Parent meeting. Parent meeting in the senior group "If school in a year ..." (for parents of future first graders) Parent meetings in kindergarten senior group end of the school year

MBDOU Great October Kindergarten "Squirrel"

Firovsky district Tver region

The final parent meeting in the senior group on the topic:

"Our Achievements for the Year"

The date of the: 21.05.2018.

Present: 12 people.

Conduct form: conversation-dialogue of educators with parents of children of the senior group.

Target: summing up the results of the joint upbringing and educational process as a means of the comprehensive development of the child.


contribute to the formation of the team of the group, the development of the individual characteristics of children;

to interest parents in the development of mental and creative abilities of children; maintain friendly relations between pupils and parents;

to determine the prospects for interaction between teachers, parents and children for the new academic year.


1. Performance of educators.

2. View presentation.

3. Analysis of the achievements of the children of the group (the result of monitoring children at the end of the school year).

4. Report on circle work.

6. Miscellaneous (7-10 min)

Solving pressing issues.

7. Announcement of gratitude to parents for active participation in the life of the group.

8. Conclusion.

Children show the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". Invite parents to switch roles with children and show a fairy tale.

Event progress

1. Educator: Hello, dear parents. Congratulations on the successful completion of another academic year. This year was not easy, sometimes not everything went smoothly, but we can say with confidence that it was an interesting year full of events, events, victories and successes.

Our children have become one more year older, which means they are healthier, smarter, smarter. Together with the guys, we went through many trials and difficulties on the way to mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything was easy for someone, someone had to make considerable efforts to achieve their goals, but everyone worthily went through the difficult path called the “Senior Group”.

Educator. In children of older preschool age, the game is increasingly not only the content of free time, but also acts as one of the types of interesting and useful activities, a means of fostering friendly communication, positive relationships between children, moral behavior.

It is known that the game is the most natural type of activity for children, which contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and personal manifestations, self-expression, independence. Senior preschool age is the time of development of cognitive interests, creative abilities of children. This developmental function is fully characteristic of entertaining mathematical games.

This year we have produced a sufficient number of didactic games in mathematics, as well as other educational games and manuals.

Many of you, if you wish and have free time, can make similar games at home.

(Showing didactic games in mathematics made by educators).

Educator: During this academic year, we have learned:

1. Independently monitor your appearance, neatness, follow hygiene procedures and healthy lifestyle rules.

2. Strive for communication with peers, for respect and positive assessment from the communication partner. They learned to pronounce complex sentences, change words according to numbers, cases. Answer questions about the storyline. Name words with a certain sound and determine the location of the sound in the word: the beginning, middle, at the end of the word. Act out poems and stories.

3. Developed fine motor skills. Children began to draw better, cut, using different techniques. We learned to sculpt from a whole piece, smoothing the surface. They use the techniques of decorative decoration, created handicrafts, as well as various methods of rolling, pressing, flattening. Learned how to properly hold scissors and use them correctly.

4. Mathematical representations are reduced to familiarization of the number series from 1 to 10 and more. Know by heart the numbers within 10. Produce a countdown within the first ten. Know the signs greater than, less than, equal, plus, minus. Comparing items. Understand the operations of addition and subtraction. They have an idea about the procedures for measuring different quantities: length, weight, volume. Learn to name the days of the week in order. Distinguish between yesterday, today, tomorrow. Name the seasons, name the months for each season. Use general words. Serialize, find patterns and continue the series. Geometrically flat and three-dimensional figures are distinguished and correctly called circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, ball, cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid. They have an idea of ​​the parts of the day.

The children have learned to communicate with each other. A friendly team has formed! Of course, everyone is different, with their own characteristics, characters.

2. Educator: And now, we offer to watch the presentation "So we have become a year older." Attention to the screen.

3. Based on the monitoring results, we can say that the children have learned a lot. The level of knowledge has increased, you can see it yourself ...

4. Circle work.

5. Memo for parents on the safety of children during the summer (holiday) period.

Memo for parents on the safety of children during the summer (holiday) period.

Dear parents, it is understandable that daily chores distract you, but do not forget that your children need help and attention, especially during the summer.

First, remind your child of the rules of the road every day. To do this, use the appropriate situations on the street in the yard, on the way to kindergarten. Being with the baby on the street, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with vehicles, pedestrians. For example, why it is currently impossible to cross the roadway, what are the rules for pedestrians and cars in this case, point out violators, noting that they violate the rules, risking being hit by moving vehicles. Remember that your child must learn:

1. you can’t go out on the road without adults, you walk with an adult by the hand, don’t break out, don’t get off the sidewalk;

2. walking down the street should be a calm step, keeping to the right side of the sidewalk;

3. You can only cross the road on a pedestrian sidewalk at a green traffic light, making sure that all cars have stopped;

Secondly: when going out into nature, keep in mind that

1. when bathing children during hikes, walks and excursions in the summer, a quiet, shallow place is selected with a bottom that is flat and clean from snags, algae and silt;

2. children should not be allowed to water bodies without adult supervision;

3. a bathing child must be continuously monitored;

4. during swimming, prohibit children from jumping into the water and diving from the railing of the fence or from the shore;

5. Resolutely stop the pranks of children on the water.

Third: constantly remind your child about safety rules

outdoors and at home:

Repeat to your child daily:

- Do not go far from your home, yard.

Don't take anything from strangers on the street. Step aside immediately.

Don't walk until dark.

- Go around the company of unfamiliar teenagers.

- Avoid deserted places, ravines, wastelands, abandoned houses, sheds, attics, basements.

Don't open the door for people you don't know.

Don't get into someone else's car.

- Answer all the offers of strangers: "No!" and immediately get away from them to where there are people.

- Do not be shy to call people for help on the street, in transport, at the entrance.

- In a moment of danger, when they try to grab you, they use force, scream, break out, run away.

Dear parents, remember the rules for the safety of your child at home:

- do not leave unattended electrical appliances turned on;

- do not leave the child alone in the apartment;

- block access to sockets;

- avoid contact of the child with a gas stove and matches.

Remember! The child takes an example from you - the parents! Let your example teach the disciplined behavior of the child on the street and at home. Try to do everything possible to protect children from accidents!

6. Miscellaneous.

7. Presentation of letters of thanks.

And now about the pleasant. We say thank you to all parents for their active position in the life of the group during the school year. And we look forward to further cooperation.

At the end of today's meeting, I would like you to read a poem:

We want parents

Say a big thank you.

Thank you for the children

With whom you made friends with us.

Thank you dads, moms

For the fact that in our common cause

Ready just like us

Parent meeting

On the topic "Here we are a year older"


1. "Results of the academic year" - Tatyana Dmitrievna

2. Rewarding active parents - Lutovinova N.A.

3. Screening of the video film "The Life of Wonderful Children"

Meeting progress:

1. Performance Tatyana Dmitrievna: Today we sum up the results, analyze the work done. What have our children achieved? What happened? What else needs to be worked on. So another school year flew by unnoticed, our children have matured, learned a lot, learned a lot.Children start going to kindergarten at about 3 years old. By the age of 4-5, they are usually fully mastered in kindergarten, a certain independence appears. Many ro Parents are worried: is their baby lagging behind their peers in the group in development, are there any problems and what should be paid attention to.

So, let's try to determine what a child should know at this age. (taken from internet)

In the field of mathematics: h to know all the numbers from 0 to 10, to be able to count objects up to ten, to know and correctly show and name the basic geometric shapes.

In the field of thinking/memory: compare pictures, find similarities and differences, collect puzzles, pyramids, build according to the model from the designer, memorize and recite small poems, be able to conduct a conversation: answer questions, ask counter questions on your own, know your name, surname, call your family members, your age and city of residence

In the field of the surrounding world: name the seasons, their signs, distinguish between wild and domestic animals, name fruits, vegetables, berries, distinguish between them

What should a child aged 4 to 5 be able to do?

  • independently fasten and unfasten buttons, zippers
  • know how to tie your shoelaces
  • handle spoon and fork very well
  • be able to draw straight lines and even circles
  • color pictures without going beyond their borders
  • distinguish between right and left hand, right and left foot....

I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that in kindergarten we monitor how children hold a spoon, fork, pencil, please pay attention to this at home.

Congratulations on the successful completion of the school year!

Today at the meeting we want to tell you about our achievements and interests. This year, the following projects were implemented: "Healthy", "Green World at the Window", "Great Victory 70 Years" let's see what the guys have learned this year. This year, matinees were held: “Autumn, autumn, we are asking for a visit!”, New Year's holiday dedicated to March 8, and, as a summing up of the year, today your children prepared the holiday “So we have become a year older.” We have prepared a festive concert for Mother's Day.

2. Speech by Lutovinova N.A.: Today we want to say a huge thank you to our parents, without you, dear moms and dads, without your love, patience, care, it would be difficult for us to overcome all the difficulties of the past year. I would especially like to note the most active parents who took part in the New Year contests for the best postcard and crafts: Svetlana Gennadievna, Valentina Alexandrovna, Elena Sergeevna, Yana Sergeevna, Alexander Ivanovich. I would like to note the parents who took part in the collection of waste paper, in the action "Waste paper - saving nature, you save life" - Valentina Alexandrovna, Irina Viktorovna. Svetlana Viktorovna took an active part in compiling all the photo albums. At the end of the year, I would especially like to say a big thank you to our parent committee in the person of Elena Sergeevna. Thank you for your help! We look forward to further cooperation!

All children and parents who took part in exhibitions and competitions organized by the preschool educational institution received diplomas and letters of thanks.

3. Our children have grown up over the year, and so that you can see how their life went in kindergarten, we have prepared a video for you. Screening of the video film "The Life of Wonderful Children"

4. Feedback (answers to parents' questions).

As a result of the parent meeting, it was decided:

Take note of the speech of the educator Tatyana Dmitrievna on the results of the academic year.

Take note of the speech of the teacher Lutovinova N.A. about encouraging active participants in the educational process.

To approve the work of the parent committee. Parents to take an active part in the work of the group.

Natalia Simonova
Final parent meeting in the senior group

Final parent meeting at the end of the year.

Senior group №3(2016)

educators: Sergeeva N. N., Simonova N. S.


1. Final comprehensive lesson in senior group.

2. Consultation for parents.

3. Testing "What are you parent

5. Miscellaneous.

Target: Show parents knowledge and skills of children acquired during the year.

Meeting progress:


Hello dear parents. We are pleased to welcome you to final meeting of our group. This year has been a very difficult one for us and the children. we looked closely and got used to each other. The year has been quite fruitful: the space has also changed groups and its fullness with methodical and game material, of course, not without your participation, for which we are very grateful to you. We believe that our children have matured and changed, their intellectual level has also grown. And in order not to be unfounded, we want to present to your attention a comprehensive lesson with the participation of our pupils.

1. Final complex lesson.

Program content:

1. Exercise in spatial orientation.

2. Fix the score within 10, finding the neighbors of the numbers.

3. Fix direct and reverse counting, ordinal and quantitative counting.

4. Fix the names of the days of the week.

5. Develop logical thinking, memory, observation, attentiveness, imagination, speech.

6. To consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of a word, locating sounds in a word, the number of syllables in a word.

7. Develop coherent speech of children, continue to work on activating and clarifying the vocabulary of children.

8. Stimulate the development of mental abilities.

Lesson progress:

Org moment:


Guys, we went to kindergarten for a whole year, grew up and learned a lot. In autumn you will move to the preparatory group. Want to? Now we will find out if you are ready for the transition to the preparatory group.

Look, I have a map in my hands. It has three roads:

The first one leads to the swamp. Let's go there? (No).

The second one leads to the forest to Baba Yaga. Shall we take this road? (No).

The third road leads to the preparatory group. Are we on our way? (Yes).

So where do we need to go? Right, left or straight ahead?

Whether this is a long way I do not know, and we may get there a day, two or a whole month. What do we need to get there faster? (children's answers)

Of course, we can get to the first task, by any means of transport. Please tell me what types of transport do you know? Well done, imagine that you are comfortably seated in the transport that you have chosen, close your eyes - here we are!

I see the first task. What is it? Let's see.

1 task:

It's a mystery.

I open the kidneys, into green leaves.

I dress the trees, I water the crops,

Movement is full, they call me. (Spring)

List the signs of spring (children call)

Wonderful! Ready to keep going? And two paths lead to the second task.

One track is long and the other is short. Which path do you think will take us the fastest? Long track or short track? (children's answers).

That's right, guys, on a short track, of course, faster.

We pass along a short path and sit down at the tables.

2 task

Counting sticks in front of you:

Count and put 1 counting stick more than the number 6.


Count and put 1 counting stick less than the number 5.

(How many counting sticks should you count) -4

How can you tell which row has more counting sticks without counting them? (place one under the other)

How to make them equal? (Add or remove unnecessary).

Let's equalize the number of counting sticks in both rows. How many of them became? Equally; equally; the same number in the top row as in the bottom row.

We will get to the next task by rocket - you need to start the reverse Countdown:.10,9,8…

3 task.

We are met by a cheerful ball. I call you a word and throw the ball, and you call me the opposite word in meaning. Let's get started:

Long short; Big small; High Low; Wide narrow; Fat thin; Far close; Above - below; Left - right; Back and forth; One is many; Outside - inside; Light - heavy, etc.

Well done guys, now we will relax a bit and show parents how do we relax.

Phys. minute.

On Monday I bathed (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I drew (pic. drawing any)

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time ( "wash themselves")

Played football on Thursday (run in place)

On Friday I jumped, ran (jumping in place)

Danced for a very long time (circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

I rested all day

(children squat down, hands under the cheek and fall asleep)

Now we sit down on a bicycle and go to the meadow to pick flowers.

4 task

The game "Letters Lost"

(Letters are drawn, numbers below them)

Guys, some word is written here, I can't read it, help me, please. Arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 7, and read what happens.

(Children put the letters together with the number in order)

And, the word turned out - CAMOMILE.

How many syllables are in the word chamomile?

(children's answer - 3 syllables) .

What is the first sound we hear in this word?

(children's answer is the sound "R") .

Name the words that would begin with the sound "R".

What is the last sound in this word?

(children answer - sound "A") .

Name the words with the sound "A".

Wonderful! Ready for the next challenge? Then we will sail on the boats that you did in class. And in the boats there are multi-colored chips that will help you.

5 task

We are sailing to the magical island.

Guys, what is in this picture?

(A picture hangs on the board indicating the word TREASURE. The teacher invites the children to make a sound analysis of the word TREASURE).

How many sounds do we hear in the word KLAD?

What is the first sound in this word?

(The answer of the children is the sound "K", a solid consonant sound)

What chip do we designate this sound?

(Children's answer is a blue chip)

What is the second sound in this word?

(The answer of the children is the sound "L")

What is the third sound in the word treasure?

(The answer of the children is the sound "A", a vowel sound, indicated by a red chip)

What is the fourth sound we hear in this word?

(Children's answer is the sound "T", a hard consonant, indicated by a blue chip)

Guys, I want to tell you a secret that in the word TREASURE we hear the sound "T" and we will write the letter D.

Summary of the lesson:

Finally, we found the TREASURE, and the treasure is your knowledge and skills.

This is where our journey ended. You overcame all the obstacles, it was easy for someone, it was more difficult for someone, but we saw how you tried. Now you can safely walk along the road to the preparatory group!

2. Consultation for parents:

“Why is the child misbehaving and what to do about it?”

Let's take a look at the reasons "bad" child behavior and behavior strategies parents while:


LACK OF ATTENTION Child pestering with meaningless questions Too little attention is given to child Calmly discuss misbehavior with him and express your dissatisfaction Set aside time during the day for communication

POWER STRUGGLE Child often argues and is stubborn (harmful)

Lies often Child is overly controlled (psychological pressure) give way

Try to offer a compromise Don't try to defeat him

Suggest a choice

REVENGE The child is rude

Cruel to the weak

Spoils things Small, imperceptible humiliation (“leave me alone!

You are still small! ”) Analyze what is the reason for the challenge. Do not take revenge on him yourself in response

Try to make contact

AVOIDANCE The child refuses any offers, does not want to participate in anything Overprotective

Parents do everything for the child Offer a compromise solution Encourage and praise the child at every stage

3. Testing "What are you parent

It is no secret that the nature of the relationship parents with a child shows a significant impact on his success. Evaluate the features of your communication. How often do you use such expressions?

1. What (and I) you are my good guy (clever).

2. You are capable (oh, you will succeed.

3. You are unbearable (ah!

4. All children are like children, but I have.

5. You are mine (I) assistant (ca).

6. Everything is always wrong with you.

7. How many times do you have to repeat!

8. What (and I) you are smart (and I).

9. Not to see again (a) your friends!

10. What do you think?

11. You are completely bloomed (shu!

12. Introduce me to your friends.

13. I will definitely help you, don't worry!

14. I'm not interested in what you want!

Results processing test:

If you use expressions 1,2,5,8,10,12,13,

then give yourself one point for each answer.

If you use expressions 3,4,6,7,9,11,14,

then give yourself two points for each answer.

Calculate your total points.

7-8 points: There is complete mutual understanding between you and your child. You do not abuse excessive severity.

9-10 points: Your mood in communication with the child is inconsistent and depends more on random circumstances.

11-12 points: You are not attentive enough to the child, you may often suppress his freedom.

4. Prospects for the next academic year.

Preschool childhood is a short but important unique period of a person's life. What do children say when they ask: "What did you do in kindergarten?"

(answer options - drew, sang, danced, played)

They just played! In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the dictionary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral quality: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. He formed the beginning of collectivism. Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children. The game is the main activity of preschoolers

Being an exciting activity for preschoolers, the game is at the same time the most important means of their upbringing and development. But this happens when it is included in the organized and managed pedagogical process. In our group the development and formation of the game to a large extent occurs precisely when it is used as a means of education.

In the pedagogical process, the game is in close interaction with other types of children's activities. The relationship between play and learning does not remain unchanged throughout preschool childhood. In junior groups the game is the main form of learning. AT senior, especially in the preparatory, the role of the learning process itself in the classroom increases significantly. The prospect of schooling becomes desirable for children. They want to be students.

However, the game does not lose its attractiveness for them, only its content and character change. Children are interested in more complex games that require intellectual activity. They are also attracted to sports games that contain an element of competition.

What game did you play with your child recently?

If a child asks to play with him, what will you do?

What games did you play as a child, do you tell your child?

(answers parents)

A small person not only learns in the game, he LIVES in it. And if your task is to teach him about life, then the easiest and easiest way to do this is in the game. Do not be afraid "simple" games - they have the deepest meaning. Play with your children and enjoy when they play.

During this academic year, while playing, we have learned:

Independently monitor their appearance, neatness, perform hygiene procedures and healthy lifestyle rules. Strive for communication with peers, for respect and positive assessment from the communication partner. The children have learned to communicate with each other. A friendly team has formed! Mathematical representations are reduced to familiarization of the number series up to 20 and more, to measure the length of objects. They easily divide words into syllables, have an idea of ​​the parts of the day. Of course, everyone is different, with their own characteristics, characters.

And we are different, but we have in common - these are our children. How we lived this year, we invite you to learn from the photos.

(viewing pictures about life groups)

Our next year Group will get ready for school. When a child reaches the age of six or seven years, and sometimes even earlier, many parents are concerned related to his admission to school. How to make a child learn easily, go to school with pleasure, be a good or even the best student in the class? Is there a criterion that allows you to adequately assess the degree of readiness of the child for school life? There is such a criterion, and in psychology it is called "school maturity", or the child's psychological readiness for schooling. This is our main task with you. It is on the psychological readiness depends on the success of the child in school. Preparation of the hand for writing, the development of the cognitive activity of the child. It is not scary if he cannot remember the letters, learn to read - at school he will learn everything if he goes to school with pleasure.

Speaking about the prospects of the educational process, I would like to talk about the subject-spatial developing environment of our groups. In accordance with the age, there are didactic games, visual materials, thematic corners (theater, hospital, home). Depending on the educational situation, it is transformed and supplemented. The play material is bright and attractive and changes periodically to keep children interested. We have been working on saturation for a year and will continue to work for the next one. But most importantly, all game materials, manuals are freely available for children. AT group there is a procedure and internal rules for the use of a particular material or manual. Of course, it is very important not only to make everything accessible, but also to help children use it correctly and rationally.

5. Miscellaneous.

Awarding diplomas to the most active families;

Discussion of site design groups for the summer;

Questions parents.

Nomination "Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood"

Target: summing up the results of the joint upbringing and educational process as a means of the comprehensive development of the child.


  • contribute to the formation of the team of the group, the development of the individual characteristics of children;
  • to interest parents in the development of mental and creative abilities of children; maintain friendly relations between pupils and parents;
  • to determine the prospects for interaction between teachers, parents and children for the new academic year.

Conduct form: Travel.

Members: educators, parents and children of the senior group.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, a selection of educational books from the "Smart Books" series, didactic and educational games on FEMP, an exhibition of crafts from salt dough.

Event progress

I. Educator: Hello dear parents. Congratulations on the successful completion of another academic year. This year was not easy, sometimes not everything went smoothly, but we can say with confidence that it was an interesting year full of events, events, victories and successes.

Our children have become one more year older, which means they are healthier, smarter, smarter. Together with the guys, we went through many trials and difficulties on the way to mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything was easy for someone, someone had to make considerable efforts to achieve their goals, but everyone worthily went through the difficult path called the “Senior Group”. We have much to be proud of. Meet the heroes of today!

II. Children enter to the music:

Hello dads and moms!
The long-awaited time has come!
We have been working all year, trying
Good luck to you all!
We are gathered today in the hall,
To joke, laugh and play.
We invited dear guests,
To show our achievements!
Music sounds, the children sit down.

caregiver. Today we propose to go on an exciting journey through a wonderful country called "Senior Group". Is everyone ready? Forward!

caregiver. The first station is "I want to know everything." This is one of our children's favorite stations. Every day they asked hundreds of questions “Why?”, “Why?”, “When?” and others. Sometimes we had to look for answers to some of them together, and books, magazines and encyclopedias were to help us. Day after day, our "why" wanted to know more and more.

I have six servants
nimble remote,
And all that I see around -
I know everything from them.
They are at my behest
Are in need.
They are called How and Why
Who, What, When and Where.

caregiver. Our guys are very passionate about experimental activities. They like to participate and independently conduct various experiments, experiments and observations. How this happens, you can see right now.

Video "I want to know everything!"

caregiver. Our parents often ask about how to test the intellectual abilities of a child. This is clear. Every parent wants their baby to be the most, the most ... For such mothers and fathers, a system of test tasks has been developed for each age. Books allow not only to determine whether the level of knowledge of the child corresponds to the norm, but also to check its potential in different areas of knowledge. These books are also good because they not only help in testing the baby, but also offer various tasks for developing attention, memory, thinking, developing mathematical concepts, fine motor skills of hands, etc. We invite you to pay attention to these publications.

Display of books from the series "Smart books".

caregiver. I propose to continue our journey.

On the screen is an image of a moving train.

caregiver. Music station.

Know music for us -
Top notch pleasure!
We all sing well
Fun and loud!
Boys and girls will please you now!

Children sing the song "Solar Circle".

caregiver. Music lessons always evoke only positive emotions in our children. For this, thanks to our musical director Vlasova Elena Vladimirovna. And it's time for us to move on.

On the screen is an image of a moving train.

caregiver. Station "Our hands are not for boredom." During this year, our children spent 5 kg of plasticine, 7 kg of salt dough, in addition to cones, acorns, dry leaves without counting, in the classroom for artistic creativity, manual labor, circle activities.

In drawing classes, we drew with everything: with paints, and pencils, and candles, and plasticine, and on dry paper, and on wet paper, and from tubes, drawings were blown out, and our palms were turned into birds - you can’t count everything. Colored paper spent 25 sets, but it was worth it. They learned how to make a three-dimensional appliqué, how to make origami figurines, how to create garlands of leaves and flowers, and much more.

Who were our real helpers in all our endeavors?

These ten fingers- brothers
We need to wash
Dress up, dress up
And tie your shoelaces
To sculpt from plasticine
Both the penguin and the dolphin
Build a spaceport in the park,
The house we live in
Sun, draw flags,
To write the word "peace".

Here we took the paint in hand,
And there was no boredom in the house.
To make it more fun
Don't skimp on bright colors!

caregiver. Many things allow you to do your hands, your faithful friends and helpers for life. And what miracles you did this academic year, we will now see all together.

Video material "Artistic creativity"

On the screen is an image of a moving train.

In children of older preschool age, the game is increasingly not only the content of free time, but also acts as one of the types of interesting and useful activities, a means of fostering friendly communication, positive relationships between children, moral behavior.

It is known that the game is the most natural type of activity for children, which contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and personal manifestations, self-expression, independence. This developmental function is fully characteristic of entertaining mathematical games.

Games of mathematical content help to educate children's cognitive interest, the ability for research and creative search, the desire and ability to learn. This year we have produced a sufficient number of didactic games in mathematics.

Why do we use homemade games so actively? Not because there is no way to buy ready-made ones, just because children like bright, sometimes unusual homemade games. Many of you, if you wish and have free time, can make similar games at home.

Display of didactic games in mathematics made by educators.

caregiver. Senior preschool age is the time of development of cognitive interests, constructive and creative abilities of children. In our group there are quite a variety of types of constructor, didactic, educational games and manuals.

Our people love and know how to play, and we invite you to see how they do it.

Video "Game"

On the screen is an image of a moving train.

caregiver. Our train is approaching the terminal station "Ozdorovitelnaya". Every morning in our garden we start with exercises. During the day, finger gymnastics, physical minutes are an indispensable element of classes. The use of non-standard sports equipment, sports games in free activities contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Always wake up with the sun
And pour cold water on!
Sports, exercises every day!
Come on guys, get up
Start your fun workout!

Rhythmic exercise "Radiant Sun".

caregiver. Our journey has come to its logical conclusion. The guys and I tried to show and tell about our successes, achievements and hobbies. One more year lived within the walls of our native kindergarten. I would like to add the words of the film classic: “We are healthy, cheerful, inquisitive, cheerful, and also active and a little creative.”

In the next academic year, the administration of our garden has identified such priority areas as experimental research and health protection. Our task is to make every day of your stay in the garden as interesting as possible, full of new knowledge and discoveries. We will not be able to achieve this without your help, dear parents. We need your help, support and approval, because only then such a complex but necessary educational process will be successful and productive.

III. caregiver. Throughout the year, our guys tried to show their best qualities. Let the graduation ceremony in the following nominations be considered open:

  1. "The funniest"
  2. "Most Hardworking"
  3. "Most kind"
  4. "Most Curious"
  5. "Most Musical"
  6. "The most sporty"
  7. "The most diligent"
  8. "The most caring
  9. "The funniest"
  10. "Most dexterous"
  11. "The most courageous"
  12. "The scythe is a girl's beauty"
  13. "Mom's Hope"
  14. "Future Hero"
  15. "Nature lover"
  16. "Master - golden hands"
  17. "The Hope of the Russian Theater"
  18. "Unsurpassed reciter"
  19. "The Future of Russian Mathematics"
  20. "Daddy's Pride"
  21. "You can't hide talent in your pocket."

caregiver. Today we would like to acknowledge the parents who took an active part in the life of the group and the kindergarten throughout the school year.

Presentation of certificates to active parents.

caregiver. The long-awaited summer is ahead. Make good use of it. See you soon!

Zhizhina Svetlana Mikhailovna, educator of the 1st qualification category, GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OTs", structural unit Kindergarten "Solnyshko", urban settlement Building ceramics of the Samara region. Pedagogical experience of 20 years. Diploma winner of the II All-Russian creative competition for teachers and parents "Open Book", laureate of the III, IV All-Russian distance competitions "Master of multimedia technologies", etc.

Final parent meeting at the end of the year.
Senior group No. 3 (2016)
Educators: Sergeeva N.N., Simonova N.S.


1. Final complex lesson in the senior group.

2. Consultation for parents.

4. Prospects for the next academic year.

5. Miscellaneous.

Target: Show parents the knowledge and skills of children acquired during the year.

Meeting progress:


Hello dear parents. We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. This year was very difficult for us and the children, because. We watched and got used to each other. The year was quite fruitful: the space of the group and its fullness with methodical and playful material changed, of course, not without your participation, for which we are very grateful to you. We believe that our children have matured and changed, their intellectual level has also grown. And in order not to be unfounded, we want to present to your attention a comprehensive lesson with the participation of our pupils.

1. Final complex lesson.

Program content:

1. Exercise in spatial orientation.

2. Fix the score within 10, finding the neighbors of the numbers.

3. Fix direct and reverse counting, ordinal and quantitative counting.

4. Fix the names of the days of the week.

5. To develop logical thinking, memory, observation, attentiveness, imagination, speech.

6. To consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of a word, locating sounds in a word, the number of syllables in a word.

7. To develop coherent speech of children, to continue work on the activation and refinement of the vocabulary of children.

8. Stimulate the development of mental abilities.

Lesson progress:

Org moment:


Guys, we went to kindergarten for a whole year, grew up and learned a lot. In the autumn you will move to the preparatory group. Want to? Now we will find out if you are ready to move to the preparatory group.
Look, I have a map in my hands. It has three roads:
The first one leads to the swamp. Let's go there? (No).
The second one leads to the forest to Baba Yaga. Shall we take this road? (No).
The third road leads to the preparatory group. Are we on our way? (Yes).
So where do we need to go? Right, left or straight ahead?
Whether this is a long way I do not know, and we may get there a day, two or a whole month. What do we need to get there faster? (children's answers)
Of course, we can get to the first task, by any means of transport. Please tell me what types of transport do you know? Well done, imagine that you are comfortably seated in the transport that you have chosen, close your eyes - here we are!
I see the first task. What is it? Let's see.

1 task:

It's a mystery.
I open the kidneys, into green leaves.
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
The movement is full, they call me ... (spring)

Please list the signs of spring (children call)

Wonderful! Ready to keep going? And two paths lead to the second task.
One track is long and the other is short. Which path do you think will take us the fastest? Long track or short track? (children's answers).
That's right, guys, on a short track, of course, faster.

We pass along a short path and sit down at the tables.

2 task

Here are the counting sticks:

Count and put 1 counting stick more than the number 6.
(How many counting sticks should you count?) -7
-Count and put 1 counting stick less than the number 5.
(How many counting sticks should you count?) -4
How can you find out which row has more counting sticks, without counting them? (place one under the other)
How to make them equal? (Add or remove extra).
Let's equalize the number of counting sticks in both rows. How many of them became? Equally; equally; the same number in the top row as in the bottom row.

We will get to the next task by rocket - you need to start the countdown: .10,9,8 ...

3 task.
We are met by a cheerful ball. I call you a word and throw the ball, and you call me the opposite word in meaning. Let's get started:
Long short; Big small; High Low; Wide narrow; Fat thin; Far close; Above - below; Left - right; Back and forth; One is many; Outside - inside; Light - heavy, etc.

Well done guys, now we will relax a bit and show our parents how we are relaxing.

Physical minute.

On Monday I bathed(depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I drew(pic. drawing any)

Washed for a long time on Wednesday("wash themselves")

Played football on Thursday(run in place)

On Friday I jumped, ran(jumping in place)

Danced for a very long time(circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday(clapping hands)

I rested all day

(children squat down, hands under the cheek and fall asleep)

Now we sit down on a bicycle and go to the meadow to pick flowers.

4 task

Lost letters game

(Letters are drawn, numbers below them)

Guys, some word is written here, I can't read it, help me, please. Arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 7, and read what happens.

(Children put the letters together with the number in order)

And, the word turned out - CAMOMILE.

How many syllables are in the word chamomile?

(children's answer is 3 syllables).

What is the first sound we hear in this word?

(the answer of the children is the sound "R").

Name the words that would begin with the sound "R".

What is the last sound in this word?

(the answer of the children is the sound "A").

Name the words with the sound "A".

Wonderful! Ready for the next challenge? Then we will sail on the boats that you made in class. And in the boats there are multi-colored chips that will help you.

5 task

We are sailing to the magical island.

Guys, what is in this picture?

(A picture hangs on the board indicating the word TREASURE. The teacher invites the children to make a sound analysis of the word TREASURE).

How many sounds do we hear in the word KLAD?

What is the first sound in this word?

(The answer of the children is the sound "K", a solid consonant sound)

What chip do we designate this sound?

(Children's answer is a blue chip)

What is the second sound in this word?

(The answer of the children is the sound "L")

What is the third sound in the word treasure?

(The answer of the children is the sound "A", a vowel sound, indicated by a red chip)

What is the fourth sound we hear in this word?

(Children's answer is the sound "T", a hard consonant, indicated by a blue chip)

Guys, I want to tell you a secret that in the word TREASURE we hear the sound "T" and we will write the letter D.

Summary of the lesson:

Finally, we found the TREASURE, and the treasure is your knowledge and skills.

This is where our journey ended. You overcame all the obstacles, it was easy for some, it was more difficult for some, but we saw how you tried. Now you can safely walk along the road to the preparatory group!

2 . Advice for parents:

“Why is the child misbehaving and what to do about it?”

Let's look at the reasons for the "bad" behavior of the child and the strategy of parental behavior in this case:







Child annoyingly pestering with meaningless questions

The child is given too little attention

Calmly discuss the offense with him and express your dissatisfaction

Set aside time during the day to socialize


The child often argues and shows stubbornness (harmful)

Lies often

The child is too controlled (psychologically pressured)

give way

Try to offer a compromise

Don't try to beat him

Suggest a choice


The child is rude

Cruel to the weak

Spoils things

Petty, imperceptible humiliation (“leave me alone!

You are still small!

Analyze the reason behind the challenge

Do not take revenge on him yourself in return

Try to make contact


The child refuses any offers, does not want to participate in anything


Parents do everything for the child

Suggest a compromise solution

Reward and praise your child at every stage

3. Testing "What kind of parent are you?"

It is no secret that the nature of the relationship between parents and the child shows a significant impact on his success. Evaluate the features of your communication. How often do you use such expressions?

1. What (th) you are my good fellow (clever).

2. You are capable, you will succeed.

3. You are unbearable!

4. All children are like children, but I have ...

5. You are my (I) assistant (ca).

6. Everything is always wrong with you.

7. How many times do you have to repeat!

8. How smart are you?

9. So that I no longer see (a) your friends!

10. What do you think?

11. You have completely blossomed (s)!

12. Introduce me to your friends.

13. I will definitely help you, don't worry!

14. I'm not interested in what you want!

Processing test results:

If you use expressions 1,2,5,8,10,12,13,
then give yourself one point for each answer.

If you use expressions 3,4,6,7,9,11,14,
then give yourself two points for each answer.

Calculate your total points.

7-8 points: There is complete mutual understanding between you and your child. You do not abuse excessive severity.

9-10 points: Your mood in communication with the child is inconsistent and depends more on random circumstances.

11-12 points : You are not attentive enough to the child, you may often suppress his freedom.

13-14 points: You are too authoritarian. There is often irritation between you and the child. Be more flexible with your child.

4. Outlook for the next academic year.

Preschool childhood is a short but important unique period of a person's life. What do children say when you ask them: “What did you do in kindergarten? »

(answer options - drew, sang, danced, played)

They just played! In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the dictionary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. He formed the beginning of collectivism. Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children. The game is the main activity of preschoolers

Being an exciting activity for preschoolers, the game is at the same time the most important means of their upbringing and development. But this happens when it is included in the organized and managed pedagogical process. In our group, the development and formation of the game to a large extent occurs precisely when it is used as a means of education.

In the pedagogical process, the game is in close interaction with other types of children's activities. The relationship between play and learning does not remain unchanged throughout preschool childhood. In younger groups, the game is the main form of learning. In seniors, especially in the preparatory, the role of the learning process itself in the classroom increases significantly. The prospect of schooling becomes desirable for children. They want to be students.

However, the game does not lose its attractiveness for them, only its content and character change. Children are interested in more complex games that require intellectual activity. They are also attracted to sports games that contain an element of competition.

What game did you play with your child recently?

If a child asks to play with him, what will you do?

What games did you play as a child, do you tell your child?

(parents' answers)

A small person not only learns in the game, he LIVES in it. And if your task is to teach him about life, then the easiest and easiest way to do this is in the game. Do not be afraid of "simple" games - they have the deepest meaning. Play with your children and enjoy when they play.

During this academic year, while playing, we learned:

Independently monitor their appearance, neatness, perform hygiene procedures and healthy lifestyle rules. Strive for communication with peers, for respect and positive assessment from the communication partner. The children have learned to communicate with each other. A friendly team has formed! Mathematical representations are reduced to familiarization of the number series up to 20 and more, to measure the length of objects. They easily divide words into syllables, have an idea of ​​the parts of the day. Of course, everyone is different, with their own characteristics, characters.

And we are different, but we have in common - these are our children. How we lived this year, we invite you to learn from the photos.

(View photos of the life of the band)

Next year our group will prepare for school. When a child reaches the age of six or seven years, and sometimes even earlier, many parents are concerned about issues related to his admission to school. How to make a child learn easily, go to school with pleasure, be a good or even the best student in the class? Is there a criterion that allows you to adequately assess the degree of readiness of the child for school life? There is such a criterion, and in psychology it is called "school maturity", or the child's psychological readiness for schooling. This is our main task with you. It is on the psychological readiness depends on the success of the child in school. Preparation of the hand for writing, the development of the cognitive activity of the child. It is not scary if he cannot remember the letters, learn to read - at school he will learn everything if he goes to school with pleasure.

Speaking about the prospects of the educational process, I would like to talk about the subject-spatial developing environment of our group. In accordance with the age, there are didactic games, visual materials, thematic corners (theatre, hospital, home). Depending on the educational situation, it is transformed and supplemented. The play material is bright and attractive and changes periodically to keep children interested. We have been working on saturation for a year and will continue to work for the next one. But most importantly, all game materials, manuals are freely available for children. The group has its own order and internal rules for the use of a particular material or manual. Of course, it is very important not only to make everything accessible, but also to help children use it correctly and rationally.

5. Miscellaneous.

Awarding diplomas to the most active families;

Discussion of the design of the group's site for the summer period;

Questions from parents.
