Tricky questions for the groom. Treasured promises from the groom

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - colored markers;
  • - scotch;
  • - Balloons;
  • - threads;
  • - 3 Keys;
  • - Photo;
  • - colored paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - a tray;
  • - plastic bag.


Starting to prepare a ransom script, find out the character of the groom. Someone will be able to joyfully and carelessly dance on the basin, sing to the guitar and shout to the whole entrance about love for the bride, but for some such tasks may seem too extreme. It is sad if the ransom is overshadowed by a sense of embarrassment and the groom's refusal to complete the tasks. Check with your future wife questions for redemption.

invent questions on ingenuity, try to keep them with humor. You can, for example, ask about the location of a mole on the bride's face, which actually does not exist. Do not ask too simple or too difficult questions. Remember that the groom will not arrive alone, so try to ensure that the entire “retinue” of the newlywed is involved in your scenario. Remind friends to help groom when passing tests.

If future husband can play any musical instrument, use this skill in . Offer, for example, to serenade a newlywed. Prepare the tool in advance. Also, take care of musical accompaniment for dance competition in a buyout scenario. For example, ask the groom and his friends to perform.

Offer to find out how well the groom knows his future wife. To do this, prepare a poster with numbers that are significant for the bride. These can be dates, acquaintances, numbers indicating the size of clothes, shoes, rings, house numbers, apartments, vehicles, etc. Design a poster, for example, in the form of a flower, on each petal of which a number is written.

Use the stairs in the entrance, along which the future husband will climb to the apartment. Cut out hearts from paper, glue them on the steps of the stairs and offer groom stepping on the hearts, affectionately call the bride. As an option - to call different diminutive forms of her name. It is not so easy to come up with so many names for your beloved. Or ask the newlywed to tell you how he will help his future wife in household chores. Each step is one thing. You can also offer to name the reasons why the future husband marries, stepping on each step.

Beat the entrance to the bride's apartment. Hide the key to the apartment balloons- let the groom guess in which ball the desired key is hidden. If he makes a mistake, he must pay a fine, the amount of which is written in advance on the balls with a marker. You can also hide the key in one of the three glasses with opaque drinks, such as juice different colors. Ask the newlywed's friends to help you drink a drink to see if the key is there. Or invite your future husband to ring the doorbell with your heel. Of course, friends will help in this task.

In the apartment, stick several children's photographs on the wall, one of which depicts the bride. Ask the groom which one. In case of a mistake, ask the future husband to pay the fine and try again. As a fine, you can use not only money, but also sweets for the bridesmaids. Or ask to perform any penalty task.

If you have good memory, ask questions in . They are easy to find or compose on your own, and such a ransom will look much more festive and interesting. Joke, smile, smooth out awkwardness. Remember that the groom is worried, and be indulgent. Do not demand an answer to the question at all costs, it is better to assign a penalty task or let him pay off.

... Already in the pocket wedding rings. It remains to take a few steps, open the door to hug the bride and go to the long-awaited altar, as the dressed-up groom and his friends are stopped by the fervent guard, consisting of the bride's girlfriends.

- Well, stand! Do you not know? We were ordered only to let the groom in! ..

Groom meeting

The wedding tradition of ransoming the bride is accompanied by funny jokes, riddles and games. Before the groom gets to the bride, he needs to pass several tests. In order to recognize the real groom, the bridesmaids ask the groom questions, the answers to which only he knows. And in order to slightly complicate and diversify the tradition, the guards must receive answers from the groom in poetic form. In addition to the guards, this event may also include a negative character who wants to kidnap the bride, deceiving the guards and impersonating the groom.

...On the approach to the door, in addition to the groom, a negative character appears in a suit, the color of which is opposite to the color of the suit of the groom.

- Long days I'm on the road, my strength has dried up. Let me pass quickly, bring the bride to me! ..

At this point, the real groom is likely to be confused. However, the smiling guard exclaims in a playful manner:

To open the door, you need to speak in verse! Answer questions! Know everything about the bride!

After that, the guard starts asking questions. Questions can be instructive. At the same time, the negative character should take part in guessing riddles and answer questions when the groom pauses or finds it difficult to find the right answer. In the end, of course, the groom wins.

What questions can girlfriends ask the groom at the bride price?

First of all, these are any questions related to the desires and preferences of the bride. Simple Questions related to what the bride likes and prefers from food, what kind of weather she likes, what genre of music and cinema the bride listens to or watches. Individual questions may be related to dates and numbers, ranging from the first kiss to the total number of kisses. Some questions should be joking.

Tests with questions for the groom:

  1. Next to the door where the guard stands, they hang air balloons. One of the balls can contain a key to the door. Others contain tasks, tricks and questions for the groom. In order to avoid the situation when the groom finds the key in the first ball, it is better to place a false key from another lock (for example, a casket or a box where the most important task lies).
  2. Numbers and dates are written on separate sheets. Every number must have a value. This is the bride's date of birth, shoe size, phone number, etc. For a change, each leaf can be placed on the stairs. Climbing the stairs, the groom must guess the meaning of the number.
  3. On separate sheets bridesmaids make lip prints (with lipstick) or hand prints. Here the groom must guess which lips or hand belong to the daughter-in-law. A similar test can be carried out with the bride's shoes. Then the groom must guess which of the shoes belongs to the bride.
  4. The groom is offered some fruit, in which there are many matches (up to 25). Taking out one match, the groom should call the affectionate form of the bride's name. One match must be thin - it completes the test when the groom takes it out.
  5. Multi-colored balls, inside of which questions are hidden, should be bathed by the groom. For each ball, there must be a bargain between the guards and the groom.

In the wedding action, not many traditions that our ancestors followed have survived to this day. One of these unique customs that have come down to us is the ransom of the bride. Of course, under the influence of modernity, it has somewhat changed, adapted to the realities familiar to us, but the general mood of this cheerful, noisy fun, which brings together both the newlyweds themselves and their families, has remained unchanged.

Questions to the groom at the ransom - witty, funny, creative

The most common test are questions that check how well the betrothed knows his chosen one, and how much he loves her. This includes a set of traditional information about preferences, dreams, and important points the life of the bride, her parents' birthdays and their hobbies, stories joint relations couples (when they met, in what place and at what time, what the bride was wearing, etc.). For example, the groom is asked to name favorite time year, film actor, color, cuisine preferred by the bride, qualities that she appreciates on the one hand and does not accept on the other in men.

Also very popular are questions about shoe size, waist circumference, the city she would like to visit, the number of planned children, favourite dish and food she would never eat, a favorite animal she identifies with, and so on. Questions can also be of a comic nature, asking, for example, on which cheek his narrowed mole has, you can confuse the groom, if this mole is not there at all, and he is desperately trying to remember its location. Each wrong answer is followed by a fine, which is paid for with money, sweets, or gifts that the bridesmaid will demand.

Questions can be tested in different ways. Let's assume such an option that the question will accompany each new step to the bride's apartment, or the future spouse will be offered the so-called chamomile with tear-off petals, on which information that needs to be clarified is written. A very popular task is where the reasons that pushed the groom to marriage are played out. This can be an impromptu darts (throwing darts), where for each hit in a particular zone, the subject is read out the motive corresponding to the number, which formed the basis of marriage.

It is extremely popular to ask the groom to voice, say, 20 affectionate derivatives on behalf of the bride, or to come up with as many touching nicknames as possible. It would also be funny to ask the subject about what kind of help in homework he will lend to his wife. This can be beaten both when climbing stairs, and in any other competition. For example, you need to travel a certain distance from front door to the bride's room, and each step must be accompanied by voicing one or another household duty (taking out the trash, walking with children, going to the store, etc.).

There are no restrictions in composing questions, especially since each couple is individual, and, knowing the characteristics of the characters of the young, their habits and desires, you can really come up with interesting options. The main thing is to do it with love for the newlyweds and in their name. mutual feelings and future happy life. However, if fantasy fails or is running out of time, you can always contact specialized companies engaged in activities in this particular direction. Then experienced entertainers will not let guests or participants of the ransom get bored, making the holiday truly lively and memorable.

Buyout and its organization - what to look for

Usually the ransom is made on the day official registration in the registry office, and precedes a direct trip there. The meaning of this tradition is simple - the future husband must redeem the bride from her relatives and friends, giving them sweets, gifts and money. There are a huge variety of different ransom scenarios from traditional to very original. However, they all come down to one thing - to test the strength of the groom's feelings and test the strength of attachment to his future wife, along the way finding out other aspects of his character (generosity, ingenuity, sense of humor), as well as real reasons his marriage. All this is served in a playful, mild form which makes the action extraordinarily attractive both for all its spectators and for the direct participants.

By preparing this fun event usually handled by bridesmaids who organize various competitions, not forgetting at the same time that the entertainment does not turn into an insurmountable obstacle course, which the future husband will not be able to pass. It is necessary to try to make sure that the subject is not confused and confused when answering these questions. tricky questions, and the audience did not get bored when listing important dates from the life of a married couple. After all, ahead is a responsible day in the life of a nascent family, and everything must pass in the time strictly allotted for this, without unnecessary tension and negative emotions.

One of important aspects planning the described action is a discussion of the material side of the ransom, and specifically, how much the groom can allocate without harming his finances. This will help prevent unpleasant situations when the required amount of "penalty" for a failed task will exceed the budget that is available. Therefore this ticklish question should be agreed in advance, and the money should be prepared in advance, separating it from other anticipated expenses.

You can also prepare a real surprise for the audience by preparing some gifts that will be requested by the bridesmaids. Agree, it will be funny if, in response to a request for “beautiful bride's eyebrows”, the groom will extend the “bunch of carrots” asked of him, or something like that - there are a lot of options.

What is the day you met your fiancee?
What is the bride's waist in millimeters?
On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
-What is your favorite color?
-What does your fiancee prefer: a candlelit dinner, going to a disco or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?
What is your fiancé's favorite car brand?
-Where does she prefer to relax: on the sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
How many children does your fiancee want to have?
What animal does your future wife associate you with?
What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
- On which cheek does your beloved have a mole?
What style does she prefer in clothes?
-Who is her favorite writer?
-What kind of music does your loved one listen to?
-What human qualities does your chosen one appreciate in men? Questions should not be very easy and very difficult, it is better if they are quick-witted and composure. For example, as in the question of a mole, if the bride does not have it, I wonder if the groom will immediately think of it or begin to remember. The most important thing is that everyone should be funny and interesting.

If you liked this scenario, then any of our toastmasters for the wedding will hold your banquet in one of the restaurants in Moscow according to this scenario, and the wedding photographer and videographer for the wedding will be happy to organize wedding photography and video filming of the wedding. Also at your service decoration of the hall with balloons and decoration of the hall with flowers and any artists. All these services will be provided to you by our "Banquet-Moscow", the main task of which is.

Sentences for the rite of ransom

And now we will say to the point:
You need to redeem the bride.
Like our bride from pastry,
Tall and thin in stature,
Face white-ruddy,
curd shoulders,
Hands - cakes,
peacock walk,
swan speech,
Look - fifty,
One eyebrow - a million rubles.
On the agenda - husband's relatives.
Trade without laziness, pay without stint,
Stolniki are cheerful, quarter, green. The wedding is moving forward
It's your turn
Zhenya's relatives venerate the purse.
Our fiance is daring, not crooked, not oblique,
Not humpbacked, not chipped, not lazy,
Not sleepy, not eager for beer.
And our groom is a clear falcon,
The proud swan is beautiful,
Stately, well-ordered and cheerful.
He has a chamber of mind, and his hands are gold.
For the family - the earner,
For mother-in-law - not an offender.
Money, gold, furs -
Redeem the groom! The bride for every heel ten dollars. For the bride, clear light, give us a beautiful bouquet. For brides, ringing laughter, give us candy for everyone. For the bride's smile, give me a chocolate bar. For the bride's smile, we get a bottle of champagne. For the bride's walk, give us wine and vodka. Give a little money for the bride's leg. For the bride's bouquet - put us sweets. Whether you guessed it or not, we wanted candy again. For cute eyelashes - sparkling water. And for a nice walk - a bottle of vodka. Give us copper coins,
May you never be poor. Give us silver
To be a lot of good. For the bride's elegant dress
Give us grape wine. For the bride's heel
Five thousand a fist. For brides thin camp,
We wish the ocean flowers! And for the cheeks scarlet color
Give me a bag of candy. For the proud bride's gait
Give us wine and vodka. For a transparent veil -
A bottle of cognac. The girls heard
About wonderful water, Forty degrees it is,
You give us plenty. For burning eyes - effervescent wine. For sandals (shoes) firm "Cebo"
Give me wine, don't need bread! For a beautiful wife -
Chocolate "Alenushka" For the bride's muzzle
Give me the green paper. Per nice legs
Give each friend a three.

For Machines eyes are clear
Give beautiful poetry.

Trials and barriers for the rite of ransom

Read, choose, send new ones!
And remember, for every wrong step, answer or action, the groom and the witness are punished with a "fine" !!! - going up the flight of stairs to the bride's apartment, the groom names the household chores that he undertakes to carry out; - traces cut out of paper are laid out on the flight of stairs, on the back of each trace are written memorable dates(the year in which the bride was born, the date of birth of the mother-in-law, the size of the bride's shoes, the date of application to the registry office, the date of acquaintance, the height and weight of the bride, etc.); - the groom must guess which of the three glasses with an opaque liquid (strong tea, coffee, juice, kefir, etc.) contains the key to the bride's apartment, and take it out without touching it with his hands; - the groom is given several balloons, inside of which there are three different keys, one of which is the key to the front door to the bride's apartment; - the groom is offered three glasses of liquid: in one - sweet, in the second - bitter and in the third - sour, he must choose any of the glasses and drink so that everyone knows from his reaction what kind of life awaits the young; - a picture is placed in front of the groom, which depicts: the sun, a cloud, a forest, a road, a river, grass, etc .; he must color it (with lemons, oranges, a bottle of vodka or wine, money, etc.); - the groom is given several balloons, inside which are pieces of paper, and memorable dates are written on them (the date the bride graduated from school or institute, the number of the house or apartment of the bride, the father-in-law's birthday, the age of the bride, etc.); - the groom is given a camomile made of paper, where on reverse side each petal is numbered (the date the bride graduated from school or institute, the number of the house or apartment of the bride, the father-in-law's birthday, the age of the bride, etc.); - the groom is offered several pairs of shoes, he must guess the bride's shoe; - bridesmaids and relatives of the bride leave handprints on a sheet of paper, and the groom must guess the hand of his beloved; - bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips on paper, among this variety the groom must guess the lips of his betrothed; - the groom is given an apple studded with matches, and he must take out a match and call the bride affectionate names(beloved, dear, sun, etc.), when the groom takes out a short match, the test stops; - the door to the bride's room is blocked with ribbons, tearing off the ribbon, the groom calls the betrothed by affectionate names (beloved, affectionate, gentle, kind, etc.); - the groom is offered to put the most precious thing he has for the bride into an empty basin (the groom must become himself); - the groom walks from the door to the bride in small steps, and for each step he says sweet Nothing for the beloved; - when the groom has passed all the tests, he must say the most cherished words so that the door to the bride's room finally opens. These words are not "sim-sim, open up", but, of course, "I love you"! - the groom, having completed all the tasks and got into the bride's room, must kiss the bride, but at the same time not touch her with his hands. It is better to put the bride on a table or chair, and let the groom's friends help the groom to reach his beloved.

On the way of the groom there is an obstacle - a ladder. Each rung of the ladder carries a test for the groom. He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers to question asked. The questions asked can be very varied and unexpected. I bring far complete list this kind of questions. What else to ask the poor confused fiancé :), your imagination and sense of humor will tell you.

Name the day you met your fiancee?
Where did such a significant event take place?
Do you remember the hour of your first date? .
What shoe size does your fiancé wear?
What is her waist size?
Name full name her future mother-in-law.
On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
Name your bride's favorite flowers.
What kind of men does your fiancé like the most: handsome, smart, strong or generous?
What does your father-in-law drink more readily - tea or vodka?
What color are your bride's eyes?
Name your favorite color.
Name your favorite season of the year.
What will your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, going to a disco or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?
Where does she prefer to rest: on the sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
Name your bride's favorite perfume.
What kind of cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?
What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?
What will come first for a wife: family or work?
How many children does your fiancee want to have?
What does she love most: reading, sewing, cooking or something else?
What dish would your fiancee never eat?
What would she never wear?
What animal does your future wife associate you with?
Do you dream about your bride in a dream?
Does your lover believe in horoscope?
What was your fiancée's favorite subject in school?
Which affectionate nickname did your fiancee have as a child?
Name the first word your future wife said.
Do you remember the words you used to declare your love to your fiancee?
What does your wife think: who will be the boss in the house?
What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
What do you think - if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go to rest at the resort without you or not?
What animal would you like to have at home? future wife?
What was her childhood dream?
What does your fiancee love to do more than anything in the world?
Does she like to play sports?
What age would she like to be born in?
On which cheek does your lover have a mole?
What will your wife's last name be after marriage?
How many non-girlfriends?
Does she like talking on the phone?
How does she react to complements? unknown man?
How much time does your future wife spend in front of a mirror?
What is her favorite car brand?
Does she love to dance?
What brand of wine does your fiancee prefer?
If your bride caught goldfish and she promised to fulfill any wish, what wish would she make?
What book did your future wife have?
Who is her favorite movie character?
Does your bride agree with the statement that with a sweet paradise and in a hut?
What does your lady love more: giving gifts or receiving them?
What qualities does your chosen one not tolerate in men?
What does your bride prefer on her day off: sit in front of TV, go to the theater or go to nature?
What is your life motto?
What kind of music does your loved one listen to the most?
Describe your future wife in three words.
Who is her favorite writer?
If the groom does not know the correct answer to the question or answers not quite accurately, then he pays the ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. having answered questions or paid a ransom that will suit the bride's guests, he will overcome the last rung of the ladder.

For this test of the groom, you will need a pre-prepared wet towel. The host or one of the guests of the bride hands this towel to the groom and says: "Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife." Of course, the groom will tighten the towel with all his might. The guests at this time support the groom so that he ties the towel as tightly as possible.
After that, the host, to the approving exclamations of the guests, says: "Now untie the towel as quickly as you will quickly weather your quarrels from the house." The groom will try to quickly untie his own tied towel, and the situation turns out to be comical.

The bride, two or three bridesmaids and a grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches the locked room, he sees several threads (their number depends on the number of people in the room) that peek out from under closed door rooms. At the other end, these strings are tied to the fingers of people in the room. When the groom pulls the thread, the one to which this thread was tied approaches him. The host of the competition says: "Take her as your wife or pay tribute." The contest continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: marry the bridesmaid
