The importance of labor education in the development of schoolchildren. “labor education of schoolchildren in the light of modern educational values

In the modern world there is absolutely no propaganda of labor relations. Schoolchildren are increasingly withdrawing from service work, and parents devote too little time to the labor education of their children. This speech was made at a parent meeting in order to attract the attention of parents to the labor education of children.






Prepared by:

Class teacher of 6th grade

Voinkova N. Yu.

2014 – 2015 academic year year

“Labor is the source of existence of man and society, the source of material and spiritual benefits.” Labor and people are inseparable from each other. Labor elevated man above the animal world and contributed to his physical, mental and spiritual development. From the first stone tools, tools made of wood and bone to spaceships - this is the gigantic path of human development. Labor created man himself.

Preparation for work begins long before work itself. The formation of a person as an individual, his self-determination is inextricably linked with the gradual knowledge of the world around him, starting from birth and throughout life. School years are a period of tremendous development of a person’s talents, abilities, skills and abilities, which he later applies and corrects. Therefore, issues of labor training in school do not lose their relevance in the modern world.
Successful formation of personality in a modern school can only be carried out on the basis of a reasonably organized combination of teaching and educational work with practical work activity. Properly carried out labor education, the direct participation of schoolchildren in socially useful, productive work, is an effective factor in civic maturation, the moral and intellectual formation of the individual, and his physical development. Whatever the future fate of school graduates, they will need labor skills and abilities in any field of activity. That is why the labor element in school education has long been a very significant pedagogical tendency.
Education in Russia is going through difficult times. The comprehensive labor polytechnic school is increasingly becoming a humanitarian school. The idea of ​​combining education with productive labor is consigned to oblivion: student brigades, construction teams, production units, and other forms of student labor associations do not function. The educational and material base of education is not supported. The main emphasis in the educational process at the present stage is on the development of individual abilities of students, the expansion of differentiated education in accordance with their needs and inclinations, the development of a network of specialized schools and classes with in-depth study of various subjects, and ensuring that the level of secondary education meets the requirements of scientific and technological progress.
Therefore, now, more than ever, the issues of general labor training of schoolchildren, on whose knowledge, skills, goals, desires and aspirations the future of Russia depends, are becoming especially relevant.
The problem of labor education for humanity arose a long time ago. Many valuable ideas on the problem of labor education are contained in the works of the classics of pedagogy - Ya.A. Comenius, J. Locke, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others. Outstanding representatives of pedagogy A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky drew attention to the fact that spirituality should be present in labor education and career guidance of young people, i.e. the very idea of ​​work should be raised to the level of a “spiritual need” associated with inspiration, creativity, moral purity, and awareness of its social value.Great teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that work becomes a great educator when it enters the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, reveals more and more new beauty in the world around us, awakens the first civic feeling of a creator material goods, without which human life is impossible. Unfortunately, modern authors of pedagogical and educational innovations practically do not pay due attention to the issues of labor education of schoolchildren.

The importance of labor in the moral education of the individual is extremely great. Many teachers connected work activity with the development of civic consciousness, patriotic feelings, and understanding of their social duty. One of the important qualities that should be developed and formed in a child is hard work. Hard work – a moral quality that expresses a positive attitude towards work, manifested in the labor activity, diligence and diligence of the employee. Labor and practical production activities have a beneficial effect on the physical development of a person. Work develops a person’s mental abilities, his intelligence, and creative ingenuity. Working in modern production requires extensive educational and technical training, the ability to quickly master new technology, and the ability to rationalize and improve work practices.

Labor training, the development of a person’s labor quality is the preparation and education not only of a future good or bad citizen, but also the education of his future standard of living, his well-being. Labor is a conscious, purposeful, creative activity of a person, aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs, developing his physical and spiritual essential forces, as well as moral qualities.

The labor education of a child begins with the formation in the family and school of elementary ideas about labor responsibilities. Work has been and remains a necessary and important means of development of the individual as a whole. Labor activity should become a natural physical and intellectual need for schoolchildren. Labor education is closely related to the polytechnic training of students, providing knowledge of the fundamentals of modern technology, technology and organization of production; develops a creative attitude to work; contributes to the right choice of profession.

Every schoolchild must receive labor training, which, no matter how his future fate turns out, he will need in any field of activity.

. The family is the most natural, most charitable environment in which the child’s personality is formed, his attitude to all aspects of life, including work. The great educational effectiveness of the family environment on the child is its specificity, which lies, first of all, in the deep mutual attachment of parents and children, in a positive attitude towards the words and deeds of the father and mother.

Personal qualities that family efforts should be made to cultivate are honesty, conscientiousness and decency; enterprise and efficiency, dignity and personal responsibility; initiative and high work discipline; rejection of greed and hack work. One of the problems today is preserving and maintaining the authority of honest work as the main means of achieving success in life. The family is called upon to help children understand the modern situation, to separate the temporary, momentary from the main, permanent, to convince them that without honest work there will be no good life. A person works not only to earn money. He works because he is a man, because it is his conscious attitude to work that distinguishes him from an animal and expresses his natural essence. Anyone who does not understand this destroys the person in himself.
We all care and cherish our children, we try to protect them, protect them from life’s difficulties, and from work, in particular. Like, they’ll work harder... But aren’t we making it worse for them by raising them unadapted to life, not knowing what they are capable of?Labor education in the family lays the foundation for children for their future righteous life. A person who is not accustomed to work has one path - the search for an “easy” life. As a rule, he ends poorly. If parents want to see their child on this path, they can afford the luxury of removing themselves from labor education.The wise teacher Makarenko believed that “a sense of proportion in love and severity, in affection and severity” is necessary. In relation to children, “demanding love” is needed: the more love and respect for the child, the greater the demands on him.
Although most families are constantly engaged in labor education, there are a number of unresolved problems in preparing young people for work, first of all, in developing their hard work and diligence.
Children enter adolescence with unequal levels of development of industriousness; with a variety of motives for work. with far from the same skills, abilities and work habits. Some are not accustomed to engage in labor, both physical and mental. But any child has many positive qualities, needs and aspirations, based on which one can eliminate negative drives and inclinations, while developing positive qualities, including hard work.
Parents must remember that only that work has a positive effect on the child that is presented to him as a necessity and is recognized as a duty. Along with understanding the need for work, the child must know the ultimate goal. To achieve his goal, he will subordinate his thoughts, desires, and will.
The development of a child’s diligence is greatly influenced by the parents’ attitude towards work. No matter what smart, correct words they say about the role and importance of work in a person’s life, these words will not leave a positive mark in the minds of children if these words are not confirmed by example. In a family where the father and mother create order and comfort in the apartment, skillfully support each other without reproaching each other, the children willingly help them, trying not to litter, and putting things in their place. They relatively quickly develop the ability to perform various types of household work, conscientiousness and accuracy. The caring attitude of the father and mother towards household items forms in the child valuable qualities of an owner.
Studying is also work. And the work is not easy. Parents often notice that a teenager is gradually losing those positive work qualities that he acquired at primary school age. Academic performance often declines because he lacks organization in his work. He must be taught to work quickly, with concentration, and to disconnect from extraneous matters and thoughts. But under no circumstances should you be relieved of household responsibilities. The child needs to be given more independence, creating conditions for taking initiative and overcoming difficulties.
Example, as a method of education, occupies the most important place in the process of forming a child’s personality. Where there is no positive work example of parents, children will not help their neighbor, friend, or stranger without asking or coercion. If children are witnesses and active participants in a positive work example, then they develop hard work and all other moral qualities. directly related to it.

Children should know where and who their parents work, and know the intricacies of their profession. It is bad if parents speak negatively about their work in the presence of their children. Listening to them, children become imbued with disrespect not only for their parents’ profession, but also for work in general. The educational power of parents’ work example depends on how close they are to their child, how they can win him over, and establish contact with him.

Pedagogical tact when assessing child labor is of great educational importance. if parents do not notice the child’s diligence when carrying out work assignments, then over time it disappears from him.
In a family where the household is properly organized, the house is always clean, each thing has its own place, and for each type of work there are the necessary tools. job responsibilities are distributed as follows. that each family member is loaded according to his strengths and capabilities. Hard work is done together, unpleasant work is done one at a time. Children are required to participate in household work. As they grow and gain work experience, their assignments and responsibilities become more complex. All family members are calm, in a good mood, without nervousness or fussiness, and conscientiously perform their duties. For older people, this is a habit. For the younger ones, submission to family tradition.

In a well-organized family household, a child performs his duties around the house relatively easily, without any effort on himself, sometimes giving up tempting desires. He is pleased with the work done on time and with high quality. He develops a stronger need to do his job only well, because this is the way it is in the family, because everyone performs their duties this way.
The family instills in the child socially valuable motives of hard work, thereby preparing him for a thoughtful choice of profession, for finding a job that suits his soul, interests, and social significance. Who, if not the parents, knows better than others the inclinations of their child, his capabilities, who better than them can skillfully and unobtrusively suggest and convince. In addition, each person must have basic self-service skills, which should be instilled in him in the family from early childhood: making his bed, tidying up his apartment, washing dishes, going to the store, preparing food, etc.

There are many possible types of work activity within the framework of school education. One of them is constant care of oneself: clean clothes, school supplies, bringing books and textbooks inherited from previous generations of students into proper condition, preparing materials for lessons, cleaning premises, minor repairs of school equipment. A schoolchild must be able to properly organize his workplace not only at home, but also at school, where he is engaged in mental work, as well as maintain cleanliness and order in the office where he studies. Class duty plays a big role in this. The duties of the duty officer include minimal work activities. Prepare the classroom for the lesson: erase extraneous notes from the board, provide chalk and a damp cloth. After finishing classes, prepare the office for cleaning: wipe the blackboard, wash the blackboard cloth, take out the trash, lift the chairs and, if necessary, water the flowers.

School students are often involved in labor activities to improve the school grounds: landscaping the school yard, community work days to clean the school grounds, seasonal work in the school grounds. assistance in preparing for the holidays, organizing various public events.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the topic of labor has been covered by many great people. For example,Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev said: « Life is constant work, and only those who understand it in a completely human way are those who look at it from this point of view.” And here is the statement of Alexander the Great (Alexander the Great): “There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor.” Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky spoke about education like this: “Education itself, if it wishes a person happiness, should educate him not for happiness, but prepare him for the work of life.” And he echoesour wonderful teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Without labor, in all its complexity and versatility, a person cannot be educated...”


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  8. Kozlov I.F. Pedagogical experience of A.S. Makarenko: A book for teachers / comp. and the author of the introductory article. M. Korotov. – M: Education, 1987. – 159 p.
  9. Kon I. S. "Psychology of a high school student": A manual for teachers - M. Education. 1980.- 125 p.
  10. Makarenko A.S. About education / Compiled and author of the introductory article. V.S.Helemendik. – M: Politizdat, 1990. – 415 p.
  11. Sidelkovsky A.P., Kuleshova L.N., Gurenskaya E.S. Topical issues of theory and practice of schoolchildren’s conscious attitude to work.// Interuniversity collection of scientific articles - Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, - Stavropol, 1983. - 153 p.
  12. Khmyrov S.B. Labor training and career guidance for rural schoolchildren: A book for teachers. – M.: Education, 1985. – 112 p.
  13. Chernyshenko I.D. Labor education of schoolchildren. – M.: Education, 1981. – 191 p.

As mentioned above, the importance of work in personal development is generally recognized. What exactly is the developmental role of labor, what features of it act as the main conditions for the development of the human psyche?

The possibilities for this development are already contained in the tools, objects and results of labor themselves. In addition to their purpose, tools of labor embody phenomena known to man, laws, properties and conditions of existence of objects. Working conditions must also be known by man. Objects, tools and working conditions are a rich source of knowledge about a significant part of the surrounding reality. This knowledge is the main link in a person’s worldview.

Successful implementation of work requires the participation of the entire personality of the individual: his mental processes, states and properties. With the help of mental processes, for example, a person navigates working conditions, forms a goal, and controls the progress of activities. Social working conditions place high demands on people. In various children's labor associations, work is collective in nature and its implementation is associated with the inclusion of the schoolchild in a broad and complex system of production, moral and other relations.

The inclusion of the student in collective work contributes to his assimilation of these relationships, their transformation from external to internal. This occurs under the influence of prevailing norms of behavior, public opinion, the organization of mutual assistance and mutual demands and the action of such socio-psychological phenomena as intra-group suggestibility and competition.

An important derivative of these socio-psychological factors is the formation of responsibility for the results of the work of the team. Research has shown that the majority of high school students - team members are ready to be responsible for the results of the work of their team.

The results of labor place great demands on a person. Thus, the requirements of the subject, tools, conditions and results of labor are the most important condition for the development of the human psyche in the process of labor activity.

The second condition for the development of the human psyche under the influence of labor is the purposeful activity of the subject himself. By transforming the subject of labor, creating socially valuable products, he transforms himself. To make fuller use of the developmental opportunities of labor, they must be supplemented by the activities of elders - training and education.

The activity of a teacher is the third condition for the development of the psyche in the labor process.

In all types of work, an important personality quality is formed, such as practicality. A person with this quality can freely navigate work and everyday life. By participating in collective work, an individual gets to know not only others, but also himself: who he is, what value he has for others, what he can do. Children, as psychological studies have shown, do not know themselves well, their capabilities, their position in the collective. As a result of work activity, significant changes occur. First of all, his attitude towards himself changes, and then the attitude of the team and teachers.

Psychology has accumulated many facts showing that work activity is motivated by how high its results are. This is associated with the formation of such motives as the personal significance of work, awareness of its social significance, and claims to a higher level of achievement in work.

Work plays a great role in the development of a student’s abilities. Abilities develop mainly in conditions of leading activity: in preschool age - in play, in primary and secondary school age - in learning, in adolescence - in vocational training.

The formation of abilities is carried out in one activity or another. In the process of work, for example, the distribution of attention becomes wider, and its switching becomes faster.

The role of labor in the development of thinking is great. As labor skills are mastered, new forms develop: technical, practical, logical.

In the process of work and communication with other members of the work team, feelings develop.

By getting involved in the labor process, a child radically changes his idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. In the process of communication and mastering new knowledge, the student’s worldview is formed. Working in a team develops the socialization of the child’s personality; the development of abilities, feelings and thinking makes the child’s personality more harmonious. Consequently, work is the most important factor influencing the development of a child’s personality.

A very important point in the system of labor education is the provision that labor makes it possible to most fully and clearly reveal the natural inclinations and inclinations of the child. When analyzing a child’s readiness for working life, you need to think not only about what he can give to society, but also about what work gives him personally. Every child has the inclinations of some abilities dormant.

The solution to many issues of labor education of the younger generation significantly depends on a correct understanding of the functions, goals and psychological content of child labor.

The work of a schoolchild has its own specifics. First of all, the work of students differs from the work of adults in the reason for which it is organized. Child labor is organized primarily for educational purposes.

Work in society, as a rule, is collective in nature, so each participant is required to be able to interact. Consequently, schoolchildren must be involved in social production. Preparing a child for work means forming his psychological readiness to work. Psychological readiness for work means a level of personal development that is sufficient for the successful development of any type of productive work.

The formation of a student’s psychological readiness for work occurs in such types of activities as: playing, studying, everyday and productive work, and technical creativity.

As observations show, graduates of educational institutions are practically and psychologically unprepared to participate in production work. The main thing is that students’ work is directly related to production. Schoolchildren must fulfill feasible production orders.

Thanks to this approach, students’ work will acquire a higher meaning, and conditions are created for the formation of socially valuable motives for activity.

Since this type of activity is not identical to either educational activity or the work activity of adults, we conditionally distinguish it as educational and labor activity. In high school, this type of activity should be the leading one. For this purpose, the program provides for vocational labor training in high school. A child, after graduating from school, may already have a specialty, which gives him the prerequisites for quick adaptation in production.

The formation of personality in the labor process does not occur by itself, but only with a certain organization of schoolchildren’s work.

The organization of labor means its ordering, giving it a systematic nature. The organization of child labor must take into account the age and individual characteristics of children and the patterns of their development. In the process of labor, aesthetic and physical work is carried out.

The teacher is called upon to ensure this organization of work. He is required to lead by example, study the strengths and weaknesses of his students, organize activities, and much more.


CHAPTER I. Features of labor education in primary school

1.1 The purpose and objectives of labor education

CHAPTER II. Methods of labor education for junior schoolchildren




Labor activity is one of the important factors in personal development. By getting involved in the labor process, a child radically changes his idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work, which in turn changes the student’s authority in the class.

Pedagogical science has paid and continues to pay considerable attention to the problems of labor training of the younger generation, labor education of younger schoolchildren, and the preparation of primary school teachers for teaching activities in the field of labor education. A great contribution to the development of the methodological and theoretical foundations of labor education for schoolchildren and the preparation of primary school teachers for this work was made by K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, V.Ya. Stoyunin, N.V. Kasatkin, D.D. Semenov, N.I. Pirogov, V.V. Vodovozov, K. A. Saint-Hilaire, A.F. Hartwig and many others.

In the process of work, the abilities, work skills and abilities of younger schoolchildren develop. New types of thinking are formed in work activity. Due to the collective nature of work, the student gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation, which improves the child’s adaptation in society.

The purpose of the work is to study the content, forms and methods of labor education in primary school.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

Reveal the purpose and objectives of labor education;

To study methods of labor education for younger schoolchildren.

The restructuring of the school required an effective solution to the problems of labor education. Work at school, including cognitive work, should be a purposeful, meaningful, varied activity that has a personal and social orientation, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of students. Rethinking the purpose and nature of school work has given rise to new non-standard approaches, including a number of alternatives: from a complete rejection of production and even educational work of schoolchildren to the organization of school cooperatives, business structures, which are self-supporting enterprises operating in accordance with all the laws of market relations. At the same time, new technologies of labor education are being introduced, labor education is being differentiated, the material base is being improved, and new training courses are being introduced.

By educating in work and for work, the school should awaken in students the spirit of collectivism, the desire to live and work in a team, teach them to create beauty, build life according to the laws of beauty, and educate a new person.

CHAPTER I . Features of labor education in primary school

1.1 The purpose and objectives of labor education

Labor education is the process of involving children in various pedagogically organized types of socially useful work with the aim of imparting to them a minimum of production experience, labor skills, and developing their creative practical thinking and hard work.

All material and spiritual benefits are created by human labor; In the process of labor, the person himself improves, his personality is formed. Therefore, the goal of school labor education is aimed at developing psychological and practical readiness of schoolchildren for work. The current stage of social and economic development places high demands on the personality of the producer: treating work as the most important public duty; conscientious attitude to any work, respect for work and its results; collectivism; constant manifestation of initiative, active, creative approach to work; the internal need to work to the full extent of one’s mental and physical strength; the desire to build work on the principles of scientific organization; attitude towards work as a conscious necessity and the basic life requirement of a person.

Readiness for work is achieved by a system of educational affairs, in each of which the following tasks are solved:

1) awareness of the goals and objectives of labor;

2) education of motives for work;

3) formation of labor skills and abilities.

Changes in the economic, environmental and social situation in the country, the introduction of various forms of ownership, and the adoption of many important laws radically change the meaning and direction of labor education for schoolchildren, bringing to life new approaches and forms.

The basis of new technologies of labor education is the principle of variability in programs, methods and organizational forms of education. Labor education programs are standard in nature. They contain the state minimum requirements for the results of upbringing, education and training, according to which the activities of the student, teacher and school are assessed. The teacher draws up a program taking into account a particular composition of schoolchildren, regional characteristics) while strictly maintaining the unity of the basic component of work culture. The basic component makes up on average from 20 to 80% of the content of a given specific program, the rest is reserved for its variable part.

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of labor education are not an end in themselves and not the final product of pedagogical activity, but a means for the development of the main human ability - the ability to work. This provides for a reduction in the proportion of reproductive teaching methods and opens up scope for the use of active research methods of cognition, for mastering the basics of heuristics and invention.

The inclusion of children in labor must be carried out taking into account the physiology of children of primary school age, the characteristics of their body and psyche, their interests and abilities.

By getting involved in work, students enter into relationships with objects, means, results of work, work itself, and interpersonal relationships with participants in work. Personal qualities are formed on the basis of the relationships that arise in work.

The formation of attitudes towards the subject of work deepens the environmental and moral education of students, creates conditions for the development of an individual’s aesthetic culture. Thus, it contributes to the harmonious development of the individual, whose activities are characterized by creative and constructive work. Relationships to the means of labor arise as a result of the use of technology, equipment, and tools for processing the object of labor in order to create a product. Based on the emerging relationships to the means of labor, younger schoolchildren develop a caring attitude towards tools, personal belongings, school property, and public property. These relationships are manifested in accuracy, discipline, and attentiveness. The process of processing an object of labor with the help of labor tools ends with a material result, the meaningful value of which is determined by its expediency, ease of use and beauty. Forming an attitude towards the result of labor is of particular importance for the development of accuracy, discipline, responsibility for the assigned work, and careful attitude towards the results of human labor in younger schoolchildren.

As a result of the emerging attitudes of younger schoolchildren to the labor process itself, the concept of labor as the only source of social well-being and a condition for the development and formation of personality is formed. The attitude of students to the labor process is of great importance for the formation of such personal qualities as patience, diligence, attentiveness, fairness, conscientiousness, organization, dedication, hard work, discipline, and self-criticism. The attitude towards oneself as a subject of labor activity that arises in work develops self-confidence and responsibility in younger schoolchildren. Work makes it possible to check and obtain an objective reflection of the students’ existing capabilities, to realize the importance of the process of self-education in the formation of personal qualities. Labor activity ensures self-education and self-development of the strengths and abilities of students, forms their consciousness and self-awareness, while acting as the most important factor in the formation of the “I” of the child’s personality.

In work activity, a number of influences can be distinguished: personality on personality; individuals to teams; collective to individual; team to team. Interpersonal relationships that arise in the work activities of primary school students contribute to the process of personal socialization. In collective work activities, schoolchildren have a need to coordinate their goals with the goals of the team, to connect their efforts with the efforts of other participants in joint work. A dependence arises between personal interests and public ones, as a result of which the social goals of activity and the orientation of the individual, collective management of activities and self-management of behavior, the organization of collective work activity and self-organization, the content of work activity and personal work experience, the formation of a team and the education of the individual within it are linked together.

Organizational forms of labor education and training are chosen by the teacher. For work to turn into a favorite activity, the child must experience the success and joy of work. Therefore, it is advisable to build training at the highest, accessible level of difficulty; experiencing the joy of well-deserved success at work, a young person acquires a sense of self-esteem and pride in his work.

The emphasis in the new technology of labor education is on the practical application of theoretical knowledge by schoolchildren. The structure of labor education is also changing. It becomes complex, includes ideas about technology and technology, the ability to solve practical problems, and achieve high-quality results. A creative approach to solving non-standard problems and the desire to improve the technical, economic and social indicators of production should be especially highly appreciated.

The creative activity of schoolchildren is increased by shows, exhibitions, and competitions for the production of the best model, device, and visual aid.

Giving schoolchildren labor skills and abilities does not mean preparing them for life and work.

The latter is achieved through the inclusion of schoolchildren in various types of collective socially useful, including productive labor, which, with pedagogically correct preparation, is the main means of labor education.

Changes in classroom and lesson activities in labor education determine the restructuring of extracurricular and extracurricular educational activities. It becomes person-oriented, maximally useful to a person and society. Active educational activities of labor orientation, brought to life by socio-economic processes, penetrate into the work practice of class teachers. Among labor educational activities there are traditional and new forms: labor watch, labor holiday, exhibition of crafts, general cleaning, humanitarian aid, landscaping and improvement of the school, a tournament of craftsmen (mother’s helpers, members of the “Skillful Hands” circle), a week of good deeds, a city of cheerful craftsmen, cosmetic renovation of the school, act of volunteers, patronage assistance, care zones, reconnaissance of useful works, labor landing, school repair team, etc.

The labor education system must use all forms and methods that ensure the conscious, purposeful performance of socially useful work, discipline and organization, responsibility for the personal contribution of the team in the development of social wealth, the development of relations of partnership and mutual assistance, and intransigence towards parasitism.

The forms of labor education are:

1) means of moral and material encouragement;

2) providing ample opportunities to improve one’s abilities;

3) preparing the younger generation for work through family education and educational institutions;

4) use of the media for the purposes of labor education.

Kharlamov I.F. provides new, renewing forms of work activity. Forms of organizing work activity play an important role in cultivating the need for work and careful attitude towards material values. The most important are the following:

a) creation of student units to perform this or that work. This could be a permanent part of caring for fruit trees in the school garden. Temporary units are organized to perform occasional work, for example, to decorate a school building for the upcoming holiday, to work together with bosses;

b) the accumulation and development of labor traditions in school, such as the traditional preparation and holding of the “Labor Festival” or the “Gift to School” holiday at school, when students produce teaching aids, make models, and lay out memorial alleys. Exhibitions of technical creativity of schoolchildren are a stimulating work tradition;

c) an effective form of labor activity is individual work assignments that are given to students by teachers.

Thus, the feasible work activity of younger schoolchildren contains significant opportunities for moral, environmental, aesthetic education and physical development.

CHAPTER II . Methods of labor education in primary school

Method (from the Greek metodos) means the path of knowledge; theory, teaching. Teaching methods depend on an understanding of the general laws of human cognition of the surrounding world, that is, they have a philosophical methodological justification and are a consequence of a correct understanding of the inconsistency of the learning process, its essence and principles.

In the process of labor education of junior schoolchildren, three groups of methods for instilling conscious discipline are distinguished:

Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.

Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior.

Methods of stimulating behavior and activity.

The first stage of properly organized upbringing is the knowledge (understanding) by the pupil of those norms and rules of behavior that should be formed in the process of upbringing. It is difficult to educate or develop any quality without first achieving a clear understanding of the meaning of this quality. To form views, concepts, and beliefs, methods are used that have received the general name of methods for forming the consciousness of the individual. The methods of this group are very important for the successful passage of the next important stage of the educational process - the formation of feelings, emotional experience of the required behavior.

In textbooks of previous years, the methods of this group were called briefly and more expressively - methods of persuasion, since their main purpose is the formation of stable beliefs. It is not knowledge, but beliefs that stimulate the actions of schoolchildren, therefore, it is not so much concepts and judgments as moral confidence in the social necessity and personal usefulness of a certain type of behavior that should be formed at the stage of development of consciousness. The methods achieve the goal when the pupils have formed a willingness to actively participate in the activities provided for by the content of education.

Conviction in the educational process is achieved by using the following methods: story, explanation, clarification, lecture, ethical conversation, exhortation, suggestion, instruction, debate, report, example .

Each method has its own specifics and scope of application. Despite their apparent simplicity, all methods of this group, without exception, require high pedagogical qualifications. They are used systematically, in combination with other methods.

Education should shape the required type of behavior. It is not concepts or beliefs, but specific deeds and actions that characterize the upbringing of an individual. In this regard, the organization of activities and the formation of experience of social behavior are considered as the core of the educational process.

Very important in the work activities of students is practical demonstration and training in their methods and techniques of work, compliance with safety regulations. Of great importance is the management of the labor process itself and assistance to students in mastering rational methods of its implementation.

To develop a conscientious attitude towards work, stimulating students is of great importance.

Social recognition plays a significant role in shaping students’ positive attitude towards work. This lifts the spirits of students and reveals in them a conscious attitude towards the need to work for the common good.

All methods of this group are based on the practical activities of the students. The universal method of developing the necessary personality qualities is exercise. This group includes: exercise, training, pedagogical requirement, public opinion, assignment, educational situations .

To the third group of stimulation methods include: encouragement, punishment, competition.

Adult approval is especially important when the student experiences inner satisfaction from the knowledge that he has achieved success in completing a work task. Equally important - if necessary - is reprimand. In the process of pedagogically organized work, the correct moral and aesthetic assessment of each individual is developed.


Labor is the main educator. It is necessary to help high school students see in it a source of development of their abilities and moral qualities, to prepare the younger generation for an active working and social life.

The task of instilling hard work is one of the most important in the system of personality formation. This is precisely where the educational power of labor lies, its moral essence, which K.D. has always emphasized. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Labor education covers those aspects of the educational process where labor actions are formed, production relations are formed, tools and methods of their use are studied. Work in the process of education acts both as a leading factor in the development of personality, and as a way of creative exploration of the world, gaining experience of feasible work activity in various fields of labor, and as an integral component of general education, which largely centers general educational educational material, as an equally integral part of physical and aesthetic education.

Thus, the studied material allowed us to conclude that the work of younger schoolchildren should be properly and pedagogically expediently organized.

In the process of labor education, students learn about the surrounding reality, systematizing and consolidating knowledge, the student consolidates his horizons. He becomes more diligent in his studies and begins to take an interest in technology and production. All this turns work into an active incentive for acquiring new knowledge. Teachers try to instill in schoolchildren a moral attitude towards work, arouse interest in work, and ensure that their work is useful to society.


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8. Pashkov A.G. Labor as a means of education // Pedagogy, 1992, No. 7-8 p. 3-10

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Pedagogical article on the topic: “Labor education”

Author: Olga Viktorovna Timolyanova, mathematics teacher.
Place of work: MBOU TSSH No. 2, village. Topchikha Topchikha district

Description of material: This article will be useful to all parents and primary school teachers and secondary teachers. It talks about the relevance of this topic, ways to instill a love of work, and the role of the family in the process of labor education.
Target: Forming an idea about the importance of instilling a love of work in children of primary school age.
- educational: talk about the goals and objectives of instilling hard work in children;
- developmental: develop the desire for labor education, for cooperation with children in work;
- educational: to cultivate interest in socially useful work.

If a person has acquired the habit of work from an early age, work is pleasant to him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hateful.
Working, having chosen a job to your liking, is as natural for a person as living and breathing. And one of the most important qualities that we must cultivate in our children is a love of work, respect for working people, and a willingness to work in any sphere of social production. Labor should become a vital need of the future citizen.
Like any other moral quality, hard work is formed in the process of education - a complex and multifaceted process. A person's personality is unique in its individuality. This is where all the difficulties come from, but this is the key to understanding them.
The foundations of labor education are laid in the family. The family is a friendly work team. The love of work must begin to be cultivated very early. Imitation, characteristic of a child, is one of the most important motives that encourage children to be active. Watching adults work gives rise to a desire to do the same. Not to extinguish this desire, but to develop and deepen it is the main task of parents if they want to raise a child to be a hard worker.
The simplest labor operation produces serious changes in the psychology and physical abilities of the child. It is success that fills a child’s heart with joy, causes a surge of energy, and a desire to get down to business again. That is why parents should strive not only to instill labor skills in their children, but also to ensure that the child sees the result of his work and the benefits from it. The desire to repeat success gives rise to the need to repeat it in work. From that moment on, he works because he is not only forced to work by external circumstances, but work has become a vital need for him, the satisfaction of his immediate instincts.
If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character. A.S. Makarenko wrote: “I demand that children’s life be organized as an experience that fosters a certain group of habits.” He meant to develop in a person such forms of behavior that in specific situations he would have the need to act one way and not another.
By the group of “habits” he meant sanitary and hygienic, moral, culture of behavior, habitual ways of thinking, reasoning and, finally, work habits, i.e. a habitual positive attitude towards any work effort.
There is a large distance between the desire for activity and hard work and it is impossible to put an equal sign between these two concepts. The teacher’s task is to transform this natural inclination, which is only a prerequisite for hard work, into one of the most important personality qualities through certain pedagogical measures.
How to do it? Perhaps, cultivating the habit of work is the most troublesome task, and let parents not expect too quick and easy results. Firstly, because love for work is cultivated only through work, and secondly, because all work is associated with overcoming inability, with effort, fatigue and tension.
Only by overcoming difficulties and inability does the child gradually find satisfaction. Happened! It didn’t work until now, but now it has! Another skill acquired. This is a very important moment in the emotional life of a child that cannot be ignored.
He rejoices and shines, inviting others to share this joy. For the first time, he looks in surprise at his hands, which until now could only take, but now he has learned to do something.
It is necessary to accustom children to do household chores not only because we are preparing them for a future independent life. Ultimately, these are not such difficult matters. The main thing is that by involving children in performing household duties, we cultivate the habit of working, and with it the habit of caring for loved ones, thereby forming noble motives. The habit, the ability to do something with one’s own hands, will be useful to him in any profession and, in addition, they greatly contribute to the mental development of the child. After all, any labor operation that is simple and uncomplicated for an adult requires mental effort from a child.
Household work, which forms work habits, should in no case be episodic in life. Systematicity is required here. Children must have constant responsibilities. Only with this formulation of the question will work become an educational tool. Constant responsibilities foster an important quality – responsibility. Of course, mom will wash the dishes and water the flowers much faster. But if an 8-year-old daughter does it, it’s more useful and important. She is proud of her skills.
It is necessary to reinforce in the child’s mind that studying is work that requires volitional effort, attention, and activity. The child must be ready to transfer hard work to the main leading activity - study.

She returns home, as usual, during rush hour. In a crowded bus, she is pushed from all sides, there is nothing to hold on to: her hands are full of bags of groceries. She is tired. It was a hard day.
"My God!" - she thinks. Now I would like to rest, but there is so much to do at home. Tomorrow is Tanya's birthday. Seryozha has a holiday in his class, he needs to prepare elegant clothes. Cook something for dinner, bake a pie.”
Opening the door with the key, she hears Seryozha’s hurried whisper: “I’ve arrived.”
“What else are they up to there,” she thinks.
-Give me the bags! – Seryozha takes the heavy string bags from her and rushes with them to the kitchen. She automatically follows them and stops on the threshold of the kitchen. The sink shines, the dishes are all clean. Her favorite borscht is bubbling on the electric stove.
“Let’s go to the room,” her son pulls her by the hand. She goes into the room. The floors are washed, there is a bouquet of daisies on the table, not a speck of dust around, on the nightstand there is a burnt pie made from a semi-finished cake. Seryozha's clean uniform hangs on a hanger. Her irritation and fatigue disappeared as if by hand.
-How did you know what needed to be done?
“The company’s secret,” Seryozha hastily declares, making a warning sign to Tanya.
- Well, really, guys? What are you, telepaths?
Late in the evening, when the children were already asleep, she quietly entered them, bent over her daughter’s bed and carefully slipped a package under the pillow - a birthday present. Some piece of paper falls from under the pillow. A piece of paper from a notebook.
On the piece of paper it is written down point by point in her handwriting what she needs to remember to do today. This is her reminder.
“The secret of the company,” she smiles. – You are my good telepaths.

Kindness, caring for a person, the need to bring joy to others - this is what should serve as the motive that encourages a child to work.
Hard work plus kindness is that amazing complex that raises a person to moral heights.
Sukhomlinsky, calling labor education the harmony of three principles: necessary, difficult and beautiful, put the deepest meaning into this definition.
Necessary. And how. Simply necessary. Without love for work, a person cannot succeed and establish himself as a person. Only hard work and with it such integral qualities as determination and perseverance will help him achieve his goal in life.
Difficult. Certainly. And parents should be prepared for this. Raising hard work in a child will require persistence, enormous patience and time. It is not easy to carry out this basic line in education daily and hourly, in small things and in the main thing, by personal example.
Wonderful. Yes. Because nothing gives a person such high moral satisfaction as the consciousness: difficulties have been overcome, the goal has been achieved. This joy is available to those who love work.

Since the school not only teaches how to read, write and generally be an intelligent and comprehensively developed person, but also engages in the socialization of the child, we must not forget about one of the aspects of this very socialization - labor education. One can talk a lot and unconstructively about the fact that modern children are not accustomed to work and are not burdened with any extra responsibilities. Yes, it’s hard to argue that the words “labor landing” will not evoke in all schoolchildren today the same enthusiasm that was once characteristic of pioneers and Komsomol members. But still, labor education has been and should be one of the priority areas of the school today, and the approach to it should be as serious as it is interesting.

Objectives of labor education

Work is, perhaps, one of the main means of developing the psyche and moral attitudes of an individual. It is impossible to talk about comprehensive personal development if the child is distracted from work. Labor education at school involves the following tasks:

  • Formation in schoolchildren of a positive attitude towards work, and the perception of work as one of the highest values ​​in life;
  • Fostering hard work, a sense of duty and responsibility, determination and entrepreneurship, and honesty;
  • Development of the need for creative work and the desire to put one’s knowledge into practice;
  • Formation of the foundations of mental and physical labor;
  • Equipping schoolchildren with a variety of skills and abilities.

Types of labor

Labor education has a substantive basis, which includes two types of work - educational work and socially useful work.

Academic work involves mental and physical work. Mental work requires great willpower, patience, perseverance, and determination. If a child is accustomed to mental work, this will also be reflected in the positive experience of physical work.

Physical labor in the school curriculum is represented in the work of students in educational workshops and in the school area.

Socially useful work is organized in the interests of each student and the entire school staff. This includes self-care work at school and at home, domestic work at home, caring for school plantings, summer work in the fields and in construction teams, Timurov’s work.

It is worth mentioning about productive labor, which is the initial stage of production relations and is aimed at creating material values.

Specific events

To one degree or another, the above events are familiar to everyone and everyone has some ideas about their organization. But, without a doubt, the modern approach to labor landings should slightly transform the usual forms and attract children with originality and novelty. Of course, we will never get away from being on duty in the classroom or working in the school area. Agree, it’s difficult to transform them, but you can add some zest. It is enough to organize a competition for the best month on duty or motivate the children with some kind of bonus within the school system, and the children’s interest in these events will increase.

There are many schools where labor education is a top priority. Naturally, most of them are located in rural areas. It seems reasonable to create labor detachments on the basis of each class or parallel, and these same detachments are assigned very specific labor responsibilities. For example, one detachment is responsible for cleaning the monument to fallen soldiers (after all, there are such in almost every village), another detachment takes care of a small school alley, and still others take patronage of the flower garden. Tasks can be varied without limiting them only to physical labor. Creative work should also be stimulated by organizing fairs of students’ creative works every six months.

Professional auditions

A bright and positive experience of modern labor education. The essence of professional auditions is that graduating students “try on” some professions. They can spend several hours at the enterprise (if the school has agreed with its representatives), stand with a real salesperson behind the store counter, teach a lesson to children, etc. In this matter, the school must enlist the support of parents, who should become guides to the world of professions and help children gain valuable experience.

Case in point

Creative work is perceived most positively by schoolchildren; almost everyone wants to create a beautiful, interesting thing with their own hands. To stimulate their activity, it is necessary to periodically organize exhibitions of creative works. For example, for Mother’s Day, organize an exhibition “Mom’s Golden Hands”, which will consist of handicrafts and creative experiments of mothers.

During cleanup days and environmental strikes, teachers should not stand aside; their example is paramount for the children.

Why are the good old waste paper collection events so undeservedly forgotten? There are schools that organize internal competitions for collecting waste paper and the winning class is awarded, for example, a personal computer. Of course, we are not talking about new computer equipment specially purchased for this occasion, but still this is a strong motivation for classes.

Working with parents

There's nowhere without her. Without enlisting their support, the work will be one-sided. Children will contrast home, where they have few responsibilities, with school, where they are “forced” to weed the beds and wipe the dust.

Parent meetings can be devoted to labor education, and meetings can be organized within the parent club. After all, many mothers and fathers have a false idea about the labor education of a child and downplay its role. Some people believe that a third grader should not be able to sweep the floor and his maximum ability should be to take out the trash. The school can and should tell parents about the true state of affairs and explain how children can work in the family.

If the school and parents act in tandem, we can talk about the reality of achieving goals.

Without edification

The only constructive method to help children love work and feel their need for it is the absence of formalism in organizing work events and a creative approach. Work is not a burden or a punishment, it is an opportunity to realize your abilities and mark the day with another useful deed. And every student should know and understand these words.
