Effective techniques for abdominal massage for infants for problems of the digestive tract: colic, constipation, bloating. Pediatrician in detail about massage against colic in newborns

When a baby is born, not everything in his body is able to work harmoniously right away. Almost all parents are faced with the problem of infant intestinal colic. And when the baby screams for several hours in a row, the parents are ready to run anywhere for help.

They run to the pharmacy, to the pediatrician for a prescription. They want to get a bottle of magic medicine, but, unfortunately, such a thing does not exist. "What to do?" - you ask. In this article I will tell you how to really help a baby with this problem using massage.

Infant colic most often begins to bother babies from the second to third week of life. This attack lasts until about three months of age. It has been observed that colic occurs more often and lasts longer in boys. Often colic in boys continues until the age of 4-5 months.

Causes of colic in a baby

The main cause of intestinal colic is considered to be the immaturity of the newborn's enzymatic system. Enzymes are substances that break down food in the stomach and intestines. The newborn does not produce enough enzymes. Therefore, food digestion occurs abnormally, with the release of large amounts of gases. Especially if the child is fed food that is inappropriate for his age.

Overfeeding a child can lead to intestinal colic. There are simply not enough enzymes to digest large amounts of food. Food undergoes fermentation. During fermentation, many gases are released - carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide. Gases form bubbles, stretch the baby’s intestinal walls and cause severe pain.

Colic can be caused by incorrect positioning of the baby during feeding, when the baby takes in a lot of air with food.

To empty the baby’s intestines, the baby must be placed on his stomach before feeding, with his bent legs bent under him. It is this position that facilitates the removal of gases.

After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for a sufficient time so that the air trapped during feeding is released from the stomach.

In humans, the so-called intestinal microflora lives in the large intestine, which is involved in the process of digesting food. These are microorganisms beneficial to humans. Without them, normal digestion is impossible.

In a little person, this microflora is not yet sufficiently formed. An imbalance in the intestinal microflora leads to fermentation in the intestines and, as a result, increased gas formation.


To understand that the baby’s anxiety is associated precisely with discomfort in the intestines, you need to know the symptoms of intestinal colic. Typically, infant colic begins suddenly during or shortly after feeding. The child screams loudly, worries, strains, grunts, and presses his legs to his tummy.

The tummy is swollen, you can hear the sounds of liquid transfusion from a distance, and with your palm you can feel the movement of air through the intestines. At this time, practically nothing brings relief to the baby. Intestinal colic ends as suddenly as it begins.

One of the effective ways to help babies with colic is tummy massage. It can be used during an attack of intestinal colic or for its prevention.

How to massage properly

And now I will tell you how to properly give your baby such a massage.

Massage before feeding or no earlier than 40 minutes after feeding for 5-7 minutes 4-6 times a day. It is imperative to provide the baby with comfortable conditions. Ventilate the room first. The optimal room temperature is 22-24°C, since the baby has to be undressed for massage.

First remove all jewelry from your hands and cut your nails short so as not to injure the delicate skin of the newborn. You should not use any cream or oil for massage.

Cream or oil changes the coefficient of adhesion between the skin of the hands and the baby's skin, which leads to excessive force applied during massage. So the hands of the massaging adult should be dry. If mom or dad's palms are wet, you can dust them with talcum powder or baby powder.

Newborn babies generally do not like their bodies to be touched. The sooner they begin to receive regular massage, the faster the child gets used to the warmth and tenderness of his mother’s hands.

It is important to take into account the condition of the umbilical wound and skin of the newborn. Massage should not be performed when the umbilical wound has not yet healed, is wet or bleeding, or when there are pustular rashes on the baby’s skin.

The effect will be much better if you warm your baby’s tummy with a heating pad or a warm diaper before the massage. A regular heating pad or a bag of heated salt is suitable for this. You can use a warm diaper ironed. Apply a heating pad or diaper, making sure its temperature is comfortable.

Then wrap your arms around your baby's belly for a few minutes. After removing the diaper, place your two palms on your tummy for a few seconds. Let the baby get used to the warmth and touch.

The massage technique itself, point by point

How to finish a massage correctly

When finishing the massage, be sure to help the baby release the gases accumulated in the intestines. To do this, bring the baby's bent legs to the tummy for 30-40 seconds (as long as the child allows) while lying on his back. After this long uncomfortable position, massage your baby's legs for better relaxation.

Repeat the procedure of bringing the legs to the tummy several times, remembering to relax the baby’s legs each time.

You can also remove gases after a massage in another way. Having laid the baby on his stomach, bring the legs bent at the knee and hip joints to the tummy. Hold your legs in this position. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise bike

Another way to help your baby get rid of gases in the intestines is to do a “bicycle” movement, that is, alternately bend and bring the baby’s legs towards the stomach.

Finish the massage with soothing and relaxing tummy rubs.

Important points and rules

The main purpose of all these movements is to promote gases, the main cause of colic, through the intestines and facilitate their release. Therefore, it is so important to observe the correct direction of movements, clockwise. This is how the human intestines go, and this is how food moves through the intestines.

During the massage, gases move through the intestines and come out. As a result, the child’s discomfort associated with stretching of the intestinal walls by gas bubbles disappears.

Regular massage not only activates and normalizes intestinal function, but also stimulates muscle strengthening in newborns. A muscle corset is formed, and this is an effective prevention of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall.

Understanding why and how to massage the tummy during intestinal colic will help you, dear parents, to ease the already difficult period of the child’s adaptation to independent life. Patience and following these simple recommendations will help you survive these “little troubles” of little children, maintain calm, self-confidence and the health of your baby.

Health to you and your children!

Practicing pediatrician and twice-mother Elena Borisova told you about massage for colic in a newborn.

Painful intestinal colic is the most common problem that a child faces in the first months of life. Massage of the tummy for colic is considered one of the most effective and safe ways to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines, facilitate the release of accumulated gases and reduce pain. Also, this type of massage can improve the child’s overall well-being, relieve him of stress and improve the process of bowel movements. It can be used both during colic and for their prevention.

Causes of colic

Intestinal colic occurs due to a lack of enzymes for digesting food and disruption of the child’s intestinal microflora during the period of adaptation of his gastrointestinal tract to a different diet in a new environment. In this regard, a fermentation process occurs in the intestines and gases accumulate, which stretch the stomach, causing spasms and pain. Due to weakness, the abdominal muscles cannot restrain this process for long.

In each child, intestinal colic manifests itself with different severity. Factors that can trigger them include overfeeding the baby and improper feeding with swallowing air. All this only complicates the already weak functioning of the digestive system.

Why do you need a belly massage for colic?

Since the abdominal muscles of a small child are underdeveloped, they cannot cope with gas bubbles that stretch the intestines. As a result, cramps and spasms occur, causing severe pain. In addition, newborns do not have normal intestinal microflora.

With the help of abdominal massage, you can relieve spasms in the intestines, promote the formed gases and remove them from the body. Massage for newborns against colic has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, improves the output of feces and is an excellent means of prevention.

Massaging the tummy is most effective for the prevention and relief of colic in a child. In case of exacerbation, it is not recommended to do it

When is abdominal massage contraindicated?

Despite the effectiveness of abdominal massage, it should only be started if the following signs are absent:

  • uneven bloating of the tummy;
  • active contraction of the abdominal muscles, which can be felt with your hands;
  • the child’s colic does not go away for more than a day;
  • prolonged, more than a day, absence of defecation;
  • body temperature exceeds normal;
  • drowsiness, weakness and pallor of the child;
  • discharge of drops of blood in the anal area;
  • A round formation is felt around the navel.

The above symptoms may be signs of volvulus or intestinal obstruction, strangulation of the umbilical hernia and are grounds for urgently calling an ambulance.

Also, abdominal massage for newborns is not recommended if the child is sick with ARVI, bronchitis, has vomiting, diarrhea or skin rashes.

Preparing for a massage

Before performing a massage, it is necessary to prepare the room and eliminate the presence of drafts. The air in the room should be at room temperature, comfortable for an undressed child.

The base on which a child's abdominal massage is performed must be firm enough so that the child lies flat and does not bend under the massage therapist's hands. It is advisable to place an absorbent diaper under the child in case of bowel movement.

Before starting the massage, the tummy should be warmed up with a warm diaper. The massage therapist’s palms should also be warm so that cold hands do not provoke spasms and pain. To reduce friction, it is better to apply powder to your hands rather than oil.

Technique for abdominal massage for colic

Tummy massage for infants against colic mainly consists of stroking and pressing movements with the palm and fingers. Let's consider the technique of this massage step by step:

  1. To relax the child, the massage should begin by applying warm palms to the stomach.
  2. Then we begin to lightly stroke the stomach from top to bottom 5-6 times. Afterwards, you can do circular stroking clockwise. At the same time, you can lightly press your palm on your stomach. After several approaches, you need to place one palm on your stomach, and with the other palm stroke the oblique abdominal muscles alternately on both sides.
  3. Gradually you should move on to stroking with periodic light pressing of your palms and fingers over the entire surface of the abdomen, moving from the right side to the left. Such movements help relieve the intestines of accumulated gases and improve digestion.
  4. Next, you need to place your thumb and forefinger near the baby's navel and make circular movements with them clockwise with light pressure. Such movements can be done several times, after which you need to stroke your stomach. And then repeat until gases begin to escape.
  5. To improve the functioning of the abdominal and intestinal muscles, light pinching is performed in the navel area.
  6. The area where the large intestine is located needs to be treated especially carefully. All movements must be directed clockwise.
  7. Next, using stroking movements, you need to massage the left side from top to bottom. Then you need to walk your palm from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then from the upper abdomen to the pubic symphysis. After several approaches, the same actions should be repeated on the right side.
  8. The next effective movement will be counter stroking. At the same time, with your left palm you need to stroke your stomach from bottom to top, and with your right palm from top to bottom, in the direction of the large intestine. Afterwards, circular stroking is done on the stomach.
  9. Then you should take the child’s legs, bend them at the knees, press them to the stomach and hold them for 30 seconds. This movement can be repeated several times.
  10. Next, you need to move the child’s legs one at a time, as if he were pedaling a bicycle.

You can periodically pause the massage so that accumulated gases can escape.

The use of acupressure for colic

In combination with abdominal massage, you can massage reflexogenic points by pressing and rubbing them. Acupressure will not harm the child; it can improve the overall effect of the procedures. But you should just avoid such a massage before bedtime so that the child does not get excited.

Reflexogenic points are located on the bottom of the foot, just below the kneecap and above the inner ankle. It is advisable to periodically rub and press on these points. This massage stimulates the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs.

The meaning and benefits of baby massage

Baby massage is one of the most useful procedures that can be used with almost no restrictions. It is very important at all stages of development, especially in the first years of life. This procedure helps the child’s musculoskeletal system develop correctly, improves blood circulation and muscle function, and brings into balance all processes in the child’s body. With tactile contact between the child and mother during a massage, brain activity develops and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

MY CHILD: massage against colic or how you can help your child: Video

The first months of a child’s life are the most important; during this period, the development of the main body systems occurs. Babies are very sensitive to external influences and stimuli. Nutrition, position in the crib, sleep patterns - the future health of the baby directly depends on these factors. In the first months of life, infants are often tormented by colic - painful sensations caused by increased gas formation in the newborn's body. Intestinal gas does not pass away on its own, leading to stretching of the intestinal walls and causing an unpleasant sensation. The occurrence of gases is associated with the weak development of the infant's enzymatic system, unbalanced peristalsis, increased carbohydrate content, and lactase deficiency.

The muscles in the baby's abdominal cavity are not yet developed and are not able to contract in order to independently remove gases from the intestines. If the rules for breastfeeding are not followed, when air enters the newborn’s intestines along with the milk, increased gas formation occurs in the baby’s body. Excessive feeding is also a common cause of colic. The nuisance bothers babies aged two weeks to three months. It has been noted that boys have colic more often and for longer than girls.

There are known folk and proven methods of combating colic. Since drug intervention is not recommended in the first months of life, one has to resort to other methods.

Massage for colic in a newborn is a popular and effective method designed to help relieve pain and facilitate gas removal. Prevention involves massaging the newborn's abdomen 4-6 times a day at least 40 minutes after meals. The technique of performing the procedure is simple to perform; a novice parent will cope with the task quite well. Pediatricians recommend that before each feeding, hold the baby on his stomach for a while with his knees bent to remove gases, stroke the back, then turn the baby over and massage the tummy for 2-3 minutes.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation does not require special conditions, the main thing is the baby’s comfort. During attacks of colic, massage is recommended to be done in a warm bath, and it is important to control the baby’s position. When performing a massage “on land,” it is recommended to prepare a place that is comfortable for the child and parent.

The purpose of the process is to relieve pain, achieve the release of gases, and stimulate the passage of feces in the baby.

Anti-colic massage technique

A newborn should only receive a massage for 5-7 minutes. Before starting, the baby will need to be held upright, excess air will be released from the stomach. This will prevent regurgitation during the procedure. Before the massage, you should simply hold your warm hands on your baby’s belly for a while, this will allow him to get used to the touch and relieve tension.

If all the exercises are performed correctly, soon after the massage the baby will lose gas and have a natural bowel movement. It is important to note that movements during a massage for a child are carried out clockwise, according to the position of the intestines in the human body. During massage manipulations, you cannot perform actions counterclockwise, this will complicate the gas removal processes.

Infants should be massaged daily to facilitate the process of bowel movements and prevent colic. It helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and relieves pain in the baby. There are a number of contraindications when massage treatments against colic cannot be done independently:

  • The baby's tummy is swollen unevenly;
  • No gas or bowel movements during the day;
  • Body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • An obvious bulge around the navel;
  • Prolonged spasms;
  • Perceptible movement of gases on one side of the child’s abdomen;
  • Bloody discharge from the anus;
  • Lethargy of the baby;
  • Pallor of the skin.

If you have one of these signs, you should immediately call an ambulance. Massage manipulations should be carried out with caution in case of allergic reactions on the child’s skin; you should consult a specialist.

The effect of massage on the child’s condition

Massage for a newborn is done both to prevent colic and to improve digestion and maintain the overall tone of the body. It helps the baby get used to the mother's touch, instills a feeling of trust and calm. Various exercises develop the child’s muscles and muscles, adapt the body to its position in space, relax and soothe. Regular implementation of procedures helps to normalize intestinal function, improves the process of bowel movements and gas elimination.

Colic is a nuisance that can deprive a child and parents of sleep, but with proper prevention, unpleasant consequences can be avoided. Massaging your newborn's tummy will help relieve gases and relieve pain from cramps and colic.

In the first months of life, it often happens that the baby suddenly begins to cry and be capricious. The most common cause is intestinal colic. They can appear as soon as the baby is 14 days old. To ensure that this problem is overcome, experts consider it necessary to use various methods, including medications, as well as giving the baby a warm bath. At the same time, we can highlight the most optimal way to help a child with discomfort during colic - this is massage.

Tummy massage for colic

If colic constantly bothers the child, it is necessary to resort to a tummy massage immediately before the feeding process. This procedure will take at most 5 minutes. Before starting the massage, it is necessary to warm the skin of the abdomen for a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to heat the diaper (you can iron it or put it on a heated towel rail), then fold it in two layers and place it on the baby’s stomach. To prevent the fabric from slipping, it must be held with your hands and removed after a few moments, which will allow you to warm your stomach.

There is no need to use special oil or cream during the massage. If you use cream or oil, you will have to deal with the fact that more force will be applied during massage movements. It is enough to dust your hands with powder if necessary.

  1. Gently stroking the abdomen with a gradual increase in pressure and transition to barely perceptible pressure. For this purpose, it is worth drawing a “house” with your palms so that its convexity is near the baby’s navel, while carefully moving it with pressure on the ribs of the palm along the edge of the tummy. You should not touch the area of ​​​​the hypochondrium on the right - there is a liver protruding from under the lower rib of the baby. In addition, it is necessary to carry out pressing movements from the right edge to the left (in the child’s body this is how the large intestine goes). This kind of action should be alternated with smooth, seemingly calming movements.
  2. The next stage is to lightly stroke the skin of the abdomen with your palms from the top to the bottom in the center, from the ribs to the peri-groin area. Having made such simple movements, you should put one hand on your tummy, while the other strokes the oblique muscles of the abdomen on both sides.
  3. The third stage is counter stroking. It is necessary to move your left hand up the skin of the abdomen, and with your right hand down towards the large intestine. After a few moments, you can stroke the tummy in a circular motion with one and then two palms.
  4. Stroking the abdomen, drawing the letter “P” on the skin, has an excellent effect. In order to competently carry out this task, you need to use the palm of your right hand to stroke your stomach from the left side, from top to bottom, and then move in an “angle” from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then from the top to the bottom. Afterwards, you can begin to draw the above letter in such a way that the hand rises along the right side of the abdomen, then moves from right to left and then falls lower.

Such movements when performing a massage during colic in a child are the best way to release gases from the large intestine. For this purpose, it is necessary to lift the newborn’s legs and lower them to the stomach, holding them for 20-40 seconds. You will be able to watch the baby actively push. After completing the massage procedure, it is worth making stroking movements on the tummy.

The most important thing to remember for parents who want to alleviate the child’s condition is to perform movements in the recommended direction, clockwise. This will allow the release of gases from the intestines, since the massage is designed to touch the abdomen along the location of the intestines. Thus, colic will weaken and stop after some time.

Remember, knowing the sequence of actions and sincerely wanting to help in such a difficult moment, you can save your child from the discomfort caused by colic.

Massage against colic or how you can help your child (video)

In infants, the digestive system gradually adapts to new conditions, digestion and assimilation of mother's milk or formula. Until the intestines are completely populated with normal microflora, in the first months of the baby’s life, colic, bloating, and gases are bothersome. At the chest, he may freeze, begin to worry, tuck his legs in and cry. Digestive problems often plague children in the evening. To relieve pain, mommy can massage the newborn's tummy. Light stroking around the abdomen is effective even for mild constipation.

What you need for a massage

It is difficult for young mothers to imagine how to properly massage the tummy and where to start.

In order for it to be effective and help get rid of problems, you need to follow some rules:

  • massage is done on the baby’s empty stomach (especially if the baby is regularly bothered by colic during feeding or while suckling);
  • You need to touch the baby’s body with clean, dry hands. It is advisable to rub your palms so that they are warm. Nails should be trimmed;
  • A warm diaper is placed on the baby’s stomach before the session. It can be warmed with an iron or held on a radiator;
  • do not lubricate your hands with anything, otherwise the contact with the skin will increase, and the massage for colic or bloating does not involve pressure and rubbing;
  • If your fingers and palms are damp, you can lightly powder them with talcum powder.

During the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the baby's reaction. If he is calm, then the massage continues. If he cries or is capricious, it is better to use gymnastics or another method.

Tummy massage technique

All experts recommend massaging the tummy of newborns, even without any disorders, for the purpose of prevention. The doctor can tell you how to do a massage and what the basic movements are. The first massage is best done in his presence. These are simple exercises that, once mastered, mom can do independently at home. If your baby has a very hard belly and any touch causes pain, need to see a doctor.

For colic

A detailed article about intestinal colic in a baby -

A newborn with colic is given several types of massage:

  1. Stroking with fingers. The baby is freed from clothes and placed on his back. The surface must be hard so that the baby does not sag. This will affect the location of the internal organs, and the massage will not be effective. Using the middle and index fingers, lightly press on the lower abdomen on the left, gradually moving to the right side, making a semicircle. Then, with massaging movements, they approach the center and make the same semicircle. The massage should be completed in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the rectum.
  2. Exercise "Mill". With open palms, stroke the baby's tummy from top to bottom in the center - from the ribs to the groin area. After making 5-6 movements, one hand is left on the stomach, and the other smoothes the oblique muscles on the right, then on the left.
  3. Counter stroking. The left hand is passed to the ribs from the lower abdomen, the right hand, on the contrary, from the ribs down. Then strokes are performed in a circle, alternating hands.

Massaging the tummy during colic will help relieve gas in a newborn. After the massage, the child's knees are pressed to the stomach until he releases gases. The procedure should be completed with circular stroking. Palm movements and stroking should be done clockwise.

For constipation

You can relieve stool retention, which leads to hardening, compaction of stool and difficult bowel movements, with suppositories and medications. Tummy massage for constipation is a safe and effective method that will not cause addiction in a newborn. If the baby suffers from constipation, massage should be carried out 2-3 times a day daily.

  1. Hands are lubricated with cream or oil, but they should not slide over the body. The massage is carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating, when the baby is relaxed.
  2. With soft stroking, the baby is prepared for the session. Spiral movements are carried out from the navel, while point pressure with the palm is allowed. Stroking and pressing alternate with pressing the knees to the baby’s tummy. This will relax the muscles and stimulate intestinal motility.
  3. You can place the baby with its exposed tummy on your stomach. Pull your belly in, then inflate. Movements should not be sudden, but smooth.

In case of gas formation

When bloated, newborns are extremely irritable and capricious. You can help them with the same massage as for colic.

  • Before feeding, the baby should be placed on his tummy, stroking his back from the neck to the lower back;
  • gases will pass faster if you use the “Frog” exercise. The baby is placed on his back, his legs are bent at the knees and spread apart. Then they place their palms under his feet. The baby will involuntarily begin to push off from the support, resembling a frog. This is an effective exercise that strengthens the leg muscles and helps get rid of bloating.

What to do after a massage

To consolidate the effect of the session, it is necessary to carry out calming movements from left to right. The baby is turned over on his stomach, gently massaging his back. You should massage your newborn's tummy no more than 20 minutes. After this, the child is allowed to rest, the diaper or diaper is removed, and he is left to take air baths.

The baby needs to massage the tummy area every day, and not just when faced with a problem. Simple techniques will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby’s internal organs; colic, bloating and stool retention will stop faster.

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