How to remove putty from clothes. Fast and high-quality ways to remove corrector from clothes

Stationery or construction putty is a composition that can easily stain your favorite clothes. You may not even notice how the contamination appeared from the office corrector, window putty or emulsion putty. Having found an ugly trace, do not rush to panic and get upset. Most likely, the thing can be washed off by choosing the most effective way for this. You just need to know the composition of the putty. Without this information, the choice of cleaning method is not possible, since the risk of aggravating the problem is high. So, how can the putty be removed and what should be done to achieve this goal? This article has collected the best ways and tips for dealing with various types of stains left by putty.

1 The concept of corrector

A proofreader is a kind of putty, with the help of which the mistakes and inaccuracies made in the handwritten text are shaded. It is often used in their work by office workers, teachers and school students. The corrector (stroke) is divided into types depending on the constituent components and application technology. Today, 3 varieties of stationery putty are sold in specialized stores.

  1. Alcohol / emulsion. It is not difficult to remove this type of pollution. Successful cleansing is achieved by strictly following the sequence of all actions.
  2. Water. The liquid consistency of the putty provides the easiest cleaning of the composition from fabric materials.
  3. The base is a solvent. Do you want to return the former purity of a thing stained with a corrector, which contains a solvent? Then be prepared for a lot of effort. Some methods to remove solvent-based putty from the fabric, of course, exist. But they are practically unknown to a wide range of inhabitants. The wrong approach to washing leads to the final damage to your favorite clothes.

You need to know the type of fluid used in the corrector

Washing the corrector, in which the main component is water, is much easier than stains from other compounds. Emulsion putty is the most difficult to clean from fabric fibers.

2 Remove putty marks: 4 stages of pollution control

Are there traces of construction putty/corrector on your clothes? Do not rush to immediately wash them with powder and hot water in the machine. The sequence of actions in this situation is as follows.

  1. Carefully study the information written on the tube with a corrective agent.
  2. Determine what material forms the basis of the putty (water, emulsion, solvent, dry consistency, alcohol).
  3. Select a method for removing the stain, considering the type of corrector.
  4. Things stained with water putty are easier to clean. Prepare a soap solution by mixing shaved laundry soap and cold water. Place the soiled clothes in it for 30 minutes. When the thing is well soaked, wash it in the machine.

Pieces of laundry soap mixed with cold water

Soak the item for 30 minutes in soapy water

We wash the thing in the washing machine on the appropriate mode

Remember to match the wash cycle to the type of fabric your garment is made from.

The level of cleaning quality also depends on the structure of the putty and its composition. The type of soiled fabric must also be taken into account. If traces of the corrector appear on delicate materials (velor, velvet, suede, silk), you cannot clean the contamination yourself. Such fabrics are extremely sensitive to any influences, it is easy to spoil them with inaccurate actions. Therefore, the best way out when a problem occurs is to contact the dry cleaner.

What auxiliary elements are needed to remove traces of putty?

The fight against the corrector on clothes has its own characteristics. Most often, the matter is not limited to one wash. Auxiliary elements are required to help remove most of the dirt before the item enters the machine for subsequent washing.

The following set of auxiliary materials, prepared in advance, will help you understand how to remove putty from clothes:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • solvent;
  • a little bit of gasoline;
  • washing powder;
  • laundry soap;
  • the cloth;
  • cotton pads;
  • sponges of different hardness;
  • spatula / chisel;
  • washing machine / basin filled with hot water.

Nail polish remover or acetone

If everything you need is already at hand, you can begin the procedure for removing traces from the fabric surface.

Before removing the corrector with specialized formulations, study the general tips. They will help remove pollution without using aggressive compounds.

Do not pull with the removal of the stain, the trace of the putty eats into the fibers!

  1. If you find a stain on your own thing, proceed to eliminate it immediately. Delay often leads to the fact that the trace of the putty eats into the fibers of the fabric and is not completely removed. Old traces of the corrector are effectively removed only in dry cleaning, and sometimes this option is not possible.
  2. Before cleaning the corrector from clothing with aggressive formulations, try freezing the stain by placing the item in the refrigerator. The minimum freezing time is 30 minutes. Prepare for the fact that the method will have to be used more than once. Usually, cold provokes crumbling and cracking of the putty. The further method of cleaning the contamination is selected taking into account the type of fabric. It is possible to use a metal spatula or clean manually (by folding the contaminated area of ​​​​the fabric in half and rubbing). The method is good for removing any kind of putty (construction, stationery). After completing the preliminary manipulations, wash the item in the classic way, in the washing machine.
  3. If none of the stain cleaning methods has given the desired effect, do not rush to despair. The contaminated area is usually small and a decorative patch can always be glued / sewn on top of it.

3 2 water putty cleaning methods

The corrector with the main component in the form of water is easy to remove from the fabric. After studying the proposed instructions, you can perform the cleaning yourself. The stain from the water corrector will disappear after a few minutes. We bring to your attention 2 effective ways to help remove such pollution.

  1. If you find a contaminated area, immediately wash it under cold running water. After wetting the cloth in the area of ​​the contaminated area, rub it with laundry soap. Rinse the thing and then - wash in the machine.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution with cold water and soap. Put the contaminated item in it for half an hour, let it soak well. After that, wash it in the machine, choosing the most delicate mode for a particular fabric. The measures taken will exclude the possibility of a residual speck from the putty.

4 Best Methods for Removing Emulsion Putties from Fabric Surfaces

The removal of putties, in which the main components are alcohol or emulsion, is a complex but doable procedure. Use one of the cleansing methods below.

Use a sharp object to remove the upper part of the corrector

  1. Did you find alcohol putty stains on your clothes? Let the dirt dry completely. Then arm yourself with a sharp object to remove the upper part of the corrector. Wipe off the remaining stains with a cotton swab, moistening it with an alcohol-containing solution. The final manipulation should be machine wash.
  2. Ammonia helps to remove ugly traces of putty. True, there is 1 nuance. Ammonium chloride is diluted in equal proportions with water before use. Cover unsightly stains with the finished solution and leave the item for 45 minutes. During this time, the pollution will disappear, and you will have to thoroughly wash your favorite clothes in the typewriter. Be sure to select the appropriate mode that will not damage the fabric structure.

We use alcohol as an assistant in the fight against traces of emulsion putty

  • medical alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • ammonia.

Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol solution and apply to the contaminated area

It is possible to clean traces of putty with alcohol-based solutions only when they are completely dry. Dilution of ammonia before use is due to the increased causticity of the composition. If you use it in its pure form, bright fabrics of clothing will “float”. They will leave ugly divorces. Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol solution and apply to the contaminated area. Give the composition time to absorb into the fabric, and then rub the trace of the corrector. At the end - do a machine wash by selecting the desired mode.

5 Solvent putty and 2 ways to fix it

The most difficult type of corrector in terms of cleansing contains a solvent in its composition. There will be difficulties in removing it from the fabric, but they should not scare you. During the preparation phase, find the following auxiliary components at home:

  • solvent (nail polish remover, white spirit, acetone);
  • pharmacy soft discs made of cotton wool;
  • piece of fabric.

Get ready for some tinkering and choose the appropriate cleaning method from those suggested below.

  1. Method I
  • Turn the contaminated item inside out;
  • put a piece of fabric under its front side in advance;
  • take a cotton swab, generously “flavor” it with a solvent;
  • thoroughly rub the dirt from the putty, choosing the direction from its edges to the central part;
  • after such manipulations, immediately machine wash.

Cotton swab plentifully "flavor" the solvent

  1. Method II. Dry cleaning. Resort to this option in an extreme situation, if the trace of the corrector is not removed after applying the above technology. Remember that it is better not to clean, soak or wash it yourself for strong and persistent dirt. Trust the dry cleaning professionals, and then you will not have to throw away clothes ahead of time.

6 How to deal with pollution from a stroke corrector? We offer 2 effective methods.

The problem of washing clothes soiled with a stroke corrector is relevant for families where school-age children live. This type of soiling cannot be removed by simple washing. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to wash the stroke corrector with hot water! We bring to the attention of readers a guide that will help you quickly and accurately remove dirt.

  1. Use a sponge/soft cloth to blot a fresh touch on soiled clothing. Remember that the longer the stroke remains on the fabric, the more difficult it is to remove. It is possible to mask the stain with the special tool "Antishtrich", followed by a machine wash.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution by shaking laundry soap into warm water. Put the soiled item in it and let it soak for a while (wait 3 minutes). If the trace of the stroke has not disappeared during this time, leave the clothes to soak for another 45 minutes. The last mandatory manipulation that will definitely make your thing clean is a machine wash.

7 We clean stains from the corrector with chemical compounds

Try using a thinner to clean the putty.

If you do not know the components of the putty that stained your clothes, and you still do not understand how to remove the putty from clothes, try removing the stain with special chemical materials. You can always find such substances in free sale. They are sold in specialized stationery stores. Cover the mark with thinner and wait a while. The stain will completely disappear. True, it is not always possible to use this method.

Thinner should not be used if the putty is contaminated with dyed, thin clothing. An aggressive liquid will “dissolve” not only the stain itself, but also the paint / fabric.

8 Window Putty Removal Methods

Stains of construction putty can appear not only on fabrics. During the repair, traces of building compounds remain on the wooden window frames. It is very difficult to remove them from such a surface even with a chisel. However, you should not leave material on the frames, because there are 2 effective methods for removing it.

Mix equal proportions of caustic and baking soda

  1. Take equal proportions of caustic and baking soda (1 tablespoon each, lime (2 tablespoons). Mix these ingredients with each other. Then add 5 tablespoons of water to them. Cover the dried putty with the finished mixture and hold in this form for several hours.Then clean the contamination using a spatula.
  2. Buy flaxseed oil. Wet it with a piece of fabric folded several times. Immediately apply the fabric material to the area of ​​the window frame contaminated with putty. Wait a few minutes until the fat is completely absorbed. During this time, the putty will be well soaked. You can remove its remains using a chisel. This method will provide a faster departure of the building composition from the wooden surface.

9 What to do in difficult situations?

Cleaning of silk or velvet clothing smeared with putty should be done professionally. Therefore, with such a problem, it is better to come to dry cleaning. Professional employees of the institution will perform the work quickly and efficiently, without the use of aggressive compounds. Never clean putty stains with regular laundry detergent.

Before dry cleaning, do not try to clean the stain from the corrector yourself.

Before going to the dry cleaners, do not try to clean the stain yourself. This mistake is made quite often. The owners of soiled clothes are guided only by the best of intentions and want to make the task of dry cleaning workers as easy as possible. In practice, everything happens differently. The wrong way of washing leads to the fact that the stain eats into the fabric fibers completely. And the task of removing it even in dry cleaning conditions becomes simply impossible. It is unlikely that you will want to throw away a thing because of your own inept, incorrect actions. Therefore, remember that contacting the dry cleaners early helps to completely restore the cleanliness of putty-stained things.

Every office worker at least once visited the question: how to remove the putty? The same question probably arose among the mothers of schoolchildren. The stain, of course, is considered difficult to remove, but, knowing the features of removal, you can get rid of some types of pollution, and quite quickly and without much effort. In this article, you will learn how and how to easily remove the corrector from the fabric.

How to remove putty from clothes?

The base of the corrector plays an important role in removing the stain. There are 4 main types: water, alcohol or emulsion, solvent-based and a stroke corrector with a roller tape. Depending on the type of corrector, you will need the following cleaning products:

  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid;
  • acetone;
  • petrol;
  • nail polish remover;
  • ammonia.

You will also need the following aids:

  • cotton swabs;
  • freezer;
  • clean rags;
  • basin for soaking;
  • brush;
  • washing machine.

Important! If you often work with various documents, you will surely need information from another article on our portal about.

How to remove concealer stains from clothes?

As already mentioned, the removal of contamination depends on the composition of the corrector. Read the instructions for wiping the putty from the fabric, and get down to business.

How to get rid of water-based putty?

Water-based putty stains are easiest to remove. To do this, you will need laundry soap. Follow this step by step guide:

  1. Wash the soiled area under running water with laundry soap.
  2. Wash normally in the washing machine.

There is another way:

  1. Soak the stained item in cold soapy water.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash with powder in the machine.

How to remove alcohol-based concealer from clothes?

For an effective result, use any alcohol-containing liquid: cologne, vodka, aftershave, etc.

In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Wait for the putty to dry on the clothes.
  2. Remove hard particles of putty on the surface of the fabric with a brush.
  3. Take a cotton swab.
  4. Moisten with remedy.
  5. Wipe the stain.
  6. Wash with powder.

Note: If after cleaning with an alcohol-containing liquid the contamination has not disappeared, repeat the action 10 minutes after the last attempt, but before washing.

Ammonia will also help you. Use it this way:

  1. Dilute ammonia with water in equal parts.
  2. Apply the solution to the putty marks.
  3. Leave for 40 minutes.
  4. Wash in intensive mode.

Important! In order not to have to waste time on washing the putty in the future, choose a more convenient option. Read the article with a detailed description of the species and the rating of the best manufacturers.

How to remove traces of putty from things with a roller tape?

With the right approach, the traces of such a corrector lag behind, like adhesive tape. In the first case, you can remove it with a soak. For this:

  1. Soak the item in cold water with powder.
  2. Leave for 1 hour.
  3. Remove the tape from the surface of the fabric.
  4. Wash in the washing machine with a detergent suitable for the fabric.

Note: If necessary, use a brush when removing the tape from the item.

Another interesting and simple option in which you need a freezer:

  1. Put the item in the freezer.
  2. Leave for 1 hour.
  3. Take out and rub the contaminated area.
  4. Wash normally.

Note: “freeze” the thing until the traces of the corrector completely disappear. This can happen even the third time, depending on the degree and duration of contamination.

How do I remove solvent putty stains?

The most dangerous type of putty. It requires the use of aggressive agents, and some types of fabrics do not tolerate it. Therefore, before applying the product of your choice, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. If everything is in order, get down to business.

You will need any solvent:

  • petrol;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover.

Having decided on the tool, follow these instructions when working:

  1. Turn the fabric inside out.
  2. Lay a clean cloth over the front of the garment.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad with the product.
  4. Treat the stain.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Saturate the new disc with the product.
  7. Remove remaining traces of putty.
  8. Wash the item in the washing machine at the maximum setting and with an extra rinse.

Note: Avoid rubbing dirt and product into the fabric. Move from the edges to the center of the stain when processing.

You can use a solution with ammonia. For this:

  1. Mix ammonia and any solvent in equal proportions.
  2. Dampen a clean rag with the solution.
  3. Rub the stained area.
  4. Soak in warm water with powder.
  5. Wash.

Try to remove the stain while it is still fresh.

  • Do not remove concealer stains yourself from materials such as silk, wool, velvet, and acetate. These fabrics are very delicate. Take advantage of dry cleaning services.
  • If you are too lazy to spend time cleaning things after inaccurate use of putty, just glue a pretty application on this place, if your clothing style allows.
  • Before taking delicate items to the dry cleaner, do not wash them yourself: the stain may be absorbed deeper, and the dry cleaner in this case will not be responsible for the remaining contamination.

A stroke corrector (putty) is used to correct errors in the text and is always at hand for schoolchildren, students, and accountants. There are annoying situations when the corrector gets on trousers, a skirt, a sweater. It is important to know how to remove putty from clothes with a high degree of reliability.

Before deciding how to wash the corrector from clothes, it is advisable to carefully study the label to determine the composition of the product. This will allow the putty to be rubbed off without visible consequences for the fabric.

Cleansing should begin immediately. First of all, wipe the fresh stain with a napkin. Perform movements from the edges to the center so as not to increase the size of the pollution. It is impossible to rub the putty that has not yet dried strongly: this will lead to further penetration of the substance into the fibers and increase the area of ​​​​contamination. It will become more difficult to remove such a mark.

Now let's figure out how to remove the corrector from clothes, taking into account the basis on which it was created - water, alcohol or emulsion.

Water based putty

This corrector is safe to use, non-flammable, so it is readily purchased for children.

The need to solve the problem of how to remove a stroke from clothes arises due to its slow drying. However, it is not difficult to remove such a putty. Explain to children who have had such a misfortune at school to wet a handkerchief or tissue and gently wipe the spot just made.

If the trace of the putty could not be completely removed, then at home they soak the thing in cool water, dissolving grated laundry soap in it, which easily removes the stain. Suitable for soaking and washing powder.

After half an hour, the clothes can be washed in the machine, setting the mode suitable for the fabric. Hand wash is acceptable, but in this case we clean the contamination carefully, without strong friction.


If you find a voluminous dried blot from the corrector on your clothes, then first remove its particles with a hard toothbrush, and then soak and wash.

Alcohol based concealer

The popularity of the alcohol variety of putty is due to the speed of drying. But it has a strong characteristic smell.

When solving the problem of how to wash a stroke corrector containing alcohol, keep in mind that water will not help. Of the available funds, use cologne, vodka, lotion or tonic on alcohol.

To wipe a stroke from clothes, perform the following steps:

  1. With the help of a nail file, brushes remove dried particles.
  2. The clothes are turned inside out.
  3. Place a piece of white cloth under the area with the stain to be erased.
  4. Before cleaning the contamination, the cloth around the stain is moistened. This will prevent spreading of the corrector.
  5. A cotton swab is dipped into the selected agent and, without strong pressure, they begin to move along the stain from the edges to the center. With care, the putty is removed quickly. The remains are removed with a cloth.

After such processing, things are washed in the usual way with the addition of a stain remover.

Among the techniques showing how to remove alcohol putty from fabric, the use of ammonia deserves attention. The drug (8-10 drops) is poured into warm water (25 ml). A cotton swab soaked in the solution is placed on the stain. After 15 minutes, the clothes can be washed.

Emulsion based putty

It is more difficult to remove a stroke corrector on an emulsion basis. It has many advantages: it is non-flammable, dries quickly, odorless, but when it gets on the fabric, it forms persistent pollution.

In this situation, when deciding how to wash the putty, they resort to the help of aggressive liquids:

  • kerosene;
  • paint thinner;
  • white spirit;
  • acetone;
  • a solution of ammonia in water (1: 2);
  • gasoline;
  • methylated alcohol.

Before wiping the stain from clothes with the chosen agent, apply a few drops on the wrong side of the seam and check the reaction of the fabric. If it has not shed and is not deformed, proceed to processing.

Ammonia solution has long been considered the safest. Usually, the housewife moistened the stain with a cotton swab, and then rubbed the stain towards the center. After 20 minutes, the contaminated area was washed with clean water and the thing was washed.

If the old technique did not help to remove putty from clothes, use paint thinner or kerosene. Keep in mind that these liquids are flammable, so take safety precautions.

Before removing the putty, it is necessary to place a white textile napkin under the treated area. With a cotton swab, apply the composition to the contamination from the front side. Repeat the operation after 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, turn the product out and soak the stain again, now from the wrong side. After 20 minutes, wash the item in warm soapy water by hand and complete the process in the washing machine.

When choosing how to wash an emulsion-based corrector, be careful with gasoline because of the persistent unpleasant odor. It is allowed to use only purified gasoline purchased at a hardware store. It is contraindicated to apply it to synthetics, since the thing will melt.

Solid corrector

Less often you have to solve the problem of how to remove the stain from the corrector from clothes, having putty in the form of roller tapes: it leaves a dry mark on paper. It can stain a thing if a torn piece of tape sticks to clothes. To remove, soak the product for an hour in a cool soapy solution. Remove the remnants of the tape and wash the item by hand or in the machine.

Contaminated clothes made of delicate fabrics - velvet, silk, fine wool - should be dry-cleaned so as not to cause harm when removing the putty by home methods.

Misprints and inaccuracies in the text are eliminated by your faithful white campaigner - proofreader (aka stroke or putty). You are well aware that it is easy for them to get dirty, so it is useful to know how to remove the faithful assistant from your clothes yourself.

Find out right away what your putty is based on. If on the water, then everything is ridiculously simple:

    The stains left by the corrector are carefully lathered with laundry soap. Do not touch for 15 minutes.

    Then you rinse.

    You erase.

With the "water" proofreader, the washing powder will also be finished without any problems:

    Pour hot water into a basin with a temperature of at least +30 degrees. You add washing powder.

    Stir the liquid well, then soak dirty clothes in it for 45 minutes.

    You send your blouses and trousers to the washing machine to remove the remaining putty. Set to standard mode.

When removing traces of putty, do not use too hot water. She will “help” the stroke to enter the clothes even deeper.

soapy water

Soapy water will be able to wash off the corrector without much effort. But not any, but only with a tape-roller.

    For 45 minutes, soak the affected pants or blouse in soapy water. The water must be cold.

    The tape has come off. Now with a brush with soft bristles you wipe off the remnants of the “roller” stroke. Then rinse the affected clothing with warm water.

    Finally, you erase.

In order not to have to additionally fool around with streaks from liquid cleaners, first sprinkle the area to be treated with chalk.


Frost does a good job with the roller tape. Gets rid of water-based streaks too.

    You put the thing in the freezer or outside if it is frosty and sunny there. Hold for an hour and a half.

    Wipe stains with a damp cloth.

    Wash by hand or machine. She will wash clothes without problems, even if the standard mode is set.

Putty can survive the first “freeze” and washing. But the second one is unlikely.

If you're dealing with fresh putty stains, take a paper towel or damp cloth and gently blot the dirt. Just blot, and do not wipe, otherwise everything will only aggravate and it will become more difficult to remove the stain.

Remove stains from alcohol-based putty according to the principle of “other scrap” from the notorious saying - some kind of liquid with a high content of the same alcohol. Vodka, glass cleaner or eau de toilette will do.

    With a nail file you remove the hardest and most pliable particles of the alcohol stroke. Do this only if the putty has already dried.

    Put your shirt or jeans on something even and smooth. Under the clothes you put a dry soft matter.

    In vodka or toilet water you moisten a piece of a rag or cotton wool.

    You rub. Start from the edges, not from the middle, so as not to smudge the stain.

    Rub again after 10 minutes.

    You turn on the machine, set the maximum power, because you can’t wash it on the standard one. You use powder.

Vodka will remove the alcohol-based corrector.

arrow_left Vodka will remove the alcohol-based corrector.

ammonium chloride

Oil-based and emulsion-based concealers are the proudest, because they are the most tenacious. It's not easy to remove them. Knock down arrogance from them with ammonia:

    Add ammonia to the water. For 100 g of water, take 50 g of ammonia.

    In the resulting solution, moisten a cotton swab or a piece of matter, and wipe the oil stroke.

    Do not touch for half an hour, then rinse in lukewarm water.

Use acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit and other solvents only in extreme cases - when the corrector (oil or emulsion) has managed to penetrate the fabric structure and dry. Be careful with these products - because of them, clothes can be deformed and lose color. If possible, check how they affect the fabric.

    Scrub the corrector thoroughly with a soft-bristled brush.

    You turn your stained clothes inside out. This will greatly reduce the harmful effects of the solvent. Under the treated areas you put pieces of matter.

    Soak a piece of cloth in the solvent. Treating streak marks. Do this in a circular motion in one direction. Start from the edges. Then do not touch for half an hour.

    Once again, you process the area smeared with the corrector.

    You wash on the maximum mode, you rinse.

White spirit removes oil and emulsion strokes well.

arrow_left White spirit removes oil and emulsion strokes well.

Among solvents, refined gasoline is the "big boss". You can wipe off any corrector with them. But not every tissue will survive a meeting with such a substance. It is also dangerous for health - be extremely careful with it.

Solvent + ammonia

This method is relatively safe for fabric - ammonia slightly softens the sharp temper of acetones and white spirits.

    You mix two substances in equal proportions.

    Soak a cotton swab or a piece of soft cloth into the resulting solvent-ammonia mixture.

    Wipe the stains left by putty.

    Now soak your clothes in warm water. Use powder.

    You erase at the end.

If you still decide to trust dry cleaning, then do not wash your clothes. And then the corrector will eat even deeper into the fabric.

Lemon juice and ice "melt" any stroke and help to erase it without a trace. And they are almost safe for fabric:

    Places stained with the corrector are carefully treated with a piece of ice. These areas are not very wet, make them only slightly wet. Try not to push too hard.

    Now apply lemon juice on the spots. Don't touch for half an hour.

    Erase. Set the mode to standard.

From silk, wool, velvet and other fleecy fabrics, do not rub the stroke yourself - you will damage it.

A large number of office workers, as well as parents of schoolchildren, face stains from the proofreader on clothes. Such stains are quite difficult to remove. But it is quite possible to cope with them with home methods, for this you need to know what is included in the corrector-stroke that stained the thing. This will depend on how the stains are removed.

Varieties of touch-correctors

On sale today there are different types of proofreaders. The way to clean things from the "putty" depends on its type:

1. Corrector tape. It is a small device with a correction tape inside. Traces from such stationery paper putty are the easiest to remove.

3. Water based. The most popular type of putty. It is easy to clean things from things, for this you can wash trousers or a shirt with ordinary powder in a washing machine.

4. Oil based. The most expensive and most resistant of all types of putty. To remove stains, you will need household solvents.

5. Solvent based. Usually issued in the form of pens and pencils. Things can be washed by pre-soaking and using stain removers.

Removing fresh stains

Oftentimes, contamination is visible. However, it must be removed as soon as possible. You can use the following methods to how to remove a stroke from clothes:

Removal of complex contaminants

The most difficult to remove traces left by alcohol and oil-based correctors . To clean clothes, you can use:

Care must be taken when removing difficult stains. Items made of velvet, corduroy or natural silk can easily be ruined, so it is better to use dry cleaning services to remove stains.

Solvent corrector stains are the most difficult to remove. In order to wash clothes,
