Conducting physical education in the second junior group. Leisure summary in the second junior group “Guessing Game”

teacher of the highest qualification category

MBDOU No. 87 “Moryanochka”

Leisure summary in the second junior group

Theme: “Holiday of colorful ribbons.”

Target: create a joyful atmosphere in the group, create a desire to communicate with pleasure with adults and a fairy-tale hero.


1. Develop children’s thinking and memory by distinguishing and naming children colors (blue, red, yellow) and identifying the material (fabric), its types when compared (satin, nylon).

3. Activate children’s cognitive activity by identifying, naming and comparing the qualities of objects: wide - narrow, smooth - rough, transparent - dense.

4. Implement gender education: blue ribbons for boys, red ribbons for girls.

Vocabulary work. Color names: blue, red, yellow. Type of fabric: satin, nylon. Fabric qualities: smooth - rough, transparent - dense, wide - narrow.

Preliminary work: selection of music, decoration of the group, preparation of material together with parents (satin ribbons: blue, red, yellow).

Material and equipment: 4 hoops, a “magic chest”, a Masha doll, satin and nylon ribbons in red, yellow and blue, bracelets for each child.

Working with parents:

1. Offer to bring the boys blue satin and yellow nylon ribbons; girls - red satin and yellow nylon ribbons.

2. Offer to decorate elegant clothes with bows.

3.Print a colorful announcement about the upcoming holiday.

Children enter the group to the music and sit on chairs. In the center there is a chest on a stand, covered with a beautiful napkin.

Educator: Children, I congratulate you on the “Holiday of Multi-Colored Ribbons!” I wish you a wonderful holiday mood! Look, there's something here! (Points to the center). What do you think is there?

Children: Gift, surprise, toy...

Educator:(Listen to the children's answers.) That's right, a surprise for us! Let us also say: “One, two, three - surprise appears!” (Takes off the napkin and examines the chest with the children.) There must be someone or something there! Let's say: "Chok, chok, chok, open the chest!"

Children: “Chok, chok, chok! Open the chest! (The teacher takes out the doll and puts it on his hand.)

Doll Masha: Hello children! Oh! How beautiful and elegant you are! Guess who I am? Right! I am Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”! I found out that today is your “Festival of Multi-Colored Ribbons” and I want to see what outfits your moms have prepared for you!

Let the girls walk and the boys clap for them.

(The girls walk in a circle, and Masha praises their outfits.)

Doll Masha: Now, boys, show me your decorated shirts! And girls, clap for them! (The boys walk in a circle, and Masha praises their outfits).

Doll Masha: Here I opened my chest! There are gifts for the kids - bright ribbons! (Hands out ribbons: blue ones for boys, red ones for girls, and a yellow ribbon for everyone). I came to play with ribbons and dance a lot of fun! But first, tell us what you know about ribbons.

Children, you have ribbons of different colors in your hands. Raise the blue ribbons, raise the red ribbons.

They waved and waved and everyone shouted “hurray.”

Doll Masha: These were satin ribbons. They are smooth, touch them! Repeat!

(Children repeat in chorus and individually: satin, smooth ribbons).

Doll Masha: Now raise the yellow ribbons! They waved. Everyone waved and shouted “hurray!” What color are the ribbons?

Children: yellow.

Doll Masha: That's right, yellow! Stroke them with your hand!

Are they smooth or rough?

Children: rough.

Doll Masha: That's right, rough! Let's look through them! Can you see me?

Children: Yes!

Doll Masha: If you see me, then these tapes are transparent.


(Children repeat in chorus and individually: transparent tapes).

Doll Masha: We saw the ribbons and suddenly wanted to dance!

We’ll quickly go to the circle, let’s start dancing now!

"Dance with Ribbons":

Children run in a circle, arms to the sides.

They spin around in place.

They wave their hands up left and right.

They wave the ribbons below in front of them (sit on the chairs).

Doll Masha: Now we’ll rest and go play again! Now we will play the game “Confusion”. I will show the ribbon and tell you what it is. If I name it correctly, you clap! If it's wrong - stomp!

(The game “Confusion” is played).

Doll Masha: And now, everyone quickly raised their hands and quickly got up in a round dance!

(Round dance games are played with children: “Carousel”, “Cap”; then the game “Move the Ribbon” is played: boys move blue ribbons from hoop to hoop, girls - red ribbons).

Children sit on chairs.

Doll Masha: We had a great holiday!

I think you liked it!

Let's finish it off and shout "hurray" loudly and loudly! (Children shout “hurray” 3 times and clap their hands). And you tried so hard, had fun, smiled! I want to give you gifts so that you can remember this joyful holiday for a long time!

(Doll Masha distributes gifts - bracelets made of ribbons, the children thank them, the doll Masha says goodbye).

Scenario for physical education “Our insect friends” in the second junior group.

This material will be useful for educators, parents, and physical educators when conducting fun activities with children of primary preschool age.
Target: promote the formation of positive emotions and activity in physical activity in children.
Strengthen children's understanding of the diversity of insects;
Develop intelligence and imagination in the process of solving riddles;
Activate cognitive interest in nature and its inhabitants.

Leisure progress.

You guys come over
everyone look at me
We'll go for a walk with you
Visit insects in the clearing
But the clearing is not simple
This is a magical clearing.

Children line up in a column one at a time and follow each other, following the teacher as a snake.
Educator: So you and I have come, look, children, how beautiful it is here! You like?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Guys, look at the screen.
The world we live in
Bright and wonderful
A bright ray of sunshine
Heated everywhere.
There are many forests and seas in it,
Mountains and oceans
Rivers, lakes, deserts, fields,
Glaciers, volcanoes.
There are many birds and people in the world,
Various insects,
Many fish, many animals
Unfamiliar to us.
The world we live in
The sun warms us.

To feel comfortable in it,
Be kinder to him!
Educator: Oh, look what a beautiful clearing. Who lives in this clearing?
In the green tailcoat of the maestro
Soars over the meadow in bloom.
He is the pride of the local orchestra
And the best high jumper. (Grasshopper)

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

It's not a motor, it's noisy
Not a pilot, but flying, Not a viper, but stinging. (Bee)
Educator: Children, who lives in this beautiful clearing?
Children: Insects.

The game is played: “Bears and Bees”.

Children are divided into two equal groups, one is bears, the rest are bees. At a distance of 3m from the bees’ house, a forest is outlined where the bears are.
On the opposite side, at a distance of 8-10m, there is a meadow. The bees are located in their home - on an elevation (wall, bench, low log). At the teacher’s signal, they fly to the honey meadow and buzz. At this time, the bears climb into the hive and feast on honey. At the teacher’s signal “Bears! “The bees fly to their hives and sting (touch) those bears that did not have time to escape into the forest. The bees then return to the hive and the game resumes. When repeating the game, children change roles.
Educator: The bee flew and fluttered over the flower.
(Children slowly run on their toes one after another around the hall.)
She sat down, sat, and rested.
(The children sat down and shook their heads)
Flew further
(The children stood up, waved their hands, and ran on)

Educator: Is anyone still in a hurry to join us? But first, guess the riddle. (there is a picture of an ant on the screen)

He's dragging a straw
To the little one
He is stronger than all the insects
Our hard worker...(ant.)
Educator: Guys, why did you guess that it was an ant?
(Children's answers).
Educator: That's right, well done.
That's right, guys, the strongest are ants. After all, they can carry weights ten times heavier than their own weight. An ant can carry a load ten times heavier than itself. The ant, although small, is a real strongman.

The game is played: “Anthill”

Children are divided into ants and an anthill. Anthill: children join hands and form a circle. The ant children enter the circle, at the signal “morning” the ant children raise their hands up, and the ant children leave the circle and go to work. At the signal “evening,” the anthill children slowly lower their hands, the ant children rush to get into the circle before the “night” signal, when the anthill children lower their hands down.
Educator: Oh guys, a Grasshopper has flown into our clearing! (on the screen there is a picture with a grasshopper)
Let's sing a song about the Blacksmith.

Song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

Educator: guys, try to guess the cat wants to fly to our clearing? (there is a picture of a dragonfly on the screen).

A helicopter flies past swampy swamps,
Goggles his eyes.
Transparent wings shine in the sun,
Frogs strive to catch a helicopter
A physical education session is held:
In the morning the dragonfly woke up (“we wipe our eyes”)
She stretched and smiled. (from a crouching position, gradual straightening of the torso, arms forward, upward).
Once - she washed herself with dew, (“we wash ourselves”)
Two - gracefully spinning, (spinning in place)
Three - bent over and crouched, (bent over and crouched)
At four, it flew. (“let’s fly” – we wave our arms like wings)
Stopped by the river (sat down)
Spun over the water. (they ran around the hall).
Educator: Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They come in different colors: blue, green, black... The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths.

A round dance game is held: “Dragonfly”.

Children stand in a circle and say the words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:
I flew, I flew, I didn’t get tired.
(They wave their hands smoothly.)
She sat down, sat, and flew again.
(Go down on one knee.)
I found some friends, we had fun.
(Smooth hand waves.)
There was a round dance all around, the sun was shining. (They lead a round dance.)
Educator: That's how different insects are.
Do you guys remember what guests we had in the forest clearing today? Did you have fun?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Name the insects. (Children's answers).
Well done boys. You were very attentive and obedient today. Thank you. And I am sure that you will not offend insects, because we need them, you will protect them. Because some insects are pleasing to the eye, such as the butterfly and dragonfly,
others help people: (ladybug, and bees).
And for all this to always be with us, we must protect and love nature.

Entertainment in the second junior group “Festival of Colors and Balloons”

Target: maintaining mental health.
Objectives (program content):
1. Develop emotional responsiveness.
2. Strengthen the ability to use a brush and paints.
3. Evoke a positive emotional response from children and create a good mood.

Progress of entertainment.

Organizing time. Free connection of children. As a result of solving the riddle, a “bunny” comes to the children

Folk game “The little white bunny is sitting”
The little white bunny sits and moves his ears, like this, like this, and moves his ears!
Children squat down and use their hands to imitate how a bunny moves its ears.
It’s cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm our paws, like this, like this, we need to warm our little paws.
Children lightly clap their palms against each other.
It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump! Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump!
Children jump on two legs, pressing their hands to their chest.
Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and ran away.
The children scatter, the teacher takes the bear toy and runs after the bunnies.

Independent activity “Coloring “Hare with balls”.

Mathematical games “Which ball”, “One - many”

Body art “Drawing balls”

Mathematical leisure for children of the second junior group:

"It's good in our garden"


  1. Fix the names of the parts of the day;
  2. continue to teach children to determine where there is one object and where there are many, expressing the result in words;
  3. continue to teach to see the shape of objects, correlate it with the name of the geometric shape - circle,
  4. continue to learn to distinguish and name spatial directions from yourself (left, right, top, bottom, middle).

Progress of entertainment


"Paint it right"


Motor activity

"Morning work-out"

Game "Look and Compare"

Mathematical leisure

“Listen, look, count” in the second younger group

Program content:

  1. practice comparing the number of objects in two groups;
  2. continue to teach how to compare familiar objects by size, using words to denote the corresponding parameters (large, smaller, small);
  3. exercise children in orientation in space, using words: for, on, under, above, further, closer;
  4. learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Leisure activities

The children hit the road.

Stop in the meadow.

Game “Collect a bouquet of flowers”

(Children must collect flowers of the same shape and color into a bouquet)

The children hit the road.

At the bus stop they are met by a sad Bunny who has lost his carrot..

Game “Help the Bunny find the carrot” (spatial orientation)

Motor activity "Three Bears":

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big - big

Mom is shorter with him,

And my son is just a little baby.

He was very small

Walked with rattles

Ding - ding - ding.

Constructive-model activity (Children build houses from geometric shapes for bears)

Children board the train and return home singing the song "Train"

Leisure “Petrushka came to visit us” in the second junior group

1. Create a good mood in children.
2. To consolidate motor skills acquired in joint physical education activities between the teacher and children.
3. Accustom children to independently participate in joint exercises and games.
4. Contribute to the development of friendly relations between children and each other.

Leisure activities

(The children and the teacher call Petrushka loudly.)

Petrushka enters the gym with a box of rattles in his hands. Parsley.

Game "Who is faster?"
Children stand in a circle, Parsley stands in the center of the circle. Rattles are laid out on the floor around him, one rattle less than the number of participants in the game. After this, a disc with a recording of cheerful children's music of the choice of the presenter is turned on. Children walk, run and jump around the hall to the music following Petrushka. As soon as the music stops, the children try to pick up any rattle from the floor. The child who did not receive the rattle comes up to Petrushka and performs any dance movements with him (circling, bowing, placing his right leg forward on his heel, then his left leg, etc.). The rest of the children shake their rattles at this time.

Then the rattles are again laid out around the hall, and the game is repeated. Leading. And now, Petrushka, the guys want to invite you to play a game called “Tumbler Doll.”

Outdoor game with speech accompaniment

"Tumble Doll"
Children form a circle. Parsley stands in the center of the circle, shows movements, and pronounces the text. After him, the children repeat the movements.

The tumbler doll is up and not lying down.
It swayed strongly and rang merrily.
Dili-dili-dili-don -
There is a ringing sound everywhere.
Kach-kach-kach, kach-kach-kach -
Lena's loud crying is heard.
Tumbler still doesn't sleep,
Doesn't lie down, doesn't sit.
Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom -
Suddenly it started spinning like a top.
Lena stopped crying
And she began to swing herself. Perform a “spring”, hands on the belt.

They clap their hands.

Tilts left and right, hands on your waist (or behind your back).
Depict swaying "dolls " on hands
They clap their hands.
They walk in place.

At the discretion of the host, the game can be repeated.

Outdoor game “Catch the ball”

In the hall on the floor, colored cords indicate 2 lines 4-5 m long. The distance between the lines is 4-5 m.

Children stand behind the first line so as not to interfere with each other. Parsley, with a ball in her hands, stands between the children in the middle of the line. Parsley rolls the ball in the direction of the second line and invites the children to catch up with it. Children run after the ball, catch up with it, and touch the ball with their hand. After that, they line up behind the second line. Parsley rolls the ball in the opposite direction, towards the first line, the children again catch up with the ball.

Leisure: “I love you, grandma” in the second junior group


1. instill love and respect for old people

2. encourage grandmothers to show concern

3. get pleasure and joy from communication

Progress of entertainment:

Children sit on chairs and are invited to listen to poems about grandmothers

Dialogue with children about grandmothers.

Performance of the song: “We are with Grandma-Grandma”

Dance with grandmothers

Game: “Paired socks” with grandmothers

Entertainment: “Common birthday party for summer birthday people”in the second junior group


Happy birthday to summer birthday people;


  1. Develop children's creative activity, speech, thinking, memory, attention;
  2. Expand children's horizons;
  3. Foster feelings of camaraderie and goodwill.

The music “Awkward” plays and the children sit on the chairs.

Performing a round dance game: “Loaf”.

Competition "Heaven, earth, water"

Everyone goes in a circle and follows different commands from the leader. For the word “water” you need to turn around, for the word “earth” you need to stomp your feet, for the word “sky” you need to jump up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The most attentive ones win.

Game: “Bag of Secrets”

Collect several items in a beautiful bag (box, bag) - glasses, an apple, a ball, a toy, a book, a postcard. Let the children take turns trying to determine by touch what is in the bag.

Game: “Where is the color hiding?”

Stock up on a few pieces of colored paper. Taking them out of the folder one by one, give the children the task of finding the same colors on their clothes or in their apartment. The winner will be the one who finds and names the largest number of objects.

Summary of physical education “Visiting the squirrel” in the younger group

Ermilova Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the younger group, MDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka”, Atkarsk
Description: This development will be of interest to teachers of the younger group
Program content:
Educational objectives:
1. Motivate children for physical activity;
2. Strengthen various types of walking, running, jumping on two legs with forward movement;
3. Develop the ability to act in an organized manner, in accordance with the teacher’s command.
4.Formulate the simplest figurative and expressive skills in children (be able to imitate the characteristic movements of fairy-tale animals);
5. Contribute to the formation of correct posture;
6. Consolidate acquired knowledge about wild animals.
Educational tasks:
1.Cultivate a desire to help others;
2. To foster in children an emotionally positive attitude towards physical exercise;
Developmental tasks:
1.Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, speed, balance;
2.Develop thinking, memory, attention and speech of children;

Children enter the gym. Bunny stands in the center of the hall and preens himself.
Educator: Hello, Bunny! How smart you are. Otherwise, are you going to visit?
Bunny:- Yes, I’m going to visit Squirrel. She invites you too. So get ready, it's time to go.
Educator:- We’ll be happy to go to Squirrel, see how she lives in the forest, and play with her. Just accompany us, please, Bunny. We don't know the way at all.
Bunny:- Of course, follow me. (Children line up behind Bunny)
Educator:- Ready?
Children: - Yes!
Educator:- Well, then let's go!
"We follow each other
Forest and spring meadow.
Breathe deeply through your nose,
Keep your backs straight! (walking)
We are walking along the path,
We put our hands behind our backs
And we walk on our heels. (walking on heels)
We're head to head,
Raise yourself on your toes (walking on your toes).
We ran lightly (easy run).
How the horses galloped (straight gallop).
Hush, hush, don't rush
Go for a walk
Our legs again
Walking along the path" (walking).
(Children stop in a circle. The bunny pays attention to the meadow with flowers.)
Bunny: Now we are on this path
We'll find a clearing with flowers in the forest.
(They approach a clearing where there is a basket of flowers.)
Educator:- Guys, look, here is a clearing. Only someone has already collected the flowers in a basket. What beautiful flowers! What color are they? (individual and group response).
Bunny: These flowers can be given to Squirrel.
Educator: Okay, we’ll give x to Squirrel. But first, let's play with flowers and show Bunny how we can do exercises (Children stand in a circle, 2 flowers are handed out)
Children: We are funny guys
Like athletic bunnies,
We will jump and gallop
Let's develop our legs
Exercises with flowers
“Here are the flowers in front of us,
Let's play with flowers"
1) I.p. – legs slightly apart. Hands to chest.
Lift the flowers up and look at them.
Return to I.p. (4 times).
"We are growing, growing,
We are blooming, blooming"
2) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.
Turns: one way, then - i.p.
To another, i.p. (4 times in each direction).
“Wave a flower there,
Wave the flower here.
Do it once
And do two!”
3) I.p. - hands near the chest. Bend forward, arms down, return to IP. (4 times).
"Bend over,
Get up quickly!
Bend over
4) I.p. - hands near the chest. Squats (4 times).
“Carefully squat down,
And we don’t drop flowers!”
5) "Now let's go, let's go,
And we never get tired.” (walking in place)
6) Breathing exercises
Educator:“Now we’ll blow on the flowers and warm the petals.”
Take a deep breath and blow on them (5 times)
Educator: How are you guys?
Children: Health is fine -
Thanks for charging!
Bunny: You turned out to be strong and dexterous,
I saw how hard you tried.
(The teacher and the bunny collect flowers in a basket.)
Educator: Now we have become stronger and will definitely reach Squirrel. Really Bunny?
Bunny: Yes.
Educator: We get up one after another and hit the road. Various animals and birds live in the forest. Guess the riddle:
Cunning cheat
red head,
A fluffy tail is a beauty,
And her name is .....(fox) (Fox comes out)
Educator: Hello Lisa.
Fox: Hello guys.
I'm a red fox
The whole forest is beautiful.
There is no red fur coat in the forest,
There is no more cunning animal in the forest.
Where are you going?
Educator: We are going to visit Squirrel. We bring her a basket of flowers. Show us the way to Squirrel.
Fox: Play with me like little foxes first.
Educator: Let's play like little foxes? "(Yes)
Educator: Stand in a circle and walk one after another on your toes, like little foxes.
“Here come our guys -
Real fox cubs.
The tail is wagging,
Traces are covered.
They walk deftly on their toes,
Like cheating foxes.”
Educator: Well done, guys - good foxes. Now Fox, how can we get to Squirrel?
Fox: To go to the squirrel,
We need to cross the bridge.
Educator: And here is the bridge.
1) We walk along the bridge carefully. (walking on the bridge)
2) Kids can’t get through here,
You'll have to crawl here. (crawling under an arc)
3) Boldly through the tubercle
Jump over, my friend. (jumping over soft modules)
4) Now let’s quickly pass like a snake,
Maybe we'll find a berry. (walking like a snake)
(They approach the stump where the Hedgehog sits.)
Educator: Meet this hedgehog
He is an expert on forest paths.
All covered in needles - be careful,
It can hurt to get pricked.
Hello Hedgehog.
Hedgehog: Hello guys.
I'm prickly, like a Christmas tree,
Covered in needles from head to toe.
I'll find a fungus in the forest
I'll bring it to the house on the back.
Bunny: Hedgehog, why are you so sad?
Hedgehog: I'm tired, I've lost all my lumps.
Educator: Hedgehog, the guys and I will help you collect them.
Game "Collect cones"
Educator: Well done boys. We collected all the cones. Hedgehog, come with us to visit the squirrel.
Let's walk happily together
We gain strength and agility. (They approach the Bear.)
Educator: Guess the riddle, guys.
He is the strict owner of the forest,
Likes to sleep in a den in winter.
He can roar loudly
Who is he? (Bear)
Right. Only he is sleeping. Let's wake him up. Stand around the bear.
Outdoor game "Bear"
Once we were walking in the forest
And we met a bear.
He lies under the tree, (round dance step)
He is stretched out and snoring.
We walked around him
They woke up Clubfoot
“Come on, little darling, get up (they stop and shake their finger).
And play with us!” (The bear gets up, stretches, plays with the children)
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.
A cone fell right on the bear’s forehead.
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!
Educator: Bear, you and I played so well. And the guys know a poem about you.
Bear, bear, couch potato,
You slept long and deeply.
I slept through the whole winter
And I didn’t get on the tree.
And I didn’t go sledding,
And he didn’t throw snowballs.
The target would all snore,
Eh, you little bear!
Educator: Bear, come with us to Squirrel. (They go to Squirrel’s house. She has nuts in a plate on her table.) Guys, who do you think lives here and gnaws nuts? (squirrel). (Belka comes out.)
Squirrel: I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts.
Educator: Hello, Belka.
Squirrel: Hello guys.
Educator: We came to visit you. Guys, what did we bring for Squirrel? (flowers) (They give flowers). We walked for so long, we were tired. Let's relax and listen to the birds singing in the forest. (A recording of birds singing in the forest sounds)
The dream found the way,
I came to visit you,
Don't drive him away
Better sit down and rest.
Breathe quietly through your nose,
Eyelashes droop
The eyes close.
We are resting peacefully.
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
Our hands are resting
The legs also rest
The neck is not tense
And relaxed
Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...
We woke up, stretched,
They stretched and smiled.
Now let's get up quietly.
Educator: Guys, did you like our trip through the forest? (yes) What animals did we meet in the forest? (Hare, hedgehog, bear, fox, squirrel) How can they be called in one word? (wild animals) Who did you like best? And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
Squirrel: Guys, I want to treat you to some nuts. (Gives nuts)
Educator: Thank you Squirrel. Goodbye.
On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
The children leave the hall.
