Budget menu for a wedding: ideas for a festive table. Hot menu for a wedding: beautiful, satisfying, varied

It is very important to correctly create a wedding menu. The satiety and mood of the guests depend on this. This means that the impression of the wedding was 50% successful). It so happens that people at a wedding like to eat well and have fun from the heart. There should be plenty of everything.

The banquet is the largest item in the wedding budget (approximately 40-60%). Basically, a lot of food is not eaten and goes to waste, and you still pay for it. The best option is when there is not much food left after the banquet; it will be packed and you will take it with you. Therefore, the question of how to create a banquet menu for a wedding is very important.

How to create a menu for a wedding?

Listen to the recommendations of the chef and administrator of the establishment where you decide to celebrate your wedding; they are well aware of what and how much guests eat. This is extremely useful.
Approximate menu standards per person for a wedding. A guest at a party can eat about a kilogram, maybe a little more food, plus drinks. For example, let’s calculate the menu for a wedding of 50 people. Also suitable for calculating menus for weddings of 20,30,40 people.

The menu for a wedding in a restaurant and cafe includes:

Aperitif – a dish served before meals that stimulates appetite and improves
digestion. As a rule, these are canapés and low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, fruits. This could be a buffet menu for a wedding.

Cold appetizers and salads– these are various cuts, vegetables, pickles, salads.

Hot appetizers– these are various meat and fish dishes, mushrooms in sour cream, pies, potato pancakes, krucheniki, etc. Unlike main courses, for preparing hot appetizers, smaller pieces of meat or fish are taken; cutlets and other products are not prepared in large sizes. Hot appetizers are served without a side dish and prepared just before serving.

Main courses and side dishes– consists of several dishes. The main course is usually the heaviest, hottest and most complex on the menu. The main ingredients are meat or fish. This dish is the gastronomic pinnacle or the culmination of the banquet. This is what increases the pleasure and enjoyment of the banquet.

Dessert- this is a sweet table. Main components: cake, loaf and fruit.

Soft drinks

Alcoholic drinks

Let's create a sample menu for the wedding


1. Olives/olives – 10 g each.
Total 10 g/person*50 people=0.5 kg
2. Red caviar – 15-20 g each.
Total 20g/person*50 persons=1 kg
3. Canapés, 1-2 pieces per person. = 80-100 pcs.
4. Fruits.
5. Non-alcoholic drinks: mineral water (carbonated, still), juices (2 types).
6. Alcoholic drinks: vermouth (Martini Ave.), liqueur (Baileys Ave.), cognac, whiskey.

Based on the menu per person for the wedding you will need:

Cold appetizers and salads

1. Cold cuts. 3 types of meat - 40 g each and 1 type of raw smoked sausage - 20 g.
Total 60 g/person. * 50 people = 3 kg
2. Fish platter. Red fish (trout, salmon, pink salmon) and white fish (halibut, sturgeon) - 40 g each. It should be noted that out of 6 kg of fish, no more than 4 kg remains after processing.
Total 80 g/person. * 50 people = 4 kg
3. Herring 20 g/person. *50 people=1 kg
4. Marinated mushrooms 50 g/person. *50 people= 2.5 kg
5. Cheese platter. Hard cheeses (such as Russian), soft (such as brie) and blue (such as Gorgonzola) - 20-25 g of each type.
Total 75 g/person*50 persons= 3.75 kg
6. Fresh vegetables. Cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes - 50 g each, sweet peppers (preferably red and yellow) - 25-30 g each, green salad, herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill, basil) - for decoration.
Total 100 g/person*50 people=5 kg
7. Pickles. Cucumbers and tomatoes (preferably not pickled) – 40-50 g each, mushrooms – 30-40 g each.
Total 90 g/person*50 persons=4.5 kg
8. Salads: 2-3 types (fish and meat) – 60 g each.
An average serving of salad is 250 grams, i.e. One serving (plate) of salad is for 4 people.
Total 60 g/person. * 50 = 3 kg = 12 servings of one type of salad.

Hot appetizers

2-3 hot dishes – 100-150 g each.
Example: julienne, French-style meat, krucheniki, baked vegetables, potato pancakes, pancakes with various fillings, khachapuri with cheese.
Main courses and side dishes

2-3 main courses with a side dish of your choice. Based on 200 g/person. *50 people = 10 kg

1. Pork shish kebab (chicken, beef)
2. Meat on the bone
3. Stewed rabbit
4. Turkey

The highlight of the wedding banquet. Whole baked:
5. Duck
6. Suckling pig
7. Lamb
8. Garnish 100 g/person. (ex. baked potatoes, grilled vegetables)

1. Fruit bowl: pears, apples, white and blue grapes, bananas, pineapples, kiwis, nectarines, oranges.
Total: 150 g/person. * 50 people = 7.5 kg
2. Cake. 150 g/person * 50 people = 7.5 – 9 kg
3. Cupcakes, sweets 1-2 kg.

Soft drinks

1. Carbonated mineral water (bottles 0.75-1l) 40 bottles
2. Non-carbonated 10 bottles
3. Juice (two types - apple, cherry) (pack of 1 l) 15/15 pcs.
4. Uzvar, compote 10 l
5. Tea 20 servings
6. Coffee 25 servings

Alcoholic drinks

1. Champagne - 30 bottles;
2. White wine – 10 bottles;
3. Red wine - 10 bottles;
4. Vodka - 35-40 bottles;
5. Cognac - 5 bottles;
6. Martini – 1-2 bottles.

This approximate menu for a wedding is calculated per person, in general, about 1 kg 300 grams plus drinks. Carefully create your wedding menu, follow the golden mean, listen to the opinion of the banquet hall administrator.

Wedding salads included in the banquet menu should be varied, because people with very different taste preferences gather at the table. Fish, meat, vegetables, seafood - there should be enough salads on the wedding table to keep guests full and satisfied.

The presentation of the dishes itself should be beautiful and appropriate to the occasion for which everyone gathered at the table that day. Using carving, you can decorate any salad, but you only need a little bit: curly knives and a little imagination.

If possible, it is better to serve the salad in portions rather than on a common platter. This serving is more convenient for guests.

How to prepare salads for a wedding - 15 varieties

A salad with such a romantic name should definitely be on the wedding table, especially since it looks so much like a real bouquet. Fans of salted fish will undoubtedly appreciate the familiar taste of “herring under a fur coat,” which sounds new.


  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Potato
  • Herring fillet
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Hard cheese
  • Garlic
  • Pita


Boil and grate the vegetables on a fine grater, and finely chop the herring and cucumber into cubes. Place fresh lettuce leaves on a dish, and layer the rest of the ingredients on them: first the herring, then chopped cucumber, carrots and potatoes. Make a mayonnaise layer between each layer. Boil the beets, grate them with cheese on a fine grater and add chopped garlic to taste. Stir and cover the salad on all sides with this mixture. Roses and lettuce made from pita bread will help make the dish resemble a real bouquet.

Among all the salads on the table, there should be salads that are not seasoned with mayonnaise, because there will definitely be a person who does not eat it. A similar light salad with vegetables, chicken and crispy croutons is just right for such people.


  • White loaf
  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Hard cheese (parmesan)
  • Yalta purple onion
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Lemon juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • Lettuce leaves


Prepare crackers. To do this, cut the loaf into cubes and fry them in a frying pan until they are browned. Disassemble the meat into fibers and place in a salad bowl. Add grated cheese and cucumber, cut into strips. Add onion, cut into half rings, and lettuce (just tear it with your hands). Add croutons and a dressing of vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

A delicious salad with a name corresponding to the event will also be appropriate at a wedding banquet. The salad is decorated with swan figures made from boiled eggs.


  • Boiled eggs
  • Onion
  • Hard cheese
  • Apple (sour)
  • Crab sticks


Boil hard-boiled eggs, four of them are needed for decoration, and separate the whites of the rest from the yolks. Grate the whites and yolks separately onto a fine grater. Chop and pickle the onion to remove its bitterness. Coarsely grate the cheese together with the sour apple, and cut the crab sticks into thin strips.

Place layers on a dish: yolks, pickled onions, cheese, apple, crab sticks, egg whites. Add a little mayonnaise to the egg whites with yolks and crab sticks to make the salad more juicy.

The remaining eggs are used to make swans. Two eggs are torsos, and two are heads. Connect them together with a toothpick. On the bodies, a cut is made on the lower part to achieve stability. You can make tails, wings, and necks from cut protein. Small pieces of carrots will be used instead of a beak, and eyes can be cut out from pieces of olives.

Appetizers and salads with red fish are regular guests on the festive table, and weddings are no exception. After all, the richer the wedding table, the better the young people will live - this is what people believe. Once you prepare this salad, at the end of the feast there won’t be a crumb left of it.


  • Smoked red fish
  • Crab sticks
  • Boiled eggs
  • Boiled rice
  • Boiled carrots
  • Curd soft cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream


Carefully cover a container with a deep bottom with cling film, and then line the walls and bottom of this container with thin strips of red fish.

For the salad, prepare the cream: mayonnaise and sour cream (4 tablespoons each) and a little curd cheese. Mix well until smooth and apply a little mixture onto the fish in an even layer. The next layer is crushed eggs and prepared cream as a layer. Then follow the crushed crab sticks with a layer. Grate the carrots and place on the salad, smooth and grease. At the very end, add the rice, smooth it out and brush with the remaining cream.

Carefully wrap the ends of the film and put the salad in the refrigerator overnight to soak, and then, carefully turning it over, place it on a dish. Thus, it turns out that the top layer will be the bottom, and only the fish will be visible from above.

Among other salads, try making a salad called “Tsarsky”. The products in it are selected so well that the result will definitely please you. Chicken, champignons and prunes are a great trio for a salad.


  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Champignon
  • Prunes
  • Walnuts
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Fry mushrooms in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onion. Cut the chicken into small cubes and add the mushrooms to the meat. Grind the steamed prunes and cheese, add to the rest of the products.

Season the salad with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste, and top with nut crumbs. You can decorate with greenery.

Chicken can be replaced with turkey fillet or quail meat.

If you prepare a salad according to this recipe, you should get not only a tasty dish. It will really look like a bouquet with delicate violets.


  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Prunes
  • Fresh champignons
  • Cucumber
  • Korean carrots
  • Mayonnaise
  • Saltine cracker
  • Spinach leaves
  • Radish


Cut the chicken, prunes and cucumber into strips. Fry mushrooms in oil, add pepper and salt to taste. All products are laid out in layers on a dish and coated with mayonnaise on each one: chicken, prunes, fried mushrooms, cucumber and, at the very end, Korean carrots.

You can start decorating. Cover the sides with crackers and make violet leaves from the spinach. The flowers are made from radishes, which are cut into very thin rings and painted with blue cabbage juice to resemble the flower.

Salmon salad with crab sticks will undoubtedly delight guests, because it is seasoned with a delicate dressing of sour cream, mayonnaise and mascarpone cheese.


  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Crab sticks
  • Boiled rice
  • Cucumber
  • Gelatin
  • Mascarpone
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Paprika
  • Lettuce leaves


Boil the eggs hard and boil the rice until done with paprika and spices.

Next, the deep dish is lined with cling film and laid out with slices of fish. Grated egg yolks are placed on it. They need to be lubricated with cream, and for this, dissolved gelatin is mixed with mayonnaise, sour cream and mascarpone. The cream is mixed well. Next comes a layer of crab sticks, cut into small strips, and a layer of cream. Then follows a layer of grated egg whites and a layer, and at the very end a layer of rice. Gently smooth and grease with remaining cream.

Place the salad cake in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Next, fresh lettuce leaves are placed on a dish, and the salad should be placed on them. To do this, you just need to turn it over and remove the cling film.

The salad called “Jelly” is a delicious and original dish that can decorate any wedding banquet.


  • Carrot
  • Canned green peas
  • Potato
  • Ham
  • Apple
  • Lemon juice
  • Boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Mustard
  • Gelatin


Boil potatoes and carrots. Pour the liquid from the canned peas and dissolve the gelatin in it. Next, prepare the sauce from mayonnaise, mustard and sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cut the ham and vegetables into cubes and mix them with canned peas. Cut the apple into cubes, sprinkle them with lemon juice and leave on the board.

When the gelatin has swollen enough, put it on the stove and heat it, but do not bring it to a boil. When the gelatin has cooled a little, it is mixed with the sauce and the resulting mixture is poured over the chopped products. Mix well and place half of the salad in a mold lined with film. Then lay in whole boiled eggs and cover them with the second half of the salad mixture. Flatten and put in the refrigerator. It takes 6-8 hours for the gelatin to harden. The salad is laid out from the mold onto a dish; you can cut it into even pieces with a knife.

This salad is very colorful in its design: a lot of greens, vegetable flowers and bright lingonberries. It all looks very appetizing on a platter.


  • Boiled potatoes
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Boiled carrots
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • Pickled cucumber
  • Canned green peas
  • Bell peppers
  • Cowberry
  • Green onions
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Olive oil


Cut the potatoes into small cubes and the carrots into half circles. Take a fresh cucumber and cut it into slices, and peeled bell pepper into cubes. Chop pickled mushrooms and cucumber in the same way.

Chop the green onions and halve them. Mix one half with chopped vegetables. Season the salad with olive oil, pepper and salt. You can add a little mustard. Decorate randomly to create an imitation of a forest clearing.

Why not make a salad with such an impressive name? It is quite suitable for a wedding banquet. The sweetish taste of crab sticks in tandem with apple sourness is an unexpectedly pleasant taste.


  • Crab sticks
  • Processed cheese
  • Boiled eggs
  • Green apple
  • Onion
  • Butter
  • Mayonnaise


The salad is laid out in layers on a wide flat dish and after each one a layer of mayonnaise is made. First come the grated egg whites. These are followed by crab sticks, very finely chopped. Next comes chopped onion and finely grated butter (from the freezer). The oil is not lubricated with mayonnaise; it is better to lightly salt it. The next layer is a finely grated apple, followed by grated processed cheese. The last layer is chopped yolk. Cool and let soak, decorate as desired.

To make the processed cheese easy to grate, it is slightly frozen in the freezer, and the grater is greased with refined vegetable oil.

In addition to healthy vegetables, this salad contains an ingredient that is unusual for a salad. The berries from cherry jam do not spoil its taste, but add “zest” to this light vegetable salad.


  • White cabbage
  • Green apples
  • Carrot
  • Lemon
  • Cherry jam without seeds


Chop the cabbage, and cut the carrots and apple into strips. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice into a separate bowl. Mix the chopped produce and lemon juice together in a salad bowl. Season the salad with a small amount of cherry syrup and garnish with jam cherries.

Which place always knew how to please guests at a wedding? Only in the village, because all the residents gathered for the festivities and everyone had to remain well-fed. This is exactly the kind of rustic salad, hearty and easy to prepare.


  • Pork
  • Onion
  • Greenery
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices


Boil the pork for one hour with the whole onion and spices, add salt shortly before the end. Cool the meat and cut into strips. Place in a deep bowl and cover with a lid.

You need to cut the onion into thin rings and chop the greens. Mix. Prepare marinade from 50 ml of boiled water, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tsp salt, 9 tbsp. vinegar, 0.5 tsp. ground pepper and 5 tbsp. rast. oils

Now lay out the meat and onions with herbs in layers, pouring the marinade over them. Then put the salad in a cold place to soak for 8 hours. Be sure to stir several times, but very carefully. All that remains is to put the salad in a salad bowl and garnish with chopped herbs.

This salad is usually prepared in Jewish families for weddings. Why not make the same layered salad?


  • Pork or beef
  • Onion
  • Boiled eggs
  • Chopped walnuts
  • Beet
  • Prunes
  • Mayonnaise


The salad is laid out in a salad bowl in layers, starting with the onions. It needs to be cut into half rings and pour boiling water over it for a short time, then squeeze it out. Behind it lay out the meat, cut into small cubes, grease with mayonnaise. Then add grated eggs and a little mayonnaise. The next layer is repeated - onions, and then grated eggs and a little mayonnaise. Now it’s the turn of the prunes; they need to be steamed and cut into thin strips. Smooth, grease with mayonnaise, then a layer of boiled beets, grated on a fine grater. Grease everything with mayonnaise, garnish with chopped walnuts.

Another interesting salad that is prepared in portions. A minimum of ingredients and unusual preparation are the key to the success of this appetizer salad.


  • Potato
  • Hard cheese
  • Crab sticks
  • Boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Red caviar


Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry until golden brown, let them dry on a paper towel. Place fried potatoes in greased small molds and add a little grated cheese and mayonnaise on top. Place in the oven and bake until the cheese melts. Carefully remove the potatoes from the molds so as not to destroy the structures.

Cut the crab sticks into thin strips and mix with chopped eggs, add mayonnaise. Add a little salt and stir. Spoon the mixture onto the potatoes and smooth out. Garnish with grains of red caviar and sprigs of greenery.

Another delicious salad with a name and design appropriate for the celebration. It’s definitely worth preparing it; they lay it out in the shape of wedding rings, which are a symbol of the wedding.


  • Boiled pork
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • Boiled carrots
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Boiled eggs
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise


Coarsely grate the carrots and potatoes, cut the mushrooms and meat into cubes. Chop the onion into half rings and marinate it briefly. Cut the eggs into slices. Lay out in layers in the shape of a ring or two crossed rings. Products should be laid out as follows: potatoes, mushrooms, pickled onions, meat, carrots and eggs. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. You can decorate with pomegranate seeds and canned corn. Let the salad brew in a cool place.

You don’t have to buy mayonnaise in the store, but make it at home. To do this, beat the egg and, without turning off the mixer, gradually add vegetable oil in a thin stream. As soon as the mass acquires the desired color and consistency, add salt, ground pepper, a little mustard, sugar and a little vinegar or lemon juice.

Let your wedding table be bursting with salads and all kinds of dishes, and let the newlyweds glow with happiness and then the holiday will be a success!

The hot menu for a wedding is not deprived of attention and is chosen with the same care as the dishes served earlier.

Hot dishes are served only after cold appetizers, salads and egg dishes. Before serving hot dishes, guests are advised to relax a bit, socialize, and take part in competitions. In short, give your stomach and intestines time to prepare for a new portion of food. This time, hot.

Guests' preferences should be known in advance. Perhaps among the guests there will be those who do not eat a certain type of meat, fish or poultry. Don't forget about vegetarians and raw foodists. They can be offered an alternative dish.

Below you will find options for hot wedding menus and recipes for individual hot dishes.

Hot dishes at a wedding are designed to perform, in addition to their main function, an additional aesthetic one: a pig with an apple in its mouth, stuffed fish.

Why do you need a portioned hot dish?

Before serving the main decoration of the table - a large hot dish, say, a pig - portioned hot dishes are brought to the guests.

It can be julienned with chicken breasts.

You will find the julienne recipe in the video:

Or you can serve fish baked with potatoes and cheese.

The recipe for this dish is very simple; if you wish, you can cook this dish yourself. How to do this - watch the training video:

There are many options for a la carte hot dish.

The main task of this small dish is to curb the appetite of guests for half an hour, for an entertaining holiday program, and not to get hungry while the cooks are preparing to serve the main dish of the hot menu.

Portioned hot dishes are ordered according to the number of guests, in portions.

The main dish of the celebration

Before serving the main course, waiters clear space on the table, remove dirty plates and bring new dishes and cutlery.

The main hot dish can be a classic stuffed dish:

  • chicken;
  • goose;
  • pike or sturgeon;
  • pig;
  • stuffed seafood.

A hot dish is not served without a side dish. Served as a side dish:

  • vegetables;
  • baked potato;
  • puree;
  • buckwheat, etc.

The menu may have 2-3 hot dishes. Their number depends on the number of guests.

Please note that in the summer months, it is best to take fish and lean meats as the basis for the hot menu. In winter, fat content restrictions are not required.

Hot dishes for a mini wedding outdoors

On the second day of the wedding, which is held in a narrower circle, you can use home-cooked hot dishes. In nature you can cook kebabs, hot dogs and hamburgers. If you combine relaxation with fishing, you can cook freshly caught fish.

Hot menu options for a wedding

Hot menu "Gourmet"

  • Main course - Fried pike perch dish

Method of preparation: cut the pike perch fillet into diamonds or lines 20-25 cm long. Bread the fillet: alternately roll in flour, dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Repeat several times.

Ribbon-shaped fillets should be rolled into figure eights and pierced onto a metal skewer. Fry the fillet for 3-5 minutes in deep fat or in a container with a large amount of vegetable oil.

Then place the pike perch fillet on a baking sheet and fry in the oven for the next 3-5 minutes.

Garnish the dish with lemon and vegetable slices.

  • Beef in French

In the following video, watch how to cook beef in French:

  • Grilled lamb ribs:

Recipe for 6 servings

  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp;
  • rosemary - 4 tbsp;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • basil - 1 tbsp;
  • thyme - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and dry the ribs. Chop the garlic and onion, add to the pre-mixed: olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and seasonings.

Place the ribs in a bowl and pour the resulting mixture, wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator.

After 3 hours, remove and bake on the grill, periodically basting with marinade and turning over.

This is what we end up with:

Hot menu “Birds of Paradise”

  • Goose with apples and prunes

  • Chicken galantine

Hot menu “Classic”

  • Duck fried with wine sauce, buckwheat porridge with cracklings
  • Stuffed pepper
  • Julienne with chicken breasts

    Hot menu "Chic"

  • Baked pheasant with vegetables
  • Beef medallion

  • Pork knuckle

Hot menu "Special"

  • Rabbit in a wedding style
  • Chicken with spices
  • Australian steak

Hot menu “Sea Hunting”

  • Trout, stuffed - fried trout stuffed with salmon, mushrooms, cocktail shrimp, on a bed of spinach, with Champagne sauce
  • Sterlet with eel
  • Salmon steak with creamy spinach sauce
  • Fried shrimps

Every bride knows that 90% of success with guests is a good table. At the ceremony they will evaluate the beautiful bride, the groom’s suit and decoration, but at the banquet they will evaluate the dishes: their quantity, quality and presentation. Therefore, after choosing a dress, rings and a banquet hall, the newlyweds have another question - how to feed the guests so that everyone likes it, and at the same time not cost a pretty penny. According to Russian tradition, it is not customary to arrange light buffets; guests should leave the holiday well-fed and satisfied, only then is it considered that the Russian wedding was a great success.

Wedding table: menu, recipes

There are no specific rules about what to serve on the table on the day of the celebration. However, there are unspoken rules that, as a rule, are observed if this is not a completely informal celebration. For example, drinks should not include beer. Perhaps wine, champagne, vodka, cognac, martinis or cocktails, but not beer.

All restaurants have their own menu, with a wide variety of options and for any amount. The administrator and chefs will tell you what is best to choose and how to please your guests. This includes several cold appetizers and two hot ones, as well as tea and cake. This is the minimum that is usually present everywhere. Let's look at the most popular dishes at Russian weddings.

  • Appetizers usually include seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels), sausage, cheese, meat, and sliced ​​fresh vegetables.
  • The wedding table menu should include several salads. It’s better to have a little bit, but a lot, than one big bowl with one salad. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, salads with mushrooms, and vegetable variations are popular in Russia. You can mix just 2 ingredients, for example, green beans with chicken, tomatoes with cheese.
  • Tartlets with various fillings are also popular. It's always satisfying and tasty. You can put almost anything inside.
  • Guests will also enjoy stuffed vegetables and eggs.
  • Meat must be served as a hot dish. It can be a fish, pork or beef steak with a side dish of rice or vegetables, or chicken julienne. Despite the beautiful name, julienne is simple to prepare. To do this, you only need chicken fillet, milk, cheese, butter and seasonings. It turns out very tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.
  • Don't forget that in addition to alcohol, there should also be non-alcoholic drinks, such as fruit juice, mineral water, sparkling water.
  • Cake is usually served for dessert. You can also make a sweet table for guests to come up to and take sweets. Sweets, cupcakes, cakes, and cookies are suitable for treats. Tea or coffee is required.

Wedding menu calculation for 1 person

The basic rule of a successful holiday is that everything should be delicious and there should be enough for everyone. But at the same time, it is undesirable for a large amount of untouched food to remain, because the young people spent money on it that they could have spent on something else.

When calculating food and drinks, consider not only the number of guests, but also the duration of the holiday. The longer the banquet lasts, the more they eat and drink. The average wedding lasts 5 hours. In this case, the best option would be 1.5 kg of food per guest. Cold appetizers, salads and meat with side dishes should be in approximately equal proportions; you can make more hot food, but less salads. On average, there should be 250-300 g of food for each item per person, that is, 250 g of salad, 300 g of snacks, 400 g of hot food, etc.

There should also be 200 g of fruit and cake per guest. If you have small children, you can reduce the volume.

There should be plenty of drinks. This is something that does not spoil for a very long time, and if there is any unopened alcohol left, it can be left for another celebration. Strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) are taken in half a bottle per person, weak drinks - one bottle per person, of course, children are not taken into account. You don’t need a lot of champagne, they drink it only at the very beginning, so take 1 bottle for three. There should be more soft drinks, especially in hot weather, approximately 1.5-2 liters per person.

Wedding menu: how to create

When choosing dishes, be sure to take into account your budget, time of year, number of guests, and duration of the feast. If you have invited a lot of guests, there are a few tricks that will help you feed everyone and save money.

Be sure to clarify which foods the invitees do not eat, whether they have food allergies, and whether there are vegetarians present. An allergy in one of the guests can seriously ruin the event and frighten the young people. But vegetarians are not troublesome people. Vegetable dishes are inexpensive, and they are quite tasty; meat-eaters will also enjoy them.

Don't forget about age. Children do not want a lot of spices, and representatives of the older generation will not appreciate newfangled dishes such as rolls, Chinese salads and carpaccio.

  • Wedding menu for 15 people. This is a modest wedding, where only family and friends are present. Such banquets can be completely arranged at home, prepared by yourself. You can prepare 5 different salads or 2-3 salads, but in several dishes so that it is convenient for everyone to take. Salads should have different ingredients. You don't need to put just chicken or mushrooms everywhere in case someone doesn't like something. Be sure to have 2 hot ones; to save money, you can take chicken. For snacks, any sandwiches, cheese and cold cuts are suitable. For dessert, you can offer traditional cake, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, fruit jelly, muffins or any other sweets. Guests will enjoy fresh coffee brewed in a coffee maker.

  • Wedding menu for 20 people. Accommodating 20 people at home is already more difficult if you do not have a cottage. Most often, modern newlyweds still prefer to rent cafes and restaurants. There is no need to cook, wash dishes, or serve food. To make it convenient for everyone present to take food, distribute each dish onto 3 plates. It turns out that for every 6-7 guests there will be salad, cold cuts, etc. Then you won’t need to run to the other end of the table for the desired snack. Consider the gender of the guests. If there are more men than women, increase the amount of food. There must be 3 salads, several plates with various snacks: vegetables, cheese, meat, sausage, fish, as well as 2 hot dishes (preferably meat and fish) and desserts. For such a number of invitees, it is better to have at least 10 bottles of wine and the same number of stronger drinks, as well as at least 5 liters of juice, not counting soda and mineral water.

  • Wedding menu for 30 people. This is still a small wedding, but already requires renting a banquet hall. If you want to save money, then choose more budget-friendly products rather than reducing portions. So, for example, you can replace the pork chop with chicken, choose cheaper varieties instead of red fish, pancakes will be inexpensive if you choose a simpler filling, canapés and various light snacks will also help you save money. Chicken can be prepared in any way you like - grilled legs, stuffed, baked, fried, stewed. Hot food can be either portioned or shared on a platter. The cake should be large enough for all guests. Total weight – at least 7.5 kg. In summer, instead of a cake, you can present ice cream with fruit.

  • Wedding menu for 40 people. Lunch for 40 people will not be cheap. It is advisable to place snacks on small plates so that everyone can try everything and do not have to reach too far for food. Appetizers may include eggplants, fish and cold cuts, pickled vegetables, olives, and mushrooms. Among the inexpensive salads is “Stolichny” with chicken breast, potatoes, cucumber and green onions. For main course you can serve pancakes with meat filling, chicken julienne, chicken tobacco, baked pike perch. Instead of a cake, you can make a pyramid of muffins with the initials of the newlyweds on them.

  • Wedding menu for 50 people in a cafe. It is not possible to organize a celebration of this scale at home, so it is better to entrust the serving and cooking to professionals. You can make more appetizers, put different types on the tables: liver with onions, breaded fish, sausage, meat, cheese, olives, beef tongue, stuffed prunes, jellied meat, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, salted fish. It is recommended to make hot dishes in portions for convenience. Stuffed cabbage rolls, duck stuffed with apples, roast with mushrooms, and charcoal-baked potatoes would look great as second courses. You will have to make a large and multi-tiered cake, or offer cakes for every taste.

  • Wedding menu for 60 people in a restaurant. To save money on a banquet, serve chicken and fish as main courses. This is the most budget option, and everyone loves chicken and fish, which cannot be said about, for example, lamb. For salads, “Caesar” with chicken, “Meyerhold” with tongue, apples and cheese, herring under a fur coat, and vegetable salads are perfect. Inexpensive appetizers include marinated mushrooms with onions, a cheese plate, olives, chicken roll, and sausage. The cake can be made into portions in the form of cupcakes or pastries.

  • Wedding menu for 80 people in summer. Summer is a fertile time for weddings. There is a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables at this time. If you have your own garden, then you can save a lot of money. Feeding such a number of guests is not so easy. There should be at least 4 salads with different dressings and ingredients. You can make 1 or 2 vegetarian salads, for example, Greek. This is a great option for summer. For hot dishes, poultry and roast beef with a side dish of vegetables or rice, fried goose with stewed cabbage are suitable. There should be enough cake for everyone, so it will be big. It is advisable to also have a dessert table with all sorts of sweets, in case someone finds a piece of cake too small.

  • Summer wedding menu for 100 people. This is already a big wedding, where most of the entire holiday budget will be spent on the banquet. If your guests are waiting for the arrival of the newlyweds, there should be a small buffet table with fruit, light snacks and champagne, then no one will get bored. The more you bring with you to the restaurant, the greater the savings. So, for example, you can make some snacks yourself, and instead of a cream cake, serve a light fruit dessert or ice cream in the summer. When calculated per 100 people, the savings will be noticeable. Pies, sandwiches with caviar, and meat rolls are suitable as snacks.

Outdoor wedding menu

A summer wedding outdoors has its pros and cons. Taking waiters out into the countryside, arranging tables and getting rid of insects will not be easy. But what beauty is all around, the birds are singing, the air is fresh. Typically, outdoor banquets involve a small number of people, barbecue and quiet relaxation. It will be difficult to think through a wedding menu for 60 people in nature, especially considering the complexity of food delivery.

The first rule of such a banquet is that appetizers must be fresh and drinks must be cold. You are outside with no air conditioning, so make sure you have plenty of ice or portable coolers in advance. It is better to refuse powdered juices, replacing them with natural lemonade or just water with ice and lemon slices.

There should be a lot of greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries on the table. For salads and snacks, it is advisable to choose lean fish and chicken, so as not to overload the body with fatty foods in the heat. Tartlets, fresh vegetable canapés and olives are also welcome. For main course, kebab made from any meat, barbecue ribs, steaks, and fish are perfect. Prepare sauces for this treat in advance.

Cream cake is not the best choice for nature, preferably ice cream or fruit. For dessert, you can serve shortbread baskets with jam or fruit mousse, soufflé and, of course, tea.

To prevent guests from feeling too tired in the heat after drinking strong drinks, serve refreshing cocktails with ice and mint. You can even replace strong alcohol with them. Chilled sangria with fruit is perfect. The less alcohol there is, the easier and more fun the wedding will be. As you know, heat and strong drinks do not go well together.

Try to put more cold snacks on the table; they are often used to snack on alcohol.

What does a wedding consist of? Registration, walk, banquet with fiery dancing and fun competitions. But if the registry office and the walk do not raise any questions, and the entertainment program is managed by the toastmaster, then the feast often becomes a headache for the newlyweds. The main question that torments the bride and groom: how to choose the right wedding menu?

Home celebration

At home, the atmosphere is always warmer and more welcoming than in a noisy restaurant: guests do not feel constrained and can have fun until they drop. And homemade dishes have a very special, unique taste, because a piece of the soul is put into each of them. So, you have a wedding planned, and you need to think through a wedding menu for 20 people at home. We will be happy to help you with this!

Making a list of dishes and products

First of all, make a list of dishes that you would like to see on the holiday table, determine the number of servings and the necessary products. Focus on this plan:

  • Cold appetizers: 1 - 2 fish dishes, 1 - 2 meat dishes, 2 - 3 types of salad, cheese, vegetables.
  • Main courses – 2 - 3 types: fish, meat, poultry.
  • Desserts: ice cream, cakes, fruits, sweet pastries.
  • Drinks: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

When creating a menu, write down at the same time what products you will need to buy in advance. Determine the range and number of drinks that you will offer to guests. Before guests arrive, put cold appetizers, drinks and assorted fruits on the table. The most convenient option is when vases and salad bowls with identical dishes are repeated every 6 to 8 places.

Remember that hospitality is manifested not so much in the huge quantity and variety of dishes, but in their competent selection and aesthetic design of the banquet table.

Sample menu

You don’t have to rack your brains about creating a menu; we offer you a ready-made option:

  1. Wedding loaf.
  2. Sandwiches with ham, cheese and mushrooms.
  3. Sandwiches with ham and mayonnaise.
  4. Liver salad.
  5. Pike perch in wine sauce.
  6. Cauliflower salad.
  7. Cucumber and tomato salad.
  8. Baked fish.
  9. Turkey stuffed with rice.
  10. Chocolate ice cream.
  11. Nut cake.
  12. Cottage cheese with marmalade and raisins.
  13. Honey cake with walnuts.
  14. Black coffee.
  15. Orange juice.
  16. Fresh fruits.

Despite the fact that all the dishes are easy to prepare at home, the menu turned out to be very sophisticated.

Summer wedding for 80 persons

The marriage registration took place, we walked around the city, now it’s time to go to the wedding banquet! True, if choosing dishes for a small celebration is not particularly difficult, a wedding menu for 80 people in the summer is a completely different conversation. The menu will vary depending on the availability of certain products, the duration of the banquet, as well as the number of guests and the theme of the celebration.

How to organize a banquet

  • The average duration of a feast is 8 hours. How many foods can a person eat during this time? Obviously no more than a kilogram, taking into account the fact that guests will be treated to dishes 2 - 3 times.
  • There can be two hot dishes on the menu: one appears on the tables in the first half of the banquet, and the second after the break for competitions and. However, one dish may be enough if you increase the portion of meat in it to 170 grams.
  • In what order does the wedding banquet take place? First there are cold and spicy appetizers (salted fish, assorted mushrooms and vegetables), then meat and fish salads, and jellied fish are served. This is followed by cold meat appetizers - boiled pork, roast beef, aspic, etc. Cold appetizers are necessary primarily in the first half of the banquet, but ideally they should be enough until the end of the feast.
  • The first time guests leave the table is after the main course, and the second time - before dessert. During the “commercial” break, everything necessary for serving sweet dishes is prepared: dessert plates, knives, coffee cups and saucers. will be a great table decoration. According to tradition, the bride cuts the cake and the groom places the most beautiful piece on her plate.
  • As an exception, in the final part of the banquet you can put cold meat appetizers on the table, as well as lemon slices in powdered sugar.

How many in grams?

It will be easier for you to make preliminary calculations using the diagram below:

  • Cold appetizers and salads – 0.4 kg.
  • Hot snacks – 0.15 kg.
  • Main courses – 0.25 kg.
  • Garnish – 0.15 kg.
  • Dessert – 0.2 kg.
  • Fresh fruit – 0.2 kg.

As we noted earlier, there is no more than 1 kilogram of food per person. As for the cake, usually the calculation is one 1.5 - 2 kg cake per 10 people. However, newlyweds prefer to order one large, beautiful masterpiece. Thus, for 80 people you will need about 12 - 16 kilograms of delicacy.

Drinks are also purchased for 10 people. Total you will need: 2 - 3 bottles of champagne (the main sparkling hero of the wedding), 3 - 5 bottles of wine (a noble drink!), 3 - 4 bottles of vodka, whiskey, cognac, martini, liqueur and other alcohol (whatever suits your taste and budget ), 4 liters of each type of non-alcoholic drinks (juices, lemonades, mineral water, etc.).

Consider the tastes of your guests

  • Special guests include those invited with individual taste preferences. Perhaps among the guests there will be people with various diseases or allergy sufferers who are intolerant to certain types of foods. Also, do not forget that a pork dish served to a Muslim will offend his religious feelings.
  • Vegetarians will be pleased to see meat-free dishes on the holiday table. And followers of a raw food diet will be happy to taste salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Children, elderly people, as well as ladies watching their figure will be happy to try light vegetable salads and mild dishes made from minced meat or fish.
  • If possible, try to accommodate the taste preferences of each guest. This way you will show concern for your friends and loved ones, and you will also save on products that in the end will still remain unclaimed.

Sample menu for a summer wedding

We have prepared for you an interesting menu option for your summer celebration. We will list only the names of the dishes, and the recipes themselves will not be difficult to find on culinary sites.

Summer wedding menu

  1. Wedding loaf.
  2. Sandwiches with sardine cream.
  3. Spanish sandwiches with poultry.
  4. Stuffed eggs with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Fish rolls.
  6. Young veal in mushroom sauce.
  7. Fried chicken with tomato sauce.
  8. Sweet strawberries with egg cream.
  9. Sand cake with nuts.
  10. Honey cake with prune jam.
  11. Cherry compote.
  12. Italian white coffee.
  13. Wine and berry ice cream.
  14. Fruit assortment.

The menu is very rich; every guest will surely find something to enjoy.

Outdoor wedding

You can set the style and character of your holiday by carefully planning your outdoor wedding menu. Do not forget that in the fresh air the body expends more energy and persistently demands to replenish its reserves, which means that meals must be especially nutritious.

Cold appetizers

  • There is no way to do without in nature, because they are very convenient to eat, and you can cook them right on the spot. Select at least 2 - 3 types.
  • Lavash rolls with a wide variety of fillings are sure to please guests: they are very tasty, and again, they can be prepared quickly. Also on the festive table there should be assorted vegetables and assorted pickled foods. And of course, the more green the better.
  • Let's face it, it's not very convenient to eat salads in nature, because they need to be laid out in portions. Therefore, limit yourself to 1-2 types.
  • You should not weigh food exactly in grams - take it with a margin and you won’t be mistaken. The appetite, which always increases in nature, will force guests to sweep away all the sandwiches from the table, even if you make them 2 times more than planned. Don't forget the salt!

Main dishes

Why do people go out into nature in general? That's right to enjoy aromatic kebab! A wedding banquet will also not be complete without this magnificent dish, especially since there are countless variations of its preparation, as well as all kinds of sauces and marinades, among which everyone is sure to find something to suit their taste.

Well, it’s clear with barbecue, it’s a traditional thing. But besides this, you can also cook excellent grilled dishes: sausages, vegetables, poultry, fish and mushrooms. If you are no stranger to culinary experiments, try cooking corn on the grill - very tasty and quite non-trivial. Don't forget about different serving options, too. For example, vegetables can be cut into circles, or you can bake them in the form of squares strung on a skewer - you will get an amazing vegetable kebab. In addition to food, take with you coals, skewers, barbecue, grill grates and other equipment that you will need to prepare hot dishes.


How can you ignore those with a sweet tooth! Well, firstly, a wedding menu in the summer is exactly the option when it is better to choose bright cupcakes over a huge cake that will have to be distributed to guests in portions. Secondly, be sure to take care of other options for single sweet dishes, for example, these could be waffles, marshmallows, and raisin muffins.

You shouldn't take cakes with perishable cream when going outdoors - only poisoning at a wedding was not enough! You will also have to avoid chocolate - it will simply melt in the sun. The ideal option would be fruits, which, by the way, must first be washed at home.


Do you remember what drink people line up for in the summer? Of course, for kvass! Also take mineral water, juices and fruit drinks with you. It would also be a good idea to take plain bottled water.

By the way, homemade lemonade perfectly quenches your thirst, especially since the recipe for its preparation is extremely simple. You will need 1.5 liters of boiled water and 1 lemon. Cut the citrus, fill it with warm water, add sugar to taste - and the wonderful drink is ready! For lovers of savory drinks, various options for fruit and berry cocktails, cool smoothies, and everyone’s favorite refreshing mojito are suitable.

A couple more nuances

An outdoor wedding must be carefully planned. In addition to food, take care of disposable tableware: it is light, inexpensive, and, most importantly, you won’t have to wash it after the banquet.

What else you need to take with you:

  • oilcloth tablecloth;
  • knives;
  • corkscrew;
  • openers for cans and bottles;
  • bowls for sauces;
  • salad bowls;
  • wet wipes;
  • towels;
  • garbage bags;
  • insect repellent;
  • equipment for active games (ball, rackets, frisbee).
