What to do with swelling during pregnancy in the later stages? Edema during pregnancy: the causes of the appearance in the later stages. How to deal with swelling during pregnancy

The last months of pregnancy are always considered the most difficult for a woman. Difficulties are caused not only by an increase in the mass of the fetus, but also by the body's reaction to a new life inside the womb. The most common problem is swelling during late pregnancy. In most cases, the cause of their appearance is physiological in nature, but exceptions are possible. When to sound the alarm and consult a doctor, you will learn from the materials in this article.

Edema in late pregnancy - normal or pathological?

Not every clinical case of edema during pregnancy indicates the presence of complications. The third trimester is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus, which increases pressure on the ureters. A woman has problems with urination, and swelling occurs.

Also, this problem is diagnosed against the background of weight gain. For this reason, weight control of a pregnant woman is mandatory. To avoid edema or reduce their severity, doctors recommend sticking to a dairy-vegetarian diet.

Limiting the amount of liquid, on the contrary, is not worth it. Doctors advise to drink up to two liters of water per day, but at the same time maintain strict control over the amount of urine. Its volume should be at least 60% of the amount of fluid consumed.

The situations described above are a prime example of physiological edema. You can reduce their manifestation by adjusting the diet and mode. When this approach does not bring the desired results, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Edema is dangerous not only for physical or aesthetic discomfort. Often they are a symptom of serious pathologies (varicose veins, renal failure, preeclampsia).

Late preeclampsia is considered the most common and at the same time dangerous disorder. If the general condition of the woman is satisfactory, but severe edema is observed, the gynecologist should be informed about this. If this is not done in a timely manner, such neglect of one's own health and well-being of the baby can affect the mother-placenta-fetus system. Violation of this scheme often leads to oxygen starvation of the child, which affects its development.

Why do edema appear?

Edema during pregnancy in the later stages appears gradually. First of all, then this process "rises" through the body, affecting the lower back and arms. In especially serious cases - the face.

If we exclude physiological, there are a great many reasons for the development of pathological edema.

  1. Protein deficiency.
  2. Kidney disease (impaired outflow of fluid from the body).
  3. Pathology of the thyroid gland (change in water-salt balance).
  4. Cardiovascular disease (impaired blood circulation).
  5. Phlebeurysm.
  6. Overweight.

Only a doctor can determine the nature of edema. After a complete diagnostic examination and identification of the cause of the pathology, the woman is prescribed treatment.

Facial swelling in late pregnancy

During pregnancy, this is a fairly common problem. First of all, the eyelids swell, and the face takes on a rounded shape.

A special case is swelling of the nose. Among the causes of its occurrence can be noted the accumulation of fluid in the vessels, as well as problems with the respiratory tract. Swelling of the nose is usually accompanied by a runny nose, dryness or itching.

Runny nose and swelling at 38 weeks of gestation are fairly common phenomena that complement each other. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will select the medicine. After the birth of the baby, this problem is resolved by itself. Rhinitis for a pregnant woman is completely safe, but can affect the development of the fetus. With nasal congestion, the baby inside the womb experiences a lack of oxygen, which entails negative consequences.

Swelling of the legs in late pregnancy

The process of fluid retention is carried out in the direction from the bottom up. That is why, first of all, the legs of a pregnant woman suffer. The manifestation of this pathology is more noticeable in the evening. During the day, the accumulated fluid descends, concentrating in the limbs. At night, it is distributed throughout the body, so the swelling of the legs is not so noticeable. If after rest the symptoms disappear, there is no reason to worry.

In what case is it necessary to consult a doctor? It is necessary to seek qualified help when the swelling in the legs does not subside even in the morning. The causes of the pathological condition are usually hidden in late gestosis.

At the initial stage, in addition to swelling in the legs, women complain of malaise, fatigue and poor health. An alarming symptom is uneven or excessively large weight gain (more than 500 g per week). It can also increase blood pressure, appear protein in the urine, convulsions. If, after a diagnostic examination, the diagnosis of preeclampsia is confirmed, the woman is hospitalized. The future woman in labor and her baby require complex treatment and constant monitoring.

Swelling of the fingers during pregnancy

If your fingers begin to swell, it's time to sound the alarm. The first sign of a problem is the inability to remove the ring. In addition, numbness and tingling in the fingers are observed.

This problem should not be ignored. The higher the swelling rises through the body, the greater the danger to the child. Do not hesitate and postpone the visit to the doctor. The sooner you report a problem, the more likely it is to be successfully treated.

Swelling of the fingers during pregnancy is usually due to the professional activities of a woman. Similar phenomena occur with repeated manipulations of the same type of brushes. It can be computer work, knitting or embroidery. Edema is often accompanied by a characteristic pain in the wrist, which is otherwise referred to in medical practice. If you are engaged in such work, it is better to give it up for a while and do special exercises for the hands.

What is hidden edema?

Excessive women (more than 300 g per week) may indicate such a problem. For the entire duration of pregnancy, weight gain should not exceed 12 kg. Otherwise, the doctor prescribes control of the consumed fluid and excreted urine. The McClure-Aldrich test is also particularly informative. A woman is injected subcutaneously with sodium chloride. After a large blister forms at the injection site, which persists for an hour. With hidden edema, it does not appear at all or disappears very quickly. According to the results of the examination, the woman is prescribed a course of treatment.

medical examination

Each appointment of a pregnant woman at the gynecologist is accompanied by a physical examination. This is especially true of the legs and face, as it allows diagnosing pastosity in the early stages. Another mandatory step at the reception at the gynecologist is weighing. This is the best way to determine excessive weight gain. Edema during late pregnancy is a certain phenomenon that is often caused by an increase in a woman's body weight.

Before each appointment, a future woman in labor must take urine tests. With this test, the doctor can check the functioning of the kidneys and differentiate the physiological variant of the swelling.

It is very difficult to establish why swelling occurs during late pregnancy. To make a diagnosis, the gynecologist requires additional results (ultrasound of the kidneys, blood tests, etc.). After that, the specialist can judge the presence of pathologies and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Edema in late pregnancy. What to do?

For prevention purposes, as well as for physiological edema, doctors advise future women in labor to follow fairly simple recommendations.

You should lead an active lifestyle, spend as little time in a sitting position as possible. Sports and fitness activities designed specifically for women in position are considered useful.

To reduce swelling in the legs, the causes of which are often hidden in the accumulation of fluid in the lower extremities, special baths can be done. The water must not be hot. You can add some essential oil to it. Such baths give a positive effect with regular repetition of the procedure.

Try to avoid overheating, stay less in stuffy rooms and in direct sunlight. Wear only high-quality and comfortable shoes, preferably without a heel.

As for the issue of nutrition, it is necessary to exclude salty, spicy, smoked and fried foods. All of them directly affect fluid retention in the body. You should also limit the consumption of sweets and pastries.

Excessive consumption of salt leads to fluid retention in the body, resulting in swelling during pregnancy. The testimonials of many women who followed this recommendation really prove this statement. One has only to give up the use of salt, as the edema begins to pass on its own. But the amount of liquid should not be reduced. It is recommended to consume up to two liters of the most ordinary non-carbonated water per day.

Medical treatment of edema

Treatment recommendations for the fight against swelling are most often limited to those outlined above. Some women are advised to wear compression stockings and use special anti-edema products (gels, ointments). In the event of complications and preeclampsia of the second degree, drug treatment is indispensable. It is important to understand that gestosis carries a threat not only for the future woman in labor, but also for her baby in the womb.

Usually, women with such a diagnosis are prescribed diuretics (Canephron, Fitolizin). These funds normalize the work of the kidneys, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Also shown is the intake of multivitamin complexes to improve uteroplacental blood flow. With the help of droppers, the deficiency of protein and fluid in the body of a woman is restored. With high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Help of traditional medicine

In specialized sources you can find many recipes of traditional medicine. Before resorting to the help of one or another remedy for edema, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Many believe in miraculous This berry is rich in vitamins and really helps with swelling. It should be understood that each organism is individual, therefore, a doctor's consultation is required before use. Lingonberry improves the tone of the body. Without that, a constantly tense uterus can receive a double dose of this tone. This kind of negligence can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of various herbal tinctures. Usually choose plants that have the greatest diuretic effect (kidney tea, bearberry leaves, horsetail). It is recommended to drink no more than one glass of any of the listed infusions per day. The treatment time is usually about a month.

As a rule, such recommendations are suitable for women with physiological edema. In the case of pathologies in the body, complex drug treatment is indispensable, and traditional medicine recipes can be used as a supplement.


Now you know why swelling during pregnancy should not be ignored, in which cases a doctor's consultation is required. Carrying a baby for all nine months is a rather crucial period in the life of every woman. While the child is developing, his life and health are in your hands. If you follow the diet and rest, follow the doctor's instructions, motherhood brings only positive emotions.

Edema is one of the most common conditions that occur in late pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 75% of women complain of the appearance of edema in the third trimester. Is it normal? What to do if swelling occurs during pregnancy?

Norm and pathology

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in body tissues. Not so long ago, edema during pregnancy was considered an unambiguous pathology and required mandatory treatment. Currently, gynecologists have abandoned this tactic. It has been noticed that edema occurs in almost all women in the later stages, and does not always lead to the development of dangerous complications. If the condition of the woman and the fetus remains stable, with moderately pronounced edema, drug therapy is not carried out.

Why does swelling occur during pregnancy? This is due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, due to which there is an increase in the amount of fluid in the tissues of the body. The increased load on the heart, liver and kidneys, which do not always cope with the task assigned to them, also plays its role. Edema is a compensatory mechanism designed to somehow compensate for the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

Signs of physiological edema:

  • appear in the III trimester of pregnancy;
  • expressed weakly or moderately;
  • are marked mainly on the lower extremities;
  • stumps are accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the woman;
  • stump disrupt the development of the fetus.

Important point: to distinguish moderately pronounced physiological edema from the initial stage of a dangerous pathology is quite difficult on its own. During pregnancy, complications develop very quickly, sometimes in just a few days. If edema of any severity appears, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about them. The doctor will assess the condition of the woman and the fetus and give his recommendations for further tactics.

Warning symptoms to look out for:

  • rapid growth and spread of edema;
  • pronounced swelling of the thighs, upper limbs;
  • swelling of the face (including in the morning);
  • swelling that occurs in early pregnancy;
  • strong thirst;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • decreased diuresis (rare urination);
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


Methods used to detect edema:


At each visit, the doctor assesses the general condition of the woman and determines the presence of edema. To do this, the doctor presses his finger on the skin on the front surface of the lower leg, pressing the soft tissues against the bone. Normally, after pressure, a small hole should form, which quickly smoothes out. With the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, the fossa will disappear rather slowly.

The identification of hidden edema deserves special attention. In gynecological practice, there is such a thing as a “symptom of the ring”. The doctor asks the patient if she wears rings. With the appearance of edema, the fingers increase in diameter, and the woman is forced to remove all rings, including the wedding ring.

Measurement of the volume of the legs

The coverage of the shins or thighs is determined by a centimeter tape. The measurement is taken if visually one leg seems larger than the other. This happens with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and indicates a high risk of thromboembolism. In the initial stages of varicose veins, the patient complains of pain and swelling of the legs.

Weight control

Weekly weight measurement is another way to reveal hidden swelling. Normally, a pregnant woman should add 300-500 g per week. Exceeding this parameter may indicate the presence of edema.

Important aspects:

  1. may be associated with poor nutrition and low physical activity (especially in late pregnancy). It is necessary to check with the woman if her diet has changed in the last week.
  2. Women with initial underweight during pregnancy are prone to large weight gain. Thus, the body tries to compensate for the lack of weight and lack of nutrients.

Edema and gestosis

Preeclampsia is one of the most common causes of edema in late pregnancy. This specific complication occurs only during gestation. Interestingly, with anencephaly (absence of the brain), pathology never develops. The main cause of preeclampsia is the inability of a woman's body for one reason or another to adapt to the onset of pregnancy.

There are three signs of gestosis:

  • edematous syndrome;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • proteinuria.

Edema in the initial stages of gestosis is localized on the feet and legs. With the progression of the process, edema can move to the thighs, the anterior wall of the abdomen, and the face. The "symptom of the ring" is noted. The severity of edema is directly related to the severity of the disease.

An increase in blood pressure is a key symptom of preeclampsia. At each appointment, the doctor measures the value of blood pressure and records the results in a medical record. The excess of systolic blood pressure by 30 mm Hg. Art. and diastolic blood pressure by 15 mm Hg. Art. from the original indicates arterial hypertension and, in combination with edema, indicates the development of preeclampsia.

Proteinuria is the appearance of protein in the urine. The symptom occurs in the later stages of gestosis and indicates the involvement of the kidneys in the pathological process.

Important aspects:

  1. Gestosis is virtually untreatable. Having arisen once, it will steadily progress. With adequate therapy, it is possible to slow down the development of the disease and reduce the risk of complications.
  2. After the birth of a child, gestosis inevitably disappears. Sometimes delivery is the only way to deal with the problem.
  3. Severe preeclampsia threatens the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. In this condition, blood pressure rises significantly, and convulsions develop. The death of a woman and a fetus is not ruled out.
  4. Preeclampsia often leads to premature birth, causes chronic placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia.

What can do doctor in such situation?

  1. Remove edema by prescribing herbal diuretics: Canephron, Brusniver, etc.
  2. If arterial hypertension is detected, prescribe "Dopegyt" or refer the woman to a general practitioner for the selection of antihypertensive drugs.
  3. Monitor the condition of the fetus using ultrasound, dopplerometry, CTG.
  4. Timely offer the patient hospitalization in the hospital.

What can do pregnant woman?

  1. Control weight gain.
  2. Measure blood pressure daily.
  3. Monitor diuresis.
  4. Determine the appearance of edema on your own.
  5. If the condition worsens (increased edema, increased blood pressure, headaches, etc.), consult a doctor.
  6. Monitor the movements of the fetus and inform the doctor about the increase or decrease in the activity of the baby.

In the case of an increase in edema with preeclampsia, an increase in blood pressure and the absence of the effect of drug therapy, an emergency delivery is performed. The deterioration of the fetus will also be a reason for drastic measures.

Other causes of edema

In late pregnancy, other conditions can also lead to edema:

  • Pathology of the kidneys (edema appears mainly in the morning, on the face).
  • Varicose disease of the lower extremities (edema is accompanied by the appearance of varicose and tortuous veins).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (edema may be accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain).
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland (edema occurs against the background of a decrease in hormone levels).
  • Other diseases of the endocrine system.

After finding out the exact cause of edema, the optimal therapy is selected and the question of the further course of pregnancy is decided.

How to remove swelling?

Edema that occurs in the later stages causes a lot of anxiety to a woman. They are accompanied by heaviness in the legs, interfere with normal movement, wearing habitual shoes. Sometimes the expectant mother cannot fall asleep due to severe discomfort in the legs. To alleviate this condition and reduce swelling, the following recommendations will help:

  1. The use of drinks with a diuretic effect: fruit drinks from blackcurrant, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, dried fruit compote, weak green tea.
  2. Reception of plant-based diuretics: "Kidney tea", "Brusniver", "Kanefron" and other herbal preparations.
  3. Restriction of salt to 5 g per day. Salt should be phased out gradually. It is necessary to gradually reduce the proportion of salty foods, do not add salt to food unless clearly necessary, try ready-made dishes before adding a new portion of salt to them.
  4. Diet change: limiting smoked, spicy, salty and spicy foods, increasing the proportion of plant foods (including fresh vegetables, fruits and berries).
  5. Refusal of sweet carbonated drinks, concentrated juices.
  6. Balanced daily routine. A good night's sleep for at least 8 hours. Daytime naps as needed.
  7. Motor activity, available taking into account the gestational age. It can be yoga classes for expectant mothers, some Pilates techniques, therapeutic exercises. Swimming, fitball exercises will benefit.
  8. Rejection of bad habits.

If swelling occurs, you should choose comfortable and not too tight shoes with a good stable sole and without a heel. It is not recommended to wear tight stockings, stockings, tight pants. If concomitant varicose veins occur, wearing special compression underwear will help relieve swelling. Detailed recommendations for the elimination of edema can be given by a gynecologist who has complete information about the patient's health status.

Edema during late pregnancy is a common occurrence. The last months of gestation are considered the most difficult for a woman: body weight increases, a growing baby requires space in the abdomen, so some nerves and blood vessels, as well as the intestines, may be squeezed.

By itself, the pastiness of the limbs does not pose a threat, but then why are doctors so afraid of its appearance and carefully monitor the condition of the pregnant woman? The fact is that edema can be one of the signs - late toxicosis, which threatens the life of both the mother and the child.

Edema on the face

The less time left before the birth of the baby, the more often women experience swelling of the face, especially in the morning. Initially, swelling of the eyelids appears, in more severe cases, the contour of the face changes.

Often, expectant mothers complain about it for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that the fluid is retained in the tissues, the vessels of the turbinates expand, which makes it difficult for air to pass through.

For a mother, this condition is practically harmless, but it is better to seek treatment from a doctor, as this can cause disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the child, which negatively affects its development.

Swelling of the legs

First of all, they arise. Especially pronounced pastosity occurs in the evening, as the fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, descends into the lower limbs.

When in a horizontal position, the water is again evenly distributed throughout the body, so in the morning a woman wakes up without strong signs of pastiness. If this happens, then there is no reason for concern - this is a normal condition for the expectant mother.

When swelling of the legs is constantly present during late pregnancy, this may indicate a violation in the work of the whole organism. In this case, a mandatory consultation with a therapist is required.

With an intensive increase in swelling, if the legs, arms, back, stomach and face swell during late pregnancy, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, as this is one of the first symptoms of preeclampsia.

Edema of the fingers

Women are especially concerned about swelling of the hands and fingers during late pregnancy. . There is a slight tingling and numbness, it becomes difficult to squeeze the palm tightly, and the rings cannot be removed - they stick into the fingers.

If only the hands are swollen, while pastosity is not determined anywhere else, then this may be an individual feature or an imprint of the profession. During monotonous work at the computer, while embroidering or knitting, the brushes are in a sedentary state, which causes them to swell.

If the legs swell first, then the arms, and the woman notices that the edema rises higher and higher during pregnancy in the later stages, this must be immediately reported to the gynecologist.

Hidden swelling

While carrying a child, the doctor constantly monitors weight gain, not only to track how many extra pounds the pregnant woman has gained. A sharp jump in body weight may indicate the accumulation of water in the internal organs.

The greatest danger is borne by latent edema during pregnancy, which appears in the later stages: a woman may not even suspect that she has accumulated excess fluid.

You can identify hidden puffiness yourself. To do this, it is necessary to compare the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. If less than 75% of the water drunk is excreted, this indicates that it accumulates in the tissues.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If swelling appears on the legs, it is necessary to inform your gynecologist about this at a scheduled examination. If you notice that the swelling is getting worse and worse, you should immediately visit a doctor. During pregnancy, excessive vigilance is only beneficial for both the mother and the baby.

Which doctor should I contact?

With the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of pregnant women, an examination by a therapist is required. If he cannot independently identify the cause of such a condition, then the doctor appoints consultations with narrow specialists (phlebologist, endocrinologist, urologist).


External swelling of the extremities in late pregnancy is quite simple to determine, moreover, they are less dangerous than hidden ones. Pastosity of soft tissues is determined by pressure on the skin - if an indentation remains, which persists for some time, this indicates the accumulation of fluid.

If latent edema is suspected, an analysis of the protein content in the urine is required, as well as monitoring of blood pressure, and daily diuresis is controlled.


Before you try to relieve swelling in late pregnancy on your own, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition.


Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

To reduce swelling of the extremities, the following drugs are usually recommended:

  • Kanefron. A medicinal product consisting of phytocomponents - rosemary and lovage extract. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects.
  • Eufillin. Has a diuretic effect. It is unacceptable to use for heart disease and low blood pressure.
  • Phytolysin. Phytopreparation that allows you to cope with mild edema.
  • Lipoic acid and vitamin E. This complex improves the condition of a pregnant woman, restores placental blood flow disorders, and prevents latent edema.


To eliminate edema that occurs during late pregnancy, you can not only follow a salt-free diet, but also do relaxing foot baths, after which you should position yourself so that your legs are elevated. Foot massage with ice cubes will help to alleviate the condition. Diuretic decoctions (bearberry, field horsetail, kidney collection), cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are effective.


To reduce the likelihood of edema during late pregnancy, you must follow simple rules:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat right and limit salt intake;
  • drink enough water;
  • alternate periods of activity and rest;
  • avoid overheating.

Swelling of the arms and legs during the period of bearing a child causes considerable discomfort. During the occurrence of edema during pregnancy in the later stages, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, since their timely treatment will prevent the development of preeclampsia.

Useful video about swelling during pregnancy

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The fact that during the period of bearing a child, legs, arms, face can swell, many newly-made pregnant women know. And it seems to be considered normal, because this happens often. But why then do doctors watch so diligently and certainly pay attention to whether their ward is edematous? Can "pregnant" edema be something dangerous?

Puffiness is a condition when excess fluid collects in the tissues. We notice this in the form of swelling, which primarily appears on the face and legs, but also during pregnancy, the arms, abdomen, and lower back may swell.

In fact, swelling during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and has its own explanations. Firstly, the body's needs for fluid are constantly increasing, so the further, the more a woman wants to drink. A significant part of the weight gained during pregnancy is just liquid. Secondly, sodium accumulates in the woman's body - in the vessels and in all tissues except bone. And sodium, as you know, attracts to itself and, thus, retains water in the body. This is how edema appears.

Swollen nose during pregnancy

First of all, fluid retention in the tissues manifests itself on the face of a woman: it is rounded, the eyelids swell and visually the eyes become narrower and smaller. Often, with swelling on the face, renal edema begins, requiring treatment, which is a little lower.

Among other things, the nose swells. But it is not at all excluded that such a symptom has a different nature. Problems with nasal breathing are a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Often we are talking about the "runny nose of pregnant women", which is caused by hormonal changes. At the same time, the nasal mucosa swells, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, itching and dryness in the nose appear - the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Pregnancy rhinitis can occur at different times of the day (for example, only in the evening and at night or throughout the day), at different times, and in some cases accompany the entire pregnancy. But after childbirth, this unpleasant companion will disappear. Now the main thing is to find an effective safe remedy for a runny nose and nasal congestion. By itself, the runny nose of pregnant women is not dangerous, but it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which is very undesirable.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy may well be an allergic manifestation. Analyze all your recent activities and assess the following: perhaps you need to find the source of the allergen (new washing powder, flowering plants, etc.)

Sometimes swelling of the nose and lips appears already from the first weeks of pregnancy as the earliest sign, although much more often such nasal swelling occurs already in the last weeks of pregnancy. In general, everything is quite individual: many expectant mothers do not experience anything like this at all.

Hands and fingers swell during pregnancy

Hands and fingers swell more often during pregnancy. The woman feels tingling in the fingers, burning in the wrists, numbness of the hands. A clear sign of puffiness can be considered swelling of the fingers to the point that it becomes impossible to remove the ring. Another way to check for swelling is to press your finger on the skin of your hand: if there is a dent, then you can talk about swelling.

The formation of swelling of the hands during pregnancy is more prone to women who work a lot with a computer mouse and keyboard or do other things that require repeated repetition of the same actions, for example, knitting or modeling. In this case, the so-called tunnel syndrome develops: the fluid accumulating in the wrist puts pressure on the nerve passing here, which causes pain.

Gymnastics for the hands and more rest will not interfere with you at all.

If the swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy is combined with other swelling - back, sacrum, lower abdomen - then you should notify your doctor about this.

swollen legs during pregnancy

However, most often the legs swell during pregnancy. They noticeably swell, it becomes incredibly difficult to put on the old shoes, especially if you walked a lot and took off your shoes before. The first sign of swelling of the legs may be a mark on the ankle from the gum of the socks.

In most cases, swelling of the legs during pregnancy appears in the third trimester and is not dangerous. Almost every pregnant woman experiences swelling of the legs of varying degrees, so you should not worry too much about this. But they can also be one of the signs of late toxicosis - a condition that is definitely dangerous for both the child and the woman. Therefore, this fact should not be left without attention either, and in no case. Talk to your doctor about how to prevent and treat swollen feet - it's really easy to do at home.

If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and the hands, face, stomach and lower back swell along with the legs, then a visit to the doctor should be made immediately.

Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies

Usually, if the cause of edema in a pregnant woman is eliminated, they disappear on their own within a few days. To do this, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, not overwork, ensure normal rest and exclude exposure to the sun.

It is a mistake to think that you need to drink as little as possible. Today, doctors no longer advise pregnant women to reduce fluid intake in case of swelling. After all, now it’s impossible to live without liquid, it is simply necessary for the normal development of pregnancy, besides, a sharp reduction in its amount will lead to the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate water in reserve. So you still have to drink enough - at least one and a half liters, excluding soups and fruits. It is best to drink clean water, you can add lemon, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are also very useful (they have a diuretic effect). Now give up coffee.

Eliminate all provoking factors. Eat less salty foods (first of all, exclude sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives), spices, carbonated drinks, foods high in sodium (tomatoes, seeds, nuts), give up fried , smoked. Instead, increase the amount of protein in your diet. Once a week, you can spend a fasting day on apples and juice.

Do not walk in the heat, do not overwork, do not sit for a long time in one position, do physical education (if there are no contraindications, of course). Of great importance is a good rest and walks in the fresh air. Keep your feet elevated while you sleep. To alleviate the condition will help the adoption of the knee-elbow position for 5-10 minutes.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for combating edema:

  • Diuretic herbs help well - bear ears, a leaf of bearberry or lingonberry, field horsetail, cherry stalks, hawthorn flowers and berries, kidney fees - no more than one glass of decoction or infusion per day and no more than 1 month.
  • A decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

There are many other folk recipes against puffiness. Just do not resort to the treatment of edema with medications, for example, diuretic tablets. However, any action should be coordinated with a doctor, and phytotherapy is no exception.

Cool foot baths also help: the water should not be icy, but not warm either. Hold your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lie on your left side and rest a little, lifting your legs above the level of your heart. Try not to lie on your back at all. If there is someone to give you a foot massage, then generally wonderful! After the procedures done, the swelling should go away.

In this case, we are talking about physiological, that is, “normal” edema for pregnant women, which affects approximately 75-80% of expectant mothers. They do not pose a threat to the fetus, although such manifestations should be eliminated. But swelling during pregnancy is not always so harmless. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, then problems will begin.

Edema with gestosis

In general, edema during pregnancy is one of the three most striking symptoms (late toxicosis). Therefore, most often they appear in the third trimester. The more you run puffiness, the greater the risks will await you and the unborn baby.

There are 4 degrees of preeclampsia, in which puffiness manifests itself in different ways:

  • I - dropsy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, there is a general weight gain, weakness, fatigue.
  • II - nephropathy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, protein in the urine or increased blood pressure may also appear. If all three symptoms are noted at the same time, the condition is considered as threatening for the woman.
  • III - preeclampsia. In this case, changes in the fundus and brain adjoin nephropathy.
  • IV - eclampsia. Convulsions begin - the condition itself is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the child.

However, this is not all. In addition to gestational edema, cardiac and renal edema can also develop during pregnancy, which often appear earlier than in the third trimester.

Cardiac edema can occur if a woman has heart problems. Moreover, they are always located below: from the waist and below. On physical examination, the liver is found to be enlarged. And before the appearance of edema, a woman has shortness of breath and an increased heartbeat, her lips may turn blue.

Unlike cardiac, renal edema begins with the face, bags under the eyes are characteristic, and later hands and feet may swell. The reason is the kidney disease of a woman in the past or developed now, against the background of pregnancy, which must be treated.

When is edema a threat?

If you are dealing with physiological edema that disappears after the elimination of the provoking factor, as we wrote about above, there is no reason to worry. But as soon as you notice that the edema does not go away on its own (you wake up edematous in the morning), and also that, in addition to the legs, the arms, legs, hips, abdomen, lower back also swell, then immediately tell your gynecologist about this.

Rapid weight gain (more than 20 kg in total or more than 300 g per week) is also a serious cause for concern, so you need to weigh yourself regularly.

The degree of swelling at home can be checked as follows: press your finger in the shin area, where the bone is covered only by skin (without muscles) - in front of the bottom of the leg. If the skin immediately returns to its place, everything is in order. If a dent remains there for a while, swelling is evident, or rather on the leg.

On an outpatient basis, you may be given the necessary tests or a McClure-Aldrich test to determine puffiness.

What is the danger of swelling during pregnancy?

In most cases, it is physiological swelling that is observed in pregnant women. It does not pose a threat, in fact, like dropsy of pregnant women. But such manifestations should not be left without attention.

If there is a problem, that is, we are talking about the second and further degree of preeclampsia, then it must be solved. Even if at the same time the pregnant woman feels normal, puffiness, along with other symptoms, is an alarm signal. Ignoring threatens you with a violation of communication in the "mother - placenta - fetus" system. This primarily promises oxygen starvation of the child with all the ensuing consequences. In the event of serious complications, it may even be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy, as a rule, begins with the above recommendations, mainly with the normalization of sleep and rest and diet. The attending physician will certainly monitor weight gain, and will also recommend that you monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the body.

Much will depend on the results of the analysis. If protein is found in the urine, especially against the background of high blood pressure and shortness of breath, then the woman will be offered inpatient treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of the formation of edema, improving the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and uteroplacental blood flow. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed - magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid.

Drug treatment of edema during pregnancy is required only when they are accompanied by a violation of the functions of important organs (liver, kidneys, heart), since diuretics during pregnancy can only be used in extreme cases due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, as well as the likely toxic effects to the fruit.

In each individual case, the appointments will be different, so the treatment of edema during pregnancy can and should be prescribed only by a specialist and only according to the results of a complete examination! Do not worry about the appointments, because the treatment necessarily compares the potential risk and the likely benefit.

Be healthy!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I had terrible edema from 6 months of pregnancy. All arms, legs, stomach, face swelled. Gained 2-3kg in 1-2 weeks. The doctor answered only one thing "eat and drink less." Even though I ate and drank so little. My legs hurt terribly, I went to bed and woke up with pain. Walking was hard and painful. I read a lot of information about swelling, I came across an interesting article about the benefits of lemons. I started drinking water with lemon. I completely refused plain water, I drink it only with the addition of lemon. After a while, the swelling went away, the legs do not hurt. I advise everyone.

From Guest

I also used Venolgon 911 gel, after work, when I simply didn’t feel my legs, I took a contrast shower and smeared it with this gel, such a pleasant chill goes down my legs. Puffiness and fatigue disappear very quickly.

From Guest

I’ve been saving myself from edema for more than a year now with the venolgon 911 pharmacy balm, it relieves puffiness in 25 minutes, improves blood circulation, I feel light in my legs, I used to take baths, they helped, but usually in such situations there is no time, and the gel quickly applied, rested a little and legs came in order. And during pregnancy she smeared them in the last months.

Edema appears in most pregnant women, but is this the norm? In the article - more about the problem and how to solve it.

  • Almost every woman faces edema of varying severity during pregnancy. Some accumulation of water in her body is considered physiological and is not a cause for concern.
  • But there are cases when expectant mothers' feet and shins swell so much that it is impossible to wear shoes, and soon the swelling spreads to the stomach, hands and face.
  • This is already a sign of pathology. In order not to worry about herself and the baby, to identify and solve the problem in time, a woman needs to know why edema appears, how to prevent them and quickly remove them.

Swelling of the legs and feet during pregnancy, what to do?

Swelling of the legs indicates that an excessive amount of fluid accumulates and is retained in the body. According to medical data, 80% of expectant mothers face a similar problem.

There are 4 stages of excessive accumulation of fluid in the body

  1. - swollen legs
  2. - swollen hands
  3. - swelling of the stomach and face
  4. - general dropsy

IMPORTANT: It is very easy to determine that the limbs are swollen. It is enough to lightly press your finger on the enlarged place. If a depression remains on the skin, which will “tighten” slowly, then there is swelling.

Swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman, no matter how strange it may sound, can be a variant of the norm. In order for a new life to form, to provide it with all the necessary substances, the mother's body needs more fluids - water, as a structural element of cells, as well as blood and lymph.

By the end of pregnancy, the volume of fluid in a woman increases by 5-8 liters. The human body is smart, it needs all this in order to:

  • the woman's blood has become less viscous and more "fluid" in order to better provide the child with oxygen and nutrients
  • to recover faster after blood loss during childbirth

A dent after pressing with a finger is a sign of edema.

Puffiness of the legs, as a rule, appears after the 20th week of pregnancy, if it does not indicate a pathology, it does not have a pronounced expression and does not increase intensively, closer to the second half of the day.

The feet and shins “swim”, the shoes begin to press. To relieve the discomfort caused by it, it is enough for a woman:

  • revise your menu for the ratio of water and salt
  • walk less
  • periodically rest with elevated legs
  • drink a mild diuretic herbal drink

IMPORTANT: According to the observations of doctors, edema not associated with pathology is most often observed in women of short stature with overweight

There are also cases when the legs of pregnant women begin to swell rapidly. First, the feet increase in volume, then the ankles and lower legs, then the edema spreads to the stomach, arms and face.

The same goes for pathology. It can be associated with both the pregnancy itself and with any unrelated disease.

  1. Edema in the 2-3 trimesters may occur due to impaired blood circulation due to compression of the blood vessels located in the small pelvis by the growing uterus and fetus
  2. The legs swell due to the fact that the growing uterus and fetus compress the ureters, the process of urine excretion is disturbed
  3. A woman may have kidney problems, related or not related to the "interesting position". Before she became pregnant, there might not have been a symptom in the form of edema, but due to hormonal changes in the body, an increase in the volume of fluid and an increased load on the kidneys, it manifested itself. Such a pathology is easily identified by the results of blood and urine tests.
  4. The cause of swelling of the legs in a woman in anticipation of a baby can also be diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, in addition to an increase in the volume of her legs, she may be disturbed by pain in the heart and shortness of breath.
  5. A very dangerous reason for the accumulation of pregnant fluid in the body is preeclampsia, in which the vessels spasm, blood clotting and fluidity are disturbed, its circulation throughout the body is disrupted, as a result of which all organs suffer. Preeclampsia has a so-called symptomatic triad - swelling, proteinuria, hypertension

IMPORTANT: Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman is indicated by excessive weight gain, more than 300 g per week.

A pregnant woman should be examined for edema at each appointment in the LCD.

A pregnant woman should not ignore the problem of leg swelling. At each appointment at the antenatal clinic, the doctor must not only weigh the expectant mother to determine how much she has gained, but also examine her limbs.

If this was not done, but the woman herself noticed swelling, for example, in the evening, she must definitely tell the doctor about it. To decide what to do with swelling of the legs, you need to find out the reason why they formed.

VIDEO: Swelling of the legs in pregnant women

Swelling of the face and nose during pregnancy, causes

They say that while waiting for a baby, a woman becomes the most beautiful. Those future mothers who during this period faced swelling of the face and nose will only laugh at this statement.

The face of a pregnant woman may become swollen, rounded, puffy due to:

  • violations of the water-salt balance
  • hormonal changes
  • violations of the outflow of lymph and blood
  • preeclampsia

IMPORTANT: The subcutaneous fat layer on the face is quite loose, so swelling on it is usually pronounced

During pregnancy, the nasal mucosa also swells, which gives the woman considerable discomfort. She may develop "pregnancy runny nose". The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be hormonal changes. This condition is treated symptomatically.

Hands swell during pregnancy, what to do?

  • Hand swelling is the second stage of general swelling. Fluid accumulations are noted on the fingers and wrists
  • A woman can notice them only at the moment when the rings begin to press, it becomes difficult or even impossible to remove them.
  • Swollen hands become less sensitive and obedient, because of which the expectant mother may suffer

IMPORTANT: It has been noticed that puffiness of the hands appears more often in women to whom they serve as a “working tool” - those who sew, knit, work at a computer, write a lot, etc.

To get rid of swelling in the hands, in addition to general medicines and folk remedies, a woman is recommended to do special gymnastics for her fingers and wrists.

VIDEO: Pain in the hands during pregnancy

Edema during late pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy, as a rule, manifests itself precisely in the later stages, when:

  • the size and weight of the fetus and uterus are already significant
  • a large amount of fluid has accumulated in the body of a woman
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems made themselves felt

IMPORTANT: It is from the 6th month of pregnancy that gestosis can appear, which is a dangerous condition for both the expectant mother and her baby

Treatment for edema during pregnancy with drugs and drugs

Whenever swelling appears, from the very beginning of pregnancy or in the later stages, it is necessary to find out its cause and, if necessary, to be treated.

In addition to an external examination, the following diagnostic techniques help the doctor to confirm edema:

  1. Urinary control. If the expectant mother is healthy, her urine output should be 75% of the liquid she drinks. If the diuresis is less, fluid retention in the body can be assumed
  2. Ankle measurements. Edema becomes more pronounced in the evening. If the volume of the ankle in the evening is 1 cm or more greater than in the morning, this indicates swelling of the legs.
  3. Blister plug. A saline solution is injected under the skin on the woman's shoulder. If there is no excess fluid in the tissues, the solution should dissolve within 60-90 minutes

Kanefron is a drug that removes excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman.

Symptomatically, edema is treated with pharmaceutical preparations from various groups:

  1. Diuretics. They are used extremely rarely, since along with urine they wash out useful substances from the body, contribute to a significant decrease in pressure, increase cholesterol and blood sugar, negatively affect the heart and kidneys, in a word, they can lead to a condition dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby. If such drugs are prescribed, then it is Furosemide, Lazex or Hypothiazid. With gestosis, diuretics are completely contraindicated
  2. Light drugs with a diuretic effect, including herbal ones. They are designed to remove excess fluid from the body of a woman. This is Kanefron and Phytolysin
  3. Antispasmodics. They are prescribed to optimize blood circulation. This is No-shpa, Magne B 6
  4. Vascular strengthening drugs. They make the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic. These are Hofitol and Curantil

Hofitol is a drug for strengthening blood vessels in edema.

How to get rid of edema folk remedies? Lingonberries and cranberries from edema during pregnancy: recipes and use

If a woman does not have allergies, with the permission of a doctor, she can start taking folk remedies for edema - herbal teas, decoctions or infusions. They have a decongestant property and are not prohibited during pregnancy:

  • green tea
  • dried apricots
  • cowberry
  • cranberry
  • pumpkin
  • centaury
  • bear ears
  • horsetail
  • bearberry

RECIPE: A decoction of dried apricots from edema in pregnant women

You need: 8-10 dried apricots, 0.5 liters of boiling water.
Dried apricots are poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the resulting broth is divided into three doses and drunk half an hour before meals.

RECIPE: Cowberry leaf decongestant

Phytopreparation can be bought ready-made at a pharmacy. It is brewed and drunk according to the instructions or recommendation of a doctor. Usually, this is 1 filter bag or 1 teaspoon of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water. Take half a glass of lingonberry leaf tea before meals.

RECIPE: Cranberries for pregnant women from edema

Needed: cranberries - 1 cup, water - 1 liter, sugar and honey to taste
Berries are poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 1 minute. Infuse the drink for 1 hour. Already cooled, it is sweetened or flavored with honey.

IMPORTANT: Cranberry and lingonberry juices will also help against mild swelling.

How to avoid swelling during pregnancy? Edema prevention

To avoid problems with edema during pregnancy, a woman needs:

  1. Take control of your own health. It is advisable to undergo a complete medical examination even before the onset of pregnancy, in extreme cases, in its early stages. Then it will be possible to identify health problems in time, as a result of which puffiness may appear, and take appropriate measures.
  2. Eat properly. The amount of salt consumed should be reduced. Fatty and fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, pickles also contribute to fluid retention in tissues. Therefore, it is better not to eat all these harmful things.
  3. Drink water. Then its movement in the tissues will be optimal
  4. Move. Even small physical activity is the prevention of edema
  5. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For preventive purposes, the expectant mother may be prescribed vitamin E

  • be outdoors more
  • alternate exercise with rest
  • refuse to perform monotonous actions with hands and feet
  • sleep and rest with feet on a small hill
  • eliminate coffee

If a woman has swelling during pregnancy, it is important for her to follow all the recommendations. After all, if there are swelling outside, they are inside. And this means that the blood circulation of organs, including the uterus, suffers.
Judging by the reviews, the measures to eliminate edema recommended by the doctor are effective.

VIDEO: Edema during pregnancy. What to do with swelling during pregnancy
