How to check the correctness of old-age pension calculations. How to check the amount of pension payments

For many older people, the main source of income is a pension, so its accurate calculation is an important component of life support for older people.

Almost every penny counts, and the inattention of a PF employee or incorrectly completed information about work (insurance) experience can lead to incorrect calculation of pension benefits.

Therefore, for many people of the older generation, the question is relevant: how to check the calculation of a pension if doubts arise about the inaccuracy of the amount received.

Options for checking old age pension accruals

To check the correctness of the calculation of the old-age pension, you can use different methods, but for reliability it is necessary to carefully study all the entries made in the work book and obtain reference information from the employer about the salary received in the period from 2000 to 2001.

For your information: It was at this time that the calculation procedure changed, since the Government of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of “insurance pension experience”.

So, to check your accrued old-age pension you can:

  1. Submit a petition to the Pension Fund division at the place of permanent registration with a request to verify pension accruals. It is also necessary to indicate that you should check with the allowances, indexation and other calculations established by the Law;
  2. Write a petition addressed to the head of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund for your region with a similar request to conduct a thorough audit of pension payments.
  3. You can apply in person when visiting a local PF branch, send a registered letter, or make a request on the government services website. But only authorized users who have already confirmed their personal data in an official way, for example, through Russian Post, will be able to do this.

Read more about obtaining information through “State Services”

If you are wondering how to find out whether your pension has been calculated correctly, then first you need to calculate the accumulated points:

  • log in to the portal;
  • then go to the section of all electronic services;
  • click on the section “benefits, benefits, pension”;
  • select the “pension calculator” option from the list;
  • the calculation page of the RF Pension Fund website will open;
  • Fill out all request fields correctly, then click on the preliminary calculation button:
  • indicate your gender;
  • date of birth;
  • if you were in military service (for men), note the number of full years, months and days (make a preliminary calculation yourself);
  • - information about existing children (for women) and the terms of caring for them (not insurance periods, but they are included in the length of service);
  • in the case of caring for a disabled person or other disabled citizens, enter the periods associated with care into the form;
  • if desired, mark the period during which you will not apply for accrual of pension benefits upon reaching retirement age;
  • type of employment: as an employee or self-employed citizen;
  • length of work experience;
  • salary information (in full, including income tax).

Important! To calculate the pension benefit, a formula is used: the number of points (from the calculation made) is multiplied with the indicator of 1 unit of calculation for the year of registration + the fixed old-age payment established by the Russian Government.

In 2018, payments amount to 4,982 rubles. 90 kopecks

Price 1 point – 81 rub. 49 kopecks

The maximum possible salary in the amount of 85,083 thousand rubles is accepted for calculation.

Please note: the data is provided by the Russian Pension Fund.

What affects the amount of pension benefits?

Employers are required to make contributions for each employee to the Pension Fund, based on the percentage of total earnings established by the Government of the Russian Federation. But if the salary is paid in envelopes, then no transfers are made from it, and as a result, the employee is paid the salary in full. But there is a certain risk here - you can no longer count on a decent pension, because there will be no accrual of points, no increase in insurance and work experience, which affect the amount of old-age security.

If the future pensioner has a short insurance and work experience (less than 10 years), then he will only be paid social benefits in old age, and 5 years later than provided for persons who have reached the legal age.

Types of charges

Pension payments can be insurance and funded; both of these options are formed from deductions from wages during official employment.

But some pensioners receive only an insurance pension, while others receive from both sources. Moreover, the state regularly indexes the amount of old-age insurance payments, but funds from the funded part go to private funds for investment in economic projects. And the activities of these funds do not always bring profit; there are investments with negative results, so waiting for an increase in this case is pointless.

But since January 2014, contributions to savings funds have been canceled, and the amounts go directly to insurance pension payments.

How to calculate your pension yourself?

To calculate you will need information:

  • about personal coefficient, based on length of service and salary amount:
  • at the age of 55, women are set at 55% if their length of service is 20 years. For each subsequent year it increases by 1%, but cannot be higher than 75% (with more than 40 years of experience);
  • men receive the same 55% for 25 years of work, it also increases for each year worked by 1%, but not more than 75% for 45 years. work;
  • benefit-increasing coefficients, a kind of stimulants for later registration of a pension;
  • payments fixed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the base rate of pension accruals.

You will need

  • Employment history;
  • Certificate of average monthly earnings for 2000-2001, or for any 60 consecutive months;
  • Calculator;
  • Pen or pencil;


Contact your Pension Fund Office with an application addressed to your boss with a request to check the accuracy of the accrued pension from the moment you receive it, with all allowances, recalculations, etc.;

Contact the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of your region with an application addressed to the boss with a request to check the correctness of the accrued pension from the moment you receive it, with all allowances, recalculations, etc.;

Next, determine the estimated amount of the pension using the formula: length of service coefficient x ratio of average monthly earnings x 1671 (this is the average monthly salary in the country for the third quarter of 2001, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for calculating pensions);

Next, determine using the following formula. From the received estimated pension amount, subtract the size of the base part as of 01/01/2002 in the amount of 450 rubles. Multiply the resulting amount by the number of months of the expected pension payment period (depending on the year, for example: from 01/01/2010 - 192 months, from 01/01/2011 - 204 months, etc. adding 12). The amount received will be the pension capital for January 2002;

Determine the pension capital taking into account indexation on the date of appointment as follows. Multiply the received pension capital by the increase index for each year since 01/01/2002:

2003 - 1,307

2004 - 1,177

2005 - 1,114

2006 - 1,127

2008 - 1,204

2009 - 1,269

2010 - 1,427

2011 - 1,088

To the result obtained, add the amount of insurance premiums recorded on the individual personal account, on the date of appointment, according to the individual (personalized) accounting of the Pension Fund and divide by the expected payment period;

To the resulting amount of the insurance pension, add the fixed basic amount of the insurance part (determined by the government of the Russian Federation). This will be the calculated pension


If different regional wage coefficients are established, the wage coefficient in force in a given region or locality for workers and employees in non-production industries is taken into account;

Helpful advice

For persons living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas in which regional coefficients for wages are established, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly wage in the Russian Federation is taken into account in the following amounts:
not more than 1.4 - for persons living in the specified areas and localities in which a regional coefficient of up to 1.5 is established for the wages of employees
not more than 1.7 - for persons living in the specified areas and localities in which a regional coefficient in the amount of 1.5 to 1.8 is established for the wages of employees
not more than 1.9 - for persons living in the specified areas and localities in which a regional coefficient of 1.8 or higher is established for the wages of employees;

Related article


  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • How the basic pension increased in 2013

Tip 2: How is a disability pension calculated in 2019?

A disability pension is mandatory for those citizens who, for health reasons, are unable to engage in work. This type of pension is assigned due to the onset of disability, which entailed complete or partial loss of ability to work due to a general illness and in the presence of insurance coverage. The calculation of a disability pension is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


There are state, labor and social pensions. In certain cases, the most acceptable type of pension provision is provided. A disability pension resulting from an accident at work or an occupational disease is assigned and paid by the Social Insurance Fund. It is worth considering that this type of pension is assigned regardless of when exactly it began: directly during the period of work, before employment, or after termination of employment.

There are two ways to calculate a disability pension. The first method is associated with the registration of a labor pension, and the second involves the calculation of a state pension. If a disabled person has at least a minimum insurance period, then the calculation of pension payments is possible taking into account the insurance period. Thus, the citizen receives the legal right to receive a disability pension. In this case, a disabled person has the right to choose which type of pension payment he prefers to receive. If there is no insurance experience, then it is calculated according to state standards for calculating social pension payments. Supplement to the disability pension, as well as others, will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the law on pension provision of the Russian Federation.

The state disability pension is awarded, as a rule, to military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War, as well as to persons who suffered as a result of man-made and radiation disasters. Moreover, the amount of additional payments to this type of pension directly depends on the size of the pension payments itself, and so on. The social disability pension is intended, respectively, for: -disabled people and people with disabilities since childhood. In this case, the additional payment to the pension will be determined based on the rules of the current legislation.

It is important to know that according to the procedure for calculating pensions, regulated by law, payments are made during the period for which the person was recognized as disabled. Or until the citizen reaches general retirement age. It must be remembered that the old-age pension should not be less than the disability pension that was once paid to the citizen.

Video on the topic


  • Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation"

Employers make transfers to the pension fund every month. The amount of payments is 20% of the salary of each employee. To calculate what pension is old age is due to each employee upon reaching retirement age, the economist must know the procedure for calculating it.

The pension is credited to the personal account of citizens who have worked a certain number of years and have reached the age established by law for receiving pension calculations. Throughout his life, the employer transferred a certain amount to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund, from which the citizen’s pension will be based.

More recently, the pension reform was changed and now it is calculated depending on the accumulated points. Its size also depends on the salary that the citizen received throughout his working life. And the larger it is, the greater the amount a pensioner can count on.

If the salary is higher, then the employer also transfers larger contributions for the insurance part to the Pension Fund. The entire amount in the account is subsequently divided by the survival period, which on average is 19 years. If the survival period is longer and the pensioner reached retirement benefits earlier than expected, the amount of transfers will be less.

Where to apply

In the last 5 years, some older citizens began to notice problems of underpayment of pension payments, when the pension is smaller than it should be. Next, the pressing question arises - how to check the correctness of the old-age pension calculation?

To do this, a citizen can go to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to solve this problem. You need to have with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a pension certificate and SNILS (green card). Next, you will need to write an application addressed to the director of the fund so that the pension can be rechecked.

If a pensioner is disabled or cannot come to the Pension Fund himself, then the application can be sent by letter. Copies of your passport and pension certificate should also be attached to the letter. Copies must be notarized.

Recalculation will take 5 working days. At the end, the applicant will be notified of all transfers and accrued amounts. The results should also include the overall health of the retirement account. If an error is found during the recalculation process, the accrued pension will be corrected.

If there is no error, but the citizen has doubts, then he has the right to contact the regional or regional pension fund with the same application. You can also request a statement from your pension account.

How to calculate it yourself?

Very often, websites advise trying a pension calculator, which makes it possible to quickly and quickly recalculate everything. But it is best to use manual calculations.

The calculation uses the standard formula:

Insurance pension =CPKxIPKxPK-2+PK-1xF.V.

  • CPK– The pension coefficient depends on the income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the number of all pensioner coefficients. Changes every month.
  • IPK– Individual pension coefficient or number of accumulated points. The cost of one point at the moment is 71.42 rubles.
  • PK-2– bonus coefficient that increases the IPC. Present if the pensioner worked after reaching retirement age.
  • PK-1– a bonus coefficient that increases the PV if a citizen is working at the time of retirement age.
  • F.V.– fixed payment. Currently it is 4383.60 rubles. It increases every year due to indexation.

Approximate calculation IPK:

IPK = (SV/MV)x 10

  • SV– It can be optional either 16% if the pensioner refused the savings part and 10% when transferring 6% to the savings account.
  • MV– Insurance contributions from salary with the maximum number.

Experience coefficient – ​​55% (in the formula 0.55) when working:

  • Female – 20 years
  • Male – 25 years old

If a person works for more years, then 1% is added for each year of overtime (0.01 in the formula).

Experience coefficient – ​​75% (in the formula 0.75) when working:

  • Female – 40 years
  • Male – 45 years old

According to current legislation, when calculating a pension, additional coefficients are calculated when raising a child under 3 years of age, as well as during military service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Calculation example

Pensioner Valentina Petrovna Makarova, born in 1952. He has a pension of 8030 rubles 12 kopecks.

  • The woman retired on March 13, 2012.
  • Insurance experience – 40 years and 6 months
  • Work experience – 27 years.

IPK = 0.55 + 0.07 = 0.62

0.55 is 55% with a work experience of more than 20 years for the female half of the country’s population. 0.7 is processing in seven years, for each of which 0.01 is added.

As of 1991, the length of service is 20 years. The percentage is equal to:

20 + 10 = 30

Since 2000, Valentina worked part-time for a full working year and received a salary of 1,798 rubles. At that moment, the average salary in the country was 1,494 rubles 50 kopecks.

1798 / 1494.50 = 1.203 (Rounded to 1.2, so it cannot be greater than this value)

Award amount for 2001:

1.2 x 0.62 x 1671 (average salary in the country for 2001) = 1243.23 rubles.

Pension savings for 2002:

(1243.23 – 450) x 216 = 171336.38 x 4.7089 = 806805.90 rub.

  • 4.7089 – indexing coefficient since 2002.
  • 216 – number of months of survival period in 2012.
  • 450 rubles – the basic part of the pension for 2002.

Valorization size before 1991:

167004.72 x 0.30 = 50101.42 x 4.7089 = 235922 rubles 58 kopecks

Insurance part of the pension:

806805.90 + 220000 (full amount of insurance premiums for the entire period) + 235922.58 = 1262728.45 / 216 = 5845.96 + 3278.59 (Standard pension in 2013) = 9124 rubles 55 kopecks

As calculations have shown, the pensioner receives 1000 less than she should. Often the human factor fails in calculations.

Where to complain

A small pension was calculated incorrectly, what should I do? If, after completing his own transfers, the pensioner sees an obvious error, then he can re-apply to the Pension Fund of Russia with an application to double-check everything. If, after the expiration of the period, the Pension Fund does not identify the error, then you should contact a lawyer.

It will help you recalculate everything and find the error. If it is confirmed, then a statement of claim is filed in court against the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation where the error was not identified. Subsequently, by court decision, the citizen must recalculate his pension and pay compensation. Including for the work of a lawyer and all costs of litigation. But this is only if the case is won and the error is found.

There are different types of government assistance, and you need to know how to check whether your pension is calculated correctly. Both older people and people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable citizens. They often cannot receive a pension in the amount provided for by Russian legislation due to an error in the actions of the Pension Fund. Incorrect calculation of pensions can be caused by both human factors and software. In addition, after the introduction of the pension form, there are two types of old-age pension payments - pension and funded, which can confuse a citizen unfamiliar with the nuances of the pension reform.

Before checking the correctness of the calculation of your old-age pension in 2019, you need to take into account the rules that became valid in 2015 as part of the implementation of the new reform.

  1. Minimum insurance period. To receive government assistance upon reaching retirement age, you must have work experience. If before the introduction of the pension reform it was 6 years, then in 2019 it was 9 years. It will gradually increase until 2024, when it will be 15 years.
  2. Points. The size of the pension is determined depending on the number of points calculated individually for each pensioner. To receive the minimum pension, you need to have 6.6 points.
  3. Coefficient. It is set each year based on the inflation rate in the country. This is how pension payments are indexed.

Bodies where pension recalculation is carried out

If a person has suspicions regarding the correctness of the pension calculation, then it is necessary to contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The appeal is made in the form of a written statement in accordance with the sample. The maximum period given to Pension Fund employees to carry out the recalculation is 5 days. If an error is detected, no other action is required on the part of the pensioner - the additional payment will be calculated automatically the next month. If no errors were identified during the re-calculation process, a written notification will be sent to the applicant’s email address.

If the applicant’s request is ignored, you can contact a higher authority - the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Next comes the protection of rights by going to court.

Read also Ways to find out about the calculation and amount of a pension through Internet resources

Checking an individual account

To find out the status of an individual account, you can use the State Services website. If you do not have a personal account, you need to create one during the registration process, open the “PFR” section, where you can see the “Individual Account Status” tab, and wait until the PFR employees process the request. On the website you can see not only the current account status, but also the movement of funds.

The registration procedure via the Internet on the State Services website can take a lot of time. Receiving a password from a verified account occurs by mail or with the help of communication offices. Sometimes you need to personally contact the Rostelecom representative office, where pensioners are recommended to come to quickly receive a password.

There is also a more conservative way to request information about the status of an account - by sending a letter to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation via Russian Post, which must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identification document and an insurance certificate.

Important! Every pensioner has the right to receive detailed information about the calculation and accrual of pensions, but this can only be used once a year.

To recalculate your pension yourself, you will need a certificate of profit for a five-year period and a work record book. You can check the accrual of your pension as follows.

  1. Get a certificate of your personal account status using the above tips.
  2. Find the formula for calculating the insurance pension by calculating profits until 2002.
  3. After 2002, it is necessary to take into account the indexation percentage of the total amount of funds that the head of the organization transferred to the Pension Fund budget.
  4. For each year worked before 1991, an additional 1% is accrued for each year of insurance experience. For the fact of having such length of service, the pensioner is accrued 10% by default, but the total amount of the bonus cannot exceed 75%.
  5. Determine your pension coefficient and the number of points earned. The minimum number of points is 6.6.

With the correct formula and all the necessary data, it will not be difficult for a pensioner to calculate the amount of his payments. For maximum accuracy, it is recommended to use a pension calculator.

Calculating a pension is useful not only for people who doubt the correctness of its calculation, but also for those who have not yet reached retirement age, but want to know what amount of government assistance they can count on in the future. If the amount turns out to be unsatisfactory, you will have to solve problems with employment.

Reply from 07/10/2014 12:37

Alexander, Contact the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of your region with an application addressed to the boss with a request to check the correctness of the accrued pension from the moment you receive it, with all allowances, recalculations, etc.; 3 Calculate your pension amount yourself. Determine the length of service coefficient, which for insured persons is 55% and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the duration specified in this paragraph, but not more than 20%. For a woman with 20 years of experience, 55% is established, for 21 years - 56%, for 22 years - 57%. For 40 years and more – 75% (since the limit is no more than 75%); For a man with 25 years of experience, 55% is established, for 26 years - 56%, for 27 years - 57%. For 45 years and more – 75% (since the limit is no more than 75%) 4 Determine the average monthly income. Average monthly earnings are determined according to personalized records in the compulsory pension insurance system, or for any 60 consecutive months. The basis is documents issued in the prescribed manner by employers or municipal authorities; 5 Determine the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period; 6 Take into account the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 for calculating and increasing the size of state pensions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Average monthly salary in the country for the third quarter of 2001. approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the calculation of pensions, determined in the amount of 1671 rubles; 7 Calculate the ratio of the insured person’s average monthly earnings to the average monthly salary. In the Russian Federation, a ratio of no more than 1.2 is taken into account (with the exception of regions of the Far North and equivalent areas); 8 Next, determine the estimated amount of the pension using the formula: length of service coefficient x ratio of average monthly earnings x 1671 (this is the average monthly salary in the country for the third quarter of 2001, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for calculating pensions); 9 Next, determine the pension capital using the following formula. From the received estimated pension amount, subtract the size of the base part as of 01/01/2002 in the amount of 450 rubles. Multiply the resulting amount by the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension (depending on the year the pension was assigned, for example: pension from 01/01/2010 - 192 months, from 01/01/2011 - 204 months, etc. adding 12). The amount received will be the pension capital for January 2002; 10 Determine the pension capital taking into account indexation on the date of appointment as follows. Multiply the received pension capital by the increase index for each year from 01/01/2002: 2003 - 1.307 2004 - 1.177 2005 - 1.114 2006 - 1.127 2007 - 1.16 2008 - 1.204 2009 - 1.269 2010 - 1.427 2011 - 1,088 11 As a result, the size of the insurance part of the pension will be equal to the amount of the estimated pension capital divided by the period of pension payment; 12 To the result obtained, add the amount of insurance premiums recorded on the individual personal account, on the date of appointment, according to the individual (personalized) accounting of the Pension Fund and divide by the expected payment period; 13 To the received amount of the insurance pension, add the fixed basic amount of the insurance part (determined by the government of the Russian Federation). This will be the calculated pension. 14 Compare the amount received with the amounts calculated by the pension fund. If they match, it means that your pension was calculated correctly; if not, ask to recalculate it again.
