Vacuum aspiration for frozen pregnancy restoration reviews. Pregnancy after vacuum abortion

One of the safest extraction methods membranes is a vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy. It is also considered the most effective in terms of removing an embryo that has stopped forming. Only a narrow list of consequences, complications, and effects of this surgical intervention on the female body is highlighted.

Scraping, performed using a vacuum, has a wide list of indications, among which are clearing the paths upon completion labor activity, after a miscarriage, abortion, elimination of a fetus frozen in development.

Carrying out vacuum aspiration during a frozen pregnancy implies the elimination of everything that is in the uterine cavity. In this case, extraction occurs together with the superficial region of the organ mucosa.

Before aspiration cleaning of a pregnant woman with a frozen fetus, it is necessary to undergo preparation:

  • do an ECG;
  • conduct a general and biochemical examination by donating blood;
  • determine the degree of blood clotting activity;
  • undergo an examination to diagnose the presence of hepatitis B, C, syphilitic infection, human immunodeficiency virus;
  • undergo oncocytological examination.

The doctor must examine the cervix before the procedure and also find out whether the woman has taken medications that affect the quality of blood clotting.

To minimize the risk of damaging the uterus during surgery, a woman must comply with several restrictions that apply to the preoperative period:

  1. You cannot take it 14 days before the procedure. medicines, affecting the activity of blood clotting.
  2. After the operation is scheduled, sexual contact should be avoided.
  3. It is necessary to abandon the douching procedure.
  4. The day before manipulation cannot be used cosmetical tools necessary for intimate hygiene.
  5. The use of vaginal tablets and suppositories should be avoided.

12 hours before surgery you must stop eating. This limitation will make pain relief more effective and safer.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy

Death of an embryo without clinical signs may be observed on early stages pregnancy. Later, a stop in fetal development is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • appearance sharp pain in a stomach;
  • presence of spotting bloody discharge;
  • absence ;
  • cessation of breast pain;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • the appearance of general weakness.

In later stages, the cessation of fetal development is accompanied by a lack of fetal movement. If you suspect that your pregnancy is fading, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosis of this condition is carried out in several ways:

  • using a blood test for hCG (its level decreases);
  • at a gynecological examination (the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age);
  • using ultrasound (absence of the baby’s heartbeat).

Vacuum cleaning during a frozen pregnancy is prescribed only after accurate diagnosis stopping fetal development.

Causes of fading

There are many reasons that cause pregnancy to fail. This condition can be caused by:

  • genetic diseases of the embryo; bladder
  • exacerbation infectious diseases leading to fetal death, which are manifested by the presence vaginal discharge yellowish, greenish, brownish tint;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • carrying out several abortions before pregnancy;
  • taking certain medications;
  • bad habits.

These factors can cause pregnancy to fail at any stage. Other reasons for the cessation of fetal development differ depending on the trimester.

If the embryo has stopped developing due to any of the stated reasons, you need to perform a vacuum abortion, termination of pregnancy. And after the procedure, you should undergo the examination necessary to diagnose the condition.

Indications for the procedure

By cleaning the uterus with a vacuum, you can remove all the insides of the organ along with its upper mucous layer. There are several indications for this procedure:

  • bubble skid;
  • a serious disease in the embryo that was diagnosed before the 12th week;
  • hematometer;
  • spontaneous incomplete miscarriage;
  • the presence of placental remnants after childbirth or cesarean section;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • fetal freezing;
  • examination of the uterine microflora for the presence of possible infections that threaten the life of the child.

There are also contraindications to miscarriage, so the advisability of this procedure is determined only by the attending physician.

How is the procedure carried out?

The operation is performed under anesthesia to prevent the woman from experiencing pain. The absence of anesthesia is allowed only after childbirth, when the cervix is ​​dilated and the organ is dilated.

After anesthesia is administered, the intimate area is disinfected, the cervix is ​​dilated, and then surgery is performed.

There are several ways to carry out this procedure:

  1. Manual cleaning. This is done using a special syringe. This method involves suctioning out the contents of the uterus, causing the embryo to tear off. The process is regulated by the doctor himself.
  2. Machine cleaning. It involves the use of a special pump to extract the fetus.

The procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. Additionally, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with information about the intricacies of its implementation.

Rehabilitation and possible complications

After the curettage of the frozen fetus is completed, the woman should be monitored twice a day for 14 days. temperature indicators body, vaginal nature. After the specified period, you need to see your doctor in order to undergo examinations after the first frozen pregnancy.

The first step is an ultrasound. This is necessary in order to know for sure that there are no fetal remains left in the uterine cavity.

In addition, tests are prescribed after a frozen pregnancy:

  • hormonal examinations;
  • diagnostics of the state of microflora, the presence of infectious lesions of the reproductive system;
  • study of the histology of the epithelial uterine area.

Such studies will help minimize the risk of fading in the baby’s development during the next pregnancy.

also in rehabilitation period a woman needs to take vitamins and minerals. This is required to strengthen the body. The doctor may also prescribe a course of antibiotics to reduce the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process. Hormonal agents recommended for background restoration and pregnancy prevention.

It is not recommended to plan a new pregnancy within six months after curettage. This is due to the fact that the female body is weakened during this period, the embryo may again stop developing.

You should also avoid sexual relations for a month after the operation. Sexual activity should begin only when the menstrual cycle is restored.

Consequences After vacuum cleaning

  1. with a frozen pregnancy, there is a possibility of complications. Among them are:
  2. The occurrence of severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Formation of adhesions.
  4. Temperature rises to 37.5 degrees within 1–2 days after surgery.
  5. The occurrence of inflammation due to damage to the walls of the uterus during incomplete curettage.
  6. The appearance of bleeding within 6–9 days after surgery. If they are abundant, in order to avoid the formation of blood clots and the development of anemia, you must urgently consult a doctor.
  7. Infection due to non-compliance with hygiene standards and doctors’ recommendations.
  8. Hormonal disbalance.

Also during disinfection intimate area A woman may have an individual reaction to the applied product. Because of this, cracks appear on the labia and dryness inside the vagina.


One of the consequences of vacuum cleaning is the occurrence of an inflammatory process. This is possible when cleaning a frozen pregnancy not only on early stages, but also at later times.

This complication occurs due to the attachment of infection to damaged tissues. The likelihood of pathologies increases after cleansing, since during this period the immune system weakens and the ability to neutralize pathogens is lost. If a woman does not receive timely treatment for a developing disease, inflammation can progress and affect the ovaries.


After vacuum cleaning there are various secretions. In the first 6–9 days, bleeding appears, which is similar in nature to menstruation. If it is very strong and lasts more than 10 days, this indicates a pathology that should be urgently eliminated.

After the specified period, bleeding ends. A woman develops spotting, which normally should not be accompanied by any other color shades, unpleasant odor.

Usually recovers within 30–40 days. If after this period a woman does not have her period, she needs to see a gynecologist. This is because similar condition may indicate the presence of hormonal imbalance, the formation of blood clots that interfere with the separation of blood, the development dangerous pathologies threatening health.

I couldn't gather my thoughts to write this post. This category is probably the most terrible and difficult for me, and the last thing I wanted was to publish an entry here, but alas. We communicate with many girls in private, and I know that this post of mine will now shock you and you will probably write me words of support, forgive me if I don’t answer. I'm depressed and I don't have the strength to think that everything will be fine. Please under...

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Foreign body

Maybe someone had this, or something similar! After vacuum aspiration during a frozen pregnancy, after 3 weeks the end of the tube came out 1.5 by 0.7 cm! The ultrasound shows another larger one, closer to the cervix. How to enhance the release of uterine contents? I really don’t want to have a hysteroscopy, one anesthesia was enough for my eyes! Tell me, does orgasm without penetration contribute to this or not? Maybe something to drink, what position to take? I really want everything to work out on its own!

The woman's well-being after vacuum abortion returns to normal literally within a few hours. Doctors usually recommend lying down for half an hour, after which the patient may need help for a few more hours. As a rule, in this case the woman is persuaded to stay for a specified period of time in the clinic where the abortion was performed. However, in most cases, discharge occurs on the same day.

Mandatory control

General normalization of the condition is carried out throughout three weeks. After 3-4 days, by agreement with the gynecologist, the woman comes for a routine examination, after which she may appear to him after the specified weeks for a control check of the condition.

Among other things, specialists look at whether the pregnancy actually ended, since there is a 1% chance that this did not happen. This risk increases when the gestational age is determined incorrectly, that is, the doctor diagnosed it as earlier than it actually was.

In this regard, it is worth recalling that the vacuum method can only be used until 20 days from the moment of conception. That is significant disadvantage: Most women diagnose their pregnancy at a later stage. There are also contraindications for aspiration: any infectious or inflammatory processes in the body, and this means even such “mild” diseases as a common runny nose.

Checking the condition of the uterus and the absence of a fertilized egg, as well as its remains, is mandatory. Otherwise, there remains some risk that the pregnancy will still develop, but in in this case- with significant violations. With leftover parts ovum Inflammatory processes begin inside the body, and suppuration is possible. This is fraught with serious complications, including infertility in the future. Therefore, you should not avoid such checks. No one will prescribe repeated cleaning unless necessary.

Benefits of vacuum abortion

When performing a vacuum abortion, most doctors have long abandoned the use of metal dilators, which can seriously injure the cervix.

This is what used to lead to too weak compression, which is why the woman began to have spontaneous miscarriages, and it turned out to be difficult, especially after numerous abortions, to carry a child to term. Today, the actions of doctors, thanks to progress in science and medicine, are not so traumatic. Therefore, the recovery period is shortened, and the number of problems during subsequent pregnancy is reduced.

Gynecologists also use soft cannulas made of special plastic, which make it possible not to harm the surface layers. It is worth noting the disadvantage of the method under discussion: poor availability in Russia. IN to a greater extent necessary equipment found in large cities and in private clinics. However, the benefits of mini-abortion outweigh its high cost.

When discussing the issue of advantages, it is worth noting: doctors often perform this operation without general anesthesia. The latter poses a fairly serious threat to health in itself. In addition, recovery from anesthesia can be more serious than simply recovery from a miscarriage.

Many positive aspects are not related to technical side cases, but with the fact of early pregnancy termination. This way the body avoids severe hormonal changes that affect literally everything. internal organs, since the endocrine system significantly affects the body as a whole.

Although vacuum abortion is considered more gentle compared to surgical intervention, it still cannot be considered safe, harmless, or neutral for the body. There is interference in the natural female body process, disruption of the mechanism of these processes. Therefore, complications are quite possible. To avoid them, you should follow doctors’ recommendations for faster recovery.

To begin with, it is necessary to observe complete sexual rest before the onset of the first menstruation. When resuming sex with a planned pregnancy, it is advisable to wait six months, sometimes the recommended period increases. This advice is directly related to the need to give the body appropriate relief and rest.

During the first three to four days after a mini-abortion, a woman is prescribed bed rest, a soft diet, no too fatty, spicy foods. Alcohol is contraindicated: drinking it can cause bleeding. Please note: they will be observed for a week, sometimes ten days after termination of pregnancy. It's not blood, it's natural mechanism cleansing the uterus, triggered by the procedure.

However, be careful! If instead of the described discharge blood begins to appear, a large number of mucus, pus, hard clots, you must immediately consult a doctor. A visit to the gynecologist is also necessary if signs of general malaise appear: dizziness, nausea, weakness, loss of consciousness.

Also, after an abortion, doctors usually prescribe hormonal contraceptives. They are necessary to restore hormonal balance and bring a woman’s reproductive function back to normal. Immunity-supporting drugs are also often recommended to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

For the first month after an abortion, you should refrain from active physical activity, strength training, and diets. Taking a bath or visiting a sauna is also prohibited: water procedures can cause infection in the body. Following the recommendations increases the chances of avoiding most complications. Therefore, it is wise to listen to the advice of gynecologists.

Medical abortion is artificial interruption pregnancy, performed by specially trained personnel. Vacuum aspiration of the fetal egg (mini-abortion) is considered one of the methods medical abortion. After the procedure, many women decide to have a child again after some time. How does a new pregnancy proceed after a mini-abortion?

Indications for mini-abortion

Vacuum aspiration is performed up to 5 actual weeks of pregnancy (or up to 21 days of missed menstruation). When performing a mini-abortion, the embryo along with the membranes is removed from the uterus using an electric pump and a special cannula. Cervical dilatation is not performed. The effectiveness of the method is up to 99%. After the procedure, an ultrasound scan is required to exclude retention of parts of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Mini-abortion is carried out at the request of the woman, as well as in the presence of medical and social indications. TO medical indications include fetal anomalies, non-developing pregnancy, serious illnesses mother. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia.

When does pregnancy occur after a mini-abortion?

Vacuum aspiration is the least traumatic way to end an unwanted pregnancy. During the operation, the uterine mucosa receives minimal damage. Restoration of the endometrial structure occurs much faster than with a classic abortion. After vacuum aspiration, a new pregnancy usually occurs within the next month. Many women conceive a child within 1 to 3 months after the procedure.

Mini-abortion does not always go well. If complications occur, the restoration of the uterine lining will occur much more slowly, and it may take much longer to conceive a child. A period of up to 12 months after an abortion is considered normal. If pregnancy does not occur within a year after the procedure, you must undergo examination and treatment by a gynecologist.

Planning a pregnancy after a mini-abortion

Obstetricians advise planning new pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the mini-abortion. During this period, it is very important to monitor your well-being and note any changes in your health. Within 3 months, the menstrual cycle should be completely restored. There should not be any painful sensations in the lower abdomen at this time. If a woman feels well enough, she can plan to conceive a child after 3 normal cycles.

Before conceiving, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • examination for major urogenital infections.

If vacuum aspiration was performed for medical reasons, the following items may be added to the examination:

  • hormonal profile;
  • hemostasiogram;
  • examination for autoimmune antibodies;
  • colposcopy;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • consultations with other specialists.

During the first months after a mini-abortion, you should think about reliable contraception. The best option recognized for protection against unwanted pregnancy oral contraceptives(OK). These drugs not only suppress ovulation, preventing conception, but also normalize hormonal background after an abortion. By taking OK, a woman can quickly return to normal after an abortion and avoid problems caused by sharp jump levels of hormones in the blood.

Course of pregnancy

Vacuum aspiration, which took place without complications, rarely affects the course of a new pregnancy. The restored uterine mucosa allows the embryo to attach securely and creates all the conditions for its full development. When too early offensive pregnancy (1-2 months after surgery) there is a high risk of miscarriage in the very early stages.

Another problem awaiting expectant mothers is placental insufficiency. After an abortion, the placenta is not always able to form correctly and provide the baby with all the nutrients and oxygen. Hypoxia occurs, leading to various health problems in the newborn. It is possible that polyhydramnios may develop due to an intrauterine infection. In some women who have undergone a mini-abortion, the body's adaptation to bearing a child is disrupted. Preeclampsia develops - one of the most severe complications of pregnancy, threatening the condition of the expectant mother and her baby.

According to WHO, vacuum aspiration is considered one of the safest methods of medical abortion. Despite the risk of possible complications, most women tolerate this procedure safely. A mini-abortion without complications does not prevent pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Carrying out vacuum aspiration represents an unconditional anomalous intrusion into the processes of the female body. The result of such intervention is stress in the body, which is expressed by very noticeable and characteristic symptoms. The consequences of mini-abortions can be highly individual for each woman, but in general they can be attributed to a well-known set of expected complications. Recovery period after such a procedure depends on the initial state of health, the period and successful implementation operations.

In contact with


Usually bleeding begins immediately after a mini-abortion. In appearance they resemble regular periods, but in reality they are simply the body’s reaction to intervention.

Normally, the duration of bleeding should be no more than 10 days. At the same time, as the specified period approaches, the discharge should gradually decrease.

It's worth paying attention and asking for medical assistance if bleeding:

  • is painful;
  • too much (you have to change the sanitary pad often - once every 1-2 hours);
  • clots come out along with the blood;
  • blood flows continuously for more than 12 hours in a row.

When does your period start after a mini-abortion?

The onset of menstruation varies from person to person - some start earlier, others later. On average, the delay lasts about a month (from the day of the operation).

It will take some time for the menstrual cycle to fully recover.

  • In women who have given birth, this process goes faster - within three months after vacuum aspiration.
  • For those who have not given birth, this process can take up to six months.

The very nature of discharge during menstruation may also change towards a decrease, and is associated with suppressed ovarian activity. However, if after several months the cycle has not returned, you will need to consult a doctor.


A slight increase in temperature in the first 2-3 days is considered normal reaction. But if the temperature stays within 38-39 degrees for more than three days, then you should consult a doctor.

A high temperature may indicate an individual reaction of the body, or the presence of an infection. Moreover, it does not matter whether the infection was introduced during the vacuum abortion process, or whether it was “lurking” in the body even before the operation.

Painful sensations

Pain in the lower abdomen

Abdominal cramps and pain in the lower part may be present for two to three days. After all, there was an internal surgical intervention, so this symptom is considered an expected condition after a mini-abortion. Painful sensations may occur due to uterine contractions.

Pain and swelling in the vaginal area

Such manifestations are temporary and, as a rule, disappear after two to three days.

Common Complications

Due to the fact that vacuum termination of pregnancy is carried out, the fertilized egg has not yet had time to properly attach to the wall of the uterus, so it is easier to remove it, and the risk of complications is reduced significantly. However, individual health factors and other cases that can lead to certain complications cannot be excluded.

Let's look at them.

Damage to the uterine wall (uterine perforation) during the procedure. This is quite rare and can occur as a result of dilatation of the cervix. Signs of injury may include prolonged bleeding. To eliminate damage, laparoscopy is performed.

Incomplete aspiration of the ovum. If after a mini-abortion the bleeding does not stop and the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away, this may indicate the presence of remaining fetal tissue in the uterus. In such cases, a repeat operation is performed.

Accumulation of blood in the uterus. Insufficient uterine contractions can lead to blockage cervical canal remaining blood clots, or partial remains of fetal tissue. In such cases, a woman may experience pain, enlarged uterus, nausea and vomiting. The doctor will order a second aspiration and prescribe medication.

Ectopic pregnancy. If before performing a mini-abortion the doctor does not make sure that there is a tubal pregnancy, and carried out routine aspiration, the ectopic pregnancy persists. Characteristic signs are pain during intercourse and severe pain in the lower abdomen. To correct the situation, hospitalization will be required.

The consequences and complications listed above are isolated cases. The risk group includes women who have any gynecological problems in the present or past: chronic inflammatory diseases, violations menstrual cycle, cervical diseases, urinary tract and hormonal problems.

Recovery and treatment

The recovery period should begin almost immediately after vacuum aspiration. The doctor will prescribe medications to suppress possible infections.

  • First, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a new pregnancy.
  • Secondly, the hormones contained in such drugs will help restore hormonal levels.

If the doctor has not prescribed it, you should independently treat the issues of contraception with sufficient responsibility, because a new pregnancy is extremely undesirable in the near future.

It would be a good idea to visit specialized institutions where they provide psychological assistance. But you also need to tune yourself to a positive train of thought, otherwise the appearance of depression can complicate the recovery of the body, which has already suffered stress.

After surgery, you should be careful about your health: avoid hypothermia and excessive physical exertion; abstain from sexual activity for 1-2 weeks. Regularly for six months gynecological examinations, and strengthen the immune system.

One of the types of pregnancy pathologies is frozen pregnancy. It occurs spontaneously and is more often observed in the early stages of pregnancy, but there are cases in the second, less often in the third trimester.

Risk factors

  • Recently, more and more often, non-developing pregnancies occur due to the presence of APS in the pregnant woman.
  • Another provoking factor is in vitro fertilization.
  • Long-term stress, sudden changes in climatic conditions, and long-distance flights have a negative impact.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking are harmful and dangerous.
  • Age over thirty-five is also a risk factor.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy

There are practically no differences between the symptoms of miscarriage and frozen pregnancy. Detachment of the ovum leads to the appearance cramping pain in a stomach, bleeding from the genitals.

Symptoms of pregnancy may also disappear: manifestations of toxicosis will go away (if there was any, of course), soreness of the mammary glands will disappear, and the like.

If a frozen pregnancy occurs during later a terrible signal is the cessation of fetal movement.

However, even if the listed symptoms are present, it is impossible to say for sure whether there is a frozen pregnancy or not; a consultation with a gynecologist is required. The presence of bloody discharge combined with the absence of fetal movement requires urgent medical attention.


A frozen pregnancy must be terminated and vacuum (vacuum aspiration) is the most popular method. But first, when confirming the diagnosis, the doctor takes a wait-and-see approach, since very often a frozen pregnancy is terminated spontaneously due to uterine contractions, detachment of the fertilized egg and its expulsion. If this does not happen, then only the doctor prescribes vacuum aspiration in order to avoid inflammation of the uterus and toxic poisoning of the woman’s body from the decay products of the fertilized egg.

A mini-abortion is performed without dilation of the cervix (sometimes metal dilators are used to open the cervix for the purpose of inserting abortifacient instruments). A disposable thin-diameter catheter attached to the suction is inserted into the uterus and sucks out the fertilized egg. This happens due to the creation of negative pressure in the uterus, which promotes spontaneous rejection of the fertilized egg, regardless of its place of attachment.

The operation lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, the duration of anesthesia, accordingly, is also limited to several minutes. Anesthesia can be either local or general.

After undergoing vacuum aspiration, an ultrasound is prescribed to control the removal of the fertilized egg without any residue. If residues are detected, additional suction or curettage is performed.

Advantages of vacuum aspiration

  • The cervix is ​​not injured.
  • A quick, simple operation that can be performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Minimal damage compared to conventional abortion of the uterine mucosa, as a result, its rapid restoration to an intact state.
  • Less pronounced hormonal changes in the body than during curettage at 8-12 weeks.
  • In the early stages psychological trauma women are less strong, since tight is not installed emotional connection mother and child.
  • Menstrual function is restored after approximately 40 days.

About half a month after the operation, a control ultrasound is prescribed, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the condition of the uterus.
