What you need to do before the new year. Overcome your biggest fear

For many people, waiting for the New Year is like waiting for something magical. In order for this magic to happen, needs to be done before New Year certain things. We have prepared a list of such things for you, which you can add with your own items and rework it for yourself:

  1. Pay off debts and return other people's things.
  2. Get rid of unnecessary things in all areas of life.
  3. Finish everything that we didn’t manage to do this year.
  4. Forgive the offenders and ask for forgiveness yourself.
  5. Thank those who made this year good for you.
  6. Analyze the past year.
  7. Create a “repository of wishes” for the new year.
  8. Make the next 365 days of the new year yourself.
  9. Congratulate your surroundings on the upcoming New Year.
  10. Decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house.
  11. Get into the New Year's spirit.
  12. Buy something new for yourself.
  13. Write a "script" New Year's Eve.

Pay off debts and return what belongs to others

In order to enter the New Year easily, you need to return the money to the debtors, as well as what others left in your home or workplace - clothing, books, other things and objects.

If you cannot repay all your debts due to their large size, then try to fulfill this point at least "maximum". New Year does not like debtors! Take and free yourself from everything that is holding you back and putting pressure on your shoulders.

Get rid of unnecessary things

The best way to do this is conduct general cleaning . Without regret, throw away everything that is irretrievably broken, everything that is no longer useful to you. The more junk you throw away, the more new and useful the New Year will bring you.

Also get rid of “junk” on your computer, phone, clean your mailbox, hard drive, delete unnecessary contacts.

You don't want people who are unpleasant or useless to you.
were you with me in the new year?

Don't forget to clean and inner self: get rid of the bad ones and negative thoughts, memories. Free your head from all this and let more positive and bright things in there. Once you do all this, believe me, in the new year you will have more bright and kind moments, things, acquaintances than in the past.

Finish old things

If your to-do list for the current year has many unfulfilled items that you are physically unable to complete, then choose from it one-two-three most important- and forward! Complete them and then new doors and new opportunities await you in the new year.

Everyone has their own list and their own priorities: finish the repairs, finish reading the textbook, pass the exam, finish and submit the report... Choose your “those” important 3 things and complete them this year, it’s time to finally do it!

Forgive others and ask for forgiveness yourself

IN New Year you must log in with positive attitude, without negative feelings resentment or anger. Therefore, now forgive everyone against whom you even secretly held a grudge. This just needs to be done before the new year! Believe me, first of all, it will bring joy to you personally.

Also ask for forgiveness from everyone you may have inadvertently offended in the heat of emotion. After all, it’s never too late to ask for forgiveness! Call, write to those who have been offended and welcome the New Year with relief and positivity. Forget all the bad things, they are already in the past.

Thank everyone who “did” this year for you

Surely there are those in your circle who made the past year a good one for you. Perhaps these were brief moments of happiness or fundamental changes for the better. It doesn't matter what "weight" is added to your good mood this or that person - just thank each of them.

It’s so important and nice to talk "Thank you!" and do this as often as possible. Thus you make them inner world better, kinder, brighter. Thank others and see them smile. Together with them, the whole world will begin to smile at you, and life will become even brighter.

Analyze the past year

This important point on the list of things to do before the New Year. Sit back comfortably, devote a couple of tens of minutes to yourself and analyze the past year.

Think about what area of ​​your life you succeeded in, what you didn’t have time to do, and why? Try to identify the reasons for some failures. Perhaps you shouldn’t have engaged in or started this or that business? Write down everything that comes to mind.

Then just look at this list and prioritize, important directions for yourself next year.

Create a “repository of wishes” for the New Year

Take any container convenient for you (jar, box, etc.) and decorate it to your liking. Then on separate sheets of paper write your wishes to next year . Each piece of paper contains a separate wish.

Then put each piece of paper in its own "repository of desires" and just believe that after 12 chimes they will begin to come true! At the end of next year, open your “vault” and check what has come true and what has not. Do this annually.

Make your own next 365 days

You ask: "How can i do this?". It’s very simple: write to yourself 365 wishes, advice, and moods for every day. You can also put these notes in a jar or box and, starting January 1, take them out one at a time and read them.

If something needs to be done, do it. If you just left yourself some wish for the current day, then just charge yourself with it.

Happy New Year to your surroundings

If you want real magic on the eve of the New Year, then you should do something about it. One of these steps will be to congratulate your surroundings on the upcoming holiday.

Congratulate your neighbors personally, write beautiful cards and put them in the mailboxes of your house, neighboring houses - bring joy and fairy tales to the world, and then she will take a step in your direction!

Decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house

What New Year can do without a beautiful and elegant Christmas tree? Display this green beauty and decorate it with bright sparkling toys and garlands.

Don't limit yourself to just the Christmas tree– hang garlands wherever appropriate. If you live in a private house, then decorate your porch. Let all passersby see that you are ready to let into your home a real holiday.

Get into the New Year's spirit

The previous item on the list of what needs to be done before the New Year will help you with this. However, don't stop there! Let the festive mood constantly haunt you.

How can I do that? Very simple: download to your phone or player New Year's collection songs, listen to it all the time. And even if you didn’t feel the New Year approaching before, this approach will allow you to feel it.

Buy something new for yourself

The previous 2 points will be strengthened many times over if you allow yourself to buy new suit for New Year's Eve! Or sew something unusual and colorful yourself. The New Year will appreciate it if you come to his birthday party in a new, bright suit.

Well, what would New Year be without tangerines! Be sure to buy them and put them on your holiday table.

Write a “script” for New Year’s Eve

Think ahead with whom, where and how do you want to celebrate the New Year? Write it all down, make a script.

How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!

That is why it is worth thinking about who you would like to see constantly next year, what mood to be in throughout the year? Think it over, call your family and friends and discuss all the details.

Remember that you are yourself you know better what you want for yourself. That’s why you don’t have to limit yourself to this list: change it as you want, supplement it, write your own points.

The main thing is to constantly follow the path of development, become even better, more confident, positive and successful every day! Be inspired by this and happy 2016!!!

There is not much time left before the New Year, which means now is the time to finish all the things and do what you didn’t decide to do during these 12 months. Try to start making your dreams come true with the list below, which shows what you need to do before the New Year to feel truly happy when the chimes strike.

  • To get started next year With clean slate, try to get rid of some bad habit. Stop procrastinating, stop smoking, give up fast food. Everyone has something that bothers them and constantly holds them back. Why not decide to make changes and time them to coincide with such significant date like New Year.
  • If you think about what you need to do before the New Year first of all, it’s to pay off all your debts. This is not about a loan or mortgage, perhaps you just forgot to thank loved one for the service provided.
  • No matter how hard it may be to part with the goods you have acquired, try to free the surrounding space from unnecessary things. Go through your wardrobe, waste paper, old things from a past relationship. You will notice how your home will be transformed, and you will be able to move forward more confidently towards your bright future. Moreover, you don’t have to throw things away; try distributing them among friends or donating them to charity.
  • If you haven't made a yearly bucket list yet, then make one. And if it has been preserved since last year, then it’s time to go through the points and try to implement the remaining ones.
  • The best way to achieve harmony is to free your soul from resentment, even if you are still angry with someone. Believe me, it is not worth the energy you spend maintaining negative thoughts in your head.

  • If you don’t want to rush around the shops fussily looking for gifts, then it’s better to think about buying them at the beginning of winter. If you don't know what to give to your friends, significant other or relatives, then you still have time to discreetly reveal their deepest desires.
  • If you haven’t called your parents or contacted relatives for a long time, then it’s worth doing this. If you are not planning to celebrate the New Year in family circle, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to visit your family and friends in the near future.
  • Decide to do some selfless act. Surprise unfamiliar person gift, donate money to an animal shelter or donate blood.
  • Despite the fact that there is little time left until the end of December, you can still sign up for Gym, do yoga, buy a swimming pool membership, master Indian or Thai cuisine at cooking classes to surprise your friends with original dishes for the New Year.
  • Take a weekend trip to another city or country you haven’t been to before.

  • Try to get your adrenaline flowing by doing extreme sports. Perhaps you have always dreamed of conquering a mountain, rafting or skydiving, but kept putting it off.
  • Do something you haven't dared to do before. Try baked snake in a Vietnamese restaurant, talk to someone on the street stranger or buy a motorcycle.
  • Fall in love if you are single, and if you already have a soulmate, then refresh your feelings by declaring your love again.
  • Try waking up a few minutes earlier every day. So by the New Year you will be able to boast about your results and increase the day by more than an hour to make new desires come true.

There is not as much time left until the New Year as we might think. Therefore, you need to have time to do a lot. We have done part of the work for you - we have compiled a list of necessary and pleasant things to do. Follow it and preparing for the holidays will be even more fun!

1. Drink cocoa with marshmallows in a cozy coffee shop or in your own kitchen.

2. Buy a warm robe, blanket, scarf - any thing that will create a feeling of comfort and coziness.

3. Make a list of gifts for the New Year (and, of course, buy according to the list).

4. Make winter holiday cards by hand. There are a lot of training lessons for this on the Internet.

5. Spend the day with family and loved ones. After all, in the daily hustle and bustle of work, we often deprive our closest ones of attention.

6. Admire the night snowfall.

14. Rearrange the apartment.

16. Go to a concert/theater/cinema.

19. Play snowballs.

20. Take a break from telephone conversations and (just don’t forget to warn your family so they don’t worry).

23. Make family photo. This could become an annual tradition.

36. Go sledding. Gather a group and remember your childhood!

37. Paint a portrait of yourself in 5 years (describe how you imagine your achievements, appearance, environment - whatever you want. And put it off for 5 years - then it will be interesting to compare).

38. Go to the skating rink. If you already know how to skate, you'll have a great time. If not, it’s never too late to learn.

39. Meet those you haven’t seen for a long time.

40. Take a walk in the park.

41. Make and hang a bird feeder on a tree. Who will take care of our feathered brothers in the cold if not us?

42. . Very useful thing. You can take it with you to work, school or even for a walk.

43. . Take care of your body - eat more healthy foods to get through the winter without catching colds.

44. Get a pet to keep you warm in its company when friends and loved ones are very busy.

45. Start writing a book or short stories.

The New Year is directly related to traditions, and each country has its own. Some of them are unique, and are associated only with the historical way of life of a certain people, but there are those that are observed by residents different countries. Getting things done before the New Year comes into its own is an unspoken tradition followed by many inhabitants of our planet. There is a belief that the worries of the previous year will weigh you down like a heavy stone if you do not have time to complete them. We have compiled a list of things that need to be done before the New Year, so that only good luck will accompany you in the future.

Say goodbye to negative thoughts

Leave all the grievances in the past year; you don’t need to take them with you into the new year. Get rid of the burden and smile at the new day!

Make time for your family and friends

Despite the fact that New Year is considered family holiday, not everyone gets to spend it with their family. Choose a day and spend it with those who are dear to your heart.

Quit a job that doesn't bring you satisfaction.

Are you counting the hours until the end of the working day, there is no incentive to get up in the morning by the alarm clock, and the idea of ​​writing a resignation letter has long been in your head? Know now best time do it! New Year's weekend will come in handy: you can relax and at the same time decide on what you really want to do in life and find suitable vacancies.

Prepare something unusual for you

Someone has never cooked milk porridge in the morning, made cream soup, baked fish in foil, or baked manna with chocolate glaze. Surprise yourself and your loved ones and decide on a culinary experiment.

End a painful relationship

Since before the New Year it is customary to get rid of unnecessary and unpleasant things, why troubled relationship should be an exception? Approach this issue with a clear head, weigh all the pros and cons, and if there is more of the latter, do not regret it, and get rid of the relationships that prevent you from being yourself and moving on.

Get rid of clutter in your home and life

Surely you are familiar with the theory that a tidy home allows you to maintain order in your thoughts. Italians have very interesting tradition: Throwing unnecessary things out the window on New Year's Eve. We hope you don't go to extremes, but if it helps you regain your peace of mind, go for it! By the way, things you don’t need may turn out to be very necessary for someone else. You can take them to Orphanage or in rehabilitation centers For dysfunctional families or the poor. Isn't it a good deed?

"Alone at home", " Real love", "A Christmas Story", "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone", "Carnival Night", "Bridget Jones's Diary" - these are the films on my list. Make your own, brew ginger tea, turn on the lights, wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

Take care of your New Year's gifts

Not a single list of things to do before the New Year can do without this item. Decide who behaved well this year and deserves a gift from you. For some you can buy a gift in a store, but for others you can make it yourself.

Decide to try something new

Many people like to start something on Monday, but we know that it doesn't work. Get started now! Have you ever wanted to dye your hair a different color? Go for it! Have you had your tattoo sketch saved on your smartphone for six months? Make up your mind! How long have you been wanting to get a pet? Do not wait! This is the time for you.

Decorate your home for the holidays

The very process of preparing for the New Year is a real holiday for the soul! Take the Christmas tree from the balcony, the box of toys from the mezzanine, and unravel the garland. If time permits, go shopping and buy new jewelry or do something with your own hands.

Pay off your debts

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a sum of money, a thing, or a promise made to someone. Say goodbye to debts in the past year, and try not to take on new ones in the new one.

Stop doubting yourself

Each of us has the uniqueness of a snowflake. This is the most important thing you should remember when looking in the mirror. Yes, not everyone ideal character, we all have our own characteristics of appearance, but others of us cannot be found anywhere else. Leave your complexes in a box with things you are planning to throw away, take with you only aspirations for the better!

Take stock and make a plan

So, a decorated Christmas tree illuminates the room with lights, gifts are waiting in the wings, everything unnecessary is left behind, unnecessary things have long been placed in kind hands— it's time to take stock of the past year. What was he like? What and who will you take with you into the New Year? How have you changed over time and what needs to change in the future? Stay alone, take stock and make an action plan for coming year!

A reminder of what you need to do before the New Year to meet it fully armed. Ideas for comprehensive preparation for the perfect holiday.

Every woman begins to prepare for herself happy holiday a year in advance. Some people start buying gifts and products from the first days of December, other ladies leave everything until last week.

Expert psychologists have compiled a list of thirty important things that need to be done before December 31st. If you do everything, New a year will pass without additional hassle and disappointment.

New Year's to-do list

Buy a New Year's outfit

You can't do without a new outfit! Searches should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the holiday. On the eve of the New Year, prices for evening dresses can rise.

Take care of your health

It is necessary to engage not only in prevention, but also in the treatment of chronic ailments, otherwise after New Year's feast you will encounter trouble - an exacerbation of old sores. Start taking vitamins and drinking herbal tea.

Plan your New Year's getaway

To fill the beginning of the year with positive emotions, think through every day of the New Year holidays. You may stay in the city, but this does not mean that you need to spend all your days at home. Go skiing, go to billiards, an ice skating rink, a cafe, or training. Design a program so that you only have a few hours each day to relax at home.

Let go of all grudges

You cannot enter the New Year with a heavy load. Forgive your offenders, mentally wish them health and move on.

Buy gifts

You need to think about buying gifts for loved ones in advance. Then you won't have to buy unnecessary trinkets at supermarket sales on December 30 and 31. In addition, the stores are very crowded these days.

Pack the gifts

New Year's gifts It’s not enough to buy them, they also need to be packaged beautifully. Stock up multi-colored ribbons and bright glossy paper.

Change your appearance

External changes always entail internal ones. Before the start of the year, have time to go to the hairdresser, refresh your hair color, visit beauty salons and go necessary procedures. Buy one bright and beautiful accessory.

Give away all your debts

Before the New Year, it is simply necessary to say goodbye to old debts. If you cannot pay back all the money, pay off the debt partially. Don't forget to pay all receipts and pay off loans.

Get in shape

Even a week before the New Year, you can start watching your diet and improve your skin condition. And, for example, tighten the abdominal muscles and restore physical strength you can without buying a gym membership. Do exercises every day for at least thirty minutes, and go for walks in the evening.

Pay attention to parents

In the everyday routine, many people forget about the people closest to them. Plan family evening on a weekend or take the whole family to a restaurant or movie.

Make a thank you sheet

Write what you can be grateful to yourself for in the past year. No need to be modest!

Do good deeds

On the eve of the holiday, organize a trip with your colleagues or friends to an orphanage or hospital. Children and sick people enjoy every little thing! A few gifts from each person will make the meeting unforgettable!

Support your loved ones and friends

Look around, maybe your relatives or friends difficult period and it is difficult for them to rejoice at the upcoming triumph. Maybe someone in your family is going through hard times. Don’t forget to set your loved ones up for a wonderful New Year that will change everything in their lives!

Go ice skating

Even if you have never stood on ice, collect fun company and go to the skating rink.

Thank your loved ones and friends

Tell these people “thank you” simply for having them. You can even thank your enemies for this!

Do something with your own hands

It could be knitted scarf or a painted card, as well as Christmas tree decorations.

Fulfill a long-standing promise

It doesn't matter whether you gave it to yourself or someone else. Promises must be kept!

Visit a new place

You don't have to leave the city to do this. Go to an exhibition or theater, visit a new large store.

Meet your best friends

Of course, I have free time modern man very little, but you must agree in advance with best friends and meet them at a bar or cafe. Chat about plans for next year and how the previous year ended.

Complete all unfinished tasks

Don’t leave anything at work that you couldn’t handle in the past year, and then New Year holidays you can relax peacefully without thinking about your responsibilities.

Get a manicure and pedicure

Give up the classics and surprise your friends bright colors. For the New Year, shiny and most bright shades varnish

Get rid of unnecessary junk

First you need it in your wardrobe. Take things that you have not worn for a long time to a temple or to a center for helping homeless people. If you have shoes or sweaters with holes, feel free to throw them away.

Create a New Year's menu

Even if the celebration is planned in a restaurant, create a menu for your home so that you don’t have to run to the store for groceries on January 1st.

Say important words

Perhaps you have been wanting to tell someone about your feelings for a long time, but you don’t dare. Maybe you are in a quarrel with an old friend and dream of making peace? Do this before the year is over.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Firstly, don’t forget to buy it, and secondly, check if it’s in stock necessary toys and garlands.

Bake some holiday baked goods

Even if you have never baked pies, try to do it before the holiday. Fragrant pastries create a special atmosphere in the house before the holidays.

Decorate your apartment interior

Buy a package shiny paper, garlands, scissors, glue, glitter and make something that will capture the imagination of your household.

Decide on a place to celebrate

To avoid sitting in front of the TV all night, make an action plan. After celebrating the New Year, you can go on a visit or to the city Christmas tree.

Buy or knit a sweater with snowflakes and deer

You don't have to wear something like this to work: you can wear a sweater when it's cold winter evenings, and it will remind you of the holiday.

Go to any New Year's performance

It's good if you have children or nephews. Give them tickets to the play and go to the theater with your children.

Accept yourself as you are

Were you unable to lose five kilograms this past year? Haven't found a worthy life partner? This is not the time to despair. New Year is the best day
