Ayurveda. Spring recommendations

Spring is the time to get rid of negative consequences influence of cold weather on the skin of the body, renew your natural beauty and prepare for beach season. Which cosmetic procedures Is this the best time of year?

  • With the arrival of spring, the demand for express methods of weight loss and figure correction, anti-cellulite programs, especially anti-cellulite massage, and algae wraps (thalassotherapy) invariably increases.
  • Mandatory admission vitamin complexes must be complemented with relaxing SPA body treatments, which will not only provide beneficial influence on the body, but will also immerse you in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation.
  • Hair, nails, skin of the hands and face suffer the most during the cold season. To restore curls, cosmetologists recommend the crystal sealing procedure. It is a process of saturation nail plates oxygen and calcium. It will also be very useful to apply nourishing masks, serums, scalp massage. These procedures, especially in combination, will restore the condition of the hair, get rid of split ends and dryness, and stop hair loss.
  • Massage is another popular spring cosmetic procedure. Such types of massage as plastic and sculptural will also have an aesthetic effect on the body. Vacuum roller massage very effective for body shaping. Popular is also honey massage. It helps make the skin elastic and silky, improves the overall condition of the body and well-being. Cellulite is reduced, the body is cleansed of toxins.
  • Mud baths. Immerse yourself in warm mud to achieve general condition bliss. Most often the composition consists of clay, peat and hot water. Mud baths will leave your skin soft and renewed. Some resorts also add volcanic ash for cleansing and achieving the best results.
  • Paraffin baths. Paraffin is a soft wax that melts at low temperatures and retains heat well. Feet or hands are immersed in molten paraffin. This is a truly luxurious spa treatment that is both relaxing and hydrating. She's especially happy after winter months when the skin may become dry and cracked.
  • Laser hair removal. Remove carefully and painlessly unwanted hair using the procedure laser hair removal. A beam of laser light is emitted onto the desired area. The light paralyzes the hair follicles and leaves the surrounding skin intact and unharmed. For a lasting effect, several sessions of procedures will be required, with a gap of several weeks, therefore it is advisable to engage in hair removal specifically in early spring so that by the beach season your legs are completely smooth and tender.

Spring is a time of renewal, we say when going shopping or planning changes in our personal lives. But the more grounded and far-sighted among us begin the season of transformation with ourselves. They start and win!

Botulinum toxin injections

Let the sun, which we miss so much, bring us joy, but not add wrinkles!
Substituting face sun rays, we squint, which means we provoke the appearance of “ crow's feet" Therefore, the spring TOP traditionally includes a session! This procedure is especially relevant if you are planning a trip to the south already at May holidays. In this case, injections will protect not only from extra wrinkles, but also white stripes around the eyes on the background tanned skin(familiar picture?).


In spring, you need to take special care of moisturizing your skin. Therefore, one of the must-do procedures is one that can quickly restore hydrobalance and nourish the skin with invaluable moisture. We highly recommend including this procedure in your schedule for March: while we are still wrapping ourselves in scarves and wearing closed sweaters, you can easily hide from prying eyes injection marks on the neck and décolleté - the so-called papules (lumps that appear at the sites where the drug was administered) . However, they will pass in just 1 day!

Contour plastic

In winter, so much energy goes into resisting unfriendly weather that we are sometimes ready to put up with details that we are not very happy with in our appearance. But coming to terms is only temporary! Until spring, when nature will give us more energy and positive emotions.

So from now on - no compromises: we need to restore perfect oval face, correct cheekbones, get rid of deep wrinkles.
Spring is the season of youth, falling in love with life and striving for perfection. And is an ideal ally on this path.

Endermology using an LPG machine

In fact, absolutely all procedures aimed at correcting the figure begin to be in high demand as soon as the calendar announces the end of the season of oversize dresses and sweaters. But it deserves special attention.
Firstly, because the LPG system solves many problems at the same time complex tasks. Eliminates body fat in the hips, arms, abdomen, fights cellulite, increases skin firmness and elasticity, reduces tissue swelling, stimulates collagen synthesis.
Secondly, changes in tissues occur at the level of cellular metabolism, which means that the results from a course of procedures last for a long time.
Thirdly, massage has a relaxing and anti-stress effect.

But all these achievements are possible only under two conditions:

  • the procedure is performed on a real LPG machine, and not on a dubious fake from China,
  • The session is conducted by a qualified doctor who is capable of not only automatically pressing the buttons of the device. For example, in our Medical Cosmetology Center we do not use standard programs developed by the manufacturer, but the original programs of our specialists - after all, there are no standard patients!

Hand contouring

We are taking off our gloves, which means we need to pay attention worthy of attention hands. Contour plastic surgery using the drug is an excellent opportunity to restore the lost volume of soft tissue to the hands. Why do we recommend this particular drug? Because it will not only restore volume, but also significantly improve the quality of the skin and lighten pigmentation. One session will solve three problems - it’s not surprising that this procedure is included in the TOP of spring!


Let's avoid banal arguments about why it is so important to get rid of everything unnecessary in the spring. Let's just say: the photoepilation device was created specifically so that this process does not take much time and does not cause discomfort - neither during the procedure nor between sessions.

After a long winter, you not only want to update your wardrobe to look bright and sunny in spring, but also restore your skin. After all, frost and wind significantly dehydrated her. In addition, there are a number of procedures that are not recommended to be done in summer. Therefore, in order for the skin on your face to shine with health and beauty, it is worthwhile to perform specific cosmetic procedures. Of course, you can’t do without the right home care and, above all, masks. I recommend reading about this topic article “Face masks at home, recipes, subtleties and nuances” on the website “ Sunny hands» .

First of all, this concerns deep peeling skin that needs to be done before it appears bright sun. Peels can be done until February, maximum the month of March.

Ordinary scrubs that can be used at home good result they won't give it. There should be stronger artillery here. After all, a lot of secrets have accumulated over the winter sebaceous glands, impurities, dead cells that clog the skin and it acquires a grayish tint. This was influenced not only by winter weather, but also by heaters installed at work or at home.

So my advice: go straight to a beauty salon for deep mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic peeling This is done using a special device that is passed over the skin, thereby polishing it. Ultrasonic cleaning It is recommended to do it 1-2 times a month. (The most important thing is to find good master. Tips will help with this author of the website “Sunny Hands” Oksana Chistyakova which she shared in the article “Beauty requires a specialist, or How to choose a cosmetologist and hairdresser?”)

Mechanical peeling is done manually using medicinal cosmetics. One way mechanical peeling Microdermabrasion is skin resurfacing. It will not only even out its relief, refresh and renew the cells, but also remove fine wrinkles. We recommend 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks. (By the way, if you are looking for a way to get rid of crow's feet under your eyes, pay attention to on website "Sunny Hands" )

Renewing peeling based on fruit acids will also give a good effect.

A typical salon procedure goes like this: these acids are applied to the skin for 20 minutes, which help even out the skin texture. Then apply a cream with a high SPF factor.

Keep in mind that this procedure is best done on the weekend, when you don’t have to immediately rush to work or go out in public, since the skin will be red for about three hours.

Experts advise doing peelings before March, or at most early April, when the sun is not so active. After all, after peeling, the skin layer becomes thinner and more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Can appear dark spots. In addition, in the summer people sweat a lot, and after the peeling procedure they may experience severe irritation skin.

Therefore, to get your skin in order, deep cleansing recommended in autumn or early spring.

In spring it is also worth getting active skin hydration, because it lost a lot of moisture over the winter.

IN beauty salons They usually offer procedures with hyaluronic acid. However, when strong impact ultraviolet radiation causes skin burns, so these procedures also cannot be done in the summer.

Collagen masks and masks to relieve skin fatigue are also recommended. They will saturate the skin with vitamins, which are so necessary after winter. For good effect several procedures must be carried out. And, of course, don't forget about correct menu for skin. It is very important to nourish it with vitamins not only from the outside, but also from the inside. I recommend this topic article “How to eat properly, are there any rules for proper nutrition?” on our website.

In March and April it is worth doing and rejuvenating procedures. There are many of them, for example:

- mesotherapy, when special injections are injected into the middle layer of the skin. This method of rejuvenation is not only effective, but also maintains a long-lasting effect;

— ozone therapy — the use of an oxygen-ozone mixture. It activates and improves skin microcirculation. It is also performed by introducing a therapeutic injection into the skin layer. Allows you not only to get rid of a grayish complexion, but also bags under the eyes;

- biorevitalization, when for moisturizing and regeneration it is injected under the skin hyaluronic acid. This procedure will make the skin more elastic and get rid of wrinkles. 3-5 sessions are recommended, which should be repeated after six months;

— paraffin therapy is rejuvenation using paraffin. Experts say that this method is well suited for those with dry facial skin and is the most gentle and painless. 3-5 sessions are enough and the skin will become soft and moisturized. To smooth out wrinkles, it will take about 10 sessions.

So don’t put off going to the cosmetologist, because it’s already March, a little more and the sun will be shining, which means that some procedures may have a negative effect.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova.

Spring is probably the most beautiful time of the year. The earth awakens from winter sleep, energy rises up, and everything around blossoms, filling bright colors and greens. People feel the rush vitality and the need to leave the house more often. Spring is a holiday.

The qualities of spring are warmth, moisture, softness and moisture. Under the influence of heat, the snow accumulated over the winter begins to melt. Similarly, the accumulated kapha in the body begins to liquefy and flow. This is why so many people get colds in the spring. In addition, when flowers begin to disperse pollen and release fragrances that are pleasing to people with vata and pitta constitutions, many kapha individuals develop allergic diseases.

Just as at the beginning of winter some of the qualities of autumn remain, so early spring very similar to winter, and therefore many of the recommendations for them are similar. For example, panchakarma is highly desirable for cleansing the body of accumulated kapha and preventing allergies, colds, and runny nose.

Good spring herbs include ginger, black pepper, pippali and tea made from cumin, coriander and fennel. In addition, sitopaladi, boergavia and sudarshan are beneficial.

It is strongly recommended not to eat heavy and fatty foods. It is better to abstain from sour, sweet and salty foods, as they stimulate kapha. You should also avoid consuming dairy products, especially in the morning. Avoid ice cream and cold drinks - they especially increase kapha.

Give preference to foods with bitter, pungent and astringent tastes. All legumes are recommended, particularly yellow split peas, red lentils, chickpeas and beans, as well as barley, rice, green peas, cottage cheese, cabbage, cheese and milk.

Along with hot spices like ginger, black pepper, cayenne and chilies, you can use radishes, okra, onions and garlic. (But do not overuse these spices if your constitution is dominated by vata and especially pitta.) After meals, drink some tea made from ginger, black pepper and cinnamon.

Use less ghee and dairy products and more honey, which has a warming effect. A cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey helps balance kapha in spring season. (But never heat honey to a scalding temperature (about 50°C); cooked honey clogs the fine channels and has a toxic effect.) It is useful to end the meal with a cup of freshly prepared lassi (the lassi recipe is given in the recommendations for the summer).

Spring - good season for fasting on juices: apple, pomegranate or berry.

From physical procedures– active exercises and massages, warm baths and preventive nasal drops are recommended.

Try to get up early and walk a little. Daytime nap increases kapha and therefore in spring it is not recommended to sleep during the day.

Cosmetologists advise planning an express figure correction and a course of anti-cellulite massage for March. Cosmetologist Anna Gribova talks about other recommended spring procedures, such as tattooing, lip correction or anti-aging peeling.

- Anna, what cosmetic procedures can be called “spring”, based on popularity and relevance?

- “Spring cosmetology” traditionally helps restore hair and skin after winter cold, and also remove extra centimeters, treacherously accumulated on the sides during the holidays. With the coming warm days Many people sign up for express figure correction, an anti-cellulite massage course, and begin preparing for summer and the beach or a wedding, because May also begins wedding time.

- What do you think we can’t do without from this list?

- Probably without spa treatments. The most difficult thing is not fighting the fold on the stomach, but “switching” from winter to summer mode, getting out of some hibernation, solving the problems of vitamin deficiency, lack of sunlight, and the consequences of winter spleen. SPA is, first of all, relaxation, an opportunity to relax, disconnect a little from worries, and feel the uplift and joy of life. Perfect option- a whole SPA day or even a weekend trip to a SPA resort - four to eight hours of face and body treatments, treatments for hands and feet, nails, hair, as well as aromatherapy, tea ceremony, massages, wraps. Combining business with pleasure.

Also, if you have long dreamed of plastic surgery, tattooing or lipofilling - it is better to do the procedure now than in the summer.

- Why this seasonal division?

- In the heat, many things take longer to heal and feel less comfortable. For example, after plastic surgery you will have to wear special underwear - in the summer it creates a lot of more problems than in cold weather. Moreover, in summer, more open clothes it is more difficult to hide traces of some cosmetic or surgical procedures. Traditionally, all serious interventions are carried out before March-April - and by summer you are already enjoying the result, not the process.

- We started talking about care - what needs care first in the spring?

- Individually, but usually the hair and skin on the hands are most affected. Regular manicure in winter it is not enough - it will not give the skin brushes full care. Gloves do not protect the skin 100%, so winter care behind the hands - these include massages with moisturizing creams, and water procedures with oils, scrubs and masks. If you have neglected everything except nail treatment, paraffin therapy will come to the rescue in the spring. deep peeling hands and nail treatment.

I usually recommend going to a specialist for a crystal sealing procedure. Nails that have weakened over the winter are saturated with calcium and oxygen, and then covered with a special base - this will help them not to peel off and become strong again.

- What to do with your hair?

- Follow your hairdresser's recommendations. After cold days, hats and hats, you will probably need treatment and hair restoration. Exist complex techniques hair treatments aimed at restoring, improving hair color, getting rid of fragility, dryness, split ends and hair loss. Usually a course of procedures is done, each lasting about an hour, and hair healing occurs at the molecular level. Nourishing serums, ampoules, useful compounds and masks. Additionally, a head massage and moisturizing are performed.

- Some effect tired face, unhealthy color - how to deal with it?

- I recommend a course of general facial massage to maintain skin tone. Massage stimulates blood circulation, and the skin begins to actively absorb nutrients and receives the amount of oxygen it needs. If you have problems - wrinkles, oval blur, sagging - choose a plastic or sculptural facial massage option. If the problems are advanced, devices will come to the rescue: ultrasonic liposuction, “cosmechanics”, microcurrents.
