How not to run after a leaving man. How to make a guy run after you tips for girls

If you are puzzled by how to make a man run after you then this article is exactly for you. From it you will know why you should not cling to a man if your goal long term relationship and not a one night stand. And also about how to build relationships

“I never keep anyone, because the one who loves will still remain, and the one who does not love will still leave.”

First and main secret how to make a man run after you, especially on initial stage- you need to behave with a man that you like very much the way you behave with those men that you do not like.

What usually happens when a woman meets a guy she likes very much? She turns into a trouble-free fool who agrees to everything, moreover, at any moment. “What are you, I’ll come myself, you don’t need to pick me up! Don't pay for me, I'll pay for myself!" and so on. rave.

That is, you are ready for anything, if only he would pay attention to you, if only to be with him, if only to spend as much time with him as possible.

And how do we behave with those men that we do not like? We do not always respond to their messages, often we simply ignore them, sometimes we are cold with them, etc. ... That is, we don’t care whether we succeed with him or not.

This is the main secret of how to make a man run after you.

When you don't care, then he doesn't care anymore. He wants to get your attention he wants to be with you.

When you like a man, you are afraid of losing him. When you are afraid of losing a man, there is a very high probability that you will lose him.

When you are afraid of losing a man, you start to wind yourself up, you start to think, fantasize, and in every possible way try to keep his attention, attract him, somehow interest him.

In general, in the eyes of a man, all this looks like some kind of clowning when you do such actions: how to write an SMS first, call, etc. you show your strong interest in it.

And this immediately discourages a man's desire to communicate with such an obsessive person.

Why is this happening? Because a man is a hunter, he needs to get, to achieve. And if a woman herself begins to seek a man, by this she sharply reduces his interest in her.

So remember: a man should always take the initiative.

It is impossible to write SMS first, it is absolutely impossible to call first. The woman who calls first, in the eyes of men, is not a woman at all.

SMS was invented for a woman. Even if he does not write to you for two or three days, do not write, do not call to find out if everything is fine with him, if he is ill, etc.

How to make a man fall in love with you forever

Therefore, in order not to sit and wait for his call, you should have a lot of your own affairs and worries. And not only a man is your only concern. When you sit at home and only think about him. This is the first moment.

That is, you should not build your whole life only around relationships, or only around one man. A man should occupy in your life somewhere 1/5 of 1/8 of your life.

The next moment, in order not to sit and not wait, you need to crash into his memory so that he thinks about you around the clock. So that he goes to bed thinking about you, so that he wakes up - thinking about you, at work - thinking about you, thinking about you everywhere - in the car, in the store, and on business meeting Same.

And then he himself will be the first: and write to you, and call, and fill you with gifts, attention.

To make it so, you need to work on yourself, on your femininity, and not on how to keep it.

You need to be mysterious, you need to be such that you want to see you again, that you want to unravel you, that you want to talk with you, find out everything about you. To be interesting, alluring, so that he blows his mind from you.

What a woman shouldn't do for a man

And how does a woman usually behave when she likes a man? She's like open book, she agrees to everything, even if she immediately moves to a man the very next day to cook borscht for him.

And that's how most women behave. “Ah, you are the limit of my dreams!” - forgetting about honor, self-respect. Instead of showing: “You are not alone, I choose about ten like you.”

And then the man understands: “Yes, in principle, I have already achieved it, won it, I’m going to win a new one. She's too easy for me - three dates and she's already in my bunk."

So, so that this does not happen to you, this article is written. It’s better, of course, to re-read it again in order to remember exactly how to make a man run after you, and why you shouldn’t cling to a man,

We remind you that the site wrote about how men manipulate women

Many girls are surrounded by crowds of fans and literally bathe in the attention of the opposite sex. However, not everyone succeeds in attracting the attention of men.

Girls can take several useful methods, which will help them win the attention of the man they like. IN modern world, where gallantry and the ability to exploits turns into a luxury, everyone will be able to "educate" the gentleman in such a way that he will not suspect your interest in his person. You need to act in stages and take your time so that everything works out in the best way.

Stage 1: interest the man you like

Keep yourself in great shape and be unique. Everything in you should be harmonious: from makeup to clothes. Forget about frilly outfits that can scare off a potential partner. Yours will be enough natural charm and sincere smile. Try to interest the guy, awaken his imagination with the help of clothes. Take note of elongated skirts and give up extremely deep neckline. Do not forget that guys are afraid of overly assertive and energetic girls. Give him the opportunity to “hunt you” by learning about his habits and interests. Remember that meek girls who lead a modest life arouse interest, and aggressive behavior can be a deterrent.

Stage 2: make contact

After the guy notices you, move on to the first conversation. This stage is very important for the further development of relations. Don't be tempted to act stupid. Giggling will not help you, and rash phrases will only repel a potential partner. You already know about his interests, so you can express yourself by talking about his favorite films or other hobbies. Keep in mind that the conversation lasts about 15 minutes. Do not open all the cards, be moderately mysterious and allow understatement in the conversation so that the guy himself wants to continue communication.

Stage 3: development of events

Leaving a trail of mystery, you can continue to conquer your "object". The more effort a guy puts in to woo you, the more he will value your relationship, so be alluring but unavailable. Do not drop your business at his first call and refuse the first meeting. However, do not go too far and do not be categorical. Soon the guy will make a second attempt. Be diverse and multifaceted, change images, do not forget to learn new things so that the guy is interested in you.

Stage 4: date

If you decide to accept the courtship of a guy, then remember a few tips:

  • smile and be friendly. Sweet coquetry will endear you to a guy;
  • do not try to be clever so that your gentleman does not feel uncomfortable;
  • be weaker so that the man feels the desire to take care of you and protect you;
  • praise your gentleman;
  • learn to listen so as not to be thought of as a superficial person;
  • trust the chosen one and do not try to control his every step;
  • do not forget about yourself and do not try to live only in the interests of a partner.
  • Stage 5: next steps

    You don't want to make your stalker out of a guy, do you? Turn on your charm and charm to lead him to the idea that you will be happy together. Manipulate a man with your beauty and female cunning. Trust your intuition will tell you the right way to his heart.

Perhaps every woman dreams of conquering a man, but not everyone knows how to do it. Brew a love potion? Get rid of all rivals? Make a hundred or two plastic surgery? Who knows, love is a mysterious thing, and the strangest deeds sometimes help to win it. We present secret recommendations.

1. Be beautiful.
Whoever says anything, but the fact remains, All men first of all pay attention to how a girl looks, and only after that to her inner world. If you want to attract the attention of the stronger sex, watch yourself. Run at least occasionally to beauty salons, do styling in the morning, do not forget about makeup. You must forget the words “and so it goes”: a woman must be impeccable, regardless of whether millions see her or just one person.

2. Be different.
Your beauty is excellent, but we must not forget that there is a very a large number of pretty women. If you want a man to make a choice in your favor, then you should differ from the rest at least a little. This does not mean at all that you need to go to the hairdresser right now and dye your hair in Blue colour: you just need to come up with a few original gestures.

3. Watch your walk.
Perhaps you thought that your walk was not important: stunning shoes on high heels will attract the attention of all men themselves. Perhaps a small effect will be, but very tiny. All men will notice your beautiful and slender legs, Your wish to please, but they will not notice lightness in you. Do not forget, a woman who can walk beautifully in slippers looks much better than a clumsy lady in high heels.

4. Smile.
Representatives of the stronger sex love it when a beautiful and sincere smile shines on the girl’s face. This can be easily explained: it is more pleasant to have a conversation with a friendly person. Not in vain friendly people often compared with the sun: they give others light and warmth, like a heavenly body.

5. Be well-groomed.
Never allow yourself to appear in front of your man in a washed-out bathrobe and tangled hair. Whether you want to dress up or not, don't dress stretched sweater and old shorts. Respect others, understand that it is unpleasant for them to see an untidy person. From the fact that you spend an extra thirty minutes on fees, your bad mood will not worsen, and, perhaps, even become better.

6. Don't be aggressive.
Often men are afraid of girls who are too active. They do not like to be prey, because they are accustomed to consider themselves hunters. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of watching your chosen one try to win you over.

7. Don't be smart.
A woman who knows everything about everything, and demonstrates it constantly, is not perceived by men as a potential companion. They may respect her, but are less likely to decide to start building a relationship with her. What for? She is already independent, besides, she knows more than them. Understand that it is hard for the representatives of the stronger sex to come to terms with the fact that they worse than a woman in men's topics (women's affairs include caring for a child and maintaining comfort in the house).

8. Don't pretend you don't need men.
Inaccessibility can be attractive, but not always. It is one thing when a woman shows a man that it is difficult to achieve her, and quite another when she demonstrates her disinterest in him. In the second case, the person will surely stop seeking and retreat. Don't let him go.

9. Know how to be affectionate.
Whatever your image, be able to throw off the mask, being alone with a man alone. He needs a soft woman who knows how to listen and understand, and not a cold, even if beautiful, Snow Queen.

If you want the guy to “bloat the roof” and he could neither eat nor sleep, dreamed of a meeting, counted the minutes until goodbye and was your eternal “tail”, you need, first of all, to like him. Therefore, immediately throw out of your head the idea that it is easy to win any male representative just by snapping your fingers with a fashionable manicure.

When you see sympathy in the eyes young man and you understand that he is interested in you, you should carefully lead him to the fact that you are special and you cannot lose such a girl, you need to urgently hold and “tie” to yourself until you are taken away.

Become an ideal

Since childhood, a man has formed the image of a woman whom he wants to see next to him. Your task is to live up to this ideal. Try to get to know the young person: preferences, idols (especially female), tastes in food and clothing, hobbies ...

Gently ask him to talk about his parents. Pay attention to how he talks about his mother and note what exactly he praises: often young people subconsciously look for a girl who is similar in appearance and character to their mother.

Be independent

You are a person, you have your own life: rich and interesting. Allow the young person to “infiltrate” your space, but emphasize your independence. Let the guy feel a certain detachment: this will attract him even more.

A real man is interested in a strong and self-confident woman, intellectually developed, with a broad outlook. They are respected, valued and run after, afraid to lose.

Behave naturally and naturally, gradually adding notes of self-will and changeability to the relationship

Emphasize individuality

Don't forget - men love with their eyes. The first thing a guy will pay attention to when meeting is the expression of his eyes, his smile and the condition of his hair. Of course, your figure, posture and gait are important for a young man, but if he has already invited you on a date, you can relax, this qualification has already been passed.

Of course, you follow the condition of the skin, the beauty of the hair and the harmony of the figure. But it is also important to learn how to dress with taste and emphasize your external data, focusing on the most attractive features. If, for example, you have a dimple on your cheek, then, be kind, smiling, show the guy your zest.

Don't say you're free

Don't focus on the young man. Live full life: flirt, meet, make friends and communicate with members of the opposite sex. Sadly, but among men there is a strong opinion "if she is not interesting to anyone, then she is not interesting to me either."

Hint to the guy that you have the attention of men, and you are surrounded by fans. Use this technique, even if you have no one but him: the young man will be worried and jealous, his desire to be with you will become stronger.

Remember: what is easily obtained is underestimated ...

Be mysterious

Simple as five fingers, the girl is interesting only to the same, "near-minded" boy. If you want to call smart guy persistent desire to be near, cultivate an element of understatement in a relationship.

Don't show all the cards at once - make him guess what your words or behavior meant. A man likes to gradually “unravel” a woman, and her task is to make sure that this activity does not lose its relevance for as long as possible, preferably for a lifetime.

Surprise and delight

Be yourself, but try to favorably differ from other girls. When agreeing to have dinner in a cafe, report that you will pay your bill yourself. You immediately make it clear to the guy that you want to build relationships at the partnership level, and such behavior causes respect and interest.

As if by chance, show the young man your achievements, share your grandiose plans for the future, show your determination on the way to the goal.

Be affectionate

Do not forget about the qualities that attract men - femininity, vulnerability, sometimes defenselessness (it is important to give a partner the opportunity to prove himself a real man), compliance in small things, softness and sentimentality.

No need to become "your boyfriend" and show indifference to the feelings of a young man. You need him - show it: with hints, jokes and subtle flirting.

Let him talk - men love to talk about themselves.

Don't make mistakes

To make the guy feel urgent need keep you in sight, do not make offensive mistakes:

Psychologists advise using the “carrot and stick” tactics: charm a young person, attract, drive him crazy, and then disappear, surrender, do not answer calls, ignore. Believe me, this method gives a 100% result, and the guy will circle around your house, waiting for an unpredictable chosen one.

Soon you will notice that the guy is trying to become the main person in your life, and you are free to choose whether to give him a chance or not.

Vera, Moscow

All the fair sex wants to feel the most desirable and beautiful. However, men are in no hurry to scatter chivalrous deeds and compliments.

Therefore, women, connecting their cunning, ingenuity and seductiveness, are ready for a lot to win the attention of the guy they like. At the same time, he must remain convinced that your favorable disposition towards him is still his merit. Only now the approach to each man cannot be universal and standard. Let's figure out how to make a guy run after you. So, let's develop a flexible plan of action that encourages the chosen one to knock on your doorstep.

There are many beautiful, charming and well-read girls, but you are the only one so unique! Maintain your uniqueness in every possible way so that a young man can see you among this variety of smart girls and beauties.

This article has a few more useful tips about: how to dress, what to say, how to behave correctly.

Stage 2. Make contact

He noticed you. Now a lot depends on the first conversation. What is the right way to talk to him for the first time?

  1. Communication that evokes sympathy. A beautiful face and a lovely figure may hold his gaze, but communication is indispensable. Stupid giggles or incorrect expressions will scare anyone away. Read more and train your ear-pleasing voice to get this guy!
  2. Relevance. No need to detain a young man if he is in a hurry, or distract him from an important matter. In addition, it is desirable that there are no acquaintances nearby who can interfere. Do not crumple the conversation with platitudes like “hello, how are you.” An ideal conversation lasts about 15 minutes. Then he starts to get stressed out. Talk about hobbies for the first time or good movie. Did you already know at the first stage what he likes? He will be pleasantly surprised if you have common interests. But he will be disappointed if he finds out as a result that on your part they are contrived only to lure him into their networks!
  3. Slight innuendo. Do not reveal all your trump cards in the first minutes. It is much more interesting to quickly return to an unfinished book than to quickly read it and put it on the shelf. Save the fun for the next meeting.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Stage 3. Further development of events

You left a trail of mystery and pleasant impression. How to make a guy run after you? Representatives of the stronger sex value trophies more and longer, which have been won for a long time and not without effort.

  1. Alluring inaccessibility. From the point of view of psychology: the more strength a man spends in order to achieve a woman, the more he will appreciate her. You should not run to him at the first call, leaving everything. Think a little before agreeing to a meeting and ... refuse! A man should seek your favor and look forward to a date. He will be surprised by your “no”, but will soon try again. However, coldness and aloofness should be in moderation, otherwise his enthusiasm can quickly dry up.
  2. Diversity. You are a multifaceted person. Today you are in a hurry to go somewhere in everyday jeans with a tight tail on your head, tomorrow you are dancing in cocktail dress at a party, and the day after tomorrow you flirt nicely all in lace, winding a curl around your finger.
  3. Self improvement. It is one thing to arouse interest, and quite another to maintain it constantly. You are not just beautiful doll, but also a wonderful conversationalist, trusted friend. Be interested in the world around you, read more and meet friends.

Some more useful tips from the motor girls in this video:

If you firmly decided that this is your man, then try to follow some rules on the first date:
  1. smile - everyone likes it and evokes sympathy;
  2. do not be clever - otherwise he may not want to build a serious relationship;
  3. be weaker - it is more pleasant for a man to be needed than to contemplate your omnipotence;
  4. praise him - good word and the cat is pleased, and even more so for the man;
  5. know how to listen - he needs not just a beauty nearby, but also a life partner;
  6. trust - do not look for a dirty trick in words and do not demand full accountability, men value their freedom very much;
  7. value yourself - your quick solubility in the chosen one will quickly bore him, you independent personality- remember this.

If everything went well, then most likely your chosen one is already head over heels in love with you.

What kind of women do men run after? We are about this.

If you want to learn how to flirt with young people correctly, be sure to follow.

Want to ? It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. A few proven tips will help.

Stage 5. And what to do next?

It's time to admit that you don't want this man to become your stalker at all. Your true purpose is to be happy next with him. Improvise and have a sense of proportion in everything. The talent to manipulate men thanks to their beauty, cunning and intuition is hidden in everyone. You have to learn how to open it. Become a man's faithful companion in life. Then he will not want to run away anywhere and will be ready to faithfully follow you on your heels.
