How to wrap a large gift in gift paper. How to wrap a box with gift paper: the best packaging options

Presenting a present in an original and beautiful way is not as difficult as it often seems at first glance. It is quite possible to pack a gift in a box and gift paper with your own hands. Using step-by-step recommendations, accompanied by photos and videos, you can beautifully arrange a present. Thanks to simple and visual tips, it will not be difficult to wrap both large and small gifts in special paper. Moreover, the form of the presentation is not fundamental. The following are recommendations for wrapping rectangular and round gifts.

Step-by-step instructions for wrapping a gift in gift paper

Check out three detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly and beautifully wrap a gift, and then you will definitely do it!

Standard box packaging

Everyone can beautifully pack a gift in gift paper if you use the proposed step-by-step instructions.

For packing you need to prepare:

  • beautiful ribbon;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape.

If wrapping a presentation is done for the first time, you should first practice on a newspaper or unnecessary sheets. This will allow you to adapt to work and avoid mistakes when the gift itself is issued directly.

  1. Beautiful gift paper is taken as the basis. You will need to cut the right amount of material. Then lay it upside down. It has a gift box on it. Its bottom should look up.
  2. Next, you need to wrap the box with the gift from the far side. To attach gift paper, you need to cut off a piece of double-sided tape. Then, over the gift, the material is thoroughly stretched so that there are no folds and “waves”.
  3. Now you need to thoroughly close the seam so that the wrong side of the wrapping paper is not visible in the gap. For this, the edge is bent. The width of the fold should vary from 0.5 to 1 cm. Then the material is well stretched and fixed with pieces of adhesive tape.
  4. Next, you need to mask the sides of the gift. It is most convenient to fold the wrapping paper along the top edge of the box. That is why it is recommended to start from the top. First of all, you need to wrap the material along the height of the box. Gift paper is tucked inward so that sharp corners of about 45 degrees are formed. The resulting strips must be glued to the box body. The same steps must be repeated on the opposite side.
  5. This is the basis of the packaging.
  6. When packing a presentation in paper with your own hands, you can use a visual diagram. Such a step-by-step instruction will help those who decide to pack a gift in paper for the first time.
  7. Now you need to decorate the package. To make everything beautiful, you need to take the tape as a basis. Its length should be about 5 times the longest side of the gift. Lay the box upside down in the middle of the tape. The right end of the tape should be placed over the left edge. Decor needs to be tightened up.
  8. The box is then turned over. Both edges of the tape must be slipped under the strip, which is already well stretched.
  9. Then you need to tie a bow and gently straighten it.
  10. With the help of scissors, you need to trim the free sides of the ribbon.
  11. That's all! A gift wrapped in bright and stylish gift paper is ready!

Round box packing

It is quite difficult to wrap round-shaped gifts beautifully and neatly. However, this problem can be solved quickly and creatively. The attractiveness of the method proposed below lies in the fact that such decoration of a souvenir involves the use of a minimum amount of paper and the almost complete rejection of additional decor. This packaging option is self-sufficient in its simplicity and conciseness.

To decorate a round gift, you will need to prepare a glue gun, paper with a bright pattern, a cardboard circle, scissors, ribbon or twine, a stapler.

  1. Getting started, first you need to measure the diameter and height of the box. In accordance with the dimensions obtained, you need to cut a rectangle out of gift paper. The height of this part should be the figure obtained from the height of the box, which has been multiplied by 1.5. The length of the figure is equal to the diameter of the souvenir. The resulting rectangle should be cut into strips. Their width should not exceed 3 cm.
  2. In all the resulting strips you need to make a small hole. It is performed on the narrow side with a hole punch. The other edge is fixed to the cardboard circle so that a voluminous fan is obtained from all the cut blanks. Then you need to wait a bit for the glue to dry.
  3. Put a souvenir in the center of the resulting design. Cut out a ribbon or piece of twine. Pass the material through the holes on all strips. To make it convenient, you should alternately wrap the workpieces to the center of the circle. The twine (tape) must be tightened quite strongly.
  4. When all the stripes are gathered together, the ribbon (twine) must be tied into a knot. This will fix the structure and prevent it from "spreading". The excess amount of material should be cut off, and the workpiece itself is fixed on a knot, which is best masked with a bow. It can be formed from the remnants of the tape.
  5. That's all! Round gift wrapping is ready.

Big gift wrapping

If the gift is large enough and bulky, this is not at all a reason to give it in an unsightly way. Such a present can also be stylishly and beautifully decorated using gift paper.

  1. Before you pack a present, you will need to measure the required amount of gift paper.
  2. The gift box is placed on the reverse side of the packaging material. On top of the box, a strip of double-sided tape should be fixed along the entire length, after which the protective film is removed from it.
  3. Now the short edge of the gift paper needs to be folded onto the package. At the location of the adhesive tape, it must be smoothed, and the fold lines should be pressed with your hands.
  4. Next, the opposite edge of the paper is wrapped by 2 cm and fixed along the fold line with adhesive tape, from which the protective film is removed.
  5. Paper is tightly stretched around the souvenir, and its edges are folded onto the lid of a large box and glued.
  6. It is necessary to close the sides of the presentation. Previously, the material is bent from above, and the resulting inversions are ironed by hand. The corners are fixed with tape or glue.
  7. The corners of the gift wrap are fixed alternately.
  8. The sides of the resulting triangle are drawn from the inside with double-sided tape.
  9. The resulting workpiece is pressed tightly against the base of the box, after which all the same actions are repeated from the opposite side.
  10. It remains only to decorate the gift with a bow and special ribbons.

Video: how to beautifully pack a gift in gift paper

Watch the video on how to properly and beautifully wrap a gift in gift paper, and then you will definitely have no questions left!

Many people love to give and receive gifts. But it is doubly pleasant when the gift is beautifully packaged. You can also make holiday packaging with your own hands, for example, you can take the idea from the master classes offered here with step-by-step photos, as well as videos from YouTube. Prepare gift paper, ribbon, and follow the chosen instructions on how to properly wrap the gift.

Classic packaging

In this way, you can wrap an ordinary box in beautiful paper, and then add a spectacular decor element from the same packaging material. Now we have a gift for the New Year, so the pattern is appropriate, but this decor option is suitable for any holiday.

  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • golden ribbon;
  • glue.

In this way it is convenient to pack a gift that initially has a box with smooth edges. Therefore, at the first stage, we pack as usual. And for this, cut off the desired piece of wrapping paper.

We keep transparent tape on hand, we will need it at this stage. First, we wrap our gift with wrapping paper on one side and fix it in two places with transparent tape.

After that, we will close the end sides of our gift. To do this, carefully first bend down one side, repeating the contours of the box, as shown in the photo:

From the rest of the wrapping paper we form a triangle, folding the corners on the sides.

Now we bend the top of this triangle, after which we bend it to the end of the package. We take a transparent adhesive tape and fix it well.

We repeat such actions from the other end of our box.

A decorative element of our packaging will be a fan made of the same paper. Therefore, we prepare a piece of wrapping paper to create it. It all depends on how we will arrange this fan. We decided to arrange it according to the width of the box. Therefore, we cut out the paper of the appropriate size.

Now we fold it with an "accordion".

We bend this "accordion" in half.

We glue in the middle, and make the edges of the resulting "accordion" semicircular with scissors. At the same time, we make sure that the total size of the fan matches the width of our box.

The decorative element is ready, we proceed to the final stage of packaging. We take a golden ribbon and tie the box.

We form a bow.

Now, immediately behind the bow, we fix the fan with glue.

Our gift wrapping is ready.

Video how to pack the box:

And how beautifully to tie bows from ribbons? Look at the video:

How to tie a simple bow on your fingers:

How to make a fluffy ribbon bow:

Folded packaging

In this master class, we will demonstrate one of the gift wrapping options. At first glance, it does not differ from the usual, but it has one zest.

To create such a package, we prepared:

  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • thin double-sided tape;
  • golden ribbon.

First, prepare a sheet of paper of the desired size. In this case, you should focus on the usual packaging, but make an increase of about 50% in the direction in which the folds will form. We lay the sheet with the pattern down and make the first small fold.

Then we will make blanks for future folds. And for this we bend the paper by 2.5 cm.

And so we repeat 4 more times. In total, in this case, we will get blanks for five folds. If desired, they can be made more or less. You can also vary the width of the folds.

Unfold the packing list face up. We see 5 fold lines.

Focusing on them, we will form folds. Gently grab the first fold from the edge and in its place we form a shallow (about 1 cm) fold.

Now they need to be fixed. To do this, turn the sheet over to the wrong side, where we fix the folds in several places with transparent tape.

Then carefully begin to bend the end sides of the package.

With the help of transparent tape we fix one corner.

Then we bend the second corner with folds.

By the same principle, we fix the other end of the package.

Now it remains to tie the gift with a ribbon.

We fix it diagonally, and tie the ends with a bow. Our gift is ready for delivery.

However, wrapping paper can be the most ordinary, plain, but by wrapping your gift box in it, you can decorate it to your taste. See examples in this video on how to stylishly arrange a gift:

Be sure to watch a helpful video about the 5 most common mistakes when packing boxes:

and how to tie the box with ribbon:

How to make a paper bag

In this master class, we will show the packaging option when the gift does not have a clear shape. For example, you need to beautifully pack something small, then check out this option for creating a bag using the origami technique.

To make such a packaging bag, we took:

  • square sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • golden braid.

In our case, a small square of paper 21 x 21 cm is used, but such a bag can be made from wrapping paper of any size. First, bend the prepared square sheet in half.

Then you need to perform a diagonal addition.

After that, fold the square along the other diagonal.

The resulting folds on our workpiece allow us to fold it in the form of a double triangle.

Now let's start forming our packaging bag directly. To do this, place the triangle with the base up, take the right corner of the top layer and bend it to the left as follows.

Then we bend it back, while combining the right side.

We do the same with the left corner of the top layer, it needs to be bent to the right.

Then we bend it in the opposite direction, not forgetting to combine the left edge.

Fold the top corners inwards.

We turn over the packaging blank and do the same with the right and left corners.

We fill the upper protruding corners inward.

Now we will form the bottom of our packaging bag. To do this, bend the bottom corner up.

After that, carefully form the bottom, which should be square in shape.

We should get such a blank for packaging.

Through these holes we pass a golden braid.

Do not forget to first remove the gift, after which we tie the ribbon with a bow.

Our paper bag is ready.

Description of work and photos prepared.

Video how to make a packaging bag with your own hands:

original packaging

How to wrap a gift in an original way? There may be many options.

For example, you can wrap a gift like candy. Wrapper for this colored paper candy. See a detailed step-by-step master class with photos.

Many small gifts can be put into boxes in the form of cake portions, a detailed master class with diagrams.

Another non-standard option is to hide gifts in a balloon and wrap it like a candy - a surprise is guaranteed! See.

And since we are talking about sweets, one cannot but recall the main children's temptation - chocolate eggs. It is in the form of a kinder surprise, only in a large size, that you can arrange gift wrapping.

For a small gift, you can glue one that is already a gift in itself:

Well, if you do not want to hide your gift, then you can make such a transparent package:

Plain paper packaging

Children's paper packaging options are very simple, for this you need thick colored paper, double-sided or single-sided.

Giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving. We go around hundreds of stores in search of the “same” thing that the recipient will like. What could be more interesting and exciting than the moment when the potential owner of a present with burning eyes tears open a colorful wrapper in anticipation of a miracle. Well-chosen packaging can easily turn the most modest gift into a work of art. In a large city, in any mall, there are a couple of specialty stores that offer dozens of options and ideas for a festive wrap. But, of course, self-wrapping of gifts is a very pleasant and interesting process that allows you to put a piece of your soul into the present. Using imagination and improvised means, you can create an original and bright gift packaging design that will definitely appeal to its owner.

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Simple ideas and step-by-step instructions: how to wrap a gift in gift paper

Simplicity and sophistication

To create holiday packaging you will need a few meters of wrapping paper, scissors, a centimeter, double-sided tape and decorative ribbons for decoration.

We measure the required amount of paper in accordance with the size of the gift, adding a few centimeters for the hem.

If this is your first time packing, try it on plain newspaper first.

Freedom of expression

The use of kraft paper in the process of gift wrapping provides unlimited opportunities for self-expression. To create original packaging, you just need to turn on your imagination and start creating.

You will need craft paper, felt-tip pens, decorative ribbons and a brooch for decoration.

You can simplify the task: draw patterns on paper with paint and tie the box with twine or bright ribbon for contrast.

Delicate motives

Everyone has special people, whose gifts we choose with special care, puzzling over the design. The use of a lace ribbon in the packaging design will tell the recipient about your reverent feelings. A little imagination and double-sided tape - your gift will become more personal and its contents will be carefully hidden from prying eyes.


If you do not have wrapping paper and all the stores are closed, a regular newspaper will come to the rescue. The principles of gift wrapping are already pretty clear, but in order to make a beautiful flower, you will have to work a little.

  1. Cut out several strips of newspaper, about 15cm wide, some a little narrower. Fold one strip in half lengthwise and make a series of cuts along the fold, as shown in Figure 1.
  2. After you've made cuts along the entire length, wrap the resulting fringe and secure with tape.
  3. To make flower petals, use strips of paper in the same way as before.
  4. Gather all the parts together, fasten them with tape. Leave the ends in order to attach the flower to the gift.

To make the gift even more original, you can choose a newspaper according to the recipient's hobbies; use a finance section for an entrepreneur, a comic book for a child, or a few recipe pages for a mom.

Briefly about the main

If you have long wanted to say something to a loved one, but did not know how to do it beautifully - do not worry, the right gift wrapping can do it for you. Use a computer and a color printer to design a gift and you won't need words anymore.

Bright colors

If you want to make your gift bright and unforgettable, then this idea is what you need. This option is my favorite because all you have to do is it is to wrap a gift in plain wrapping paper.

  1. Take a sheet of a contrasting color and fold it in half.
  2. Draw the shape of a butterfly on a separate sheet of thin cardboard: cut and circle half as shown on colored paper. Cut out as many stencils as needed to cover the entire gift.
  3. Cut out the shapes and fold them on both sides in the middle to make them bodies.
  4. Use glue or a thin strip of double-sided tape to stick them all over the surface of your gift.

If you don't like butterflies, you can use ribbons or any other shapes.

Secret signs

For those who like to solve puzzles, this is almost two gifts in one. Use in the design of paper with printed letters, folding into warm words will help the owner feel special and satisfy cravings for solving complex problems

Interest club

These interesting examples will come in handy if you want to arrange a gift in accordance with the interests of the recipient. If the gift is intended for a musician or music lover, then there is no better way to make it unique than wrapping the gift in sheet music. Whether it's a CD or a new guitar, he will admire it, trying not to damage the packaging, so that he can re-read it later.

Using the card in your gift wrapping will enable the recipient to circle the globe or find their way down the street. Either way, it will certainly be an enjoyable journey.

If you want to surprise a book lover, use the pages of a book you don't plan to read again as wrapping paper.

The best thing about these ideas is that with the help of them everyone can create a holiday atmosphere. In addition, you can make dreams come true, enjoy the process and get a unique opportunity to be a wish-granting magician for a moment.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper: video

The easiest way to wrap a gift is to wrap the finished box in wrapping paper. After all, very often the things that we buy as a gift are already in a cardboard box. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to pack a box in gift paper. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this, you just need to know how to correctly calculate the dimensions of the wrapping paper and how to properly wrap the box in paper.

What you need to pack the box
- wrapping paper;
- decorative ribbons, cords;
- scissors;
- tape measure;
- double-sided tape (try to get double-sided tape, as pieces of ordinary tape are very noticeable and will need to be carefully masked).

How to determine the right amount of packaging paper
In order to pack a rectangular or square box, we need to cut out a rectangle from the wrapping paper, respectively. To determine the width of the rectangle, take a measuring tape and measure all four sides of the box around the perimeter (full turn), and add 2-3 cm for the hem. And the length of the rectangle is one box length + two box heights.

A little advice
If you are packing for the first time, do it first on regular newspaper. See if you have determined the dimensions correctly, where the tape should be located, how the folds look, etc.

How to pack a box Basic steps.

Step one. Place the gift box in the center of the paper rectangle. Bend the left or right vertical edge by 0.5-1 cm, glue a strip of double-sided tape to the fold.

Step two. Wrap the box tightly with paper as shown in the photo. Then remove the protective layer from the adhesive tape and glue the folded edge of the paper.

Step three. Check that the protruding edges of the paper from the ends of the box are the same. Then bend the top of the paper as shown in the photo, press it firmly against the end of the box.

Step four. Fold and press the sides of the paper firmly.

Step five. Bend the lower part first and press firmly against the end of the box. Then bend it back and bend it approximately in the middle. Stick a strip of tape on it and glue this part to the end. Do the same on the other side of the box.

How to decorate a paper-wrapped box

1st option. Cut out a small strip of paper in a different color, wrap the box around it, and tape the ends together. Tie with a decorative cord.

2nd option. If the wrapping paper is double-sided, then you can leave a larger width allowance and use this for decoration.

3rd option. You can use several ribbons of different colors and textures.

Think choosing a gift is the hardest part? But you still need to take care of how to beautifully pack the present, which is also an important step in preparing a gift. Of course, the easiest way is to contact the store, where they additionally provide a packaging service, but this is another expense item, and the packaging format is standard, so you should think about how to pack a gift in gift paper with your own hands. There are quite a number of packaging options, it all depends on the size of the presentation.

Gift wrapping is a creative process, where it is fashionable to show all your imagination, make efforts, which the hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate. In addition, a self-wrapped gift looks more beautiful, stylish and unique.

Features of packaging a large present

If the gift has an impressive size, then it will not be so easy to pack it, since it is unlikely to fit in a regular package. Do not despair, you can beautifully decorate a present of absolutely any size, there are many different variations of do-it-yourself packaging. If your surprise is more than a meter in size, then it is appropriate to pack them in a large cardboard box, many things that you buy for the hero of the occasion are already sold in such boxes. Otherwise, you should order a regular cardboard box. How to make such a big present:

  • glue standard or branded packaging with special gift material;
  • using aerosol cans, paint the box in bright colors or decorate them with original drawings and wishes;
  • decorate the packaged present with bows, applications and other decorative elements.

Features of packing small gifts

There are many ways to beautifully wrap a gift. Small gifts can be wrapped in special wrapping paper in various ways. Wrapping paper can be used for all types of packaging, the present can first be placed in a box and after that it can be beautifully decorated or immediately wrapped without the use of additional packaging.

Gifts that have uneven edges and non-standard shapes may not fit into the standard box format, and therefore they can be packaged directly into the gift material. It is very easy to make a gift without a box with your own hands; you can use a beautiful wrapper with an original texture or a classic packaging film with a bright pattern for this. This is the simplest and easiest way, you should cut off a large enough piece of film or paper, preferably with a margin, then you can cut off the excess or wrap it beautifully. The present is placed in the center of the cut packaging material, which wraps the gift in neat folds and is fixed on top with a ribbon or bow.

Box packing

Boxes of small and medium sizes can be packed in special wrapping paper of various textures. This is not difficult to do, this method is suitable for square and rectangular boxes. For this you will need:

  • gift wrapping material;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape, it is desirable to use double-sided;
  • decorative ornaments - ribbons, bows and other accessories.

First of all, you need to cut off the required size of gift paper. The size for a rectangular box of paper is determined, so the width should exceed 3-4 centimeters, and the length should be twice the height of the box.

A box with a gift is placed directly in the center on the cut out part. One of the vertical ends must be tucked 1 cm and glued with double-sided tape. Then wrap the paper as tightly as possible around the box and fix it on the already glued adhesive tape. On the sides, it is necessary to carefully bend the ends and press them firmly against the box with adhesive tape. Now it remains to decorate the present with decorative materials of your choice, you can additionally wrap it with a narrow line of beautiful fabric to hide the place where the paper joins. Here's how to wrap a box in gift paper at home.

Packing bag

How to pack a gift in paper, if it is without a box, with your own hands. You should not opt ​​exclusively for classic packaging options, you can create a beautiful bag of packaging material with your own hands. First of all, you need to decide on the texture of the wrapping paper, its color scheme, as well as pick up decorative elements that will become an ornament.

It is worth noting that the package can also have a different shape, square, rectangular. Depending on the desired shape of the package, it is necessary to cut off the material, fold it, giving it the desired shape and glue it with double-sided tape. The bottom of the package should be formed as shown in the photo, you can safely experiment and come up with your own variations, the main thing, in the end, is to fix everything well with adhesive tape or glue.

In the already finished package, it remains to make handles, for this, holes are made with a hole punch, into which special ribbons or beautiful ropes are threaded. The packaging bag is ready, it remains to decorate it with decorative elements and place your gift in it.

Types of packaging material

An important factor when choosing a gift material is not only its color scheme, but also its texture. Most often, standard glossy paper is used, which can be either plain or with all kinds of patterns and prints. Corrugated paper is mainly used to wrap bouquets of flowers, but it can also be used to wrap presents. Wrapping material such as kraft has a cross-section, due to which it is slightly ribbed to the touch. Ideal for wrapping gifts of all sizes and formats, as a rule, such material is sold in rolls. If the present has a non-standard shape, then it is best to use a type of material such as polysilk, which is very elastic and easily takes the desired shape.
