Is it possible to feed a baby at high temperatures? High temperature in the mother: Komarovsky’s opinion, how to treat it and whether it is possible to breastfeed the baby

Malaise and fever in a nursing mother first of all makes you think about the well-being of the child, rather than about your own. And this is understandable: we can cope with the disease, this has happened more than once, but how can we do this without harming the baby? How to organize a routine and stay together? Is it possible to breastfeed when my mother has a fever? The question is ambiguous, because the temperature during lactation can rise for various reasons - from a common cold to postpartum endometritis and sepsis. Any change in a nursing woman’s well-being should not go unnoticed. If, feeling chills and malaise, a breastfeeding mother measured her temperature and found numbers above 37.3 degrees, what can and should be done?

Is it possible to breastfeed when my mother has a fever?

In most cases, the answer is yes. When the temperature rises, the mother not only can, but should breastfeed.

This applies to most viral and bacterial infections, lactostasis. If the fever is not very high (39 degrees or higher), the mother can continue to breastfeed without fear of harming the baby.

It is believed that when the thermometer reads above 39 degrees, fragments of bacterial cells and toxins penetrate into breast milk. Is it possible to continue breastfeeding if the mother has a high fever? In this case, milk is unlikely to be contagious for the baby, however, it can cause an unpleasant reaction in the form of diarrhea or constipation, or colic. It would be safer to express the milk and temporarily switch the baby to formula.

For colds, flu and mild ARVI, breastfeeding helps protect the baby from transmission of infection from the mother. With breast milk, the baby receives a set of antibodies specific to this infection.

Infection occurs through the air, so you should wear a mask when feeding.

Is it possible to breastfeed when the mother has a fever during lactostasis? Yes, feeding should not stop; on the contrary, the baby should be put to the breast more often. Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in the mammary glands. If the mammary glands are not drained in time, an infectious process may begin - mastitis. If mastitis develops, feeding from an infected gland is contraindicated! Often only a doctor can determine the line between lactostasis and mastitis, therefore, if the mother has a temperature accompanied by pain, heaviness, or swelling in the chest, consulting a doctor is strictly necessary.

When should you not breastfeed if you have a fever?

You should not breastfeed if the woman is in a generally serious condition, with delirium, or convulsions. If the mother's temperature is above 38 degrees, you should take an antipyretic drug that is not contraindicated during lactation (paracetamol, ibuprofen). You should drink more fluids, wipe your body with water or a weak vodka solution. You can place a damp compress on your forehead. The child must be cared for by a healthy family member or nanny.

With such serious infectious diseases as HIV infection, tuberculosis, infective endocarditis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, glomerulonephritis, postpartum endometritis, peritonitis, sepsis, sexually transmitted diseases in the acute phase, the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed when the mother has a fever should not arise. Lactation in these cases is contraindicated. The child is transferred to formula (or receives it initially), milk is expressed, or its production is suppressed with medication.

Mommies, remember that in each specific case, only a doctor can give an exact answer to the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed when the mother has a fever. If you are sure that you have a cold, an increase in temperature is accompanied by a runny nose, cough or sore throat, you can not stop lactation. However, often in nursing mothers the temperature rises against the background of complete well-being, and its only manifestation is chills. Often such situations are caused by the development of postpartum infection or lactostasis. The woman’s condition should be monitored very closely, and it is impossible to do without the help of medical staff in these situations.

Nursing mothers get sick too. And the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature interests many. In this article we will figure out whether this can be done and why. In the last century, attitudes towards breastfeeding were somewhat different. Despite the fact that no one denied its usefulness, the transition to artificial mixtures was treated very calmly. And this despite the fact that at that time the mixtures were significantly less adapted to the needs of babies. The child was weaned with minimal problems. Separating him from his mother for a variety of reasons was not considered something dangerous for the health and psyche of a child. And, of course, with this view of the problem, the sick mother with a high fever did not breastfeed her baby. And if possible, the mother was isolated from the child. The institution of grandmothers and great-grandmothers was very well developed.

Nowadays, the concept of breastfeeding has changed significantly. In the first months of life, mother and child are considered inseparable. And replacing breast milk with artificial formula has become an extreme option, acceptable only in the most difficult cases. And the basic recommendation of pediatricians is this: breastfeeding a child when the mother has a fever is possible and necessary. But still, this problem is worth considering more deeply.

Child and mother during illness

Most often, the mother's temperature rises during a viral infection. Symptoms begin to appear only when the viruses have already multiplied. This is preceded by an incubation period, during which the person feels absolutely healthy. But he is already a carrier of viruses and is capable of infecting others.

So a mother who has a fever due to a viral infection has been sick for some time and, of course, managed to transmit the viruses to the child. After all, mother-baby contact is very close. Therefore, there is no need to isolate the mother and stop breastfeeding since the baby has already come into contact with viruses.

Moreover, mother's milk is the first and main medicine for the baby. Mom's body fights viruses. And by the time the temperature appears, protective antibodies have already begun to be produced. Their content is especially high in breast milk. Having received antibodies, the child may not get sick at all. Or you may fall ill, but you will recover faster and the illness will be easier to bear.

Previously, it was usually recommended that during a mother’s illness, breast milk should be expressed, boiled, and given to the child in this form. But modern recommendations are completely different. Breast milk should not be boiled in case of acute respiratory viral infection in the mother. Heating destroys the biologically active substances contained in milk, and it loses its healing properties.

If, at the time of illness, a baby is deprived of his mother’s breast, he will not only not receive antibodies, but will also experience enormous stress. Let's look at the situation from the child's point of view. The baby feels bad: his head hurts, his nose can’t breathe, and instead of his mother’s warm breast, they shove him a soulless bottle with something incomprehensible and not smelling like mother at all. Moreover, my own mother also disappeared somewhere, abandoned me at such a difficult moment. Added to the bad condition is the fear that mom will not return. You should not expose your child to such stress.

For a mother, abruptly stopping breastfeeding can also be dangerous. Mastitis may be added to the disease that causes the fever. Neither manual nor machine pumping can empty the breast as well as a baby does. If the mother was breastfeeding without problems before her illness, then she may not have a breast pump at hand, and manual expression takes some time to master. And it’s hard to pump 6-7 times a day when you’re sick, especially at night. And the baby can easily suckle while the mother is dozing.

How to reduce temperature during hot tuberculosis

At temperatures below 38 degrees there is no need to bring it down with medications. But you can use plenty of warm drinks. This method allows you to slightly reduce the temperature during ARVI. But it cannot be used for lactostasis. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees or the mother does not tolerate the increased temperature very well, then you can take drugs that are relatively safe for the child: paracetamol or ibuprofen. But it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and regimen of medications, since they still pass into breast milk and, accordingly, affect the baby.

  1. It is best to take the simplest one-component drugs, as they are less likely to cause allergic reactions.
  2. Medicines are taken immediately after feeding so that the concentration of the drug in the blood has time to decrease by the next feeding.
  3. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are taken no more than 3 times a day.
  4. The period of taking antipyretic drugs should not exceed 2-3 days.
  5. Aspirin is strictly prohibited for nursing mothers.

About the most important thing

But the most important thing remains: a doctor should treat diseases. Seeking professional medical help is necessary if the temperature:

  • rose for some unknown reason;
  • above 37.6 degrees;
  • lasts longer than 2-3 days;
  • nothing gets in the way.

A doctor's help is also necessary if the fever is accompanied by symptoms that are not similar to a common cold.

Neglecting your health can lead to serious problems. If they are not prevented in time, then the mother may have to undergo long-term treatment with drugs that are not compatible with breastfeeding. And the baby will be left without breast milk for a long time or even forever. In even more serious cases, the mother may end up in the hospital. And then the child will find himself for some time not only without milk, but also without a mother.

But you need to see a doctor who understands the importance of breastfeeding. Such a specialist will select medications that are compatible with breastfeeding. And if you still need to use more serious drugs, the doctor will try to reduce the time of their use to the required minimum.

So in most cases it is possible to feed at a temperature. But a nursing mother should not self-medicate.

In the spring-autumn period, a period of widespread illness begins, with diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and influenza. They are accompanied by a runny nose, cough, weakness and, of course, fever. And if, in general, you can go to the pharmacy for medicine and consult with the pharmacist about the method of treatment, then if the temperature of a nursing mother rises, there is no way out of the situation so easily.

During lactation, a woman is responsible for two lives, for her health and that of her baby. Therefore, self-medication and negligence are unacceptable. But what to do if a nursing mother has an elevated body temperature? Is it possible to continue feeding? First of all, don’t panic. Nervous tension can have a bad effect on lactation, and, moreover, worsen the symptoms of the disease. And, secondly, let's figure out what can cause an increase in body temperature in a woman during lactation?

Causes of fever in a nursing mother

One of the symptoms of many diseases is increased body temperature. What are the reasons for a rise in temperature in a woman during lactation:

  • In the postpartum period (6 weeks after childbirth), the cause of high fever can be endometritis, mastitis, inflammation and dehiscence of the perineal sutures, or cesarean section sutures.
  • Exacerbation of diseases that are in the chronic stage (pyelonephritis, herpes, diseases of internal organs).
  • ARI, ARVI, influenza.
  • Rotovirus infection and other food poisoning.
  • Lactostasis.

First of all, a woman must understand that self-medication is impossible. You should seek medical help as quickly as possible. If it is not possible to get to the hospital for an appointment, or there is a weekend or holiday on the calendar, call an ambulance. The ambulance paramedic will provide the necessary first aid and diagnose the cause of the fever. It is important to know that when you call a doctor from the clinic to your home, you cannot be refused this call if you have a fever and you are not able to come to the hospital on your own. The local physician will come to your home, prescribe treatment, and, if necessary, give a referral for tests or hospitalization.

Often the cause of elevated temperature in a nursing woman is lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast). This situation occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast, when the baby eats little and the mother consumes a lot of liquid. The development of lactostasis usually occurs during the first weeks after birth. This is due to the fact that lactation is just beginning. If you observe an increase in temperature, breast swelling and hard lumps when palpated, you need to express the milk, then put the baby to the breast. If the cause of the increase in temperature is lactostasis, after pumping the temperature will begin to decrease.

If there is swelling of the breasts, pain with any movement of the arms, and after pumping and breastfeeding, the temperature does not subside, there is a high possibility of developing mastitis. Mastitis is dangerous because it can pass from the uninfected stage to the infected stage. Thus, pathogenic bacteria begin to be produced in the mother’s body and, accordingly, in breast milk. Mastitis should ALWAYS be treated by a doctor. Contact the antenatal clinic to prescribe adequate treatment.

Is it possible to feed a baby when the mother has a fever?

If your doctor does not recommend weaning your baby, do not stop breastfeeding. Interruption of lactation is possible if the mother is prescribed strong drug therapy, which has a negative effect on the baby, if there is a staphylococcal infection in the mother's milk, and if there is a complicated purulent-inflammatory process.

Recently, while going to a pharmacy, I witnessed a situation where the pharmacist advised a young girl to stop breastfeeding because “The milk is still burnt and now it’s harmful to drink”. I caught up with the girl and found out that her temperature had risen to 39 degrees Celsius, she was a nursing mother and had all the symptoms of a cold - runny nose, cough and weakness. Advising her to see a doctor first rather than listen to pharmacists, I gave her my phone number (to find out how this story ended). When the doctor came to the house on call, he saw a sick mother, a hungry child who had been tried to give formula to no avail, and a husband in a pre-heart attack state who did not know what to do with all this.

The mother was prescribed medications that can be taken during breastfeeding and insisted on the need to breastfeed the baby. Everyone is calm and everyone is happy.

When a nursing woman is ill, her body produces antibodies to the disease, which are passed on to the baby during feeding. Thus, the child is protected from infections, and even if he gets sick, the disease will pass in a milder course.

Remember!!! When a nursing mother has a fever, milk does not curdle, boil or sour. You can breastfeed at high temperatures! You should stop breastfeeding only if you have followed the recommendation of your doctor!

If there is a need to interrupt breastfeeding, every effort should be made to preserve milk. To do this, the young mother will need to regularly. Thus. You can avoid stagnation of milk in the milk ducts, and save milk for feeding your baby after recovery.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

In order to get accurate readings on a thermometer, it is necessary to measure the temperature correctly. When measuring the temperature in the armpit, a nursing mother should know that a breast full of milk gives a Celsius reading of 36.8 to 37.5. It is better to measure the temperature in the groin area or in the elbow. If you measure in the armpit, you must first express milk or feed the baby.

At temperatures up to 38 degrees, the body itself fights the infection. After 38.5 it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, or use traditional medicine methods.

To lower the temperature of a nursing mother, drugs such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are usually prescribed. It is better to take them in the form of rectal suppositories. This form of the medicine helps most with fever and minimally passes into breast milk.

If the child does not experience allergic reactions, you can drink tea with raspberry jam, or tea with lemon and honey to reduce the temperature of a nursing mother. In any case, with elevated temperature and illness (in the absence of lactostasis), you need plenty of warm drink (tea, compote of apples and lingonberries).

Mom must adhere to proper and timely nutrition. At least porridge, but you have to eat, despite the lack of appetite. The quality of milk directly depends on the mother’s nutrition. You can eat cottage cheese, soups, homemade baked goods. Be sure to include vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Based on the above, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • If a nursing mother has a fever, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible!
  • DO NOT self-medicate.
  • Do not wean your baby from the breast until advised by your doctor.
  • Try to maintain lactation in case of forced weaning (pump regularly).

While breastfeeding, you are very careful about your health, because the development of your baby depends on its condition. But it happened that your temperature rose. And the question naturally arises: if a nursing mother has a fever, is it possible to feed the baby? You will learn about the opinion of experts on this matter in our article.

Is it possible to breastfeed if mom has a fever?

More recently, there was an opinion that when a woman’s temperature rises, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. But not everything is so tragic. Modern research has shown that there is no need to stop breastfeeding if you have a fever. There are only a few contraindications, which will be discussed further.

To correctly answer the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed a child if the mother has a fever, you need to consult a doctor if such a symptom is present. After all, an increase in body temperature indicates the presence of some kind of disease. Most often this is:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin (back problems after childbirth);
  • lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland;
  • lactation mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding;
  • intestinal infections;
  • food poisoning, etc.
For hepatitis, chickenpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, erysipelas and typhus, breastfeeding is prohibited. The baby should not have contact with his mother due to the risk of infection. The baby can only be fed expressed, pasteurized breast milk.

Breastfeeding should also be avoided if the fever is associated with serious kidney, liver, heart or lung disease. You should not breastfeed your baby while you are undergoing treatment with antibiotics or other medications.

As soon as you notice manifestations of a respiratory disease - you have a runny nose, pain or sore throat, you must immediately put on a mask. Special masks against infections will protect your baby during breastfeeding.

At what temperature should you not breastfeed? Experts do not recommend at temperatures above 38.5°C. This is due to the fact that your body is weakened. You can reduce the temperature with drugs based on active ingredients - ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are practically harmless to infants.

If you do not want antipyretic drugs to pass into breast milk, then use them in the form of rectal suppositories. With this method of application, the effect will be less pronounced than when taking tablets.

If you have been diagnosed with mastitis and there are no contraindications, then you can feed your baby. Only in the case of purulent mastitis should the baby be placed on a healthy breast. And if possible, express milk from the patient.

When body temperature rises, this indicates that the immune system is actively fighting the disease. Fever is a normal reaction of the body, but in the case of a nursing mother, the situation is somewhat different. In the first 6 weeks after birth, there is a chance of developing postpartum complications, especially if the birth was difficult or a caesarean section was used. In such a situation, a high temperature may indicate inflammation of postpartum scars or organs of the genitourinary system - then consultation and assistance from a qualified doctor is necessary.

In the first month and a half after childbirth, a woman’s body is still very weak, and a high temperature can indicate complications and inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system

Why can the temperature rise during lactation?

When the postpartum period (6 weeks) is over, some diseases are added to the causes of fever. Among them:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis and mastitis;
  • intestinal infection, poisoning.

Acute respiratory diseases do not occur so often during lactation. Infection can occur from any family member living in the same house as the nursing mother. Everyone knows the symptoms of this disease very well - loss of energy, nasal congestion and snot, sneezing, sore throat (see also:). The temperature rises above 38 degrees. By observing bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking antipyretics, on the fifth or sixth day you can completely rid yourself of the unpleasant ailment.

Lactostasis is a violation of the outflow of milk in the mammary glands. The milk duct becomes clogged, swelling appears, followed by inflammation. Naturally, with such processes the temperature rises and pain occurs in the mammary glands, and if the problem drags on, then after 3-4 days it can be complicated by a bacterial infection and mastitis will develop with an even more serious temperature - up to 39-40 degrees. Preventing lactostasis is not very difficult. It is necessary to ensure the prevention of milk stagnation, which is achieved by frequently putting the baby to the breast, expressing the remains and massage. If there is too much milk in the breast for the baby, some mothers use a manual breast pump. True, with this method small lumps appear in the chest, but they are easily eliminated with massage.

When it comes to infectious mastitis, you will have to be treated with antibiotics, and in the most advanced cases, surgical intervention will be required.

In the case of poisoning and intestinal infection, in addition to high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, and severe weakness are observed (we recommend reading:). Treatment requires enveloping drugs and sorbents, as well as a strict diet. You should definitely consult a doctor, since intestinal infections are very dangerous, and they should be treated during breastfeeding only under the supervision of a specialist.

Algorithm of actions at elevated temperatures

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When the temperature during breastfeeding suddenly becomes higher than usual, you should not panic under any circumstances - this will aggravate the mother’s painful condition and have a worse effect on the baby.

Don’t rush to try different methods right away, but try to observe your body and simply assess the situation. If you act adequately, nothing bad will happen. You will be able to quickly lower your temperature and return to your normal lifestyle. Let's figure out what needs to be done.

The first thing is to determine the cause.

If you know the symptoms of all of the above diseases, determining the cause will not be particularly difficult. In any case, even when you have correctly diagnosed yourself, consult a doctor. This is important when breastfeeding, as a specialist may notice signs that escaped your attention. The help of an experienced doctor will never be superfluous.

Second - continue lactation

There is a common belief that you should not continue to breastfeed your baby if you have a fever, but there is growing evidence to the contrary. Doctor Ruth Lawrence, an expert in her field, in a methodological guide for doctors “Breastfeeding” lists diseases in which the process should not stop:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis, mastitis, breast abscess;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • herpes (with the exception of the nipple area);
  • staphylococcal infection;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Mother's milk is the best “immunomodulator” for the baby, so pediatricians in most cases recommend continuing breastfeeding even if unwell

Nowadays, there are drugs that can be used by a nursing mother without harm to the baby. If breastfeeding is stopped during illness, the child will lose antibodies that are produced in the blood and pass into breast milk; and if he himself is sick, then this is even more unhelpful.

Third, measure your temperature correctly.

This is not surprising - even in the absence of illness in a nursing mother, the temperature in the armpits is slightly higher than normal - 37.1-37.3 degrees. Hyperthermia is explained by the high milk content in the mammary glands. A reliable result can be obtained only half an hour after feeding, by washing and drying the skin of the armpits well.

Fourth - use an antipyretic

Medicines that lower fever are oral (tablets, powders, syrups) and rectal (suppositories).

The well-known statement that when using suppositories, the active substance remains in the intestines and does not pass into breast milk is incorrect - it is absorbed into the blood, as well as from powders, tablets and syrups, so it does not matter what form of antipyretic drugs is prescribed to a nursing mother.

The only difference is the speed of action. Oral medications begin to act faster, since the stomach has a larger area of ​​mucous membrane with which the substance interacts.

Fifth - drink plenty of fluids

It doesn’t matter whether the mother has a cold or simply has an excess of milk in her breasts; at elevated temperatures she needs to drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to drink at least a glass of water every hour. In addition to the fact that the body will replenish lost fluid, the milk will not thicken and will drain easily - this will help normalize the temperature and reduce the risk of lactostasis.

Acceptable means to reduce temperature during lactation

Not every temperature is worth lowering. If it has risen slightly above 37 degrees, it is better to leave the immune system the opportunity to fight and produce antibodies. It is recommended to drink antipyretics when the thermometer reaches 38.5.

What medications are allowed if a nursing mother needs help? The list in this case consists of only 2 items:

  • "paracetamol";
  • "ibuprofen".

According to clinical trials, Paracetamol crosses the placental barrier during pregnancy and is concentrated to a fairly high degree in breast milk (up to 24%). However, researchers claim that it is not capable of harming the baby either during intrauterine development or after birth during breastfeeding. Even versions of Paracetamol have been developed for children from 2 months due to its safety. To normalize the temperature, a nursing mother needs to drink 325-650 mg of the product and repeat the dose every 4-6 hours until a stable result.

Paracetamol is one of the basic antipyretic drugs for nursing mothers. It does not contain substances that can harm the baby, but it should only be taken in recommended doses

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal drug. It acts comprehensively: reduces temperature, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and calms feverish conditions. In the international classification of medicines, Ibuprofen is among the medicines compatible with breastfeeding. The duration of its antipyretic effect reaches 8 hours. This drug is taken 200 mg 3-4 times a day. In an emergency, it is allowed to take 400 mg, but further intake should be reduced to 200 mg. You can take 400 mg 3 times a day, but no more.

What can't be used?

It is not recommended for a nursing mother to use combined antipyretics - Coldrex, Rinza, Terra Flue and others. Many of them are available in powders, some in tablets. Although the main active ingredient in them is paracetamol, in addition to it there are other substances, the effect of which on the children's body has not been studied.

It is unknown what side effects may occur, so it is better to take the active substance in its pure form.

How to take antipyretic?

Antipyretic treatment should not be carried out chaotically, but in compliance with certain rules. Try to stick to them:

  1. Take medications only as needed to reduce your fever. There is no need to do this for prevention.
  2. The best time to take medications is immediately after feeding. The benefit will be maximum, and the potential harm will be minimal.
  3. Do not adjust feedings to fit your medication schedule - this is not at all necessary.

When the need for an antipyretic often arises, many people have a logical question: is it possible to use not one, but different means? Authoritative pediatrician E. Komarovsky gives the following advice: you can alternate Paracetamol and Ibuprofen if this gives results, but do not forget that you need to take the medications sequentially, and the time interval between doses should be at least 2 hours.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that increased body temperature does not affect the quality of breast milk in any way - it cannot simply burn out or deteriorate. There is no need to give up lactation in this situation. It will protect the mother from breast problems, and provide immune support to the baby.
