September 1 and autumn. It's up to you to decide what this autumn will be for you: a dull time or a charm of the eyes! Autumn is the only season that teaches

They say that autumn is a time of wisdom, prudence and common sense. Perhaps there is some truth in this, because the first day of autumn is also the day of knowledge, because it is with the beginning of this time of the year that the new stage learning from schoolchildren and students. Officially, the first day of autumn, namely September 1, was approved back in 1984 by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This year, by the way, served as the so-called starting point for holiday events and ceremonial lines. For some, the first day of autumn is a new stage in knowledge, while for others it is associated with endless longing for summer. In any case, you need to meet the first day of autumn cheerfully and with good mood, because ahead of us all are waiting for rainy days, mountains of leaves underfoot, slightly warming sun and gloomy sky. Agree, there is something special, exciting and unique in this.

Let autumn bring warmth
It will bring comfort to your home.
So that the rule in it is only good,
Further bad weather will carry away.

To be generous
And become special for you.
So that friendship is not bad,
She only protected us.

Foliage flies from poplars,
And the birds are going south
The grass no longer makes noise in the field,
This autumn is knocking on our window.

And threw the royal hand
On the forests of golden clothes,
May she bring us peace
And fulfill all our hopes.

leaving summer heat and the first yellow leaf fell, congratulations on the first day of autumn. I wish that in life there were only warm bright colors. So that the soul is filled with autumn peace and the sounds of soft rustling of leaves. Let during the long autumn showers, you will always be warm and comfortable in the circle of relatives and loved ones.

This is the end of the season
Holidays, holidays.
Do not be sad! That's the law
And the natural cycle.

You see it the other way around:
Autumn? Great!
So soon New Year,
Women's Day and Easter!

Summer flew by so fast
But still we won't grieve
After all summer sun we are still warm
Let's welcome autumn!

I wish you warm days autumn,
Although it sometimes rains in autumn,
May there be many joyful moments
Then the rain will not get in your way!

Did not have time to meet the summer,
And his trail is already gone,
Wearing a raincoat,
Autumn has penetrated us in the rear!

Her first day walking
And the rain knocks on the window
But he won't scare us
We are not afraid of anyone!

Congratulations on autumn
And there's no reason to be sad
I wish you to live in a positive way,
And read Pushkin more often!

And he is a great genius
And fall in love with my heart,
No wonder a bunch of poems
He devoted autumn days!

Summer is gone and gone
The golden autumn has come
Cobwebs are silvering outside the window,
Leaves begin to fall.

And today, I want to wish you
Happiness, magic and inspiration,
Let this fall surprise you
Forget about the past and regrets.

May your dreams come true this autumn
And let her coolness not scare,
Happy first day of autumn to you
Sad, no need to be sad!

Summer flew by quickly
Autumn is already in full swing.
Congratulations on your first
Happy September day.

May the favorite of poets
Inspiration will bring
Gives strength, tenderness, ardor
And hide from worries.

Let the trees rejoice
What is burning gold.
Let the crimson patterns
Pleased with your bright eyes.

We ask autumn
How do you live?
On the first day, we hope
There is warmth in it.

Because the leaves are yellow
They didn't all fly away.
And the starlings roar in the garden,
How noisy in summer.

Stock up on bright
All people paint!
Even winter cold let be
You won't let them down.

Autumn is generous with its
Fairy wealth!
Let's rejoice in her
Admire her.

Happy first day of bright autumn,
I gladly congratulate you.
How many rainbow colors are in it,
I wish you to taste all the charm.

There will be no rain, let there be no wind,
Enjoy the last warmth.
In landscapes of beautiful nature,
Bathe in autumn beauty!

Here is autumn with the first breath
Already knocking on your door
Let it bring only joy
Autumn this first day.

Let it be nice to be cool
Let the rains sing about love
Let the dream circle with leaf fall,
Let the days be beautiful.

Let not upset the slush, the clouds,
Let an umbrella be your companion
May everyone in this miracle autumn
It will turn out to be a little in love.

In pre-Christian Russia, the New Year was celebrated on this day, and only the decree of Peter 1 forcibly made the New Year on the night of January. But ordinary people it was difficult to accept this holiday and on the day of the old new year they began to celebrate the new academic year. AT Ancient Rus' On September 1, mother autumn was greeted, whom they prayed to receive good harvest and a prosperous and well-fed winter. It was on this day that they began to do many different rituals in order to appease the spirits and make the winter bright and full. Today, on this day, autumn is celebrated, the beginning of the day of knowledge and study. And on this day, it was customary to congratulate everyone who was born in the autumn months.

Autumn dressed in yellow
Appeared outside the window
We're frozen in anticipation
Watching the corner.
The rain drips on the roofs
The sun fades into the void
We won't walk anymore
We are barefoot on the ground.
First day: autumn, bright,
September is standing in the yard,
Autumn brought gifts? -
No? Then I'm sorry.

Autumn, first day, golden autumn,
We were waiting for you, hello, dear,
And I also congratulate you at this hour,
I saw that you were expecting autumn.
Let the leaves fall from the tree to the ground
The sun blooms in the sky above you
Summer has already passed, but I do not regret
The first day of autumn has come home.

Autumn day, the very first
Came to us in September
A sea of ​​valuable congratulations,
I brought it, take it for you.
And opening gifts
Smile from ear to ear
Autumn, golden charm,
We will add gray days.

Grey, sad, gusts of wind,
Chilly, disgusting, nervous breakdowns,
Clouds, rains, eternal mess,
And the heating won't turn on!
umbrellas, sour faces passers-by
No mood, no money either
Cold and time are crazy
And in the future only WINTER.

Here comes autumn
And see no more
Those short skirts girls,
The look that he liked to shoot.
Here comes autumn
And with her youth is gone
I need to go to the post office
Maybe the pension is coming.
Here comes autumn
And I came too
On dog shit in the leaves.
I would kill that dog!
Here comes autumn
It hurts here and it hurts there
I need to go to the pharmacy
After all, it's already chilly in the morning!
Here comes autumn
Can I buy some vodka!?
How autumn got me!
How can I survive it!?

Everything is wonderful, summer is over -
Time of heat and flies;
The rains declared a vendetta
The last burdock dies.
Everything is wonderful, vile autumn -
Runny nose time;
We take down nasty things from nature,
Waste without wasting words.
Begging the weather is useless
How pointless it is to threaten her:
It's better to admit that everything is lovely,
And beat the drum of pleasure.

Autumn has come. Ladies hide boobs.
You can't see your ass under a powerful skirt.
Men's peepers wrinkled chilly.
But now it is more convenient to walk.

They say that autumn is a time of wisdom, prudence and common sense. Perhaps there is some truth in this, because the first day of autumn is also a day of knowledge, because it is with the beginning of this time of the year that a new stage of study opens up for schoolchildren and students. Officially, the first day of autumn, namely September 1, was approved back in 1984 by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This year, by the way, served as the so-called starting point for festive events and solemn rulers. For some, the first day of autumn is a new stage in knowledge, while for others it is associated with endless longing for summer. In any case, you need to meet the first day of autumn cheerfully and with a good mood, because rainy days are ahead of us, mountains of leaves under our feet, a slightly warming sun and a gloomy sky. Agree, there is something special, exciting and unique in this.

Show congratulations

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The hot summer has passed
Goodbye and gone
Autumn put on gold
And knocking on our window!

hello golden autumn
We are happy for you, believe me
And meeting your first day,
Let's open the door wide open!

We congratulate all our friends
With the first, autumn day,
We wish you all the best,
Live brightly, with a spark! ,


Autumn is golden, autumn is a darling!
The leaves on the chestnut trees rustle in the night...
Smile at us, gentle, beautiful capital!
We'll sit in the park, just keep quiet.

The first day of autumn is warm and beautiful,
We are not sad yet: winter is far away,
The sun is still gentle, the breeze is not strong ...
But it's already getting dark.


Autumn will spin us in a gentle waltz,
Schoolchildren will go to their class today,
It's time for us to wake up from the hot summer,
In the light coolness, plunge with love,

And on this very first day of autumn,
We wish you new revelations,
May nature give you a moment of bliss,
And only perfection reigns in the soul.


Oh, the leaf flies yellow,
The sun hides in the forest
But there's no point in being sad
If autumn is on the nose!

So she came, and what?
You're moping, wait a minute
After all, with fine weather
Summer is ahead again.

So the first day of autumn
You are happier to meet
And in a good mood
Accept Indian summer!


Let's bake a big pie from apples,
And we'll ask you "Don't leave" for the summer.
Comes cautiously to the threshold
It's not summer anymore, but it's not autumn yet.

And the cranes chirp in the blue,
And soon all the trees will shed their leaves,
And hoarfrost steps on the grass
It's not summer anymore, but it's not autumn yet.

Say goodbye to the summer, warm and alive
With warmth and sun, dressed in greenery
And we will meet among the yellowing grass
It's not autumn yet, but it's not summer anymore.


September bright fine day,
The last one left, already on the threshold
Winter will knock. And it will be again
Fallen leaves to drive on the roads.
First autumn day today
And it seems not summer and I don’t know:
Outside the sun, light, beauty
And the kids run to school for a lesson.
Beautiful skirts, bows, jackets,
Accept congratulations today and you.


Changes in nature
brought nostalgia,
As if autumn brings sadness
By their appearance.

And in the soul is not visible like
No sadness, no longing -
golden season
And you can congratulate him.

Well, let them go
Summer hot days
We wave to them
And let's go to the barbecue!


There is no despondency and sadness,
No rain, no gold leaves
Birds did not fly to a warm land,
And you can't see winter in the distance.

The first day of autumn is still summer,
No heat, but blue from the sky,
The forest is still dressed in greenery,
On this wonderful day - we are with you!

Let the summer stay with us
From him we take ourselves warmly,
And the soul rejoices and laughs,
And full of love!


You will find your happiness today
After all, we are now meeting autumn.
And if life was free
We fix it in the fall.

You will find your dream, it's over,
And it will be strong forever.
Congratulations on the first day of autumn
And I wish you much happiness.


With autumn offensive Congratulations,
I wish you golden success.
Let the fall of the leaves calm you down
There will be many surprises.

A yellow leaf flies calmly,
And in the sky a crane's cry is heard.
Calm down and relax, smile,
Charge yourself with the energy of autumn nature.


Today autumn knocked on our window,
And children with flowers go to school,
Some are happy, others don't care
New "exploits" at school are waiting for them.

We also congratulate the parents,
On this beautiful autumn day
We wish them all a lot of patience,
May happiness flow into your home in a stream.


Beauty came today autumn
She won't ask us for anything.
Only gold will decorate everything around,
Greet her with joy, friend.

With autumn first congratulations on the day
In my soul I have colors, I wish gold.
Let there be a light wind, leaf fall,
And I'm extremely happy and overjoyed.


Fall has come! First day of September!
Congratulations to everyone on the start of your studies!
We wish you all in educational works
Only success, without difficulties!

Let it be hard sometimes
And before the session, cramming the night,
And then with your smart head
Soon you will have to glorify the country!

I think the geniuses were very fond of when
The holidays are coming to an end again
So folks, happy first day of September!
Let's learn everything without sorrow!
