Is it possible for pregnant women to have oregano. Oregano during pregnancy: the benefits and harms of a fragrant plant for expectant mothers

Oregano is the most popular representative of this genus. Contains aromatic and fatty oils, vitamin C, has healing and spicy taste properties. Tea, oils, infusions are prepared from it, effective for many diseases, they are added as a spice to marinades and hot dishes. However, oregano during pregnancy is a serious danger.

Is it possible to have oregano during pregnancy?

When asked if oregano is possible during pregnancy, doctors answer in the negative, since decoctions taken orally provoke uterine bleeding and miscarriage. Because of these qualities, oregano is used by traditional medicine to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Only external use of oregano during pregnancy is recommended, for example, for washing in the presence of skin problems. Decoctions have a positive effect on the skin, suffering from hormonal surges associated with the course of pregnancy.

  • Oregano is able to relieve a headache: for this purpose, compresses moistened with decoction are applied, or hair is rinsed after washing. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and scalp.

With a runny nose, it is recommended to inhale the aroma of a powder made from dry raw materials. Essential oils are also suitable for aromatherapy - as a sedative for nervous disorders. An excellent hypnotic effect is created by a pillow filled with dry oregano, if it is hung in the bedroom.

Oils are not suitable for application to the skin, as they are easily absorbed and can harm the body. As an exceptional option, oregano oil is allowed in the minimum dosage (one drop or a moistened swab) for otitis media. To avoid getting through the skin into the blood, the procedure can be performed only once.

Cough, tonsillitis are treated with infusion of the plant, performing gargling. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the medicine does not get inside.

Oregano during early pregnancy

The use of oregano during early pregnancy has its own characteristics.

In the first trimester, as you know, the nervous system and brain are formed in the fetus. Any third-party influence on these processes is undesirable, because it can be detrimental to the fetus. In this regard, physicians limit the use of drugs and herbs of strong action as much as possible. Oregano during pregnancy belongs to such herbs.

  • Uterine bleeding, which is provoked by the active components of oregano, is very dangerous for both the mother's body and the fetus. An exception is allowed only when the benefits significantly outweigh the risks.

In the subsequent period of pregnancy, oregano is allowed only for external use or aromatherapy, and then only if there are no problems with the uterus. If the tone increases for some reason, then even the external use of oregano is not recommended.

In general, it is possible to enjoy your favorite drink, as a rule, only after childbirth. Tea at this time is very useful: it stimulates lactation, improves the quality of milk, and also serves to prevent allergies in a child.

Tea with oregano during pregnancy

Oregano has many useful properties, therefore it is used in official medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. But there are also contraindications; one of them is the state of pregnancy. In this connection, traditional medicine recommends tea with oregano for women:

  • during pregnancy - as an abortifacient;
  • with delays in menstruation - for treatment.

The ban on oregano during pregnancy is associated with an effect on the muscles of the uterus: the plant causes its contraction and bleeding, and this is a real threat of miscarriage and premature birth. It is not recommended to use it as a condiment. Note that the spice with oregano is called "oregano".

External use of a decoction of grass is allowed: it can be used to wash a face on which a rash or other defects may occur during pregnancy, as well as gargle and gargle with tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis. To prepare an external agent, take a teaspoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water, brew, infuse and cool.

How to brew oregano for abortion?

Oregano, or motherboard, is a plant in demand by folk medicine. According to some sources, it was used as early as the time of Aristotle and Pliny the Elder. Modern herbalists recommend herb for delaying menstruation of a different nature, and also use oregano during pregnancy as an abortifacient.

  • A properly prepared remedy not only causes menstruation, but also further stabilizes the cycle. Infusion and alcohol tincture reduce menstrual pain. In addition, oregano has a relaxing effect, and during menopause it calms the nerves and relieves insomnia.

However, a woman who is responsible for her health should not self-medicate, including potent herbs. After all, the failure of the menstrual cycle can be caused by serious problems in the body: ovarian dysfunction, infections, endocrine diseases. Therefore, for any violations of the cycle, as well as before brewing oregano to terminate a pregnancy, you must consult a gynecologist.

Thyme and oregano during pregnancy

Thyme and oregano enhance each other's abortive properties during pregnancy (some even find their smells similar). Therefore, it is not recommended to get involved in drinks from these herbs. Limited use is allowed, preferably separately, using the beneficial properties of these plants.

  • Thyme tea is an antiseptic, diuretic and diaphoretic, contains vitamins and trace elements. With a cold, along with sweat, it removes harmful ingredients from the body. The danger of the drink is that it can increase the tone of the uterus and blood pressure; both are dangerous for a woman in position. Thyme is completely prohibited for hypertension, malfunctions of the heart and thyroid gland.

Oregano is considered an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent, which makes it advisable to use it for colds. But oregano is not recommended during pregnancy due to the high risk of causing an abortion. The ability of the plant to reduce the uterine muscles leads to such a consequence. A pregnant woman will have to abstain until a successful birth, but for now, replace her favorite drink with another, safe herbal tea.

Oregano for abortion

Oregano belongs to the so-called abortive herbs, so traditional medicine has been using oregano for abortion for a long time. Unfortunately, by ingesting oregano during pregnancy, women got rid of an unwanted child in an uncontrolled and, in fact, barbaric way. However, any method of abortion can be considered barbaric.

Abortive plants are divided into two types. Poisonous, like adonis, kill the fetus and adversely affect the entire body, which is fraught with toxic poisoning or a dangerous heart attack. The use of such herbs is a threat to the life of the mother.

  • Abortive properties of oregano are to increase muscle tone, which leads to contractions and miscarriage. The herb changes the level of estrogen, as a result of which the development of the fetus is suspended and premature termination of pregnancy occurs.

Medical professionals warn against such abortions. Firstly, herbs do not guarantee a 100% effect, and secondly, a high degree of risk should be taken into account when using them. For example, fetal death may occur, but labor activity does not. In this case, intoxication and a state of shock develop, and only urgent medical intervention can save the life of a woman who has risked using oregano to terminate her pregnancy on her own.

Tansy and oregano for abortion

Folk recipes often use mixtures of plants, such as tansy and oregano, to terminate a pregnancy. This combination is also suitable for restoring the cycle, especially with poor discharge and disappearing menstruation.

Open sources emphasize that tansy gives almost 100% effect in the early stages; the main thing is to properly prepare and use tansy flowers with oregano during pregnancy. The effect is associated with the toxicity of components that kill the fetus through the blood and provoke uterine contractions.

For an abortive decoction, take equally tansy and oregano (a teaspoon) per glass of water. The brewed drink is defended, filtered and drunk in three doses (before meals). With an average weight, a single dose of 3 tbsp is recommended. spoons.

  • You should know that the dosage in this case is extremely important. Due to toxicity, it is important not to overdose, and if the amount of the drug is insufficient, the fetus will not come out, and therefore its decomposition and sepsis may begin. Such a threat should make every woman who does not want to become a mother think again about the consequences.

And one more caveat: the described method of interruption is not suitable for later periods (more than 12 weeks), as well as during the first pregnancy. Incorrect dosage can cause poisoning or complications leading to death.

Despite a number of useful properties, oregano should be treated with caution. In particular, oregano during pregnancy is contraindicated, it is better to completely exclude it from use, and without special need - not to use it at all, including externally. Comfort yourself with thoughts about future tea parties after childbirth, when oregano will be harmless and even beneficial for a nursing mother.

Oregano is a medicinal herb that has proven itself well, it contains substances useful for the female body, and various medicines are made from it. But tea with oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy, it increases the uterine tone and provokes a miscarriage, after drinking a glass of tea pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge begin.

Many expectant mothers want to know: is oregano possible during pregnancy? It is contraindicated only for internal use, because it has abortive properties.

Outwardly, the motherboard is similar to a bush of a pale lilac shade, it blooms in summer, and bears fruit in early autumn. This is a magnificent honey plant, grass flowers are somewhat similar in smell to thyme, the mother tree grows in a bush, reaching 90 cm in height.

It grows along the roadsides, in the garden, on the hill and the forest edge, the grass is very unpretentious, like a weed, it takes root almost everywhere. Oregano is in demand in cooking, seasonings for first and second courses are made from it, and it is used in folk and official medicine. The chemical composition of this plant is rich, it contains tannins, flavonoids, phenols, phytoncides, essential oils. Oregano has the following properties: sedative, hemostatic, analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, stimulates appetite. And also oregano normalizes metabolism, helps with coughing, it is used in stressful situations, insomnia, to normalize digestion.

Tinctures and teas from this herb fight sciatica, atherosclerosis, colds, bronchitis, kidney disease, cystitis, gastritis, painful menstruation, and CNS disorders.

It is necessary to consider the question: is it possible to use oregano during pregnancy, because this small flower has been used by healers for centuries as an abortive method. Oregano during pregnancy is contraindicated, especially in the early stages, since the substances in it provoke abortion, increasing uterine tone.

That is why gynecologists forbid drinking oregano tea, as well as adding dry grass as a seasoning to dishes, but the mother is safe for the fetus and does not cause developmental defects. It is likely that a young female body during pregnancy can overcome a small volume of the motherboard without negative consequences; it is unlikely to cope with a large volume of this herb.

If a pregnant woman is nervous or does not sleep well, you can make a small pillow from oregano grass, this is done very simply, a canvas bag is sewn and stuffed with grass, then the bag can be placed near the pillow.

Tea from oregano is an excellent means of combating furunculosis, a weak decoction is made from oregano, a compress is applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes, and a decoction of oregano is used for washing.

Taking risks in a matter that concerns the health and life of a child, especially women who are at risk, i.e., those who suffer from uterine tone, gestosis, pregnant women under 20 and over 33 years old, cannot be categorically, oregano is allowed only for external use.

Taking oregano is contraindicated when the menstrual cycle is delayed, you can not use the herb if you suspect pregnancy, because in the process of bearing a baby, even in the early stages, the herb can provoke heavy bleeding. It can lead to serious consequences - up to death, if the woman is not provided with qualified assistance in a timely manner, this only applies to the intake of the motherboard inside.

The use of a local medicinal plant is safe, it is used to treat various skin diseases, during pregnancy, the herb is only used externally. Pregnant women use a decoction of oregano to wash and eliminate skin flaws that have formed during the restructuring of hormones in the body, the motherboard is perfect for eliminating headaches, they wash their hair with a decoction of it, this method has a beneficial effect on the roots and hair structure.

In order to reduce the symptoms of a runny nose and headache, they sniff the powder from ground oregano flowers, to relieve inflammation of the oral cavity, they rinse their mouth very carefully with an infusion of herbs. With sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, very carefully, so that even a small part of the herb infusion does not get inside, the inflamed oral cavity is rinsed with oregano infusion.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, even the external intake of the motherboard must be performed with caution and only after consulting with your doctor. In the II and III trimesters, oregano is used only for external use, as a sedative it will be possible to take it only after childbirth, for example, during postpartum depression.

Oregano essential oil is used for aromatherapy because it soothes, relaxes, and reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases.

It is forbidden to take oregano inside in all three trimesters of pregnancy, otherwise it can result in negative consequences, serious complications, its external use is permissible, but with great care just when the tone of the uterus has always been high.

The mother is able to have a therapeutic effect on the entire body of a woman as a whole, only during pregnancy her intake should be limited, you can use it as an external remedy, this approach will help maintain the health of a woman and her baby.

With a headache, it is recommended to pour a warm decoction on the head, fill the cup with dry leaves, stems and flowers, pour it into a 2.5-liter saucepan, put it on the stove, after boiling the water, boil it over low heat for half an hour, then remove it from the stove, cool it, filter.

Oregano has a lot of useful properties, it has the ability to help in solving many health problems during pregnancy, the most important thing is that it must be used correctly. But even if a woman considers herself competent in resolving this issue, before using oregano, it is necessary to take a detailed consultation from a gynecologist or therapist.

Oregano has a rich chemical composition, including vitamins, phytohormones and thymol. This medicinal herb has a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. But does this mean that pregnant women can use oregano without harm to their health? Let's consider this further.

Is it possible to drink oregano in early and late pregnancy?

All gynecologists unequivocally agree that it is absolutely impossible to use oregano inside if you want to keep the pregnancy. It increases the production of the female hormone estrogen. As a result of a change in the ratio of hormones, a failure occurs, uterine bleeding may open, and the development of the child will stop, and as a result, the pregnancy will be terminated. So, oregano is an abortive plant.

Both in the early and late periods, the use of this herb inside by pregnant women is strictly contraindicated in any form: decoction, tea or infusion.

Also pay attention to whether oregano is added to the dish, because it is under this name that oregano is known in the culinary world. It is added to soups, salads, fish and meat dishes, pizza, tomato sauces, hot sandwiches. Do not do without it and pastries, jam, jelly. Since the addition of grass increases the shelf life of the product, it is also added to kvass, beer and marinades.

Is it possible to drink tea with oregano?

Very tasty and healthy herbal tea, where the main component is oregano. But during pregnancy, you will have to choose more harmless mixtures for yourself, but after childbirth, it will become an excellent tool for increasing lactation and will have a positive effect on the child, as it will help stop allergic reactions.

The use of oregano during pregnancy

If it is impossible to use oregano inside, then external use during pregnancy is allowed, but with caution. Decoctions of oregano are also widely used for cosmetic purposes, for hair care, treatment of abrasions and wounds. Next, consider a few useful recipes for external use.


Dry grass (1-2 tablespoons) is poured into 300 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for about 1 hour. Then the broth is filtered and used for its intended purpose. For example:

  • washing with a decoction helps to even out skin color, remove puffiness of the face and various rashes on the skin;
  • helps in the treatment of boils and eczema, promotes faster healing of wounds;
  • well established itself as a hair rinse: a decoction improves their condition, and the scalp gets rid of dandruff;
  • rinsing is practiced for diseases of the oral cavity - gingivitis or somatitis, gum problems, as well as sore throat and sore throat, but during pregnancy it is better not to risk it, since a sip or two can be swallowed.

Face masks based on this plant are not recommended, as active substances can quickly enter the bloodstream.

Essential oil

Pregnant women can only use it for aromatherapy. The smell of oregano soothes, relieves colds and headaches. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds. If there is no essential oil, you can take dry oregano herb, crumble and breathe in a soothing aroma.

It is impossible to rub into the skin (as well as use ointments and creams with the addition of oregano extract), since the product is absorbed very quickly and enters the body.

unwanted pregnancy

In case of unwanted pregnancy in ancient times, healers prepared an infusion of oregano, tansy, licorice root, peppermint and gave the woman to drink in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first 5-6 weeks).

However, this folk remedy is not so harmless to health. Using oregano to terminate an unwanted pregnancy can cause severe bleeding and harm a woman's reproductive system. . Therefore, with abundant blood loss, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

In any case, after the interruption, they must visit the gynecologist and do an ultrasound. Nothing should remain in the uterus, in some cases additional curettage may be required.

Today, the expediency of using oregano as an abortifacient is minimal, especially since it does not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of pregnancy. There are other alternative means to get out of this situation.

If pregnancy is desired, then in the first trimester, experts strongly recommend that you abandon any medications and limit the use of herbs, including oregano. You can only use the above recipes for external use. But after childbirth, teas and infusions are again allowed, as they will help increase the amount of milk in the mother.

Pregnancy is the most important and responsible moment in the life of every woman. It is imperative to know the effect of a particular product on the body of the expectant mother and child. Today we will consider all the properties of such a plant as oregano and its effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

In nature, there are more than twenty varieties of this plant. In Russia, there are three main types, but the most popular of them is the common oregano. We will consider this type.
Oregano is a tall plant with pink and lilac flowers that begins to bloom in July, but it is recommended to collect it in early September, when it is saturated with all its magical properties.
Oregano is very rich in essential and fatty oils, as well as vitamin C.
Oregano is commonly used as a flavored food supplement. For example, in stewed vegetables, mushrooms, meat dishes, potatoes, they are used as a marinade for pickles and a base for jelly. They also like to use it in baking. But most of all it is added to teas and drinks.

Oregano oils are the basis for various medicinal tinctures. With the help of it, cough, consumption, many colds, as well as pain in the abdomen are treated. Its magical properties help with rheumatism and epilepsy, paralysis and convulsions, rashes and diathesis, as well as headaches and joint pain.
Decoctions based on oregano are used to improve bowel function. They also have a positive effect on the central nervous system and improve appetite.
This plant is used to treat various forms of bronchitis, with stomach cramps, with biliary tract disease.
With the help of this plant, they treat and disinfect wounds, relieve pain. And oregano infusions not only treat lung diseases such as asthma, but are even used for tuberculosis, as well as an expectorant.
With the help of gargling, diseases of the throat are treated. Hypertensive patients widely use infusions of oregano for their illness.

The most common preparations from oregano are decoctions and infusions of herbs.
Oregano is brewed, steamed, dried, wiped, soaked and used in the form of tea, infusions, decoctions, lotions and compresses.

Is oregano dangerous for pregnant women?

Despite all the magical properties, doctors categorically do not recommend the use of oregano during pregnancy. This applies only to internal use (in the form of tea, infusions and medicinal preparations).
This is due to the fact that this plant can cause uterine bleeding in a pregnant woman, which in turn can contribute to miscarriage and premature birth. It is also not recommended to specifically take it for abortion, as extremely dire consequences can occur.

Contraindications for use

If a woman has a delay in menstruation, you should not self-medicate, and use oregano to cause bleeding. Even if you suspect an unwanted pregnancy, you should not get rid of an unplanned child in this way, as this is fraught with very serious consequences.

If you do not call an ambulance in time, it can even lead to death.

As for the external use of oregano while waiting for the baby, then in reasonable quantities, in the treatment of diseases of the skin, it is allowed to be used.

Features of the use of oregano during pregnancy

Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to take oregano inside, this can have a detrimental effect on the woman's body and on the health of the unborn child. Application is only allowed externally.
Women in position, due to hormonal failure, often have problems with the skin of the face. In this case, it is recommended to wash with a decoction of oregano.

With severe headaches, you can put a compress dipped in a decoction of oregano on your forehead, or rinse your head with this decoction after washing. This procedure will help not only get rid of the headache, but also improves the quality of the hair and the structure of the scalp.

Dry flowers of oregano can be crushed and a powder can be obtained from them that can be smelled, thereby getting rid of a runny nose.

If you suffer from a cough or even a sore throat, you can rinse your mouth with oregano infusion, but be extremely careful not to get a single drop inside.
Essential oils should not be applied to the skin, as they have the ability to be absorbed into the blood, and as we described above, this is extremely dangerous. You can use these oils only for aromatherapy, which will help to calm and relax with nervous disorders. In the most extreme cases, oregano oils can be used for otitis and ear pain, but only with a single application (drop one drop into the ear or place a cotton swab moistened with oil in the sink). This procedure is permissible only once, since the oils can penetrate the skin and cause obvious harm to the health of the woman, as well as the unborn child.

Oregano can also be safely used as an aromatherapy in the form of dried flowers and leaves, folded into cloth bags and hung in the bedroom. This will help you calm down and fall asleep faster.

Oregano in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important period, as the neural tubes and brain of the unborn baby are formed. At this stage of time, experts recommend, if possible, to abandon any medications, as well as limit the use of herbs, including oregano.

Exclude those cases when the benefit exceeds the harm to the unborn child. Oregano causes uterine bleeding, which is extremely dangerous and harms both the expectant mother and the child.

Reception of oregano in the second and third trimester

In this period of time, only external use and aromatherapy are also allowed. The intake of oregano inside is excluded.
During the period of nervous experiences and depression, taking oregano in the form of tea and tinctures is recommended only after the birth of a child. Also, after childbirth, oregano is recommended for mom to increase the amount and saturation of milk, and is the prevention of allergic reactions in the baby.

How to use oregano during pregnancy

So, we found out that it is not recommended to use oregano during pregnancy inside at any time. Otherwise, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the pregnancy will end with a successful delivery on time, and the unborn baby will not be harmed.
If the tone of the uterus is increased, then external use should be limited, in order to avoid consequences. Oregano is a very useful plant for many aspects of the body, but during pregnancy, use it only externally, in the form of lotions and compresses.

Be responsible for your pregnancy, because you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

As you know, babies in the womb eat everything that the expectant mother also consumes, so junk food, medicines, as well as various "miraculous herbs" are highly discouraged. For any question, contact your gynecologist and do not self-medicate.

The plant got its unusual name for the unusual rich aroma that the essential oil contained in it gives it. It is for this reason that oregano has been widely used in the preparation of various culinary dishes.

However, since ancient times, the beneficial properties of the plant that it has on the human body have been known. You can hear the opinion that oregano is a female herb, since it is the main folk remedy for the treatment of various disorders of the reproductive system and menstrual irregularities. However, whether it is beneficial to use this herb during pregnancy is still a mystery.

Plant characteristics.

Oregano is a representative of a perennial plant, which in its shape resembles a small shrub. Oregano blooms especially profusely in the summer months, and, starting from September, fruits begin to form on its branches.

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • during the climatic period, it helps to reduce hot flashes, sweating, weakness and other symptoms characteristic of menopause.
  • pathologies of the stomach and liver;
  • pain in the gallbladder;
  • depressive states.

Pregnancy and oregano: contraindications.

While waiting for the baby, the use of oregano is completely contraindicated, while the use of not only decoctions, but also infusions from this plant is not allowed. In addition, it is not recommended to use the culture in the form of drinks, seasonings, additives to various dishes, and even more so, it is necessary to abandon the use of various drugs that include this plant.

Such caution is due to the fact that the use of the plant during pregnancy can cause uterine bleeding, which can provoke a miscarriage or adversely affect the condition of the unborn child. You can often hear talk that oregano is an effective means for terminating a pregnancy. However, the use of a plant for these purposes can adversely affect the condition of a woman and lead to the development of severe complications.

It is worth refusing to use oregano when there is a delay in the menstrual cycle and if pregnancy is suspected. The use of the plant inside in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to profuse bleeding, which can result in severe complications for the female body. Failure to provide qualified assistance can even lead to death. However, it is possible to use the plant as a remedy for the treatment of various skin pathologies, which is completely safe for the pregnant body.

How to use the plant during pregnancy?

Despite the negative effect of decoctions from this plant on a woman's body during pregnancy, oregano can be used externally. It is imperative to avoid getting even a small amount of this plant into the body.

External or topical application of oregano during pregnancy can be carried out in the following ways:

It should be noted that oregano can be applied externally only when the tone of the uterus is in a normal state. In the case of its increase, oregano can be used only with increased caution, and it is best to completely abandon this undertaking.

In addition to oregano, there are many more herbs, the use of which during pregnancy can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • common tansy;
  • buckthorn is fragile;
  • common barberry;
  • curly parsley;
  • garlic sowing and others.

Oregano is considered one of the medicinal plants with many beneficial properties that are not found in other ornamental plants. This herb is effectively used to treat various colds, has a positive effect on brain activity, and also calms the nervous system. However, during the bearing of a child, the use of oregano should be carried out with extreme caution, since this plant can provoke the development of uterine bleeding.
