A variety of speech games conducted in kindergartens (for the preparatory group) include the question “why”. Such games stimulate the development of children's speech, help improve vocabulary, speed and accuracy of thinking and memory. For example, parents can play various speech games with their children on the way to kindergarten.

Memo for parents of preschool children

  1. Talk to your child, watch your own speech, speak clearly and clearly. When communicating with your baby, do not raise your voice.
  2. If speech disorders are detected, contact a specialist: neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, speech therapist.
  3. Read books to your child as often as possible, discuss the stories you read with him. In the process of reading, the preschooler's vocabulary will expand.
  4. Don't forget to tell your children that you love them. Rejoice at your child’s successes and help him overcome difficulties. Ask your child after kindergarten about how he spent the day, whether he was interested in what he did in kindergarten.

Remember that 5-6 years of age is an important stage in the upbringing and development of preschool children; it requires parents and educators to join forces in the difficult work of raising a full-fledged personality. This is important so that in the future the boy or girl will make the right conclusions about the model of behavior in the society around them and follow it to achieve their goals. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which the child simply gets lost in the crowd of peers and will not be able to express his individuality. This cannot be allowed.
