Patriotism origins traditions meaning. Patriotism as a socio-historical phenomenon



Faculty of Economics

Department of Sociology and Social Work


based on pedagogy

on the topic: Patriotic education of children and adolescents using Christian folk traditions.

Student Khokhlova V. A.

Scientific supervisor: Ph.D. Assoc. Golub Evgenia Viktorovna

Orenburg - 2014


What is patriotic education



Raising a citizen - a patriot today - is the key to guaranteeing our future. The building of a civil society in Russia and the dynamic development of the country depends on the efforts of capable and responsible people who love their Motherland, care about it, and are able to defend its interests. An urgent problem of patriotic education of the younger generation, which is determined by two factors: firstly, it is associated with the general interest of modern society in the origins of national culture, in the spiritual values ​​of our past; secondly, sociocultural changes in the mentality of Russians, which was reflected in the innovative basis for organizing the activities of secondary schools, opened up prospects for the genuine organization of patriotic education of younger generations based on the culture and traditions of the Russian people.

It is the patriotic idea that is the foundation on which at all times all layers of Russian society are consolidated on the basis of folk traditions. Based on folk traditions, a real person, a patriot, honors the memory of his ancestors who conveyed to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice. Reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, based on responsibility for its Motherland to current and future generations, recognizing itself as part of the world community. Based on this, we formulate the research objectives:

-give a term and characterize patriotic education;

-study tradition as the basis for the patriotic education of children and adolescents;

-identify the tasks and role of patriotic education.

1. What is patriotic education

The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the modern school, because childhood and adolescence are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education means the gradual and steady formation in students of love for their Motherland.

Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland. Patriotism is one of the most important traits of a comprehensively developed personality. Currently, interest in the theory and practice of patriotic education in the context of ethnocultural traditions is due to its most important functions in the spiritual development of the individual and the preservation of cultural continuity of generations. Tradition means:

.Everything that has been passed down orally from one generation to another;

.Custom, established order in everyday life.

Tradition is one of the most important categories of culture. The traditions of folk pedagogy in the field of patriotic education can be divided into groups: folklore, festive and gaming, nature-saving and handicraft. The traditions of folk pedagogy are collectivistic in nature. Holidays, rituals, and customs take place against the backdrop of the collective participation of adults and children in them, so caring for the Motherland and common labor are understood by the people as a collective matter. Time has proven the necessity and effectiveness of the traditions of folk pedagogy and revealed the enormous patriotic potential of all types of folk art. For example, play and dance songs are figuratively bright, melodious, poetic. By performing these songs with children, you can organize impromptu round dances and dances, highlighting, first of all, a pronounced playful element. The desire to play and act is inherent in children. Playing brings them joy. Therefore, elements of the game can be introduced to one degree or another into almost any song. Then the singing can be accompanied by acting out an action based on the plot of the song. In other words, the elements of folk drama contained in many play and dance songs are played out. But fairy tales are also important educational tools, developed and tested by people over centuries. Life, the folk practice of education, has convincingly proven the pedagogical value of fairy tales. Children and fairy tales are inseparable, they are created for each other, and therefore familiarity with the fairy tales of one’s people must be included in the education and upbringing of every child. Many folk tales inspire confidence in the triumph of truth, in the victory of good over evil. The optimism of fairy tales is especially popular with children and enhances their educational value. Imagery is an important feature of fairy tales. The main character traits of a hero are usually very clearly and clearly shown: courage, hard work, wit; traits such as physical strength, courage, courage. The bearers of traditions are not only individual heroes, warriors who glorified themselves and the Fatherland with their exploits, but also entire teams, military units, ships, formations. The feeling of love for the Motherland begins in a child with attachment to home, to the nature surrounding him, to his native village, city. The development and deepening of patriotic feelings is closely related to the formation of ideas about the native land. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually expand the child’s knowledge about his country. For example, in the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation he defines: “Patriotism is one of the deepest human feelings, consolidated over centuries and millennia. It means devotion and love for one’s Fatherland, for one’s people, pride in their past and present, readiness to defend them.” This instilled in the Russian people qualities that were always noted by both allies and opponents: determination in the offensive, steadfastness in defense, courage, mutual assistance and contempt for death at critical moments of battle.

In this regard, a special topic of conversation in music classes is about the Motherland. Unfortunately, there are very few good songs for children on this topic, but teachers can still choose modern songs and something from the classics in order to awaken children’s interest in the topic itself and create a certain mood. Of course, patriotic education, of course, should begin in the preschool years, but in order to raise patriots from an early age, teachers must imagine what is unique about the patriotism of a preschool child, what are the ways and methods of patriotic education in a preschool institution. Thus, one should realize that in preschool childhood, patriotic education is inextricably linked with aesthetic, in particular, musical education. Holding musical themed evenings with listening to songs from the revolutionary and war years, about their native land, contributes to the development of patriotic feelings and positive emotions in children, and arouses interest in the customs, traditions, and culture of their people. Previously, traditions were the most effective means of instilling hard work, i.e. There was a tradition of hereditary professional work, when children acquired professional skills and abilities most often from their parents, working next to them. Currently, the continuity of labor culture does not lie in the transfer of narrow professional skills and abilities or secrets of the profession of fathers and grandfathers, but in instilling deep respect for work and its results, in the formation of a healthy desire to be useful to people, society, skills and habits of organization, self-discipline, and efficiency and composure.

Thus, by patriotic education we understand the interaction of an adult and a child in joint activities and communication, which is aimed at revealing and developing in the child universal moral qualities of the individual, familiarizing him with the origins of national regional culture, the nature of his native land, nurturing an emotionally active attitude, a sense of belonging , attachment to others. Tradition contributes to the restoration of the heritage that is now being lost; such restoration can be salutary for humanity.

Tradition as the basis for patriotic education of children and adolescents

In the context of the multinationality of the Russian state, the issues of instilling in the younger generation both a sense of respect for other peoples and a sense of love for the Motherland become important in the education system. It should be noted that, starting from the 90s of the 20th century, the younger generation of Russians has been in contact with new social intermediaries and realities. It no longer accepts the foundations and values ​​of the previous social system; a new social type of personality has appeared. In these conditions, it is important to establish an updated system of patriotic education, formulate new tasks and increase the effectiveness of its forms and methods. One of the priority areas for improving society is the spiritual revival of the national traditions of the Russian national school. This is due to several reasons.

Firstly, many feel that the ideological void that arose after the rejection of communist ideology is quickly being filled by the cult of the “golden calf”; the immoral idea is being instilled that all methods of enrichment are acceptable in the period of “wild” capitalism, the time of initial accumulation of funds.

Secondly, the teacher’s appeal to the traditional values ​​of Russian culture is also explained by the fact that it is in our days that people are openly talking about the fact that now the question has really arisen about the very existence of what we call Russian civilization.

Thirdly, it is necessary to raise children in the traditions of Russian culture simply because they are mostly Russian. Without knowledge of the basics of folk life, native folklore, and classical art, it is impossible to cultivate interest and respect for the culture of other peoples: after all, Russia is a multinational state. If a person does not know the origins of his national culture, the culture of another people is alien to him.

Fourthly, the teacher these days clearly sees that some media take an openly hostile position towards the Russian cultural tradition, the Russian people, the Russian language.

Fifthly, the Russian way of life has been lost in many ways, but it is based on the harmonious existence of man and nature, on mutual respect and harmony in the family. In relationships between young people and older people between believers and non-believers.

Traditions are based on the long-term experience of a social group; its norms, symbols, rituals, customs, and folklore create a unique scenario for human behavior in certain situations. The sustainable side of culture is traditions, thanks to which social experience is transmitted and consolidated from generation to generation; these are the conditions under which experience is maintained, justified and legitimized by simple reference to its existence in the past. Tradition is the earliest way to ensure the unity of generations and the integrity of the subject of culture. Traditions are inherent in all cultural regions and are closely related to ethnoculture. They act as a specific memory, and this is an indispensable condition not only for the existence, but also for the development of culture in the event of the creation of a qualitatively new level of it. Traditions are deeply national in form. It is in them that the unity and diversity of cultures of different peoples are concentrated. Each nation, due to its way of life, creates only its own traditions. The moral system of every nation is purely traditional from the point of view of its formation and development.

Thus, the basis is historical memory - that is, a means of establishing the self-sufficiency of the people, national dignity, self-confidence and the condition of self-determination. Patriotic education of children and adolescents, based on the traditions of folk pedagogy, is a complex, systematic and consistent pedagogical process aimed at creating a subjectively significant experience of familiarization with the values ​​of folk culture, love and respect for the small Motherland, its history, native language, its people, his customs and ideals.

Tasks and role of patriotic education

It should be emphasized that quite a lot of methodological literature on this issue is currently being published. Often it covers only certain aspects of the patriotic education of children in specific types of activities, and there is no coherent system that reflects the entirety of this issue. Apparently, this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This includes love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a sense of inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s country. Let's highlight the tasks:

· nurturing in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

· formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things;

· instilling respect for work;

· developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

· formation of basic knowledge about human rights;

· expanding ideas about Russian cities;

· introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

· developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the country’s achievements;

· the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life - as they instill in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationships with adults and peers. The main goal of patriotic education is to orient the younger generations towards the values ​​of national culture, to form in them a value-based attitude towards the Motherland, its cultural and historical past.

The role of patriotic education is the cultivation of love for one’s family, one’s Motherland, respect for the surrounding world, respect for traditions and history contributes to the formation of the personality of a true citizen who respects himself and other people, has high morality, shows national and religious tolerance, which are signs of a humane and democratic society. A special role in patriotic education is played by teenagers’ study of national history, during which they comprehend the historical experience of the people, form a value attitude towards national culture, which determines their civic position, choice of directions and methods of self-realization in social practice. Strengthening the educational functions of the educational process and the content of national history courses is today one of the goals of modernizing education. The general education school is faced with the task of developing in adolescents a value-based attitude towards national history and culture; feelings of pride in the military and labor feats of the people; readiness to implement an active civic position in practical activities for the sake of developing culture, social and industrial spheres of life of the country, strengthening its position at the international level. Thus, the tasks of patriotic education play an important role in the reproduction of culture and all spheres of spiritual life, in the implementation of centuries-old efforts of successive generations to make life richer, more beautiful, more meaningful, in ensuring the continuity of the new and the old, in the harmonious development of society and the individual. They exist and are supported by the masses in all spheres of public life: labor, socio-political, family and everyday life, socio-cultural, etc.

patriotic education tradition tolerance


In general, a generalization of the results of the work carried out allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Among the traditions of folk pedagogy that are most consistent with the patriotic education of children and adolescents are folklore (the use of folklore genres with patriotic themes: fairy tales, songs, proverbs, riddles, etc.); festive and gaming (introducing children to the festive and gaming culture that is native to the child), nature-saving (instilling a caring attitude towards the nature of the native land), craft and labor (cultivating hard work through inclusion in folk crafts characteristic of people living in the area ).

Unfortunately, at present, school patriotic education has practically disappeared, as they say, “to nothing.” This has been facilitated by many factors in recent years: increased infiltration of the media, opinions about the erroneous path of Russia’s development, the absence of a common state, so to speak, basic ideology.

In addition, the education of patriotism is complicated by the lack of methodological literature in which teachers could find recommendations and advice on this problem.

Their meaning lies in explaining the real concepts of good and evil, turning the consciousness of schoolchildren to the high ideals of national history. Great-grandfathers and grandfathers defended the country and defeated Hitler’s armies. What about the current generation? What have we done? Nowadays, at the beginning of the new millennium, these issues: citizenship, civil society, historical heritage, legal education have acquired particular relevance. After all, children grow up, others come to take their place, with the caring support of loved ones, teachers, educators. What traditions have been laid? They find their way in life with ever new generations.

List of used literature

1.Gasanov, Z.T. Goal, objectives and principles of patriotic education // Pedagogy. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 59-63.

.State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation July 11, 2005 No. 422

.Efremova G. Patriotic education of schoolchildren // Education of schoolchildren. - 2005. - No. 8. - P. 17-21.

.Malenkova, L. I. Theory and methods of education / L. I. Malenkova. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004. - P. 90-100.

.Pligin A. A. Personality-oriented education: history and practice. / Monograph. - M.: “KSP+”, 432 pp., 2003

.Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy. In 2 volumes. Volume 1./ General basics. Learning process. Publisher: Vlados Year of publication: 2010 - 574 pp.

.Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: 100 questions - 100 answers: textbook. manual for universities / Publisher: M.: VLADOS-press, 2004. - 365 p.

.Podlasy I. P. / Pedagogy: textbook for bachelors - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House; Publishing house Yurayt, 2013 - 696 p. - Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

.The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation // Rossiyskaya Gazeta 2014 - P.5-10.


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Report at the All-Russian Scientific and Public Conference "", held on March 28, 2014 in Moscow.

“The new Soviet patriotism is a fact that is pointless to deny. This is the only chance for Russia to exist. If he is beaten, if the people refuse to defend Stalin’s Russia, as they refused to defend the Russia of Nicholas II and the Russia of the democratic republic, then for this people there are probably no opportunities for historical existence” (G.P. Fedotov)

The Russian historian and religious philosopher Georgy Petrovich Fedotov (1886–1951), who lived in exile for a quarter of a century, can hardly be suspected of loving the Stalinist regime. In the article “Defense of Russia”, published in the 4th issue of the Parisian “New Russia” for 1936, the thinker does not undertake to evaluate the “strength and vitality of the new Russian patriotism”, the bearer of which is the “new nobility” governing Russia. Moreover, he doubts the strength of the patriotic feeling of the workers and peasants, “on whose backs the Stalinist throne is being built.” That is, for Fedotov, the difference between patriotism, as an ideological construct, and the patriotic feeling, the bearer of which is the people, was obvious.

But this duality of patriotism is external, because by its nature, it represents the interrelation of two principles - socio-political and moral (Fig. 1), two dimensions - the small and large Motherland and two manifestations - a feeling of love for the Motherland and readiness to defend the Fatherland.

Rice. 1. The essence of patriotism

In its deepest essence, patriotism serves as the basis for satisfying the need to ensure the security of the individual and society. It is based on two archetypal images: the Mother, personifying the native land, and the Father, symbolizing the state.

So what is patriotism: “the last refuge of a scoundrel” (according to the definition of the author of the famous “English Dictionary” Samuel Johnson), “a tool for achieving power-hungry and selfish goals” (in the understanding of L.N. Tolstoy) or “virtue” and “love” for the good and glory of the Fatherland" (according to the conviction of N.M. Karamzin and V.S. Solovyov)? Where is the line between nationalism, real and false patriotism? Is patriotism compatible with universal human values?

The problem of patriotism was and is one of the most pressing in the sphere of spiritual life of Russian society. It is not surprising that only during the existence of the new Russian statehood, attitudes towards patriotism in different social groups fluctuated and continue to fluctuate from complete rejection to unconditional support. Today in Russia everyone is talking about patriotism - from monarchists to communists, from statists to internationalists.

Few would argue that almost two-thirds of the history of our people is a struggle for independence. It is not surprising that in these conditions, patriotism became the cornerstone of state ideology. It must also be taken into account that the formation of the patriotic idea, which coincided in time with the emergence of the Russian state, from the very beginning turned out to be associated with the fulfillment of military duty. As the idea of ​​uniting Russian lands in the fight against enemies, it clearly sounds in the “Tale of Bygone Years” and the sermons of Sergius of Radonezh, in the “Tale of Igor’s Host” and “Tale of Law and Grace” by Hilarion.

But at the same time, attention is drawn to the absence of a single type of warrior-hero in Russian epics. But all of them (Mikula Selyaninovich and Ilya Muromets, Sadko and Nikita Kozhemyaki) are united by their love for the “father’s graves” and the desire to “stand up for the Russian land.”

It is significant that the term “patriot” came into use in Russia only in the 18th century. in connection with the Northern War. In his work dedicated to this war, Vice-Chancellor Baron P.P. Shafirov first used it with the meaning “son of the Fatherland.” It was the time of Peter the Great that was characterized by the growth of national self-awareness in general and the state principle in it in particular. It can be considered that under the first Russian emperor, patriotism acquired the character of a state ideology, the main motto of which was the formula “God, Tsar and Fatherland.” Advising soldiers before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great emphasized that they were fighting for the state, their family and the Orthodox faith. “Institution for battle”, “Military article”, “Charter of military and cannon affairs” and “Naval regulations” - all these and other laws of the Peter the Great era established patriotism as a norm of behavior, first of all, for a warrior. Later, the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov used the term “patriot” in the same meaning. And this is no coincidence. After all, the word “patriotism” owes its origin to the Greek “compatriot”, which originates from the ancient Greek “patra”, which meant kin. Let us remember that ancient thinkers considered attitude towards the Fatherland the noblest thought. For antiquity, patriotism was the main moral obligation of a member of the polis, investing in this concept not only the military defense of the city-state, but also active participation in the management of the polis. Unfortunately, in Russian history (including for a number of objective reasons), patriotism as a feeling of a Citizen of his Fatherland has received much less development than its military component.

As an ideology, patriotism represents the ideological basis for the effective functioning of social and state institutions, one of the mechanisms of legitimacy of power and an instrument for the formation of socio-political and psychological identification of the people. Throughout Russian history, the central component of patriotism has been sovereignty, understood as a characteristic of the political, economic, military and spiritual power of a country in the world, as well as the ability to influence international relations. But sovereignty has always been an unattainable ideal of government, which sometimes acquired very unexpected features, such as the autocratic republic of K.D. Kavelin.

It is obvious that the nature of patriotism is determined by the historical era and the specifics of statehood. In Tsarist Russia, for example, duty to the Fatherland, devotion to the Tsar, and responsibility to society developed from generation to generation. For Imperial Russia, with its attempts to cultivate national patriotism, the main content of the “theory of official nationality” became the ideas of sovereignty and nationality as a basis for its own traditions. It is no coincidence that history was considered as the main subject in the education of citizenship and patriotism of the subjects of the Russian Empire.

In turn, the origins of the Soviet statehood lie in the idea of ​​“building socialism in one, separate country.” The strengthening of state-patriotic principles turned out to be associated with the concept of a “new socialist Motherland.” Let us note that the formation of Soviet patriotism took place under the slogan “to absorb the best traditions of Russian history” and with reference to the idea of ​​Slavic unity. The new patriotism was based on a combination of love for the Motherland (patriotism in the traditional sense) and the idea of ​​building communism and internationalism. The need to defend the socialist Fatherland was reinforced by the conviction of the superiority of socialism over capitalism and justified by the doctrine of just and unjust wars. That is, it was about defending a more progressive social system, which served as a model for the rest of the peoples of the world (“We all know that the Earth begins with the Kremlin”).

However, an active appeal to traditional national values ​​occurred only during the Great Patriotic War, when the question arose about the survival of not only the Soviet government, but also the nation as such. This was precisely what caused the communist authorities to turn to the Russian Orthodox Church and reproduce in mass propaganda the images of such national heroes as Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov and others.

But the content and direction of patriotism are determined, among other things, by the spiritual and moral climate of society. The freethinker A.N. Radishchev and the Decembrists N.P. Muravyov and S. Pestel, the revolutionary democrats V.G. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov and N.G. Chernyshevsky, and the Russian philosophers V.S. wrote about the patriotic qualities of the Russian people. Soloviev, I.A. Ilyin, V.V. Rozanov, N.A. Berdyaev and others. It is significant that they understood patriotism not only as readiness to defend the Fatherland, but also as civic dignity. In the wake of the transformations of Alexander II, the reforms of S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin, patriotism was increasingly perceived in Russian society as a kind of school for instilling citizenship and responsibility for the fate of one’s Fatherland.

Thus, according to I.A. Ilyin, the very idea of ​​the Motherland presupposes in a person the beginning of spirituality, reflecting the characteristics of people of different nationalities. Speaking about patriotism, A.I. Solzhenitsyn saw in it “a whole and persistent feeling of love for one’s nation with service to it, not servile, not supporting its unjust claims, but frank in assessing vices, sins and repenting for them.” G.K. Zhukov wrote in his memoirs about the greatest patriotism that raised people to heroism during the days of the battle for Moscow. In other words, patriotism is not only an ideological construct, but also a value positioned in the general system of individual and public values. First of all, it refers to the highest values, because shared by more than half of the country's social groups. Patriotism is also a generally accepted value, due to the fact that it is supported by more than 3⁄4 of the population (or at least the dominant value shared by more than half of the citizens). Patriotism is undoubtedly a value that integrates society and is active, because involves a conscious and emotionally charged action. And, finally, due to its dual nature, it refers to terminal (goal) values ​​and, at the same time, to instrumental values ​​that serve as a means in relation to goals.

As a moral phenomenon, patriotism presupposes practical actions to overcome national limitations, respect for the individual and activities transforming the human community. The role of patriotism increases at sharp turns in history, requiring a sharp increase in the tension of citizens, and, above all, during wars and invasions, social conflicts and political crises, natural disasters, etc. It is in crisis conditions that patriotism acts as an attribute of vitality and even, often, simply survival of society. The current situation associated with attempts to isolate Russia can well be considered as a force majeure, which has always in the history of our country led to the consolidation of the population, its rapprochement with the authorities and the strengthening of state-patriotic principles.

However, this does not mean that in other periods of history, patriotism is not functional. It represents one of the main conditions for the effective functioning of social and state institutions, as well as a source of spiritual and moral strength and the health of society. If the French enlighteners of the 18th century. noted the dependence of patriotic feelings on the state and its laws, Hegel associated patriotism, first of all, with a sense of trust of citizens in the state.

Unfortunately, already in the second half of the 1980s. The “foremen of perestroika” developed a view of patriotism as an outdated value that interferes with building a new democratic society. Moreover, by absolutizing the internal connection between ideology and politics, the post-Soviet elite, without suspecting it, following Karl Marx, saw in ideology in general and in patriotism in particular a false form of consciousness. It is not surprising that in the 1990s. researchers often emphasized the “unstable, amorphous, indefinite nature” of Russian patriotism.

Only the “rehabilitation” of patriotism on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory over fascism yielded positive results. In the early 2000s, judging by the RosBusinessConsulting survey, 42% of Russians considered themselves patriots, and only 8% did not consider themselves to be such. The country's leadership has matured to the recognition that the new statehood should be based not only on respect for the law, but also on a sense of civic duty, the highest manifestation of which is patriotism. An equally important point was the realization that without a clearly formulated idea of ​​protecting Russia’s interests, it is impossible to develop a sovereign foreign policy.

The deficit (or even a systemic crisis) of patriotism in modern Russia is associated with a revision of the very concept of “patriotism” in connection with the destruction of the ideological shell of socialism. This led to the discrediting of any ideological mechanisms for legitimizing power - this is precisely what explains the preservation of the constitutional ban on state ideology in modern Russia. Part of the “discrimination” of state ideology is caused by a failure to understand that ideas are not only the product of the interests of certain social strata, but also values ​​​​rooted in the popular consciousness.

It seems that the debate between neo-Kantians and Marxists on this issue has long lost its relevance. In practice, the destruction of patriotism in Russia led not only to the weakening of post-Soviet statehood, but also to the erosion of the social and spiritual foundations of Russian society. It is not surprising that even the concept of the Motherland was devalued and lost its essential content.

But ideology is an irreducible element of social life and a form of inclusion of people in social relations. It is difficult to agree with I. Wallerstein and his followers that only the presence of an enemy gives ideology (including patriotism) vitality and an integrating character. Of course, outside of morality and law, any ideology is potentially dangerous for society. But this is the peculiarity of patriotism, as already indicated, that it is love for the Motherland, regardless of the presence of an enemy, that takes the patriotic feeling beyond the framework of political egoism and creates protection from ideological manipulation.

In today's Russia, the revival of patriotism by the authorities is directly associated only with the idea of ​​​​restoring the status of a great power. This is understandable, because only pride in one's country, people and its history can become a constructive basis for patriotic feeling. But this does not take into account that in Russian history, sovereignty has always been combined with other value components: the Orthodox faith in pre-revolutionary Russia or internationalism in the USSR (Fig. 2). It can be argued that in the formation of the ideas of sovereignty and greatness of Russia, patriotism and devotion to the Fatherland, the special path of Russia, etc., which constitute the most important components of the political consciousness of Russians, the Orthodox faith played an important role. But it is obvious that the patriotic formula of pre-revolutionary Russia “For faith, tsar and fatherland!” does not fit into modern Russian society in any way.

Rice. 2. Components of the patriotic idea

It seems that today patriotism as a mechanism for the identity of the people, which is a basic human need, and the legitimization of power is also impossible without the second value component - the principle of social justice. Let us remember that in the archetypes of Russian consciousness, law and justice only act as a value when the adjective “fair” is added to them. Justice has always been not just the preservation of traditional communal forms of social regulation in Russian life, but also a kind of moral self-defense of the individual in a non-legal state.

With this approach, patriotic sentiments act as a significant factor in mobilization and socio-political activity. In other words, patriotism implies a collective national identity. Without a formed positive image of the country, in which the idea of ​​sovereignty is present, citizens of modern Russia will not be able to consolidate their national identity.

It should be taken into account that patriotism is an important component of the national idea, the search for which the Russian authorities have been preoccupied with since the late 1990s, and which should contribute to Russia’s self-identification in the world community. In turn, the ideology of patriotism, as the basis of a strategy for the successful development of the country, due to its understandability, can be perceived by most of Russian society as a tool for overcoming a spiritual crisis and a way to gain true sovereignty. And here it will require effort on oneself, and not violence against others. Moreover, no external liberation will be effective without liberating the internal. Let's listen to the words of A.I. Herzen about the conservatism of not only the throne and pulpit, but also the people themselves. Or to S.L. Frank’s reasoning about conscious patriotism as awareness of the value of national existence and its organization in the form of statehood. Today, more than ever, the “translation” of the idea of ​​patriotism from an ethnic language to a national language is also important.


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Beskrovny L.G. Russian army and navy in the 18th century (Essays). M.: Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1958. P. 147; Patriotic education of military personnel based on the traditions of the Russian army. M.: VU, 1997. pp. 48–52; Pushkarev L.N. Mentality and political history of Russia: turning points. // Mentality and political development of Russia. Abstracts of scientific conference reports. Moscow, October 29–31. 1996 M.: IRI RAS, 1996. P. 6.

See, for example: Cicero. Dialogues “About the State”, “About Laws”. M.: Nauka, 1966. P. 87.

Forsova N.K. The spiritual turn in the Soviet mentality in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War, its consequences // Great feat. To the 55th anniversary of the Victory. Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2000. pp. 35–36.

Belinsky V.G. Essays. T. 4. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1954. P. 489; The Decembrist Uprising: in 8 volumes. T. 7. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1927. P. 86; Ilyin I. We were right // About the future of Russia / Ed. N.P. Poltoratsky. M.: Voenizdat, 1993. pp. 333–334. and etc.

Solzhenitsyn A. Journalism. In 3 volumes. T. 1. Repentance and self-restraint as categories of national life. Yaroslavl; Verkhnevolzhskoe book. publishing house, 1995. P. 65.

Zhukov G.K. The greatness of the victory of the USSR and the powerlessness of falsifiers of history // Roman-newspaper. 1994. No. 18. P. 101.

For the classification of values, see: Goryainov V.P. Empirical classifications of life values ​​of Russians in the post-Soviet period // Polis. 1996. No. 4; Crisis society. Our society in three dimensions. M.: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 1994.

Hegel G. Works of different years. T. 2. M.: Mysl, 1971. P. 70.

Krupnik A.A. Patriotism in the system of civil values ​​of society and its formation in the military environment: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. Philosopher Sci. M., 1995. P. 16.

Novikova N. Patriotism - the willingness to sacrifice everything if it does not harm your business // Profile. 2002. No. 42. P. 4.

Identity is one of the most effective mechanisms for mobilizing the population, and identification criteria, in turn, are built with the help of ideology as a set of ideas and ideals.

For more information about the mechanism of formation and activation of identities, see: Brubaker R., Cooper F. Beyond “identity” // Ad Imperio. 2002. No. 3. P. 61–116.

Methodological material to help leaders of public and state training groups on the topic:

“Patriotism and problems of spiritual and moral security of Russia.”


1. The essence, origins and features of Russian patriotism.

2. Patriotic consciousness of soldiers as a factor in the formation of the morale of the army.

3. Being faithful to military duty is a concrete manifestation of the patriotism of Russian soldiers.

4. Ways to form loyalty to the Fatherland and loyalty to military duty among military personnel.

The Russian Armed Forces have traditionally been strong in spirit, with high moral and combat qualities of their personnel, and possessed high feelings of patriotism, duty and honor. Fostering these spiritual values ​​has been and remains the most important task in the activities of commanders, educators, and the army community.

1. The essence, origins and features of Russian patriotism.

What is patriotism? Patriotism(from the Greek wordpatris-homeland) - this is the awareness by a specific person of his special, loving attitude towards the Fatherland, manifested in purposeful activities for the progressive development and prosperity of the Motherland.

The feeling of patriotism as a social spiritual phenomenon includes several components, among which the main place is occupied by patriotic consciousness and patriotic activity.

Patriotic consciousness is a system of ideas, views, traditions, feelings and sentiments of nations, social groups, individuals that serve as incentives for patriotic activities for the development of the Fatherland and its defense.

Patriotic activities- this is a set of actions aimed at realizing patriotic goals, strengthening the power and authority of the country.

It is safe to say that already at the dawn of our history, the leaders of the princely squads had a serious need to instill in the warriors a high sense of devotion to the leader and love for their land.

At first, patriotism manifested itself as a personal quality. As the people accumulated patriotic strength and energy, and understood the need for national unification, personal patriotism gradually acquired national significance.

It was patriotism and national unity that determined the victories of Russian soldiers and the expulsion from Russian soil of the Tatar-Mongol conquerors, Polish interventionists in the time of troubles and other invaders.

For the first time, patriotism received, one might say, legal recognition in the “Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs...” (1607) and became the norm of attitude towards the native land and behavior of the Russian warrior.

Under Peter 1, the feeling of patriotism was placed above all values ​​and virtues, and was the most important criterion in determining candidates for ranks, awards and motives in battle. Advising the soldiers before the Battle of Poltava, Peter I said: “And so, you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state entrusted to Peter, for your family, for the Fatherland...”

The followers of Peter I - the great generals and military leaders Suvorov, Kutuzov, Skobelev and others paid great attention to instilling a sense of patriotism among officers and soldiers. This was one of the reasons why their troops did not know defeat. Their experience in educating subordinates is valuable for our time; it must be studied and used.

The problem of patriotism and knowledge of its essence attracted the attention of prominent public figures and scientists in Russia and received theoretical development. Thus, Russian revolutionary democrats of the 19th century A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky. N.G. Chernyshevsky argued that patriotism has social roots and meets the interests of the people.

Russian thinkers and philosophers N. Berdyaev and V. Solovyov paid significant attention to the development of the problem of patriotism. I. Ilyin. The latter, in particular, noted, first of all, the spirituality of man in his feeling of patriotism. “It is spiritual life,” wrote I. Ilyin, that is what and for what one can and should love one’s people, fight for them and die for them. Through it, everything receives its true meaning and true value.”

The spirit of patriotism is a universal moral ideal. It lies at the basis of every national military system, otherwise it has no value. The manifestation of patriotism of the Russian warrior is unique, because it has deep historical and social roots (see diagram).


What forces fueled the patriotism of Russian soldiers?

Firstly, this is a natural sense of self-preservation, protecting one’s habitat, Russian land, from various conquerors. This feeling was formed by long historical experience, suffered through the dramatic fate of the Fatherland and is passed on from generation to generation. According to researchers, in the period from 1368 to 1893 alone, that is, 525 years, the Russians fought for 329 years.

Secondly, The patriotism of the Russian army had special strength and strength also because in it, even in the early stages of its existence, mercenaryism was not widespread, and then completely became obsolete. The army, with rare exceptions, was replenished with compatriots. who were characterized by love for the Fatherland.

Third, The patriotism of the Russian army was nourished by the powerful forces of Orthodoxy. It was stated on the pages of the Gospel. that “greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The Russian Orthodox Church has centuries-old traditions of patriotic education. The ideological basis of the patriotic education of Russians and the army was the ideas of Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality, embodied in the call “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!”

The church has always paid special attention to instilling a sense of patriotism in the army. Aware of the enormous responsibility of people in military labor for the fate of the Fatherland, the church has surrounded them with care, attention and love since ancient times. She did not perform any special prayers for people of any other profession, but only for the military.

Such exclusive attention of the church to the army is explained by the fact that it is from it. both in past times and now, to a greater extent than on any other state institution, the fate of the people and the state depends. The cost of a mistake or crime is especially noticeable here. The consequences of moral laxity and decline can be especially terrible and destructive.

The Church takes care of the moral and spiritual state of the warrior also because he is obliged to be devoted to his duty in a special way, like no one else. After all, fulfilling military duty requires the most valuable thing - giving your own life. And this can only be done by a highly moral, ideologically savvy person. Simply following a statute or law cannot force a person to cross the line separating his life from death. Self-sacrifice is a conscious, moral manifestation.

Fourthly, the patriotism of Russian soldiers was based on their consciousness, on their convictions, and was not forced into their minds. Russian commanders and military leaders saw the strength of the Russian soldier in his soul and heart and tried to find a way to them. Various means, forms, and methods were used here, but the main ones were caring for the soldier and the personal example of the commander.

The work to instill a sense of patriotism among Russian soldiers had its fruits. The heroism of Russian soldiers is well known; even their opponents paid tribute to it. Thus, Frederick II, after the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763), was forced to admit “that not a single soldier in the world can compare with the Russian grenadier.” And Napoleon spoke about the Russian soldier as follows: “The Russian soldier is created for victories, just know how to lead him. If Russian soldiers were given under my command, I and my marshals would have conquered India long ago.”

What are the features of Russian patriotism, and how do they manifest themselves?

First of all, in the sincere love of Russian people for their native nature, which is especially evident among Russians who find themselves abroad for various reasons. It is difficult for them to forget the vast expanses of Russia, its fields, meadows, forests and rivers. And the white birch has become a symbol of Russia and is always associated with love for one’s native land.

The ability to quickly mobilize all one’s physical and spiritual forces in the event of a threat to the Fatherland. Russians have repeatedly proven that at critical moments for the country they are ready to do anything: endure unheard-of hardships of life, endure adversity, donate personal savings and valuables to the needs of the country, volunteer for the people's militia and the army, just to save their country from serious danger. , her people.

The patriotism of Russians is international. In a multinational country, where many peoples have relative independence, in case of danger everyone acts as a united front against the conquerors, and in peacetime - against natural disasters and natural disasters. This is evidenced by the historical experience of our country, the ongoing counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya and the mutual assistance of various regions in solving national economic problems. And among those awarded for heroism shown both in war and in peacetime, one can meet representatives of a variety of nations.

The patriotism of Russians is combined with their pride and dignity. This is due to the country’s authority in the international arena, its geopolitical position, achievements in science, culture, education and in the military field. Although Russia is now going through far from the best times, its potential capabilities, and most importantly, the spirit and high responsibility of citizens for the fate of the Motherland will allow them to overcome temporary difficulties and bring the country to the forefront of world progress.

Thus, historical experience shows that patriotism is a powerful spiritual force that allows Russia and its soldiers to mobilize their resources at sharp turns of history and achieve significant success in the revival of the country and army.

Today we are rethinking the meaning of patriotism for the destinies and its citizens at the beginning of the new century and millennium. Salvation and revival require a revision of a number of positions that have developed over the past decades in the structure of domestic public consciousness, both at the everyday, everyday, and ideological levels. This revision also applies to forms of social consciousness, such as spiritual-moral, state-legal, political, religious, aesthetic, etc.

And this is understandable. The process of self-awareness in the era of reform of Russian society is ambiguous and very contradictory. There are reasons for this. The transformation of Russia from a superpower into a poor country dealt a blow to national pride, national dignity, patriotic and civic feelings of the population, who grew up at the highest levels of pride for their country. And today the media, especially electronic ones, present us with the prospect of a gloomy, masochistic, sweetly suicidal future, which in no way corresponds to the attitudes of older generations, who know selflessness for the sake of the future from their own experience.

For a long time, stereotypes of Western and social psychology have been actively imposed on us under the guise of spiritual freedom: individualism, strict wealth stratification instead of social equality, selfishness instead of collectivism, pragmatism instead of spirituality, thirst for profit instead of labor earnings, aggressive entrepreneurship instead of labor activity, entertaining “mass culture” "instead of artistic classics, the cult of violence instead of love and friendship.

Naturally, the world of culture of the “existent” (N.V. Gogol) separates a person from the people around him, instills in him the illusion of a self-sufficient Robinson. Is it any wonder that there is a lack of citizenship, patriotism, goodwill, mutual assistance and sensitivity in the relations of a significant part of the population, especially young people, in modern Russia.

Naturally, this is happening steadily and most often in a perverted form: among young people, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, sexual orientations inappropriate to biological sex, etc. have become widespread. The euphoria of permissiveness, the absence of moral “brakes” leads to a blurred idea of ​​one’s own purpose in life. space of life.

At the same time, the opinion is persistently imposed that the whole world can become ours, all the best examples and standards of culture are in Europe and the USA, but not in Russia; everything is bad in our country, so you need to either go to another country or focus only on yourself and loved ones. “Disney,” “Western,” or detective manners have become established in the communication and behavior of various social groups: swagger, permissiveness, rudeness, boorishness, open disregard for elementary norms of cultural interaction, primitiveness of feeling and thinking.

In the conditions of a so far failed democracy, selfishness and individualism are increasingly absorbing altruism, citizenship, and patriotic aspirations.

Reforms designed to revive Russia, in our opinion, cannot be based on alien ideas and morals characteristic of non-traditional societies that have absorbed into their own ideas of violence, coercion, cunning, deception, betrayal, depravity, groveling before force, etc. This - is deeply alien to the nature of our people, whose tradition is spirituality, morality, humanism, freedom, etc., and cannot become the foundation for the country’s recovery from the crisis, much less for its future prosperity.

Today Russia has no more important idea or value than. Its powerful potential is aimed at the consolidation of Russian society and the spiritual, moral, political and economic revival of Russia.

In the history of Russia there were many facts when the people rallied around a patriotic and national idea and more than once defeated an internal or external enemy, for example during the times of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, the Polish-Lithuanian intervention during the Time of Troubles, or “Bironovschina", or, as it is happened in 1941, but the “Chubai region” turned out to be more stable, if it was allowed to destroy the country for so long.

It can be assumed that most people have patriotic feelings. But for our people, due to their difficult historical destiny, it has been special from time immemorial. It is the primary source of hard work, heroism, patience, modesty, devotion, responsibility - in a word, everything that has been perceived for centuries as the Russian national character and the soul of a people who are sacredly committed to their Fatherland.

The strength of Russia is not only the richest mineral resources given by God, the vast territory developed by our ancestors, the economy and culture created by the work of many generations, but also this, which is called the “smoke of the Fatherland,” which makes up the imperishable layer of the spirituality of our people. Today Russia is 13% of the earth's landmass, but only 7.5% of the population and 1.6% of the world's gross product, which seems to be an absolute regression compared to Tsarist Russia in 1913. Per capita in Russia there are 11.6 hectares of land, which is many times more than in any other country in the world (in Japan - 0.29 hectares, Great Britain - 0.41, Italy - 0.49, China - 0.76 , France-0.94, USA-3.35 ha). A modern Russian is four times richer in natural territorial resources and living space than the average inhabitant of the planet.

Russia is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources. In terms of resource potential per capita, Russia has no equal. Russia is the only major power that is fully supplied with energy resources. The high potential value of explored and pre-estimated mineral reserves in our country in world prices is $28.6 trillion, the forecast potential is $140 trillion. Thus, modern Russia owns approximately 15-20% of the forecast and 6% of the proven world oil reserves, 42% gas, 43% coal, 25% of the world's wood reserves. We produce 11% of the world's oil production, 28% of gas, 14% of coal, 25% of diamonds, 5.5% of gold. Russia is in second place in the world in terms of proven gold reserves and fifth in terms of average gold content in ore deposits. At the same time, for example, Japan depends on foreign energy resources by 82%, Germany and France by 50-52%, the USA by 23%.

As we can see, this potential is enormous. However, possessing huge reserves of other natural resources on the planet, Russia has not yet been able to take advantage of this advantage in the interests of national development, and in recent years has been steadily sliding into the position of a debtor to the developed countries of the world. Its external debt amounted to $130 billion. (according to other sources, $150 billion). This means that today every capable citizen of Russia already owes 2 thousand dollars to foreign creditors. Over the ten years of reform, Russia has moved from 5th place in the world in terms of GDP per capita to 47 steps down, leaving the group of countries with an average level of production and welfare (GDP per capita - from 5 to 10 thousand dollars per year) to the company of poor developing countries.

This is the price for the loss or weakening of the patriotic orientation of our society. We can say that patriotism is in some way equivalent to the level of labor productivity and organizational culture necessary for society: like these latter, it expresses the internal “fitness” of the country’s population, voluntary and active service of the population to the interests of society and the state, the Power, the Fatherland.

That is why the problem of the spirituality of the individual, his spiritual readiness and service to Russia, his people, the fulfillment of his patriotic duty to protect the interests of the Fatherland should be considered as the main link in the development of Russian society against the backdrop of the collapse of the Euro-Asian power, the USSR.

In this regard, we are interested in studies that analyze the reasons for the collapse of all empires existing in world history. Among the complex of reasons, scientists have identified the main one - the fall of public morals and feelings of patriotism below a critical level.

Studying the life and life of the Egyptians, Persians, Romans, early and late nomads, and other peoples who created great states, scientists came to the conclusion that during the period of rapid growth of power, all states did not yet possess either material wealth or highly developed science and culture. But on the other hand, the citizens of the future great empires, from the commoner to the most noble, were burning with the desire to fulfill their duty so that their dear, priceless life would live, prosper and be famous.

What does the history of language say about this? A patriot (from the Greek “countryman, compatriot”) is a person who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people, ready to make sacrifices and acting in the name of the Motherland.

Indeed, even the most terrible defeats and the complete impoverishment of Rome during the Second Punic War were not able to shake the powerful patriotism of its fighters and undermine the state organism.

When patriotism gave way to complete indifference to the fate of the fatherland, and to national glory, to human greatness, when only the passion for profit began to rule everywhere, then the once mighty Rome, despite its apparent greatness and splendor, became so weak that it could no longer resist even single blows less civilized tribes.

Historical experience shows that the basis for the formation of high moral spirit among people has always been the ideas of patriotism, love for their Fatherland, and the willingness to fight for it until complete victory. For the Russian ethnic group, the ideas of patriotism have always been very important and were considered in the widest range. They included historical issues, issues of Russian national identity and mentality, the “Russian idea”, the historical mission of Russia and the choice of paths for its development.

It seems that this is what led to the fact that both in the history of Russian thought and in modern political practice, the interpretation of the concept of “patriotism” is characterized by multivariance, a wide variety of interpretations and ambiguity. The range of interpretation of the term is very wide: from ideally sublime to abusive and derogatory.

Patriotism, at the same time, was and remains a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is expressed in love for one’s Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, desire and readiness to defend it. - patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries of struggle for the freedom and independence of the homeland.

Patriotism is a spiritual phenomenon that has great stability, persists among the people for a long time when it is destroyed, and dies in the 3rd or 4th generation. True, spiritual patriotism at its core presupposes selfless, selfless service to the Fatherland.

Russian people are not deprived of this high feeling and spirituality. Russia is a state with a long history and traditions, and Russian patriotism has deep roots. For Russians, as a Eurasian people, in their consciousness and mentality the public has always had priority over the personal, the position and role of the individual in Russian history has always been subordinated to the goal, which at this historical stage is the ideal of national unity.

Thus, patriotism in Russia for a long time was understood as a willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the good of the Fatherland, boundless faith in the power of the Russian state and authorities, paternalism, and selflessness. Instilling patriotism and a sense of national pride and national dignity among young people in accordance with traditions has been characteristic of Russia for centuries.

Where are the origins of patriotism? Patriotism initially arose as a natural strong feeling of a healthy person, a tribe, for the reproduction of its kind in a protected living space. We always root for our loved ones, for the people in our circle, for our world, our territory.

Repression, infringement of the natural life of an ethnic group caused a defensive reaction - patriotism.

Evidence of such a quality of people as patriotism was found in military historical documents and chronicles back in the 9th century. Patriotism of a later period was, as it were, of a personal nature. He showed himself in devotion to his prince and his squad. Although warriors could move from one prince to another, such cases were rare - loyalty was highly valued in the Russian army. It was considered a shame for the warriors to leave the battlefield, and vice versa, the prince considered it shameful to abandon his army.

The trials that befell the Russian people, the military power of their enemies, the conquest of a significant part of the territory by the Tatar-Mongols accelerated the accumulation of patriotic strength and energy among the people, and the awareness of the need for national unification. Personal patriotism was combined with the idea of ​​national unity and gradually acquired national significance.

In this regard, we should not forget what Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125) said before the appanage Russian princes at the congress in Lyubech: “Because we are destroying the Russian land, which we ourselves are making, the Polovtsy are discordant with our land and rejoice when it comes between us army. Let us be united in heart and respect the Russian land” (62; P. 18).

It is enough to recall the numerous battles in defense of one’s land, one’s country. In our hearts we keep the memory of the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo, the Battle of Poltava and the defeat of the interventionists, German fascists and Japanese militarists.

Unification on a patriotic basis sharply increases the power of the Russian state, strengthened the patriotic idea and firmly connected it with statehood. In the “Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs” of 1607-1621, patriotism was enshrined in law.

Discussion on the topic: WHAT ARE THE ORIGINS OF PATRIOTISM, speech development lesson in 11th grade. Purpose of the lesson:    fostering a sense of patriotism; development of students' oral speech; consolidation in practice of the rules of oral presentation.     “I will do anything just to have the happiness of seeing the glory of Russia, and I will sacrifice the last drop of blood for its well-being.” P.I. Bagration “I don’t say that love for the Fatherland should blind us and convince us that we are the best in everything; but a Russian must at least know his own worth.” N.M. Karamzin “Moral principles are especially important for Russian citizens. They are the core of patriotism; without this, Russia would have to forget about national sovereignty.” V.V. Putin “Don’t ask what your Motherland can do for you, ask what you can do for your Motherland.” J. Kennedy Introduction Topic of discussion: “What are the origins of patriotism?” Any country will crumble into dust if its citizens are not united by an attachment to the land on which they live and a desire to make life on this land better. We are used to being proud of the military exploits of our people, but victories in wars do not always make the country rich and happy. We are rightly proud of our culture, but for some reason it did not protect us from drunkenness and drug addiction, nor did it save us from rudeness and rudeness. Perhaps the basis for our patriotism lies not so much in history as in today's respect for ourselves as free, creative people full of creative energy. Discussion is a type of dispute in which any problem is considered, studied, discussed in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution. 1. Where does the Motherland begin?      How do you understand the words “motherland”, “patriotism”? Do you consider yourself a patriot? Why? What actions must be performed to be called patriotic? Are you ready to devote your life to the prosperity of your Motherland? Would you like to leave Russia? A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Mother, home, friends, favorite books, nature - such simple values ​​become the basis of true love for the Motherland.   Homeland - Fatherland, the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen. Patriotism is love, devotion and affection for the Fatherland, one’s people. 2. Are you proud of your country?    At what moments do you feel national pride? Are you interested in the heroic past of our country? Do you feel bitter about defeats and mistakes? What emotions does our country's anthem evoke in you? Recently, it has become fashionable to scold the recent past of our country and shout about repentance. Cursing your history is like anathematizing your parents. 3. Do you consider yourself a truly Russian person?     How do you distinguish between the concepts “Russian” and “Russian”? How do you feel about the purity of Russian speech? Are you proud to live in Russia? What is nationalism? “Oh, the loud age of military disputes, witness to the glory of the Russians!” A. Pushkin  Nationalism is one of the principles of ideology and politics, which consists in preaching national isolation and exclusivity, distrust of other nations and interethnic enmity. All people live under the same sky. (Eastern proverb) Nazi Germany presented the world with a monstrous example of genocide. Nowadays, many neo-Nazi parties and movements have emerged that use the ideas of racism and chauvinism to increase their authority and popularity. The newly-minted leaders declare unjust oppression from “strangers” and the need to restore order by force, for which combat detachments are being created. And the less internal culture a person has, the easier it is to convince him of his own exclusivity and the presence of enemies. From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in rights. All people are endowed with reason and should treat each other as brothers. Every person should have all the rights and freedoms proclaimed by the Declaration, regardless of nationality, language, race, gender, religion; social origin, political opinion, wealth or poverty; the size and global significance of his country. 4. Do you connect your patriotic duty with military service?     Does the country need professional military personnel? How many of you want to go to military schools? Is the profession of an officer prestigious? Are you for or against military service? In ancient Athens, a person who had not completed military service could not become a full citizen. Until recently, service in the ranks of the Soviet army was considered an honorable duty for every young man. Currently, there are many pressing issues in the Russian army: low wages, problems with housing, the defense industry is not sufficiently funded, because of this the Russian army is not sufficiently equipped with modern military equipment. And Napoleon said that a people who does not want to feed their army will feed someone else’s. 5. Who is a patriot of modern Russia?     Where and how should patriotic education begin? Is patriotic education necessary in school? Is it necessary to form the personality of an independent person? Do you need to be responsible for yourself, your friends, how do you feel about mutual assistance? The spirit of Russia is alive and will live! Keep the fire of your native hearth and do not covet the fires of others - Our ancestors lived by this law And bequeathed to us through the centuries: Keep the fire of your native hearth! Cherish the patch of your father’s land No matter how swampy, no matter how rocky it is, Do not reach for the pure black soil that others have found before you. Cherish a piece of your father's land! And if the enemy decides to take away the field nurtured by your labor, not according to the page that you studied at school, you will know what you stand for. You will know what you stand for! (O. Fokina, student of a Moscow school) Questions for the survey: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Do you consider yourself a patriot? Are you ready to devote your life to the prosperity of your homeland? Would you like to leave Russia? Would you like to be born and live in another country? Why? Is the profession of a Russian officer prestigious? Are you for or against military service? Is patriotic education necessary in school? Do you read periodicals? Do books help you resolve difficult situations? Do you have a role model? Who?
