Why a baby may not latch on to the breast. Why a baby doesn’t latch on to the breast: the most common reasons

One of the frequent questions regarding breastfeeding that mothers turn to a consultant with sounds something like this: “I can’t give my baby the breast, he loses it all the time,” “Since birth, the baby hasn’t taken the breast, I was told that I have flat nipples and need to be fed from a bottle”, “We’ve been trying since the maternity hospital, but we just can’t breastfeed the baby”... Why does this happen and what can be done?

Situation one. The newborn does not latch on immediately after birth.

One of the rules for successful breastfeeding, formulated by WHO, is to begin breastfeeding within the first half hour after birth. That is, the baby should be put to the breast after birth as early as possible, in fact, even in the delivery room. But sometimes it happens that the mother offers the newborn the breast, but he does not grab it or suck it. The reason may be that the breast is offered too early, literally in the first 10 minutes after birth. The fact is that immediately after birth, the child needs a pause, time to rest, because he has gone through such an important and difficult path! And the mother needs to wait a little while he comes to his senses, until he shows signs of readiness to suck. After 10-15-20 minutes, the newborn begins to show activity - twisting its head, squeaking, waving and pushing with its arms and legs, as if trying to crawl. If you pick him up, he turns his head to his chest and opens his mouth, showing a search reflex. All this says that now the baby can be offered the breast and he will readily begin to latch on to it. At first, attempts to latch on can be awkward, since mother and baby still need to adjust to each other. The baby may lose the breast, or suck too weakly. Mom needs to be patient, and after several attempts everything will definitely work out.

It happens that young mothers mistakenly take the usual behavior of a newborn as a refusal to take the breast. It is wrong to think that a baby, having just been born, will skillfully latch on to the breast. Sometimes the mother takes the baby and expects him to do everything himself - move to the breast, open his mouth and grab the nipple. But a newborn does not yet have such a skill, there is only a set of reflexes (searching, sucking). He still does not know how to control his body, he can suck on the side of the nipple, or even on clothes, turn his head in search of the breast (mothers may decide that the child is turning away from her), lick the breast... The baby has simply never seen her before and knows exactly how to handle it. For the first time, the child needs help.

Another reason why a newborn may refuse to latch on may be a difficult birth. Then the baby may simply not have the strength to suckle. Children born prematurely may have little strength, and in case of severe prematurity, the sucking apparatus may also not yet have formed. In this case, you will have to wait until the consequences of childbirth pass and the child gets stronger enough. If this happens quite quickly, after a few hours, then the first feeding will simply be a little “late.” If recovery takes several days, then the mother will need to express milk during this time and feed the baby with it. Colostrum is especially useful in this situation, since although it is released in a small volume, it has a lot of unique properties that support health. It is advisable to organize supplementary feeding of the newborn not from a bottle, so that he does not get used to the bottle type of sucking and does not refuse the breast in the future (read on). It is important not to give up trying to attach the baby to the breast and, as the condition improves, the baby will begin to suck mother's milk. Sometimes the lack of desire to breastfeed in a newborn is associated with the use of medications during childbirth, for example, anesthesia. Then you also need to wait a while and offer the breast.

If the mother and the newborn were separated after birth and the first feeding did not take place, the baby was bottle-fed, then when they meet, he may also refuse to breastfeed. Because he didn’t have time to get to know her, and was already accustomed to another object - the bottle. The breast differs from the bottle in shape (to take the nipple, you do not need to open your mouth wide), smell, taste (especially if the baby was supplemented with formula). There is also a significant difference in the sucking mechanism and in which muscles are involved. In this case, the mother will have to be patient and spend some time retraining the baby back to the breast. The time depends on many factors - the period of bottle feeding, the persistence and calmness of the mother, the condition and character of the child, and so on. Children begin to latch on to the breast much faster if they have not been bottle-fed before. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to immediately try to supplement feeding in other ways - from a pipette, a syringe without a needle, a special or regular spoon... And of course, as soon as the baby is with the mother, you need to remove the bottle and start offering the breast. A specialist should determine the need and amount of additional supplementary feeding in such cases!

Situation two. The baby cannot hold the breast.

It happens that the baby actively searches for the breast, grabs it, tries to suck, but constantly releases it. Sometimes this happens simply because of the movements of the baby himself - he can twist his head strongly, turn it away from the breast and, of course, lose the nipple. Typically, this behavior is associated with an active search reflex, and goes away with age. The mother just needs to hold the baby's head after he is attached to the breast. It is best not to hold the back of the baby’s head, but to hold the head closer to the neck, placing the thumb on one side and the other four fingers of the hand on the other.

It may be difficult for a newborn to latch onto the breast if there is a lot of milk in it. Then the breasts are tight, dense, the areola area is hard and it is uncomfortable for the baby to hold it. It helps to soften the breasts by pressing your fingers in the areola area for several seconds, as shown in the picture. If milk flows heavily from the breast, then the child may also throw it, as he is choking. In this case, it helps to use feeding positions in which the pressure of milk is not so strong, for example, when the baby is on top of the mother or a lying position.

Very often, a newborn loses breasts if the mother has small, flat or inverted nipples. In this case, it is more difficult for the baby to hold the breast in his mouth, and the mother needs to learn to help him latch onto the breast well. In principle, the shape of the nipple does not matter, since with proper attachment the child should suck not the nipple, but the breast. As practice shows, with proper breastfeeding, the nipples often stretch out. With the correct grip, the child does not suck the breast, but grabs it with his open mouth about 2-3 cm. The tongue is on the bottom, as if sucking and holding the breast. In the case of flat nipples, using breast shields can make the situation a little easier, since the shield imitates a long nipple and the baby has something to grab onto. But with such sucking, it is more difficult for him to obtain milk, he may gain little weight, and the mother may experience stagnation of milk. Therefore, it is important for a mother to learn how to breastfeed correctly by asking for help from experienced women - medical staff in the maternity hospital, lactation consultants, or any women who have successfully breastfed their children. Breasts with unexpressed nipples should be placed in a wide open mouth, trying to immediately insert them as deeply as possible. You can form a breast fold with your thumb and index finger, placing them parallel to each other at a sufficient distance from the nipple. During feeding, the baby should be turned towards the mother and pressed tightly against her at all times to avoid sliding off the breast. At first, the mother will have to constantly monitor the attachment and possibly feed the baby the breast several times during feeding. But after a couple of weeks, the baby will learn to hold the breast tightly in his mouth.

Situation three. The baby stops taking the breast.

For example, a child takes the breast and sucks, but after a short time throws it and screams. The reason may be improper attachment, which makes it difficult for the baby to suck out the so-called “late” or “hind” milk. It is thicker and more difficult to get out of the chest than the “front” one, which literally pours out on its own. While the milk flows easily, the child is calm, but when he has to work, he may begin to be indignant. In this case, it would be completely wrong to offer the second breast, since then the baby will receive only “front” milk, without getting to the “hind” milk, which is rich in fats and many enzymes useful for digestion. And this leads to various problems, from digestive problems to insufficient weight gain. The mother should calmly offer the breast to the baby again and be sure to monitor the correct attachment. In addition, if the child attaches incorrectly, he swallows a lot of air when sucking. The swallowed air begins to bother the baby and he may stop breastfeeding due to discomfort in the stomach. If the baby smacks or clicks while sucking, the mother needs to pay special attention to how he takes the breast.

When a baby experiences pain of any kind, he may also refuse to suck. This may include colic, inflammation in the ear (otitis media), headaches, and other health problems. For example, if a baby has a stuffy nose, it is difficult for him to suck, he suffocates and abandons the breast. Usually in such cases, the baby suddenly begins to refuse the breast, and at the same time becomes capricious and screams not only during feeding. You need to try to calm the child down, identify and eliminate the cause of the illness. You can try to find a feeding position that makes it easier for him. For example, in a situation with a sore ear, it may be easier for a baby if you feed in a position in which the sore ear is facing upward and there is no pressure on it.

Special situations, when the child at first took the breast willingly and well, and then stopped, may be associated with an insufficient amount of milk from the mother, when the child is capricious that he does not have enough. Then it is necessary to find out the reasons for the decrease in lactation and take measures. Or the baby’s behavior may be a manifestation of so-called breast refusal. Moreover, refusal is possible to varying degrees - the child does not take the breast at all, takes only in a dream, takes only in one position, bends over, and so on. The reasons for refusal behavior usually lie in the organization of breastfeeding itself and in the style of caring for the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the mother’s actions in detail, correct mistakes and establish psychological contact and feeding. And here you don’t need to be embarrassed to seek competent help from breastfeeding specialists or more experienced mothers who have fed their baby without problems. If there is a desire to breastfeed and mother’s persistence, any difficulties can be overcome.

Shmakova Elena,
lactation consultant,
MOO participant"Association of Natural Health Consultants" feeding" (AKEV),
mother of five children

These days, all mothers know that breastfeeding is the best option. It is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. Not a single formula, even the most expensive and modern, replicates the unique composition of human milk.

A very important point is early breastfeeding, since by receiving the first portions of colostrum (this is a precursor to milk), the baby simultaneously acquires protection from various infections, since he is “taken under the wing” of the mother’s immune system. Colostrum contains many antibodies to various diseases that protect the baby better than any vaccinations.

However, establishing breastfeeding can sometimes be difficult, and then young mothers ask why the child does not take the breast? And it’s good if there is a specialist next to the young woman who will help her understand the reasons and tell her what to do.

There are many reasons why a baby may refuse to breastfeed. These reasons are different at different ages.

So, if the baby does not take the breast immediately after birth, then the reason for this may be a banal stress. After all, the process of childbirth is a huge shock for the baby, from a warm, cozy little world, he is rather “unceremoniously” pushed out, and he finds himself in a completely incomprehensible environment.

If the baby was born somewhat prematurely, then the reason for the failure may be that it is not well developed. sucking reflex. Or, most likely, general weakness. A weak baby is simply unable to suck out milk, especially if the mother has “tight” breasts and there is still little milk.

In this case, assistance should be provided by a breastfeeding specialist who should be in the maternity hospital. He must show the mother how to develop the breasts, how to properly attach the baby so that he is comfortable.

Fortunately, breast refusal does not always mean that the child is sick. The reasons may be quite harmless. For example, if the mother offers food too often, and the baby is not hungry.

Children aged six months already have a highly developed curiosity, so if the baby is very interested in something, he may refuse to start eating, unless, of course, he is too hungry.

It happens that babies refuse breast milk because they like other foods better. This happens especially often with children who have already celebrated their first birthday.

Sometimes a baby refuses to breastfeed because he doesn't like the taste of milk. Perhaps mom broke her diet and ate something spicy or with a lot of spices. Such food may well change the taste of the milk, which may cause dissatisfaction in the baby.

Breast refusal. Why doesn't the baby latch on?

Have you noticed that your baby is reluctant to take the breast? Takes it and immediately throws it away? Does he cry at the breast or not at all? Do you want to understand why a baby refuses breastfeeding and how to deal with it? In this article, we'll explain what breast refusal looks like, what causes it, and what you can do to overcome it.

What does breast refusal most often look like:

  • the baby begins to arch and turn away from the breast;
  • does not take the breast, but calmly takes the pacifier and falls asleep with it;
  • sucks a little and immediately begins to cry, takes the breast again and again and screams;
  • takes one breast, but does not take the other;
  • begins to cry at the sight of a breast;
  • breastfeeds only when half asleep (or especially well when half asleep)

The reasons for breast refusal can be completely different:

  • The child cannot attach to the breast from birth, or takes the breast and loses it almost immediately after the start of sucking. Most likely this is due to the anatomical features of the baby or breast, the method of attachment, etc. Such a mother-baby pair needs to learn how to attach to the breast, after which the child will take and suck the breast.
  • The baby is distracted during feedings and often comes off the breast. Grown-up children, usually starting from 2-3 months, become very curious and are easily distracted by the sounds, objects, people, etc. around them. Also, if a slightly older child is already full, he will not always want to suckle at the breast almost immediately after feeding, even if it is convenient or necessary for the mother.

The child is sick or feels unwell. Various diseases (eg, otitis media, stomatitis, runny nose, sore throat, cephalohematoma, teething pain) can cause discomfort when sucking. Therefore, first of all, it is important that the child receives adequate treatment, in which he can quickly return to full breastfeeding. In the meantime, while it is painful for the baby to suck, you can feed or supplement with expressed milk from non-sucking objects - a spoon, a cup, a syringe without a needle.

"Nipple confusion." If your baby frequently sucks on a bottle, he may become so accustomed to its characteristics (the material of the nipple, the ability to chew it with his gums, the speed of flow during feeding, or the lack of flow when falling asleep with a pacifier in his mouth) that the breast becomes an unusual and less preferred way of feeding and soothing. .

Stress. For better development and psychological well-being, a child needs stability, and stability for him is the satisfaction of his innate expectations. Nowadays, like thousands of years ago, babies are still the same; their mother will carry them in her arms, feed them often, not leave them alone and protect them from the outside world. Therefore, some especially sensitive babies may react sharply to sleeping in a separate room or even a crib, to a strict feeding regime, as well as to a change of environment while traveling, with crowded and noisy guests, as well as various manipulations, such as dynamic gymnastics, active diving or dousing with cold water for hardening.

Too active introduction of complementary foods or formula. Refusal to breastfeed in this situation is due to the fact that the child is full or even overeating, and his need to suckle from the breast becomes less.

Is it possible to cope with breast refusal?

Although breast refusal remains one of the leading reasons for stopping breastfeeding, we know for sure that we can overcome it.

As you can see, the reasons for breast refusal can be very different, and therefore the methods of overcoming it can vary greatly in each specific case.

Most often, the symptoms of breast refusal increase gradually and the faster the mother pays attention to the signs of emerging difficulties, the faster and easier she will cope with them.

Where to begin?

Analyze recent events. Try to understand at what point the baby began to worry at the breast, which could influence this behavior. Have there been any changes in your home routine or baby care?

Make sure your child is healthy. Examine the oral cavity yourself for visible changes, and also consult with your pediatrician about other possible causes.

Feed and calm. Regardless of the reasons for refusal, the child must receive the required amount of nutrition (expressed milk, donor milk or formula). Sleepy and calm babies suckle more readily, so before offering the breast to your baby, first try to relax him, for example with white noise (hair dryer, tap water), rocking, skin-to-skin contact, and then put him to the breast and allow him to suck as much as he wants. Also watch for signs of awakening: if the baby is not yet fully awake, then most likely he will calmly attach to the breast.

If the child turns away at the sight of the breast, cries, or clearly does not want to suck, then do not insist. It will probably take some time before he is willing to latch on while awake.

Look for positions in which your baby will latch onto the breast. Maybe the baby will want to take the breast in a biological latch, resting and relaxing on his mother’s belly, or maybe swinging with his mother on a fitball. Try a variety of options - from walking around the room with gentle rocking to taking a warm bath together.

Eliminate pacifiers and bottles if possible. If you suspect that your baby has become worse at latching on the breast due to “nipple confusion,” then you should reduce the use of bottles and pacifiers to a minimum, and if possible, eliminate them completely. The baby will be more willing to breastfeed without having “sucking” alternatives. If additional feeding is necessary, give preference to non-sucking objects (cup, spoon, etc.). If eliminating bottle feeding is not possible, try a technique paced bottle feeding, thanks to which you can regulate the flow (by tilting the bottle), and thereby allow the baby to “induce a rush” and receive nutrition only with active sucking.

Reduce the amount of stress. If you think that the most likely reason for breast refusal is stress, then, depending on its type, take appropriate measures. A universal and effective way to help mother and child in this situation is to significantly increase the time of tactile contact between the baby and mother. Try to be as close to the baby as possible - hug him, kiss him, carry him in your arms or in a sling, sleep together, if possible. Some mothers like to create a cozy place for themselves where they can lie and cuddle with their baby, because close skin-to-skin contact allows you to relax and tune in to breastfeeding.

Maintain a calm, supportive environment in your home. Screaming and swearing stress both the baby and the nursing mother.

Try giving up some of your usual activities for a while such as diving, active hardening, dynamic gymnastics. It may be worth canceling or rescheduling some events - going to a party or another unknown environment can be stressful for the baby. Over time, the baby will be ready to expand his space and circle of acquaintances, you just need to give him time.

Make sure your baby is not getting too much non-breastfeeding for his age. If necessary, reduce portions of complementary feeding or supplementary feeding, or introduce them more gradually.

If you understand that any of the above resembles your baby’s behavior at the breast, then it is important to find out the reasons as quickly as possible and get ready to go through this stage. Your confidence and attitude will play a leading role here, and the coping methods mentioned above will help you finally solve the problem.

If you can’t cope on your own, our experienced lactation consultants will always help you.

Alena Lukyanchuk
Psychologist, lactation consultant,
Member of ILCA (The International Lactation Consultant Association)

Anastasia Grishina, lactation consultant,

Asya Shchegol, lactation consultant.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 04/04/2019

Mother's milk is the main source of nutrition for the baby. Sometimes a baby refuses to breastfeed for some reason. In this case, the mother begins to worry about the correctness of attachment, her own nutrition and other factors affecting feeding.

Breast refusal

At times when the baby experiences discomfort during breastfeeding, it is very difficult to feed him, and this fact can negatively affect weight gain. Some babies eat only in a specific position or exclusively from one breast.

Women who have repeatedly gone through similar problems find it much easier to understand this issue. It is very difficult for young, inexperienced mothers to cope with breast refusal. Especially if there is a crowd of caring grandmothers and neighbors nearby, giving advice on how to establish natural feeding. Intrusive talk about the uselessness of breast milk and the convenience of preparing formula prompts thoughts about stopping natural feeding. You may even come across the opinion that if the child does not take the breast, then there is no need to force it. Listening to such “smart” advice is strictly prohibited.

When faced with refusal for the first time, it is best to seek help from a lactation specialist, pediatrician or psychologist. They will help you understand the reasons why your baby stops breastfeeding and give you recommendations on what to do next.

Reasons for baby's refusal to breastfeed

Most often, mothers look for the cause in an unhealthy diet, the quality of milk, their poor health or mood. In fact, the reasons why a child is capricious are much more significant.

The main reasons may be:

  • Fatigue and drowsiness. The child is tired and wants to get some sleep, but they are trying hard to feed him. Of course, there is nothing more to expect except tears and whims. You need to put the baby to bed, and after sleep offer the breast.
  • Any diseases. During illness, the fact that the child does not latch on the breast is not at all surprising. Consult your doctor for a diagnosis and qualified treatment.
  • Teething. The baby drops the breast and cries - check if he is teething. Most children experience pain during teething. Special teething toys and gels with a cooling and soothing effect will help alleviate the condition.
  • Overexcitement. Active games and vivid impressions are very good. After increased activity, the baby needs time to calm down and only then eat.

There are also a number of other reasons why a child may refuse his mother’s breast:

  1. Changes in weather conditions. A newborn baby can be very sensitive to changes in the weather. If your toddler does not breastfeed during a sudden change in weather, and such cases are no longer rare, be sure to consult your pediatrician.
  2. Medicines taken by a woman during labor. During labor, women are often given medications to ease the mother's condition or speed up the delivery process. A certain amount of the drug may remain in the body for a long time and change the taste of milk. This fact may explain why a newborn does not latch on.
  3. Irregular structure of the oral cavity and short frenulum of the tongue. These two factors can be observed exclusively in infancy. It is uncomfortable for the baby to eat, and therefore he abandons the breast. As you get older, the cleft palate and tongue tie will return to normal and will not cause discomfort.
  4. Stressful situations. Refusal of mother's milk can be triggered by situations that seem commonplace for adults: a large crowd of people, going on a visit, moving to a new place, being examined by a doctor, etc.
  5. Negative associations with feeding. There is no need to turn your breasts into a sedative. To calm the little one, you can rock him, stroke him, sing a song; in extreme cases, a pacifier and a bottle of water can come to the rescue.
  6. Introduction of supplementary feeding. There are often cases when a mother believes that she does not have enough milk and introduces dry formulas into the baby’s diet. Unnecessary artificial feeding is the most common reason that a child refuses breast milk.
  7. Early and active introduction of complementary foods. Introducing new products should occur gradually and not lead to a complete rejection of mother's milk, which is the best nutrition for a baby up to one year old.

Finding a solution to this problem

If a child refuses to breastfeed due to painful sensations, then you need to try to alleviate his condition. His nose is blocked - clean it and drop some medicine, his ears or tummy hurt - give him a painkiller, his temperature has risen - get rid of it using any means allowed for his age. Feeding will return to normal as you recover.

A baby's refusal of mother's milk becomes a problem for women - they do not understand why the child does not take the breast, freaks out and cries. Many mothers blame themselves for inexperience. But first you need to find out the possible causes of the problem, since they are not only in the woman.

The reasons why a child does not latch on are varied and have their own characteristics. Breastfeeding consultants and pediatricians distinguish 4 categories of reasons why a baby does not latch on to the breast.

  1. Physiological characteristics of the mother or baby.
  2. Physical condition of the mother or baby.
  3. Psychological factors.
  4. Mothers' mistakes.

Physiological features

Sometimes a child does not want to take the breast due to the physiological characteristics of his or the mother’s body. Reasons for protest related to physiology include the following:

Structural features of the mother's mammary glands can cause the child to refuse to breastfeed
  • Unusual nipple structure. This means the nipples are too flat, making them difficult for the baby to latch onto. By continuing feeding, mother and child will get used to it and will be able to adapt to each other’s characteristics and needs. During the lactation period, the nipples of a nursing mother become longer, making it easier for the newborn to latch on to the breast.
  • Different anatomical structure of the mammary gland. This feature is said to be when one mammary gland is larger than the other, and accordingly, milk flows differently. This irritates the child and makes him behave restlessly. The baby needs time to get used to it, and mom needs a little patience. Over time, the baby and mother adapt, and feeding goes smoothly.
  • Narrow milk ducts. It is difficult for the baby to suck milk, he is irritated and capricious. In this case, you need to take a break for a few minutes, massage the breasts, and then apply the baby again.
  • Pathologies of the structure of the baby's mouth or lingual frenulum. The child refuses breastfeeding due to discomfort in the oral cavity. The baby is uncomfortable at first, but as they grow older, the discomfort disappears.

Difficulties of a physiological nature are easily solved; the main recommendation for a woman is not to be nervous, to be patient.

Health problems of the mother or baby are a barrier to breastfeeding

Many infants have a hard time with teething and refuse breast milk during this period.
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity of infants. Candidiasis and stomatitis are accompanied by inflammation of the oral mucosa and cause severe pain when sucking. Naturally the child refuses to eat.
  • Teething period. When a baby is teething, severe inflammation of the gums also occurs.
  • Colic and digestive problems. Unpleasant sensations in the baby's tummy lead to a restless state. The baby is capricious and shows dissatisfaction with refusing to eat. Usually, colic is caused by dysbacteriosis or errors in the nursing mother’s diet, and the baby also reacts to meteorological changes. If your child begins to vomit, do not ignore these manifestations. The information will help you understand the causes and take steps to alleviate the condition.
  • Viral diseases accompanied by fever, runny nose and pain in the larynx. When a cold overcomes an infant, he shows nervousness and becomes tearful. Runny nose, high body temperature, sore throat - all this causes severe discomfort. When a baby has a runny nose, he cannot breathe fully through his nose, which is why he often pulls away from the chest and cries. A high temperature is accompanied by aches and headaches, which prevents the baby from calmly satisfying his hunger.
  • Sleep is stronger than hunger. When a baby is very tired, he most needs rest and sleep, and not food.
  • Mom is not feeling well. It is worth remembering that children feel the state of their mothers. When a nursing woman gets sick, it confuses her: is it worth continuing to breastfeed? What if a child gets infected? The newborn, feeling the mother's fears, also shows anxiety. But experts say you need to continue to feed and maintain close contact with the baby..
  • Abundant flow of milk. In the first months of feeding, as a rule, milk is produced abundantly, and after each latch more milk comes. Sometimes there is so much milk that the mammary gland hardens (lactostasis develops), and the baby cannot grasp the nipple, which irritates him. Also, if there is an abundance of milk, it will splash out in a stream, and the baby will begin to choke.
  • Lack of milk. In some women, on the contrary, there is not enough milk. This is influenced by various stressful situations and poor nutrition, feeding the baby strictly according to the clock and other factors. A nursing mother should get enough sleep and eat right to ensure long lactation.

When it seems that your baby doesn’t have enough milk, you shouldn’t stop feeding, it’s important to continue feeding. This activates lactation and the problem is resolved.

As you can see, a lot depends on the physical condition of the baby and the woman. The mother must learn to understand why the baby refuses to breastfeed and be able to correct the situation.

Not a single one, even the most experienced consultant, knows a child as his mother knows. Only a mother can truly satisfy the emotional and physical needs of the baby.

But if any questions arise about natural feeding, then specialists in this field are always happy to help establish feeding and understand the reasons for the baby’s refusal to breastfeed.

Psychology of breastfeeding

Some people think that emotions and psychological attitude have nothing to do with breastfeeding. They are also related, and can also lead to the fact that the child does not take the breast, freaks out and cries.

There are 3 psychological factors that influence the feeding process:

Bright light, noise, stuffiness irritate the baby, and he refuses milk
  • The mother is too nervous. When a woman is nervous or stressed, this is transmitted to the little one, and he begins to behave in a similar way.
  • Emotional excitement of the baby. When a little person has walked a lot, been at a party or in other public places, he can become emotionally overexcited and behave restlessly, since he is still in an active state.
  • Loud sounds or bright lights. External factors can negatively affect the baby’s psyche and irritate him, because of this the baby cannot concentrate on feeding and becomes nervous.

The emotional situation in the family affects the feeding process. If the mother is constantly nervous, this will affect the baby, he will also experience stress. For feeding to go smoothly, it is important to create a calm atmosphere around.

How to properly organize breastfeeding and avoid problems, says Dr. E. O. Komarovsky in the video:

Learning from mistakes: 5 most common ones

Inexperienced mothers often commit a number of incorrect actions regarding lactation, which leads to the baby’s refusal of mother’s milk. These include the following.

  1. Frequent use of pacifiers and bottles with nipples. This factor affects the lactation process. The baby quickly gets used to what is easier - sucking from a bottle. Subsequently, the baby begins to be indignant, since here you have to work hard to eat.
  2. Error in the diet of a young mother. Often, when feeding, young mothers abuse foods that cause pain in the baby’s stomach: salted, smoked, fried, spicy foods, as well as alcohol. All this changes the taste of breast milk, which children do not particularly like.
  3. Medicines used by women. Many drugs are absorbed into breast milk in small quantities. And even if they are safe for the baby, the taste of the milk can change, resulting in the baby refusing to eat.
  4. Incorrect baby position when feeding. If the baby refuses to breastfeed, it is worth checking the correct attachment. Sometimes the baby becomes nervous because of the awkward position, which prevents him from latching onto the breast correctly and sucking well.
  5. The mother offers food only when the baby is naughty. In this case, the baby will understand: in order to get food, you need to cry. But this is not a sedative. It is important to place the baby in a calm state.

Having analyzed the main reasons for the baby’s protest, you can understand that there is always a solution to any problem. If the mother cannot find it herself, she should contact specialists.

We find solutions to problems that arise

When one of the problems associated with breastfeeding arises, a woman asks the main question: what to do if the baby does not latch on to the breast?

The solution depends on the reason. When a woman has distinctive physiological characteristics, she needs to be able to adapt to them, then the baby will begin to feel comfortable.

If the root of the problem lies in the physical or emotional state of the baby or mother, it is important to recognize this in time and be able to calmly resolve the situation. For example, many parents often do not know how to improve sleep if... The most common reasons why this happens can be found in the article at the link.

If the baby refuses to take the breast, maybe he is just tired, and sleep is more important for the baby at the moment
  • If there is a lack of breast milk, it is important for a woman to take measures to restore lactation.
  • To relieve discomfort in the tummy due to colic, you can use various remedies based on dill infusion, which improves digestion. An effective and safe way to relieve and prevent intestinal cramps is tummy massage.. If dysbiosis is advanced, you should use medications that improve intestinal microflora, such as Linex, Hilak Forte.
  • During teething, Kalgel dental gel will help, as it relieves pain and has a distracting and cooling effect.
  • If your baby has a viral infection or stomatitis, there is no need to self-medicate, you should contact experienced specialists.

When a mother does something wrong due to inexperience, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. You can always find a way out of this situation and make feeding enjoyable for both mother and baby!

The following recommendations will help a woman establish breastfeeding:

  1. It is important to remain calm and positive, even if things don't work out. The amount of milk, the quality of feeding, the mood and health of the baby depend on the woman’s mood and condition.
  2. Do not use the breast as a sedative. If a baby refuses breast milk, you should not force him to eat. The child should eat in a calm state.
  3. Learn proper feeding techniques. This will ensure comfort for the newborn and mother.
  4. Limit the use of pacifiers, try not to bottle feed.
  5. Monitor proper nutrition to provide high-quality food for your baby, and enrich milk with vitamins. Avoid harmful products that deteriorate the composition of milk and/or change its taste.
  6. Temporarily stop using eau de parfum and deodorant, since the reason for refusing to eat may be the pungent odor emanating from the mother.
  7. Feed the baby in a calm, comfortable environment. There should not be too bright lighting or sharp sounds. It is important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room.


There is nothing better than breastfeeding, because Mother's milk is the most valuable product for which there is no substitute. You should not consider refusal to eat as the usual whims of a baby, passing and not worth attention. If a problem arises during the process of natural feeding, you can always find a solution, the main thing is to clearly understand the reason for this behavior of the baby.

You can learn more about breastfeeding with comments from Dr. Komarovsky in the video:
