How potency changes with age. Love by the clock or sexual activity according to a schedule

Sexual activity

Has the “limit” been released?

The widespread belief that a man is supposed to have a certain amount of erection and ejaculation is erroneous. This belief makes some men strictly plan their sexual intercourse. Such planning is especially harmful for young spouses who feel the need for frequent sexual intercourse, but are afraid to use their “limit”. Abstinence in this case can lead to neuroses.

As we have seen, sexual activity in both men and women is subject to significant age-related and individual fluctuations. You can also give average figures: the frequency of sexual intercourse in men under 30 years of age is approximately three times a week, after 30 - twice, in 60 years - once a week or less. It is important to note that a woman’s sexual activity is largely determined by a man’s sexual activity.

If a young man is able to have sexual intercourse once a week, or even more often, this can be considered normal sexual ability. In general, if sexual intercourse does not cause long-term fatigue or weakness, if a person remains cheerful throughout the day, then it is obvious that he does not allow sexual excesses. Regular sex life, consistent with individual capabilities, is optimal.

Men are very sensitive to changes in their sexual potency. A decrease in it leads to a deterioration in general well-being, sometimes even just the assumption of a possible violation of potency drives men to neuroses.

About “Stakhanovites” in bed

Many men, especially young men, consider it a sign of manhood to perform as many acts as possible in one meeting. And in this they are often helped by a woman who openly expresses admiration for such “labors of Hercules.” Are they harmful?

Experts say that the amount of intercourse that ends in ejaculation is harmless for a man. The absence of ejaculation indicates exhaustion at the moment and the harm of intercourse. The second factor is the man’s well-being.

AiF reported on the 75-year-old Don Juan Prokofievich, who compiled a description of 578 of his mistresses.

In his youth, Prokofievich was very unsure of himself, and women became for him a subject of self-affirmation, and then an end in itself. For 27 years, the insatiable male lied to his wife about time pressure at work, while he managed to serve up to four beauties a day. Even now, Anatoly Prokofievich does not see the point in limiting sexual relations and continues his vigorous (as far as health allows) sex life. He has known one of his mistresses for 15 years, and another for 14. He met four more “new girls” this year.

Messages periodically appear on the pages of the press about loving men who claim to have their exploits included in the Guinness Book of Records.

It turned out that sultans and sheikhs, surrounded by dozens of devoted wives, are not at all the most ardent and loving men!

The absolute record of 47 children, set by one venerable Bedouin from the United Arab Emirates, was, as it turned out, significantly improved by two Brazilians.

54-year-old Fidelis Florentino da Silva from the tiny town of Itaborai, having never been married, rewarded his many lovers with 53 children, and in all cases his paternity was officially recognized. It is noteworthy that the child-loving Brazilian does not look like a sex symbol - he weighs only 63 kilos, and is not tall at all, falling short of 3 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Another Brazilian, Jose Almeida, when asked how many children he has, can honestly answer: “I don’t know, I didn’t count them!” This is really not easy to do, because from five wives and three permanent mistresses, Jose has more than sixty sons and daughters!

None of Jose's fellow villagers can call him Casanova. On the contrary, a father with many children is an exemplary family man. He lives with all his wives and mistresses at the same time and never cheats on them. Jose built a house for each of his women and, despite his 65 years, makes love to them three times a day. Jose began his exploits at a time when no one had ever heard of Viagra, and never resorted to any stimulants.

Range of abilities

The need and ability for regular ejaculation varies among different men: a case was recorded when a 26-year-old man needed 3 ejaculations per day; if this did not happen, he developed a nervous state.

Another extreme case: in a man of about the same age, the ability to ejaculate again was restored only after 12 days!

The range of natural data, as we see, is enormous. The average abilities of a man are fully characterized by the two previous tables.

And until when do men “can”?

Men never reach menopause. Over the course of many years, scientists examined 200 “experimental” men who had completely different sexual constitutions, temperaments, and physical characteristics. Some claimed to be sex giants (however, it was extremely difficult to verify this, since men generally tend to exaggerate their trophies, from the size of the bream caught to the number of sexual victories per day), others did not hesitate to talk about their early fading interest in women . However, until the age of 70, both of them remained in the role of fully-fledged sexual partners. The norm in love is individual for everyone. But there is one rule for everyone: if you want to show good results, train. Regularly. Everything is like in sports. And then a man is able to maintain potency as long as he breathes.

Optimal time for sexual intercourse

The choice of time is influenced by many factors: circumstances, affairs, mood, opportunities, etc.

Here we will pay attention to only one factor – the state of the body’s sexual function at different times of the day in most men and women.

Potential sexual desire

Each couple usually practices for a specific time. This table may help take into account one more factor - the degree of readiness of orgasm.

Many people know how good morning intimacy can be when you don’t have to run to work - on weekends, for example, or during vacation, especially since after “this” you can still rest...

Nature and woman

English scientists Murphy and Abbas found that women were more dependent than men on daily and annual rhythms, as well as on nature itself. They can even trace something that exists only in the world of animals and plants - hibernation. Of course, they do not hibernate for months, but approximately a quarter of women in winter experience an increased need for sleep and a tendency to “withdrawn” into themselves. Plus, there is a feeling of depression and less expressed sexual desire. Even the ability to conceive is reduced. The further north you go, the lower it is: in the cold months in northern Finland, for example, women are practically infertile.

But the reason is not winter as such, but the insufficient amount of light. The less daylight nature provides during this season of the year, the more melatonin the body produces. The same hormone acts as a hypnotic, stops the maturation of the egg, causes fatigue, and reduces sexual desire.

A means of combating the insidious hormone? More light! A light bulb doesn't help. The lighting, which in the apartment can reach about 300 lux, corresponds to the shade of trees in summer. To get rid of winter drowsiness and bad mood, you need at least 2,000-3,000 lux.

London scientists in Albion, famous for its fogs, recommend sunbathing for an hour at least twice a week. Not everyone can afford mountain travel and not everyone likes spending an hour under the hot sun. Then they suggest using a fluorescent lamp with so-called “full daily illumination.”

But here's a secret, unraveled by specialists from Cologne. If snow is falling quietly outside, erotic desire arises quite naturally. Falling snow creates an electromagnetic field, and this affects a person beneficially in all respects. The head “clears up”, the nerves calm down. The immune system's defenses are restored, senses are heightened...

Are there days “when you can’t”? Is sex possible during menstruation?

Modern medicine believes that, with the exception of severe bleeding and other complications, this is not dangerous for a woman.

Women's attitudes to this issue vary greatly. Many people choose to abstain during this period because they are shy or because they have heard that it is harmful. Others, on the contrary, are ready to actively use these days, considering them the safest, so as not to get pregnant.

Many men are put off by blood, others take it calmly.

In a word, this issue must be resolved by the actors themselves.

Sexologists Masters and Johnson discovered in a study of women that a strong orgasm soon after the onset of menstruation increases the rate of flow and reduces cramps in the pelvic area.

Duration of sexual intercourse

It depends largely on the age of the man.

During the period of incomplete maturation, when excitability has not yet reached its limit, sexual intercourse can be quite long, and then it decreases, reaching a minimum by 22-23 years.

After 26-30 years, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases, as sexual excitability decreases with age. The duration of sexual intercourse is most closely related to the rhythm of sexual life, or more precisely, to the frequency of ejaculation, because, in addition to sexual intercourse, wet dreams and masturbation must be taken into account.

This dependence is called the “law of power relations,” which is most clearly manifested in the fact that with repeated sexual intercourse during the day, the duration of each subsequent intercourse increases compared to the previous one by 1.5-2 times; with sexual abstinence, the duration of sexual intercourse is sharply reduced . Often, after returning from a business trip, a wife suspects her husband of infidelity only because he experiences a noticeable shortening of sexual intercourse, which is precisely evidence of his sinlessness.

Meanwhile, having discovered a shortening of sexual intercourse, some men come to the conclusion that they are “overtired” and need rest, i.e. during a break in sexual activity. It is clear that after such a rest the duration of sexual intercourse will decrease even more.

Studies have shown that in most cases, coitus lasts from one and a half to three minutes, during which the man produces about friction.

And a woman needs...

Of course, this duration is completely insufficient to satisfy a woman, since she needs on average 10-15 minutes of targeted stimulation of the erogenous zones. Such a significant time required for a woman to achieve orgasm is by no means, as is commonly believed in the male environment, an indicator of a woman’s increased sexuality. Just like men, more temperamental women get aroused much faster.

In order to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, a man carries out it in the morning, since immediately after waking up, arousal does not grow so quickly, others make periodic stops during intimacy and wait until the excitement subsides a little, others prefer to have sexual intercourse with a condom, since this causes the head the penis is less irritated, the fourth take the lower position during intimacy, completely transfer the initiative to the wife, and themselves, having relaxed, try to get distracted, the fifth solve arithmetic problems in their minds or think about official matters...

And yet, the main reserve of a woman’s satisfaction is not an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse in a man, but sufficient preparation of a woman for intimacy through foreplay.

With a long life together, a woman partly adapts to the male stereotype of intimacy, and sexual release, as a rule, comes easier and faster for her. This is partly achieved due to the fact that the man selects more effective caresses and forms of intimacy, and partly the woman herself gets rid of many prejudices and begins to behave naturally and simply, which accelerates the concentration of arousal.

Shortened act

Sexual intercourse lasting less than 1.5-2 minutes is considered shortened and does not bring sexual satisfaction to the woman. This is a consequence of accelerated premature ejaculation. There are a number of reasons for this.

1. Premature ejaculation of debutants. Many young men encounter this problem at the beginning of their sexual practice. When sexual life stabilizes, the duration of sexual intercourse also normalizes.

2. Some men may experience short sexual intercourse all the time. Usually this refers to increased nervous excitability.

3. Circumstances that cause anxiety and fear in a man (inappropriate environment, traumatic behavior of a woman, relationship problems between partners) often cause premature ejaculation.

4. In impressionable and anxious men, a previous fiasco can be fixed in the psyche and set in motion the “failure expectation mechanism” (the greater the fear of failure, the sooner it is realized, which further creates a “vicious circle” situation).

5. The rapid onset of ejaculation can occur as part of a certain habit, more often during sexual intercourse with a frigid woman, for whom an early cessation of sexual intercourse is extremely desirable.

6. A long period of sexual abstinence usually leads to a shorter period of sexual intercourse in a man.

7. General fatigue, lack of sleep, and situations of nervous tension can cause temporary shortening of sexual intercourse.

8. Occasionally, the source of this disorder can be organic factors (short frenulum of the penis, exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate gland, and others).

Emotional tension, fear of failure, fear of compromising oneself, just as in the case of erection problems, cause premature ejaculation. Such states of mental tension can disrupt the balance of the nervous system and thereby eliminate the influence of inhibitory mechanisms that could delay the onset of ejaculation. More often than not, men suffering from this dysfunction can neither predict the onset of ejaculation nor regulate it. It can occur suddenly, without a preliminary gradual increase in excitement. In such cases, paradoxical reactions are also observed, in which ejaculation occurs the sooner the more the man tries to hold it.

Extended act

In order for a partner to experience orgasm, a man must be able to prolong the act. Ideally, in the matter of orgasm, “the gentleman will let the lady go first.”

A man who regularly has sex and has sexual experience is, as a rule, capable of sexual intercourse for quite a long time. It is believed that its duration depends on the intervals between them: the shorter the pause, the longer the sexual intercourse, and vice versa.

An experienced man knows several rules that can significantly prolong the act. These are the rules.

1. Insert the penis only when the woman is sufficiently stimulated, which means that the entrance to the vagina and its mucous membrane are moist from discharge. In this case, the irritation of the head of the penis will be significantly less.

2. Feeling that the moment of ejaculation is approaching, the man stops friction for 1-2 minutes, calms his breathing, and is distracted by extraneous thoughts.

3. During pauses, he can only make rhythmic movements of the body, putting pressure on the woman’s pubic area, and continue to influence the erogenous zones of the partner so that she does not have a decline in excitement. The first short pause should be taken immediately after inserting the penis into the vagina. At this time, the woman should place her hand on the area of ​​the clitoris and small lips and then, throughout the entire sexual intercourse, apply more or less intense, but not rough, rhythmic pressure with her fingers or light irritation by touching this area in the rhythm of frictions. After a pause, friction should be continued.

4. If in this case the man feels the approach of orgasm, you can stop coitus altogether and continue only caresses; In this case, the woman should avoid stimulating the head of the penis.

The weakening of an erection should not be a concern - this is a temporary phenomenon, and soon it returns and intensifies.

5. For prolonged sexual intercourse (delayed ejaculation), anesthetic ointments containing sovcaine or dicaine are sometimes used. The ointment is applied to the head or frenulum of the penis two to three hours before sexual intercourse. In some cases, men's perception of sexual stimuli is dulled by using a condom, which also makes it possible to delay the onset of orgasm.

6. A small dose of alcohol helps to prolong the act. However, you should not abuse the extension of the act. Excessive tightening can lead to congestion in the genitals. The best indicator of the “measure” here is the well-being of the partners.

7. Two more techniques serve as a kind of “extension” of the act: a) after ejaculation, the penis does not immediately leave the vagina (even a flaccid penis gives a pleasant sensation to an excited woman); b) after ejaculation, continue clitoral stimulation and light friction or circular movements.


In the understanding of a man, his reproductive organ is the main sign of masculine dignity and strength. This is based on two widespread misconceptions.

The first is that a large penis (supposedly) indicates sexual ability. The second thing is that women like big penises.

In fact, there is no connection between “size” and a man’s sexual ability: both among Don Juans and among sexual losers there are owners of all sizes.

On the second question, it is interesting to listen to the opinion of, first of all, the women themselves. When asking a group of young men what sexual characteristics, in their opinion, women like in men, “a big penis” was mentioned by 15%, and among women only 2% mentioned this feature. Much more attractive to them was the shape of the buttocks (39%), slimness (15%), flat stomach (13%), eyes (11%) and much more, which, according to women, is more important for a man’s sexuality than the notorious size.

About the notorious “size”

Most men are dissatisfied with their “size”, believing that “others have it bigger.”

The basis for this is observations in a bathhouse or in a urinal. In this case, an optical illusion occurs: when looking at an object from above, it appears smaller than when viewed from the side.

In fact, in a calm state, the length of the penis ranges from 5-6 to 10-12 cm. However, in the erect state, the shorter ones increase more than the longer ones, so that the average length of an erect penis is 15 cm with a diameter of 4 cm.

The female genital organs are very elastic, after a short initial period they easily adjust to the desired size, so a woman’s sexual satisfaction depends on the size of the penis much less than is commonly thought, and often does not depend at all.

In addition, the most sensitive places in a woman - the clitoris, labia minora and the anterior third of the vagina - are reachable by a penis, which in an erect state is only 5 cm long!

Pattern “5-20”

The previous conclusion was obtained by the outstanding American sexologists W. Masters and V. Johnson, who set themselves the task of confirming or refuting what has always dominated the minds of people: does the problem of sexual harmony come down to the coincidence of the sizes of the genital organs?

W. Masters and V. Johnson came to a conclusion that became entrenched in science under the name “5–20 pattern.” What does it mean?

Firstly, it was found that a woman can experience orgasm only if the following conditions are met.

1. In general, the ability to experience orgasm. Many women do not have it: anorgasmia is the central problem of female sexology.

2. Positive psychological attitude towards your partner. In other words, she likes him, he is attractive to her.

3. Positive psychological attitude towards sexual contact. It happens that you like your partner even without a desire for intimacy, which can become an obstacle to achieving orgasm.

4. A man knows the psychological characteristics of a woman and uses this knowledge. There is psychological harmony in the couple.

5. A man knows the physiological characteristics of a woman (erogenous zones) and uses this knowledge in foreplay.

Subject to these five conditions, as has been clearly established by experiments, a woman is able to achieve orgasm if a man has a penis 5 cm long and the duration of sexual intercourse is 20 seconds! This is the “5-20 pattern”.

Therefore, it is rightly considered that a man is capable of normal sexual life if at rest the length of the penis is at least three centimeters.

According to the observations of many sexologists, some women experience maximum pleasant sensations with a small penis.

About the “failure” effect

In the first phase of a woman’s arousal, a flask-shaped expansion and moistening of the vagina occurs. This facilitates painless insertion of the penis, but creates in a man the illusion of “falling in”, when the penis does not feel the walls of the vagina and feels like something small in a very large one. Ignorance of this physiological fact gives rise to the idea of ​​an insufficient penis size.

If a man confidently performs sexual intercourse, in the next phase of arousal the woman experiences a contraction of the genital tract and the “anatomical discrepancy” is eliminated: the walls of the vagina tightly cover the penis, regardless of its size. In those cases when a man and a woman are seized with doubts and worries about “inconsistency,” the man’s actions become uncertain, the woman’s arousal stops growing, the squeeze reaction is absent, and the inconsistency remains until the end of intimacy.

If a man brings a woman through caresses to the point of strong arousal, accompanied by contraction of the genital tract, then the described effect of “loss of the penis in the vagina” is also not observed. True, some difficulties may arise with the insertion of the penis. In these cases, as well as in case of insufficient hydration of the woman’s genital tract, when the introduction is carried out too early, it is advisable to resort to lubricating the penis with Vaseline or any other cream. If the partners are well coordinated, the woman should make it clear when the man should insert the penis. It’s even better if she does it herself: this ensures not only the best time for the onset of coitus and painless insertion of the penis, but also achieves the effect of partnership.

Partner problems

So, the first problem is when one gets the impression that a man’s genitals are not sufficient to provide a woman with satisfaction. This very widespread prejudice is the source of much torment and personal tragedy for men with small genitals. For them, this situation is fatal and hopeless, because the length of the penis cannot be increased in any way. But we already know that this is really a prejudice that has practically nothing to do with the quality of sex.

The opposite problem is large penis sizes. Often, at the beginning of sexual activity with such a partner, a woman experiences unpleasant sensations, but later the vagina adapts. After all, a woman’s genital tract has significant elasticity: during childbirth, the baby’s body, about 50 cm long and with a head diameter of 10 cm, passes through it; during the normal course of labor, ruptures do not occur.

To eliminate painfully deep penetration of the penis into the vagina, special rings are used that cover the base of the penis; they are sold in pharmacies.

The depth of the vagina varies significantly - from eight to fourteen centimeters at rest. Moreover, its walls are tensile and, with pressure on the posterior arch, lengthen by two to four centimeters. Although there is no direct relationship between a woman’s height and vaginal size, tall women are more likely to have larger vaginal sizes. As already noted, during coitus the vagina adapts to the size of the penis. A large vagina can adapt to a penis of any size, but with a small vagina, at the beginning of intercourse, until this adjustment occurs, pain is possible.

To obtain the highest pleasure from partners, more important than the size of the vagina is the woman’s ability to compress the muscles surrounding the penis inserted into it.

Special literature provides a way to test this ability: two fingers are inserted into the lower part of the vagina and the woman must squeeze them. If this does not work out, then it is recommended to practice this: every muscle becomes stronger from training.

Two more misconceptions

First. There is no basis for judging the size of the genital organs and their connection with the length of the nose, the size of the palm, and so on.

The second is that you can supposedly enlarge your penis with some exercises. This is impossible, because there is no muscle tissue in the penis and it grows not from an effort of will (as happens with muscles), but due to the filling of the corpus cavernosum with blood, which is this symbol of male dignity.

Traders use misconceptions about this to their advantage by offering small vacuum devices in sex shops that supposedly “develop” and “lengthen” the penis. This is pure deception. With the help of such devices you can only masturbate. It is impossible to increase the length of the penis by any means, including masturbation (see below about it).

First experience

The first sexual intercourse often resembles an exam. Although this event is anticipated in dreams and, as a rule, is preceded by certain preparation (petting, etc.), it is often associated with psychological difficulties. An inexperienced young man is sometimes afraid of failure (lack of erection or premature ejaculation), a girl is not confident in her sexual attractiveness, both may be shocked by unusual bodily odors, seminal fluid and vaginal moistening are sometimes perceived as “dirt,” etc. The abundance of unfamiliar sensations and the very situation of “testing”, “testing” force young people to listen more to their own experiences than to the feelings of their partner, which does not at all contribute to the success of the undertaking.

Many are convinced that defloration is always very painful; For some girls, the anticipation of pain causes panic. Meanwhile, a survey of 130 American students showed that 32.3% experienced severe pain during defloration, 40% experienced moderate pain, and 27.7% did not feel any pain. In some (39.3%) the pain lasted several minutes, in others (13.1%) it lasted less than an hour, in others (10%) it lasted for several days. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, these painful sensations depend much less on the age, sexual sophistication and tenderness of a man than on a woman’s own psychological attitudes and, possibly, anatomical and physiological characteristics. These data are not enough for any practical conclusions; the expectation of pain in some cases can increase, and in others - reduce pain, but the problem itself deserves serious attention from gynecologists.

Subjective assessments of the first sexual coital experience are also very different. According to Starke and Friedrich, 81% of men and 51% of women rated their first sexual intercourse quite positively, 11% of men and 18% of women found it not particularly successful, and a third of women found it even unpleasant. This can be explained by both stable personal and random situational reasons - the level of expectations, emotional mood, the nature of the relationship and the behavior of the partner, the moral and aesthetic assessment of what is happening, the external environment, etc.

Negative consequences of early sex

Over the past five years, the number of teenagers contracting syphilis has increased 31-fold. Every year, 300 thousand girls undergo induced abortion. For every tenth girl, her sexual debut is associated with violence. At the same time, every 8-10th married couple suffers from infertility. Often the reason for this is an early abortion or previous sexually transmitted diseases.

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At the young age of under 25, men do not even think about a possible decline in sexual activity. They are confident and full of strength. But by the age of 30, periodic difficulties with potency and its decrease may arise. Erectile function declines. But this does not mean that potency completely disappears. A certain stability and periodicity are simply established. And the statement that at 40 years old a man is very close to impotence is completely incorrect. Everything is very individual. In addition, urologists say that a young man’s body contains a certain reserve of sexual activity. But you can’t fool nature.

Modern andrologists claim that the reserve and level of sexual activity is inherent in every man by nature. Considering numerous studies, we can say with confidence that age is not a barrier to full potency. Active activity, as a rule, decreases after 50 years. But this does not mean that the man becomes impotent. It’s just that the frequency and number of sexual contacts decreases. Some representatives of the stronger sex, even at the age of 75-80 years, still remain active.

Nevertheless, age-related changes in the body make themselves felt. The cell renewal process slows down significantly. The production of the male sex hormone testosterone also decreases. This cannot but affect the potency of a mature man. In this case, sexual desire remains at a high level. But sexual capabilities and realization require some effort.

Very often, young people under 25 years of age are ready for sexual contact on a daily basis. But by the age of 30, such activity decreases slightly. This can be affected by lifestyle and professional activities. These facts do not at all mean that at 40 years old a man is capable of little. Everything is exactly the opposite - sexual activity is not only preserved, but also reinforced by experience.

Experts say that the age of impotence does not correspond at all to the actual age of a man. Potency disorders depend on several factors:

  • Concomitant chronic diseases;
  • Problems with the body;
  • Condition of the genitourinary system;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Psychological disorders.

If all indicators of the body’s systems and organs are normal even after 50 years, then the man’s potency is still young. In such a situation, sexual activity remains at a high level. If some disorders are observed at a young age (30-35 years), potency will also suffer. So, we can say with confidence that potency does not depend on the actual age of the young man.

Reasons for decreased potency at a young age

Today, urologists are increasingly faced with a decrease in potency in young people aged 20-30 years. What is this connected with? It is quite rare for a young man’s body to experience disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs. Therefore, the main reason is considered to be a psychological factor. It leads to suppression of libido, which reduces the level of potency. Also, do not forget your lifestyle and diet.

Psychological factor

Today, most young people strive for career growth and certain heights in their professional activities. Such activity takes a huge amount of energy. More and more time is spent on work, and less and less time is left for rest. In the absence of complete relaxation and sleep, the brain stops working at full strength. The brain perceives constant tension as satisfaction. Therefore, the level of libido and potency decreases even at a young age.

Lack of eight hours of sleep reduces the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Therefore, it is important to establish a work and rest schedule. Frequent stressful situations have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Dysfunction of this system leads to sexual impotence. Sexual activity is significantly reduced, and the man is depressed.

In addition, the following factors lead to this:

  • Conflict situations;
  • Unsuccessful first sexual experience;
  • Diffidence;
  • Dissatisfaction with sexual partner;
  • Depression;
  • Excessive mental and physical stress;
  • Overwork;
  • Fears;
  • Feeling of discomfort during intimacy.

At a young age, young people often do not have a regular sexual partner. Frequent changes of partners and unprotected sexual intercourse provoke the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Such infections often cause potency disorders. This also has a psychological impact. It becomes increasingly difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse due to possible infection, even with the use of contraceptives. And sex without a condom becomes almost impossible, even with a regular sexual partner.


Diet plays an important role in maintaining full potency at any age. Excess body weight, fatty fried foods, smoked foods, salt, sugar lead to a significant decrease in potency. Already at a young age, you should stop eating processed foods and fast foods. Such foods provoke an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which impedes blood flow to the penis. Over time, impotence may develop.

To prevent a decrease in potency at any age, you need to saturate your diet with protein foods. Such products promote the active production of male sex hormones, which has a positive effect on potency. So, the following products should be included in the daily menu:

  • Garlic;
  • Green onions;
  • Greenery;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Dietary types of meat;
  • Seafood;
  • Nuts;
  • Sour cream;
  • Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • Citrus.


Lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining potency. In the absence of daily activity and physical activity, blood circulation in the body is disrupted. Stagnation processes occur in the male genitals. All this has a detrimental effect on potency. In addition, inactivity leads to excess body weight. It is worth noting that the intensity of physical activity should be moderate. Only in this case can the preservation of full potency be achieved. Urology specialists recommend that young people engage in the following active sports: running, swimming, short bike rides, football, basketball.

Training will help not only improve potency and blood circulation, but also restore the functions of the central nervous system, relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, and increase the stamina of a man’s body. At the same time, a healthy lifestyle involves a complete rejection of bad habits. Thus, smoking leads to depletion of blood vessels. Further, thin, practically impassable vessels are not able to supply the genitals with blood. It is almost impossible to achieve an erection. Over time, the man becomes impotent.

The same goes for alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect not only on blood vessels, but also on the central nervous system. Taken together, this contributes to an active decrease in potency even at a young age. A drink such as beer deserves special attention. Beer contains a huge amount of phytoestrogens - female sex hormones. Thus, in the male body there is a sharp decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen levels. Of course, the first thing that suffers is potency.

Reasons for decreased potency in adulthood

The sexual activity of a man in adulthood decreases due to some changes in the functioning of certain systems and organs of the body. Very often, along with potency disorders, doctors diagnose cardiovascular diseases. The fact is that when arousal is stimulated, there is an active flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. The outflow of this blood through the veins is automatically blocked. Due to this mechanism, a full erection is achieved.

If any of the mechanisms is disrupted, a decrease in erection occurs. In the absence of rapid blood flow, a lack of erection is observed. Premature outflow of blood is characterized by loss of arousal before the full completion of sexual intercourse. Sometimes dysfunction occurs even before sexual activity begins. All this is due to the poor condition of the vascular system. As for the heart, high blood pressure and a heart attack contribute to decreased erection.

With age, a man's endocrine system reduces the synthesis of certain hormones, including sex hormones. Therefore, hormonal imbalance also affects potency. Among the endocrine diseases that affect potency, diabetes mellitus can also be noted. After the age of 50, most men experience changes in the structure and functioning of the prostate gland. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma can provoke a decrease in sexual activity and desire. Doctors advise regular check-ups starting at a young age in order to prevent changes in a timely manner.

Among other physiological changes that affect potency, it is worth noting the following:

  • Injuries of the spine and spinal cord;
  • Operations in the pelvic area;
  • Frequent injections into the penis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

States to another.

Menopause can develop, although very rarely, at the age of 30, but more often menopause occurs at the age of 50-60 years.
Turk Edirger at 127 years old was pleasantly surprised, becoming the father of two twins, whom his 95-year-old wife Fatima gave birth to. Fatima not only lived sexually, but she did not have menopause - the female eggs matured, she menstruated.

Menopause occurs in different ways. There is a disturbance in the menstrual cycle: sometimes two or three months are absent, sometimes they may appear twice within a month; sometimes heavy menstrual flow, sometimes scanty. During menopause, a woman’s character can change in different ways: she was calm, balanced, and suddenly became irritable and angry; was energetic, suddenly became lethargic, apathetic, drowsy - she would have slept 24 hours a day. Sometimes there are “hot flashes”, a feeling of heat - the face and neck become covered with red spots, sweating appears, and some women experience a decrease in performance.

Menopause also occurs in men, but it occurs 10 years later than in women and goes unnoticed. Only in 10-20% of men does it occur severely (pathological menopause), lasting from 2 to 10 years, manifested by damage to the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine or genitourinary systems. Patients complain of sudden redness of the face, neck and upper body, “lack of air,” increased heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Also, numbness, coldness of the hands and feet, fear, depression, tearfulness, trembling, loss of strength, memory loss, and decreased bladder tone appear.

Treatment of menopause in women and men is complex: correct work and rest schedule, wet rubbing, bathing, therapeutic exercises, exclusion of spicy, salty, fatty foods, spices, and alcoholic beverages. You need to quit smoking.
Treatment is carried out with general strengthening agents, vitamins, anti-sclerotic agents,, if necessary, sedatives and only as prescribed by a doctor - hormonal drugs. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.
However, the best medicine in the fight against menopause is regular sex life.

One cannot but agree that exercises that train muscles, as well as sports, help maintain health, protecting against many diseases. But if all this strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs, improving the overall well-being and physical fitness of a person, then why should we deny a similar ability to the muscles of the genital organs. Regular sexual intercourse trains them, improving and simultaneously improving the quality of sexual intercourse.

At any age, and even more so in old age, every non-functioning human organ very quickly loses its function and “dies off”. You can often observe how quickly the vaginal muscles of women who cannot be called frail and old atrophy: for example, 40-50-year-old widows or those who prefer a solitary (without men) lifestyle. After several years of sexual abstinence, the genitals of such women present a regrettable picture. At that time, women who have regular sex life can boast of functional activity and good condition of the genital organs even at the age of 80.

Studies of the physiology of sexual intercourse conducted by American sexologists Masters and Johnson showed that nervous and muscle reactions, blood circulation during coitus in elderly people approaching the age of 80 are no different from the reactions of middle-aged people - of course, under the condition that partners have regular sex life.

Of course, the majority of older people are susceptible to various diseases, but regular sexual activity not only does not aggravate the disease, but, on the contrary, improves blood circulation, stabilizes the activity of the nervous system and improves overall well-being. True, for some diseases, sexual intercourse is contraindicated.

Old age diseases such as rheumatic pain in the hip joints, intestinal diseases or high blood pressure often create certain difficulties during sexual intercourse. In addition, with a low level of sexual desire, there is a weakening of the activity of the genitals, insufficient moisture in the vagina, as well as excessive relaxation of the perineal muscles. Most ailments of this type can be overcome by changing the position or technique of sexual intercourse.

With relaxed muscles of the perineum and various cracks and tears left after childbirth, it is advisable to use any position that allows the adductor muscles of the thighs, as well as the deformed muscles of the vagina, to contract. Narrowing of the vaginal opening requires a position with the hips wide apart, which allows you to successfully stretch the sphincter muscles of the vestibule of the vagina. Having mastered the ability to control contractions of the muscles of the perineum and vaginal walls at a young age, an elderly woman is able to help herself and a man achieve orgasm even with a weakened erection of the male penis, which remains motionless in the vagina.

The sexual reactions of women in old age change to a much lesser extent than the sexual desire of men. A woman, who at the beginning of her sexual life was distinguished by a certain coldness, reaches full sexual development after 30, and the peak of her capabilities - between 35 and 50 years. A woman's sexual capabilities practically do not decline over the years if she leads a regular sex life.

Of course, sex life should not become an end in itself. The academician said very well about this A. A, Bogomolets:
“The natural function of the genital organs is the maintenance and continuation of the human race. If sexual function is not overloaded, then the longer it persists, the better for longevity. However, its artificial transformation into a source of excessive pleasure and its abuse leads to premature exhaustion of the body, to its premature aging. The main point in the fight for longevity: no satiety. You need to protect your desire. It is a powerful stimulus for creativity, it is a stimulus for love, a stimulus for long life.”

A comment Ergashaka:

When I decided to create this site, I set myself the task of making a contribution not only extending people's lives, and at the same time to help them so that they always remain active physically, mentally and mentally. They have all the natural qualities of life resources until the last breath , and even among older people, sexual activity was in full swing.

My heavy advice. If your life partner has been deeply stung by something in your heart for a long time, and because of this reason, sexual intimacy has stopped between you for decades, immediately separate at any age. This will greatly benefit both of you. Further, your life is extended by at least several years.

Hidden resentment shortens people's lives far more than any other reason. Because of this, many people fall ill with severe, intractable diseases, including impotence and frigidity, even physical atrophy of their sexual functions.

The second important reason for the decline of sexual activity between spouses is the unsuitable living environment. This happens due to a lack of living space or due to caring for seriously ill people or grandchildren. Once upon a time, sexual intimacy was interrupted between a couple in similar cases for several years, and now, under normal conditions, the craving for intimacy has also disappeared.

Now sober up, and if you yourself are unable to resume a normal sex life, don’t look at how old you both are, don’t be shy and contact a specialist, you’ll quickly establish a relationship. Find your lost treasure and enjoy again.

Many families undergo genital surgery for one reason or another. In this regard, they may stop having sex for many years, especially people from rural areas who are little familiar with the postoperative physiology of the genital organs. For example, in women after removal of the uterus or in men after surgery on the prostate or other parts of the manhood.

After complete removal of the uterus, a woman fully enjoys sexual intimacy, since her erogenous zones are located outside the genitals, and her arousal zones are located in the heart and brain. Her libido may decrease due to her husband’s bad attitude towards her or changes in hormonal levels. After consulting the proper specialists, all this will work out. Also, a similar situation may arise in men who have undergone genital surgery.

The most deplorable is the lack of sexual activity occurring due to neuropsychic burden occurring in one of the couple. The so-called frigidity in women and erectile problems in the form of impotence in men. There can be hundreds of reasons for neuropsychic frigidity and impotence.

Until a specialist finds and eliminates them, the husband and wife may not see the sweets of bed life. From my experience, I know that at first the problem occurs in one partner, then it spreads to both. This is especially true for a complex disease with a combination of neuropsychic and infectious processes. Their first complaint is the absence of children for several years or pathological conception. Sometimes it takes years of patience to heal them.

Even more problematic is the gradual decline of sexual desire in both or one of the spouses, which even they do not think about it. They make love once a month or a little more, of course not productively.

Among the bustle of life and various current worries, their interest in intimate life disappears. It is for such people that I have invented several balms to excite their passions.

Whoever has a cold nature from birth has many problems, including sexual weakness, eliminate the warming balm "". For those who have congenital weakness of the heart, and as a result of this, it does not matter whether they have a sexual desire, solve the problem with a balm "

How long a man’s reproductive age lasts cannot be said with certainty. It depends on various factors. Sexual activity may persist into old age, or it may fade away early. To understand this issue, you need to know how sexual formation occurs in a particular patient.

How does the reproductive system form?

The formation of the first signs of sexual activity occurs in boys aged 10–12 years. During this period, young people begin to actively produce testosterone. The hormone affects the formation of a man’s body, the appearance of hair in the axillary and groin area, and forms spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis plays a major role in the reproductive system. Under the influence of testosterone, the testicles begin to produce sperm. Sex cells are necessary for a man to conceive. The amount of hormone also affects the shape of sperm. If its level in the blood does not exceed the norm, then the germ cells will be active and have the correct structure.

Also during this period, the prostate gland is activated. A man needs it to produce testosterone and seminal fluid. The more correctly formed the prostate gland, the better a man's potency.

The first sign of reproductive readiness in a man is nocturnal emission. They are necessary to free the testicles from excess germ cells and form young sperm.

Many young people are embarrassed by this feature and become withdrawn. Don't be afraid of night ejaculation. The appearance of this sign indicates puberty. Spontaneous ejaculation disappears with active sexual activity. This usually occurs 2–3 years after sexual intercourse occurs. In some cases, wet dreams persist into adulthood. In this case, the cause is irregular sexual activity.

The second sign of entering reproductive age is external changes. A man develops facial hair, his voice breaks, and his humerus and shoulder blade bones grow. During this period, parents are recommended to give the boy additional vitamin and mineral complexes. When there is a lack of zinc and calcium in the blood, cartilage tissue is destroyed. To prevent this from happening, vitamins are required. Also during this period there is a different growth of internal organs. During a medical examination, various internal pathologies are diagnosed in men. Doctors recommend waiting 2–3 years. In many cases, the organs reach the required size. If this does not happen, a medical examination is necessary to identify the causes of the pathology.

Peak hormonal activity occurs between 16 and 18 years of age. During this period, boys show interest in the opposite sex. This happens at the level of instincts. Activity occurs due to the activation of excitation.

The following systems are involved in the emergence of sexual arousal:

  • Central nervous system;
  • Blood and vascular;
  • Muscular;
  • Hormonal.

The entry of a man into reproductive age is indicated by sexual arousal. Erection is considered a complex process, since a failure in one of the systems can lead to impotence. Initially, adrenaline is released into the blood. This substance stimulates brain function. It sends a signal through the central nervous system to the roots of the penis. The roots activate the vascular system. Blood circulation increases. Under its influence an erection occurs.
During sexual intercourse, there is a significant increase in testosterone levels. The hormone enhances the production of seminal fluid. It leaves the prostate gland through the vas deferens. Sperm leave the testicles and mix with secretions. Through the urethra, sperm enters the uterus.

Mature sexual activity

The complete formation of the reproductive system occurs by the age of twenty. During this period, a man has a permanent sexual partner and regular sex life. Up to 30 years of age, sexual intercourse can occur up to 5–6 times a week. When the hormonal system is formed, testosterone levels decrease and become fixed.

Many doctors are of the opinion that conception should occur at 23–25 years of age. During this period, a man is at the peak of reproductive readiness. The number of germ cells is increased, the likelihood of conception is higher.

But this should not be stated unequivocally. Subject to a number of rules, a man can significantly increase his reproductive age.

It has been noted that a man's sexual activity declines at the age of 30–35. In fact, this is his natural norm. Additional factors also influence the reduction in the number of acts. Sexologists identify the following pathological causes:

  • Professional characteristics;
  • Psychological condition;
  • Accompanying illnesses;
  • Frequent change of partners;
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • Junk food and alcohol.

In the modern world, many men lead a sedentary lifestyle. Getting to work is done by car or public transport. Most working hours are spent at the computer. All this affects the malnutrition of the tissues of the genital organs. To perform basic functions, the cells of the genital organs require oxygen. Staying in a sitting position for a long time leads to blood stagnation. Red blood cells do not deliver enough oxygen molecules. Tissue cells begin to die. To prevent this from happening, a man should do physical exercise in the morning before work.

In many cases, reproductive age depends on the psychological state of the patient. Prolonged psychological stress, stress and negative environmental influences affect the functioning of the brain. It stops transmitting impulse at the right moment. Many patients lose interest in sex and become irritable or aggressive. If during this period the man was not provided with psychological assistance, his reproductive age is reduced. Psychological disorders often lead to the appearance of impotence by the age of 40.

Concomitant diseases are a common cause of reduced reproductive age. There are a large number of diseases of the genitourinary system that reduce reproductive age. These include diseases such as:

These pathologies have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and testicles. If the problem is not treated in time, serious complications are possible. A terrible side effect is impotence and infertility. Experts recommend that men undergo examination at least once a year. Prevention is the best way to maintain a healthy reproductive system.

Also, reproductive age depends on the constancy of the partner. Frequent changes of sexual partners lead to the appearance of various diseases and congestion of the genital organs. If there is a large gap between sexual contacts, then the man’s activity decreases. The prostate gland reduces the production of seminal fluid, erectile dysfunction occurs. Abstinence also causes a decrease in libido. Frequent sexual intercourse also has a detrimental effect on the health of the genital area. It takes 3-4 days for healthy sperm to form. Frequent contacts lead to a decrease in the number of germ cells capable of conception.

Personal hygiene is of particular importance. Daily compliance with hygiene rules allows you to maintain the health of your reproductive organs for a long time. This entails an increase in reproductive age. Violation of the rules entails the occurrence of various diseases of the genitourinary area.

The presence of bad habits and poor nutrition has a detrimental effect on reproductive age. Nicotine and alcohol-containing drinks lead to the death of sperm. This phenomenon is associated with increased sensitivity of cells to alcohol. Long-term alcohol abuse affects spermatogenesis. Many patients lose sexual activity by age 40.

A man’s food preferences are also important. Fatty and fried foods lead to weight gain in the patient. Excess weight disrupts the location of internal organs. The formation of chronic pathologies occurs. Often, when a man is obese, his hormonal levels are disrupted and concomitant diseases appear.

How to prolong sexual activity

It has been noted that reproductive age depends on various reasons. To prolong sexual activity, the following rules must be observed:

  • Personal hygiene;
  • Protected contacts;
  • Permanent partner;
  • Regular contacts;
  • Timely treatment;
  • Physical activity;
  • Proper nutrition.

Doctors argue over the selection of underwear and the use of antibacterial body washes. Many men prefer to wear boxer briefs. This leads to compression of the genital organs and increased temperature in the scrotum. Loose cotton underwear promotes normal air flow and maintains temperature conditions. Antibacterial gels can be used, but not daily. They have a detrimental effect on the beneficial microflora of the urethral canal. For regular use, it is recommended to buy an intimate hygiene product. It has a special acidic value that is suitable for the delicate mucous tissue of the genital organs.

It is also recommended that a man eat properly and not abuse alcohol. Harmful foods are not prohibited, but their consumption should be reduced. Physical activity is of great importance. If you have a sedentary job, you need to go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week. Sexual contacts should also be regular and protected. This will help reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and prolong your reproductive age.

This question is of interest to many men. Reproductive age depends on the patient’s lifestyle and physical activity. Compliance with the rules of prevention will help to significantly prolong it.

Chapter "All about sex" Sexual activity

Has the “limit” been released?

The widespread belief that a man is supposed to have a certain amount of erection and ejaculation is erroneous. This belief makes some men strictly plan their sexual intercourse. Such planning is especially harmful for young spouses who feel the need for frequent sexual intercourse, but are afraid to use their “limit”. Abstinence in this case can lead to neuroses.

As we have seen, sexual activity in both men and women is subject to significant age-related and individual fluctuations. You can also give average figures: the frequency of sexual intercourse in men under 30 years of age is approximately three times a week, after 30 - twice, in 60 years - once a week or less. It is important to note that a woman’s sexual activity is largely determined by a man’s sexual activity.

If a young man is able to have sexual intercourse once a week, or even more often, this can be considered normal sexual ability. In general, if sexual intercourse does not cause long-term fatigue or weakness, if a person remains cheerful throughout the day, then it is obvious that he does not allow sexual excesses. Regular sex life, consistent with individual capabilities, is optimal.

Men are very sensitive to changes in their sexual potency. A decrease in it leads to a deterioration in general well-being, sometimes even just the assumption of a possible violation of potency drives men to neuroses.

About "Stakhanovites" in bed

Many men, especially young men, consider it a sign of manhood to perform as many acts as possible in one meeting. And in this they are often helped by a woman who openly expresses admiration for such “labors of Hercules.” Are they harmful?

Experts say that the amount of intercourse that ends in ejaculation is harmless for a man. The absence of ejaculation indicates exhaustion at the moment and the harm of intercourse. The second factor is the man’s well-being.

AiF reported on the 75-year-old Don Juan Prokofievich, who compiled a description of 578 of his mistresses.

In his youth, Prokofievich was very unsure of himself, and women became for him a subject of self-affirmation, and then an end in itself. For 27 years, the insatiable male lied to his wife about time pressure at work, while he managed to serve up to four beauties a day. Even now, Anatoly Prokofievich does not see the point in limiting sexual relations and continues his vigorous (as far as health allows) sex life. He has known one of his mistresses for 15 years, and another for 14. He met four more “new girls” this year.

Messages periodically appear on the pages of the press about loving men who claim to have their exploits included in the Guinness Book of Records.

It turned out that sultans and sheikhs, surrounded by dozens of devoted wives, are not at all the most ardent and loving men!

The absolute record of 47 children, set by one venerable Bedouin from the United Arab Emirates, was, as it turned out, significantly improved by two Brazilians.

54-year-old Fidelis Florentino da Silva from the tiny town of Itaborai, having never been married, rewarded his many lovers with 53 children, and in all cases his paternity was officially recognized. It is noteworthy that the child-loving Brazilian does not look like a sex symbol - he weighs only 63 kilos, and is not tall at all, falling short of 3 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Another Brazilian, Jose Almeida, when asked how many children he has, can honestly answer: “I don’t know, I didn’t count them!” This is really not easy to do, because from five wives and three permanent mistresses, Jose has more than sixty sons and daughters!

None of Jose's fellow villagers can call him Casanova. On the contrary, a father with many children is an exemplary family man. He lives with all his wives and mistresses at the same time and never cheats on them. Jose built a house for each of his women and, despite his 65 years, makes love to them three times a day. Jose began his exploits at a time when no one had ever heard of Viagra, and never resorted to any stimulants.

Range of abilities

The need and ability for regular ejaculation varies among different men: a case was recorded when a 26-year-old man needed 3 ejaculations per day; if this did not happen, he developed a nervous state.

Another extreme case: in a man of about the same age, the ability to ejaculate again was restored only after 12 days!

The range of natural data, as we see, is enormous. The average abilities of a man are fully characterized by the two previous tables.

And until when do men “can”?

Men never reach menopause. Over the course of many years, scientists examined 200 “experimental” men who had completely different sexual constitutions, temperaments, and physical characteristics. Some claimed to be sex giants (however, it was extremely difficult to verify this, since men generally tend to exaggerate their trophies, from the size of the bream caught to the number of sexual victories per day), others did not hesitate to talk about their early fading interest in women . However, until the age of 70, both of them remained in the role of fully-fledged sexual partners. The norm in love is individual for everyone. But there is one rule for everyone: if you want to show good results, train. Regularly. Everything is like in sports. And then a man is able to maintain potency as long as he breathes.

Optimal time for sexual intercourse

The choice of time is influenced by many factors: circumstances, affairs, mood, opportunities, etc.

Here we will pay attention to only one factor - the state of the sexual function of the body at different times of the day in most men and women.

Potential sexual desire




it hasn't cooled down yet




not much

not much



Each couple usually practices for a specific time. This table may help take into account one more factor - the degree of readiness of orgasm.

Many people know how good morning intimacy can be when you don’t have to run to work - on weekends, for example, or during vacation, especially since after “this” you can still rest...

Nature and woman

English scientists Murphy and Abbas found that women were more dependent than men on daily and annual rhythms, as well as on nature itself. They can even trace something that exists only in the world of animals and plants - hibernation. Of course, they do not hibernate for months, but approximately a quarter of women in winter experience an increased need for sleep and a tendency to “withdrawn” into themselves. Plus, there is a feeling of depression and less expressed sexual desire. Even the ability to conceive is reduced. The further north you go, the lower it is: in the cold months in northern Finland, for example, women are practically infertile.

But the reason is not winter, as such, but the insufficient amount of light. The less daylight nature provides during this season of the year, the more melatonin the body produces. The same hormone acts as a hypnotic, stops the maturation of the egg, causes fatigue, and reduces sexual desire.

A means of combating the insidious hormone? More light! A light bulb doesn't help. The lighting, which in the apartment can reach about 300 lux, corresponds to the shade of trees in summer. To get rid of winter drowsiness and bad mood, you need at least 2,000-3,000 lux.

London scientists in Albion, famous for its fogs, recommend sunbathing for an hour at least twice a week. Not everyone can afford mountain travel and not everyone likes spending an hour under the hot sun. Then they suggest using a fluorescent lamp with so-called “full daily illumination”.

But here's a secret, unraveled by specialists from Cologne. If snow is falling quietly outside, erotic desire arises quite naturally. Falling snow creates an electromagnetic field, and this affects a person beneficially in all respects. The head “clears up”, the nerves calm down. The immune system's defenses are restored, senses are heightened...

Are there days “when you can’t”? Is sex possible during menstruation?

Modern medicine believes that, with the exception of severe bleeding and other complications, this is not dangerous for a woman.

Women's attitudes to this issue vary greatly. Many people choose to abstain during this period because they are shy or because they have heard that it is harmful. Others, on the contrary, are ready to actively use these days, considering them the safest, so as not to get pregnant.

Many men are put off by blood, others take it calmly.

In a word, this issue must be resolved by the actors themselves.

Sexologists Masters and Johnson discovered in a study of women that a strong orgasm soon after the onset of menstruation increases the rate of flow and reduces cramps in the pelvic area.

Duration of sexual intercourse

It depends largely on the age of the man.

During the period of incomplete maturation, when excitability has not yet reached its limit, sexual intercourse can be quite long, and then it decreases, reaching a minimum by 22-23 years.

After 26-30 years, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases, as sexual excitability decreases with age. The duration of sexual intercourse is most closely related to the rhythm of sexual life, or more precisely, to the frequency of ejaculation, because, in addition to sexual intercourse, wet dreams and masturbation must be taken into account.

This dependence is called the “law of power relations,” which is most clearly manifested in the fact that with repeated sexual intercourse during the day, the duration of each subsequent intercourse increases compared to the previous one by 1.5-2 times; with sexual abstinence, the duration of sexual intercourse is sharply reduced . Often, after returning from a business trip, a wife suspects her husband of infidelity only because he experiences a noticeable shortening of sexual intercourse, which is precisely evidence of his sinlessness.

Meanwhile, having discovered a shortening of sexual intercourse, some men come to the conclusion that they are “overtired” and need rest, i.e. during a break in sexual activity. It is clear that after such a rest the duration of sexual intercourse will decrease even more.

Studies have shown that in most cases, coitus lasts from one and a half to three minutes, during which the man produces about friction.

But a woman needs...

Of course, this duration is completely insufficient to satisfy a woman, since she needs on average 10-15 minutes of targeted stimulation of the erogenous zones. Such a significant time required for a woman to achieve orgasm is by no means, as is commonly believed in the male environment, an indicator of a woman’s increased sexuality. Just like men, more temperamental women get aroused much faster.

In order to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, a man carries out it in the morning, since immediately after waking up, arousal does not grow so quickly, others make periodic stops during intimacy and wait until the excitement subsides a little, others prefer to have sexual intercourse with a condom, since this causes the head the penis is less irritated, the fourth take the lower position during intimacy, completely transfer the initiative to the wife, and themselves, having relaxed, try to get distracted, the fifth solve arithmetic problems in their minds or think about official matters...

And yet, the main reserve of a woman’s satisfaction is not an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse in a man, but sufficient preparation of a woman for intimacy through foreplay.

With a long life together, a woman partly adapts to the male stereotype of intimacy, and sexual release, as a rule, comes easier and faster for her. This is partly achieved due to the fact that the man selects more effective caresses and forms of intimacy, and partly the woman herself gets rid of many prejudices and begins to behave naturally and simply, which accelerates the concentration of arousal.

Shortened act

Sexual intercourse lasting less than 1.5-2 minutes is considered shortened and does not bring sexual satisfaction to the woman. This is a consequence of accelerated premature ejaculation. There are a number of reasons for this.

1. Premature ejaculation of debutants. Many young men encounter this problem at the beginning of their sexual practice. When sexual life stabilizes, the duration of sexual intercourse also normalizes.

2. Some men may experience short sexual intercourse all the time. Usually this refers to increased nervous excitability.

3. Circumstances that cause anxiety and fear in a man (inappropriate environment, traumatic behavior of a woman, relationship problems between partners) often cause premature ejaculation.

4. In impressionable and anxious men, a previous fiasco can be fixed in the psyche and set in motion the “failure expectation mechanism” (the greater the fear of failure, the sooner it is realized, which further creates a “vicious circle” situation).

5. The rapid onset of ejaculation can occur as part of a certain habit, more often during sexual intercourse with a frigid woman, for whom an early cessation of sexual intercourse is extremely desirable.

6. A long period of sexual abstinence usually leads to a shorter period of sexual intercourse in a man.

7. General fatigue, lack of sleep, and situations of nervous tension can cause temporary shortening of sexual intercourse.

8. Occasionally, the source of this disorder can be organic factors (short frenulum of the penis, exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate gland, and others).

Emotional tension, fear of failure, fear of compromising oneself, just as in the case of erection problems, cause premature ejaculation. Such states of mental tension can disrupt the balance of the nervous system and thereby eliminate the influence of inhibitory mechanisms that could delay the onset of ejaculation. More often than not, men suffering from this dysfunction can neither predict the onset of ejaculation nor regulate it. It can occur suddenly, without a preliminary gradual increase in excitement. In such cases, paradoxical reactions are also observed, in which ejaculation occurs the sooner the more the man tries to hold it.

Extended act

In order for a partner to experience orgasm, a man must be able to prolong the act. Ideally, in the matter of orgasm, “the gentleman will let the lady go first.”

A man who regularly has sex and has sexual experience is, as a rule, capable of sexual intercourse for quite a long time. It is believed that its duration depends on the intervals between them: the shorter the pause, the longer the sexual intercourse, and vice versa.

An experienced man knows several rules that can significantly prolong the act. These are the rules.

1. Insert the penis only when the woman is sufficiently stimulated, which means that the entrance to the vagina and its mucous membrane are moist from discharge. In this case, the irritation of the head of the penis will be significantly less.

2. Feeling that the moment of ejaculation is approaching, the man stops friction for 1-2 minutes, calms his breathing, and is distracted by extraneous thoughts.

3. During pauses, he can only make rhythmic movements of the body, putting pressure on the woman’s pubic area, and continue to influence the erogenous zones of the partner so that she does not have a decline in excitement. The first short pause should be taken immediately after inserting the penis into the vagina. At this time, the woman should place her hand on the area of ​​the clitoris and small lips and then, throughout the entire sexual intercourse, apply more or less intense, but not rough, rhythmic pressure with her fingers or light irritation by touching this area in the rhythm of frictions. After a pause, friction should be continued.

4. If in this case the man feels the approach of orgasm, you can stop coitus altogether and continue only caresses; In this case, the woman should avoid stimulating the head of the penis.

The weakening of an erection should not be a concern - this phenomenon is temporary, and soon it returns and intensifies.

5. For prolonged sexual intercourse (delayed ejaculation), anesthetic ointments containing sovcaine or dicaine are sometimes used. The ointment is applied to the head or frenulum of the penis two to three hours before sexual intercourse. In some cases, men's perception of sexual stimuli is dulled by using a condom, which also makes it possible to delay the onset of orgasm.

6. A small dose of alcohol helps to prolong the act. However, you should not abuse the extension of the act. Excessive tightening can lead to congestion in the genitals. The best indicator of the “measure” here is the well-being of the partners.

7. Two more techniques serve as a kind of “extension” of the act: a) after ejaculation, the penis does not immediately leave the vagina (even a flaccid penis gives a pleasant sensation to an excited woman); b) after ejaculation, continue clitoral stimulation and light friction or circular movements.


In the understanding of a man, his reproductive organ is the main sign of masculine dignity and strength. This is based on two widespread misconceptions.

The first is that a large penis (supposedly) indicates sexual ability. The second thing is that women like big penises.

In fact, there is no connection between “size” and a man’s sexual ability: both among Don Juans and among sexual losers there are owners of all sizes.

On the second question, it is interesting to listen to the opinion of, first of all, the women themselves. When asking a group of young men what sexual characteristics, in their opinion, women like in men, “a big penis” was mentioned by 15%, while among women only 2% mentioned this feature. Much more attractive to them was the shape of the buttocks (39%), slimness (15%), flat stomach (13%), eyes (11%) and much more, which, according to women, is more important for a man’s sexuality than the notorious size.

About the notorious "size"

Most men are dissatisfied with their “size”, believing that “others have it bigger.”

The basis for this is observations in a bathhouse or in a urinal. In this case, an optical illusion occurs: when looking at an object from above, it appears smaller than when viewed from the side.

In fact, in a calm state, the length of the penis ranges from 5-6 to 10-12 cm. However, in the erect state, the shorter ones increase more than the longer ones, so that the average length of an erect penis is 15 cm with a diameter of 4 cm.

The female genital organs are very elastic, after a short initial period they easily adjust to the desired size, so a woman’s sexual satisfaction depends on the size of the penis much less than is commonly thought, and often does not depend at all.

In addition, the most sensitive places in a woman - the clitoris, labia minora and the anterior third of the vagina - are reachable by a penis, which in an erect state is only 5 cm long!

Pattern "5-20"

The previous conclusion was obtained by the outstanding American sexologists W. Masters and V. Johnson, who set themselves the task of confirming or refuting what has always dominated the minds of people: does the problem of sexual harmony come down to the coincidence of the sizes of the genital organs?

W. Masters and V. Johnson came to a conclusion that was entrenched in science under the name “5-20 pattern”. What does it mean?

Firstly, it was found that a woman can experience orgasm only if the following conditions are met.

1. In general, the ability to experience orgasm. Many women do not have it: anorgasmia is the central problem of female sexology.

2. Positive psychological attitude towards your partner. In other words, she likes him, he is attractive to her.

3. Positive psychological attitude towards sexual contact. It happens that you like your partner even without a desire for intimacy, which can become an obstacle to achieving orgasm.

4. A man knows the psychological characteristics of a woman and uses this knowledge. There is psychological harmony in the couple.

5. A man knows the physiological characteristics of a woman (erogenous zones) and uses this knowledge in foreplay.

Subject to these five conditions, as has been clearly established by experiments, a woman is able to achieve orgasm if a man has a penis 5 cm long and the duration of sexual intercourse is 20 seconds! This is the “5-20 pattern”.

Therefore, it is rightly considered that a man is capable of normal sexual life if at rest the length of the penis is at least three centimeters.

According to the observations of many sexologists, some women experience maximum pleasant sensations with a small penis.

About the "failure" effect

In the first phase of a woman’s arousal, a flask-shaped expansion and moistening of the vagina occurs. This facilitates painless insertion of the penis, but creates in a man the illusion of “falling in”, when the penis does not feel the walls of the vagina and feels like something small in a very large one. Ignorance of this physiological fact gives rise to the idea of ​​an insufficient penis size.

If a man confidently performs sexual intercourse, in the next phase of arousal the woman experiences contraction of the genital tract and the “anatomical discrepancy” is eliminated: the walls of the vagina tightly cover the penis, regardless of its size. In those cases when a man and a woman are seized with doubts and worries about “inconsistency,” the man’s actions become uncertain, the woman’s arousal stops growing, the squeeze reaction is absent, and the inconsistency remains until the end of intimacy.

If a man brings a woman through caresses to the point of strong arousal, accompanied by contraction of the genital tract, then the described effect of “loss of the penis in the vagina” is also not observed. True, some difficulties may arise with the insertion of the penis. In these cases, as well as in case of insufficient hydration of the woman’s genital tract, when the introduction is carried out too early, it is advisable to resort to lubricating the penis with Vaseline or any other cream. If the partners are well coordinated, the woman should make it clear when the man should insert the penis. It’s even better if she does it herself: this ensures not only the best time for the onset of coitus and painless insertion of the penis, but also achieves the effect of partnership.

Partner problems

So, the first problem is when one gets the impression that a man’s genitals are not sufficient to provide a woman with satisfaction. This very widespread prejudice is the source of much torment and personal tragedy for men with small genitals. For them, this situation is fatal and hopeless, because the length of the penis cannot be increased in any way. But we already know that this is really a prejudice that has practically nothing to do with the quality of sex.

The opposite problem is large penis sizes. Often, at the beginning of sexual activity with such a partner, a woman experiences unpleasant sensations, but later the vagina adapts. After all, a woman’s genital tract has significant elasticity: during childbirth, the baby’s body, about 50 cm long and with a head diameter of 10 cm, passes through it; during the normal course of labor, ruptures do not occur.

To eliminate painfully deep penetration of the penis into the vagina, special rings are used that cover the base of the penis; they are sold in pharmacies.

The depth of the vagina varies significantly - from eight to fourteen centimeters at rest. Moreover, its walls are tensile and, with pressure on the posterior arch, lengthen by two to four centimeters. Although there is no direct relationship between a woman’s height and vaginal size, tall women are more likely to have larger vaginal sizes. As already noted, during coitus the vagina adapts to the size of the penis. A large vagina can adapt to a penis of any size, but with a small vagina, at the beginning of intercourse, until this adjustment occurs, pain is possible.

To obtain the highest pleasure from partners, more important than the size of the vagina is the woman’s ability to compress the muscles surrounding the penis inserted into it.

Special literature provides a way to test this ability: two fingers are inserted into the lower part of the vagina and the woman must squeeze them. If this does not work out, then it is recommended to practice this: every muscle becomes stronger from training.

Two more misconceptions

First. There is no basis for judging the size of the genital organs and their connection with the length of the nose, the size of the palm, and so on.

The second is that you can supposedly enlarge your penis with some exercises. This is impossible, because there is no muscle tissue in the penis and it grows not from an effort of will (as happens with muscles), but due to the filling of the corpus cavernosum with blood, which is this symbol of male dignity.

Traders use misconceptions about this to their advantage by offering small vacuum devices in sex shops that supposedly “develop” and “lengthen” the penis. This is pure deception. With the help of such devices you can only masturbate. It is impossible to increase the length of the penis by any means, including masturbation (see below about it).

First experience

The first sexual intercourse often resembles an exam. Although this event is anticipated in dreams and, as a rule, is preceded by certain preparation (petting, etc.), it is often associated with psychological difficulties. An inexperienced young man is sometimes afraid of failure (lack of erection or premature ejaculation), a girl is not confident in her sexual attractiveness, both may be shocked by unusual bodily odors, seminal fluid and vaginal moisturizing are sometimes perceived as “dirt,” etc. The abundance of unfamiliar sensations and the very situation of “testing”, “testing” force young people to listen more to their own experiences than to the feelings of their partner, which does not at all contribute to the success of the undertaking.

Many are convinced that defloration is always very painful; For some girls, the anticipation of pain causes panic. Meanwhile, a survey of 130 American students showed that 32.3% experienced severe pain during defloration, 40% experienced moderate pain, and 27.7% did not feel any pain. In some (39.3%) the pain lasted several minutes, in others (13.1%) it lasted less than an hour, in others (10%) it lasted for several days. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, these painful sensations depend much less on the age, sexual sophistication and tenderness of a man than on a woman’s own psychological attitudes and, possibly, anatomical and physiological characteristics. These data are not enough for any practical conclusions; anticipation of pain in some cases can increase, and in others - reduce pain, but the problem itself deserves serious attention from gynecologists.

Subjective assessments of the first sexual coital experience are also very different. According to Starke and Friedrich, 81% of men and 51% of women rated their first sexual intercourse quite positively, 11% of men and 18% of women found it not particularly successful, and a third of women found it even unpleasant. This can be explained by both stable personal and random situational reasons - the level of expectations, emotional mood, the nature of the relationship and the behavior of the partner, the moral and aesthetic assessment of what is happening, the external environment, etc.

Negative consequences of early sex

Over the past five years, the number of teenagers contracting syphilis has increased 31-fold. Every year, 300 thousand girls undergo induced abortion. For every tenth girl, her sexual debut is associated with violence. At the same time, every 8-10th married couple suffers from infertility. Often the reason for this is an early abortion or previous sexually transmitted diseases.
