How to make fake scars and burns for Halloween. Makeup scars on the face for halloween for a girl

Since scarification came into fashion, many people began to think about how to make a scar. or scarification is a direction in bodification, which was initiated by the ancient tribes of South Africa. At that time, scars were not a means of decoration, but rather a way to inform the other person. With the help of a scar, it was possible to determine to which estate their carrier belongs, what is his social position in the tribe. What do scars mean now, and how are they applied to the skin?

Types of scarring and application technologies

In the Middle Ages, when there were constant wars for their possessions, having scars, especially on the face, was considered very honorable. This was a sign of courage and courage, as a rule, men received them by defending their territory or the honor of ladies.

In the modern world, the need for constant struggle in its physical aspect has disappeared, but many of our contemporaries want to have a noble scar. Throughout life, a person tries to emphasize his individuality. Inflicting scars on one's own body, as an element of self-expression, has taken root well in our times. In any case, whatever the reasons, if a person decides to decorate his body with scars, then he has his own good reasons.

Important! When deciding on scarification, it must be remembered that the scar remains on the body for life. In addition, not only the process of scarring is painful, but also the healing process after scarification.

There are two types of scarring: burn and cutting, that is, a cut. The final result of scarification will depend not only on the type, but also on how the scar is made.

Burning or branding

For many simple graphic drawings, burn technique is used, this gives enough scope for the realization of the master's plan. Branding is done using various means:

  • hot metal;
  • laser;
  • liquid nitrogen;
  • acids.

Bodybuilders are often asked the following questions:

  1. How is branding done with hot metal? Before application, a special form is made of steel in the form of the desired pattern, heated and applied to the skin for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, at least two layers of skin are burned, resulting in a concave scar.
  2. How is laser burning done? The drawing is applied using a laser, in the same way you can make a cut scar.
  3. What is the difference between burning with liquid nitrogen? The principle is the same as with hot metal, but instead of heating the mold, on the contrary, it is cooled to a very low temperature, immersed in liquid nitrogen, and then applied to the skin.
  4. How does chemical burning happen? A chemical composition, usually acid or alkali, is applied to the skin along the contour of the pattern.

The latter method is less popular because its end result is not as predictable.

Cutting - cutting or cutting

Cutting the skin with a scalpel at a right angle is a shallow cut that, after healing, leaves a thin strip of scar, often used on the cheek, arm, eyebrow.

When cutting the skin at an angle, the scalpel penetrates deeper into the skin than at a right angle, making the scar more prominent and visible.

And finally, cutting off a layer of skin is perhaps the most bloody and painful of all methods, but the result is liked by many. Using this method, you can realize any fantasy, the contours are very clear, you can create a picture with both small and large details.

To obtain the effects of bulge or bumps, ash or clay is poured into a fresh wound. The body, in the process of wound healing, tries to expel the foreign substance, resulting in the appearance of artificial keloids. Also, when scarring, coloring pigments can be added to the wound. So, for example, if you add red pigment, then the scar will always seem freshly applied. This effect is often practiced on the eyebrows.

Features of scarring on the face

If you are going to make a scar on your face, you need to carefully consider the size of the scar. The most popular places for scarring on the face are the eyebrows and cheek. You should not choose burning out, because over time, the scar from burning out on the face may lose its shape and look like a pigment spot. It is better to choose a cutting at a right angle, so the scar will look more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, if necessary, it can be made less noticeable with the help of cosmetics.

Interesting! Eyebrow scarification is often combined with tattooing and piercing. As a result, you can get a composition that is richer in composition and color.

Scarification at home

Scarification is a far from safe way to decorate your body, therefore, it is not recommended to do it at home, especially for yourself. But, if the decision is final, then you can use a scalpel, a blade, and for a burning effect - a soldering iron. All tools and the place of scar application must be carefully treated with antiseptic agents. To avoid getting a painful shock, be sure to use local anesthesia. You can use an ointment or spray for local anesthesia.

Having decided to make a scar at home, one must be prepared for the following possible consequences:

  • in the absence of sufficient hygiene, the wound can fester and, at worst,
  • case will lead to blood poisoning;
  • the hand of a creative non-professional may tremble, resulting in a contour that only remotely resembles the desired one;
  • in the absence of special knowledge in anatomy, along with a scar, you can get a disability.

Of course, all these troubles can be obtained in a tattoo parlor, but the likelihood of them occurring when scarring at home is extremely high. Given the above, it is better to trust professionals in the matter of scarification.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to make scarring with hemophilia and the body's tendency to form keloid scars, especially at home. In this case, it is better to leave the dream of scarification and make an artificial scar.

Scar care after scarification

After 3 hours after scarification, remove the bandage, gently wash off the remnants of blood and ichor with water, sprinkle with streptocide.

Within a month from the moment of scarification, it is prohibited:

  • heavy physical activity,
  • intake of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks,
  • taking a hot bath, going to the bathhouse, sauna,
  • access to the solarium and swimming pool,
  • wearing woolen or nylon clothing, if it is directly
  • contact with the wound.

How to create fake scarring

You can make an artificial scar using professional makeup. To get a picture that looks like a real scar, you need to apply gray shadows to the skin, draw the outlines of the scar with a red cosmetic pencil and shade it. On top of this, apply several layers of collodion or medical glue. After five minutes of drying, use a brush and lipstick to paint the scar in the desired color and mask with transparent powder. The result is an almost real scar without torment and pain.

To create an artificial scar on the eyebrow, it is enough to shave from 2 to 5 mm of the eyebrow hairline, as a result, a temporary imitation of the scar will be obtained. At the same time, the eyebrow is not damaged and the hair on it will grow back within a month.

Tastes could not be discussed! Probably, those who decide to scarify are guided by this rule (see wikipedia). This is a new trend in the world of wearable images. The theme of body scarification is quite close to tattoos, while radically different.Perhaps this is one of the most unusual, and for some, the most dangerous and unattractive methods of decorating your body. Someone considers this method disgusting, and someone - almost exquisite.

What is scarring: basic concepts

(watch 10 minutes)

Scarification, scarification, scarring is a surgical intervention in the human skin in order to apply a certain pattern. As a rule, either people who already have scars and want to hide them, or lovers of extreme body modification resort to this technique.

Like any body modification technique, scarification has its own history. It is quite old and belongs to the slightly intimidating methods. Today it has become one of the avant-garde art trends.

The scarification process is quite a painful procedure. That is why it is done under local anesthesia - a part of the body is anesthetized with the help of medicines. Where there will be a drawing in the future, a medicine is injected in a circle, which leads to numbness of the skin.

Note. Those who tolerate pain more easily can use a cream, others need injections.

Who can be trusted with scarification: rules for choosing a master

When deciding to make a body scarification, one should understand how responsible it is. If with a tattoo there is still a chance that an acquaintance or friend will make it, then this will not work with scarring. Not every salon is able to provide the necessary conditions for the session.

It should be understood that this is essentially a small microsurgical operation. Therefore, in order to fulfill your dream, you need to find a good master and ensure absolute sterility.

Ideally, the master who performs the procedure should have a medical background. In this style, experience plays a much greater role than in tattooing. Pay attention to the fact that for so many years the master has been engaged in scarification.

Simple tattoos are fundamentally different from scarification. Statistics show that the more procedures were performed, the better. Of course, if these procedures went well and without negative consequences.

As well as after application, it is necessary to constantly and very carefully look after the place of scarring. If this is not done, the result can be disastrous. From the most harmless wrong accretion of tissues to suppuration. First of all, it is necessary to wash the wound every day with saline and wear a special bandage.

Video how scarring is done

(Watch 2 minutes)

Types of scarring: basic concepts

Due to a fairly long history, scarification has several methods of application. Thanks to the development of technology, even laser burning has become possible. However, everything must be considered in order.

  • The first type of scarring is burning or branding. Most often, when burned, the scars remain somewhat concave in depth. During the procedure itself, the pain is sharp and stronger than when cutting out, but it passes much faster.

note . When choosing branding, you should be prepared for the fact that the drawing will not be accurate enough. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon complex images and opt for something uncomplicated.

  • The second type of scarring is cosmetic cutting of the skin. This method is characterized by cutting the skin perpendicularly with a scalpel. After this procedure, a barely noticeable scar remains. However, this is to the benefit of the drawing itself. It remains very crisp with no inaccuracies.

Note. Cutting is possible with a slight inclination of the scalpel. In this case, the wound is somewhat deeper. The resulting effect allows you to play with the relief of the image.

  • The third scarring method is considered the most painful - this is cutting off the skin layer itself. If during branding or cosmetic cutting, the skin remains in place and only disconnects, then in this case it is completely disposed of.

Note. This type is used to obtain large drawings. True, the payback for this will be a fairly large part of the skin.

  • The fourth way is abrasion. In this case, the skin will be erased with the help of devices, thus creating the necessary pattern. Among them, various abrasive materials or suspensions will be distinguished. In the roughest representation, the process will resemble the work with sandpaper. However, this comparison is not entirely accurate - much more gentle materials are used there.

The most painful types of scarring

Now let's talk separately about the most painful and most unusual, even extreme types of procedures. Not everyone can decide on them.

Tattoo gun scarification

This type is very similar to a tattoo. The technique for performing them completely coincides, with the only difference being that paint is not used during scarification.

In this case, the scar turns out to be barely noticeable, so there is not much point in this kind of scarring. However, there are also lovers of this type of scarification. In this case, an ordinary tattoo machine is taken and driven over the skin. As expected, the needle penetrates the skin, leaving a mark. At the same time, the absence of ink only allows the skin to be injured, slightly scratching, and, as a result, simply heal.

Chemical scarring

The next type is chemical scarring. In this case, the scar is formed using various solutions. This option is characterized by complete uncertainty. At the end of scarification, it is impossible to get a clear picture. It remains to be hoped that the scar will look quite harmonious.

Gunpowder scarification

A separate species is gunpowder scarification. In this case, scarring is done by the kating method: an incision is made on the body, into which gunpowder is poured and set on fire.

It is worth noting that this method is certainly not for the faint of heart. Painful sensations from it can overshadow much that has happened to a person before.

The advantage is the speed, after ignition, the gunpowder burns in a matter of seconds, which means that it becomes real to survive the pain.

Gunpowder scarification

In addition to being a painful type of scarification, gunpowder scarification also acts as an excellent antiseptic. In ancient times, our ancestors healed their wounds on the battlefield in this way.

The cauterization method has been known to science for many centuries. But, nevertheless, his pain did not decrease.

Suture scarification

The next type of scarification is suture scarification. In the process of this method, incisions are made on the skin, or it is partially removed, and then stitched. Thus, scars are created.

Also, due to the use of surgical sutures, marks remain where the needle entered the skin. In essence, such scars are not much different from ordinary surgical ones.

injection scarification

The next type is injection scarification. In this case, scarification is carried out by injection. Alcohol is injected under the skin of a person, a blister swells in this place, which is later pierced with a needle and a scar is obtained in its place.

True, his form is somewhat strange, and is hardly similar to at least one drawing. Most likely, this type of scarring was invented for the Russians, because who else would want to inject alcohol under the skin?

A scar is a skin injury of various types. It causes aesthetic and physical discomfort. To one degree or another, such defects are found in almost every person, but this fact makes the owner of the flaw no less willing to hide it. It will not be superfluous to learn how to mask a scar that has appeared on the face or body with the help of modern cosmetic, medicinal and folk remedies, without unpleasant consequences for skin health.

A scar is colloquially referred to as a scar. Main types:

  • Keloid. Scars of a red tint protruding above the skin. characteristic of burns. Keloid is characterized by uncontrolled growth, such areas are often accompanied by itching and pain. They are located on the neck, shoulders and in the nasolabial triangle. It is the most difficult to remove, because it is impossible to predict its behavior and reaction to the drug. Doctors recommend starting treatment with anti-inflammatory and cytostatic ointments, such as glucocorticoids and statins.
  • Normotrophic. These are shallow, thin scars that are skin-colored or a paler shade. Normotrophic scars disappear on their own or are easily removed with a medium peel.
  • Atrophic. Scars are located below the level of the skin. These include stretch marks, wounds after acne. This type of damage is eliminated by plastic surgery, lipofilling, mesotherapy, wrapping, massages, ointments.
  • Hypertrophic. The scars are above the level of the skin. Easily confused with keloid scars, but removed much easier. often go away on their own and can be easily corrected with peeling and specialized creams.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of scars: wounds and cuts; pimples and acne; burns; postoperative wounds and birth (with caesarean section), acquired as a result of past illnesses, after chickenpox. With any damage to the epidermis, there is a possibility of scarring, the longer and deeper the skin is damaged, the more noticeable the defect will be.

How to hide a fresh scar

If the scar is fresh, creams and ointments to eliminate the defect will be most effective, such as: Contractubex; Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra; Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra; Kelo-cote; Mederma; Kelofibrase; Fermenkol; scarguard; Scar Esthetique; RejuvaSil.

Another effective and modern method is the use of silicone films that compress the injury site, moisturize the skin and prevent scar growth. Cicatrix and Cicablock preparations.

With a mildly pronounced scar, it is quite possible to get by with “make-up”, use a foundation that will perfectly cope with the task of masking. It is easy to choose a foundation to match the skin tone, the cream will help hide the scar on the face, other parts of the body, arms, legs or stomach.

It should be remembered that not all ointments and creams are equally useful, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the scar. Before applying any medication, you should consult your doctor. It is important to apply the preparations correctly, following the instructions, apply a thin layer and monitor the skin reaction. There is a high probability of aggravating the problem, in the form of growth, the appearance of redness, itching, irritation.

Question for parents? When it comes to children, it is important not to harm a small body, parents should make all decisions on taking drugs with a specialist! Many modern scar removal methods are suitable for both adults and children. Specialized ointments are very effective if you need to mask the fresh or baby's body.

How to hide a scar that has formed on the skin for a long time

Disguising old scars on the face is difficult, this process will require a considerable investment of time and money. But to hide scars, even those that have formed a long time ago, is quite real! A relatively simple and harmless method is dermopigmentation (tattoo). It consists in the fact that the scar is cut off with special dyes to match the surrounding skin. This method of masking is becoming popular, the procedure has a noticeable result.

If you don’t need to hide the scar so radically, you can resort to cosmetics or choose clothes that hide the defect: turtlenecks with a high neck, long dresses and skirts, long-sleeve shirts. If the scar is located on the head or forehead, the usual headgear will help to disguise it: cap, hat, baseball cap, hat, panama. You can hide a scar on your wrist with a wristband or bracelet. And the scar after surgery on the thyroid gland - with a neckerchief or scarf.

How to cover up a scar on your face

Step-by-step instructions for applying makeup to cover the scar on the face:

Step 1. Before you begin to mask and close up the flaw, the skin of the face should be cleaned of impurities in the usual way. It is good to use a soft scrub to give the dermis smoothness.

Step 2. On cleansed skin, apply a primer with pigments, it is able to paint over damage and keep makeup for the whole day.

Step 3. Concealer will help to mask any scars and scars on the face! Apply it with dotted, patting movements directly on the problem area of ​​the face.

Step 4. Remove excess concealer with a cotton pad and apply foundation already on the hidden scar. Preference should be given to creams with a dense texture, it is easier to cover up the defect with them.

Step 5. Finally, emphasize the eyes, eyebrows and lips, using your usual cosmetics, so that they are the ones that catch the eye. You can fix your makeup with a light powder!

How to hide a scar with folk remedies

Some of the most popular home remedies for scars are:

  • Pea flour. Mix flour with warm milk until a creamy consistency is obtained. Cover problem areas. The exposure time is up to one hour.
  • Cabbage leaf. You need to finely chop a few cabbage leaves and add a spoonful of honey to them. Apply the mixture for several hours.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Mix the ointment with honey and alcohol, in equal proportions and spread on a cabbage leaf. The resulting mixture is applied to the damaged area for 30 minutes. Secure with a bandage if necessary.
  • Coffee. A ground coffee scrub is a great way to renew skin cells and make the wound less noticeable!
  • Bananas. Crush the banana, spread the gruel on the scar for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Whatever method of removing and masking the scar you choose, do not forget that drugs should not be applied: on open wounds, on skin with a purulent process, with allergic reactions, on scars in close proximity to mucous membranes.

And remember - what distinguishes us from others is our uniqueness! Do not rush to get rid of your differences and do not be afraid to be yourself!

Such scars look like a pinkish or whitish swelling on the skin. You will need a little eyelash glue (or just liquid silicone), foundation, white paint, powder, a little makeup and cotton swabs. Squeeze a little glue on the place where you want to make a scar, and touch it with your fingers until you achieve the desired shape and length.

These factors are up to your taste (or the canonical image if you're imitating some kind of scary character), but by and large, scars rarely look natural unless they're perfectly straight and uniform in thickness throughout their length. In most cases, they are slightly uneven. Roll a piece of glue with your finger on one side (along), so that it turns out to be like a small roller.

Add, very carefully, a little white paint and rub it around so that the glue stops being transparent. The base for the scar is ready - now treat its edges with foundation and powder so that it looks protruding from the skin. Please note that soft color transitions need to be done only near the very edges of the glue roller.

It is possible to add in the same way, before the stage of coloring with powder and cream, a couple of transverse stripes - make them of different lengths and a little obliquely - in order to imitate scars from unhewn stitches that once sewed up your imaginary "wound".

If you want to make the deepest or not completely healed scar, make two rollers very close to each other (less high than in a classic scar), and gradually fading to nothing towards the end. And when painting them, treat the inside, between them, with pink or burgundy makeup.

Large scar with blood

If you want to make a large scar, burn or rotting wound, especially appropriate for the image of a zombie, it will come in handy, in addition to eyelash glue, foundation, powder or beige eye shadow, blush and makeup of various colors (red, white, dark, shades red), plain white napkins (toilet paper is also fine if it is not thick and white).

From time to time, for greater reliability, it is recommended to add sticky boiled oatmeal or lumps of gelatin. Divide the layers of the napkin so that they are very narrow and tear them into small pieces. These will be patches of flesh left behind from your unnatural wound. Glue them on your face with eyelash glue, placing them a little randomly so that they fit on top of each other and bristle.

On the side, so that the transition to the skin is not visible, apply makeup and foundation, and later paint on top with blush and shadows. Use the makeup to splatter blood around the wound. At a time when the design dries, it will look very intimidating. If you want to smear your scars with blood, it is best to choose fake blood for this.

Ketchup does not dry well and is quite flowy; red paint, if it is not makeup, looks pale and unnatural. It is possible to cook a thick syrup tinted with food coloring and apply it (but do not forget to make it more burgundy in color); he, but, despite the fact that he looks good, will be felt on the skin and tighten it, especially in the first hours.

Don't use real blood for makeup! It is possible to notice recommendations to take simple beef meat or liver and apply them. Firstly, funny as it may seem, real blood is not at all like the one we are used to in films and games, and in fact, all Halloween costumers strive for similarities. Secondly, unprocessed meat or parts of it that get on the skin can have a very bad effect both on it and on health in general, especially if there are small scratches on the skin, which in most cases we do not notice.

Artificial scars at home - step by step instructions

There are quite a few ways to create an artificial scar on the face. But most non-professional masters prefer more affordable means to real makeup. For example, the usual decorative cosmetics, without which the make-up of any modern girl is indispensable.

  1. Even out the complexion with a tonal foundation of a light shade. It is better to take tones of an unnatural gray-beige color, which will give the whole image a sickly look.
  2. With light strokes, apply gray shadows to the place of the future scar and blend well. This technique will help create volume to our scar.
  3. With the help of a dark red lip pencil, we apply the contours of the future scar. How it will look on the face is completely up to your imagination. We only note that ragged scars look much more realistic and frightening.
  4. We paint over the finished contours with the same lip pencil.
  5. On top of the sketch in several layers, we will apply medical glue or collodion, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  6. Let the liquid dry for 5 minutes and apply translucent powder on top.
  7. Add volume to the scar with a liquid face corrector.
  8. Gently with a thin brush with a matte pink lipstick, we will add color to the scar.


Branding is done in different ways, but the purpose of this procedure is to burn the skin, which, when healed, forms a keloid scar or scar. The pattern with this type of scarring will be wide and the keloid will be large and voluminous. Brands for this type of scarification are made of steel, they are heated on a gas burner and applied to the skin.

There is no doubt that this procedure is very painful and not safe, and no master can tell you with complete certainty what your scar will look like after the burn has healed. And the healing process itself is extremely difficult, because when branding, the deep layers of the skin are affected. Sometimes, in order to achieve a stronger keloid, the wound is deliberately irritated, not allowing it to heal immediately. Sometimes you have to repeat the stamping procedure if the print is not uniform. Complete healing occurs in about a year, after which you can emphasize the scar with a tattoo.

If you decide to get rid of the scar obtained in this way, then it will be very problematic to do so. Most likely, the acquired drawing will remain with you for the rest of your life. So, before deciding on branding, it is worth weighing everything very well.


How to make a scar on the face or other open place more beautiful and neat? For this, cutting is suitable. It is performed with a thin medical scalpel, which makes an incision in the skin. As a result, the scar is thin, not large. Tattoo ink is rubbed into the incision. In the end, everything looks like a three-dimensional tattoo. Sometimes one cut is not limited. To make the scar deeper, layers of skin are removed, but not many people can endure this procedure.

Of course, this type of scarification is very painful and not safe, because you get an open wound, into which, without proper care, you can get an infection, which is fraught with infection.

If you want to get a spectacular scar, you should decide together with a professional how to make it. In no case do you do the scarification yourself, otherwise you will not only not get the desired result, but you will certainly become a client of the local hospital. So it's not worth the risk. If you have definitely decided to apply a similar pattern to yourself, then by all means use a proven salon or the services of a competent master.

artificial scar

If you do not want to brand yourself in the literal sense of the word, and you only need a scar for one evening, then you should think about how to make an artificial scar. In principle, in the so-called fun stores today, a large number of all kinds of Halloween paraphernalia are sold: scars, fingers pierced by nails, eyes that fell out and other horror films. But if you have no time to spend neither money nor time on the purchase of these items, then you can solve the problem of how to make a Halloween scar with the help of improvised means.

Method 1

For this you will need:

  • Glue medical, (glue for eyelashes or even PVA is suitable)
  • Concealer
  • Powder and brush

With these simple tools, you can create a spectacular scar on any exposed part of the body.

  • Take the glue and squeeze it to the right place, smear it in an even layer. Give him a little grab, just a couple of minutes.
  • Then, with your finger, begin to gently roll the glue from one end. You will get something like a flagellum.
  • When this flagellum becomes of sufficient size, you take a foundation and quietly, so as not to damage the “scar”, cover it with cream.
  • At the very end, you need to take the powder and apply it with a large brush on the scar and the skin around it so that everything is the same color.

Thus, you will get a very realistic scar quickly and without much cost.

You can also use makeup. How to make a scar using makeup? The technique is simple.

  • You should draw a scar line with a cosmetic pencil.
  • Then apply a layer of medical glue on top of it. When dry, it will become transparent and add volume to the scar.
  • When everything dries, use pink make-up or matte shadows to shade the place near the scar so that it looks more believable.

Thus, scars are easier to draw than to acquire. After all, such an ornament will remain with you forever, and you should definitely think carefully about everything before going to the scarification master. Don't risk your health for a simple whim.

How to draw a scar with a pencil

The basis for the scar will be the line to be drawn rich pink-red lip liner. Choose the color of the pencil so that it most closely resembles a fresh scar. Sharpen the pencil well so that it is thin, then draw a line. It can be wavy or straight and placed where you want. We suggest you make a scar on the cheek, as it is easiest to draw here.

Now take regular PVA glue and a thin lip brush. Apply some glue to the brush and use it to draw a thin line under your future scar. Try to apply the line so that there are no smeared parts, otherwise the scar will not look very neat. Wait a few minutes for the glue to dry.

Why is glue needed? He creates convex surface of the scar, which allows you to achieve a good visual effect. Without the use of glue, it will be very difficult to make a scar with just pencils and shadows.

Since the glue has a yellowish tint after drying, it is necessary to give the scar a pink color. For this you will need pale pink eye shadow. If there are none, then you can mix a couple of shades to get the desired color. Apply shadow with a soft brush to the scar line. Try to blend the shadows well so that they do not stand out against the skin. Your scar on the face is ready.

How to draw a scar with liquid collodion

liquid collodion- Ideal for creating makeup on the face. This is a transparent medical adhesive that is often used to secure bandages. Collodion has the property of tightening the skin under the film, due to which a scar is formed.

To draw a scar, you need the same lip liner in a rich pink shade. Draw a thin line of the future scar. Draw on the scar with short strokes to make it thicker.

Now apply liquid collodion to the scar line with a brush. The line should not be very thick so as not to pull too much skin. In just 5 minutes, the collodion dries and forms a skin tightening film, which gives the effect of a scar. To improve the result, if the scar has not become very deep, you can apply another layer of collodion. After the glue dries, you can proceed to further makeup.

The edges of the scar, namely the glue, glistens, which does not give the best effect. You can correct the situation with the help of foundation. Blend foundation, then paint on the scar with light red liquid lipstick or lip gloss. The use of lipstick and gloss will achieve the effect of a recent wound which is already alive.

Scar made of PVA glue and flour

But what if you need not a thin scar, but scary and ugly scar? In this case, a simple tool will help you: a mixture of PVA glue and flour. Add glue to a spoonful of flour (it should be less). Apply the resulting elastic mass on the face and give it the appearance of a scar. Divide the mass into two parts to form a cut. Wait until the finished mass dries, after which it can be covered with paints or shadows to obtain the desired scar effect.

What it is?

Scars are small or large patches of connective tissue on the skin that may be white or a different color. They do not hurt, do not remind of themselves. But their existence on the skin, especially on the face, is very unpleasant and undesirable. Moreover, many of the fair sex cannot come to terms with such a defect and are constantly in search of a solution to the problem.

Why you need to know how to remove scars from your face?

Probably, it is impossible to find a person in the world who would not have such marks on his body. Many people have scars on their face, legs and arms, and other areas of the body. This is because it is impossible to live through childhood without getting hurt. But sometimes even after a minor cut, a scar remains. Then they appear throughout life. After all, people very often find themselves in strange and unpleasant situations. And also often people lie down on the operating table, after which they leave traces of surgical intervention.

Many people live with scars all their lives and do not even think about their existence. But it also happens that scars bother with pain. They remain on the face and on prominent parts of the body. Therefore, they should be disposed of in the hospital, or you can learn how to remove scars at home.

Of course, if you go to a hospital or a specialized institution, they will be able to help more professionally. ">

Several ways to remove a scar on the face

1. Surgical intervention. This method is especially often used in the fight against scars. With this intervention, you can remove a piece of skin. Then it is replaced with a new flap transplanted from any other part of the body. You can also remove the scar and gently close the wound with surgical sutures.

2. Peeling. This is a fairly inexpensive way to get rid of scars. It consists in the fact that a deep cleansing of the face is performed, which helps to remove a small surface layer of the skin. In this way, small defects can be removed.

3. Hormones are a multifunctional tool that allows you to fight many diseases and ailments. They can also help fight scars. Before buying hormonal drugs, you must definitely visit a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to bad consequences. Hormones will need to be injected into the scar, namely injections. And in a couple of weeks, a defect of medium size and depth will pass without a trace.

4. Scar cream. Today, this tool has become very popular because it is inexpensive, works quickly and does not require any intervention. The duration of the cream depends only on the manufacturer and its components. Manufacturers promise that in 1-2 weeks the cream will definitely cope with the hated scars. Before buying a cosmetic product, you should also definitely visit a doctor, because self-medication can be dangerous for your health. For example, you can buy creams Contractubex, Dermatix, Scarguard, Medgel, Diprospan, Cordran, Aldara, Mederma, etc.

5. Many people are concerned about how to get rid of the scars that often remain after acne and blackheads. If the scar resembles a small hole, then this will take longer to fight. Because the trace of the scar can be removed, but the hole cannot be. That is why you need to contact a beautician to help smooth the surface of the skin. To do this, you need to use dermal fillers. Usually collagen or a special gel act in their role. ">

The right way

Laser therapy is another innovative method of dealing with scars on the skin. With this method, the laser removes some pieces of the epidermis, smoothing it and making it more beautiful. With this type of intervention, anesthesia can be used to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

But it happens that a person does not have money to visit clinics or beauty salons. After all, all these procedures require material costs. In this case, it is worth resorting to home medicine, to deal with scars on your own. ">

Beautician himself

Consider several ways to remove scars at home:

1. Lemon juice is a very popular remedy that often helps us deal with bags under the eyes, skin blemishes, etc. And it can also help with scars. It can be simply applied to a place that bothers, and also used as a mask. This product has a whitening property that can make the scar less noticeable and sometimes even remove it.

2. Honey is another potent remedy. This bee product is very often present in various masks that help fight skin blemishes. And all because honey reduces inflammation and improves the appearance of the skin. If you apply it several times a day to a place that worries, then in a few days the scar will become smaller, or even disappear altogether. The skin will become soft and pleasant. But honey can also be used as an ingredient in a mask to remove facial scars.

3. Aloe is a world famous folk remedy. This product is not suitable for nutrition, but does an excellent job with its healing purpose. Aloe juice can prevent the appearance of a scar or scar because it has antibacterial and healing components. And if you apply it to a place that has become inflamed and portends a scar, then, most likely, the scar simply will not appear. ">

Mask of honey, lemon juice and aloe

In order to remove scars on the face, prepare a mask from the proposed components. First you need to mix honey, lemon juice and aloe in equal proportions. Then gently apply the mass on the skin or a specific area of ​​​​the body. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, rinse everything with running warm water. This mask can eliminate small scars or scars, cleanse and moisturize the skin. And if you use it often, then you can forget about many defects forever.

What will be needed?

Such a detail as an artificial scar can be combined with any costume and image, it all depends on your imagination and desire. But it is important to know that simple makeup is not enough to create a scar or cut on the face.

For an interesting Halloween look, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • PVA glue, but it is best to purchase silicone, designed for gluing false eyelashes;
  • tonal base;
  • blush;
  • a set of shadows;
  • brushes, cotton swabs, sponges for applying cosmetics;
  • napkins (preferably dense) white;
  • plasticine;
  • red, blue food coloring.

It is worth taking care to protect the furniture, work surface from stains. Therefore, you need to cover them with paper or film. Before you start applying makeup, put on a suit in advance. If you want to create a scar not on the face, neck, put on an apron so as not to stain the outfit while doing Halloween makeup.

Video: step by step makeup application to create a scar on your face for halloween.

How to make faux leather

A cut involves damage to the skin, so the first step is to create an artificial skin to make the scar look more realistic.

So, below you will find ways to make Halloween scars at home:

  1. You can go the easiest way - to make a "decorative" skin from plasticine, a shade suitable for the skin. The disadvantage of this method is fragility. Roll up a "sausage" of the required parameters, attach it to the skin. In order to keep it longer, fix it on double-sided tape with glue. To make a cut, cut the plasticine. Color the resulting blank and cover it with transparent nail polish so that the plasticine blank remains voluminous.
  2. With eyelash glue. This is a simple option, it is used to create small cuts, burns. Apply glue to the area of ​​skin where you want to make a scar. If bubbles appear in the process - do not worry, this will make the cut even more terrifying. Then wait for the glue to dry. A hair dryer will help speed up the process, only use cold air for drying so that the glue does not spread.
  3. With glue and paper. If you want to make the scar more voluminous, then you will need additional fillers in the form of paper or napkins. By the way, if you use PVA glue, it must be diluted. You can stick wipes directly on the skin, but then it will be more difficult to remove the makeup. It's best to use double sided tape. Cut out a piece of tape that is larger than the scar/cut. On the adhesive tape, place napkins in several layers soaked in glue. The more layers you make, the more voluminous the cut will look. Using a knife or toothpick, cut through the layers to make a cut. The toothpick will make the edges torn. Next, paint the cut with paints and place on the skin.

Video: how to make scar makeup for halloween at home.

Scar decoration

To make the most realistic scar makeup at home, you need to decorate it with suitable colors. Before applying cosmetics or make-up, wait for the final solidification of the glue, and then proceed to make-up. The edges of the cut can be torn and shaped with your fingers.

So that homemade Halloween scar makeup does not harm the skin, you should pay attention to coloring agents: you can choose gouache or acrylic paints, but it is best to use makeup or ordinary cosmetics.

Important! Dyes that are not initially suitable for application to the skin can cause redness or rashes.

Also for painting, make a solution of red and blue food coloring. To make the transition more inconspicuous at the site of the scar, use a toner - this way the borders of the artificial skin will not be visible.

Wieder: halloween nose scar makeup.

To get rid of the scar

several methods can be used.

  1. Dermabrasion or microdermabrasion, in which the upper layer of the skin is removed with the help of special devices. This procedure is more gentle, but may require repeated use.
  2. Chemical peel. It is carried out by a cosmetologist using special reagents. Depending on the condition of the skin and the strength of the reagent, a second procedure may also be required.
  3. laser resurfacing burns the top dead skin layer (besides, wrinkles are smoothed out for a while). This procedure must also be performed by a qualified technician.
  4. If the scar is too deep, do dermal filler injection(collagen or hyaluronic acid gel) But over time, after the filler is absorbed, the scar may reappear.

home remedies to get rid of scars,

True, only from a small one.

  1. This home peeling with alpha hydroxy acids(by the way, she once evened out her skin with their help, however, this does not happen in 1-2 months, but longer)
  2. And you can also use creams with retinoids. These are derivatives of vitamin A that help the skin regenerate faster, speeding up the healing of scars.
  3. Well, from the inside you need to support the body with vitamins and minerals, good sleep. * After all, a healthy body itself gets rid of its sores *.

For scars, Dermatix silicone gel is best, with its help, scars heal almost without a trace. Tested on myself

If the scar is recent and has not yet healed, then you can use regenerating ointments and creams, they will eventually help build up a layer of skin over the scar. But if the scar is old, then you have a direct road to the beautician, and he will already determine how difficult it is to get rid of the scar, in some cases it is impossible without surgery ...

In general, given the intensive blood supply to the face, the scars on the face quickly dissolve and become invisible, but if you want to speed up the process, then there are two main directions: conservative and surgical. With the second, you should contact a plastic surgeon. Conservative treatment consists of the use of drugs (Kontraktubeks) and physiotherapy, which includes laser therapy, cryotherapy, the introduction of ozone into the scar ...

Fake chewing gum finger cut - Grim at home. Lessons in creating scary theatrical make-up for shooting in a video or for a masquerade party. A selection of videos for those who are interested in the question: How to make an artificial scar, cut, imitation of a wound, like in horror films?

As an option You can search the Internet for answers to your questions. It is better to search on foreign sites, where this topic is more extensively disclosed. You can go to any theater and consult a make-up artist. Still look for artificial - false scars in specialized stores.

Wounds can be done more professionally using theatrical makeup and FX wax. There is a remedy for scars and blisters - Tuplast from Kryolan (in tubes). But, you can use latex mixed with aerosil: you get a thick paste, from which you can form scars and other irregularities with a spatula.

If nothing If this is not available or obtainable, then fake wounds can be created easily and inexpensively with simple household items. If done right, the effect looks just as realistic, no matter the budget.

Can do from a simple chewing gum! We paste the chewing gum, make a shape (you can even use a match), then take the powder (so that it matches the skin color) and powder. So you can make any scar. You can also use it as one of the options: medical glue BF-6 (pharmacy) with filler (baby powder).

The material you need

FX wax or chewing gum
Theatrical or beauty makeup supplies
Cosmetic sponge or folded tissue paper
Razor blade or other sharp-edged tool
Fake blood (can be made from beets)
Make-up cleaning powder or something else

If you have any questions or are interested in theatrical makeup in other areas, then you can visit a specialized forum or or

Below, you can download the Pdf book (rus.yaz) - Lee Beigan Grim for the theater of cinema and television. Or watch our selection of videos: How to make makeup at home.

How to make an imitation of a punched hand with a nail?

How to make blood / makeup at home?

Fake wound, cut, gum scar.

Making On-Skin Fake Scars with Smooth-O.

How to make an artificial bruise? Cinematic makeup at home.

Scars on a woman's face. Cinematic makeup at home for girls.
