How to take a beautiful photo of a manicure. Condition of hands and nails

Trends in the world of fashion and the beauty industry change one another so quickly that sometimes we simply cannot keep up with them. Not so long ago, it was customary to cover the nails with varnish, retreating a millimeter from the cuticle, and now the real skill is the coating right under.

But one of the most popular major trends in the world of nail design has become “perfect highlights”. Many masters place their work under tags #glare , #perfect highlights V in social networks. Being able to take a beautiful photo now is just as important as making a beautiful cover. After all, often our clients choose us precisely by photographs of work. And if you, too, have been hooked by a wave of "glare" - these tips are for you.

1. Ideal glare is impossible without a perfectly even nail plate. Your coverage should be as even as possible. Now there are many thick rubber base coats that can be used to level the nail plate. To do this, you need to know at least the basics of the architecture of the nail, so that the alignment is as natural as possible.

2. Perfect highlights are created with the right lamp. In fact, a glare is a reflection of a light bulb on a smooth surface of the nail. Therefore, to get an oval highlight, the light bulb and the lamp must be round. It will not work to make the glare square or a lamp of any other shape.

3. To create the perfect highlights, you need the perfect gloss. Don't rush to shoot sticky layer with if it exists. First take a photo, then remove the dispersion. With the removal of the sticky layer, the gloss may fade a little.

4. Photograph your nails under the lamp, capturing the glare. Make sure that the captured highlights are as even and round as possible, in which case the coating looks really perfect.

5. Do not photograph your nails under the lamp if you have failed to align, or your coating has flaws. It is better to have no glare at all than to “expose” all the “jambs” of your coating.

Don't chase fashion, and if something doesn't work out, it's better to bring this stage to perfection, and then start taking photos with perfect highlights.

Only a photo at a distance from the lamp can save the work with flaws, which, perhaps, are not visible in life, and are completely unnoticed by your client. After all, with strong lighting and macro mode, the smallest errors, villi and bumps are visible on your camera. Can cover nails matte top, if the design allows it and the client is positive.

Photos of a beautiful manicure are full of fashion blogs and magazines, advertising sites, salon brochures nail service and similar resources. It is in this area that photos of hands with high-quality manicure are in demand. Wishing to provide good offer market, photographers are wondering .

Before you start photographing nails, you need to decide on the genre.

Artistic photography

This genre is characterized by staging, a certain plot, a clearly and harmoniously designed composition. Hands with beautiful nails in this case are shown as if by chance:

They lie on their knees;
. they hold a cup, a handbag, a travel suitcase, a hat, etc.;
. show some gesture;
. make a certain movement.

Before shooting this kind, to determine the plot, you can search for images of similar subjects on the Internet. You will surely find among them a suitable idea for yourself.

The level of results processing in the graphics editor depends on your preferences. For artistic photography, the main factor is aesthetics and your idea.


This type of shooting is more suitable for nail technicians as a demonstration of their skills or for cosmetics manufacturers. In this case, more attention is paid to the coating of nails, it is not so much the composition that is important (although not a single photo will look good without it), but the correct reproduction of the color and quality of cosmetics or the work done by the master.

For a swatch, take a solid background that does not distract from the main object, for example, a white sheet of paper. Suitable for a table light colors. Some nail artists use brand lists to photograph their work. By the way, a photo of hands with a manicure against the background of an ordinary varnished table of wooden shades is considered in bad taste among the masters of nail service and looks cheap.

When processing the resulting swatch photos, it is important to preserve the original color and texture of the manicure. It is best to limit yourself to the elimination of skin defects on the hands.

When shooting a swatch, the correct position of the hands is important. The main rule is naturalness. Hands should not be tense. You should not place your hands one on top of the other so that the fingers lie "in one line." This so-called centipede effect is also considered bad taste and does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Camera settings

For shooting nails, the automatic macro mode is suitable. On a SLR camera, you can also set the settings yourself. Shoot at a focal length of at least 50mm to avoid distortion, keep your aperture relatively open. This technique will help focus attention on the model's nails.

Glare on nails, light and other tricks

When removing the swatch, try to achieve a natural glare on the nails. A beautiful reflection of light from the nail platinum primarily depends on the quality of the work of the master. The surface of the nail should be well polished.

You can't do without the right light either. Good photos are obtained with natural light from the window. However, direct sunlight should not fall on the subject through the window. Otherwise, you risk getting harsh, inappropriate in this case, lighting.

You can put a decent light with the help of the usual table lamp, which should be positioned on the top side of the object. Position the reflector on the opposite side from the light. It can be a sheet of thick white paper or cardboard.

Beautiful highlights can be drawn in Photoshop. This is done easily with the pen tool and the gradient tool. However, this is only relevant in artistic photography. The swatch is taken to sell a product or service, and should look as realistic as possible - this is the law.

Sale photos of hands with manicure

Not only a nail master can take pictures of nails, and not only to show examples of their work. Every day, a lot of new sites of beauty salons appear on the network, which also need photos of beautiful nails and hands. For such photos.

When taking photos of nails for stocks, consider not only the requirements for the technical characteristics of the pictures. Try to analyze demand.

For example, the site of any beauty salon may require pictures not only of nails, but also of their owners. You can shoot a model casually showing off her manicure, best of all close-up.

Remember that photos should be sharp at full size, without dips in the shadows and overexposure, with the correct white balance.

Knowing some of the nuances of photographing nails, you can easily make high quality photos manicure.

By itself, a hand without a background and context always looks strange. An easy way to fill the frame with meaning, while leaving the main focus on the manicure, is to take something in hand. A cup, an apple, a bouquet, a toy - in principle, any medium-sized object that matches the shade with a manicure, or a light one, will do to create a neutral background.

2. Hands up


Never photograph a brush on a horizontal surface, protruding and translucent veins are inevitable! Instead, put your hand on the wall at eye level: the blood will drain, and the skin will look smooth and young.

3. Crossroads

Cross your arms, leaving your fingers and hand relaxed. Let the elbow be in the frame: the emphasis on the manicure will remain, but in general the photo will be much more stylish and interesting.

4. Illustrative example

most accessible and spectacular option shooting - pick up a bottle of varnish, which is applied to the coating, and next to put harmoniously combined options.

5. Front side

With your chin resting, place your fingers so that they are approximately the same distance apart from each other. To prevent the frame from turning into a portrait, crop the picture, leaving the hand in the center.

6. Minimalism

You don't have to show all 5 fingers! Usually the index, middle, and ring fingers look best, focus on them!

7. Handbag and background

Pick up your favorite bag and hold it in front of you. Place one hand on top of the other and straighten your fingers. This very natural pose helps create a natural, unforced shot and is guaranteed to look spectacular.

8. Plexus

Weave the fingers of two hands in a herringbone pattern and bring them as close to the lens as possible. Attention! If your fingers are not too long, skip this tip, it only works with thin and long fingers.

9. Background mode

The right background sometimes "makes" the whole frame. Choose the fabric to match the color of the manicure and at the same time with a pronounced interesting texture. Always works!

Photography is not just an illustration of an interesting plot, but also powerful remedy page promotion in social networks. Colorful and "tasty" pictures are the key to success in the form of thousands of likes, reposts and laudatory responses. Photo industry experts know how to properly photograph a manicure.

A beautiful photo is the key to success

You can use such rapid progress for pleasure. Or you can turn technology into a powerful engine of your own brand.

High-quality manicure photos will be useful, first of all, to nail masters. Good pictures of the work will be useful for the portfolio of the master - the cover of a mini-business. Do not mind showing off the transformation and clients of nail salons.

The main rules of a good photo

Without delving into the intricacies of photography, you can combine the main rules for shooting nails into a concise list:

  • neatness. The photograph must be impeccable;
  • simplicity. When looking at the picture, there should be no confusion. Looking at the screen, a person should immediately understand that the frame is about a manicure;
  • light and color. nice picture- recipe for success. It should attract, not repel. Acid colors, a “torn” background and an abundance of blurry details will turn out to be unpleasant for the eye;
  • logo. Small and unobtrusive, not pretending to be the main character.

How to remove a candy card

To get high-quality pictures, it is recommended to prepare for shooting. The chances of getting a good shot on the run down the road from the cabin are extremely small.

Scene selection

Every picture is a little story. It must have a backstory. main character and background music.

  • the genre of photography, its subject matter will act as a background;
  • the main character will be a manicure;
  • secondary details will act as background melody.

These three components will help you create not just a photo, but real story. the main task photographer - to "hook" the eye of the beholder, forcing him to walk around the picture, looking for interesting details.

We choose the genre depending on the style of manicure. Light air samples require the same weightless background. A more “evening” atmosphere will suit stylish and strict drawings.

Separately, it is worth considering plots for a pedicure. Here, well-groomed legs are the main character. Therefore, it is important to surround them with a special story. For example, place on plush plaid or depict walking on wooden floorboards.

Process Features

Depending on the color and texture of the varnish, choose the best angle. Matte samples are best taken from above. Glossy and glittery ones require a special angle so that the glare does not overlap the nail plate too much.

If the client acts as a model, it will be much easier to choose an angle. It is more difficult to take off your manicure. We recommend using a tripod and the shutter timer. This feature will help you get sharp, blur-free photos.

Take your hands

The hand extending out of space looks at least strange. A brush floating in the air has the same effect. Conclusion - hands need to be occupied with something.

Ideally, if the palms gently wrap around a simple object - a cup, an apple or a notebook. The background subject should not attract too much attention, so it is recommended to use neutral colors.

Nail masters use a little life hack. To prevent veins from showing through the skin of the hand, they remove the hand in vertical position. To do this, just put your hand on the wall. In this position, the blood will drain from the hand, and the effect of smooth skin will appear.

The use of a bottle of varnish as a "substrate" is somewhat outdated. To demonstrate the shade of the coating in original form, it is enough to place the jar in the background, slightly blurring it.

The model's face can also be used as a background image, gently resting the pads of the palm on the chin. However, no matter how spectacular the photo is, before including it in the portfolio, permission from the model will be required.


Photography literally means “drawing with light”. To make the picture perfect, it is important to choose the right lighting.

Lighting Tips:

  1. natural light. The strongest trump card in any picture. It is enough to seat the model at the window and click the shutter;
  2. It is not recommended to dilute window light with artificial sources. Mixing light temperatures is a crime;
  3. if the lighting is artificial, it will need a lot. It is desirable to place light sources on both sides of the subject. Ordinary table lamps are suitable as spotlights;
  4. reflector. When shooting near a window, the light will be directed from one side. To prevent the other from falling into blackness, it is advised to place a piece of foil or other reflective surface opposite the window. The sun flare received from such a reflector is directed to the model's brush.

Never use the camera's built-in flash. Of course, if you do not want to get a flat picture.

professional shooting

If a simple street photo is suitable for a personal blog, then for advertising they take pictures of a narrow specialization. Portfolio cards rarely contain a deep story or story. The emphasis in them is placed on the manicure itself, highlighting its quality and style.

Photos of the "desktop" format look most advantageous. There is no perspective in such pictures, as well as a blurry background. The viewer's attention slides on a flat surface, clinging to the work of the nail master, and not to the blurred space.

In the studio, manicure is removed under professional equipment. This refers to a high-quality camera, soft and light boxes, as well as reflective surfaces. The process of preparing photos includes processing images in a photo editor.

Frames on a smartphone

You can shoot a high-quality frame without the use of complex equipment. Get delicious picture You can also in the field, armed with simple tips:

  • frame center. For convenience, you can turn on the grid layout on the phone screen. The most important parts of the frame should be located in the central sector;
  • avoid sunlight. Natural lighting will play into the hands of the photographer, but will ruin the picture if a killer bleaching beam falls on the model’s brush;
  • minimalism. Props are great, but you need to be able to work with them. In order not to litter the frame, it is better to remove unnecessary details from it;
  • thumbs up. The best angle is considered to be a brush pointing up the frame;
  • purity. Any spots on the background, skin irregularities and other minor troubles are easier to prevent during shooting than to try to eliminate them in a photo editor;
  • proportions. Best of all, if the brush takes up exactly as much space as it would get in real consideration. You can position the camera at a distance of 50 cm from your hand. Agree, no one looks at a manicure, touching it with his nose;
  • settings. Most smartphones are equipped with features like "macro" or "beauty". These settings will help you get a neat picture.

In addition to creating the frame itself, nail masters are advised to take the time to process the image. Almost any card needs cropping, exposure compensation and work with skin tones.

You can process photos directly on your smartphone by downloading any convenient editor for this.

Rookie Mistakes

The first photos of a manicure rarely cause admiration, even if the work of the master turned out to be impeccable. It's all about the inexperience of the photographer. To avoid mistakes, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of frequent “fails”.

Common mistakes:

  • too little attention to the nails - the manicure is lost against the background of numerous details;
  • huge nails. The macro mode allows you to take high-quality photos, but you should not occupy 90% of the frame with a manicure;
  • blurred foreground. Frames with muddy intrusive details put pressure on the eyes. Such heavy pictures are unlikely to collect millions of likes;
  • unhealthy look. In addition to nails, skin should also radiate health.

Ideas for inspiration

A selection of high-quality manicure photos will help you get inspired to create masterpiece pictures.

Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and a million more icons on your desktop are not just applications, but also an effective promotion tool that plays an important role in building a personal brand. Almost every second beauty dreams of becoming a media influencer, collecting millions of likes under photos, thousands of laudatory comments in direct and even more subscriptions to her account. In addition, even when hiring, modernHR-s carefully analyze your social networks, making a visual portrait of a candidate for a vacancy. In general, the arguments that the ability to competently build a frame and do bright photos- this is a claim for success, more than enough.ProstoNaildecided to help their faithful readers and hold a real master class on the topic “How to photograph nails correctly”. Get ready to take notes.

The basic rules for a successful photo: take a picture seven times, think of one

How to take good pictures of nails? This question is relevant not only for practicing manicure masters, but also for their clients. After all, leaving the beauty salon, every girl wakes up with an irrepressible desire to quickly click a couple of frames for “stories” on Instagram or even for a separate post, if the card is especially successful. This unconditioned reflex is developed under the influence of the constantly developing and overwhelming information space. And there are only two ways out of the situation: fight with your desires or use them for your own good. ProstoNail experts choose the latter and we have a number of good reasons for this:

  • beautiful photographs and a gallery balanced in theme and color will attract subscribers to your account. A catchy idea, embodied in a bright frame, will make them comment on your creation, and this, in turn, will increase activity. As a result, after some time of such regular posts, you are a Social Media Influencer with a loyal audience ready to cooperate;
  • if you are already a successful blogger who feels confident at presentations and organizes fan meetings, then such photo cards will add a bit of lifestyle to your profile, thereby showing an example of a “happy and fulfilling life” (relevant for bloggers working in the beauty industry);
  • maybe it’s funny for someone, but beautiful photos help to form a Personal Brand, which will later help you form a successful and quite profitable business;
  • Most social networks have an exclusively visual background, so it is logical that in an effort to attract new clients for a manicure, you need to attract them with good shots. Using hashtags and geotags correctly, you will be able to find a “club” of admirers of your talent in a record amount of time, and 20-30% of it will certainly become your regular visitors in the salon or at home;
  • approximately the same applies to pages created for inspiration. Having collected an active, solvent audience in such an account, you can earn money by promoting advertising. And there will be a huge number of proposals about it;
  • By learning how to properly frame your shot and take stunning shots, you can become a professional photographer working on commercial shoots and realizing your ambitions in interesting and well-paid projects.

We are sure that these facts are more than enough for you to understand the value good photo V modern world. Well, it's time to satisfy this interest and reveal to you all the cards that talk about how to successfully photograph manicured fingers. Write it down and hurry to implement this knowledge by picking up an iPhone or a camera:

  • do not forget about the composition of the photo and that the main subject should be in the center of the frame (ideally). In order to control the process, it is enough just to put down dimensional grid with a cross indicating centering;
  • the best light is daylight. And we are not talking about direct sunlight, beating and discoloring everything around, but about diffused daylight. Open the curtains, raise the blinds, position your hands towards the beams - the perfect frame is guaranteed;
  • more advanced users can experiment with other light sources, even artificial ones. But the emphasis here is only on the combination of "advanced users". Of course, a couple of programs can save a “deadly beautiful” photo, but, as it seems to us, it is better to prioritize correctly from the very beginning;
  • don't use a standard phone flash. It will either completely whiten the frame, or make it yellow;
  • don't know how to work with props? Then it is better to remove everything superfluous from the frame. The minimalist atmosphere looks a lot nicer than the junkyard in the background;
  • decided to take a picture with hands near the face? Then use not the front camera, but the main one and the self-timer. That's the only way to save excellent quality fresh card;
  • Don't be afraid to experiment and stand out from the crowd. Develop your style and change angles, take a million shots and only then post the most successful ones.

And last but most main advice- Clean your camera before shooting. Otherwise, even latest model iPhone will create masterpieces in the style of "foggy Albion".

The choice of "pose" and props: everything is in your hands

Taking beautiful pictures of hands is not an easy task. But you never gave up in the face of difficulties. Using a couple of tricks, you can create a truly original card, on which coveted likes stick. Keep this table with the most successful poses for yourself, we are sure they will definitely come in handy for you.

Pose How to make it?
Hands up Raising your arms and beautifully bending your hands, put the camera straight in parallel. At the same time, do not hide your fingers, but, on the contrary, focus on them with massive rings and rings.
crossroads Folding your arms over your chest and spreading your fingers, you can create an unusual photo. The main thing is to choose the most calm clothes in basic pastel shades and with a minimum of details, so as not to distract the eye from the "hero of the occasion"
Plexus of hands Artistically intertwined fingers, something that is missing from your Instagram account. The main thing is to center the frame and blur unnecessary details, remove everything superfluous lying on the background and just enjoy the shooting process.
Charming negligence The most beautiful photos are spontaneous photos. Decided to smile and shyly covered his face with his hand? Great frame!
To the rhythm of the dance Dynamic photographs look very colorful and memorable. You can create these literally "in the rhythm of the dance." Perform smooth motion and click in the gallery mode, and then choose the most effective and clear from a million shots
love story Love stories look fresh and incredibly romantic, where lovers hold hands, but at the same time, a charming beauty has a fresh manicure. Something similar can be “caught” at the moment of hugs
In the foreground If you have a personal photographer at your disposal, then you can take a photo of manicured fingers by pulling them to the fore. At the same time, the camera will automatically capture the clarity of the nail art, blurring all unnecessary details.

With so bright ideas even your boyfriend or girlfriend will be able to take pictures of nails like real pros. The main thing is to show a little patience and stock up free time. And also collect a whole collection of paraphernalia for photos. It will help you always take a variety of pictures "with an idea." What could it be? Find details below:

  • beautiful, massive cup. Its voluminous sides are so easy to grasp and, as it were, inadvertently show the world your brand new manicure. If you take a picture a little from below, then filling the cup does not matter, if the shot is taken from above, then pour cocoa with marshmallows, tea with a slice of lemon or coffee into the container;
  • stylish clothes. This technique is most often used by fashion bloggers and it-girls. By choosing the detailed shooting mode, casually holding on to the collar of a coat, the sides of a jacket or adjusting a scarf, you can take a high-quality picture of a manicure;
  • when photographing a client's pens in the salon, give him a bottle of varnish. Playing with props, you can take a beautiful photo and show the materials you are working on;
  • face and body. It is difficult to call body parts "props", but still. Covering your eyes with your hands, playfully hiding a smile, or flirtingly winking between your fingers, you will make a cool shot of a fresh manicure;
  • rings and any other jewelry. Touching the earring, touching the rosary between your fingers or holding the pendant tremulously, you will also make a memorable click with the camera;
  • accessories. It can be a bag, clutch, belt or any other detail that complements a holistic image. Again, just by bringing your hands to her, you risk getting into the “top” of the Instagram community.

We tried to collect the most simple, but actionable advice that are easy to apply in practice. A illustrative examples will only confirm the correctness of these notes.

On what background to photograph nails: minimalistic delights

The background for photographs of nails seems to many to be a trifle that you should not pay attention to. Let us disagree with such judgments. The background is the mood of the whole frame, and often even whole story, harmoniously built around manicured fingers. To take a masterpiece shot, it’s not enough to just have beautiful manicure, you also need to pay attention to the background, removing everything unnecessary from there. For you, the question is still relevant - what to photograph nails on? Then you should carefully read the following lines:

  • the easiest way is to use a large white paper as a background. This opens up unlimited space for imagination and the implementation of the most intricate ideas. Also, on a white background, nails are most often photographed for a portfolio, because this style of cards requires minimalism and conciseness;
  • Do you think that a snow-white profile is too boring? Then literally add some colors there. You can decorate whatman paper with picturesque watercolor strokes, gouache blots, or simply take pictures against the background of colored sheets of paper for scrapbooking or origami;
  • wooden background. A simple and attractive option for both a business profile and a personal account. Now there are a million online stores selling these accessories;
  • marble background. Marble or wood look very impressive in the frame due to its unusual texture. Of course, you can look for locations with these materials right on the street, but we suggest that you act wiser by simply buying a self-adhesive film with the necessary color accent in a hardware store;
  • carpet, blanket or bedspread. Lace, openwork, braided, knitted or fluffy carpets, blankets and bedspreads can also play the role of a professional backdrop. The main thing is to add a couple of details to the frame in addition to your fingers;
  • earth, sky, sun, sea or grass. Nature is the best background that always complements any photo and creates the right atmosphere.

A small gallery of examples will help you decide on your personal favorite in the backgrounds. Watch and get inspired.

What to photograph nails for - to be or not to be

For modern girl taking a couple of shots is not a problem. After all, in the last decade alone, humanity has taken several times more photos than in the entire history before 2000. We have smartphones, underwater cameras, drones, old soap dishes, interchangeable lenses and professional cameras at our disposal. So what to choose?

How to take professional nail photos

Owners of professional cameras, as a rule, often do not even know all the possibilities of such complex equipment. We have prepared a settings guide that will make you a real maestro, easily capturing the most masterpiece moments in your memories:

  • diaphragm. This terrible word means only an automatic shutter that covers the camera lens. The more it is open, the more light in the picture and vice versa. In order to effectively take a picture of your nails, you will need to adjust the aperture each time, achieving the desired level of illumination;
  • excerpt. A complex thing that corresponds to the opening time of the diaphragm. Beginners are advised to take pictures in automatic exposure mode, pros can manually adjust this value;
  • ISO or light sensitivity. Here it is important to remember only one simple formula, the lower the ISO, the lower the ISO itself. The main thing is not to raise the ISO above 400, otherwise background "noise" will form;
  • depth of field. The main feature of the whole frame, because the shift in emphasis will depend on how you set the depth. Focus the pupil of the device on beautiful nails, and boldly blur the rest;
  • macro photography. A technique that needs to be used by all masters who want to demonstrate the perfection of the “under the cuticle” coverage or the detail of the neil art up close.

These subtleties will help you make full use of the power of a professional camera and create really small photo masterpieces that bring aesthetic pleasure when contemplating.

How to take pictures of nails on your phone

Well, if in your fragile palms there is only a smartphone - do not be sad. Today, shooting on a phone is not inferior, and sometimes even superior, to the quality of shooting on a professional camera. Let's consolidate the past and write down a couple of tricks in a notebook:

  • always wipe the lens before clicking;
  • turn off the flash and remember that it is recommended to shoot only in diffused daylight;
  • come up with an idea for a photo or even a whole story told right in the frame;
  • relax the client's hands to make the shot as natural and relaxed as possible;
  • pay attention to the choice of background, because it sets the mood for the entire gallery;
  • remove all unnecessary details so as not to create a garbage effect in the picture;
  • set the storyboard mode, centering the cross on the nails of the beauty;
  • use additional accessories, details or beat some elegant household item, be it a cup or a handbag;
  • do not neglect the macro mode. It is he who will emphasize the subtlety of every detail of the work you have done;
  • remember that for a harmonious photo, the condition of the client's hands and nails is important. Pre-moisten them with butter cream and rub with special oil, blotting it with a napkin.

Here, perhaps, are all the fundamental principles of a successful shot. The rest is up to your imagination and skill.

How to photograph nails with highlights

Surely you have seen beautiful photos with natural highlights more than once, flipping through the social networks feed. They stand out from total weight cards and always attract attention. To achieve this effect is simple if you follow these rules:

  • pre-polish well nail plates, removing all the roughness with a special buff. Only so gel polish or acrylic paint lie flat, forming a mirror canvas;
  • use artificial light, but better - Sun rays. Only not direct, but scattered. The lack of light will never allow you to create a soft reflection;
  • it's cloudy outside, but you still want to take a picture of another manicure masterpiece? Then apply the pro technique by taking the lamp and repelling its light with a reflector. This role can be played by a dense snow-white sheet of paper or foil. The result will definitely please you;
  • elegant highlights are also easy to “finish” in classic Photoshop or any other similar program for a smartphone. Just select the pen or gradient tool and draw specific area, achieving the desired result.

Knowing such tricks, you can even photograph nails for advertising, creating a visually appealing picture that demonstrates your skill in all its glory. By the way, such photos can be uploaded to stocks and even earn money by selling them to customers.

How to photograph a client's nails

After finishing work, a true professional is in no hurry to let his beloved client go free, but first invites her to capture her nails “for history”. Instagram stories. Fortunately, ProstoNail experts come to the rescue, bringing together all the tips on this topic:

  • choose the angle depending on the design of the nails. Monochromatic manicure you can take a picture from any angle, and semantic nail art is semantic for that, in order to think about its correct framing;
  • each artist boldly signs his work, declaring authorship. Manicurists do the same. It is important to keep the same font style and weight, and not to “stretch” the caption throughout the photo;
  • keep a single style not only in fonts, but in the gallery as a whole. Programs will help you turn this into reality: UNUM, Concept Office, Snapseed or Lightroom;
  • technical base: use a professional camera or smartphone camera, but with good technical specifications. Otherwise, all efforts will go to waste and the photos will still turn out to be blurry and of poor quality;
  • play with the props, but try not to overload the frame, leaving room for imagination;
  • stay tuned and stay tuned for updates. Almost every day, new “chips” appear that transform photos, make “live” shots, or emphasize the incredible shine of glitter.

These simple tricks will help you not to tire or embarrass the client, but at the same time make an excellent shot worthy of saving in the Favorites folder.

How to take good pictures of your nails

Looking at these shots, you understand that it is quite possible to photograph nails yourself, especially with a little imagination and quite a bit of perseverance.

How to photograph a pedicure

For creating beautiful photo The same rules apply to the legs as to the handles. There are only a couple of small nuances:

  • you can take a picture of a pedicure in shoes, picking up open sandals in style suitable for the design of the nails;
  • use the combination principle by putting handles on your legs. Thus, a whole “set” is obtained, which perfectly demonstrates your skill;
  • in the case of a pedicure, the background plays an important role, so stock up on several options from the list above at once.

How not to photograph a manicure

After reading this article, the number of your mistakes will be reduced to zero. The main thing is to avoid overexposure or, conversely, poor artificial lighting, forget about the photo "under the lamp" or using the desktop as a background. We will not rant much, just show examples of how NOT to do it.

All the secrets of how best to photograph your manicured fingers are revealed. The point is small, take your hands on a smartphone and run to put your newly acquired knowledge into practice, collecting compliments and likes on Instagram.
