How to make paper at home. Rice paper making

This article is quite unusual in it, we will try to tell you in detail, how to make your own paper with their own hands from the most diverse raw materials. Of course, such paper is hardly suitable for letters and business documents, but for decorative purposes, for example, in technology, it can be used.

How to make your own paper

Interesting master classes

Master class number 1. Homemade grass paper.

Turns out original paper can be made from many types of the most common grass. It should be noted that the manufacturing process of such paper includes work with hazardous materials. chemical preparation- alkali, which evaporates very intensively, so the entire manufacturing process should be carried out in the open air so that toxic fumes do not accumulate. Also, don't forget to wear a respirator. protective glasses and necessarily rubber gloves - medical or household, hands must be fully protected. How exactly grass paper is created, our first master class will tell you in detail.

To create paper from grass, we need:

Dry reed that grows along the banks of water bodies;

Alkali - fifty-one hundred grams;


Ice cubes;

Two wooden frames;

Fine plastic mesh;

Natural cotton fabric;


Foam sponge.

How to make your own paper: a step-by-step master class

First step. As we noted above, we will make our paper from grass growing on the banks of water bodies, outwardly it resembles a small reed. We cut it with regular scissors into small pieces, about seven to ten centimeters long.

Third step. Then we take fifty to one hundred grams of alkali and combine it in a plastic bowl with one glass of cold water, which we previously turned into pieces of ice.

Fourth step. Let the chemical dissolve and carefully pour the mixture into a saucepan with herbal decoction in a thin stream.

Sixth step. So alkaline-herbal decoction can remotely stand until it cools completely. After that, it should be drained through a sieve, and we wash the remaining grass for a long time in a flowing cold water until all the alkali is washed out of it and it ceases to be slippery to the touch. spend all this procedure should only be worn with rubber gloves.

Seventh step. After the grass is thoroughly washed, we sort it out and remove all large stems and twigs, leaving only a small mass.

Ninth step. Separately, we brew a little starch and combine it with herbal puree. Mix and let it brew a little.

Tenth step. While our herbal mass is infused with starch, we will make special frames for pouring paper self made. Of course, such frames can be bought ready-made in specialty stores creativity, but we prefer not to spend money and decided to make them ourselves. To do this, we take two identical ordinary wooden frames for photographs or paintings, tightly pull a fine plastic mesh onto one frame and fasten it around the edges with pushpins. Here you can use a regular household mosquito net. Please note that the size of the frames you have chosen will fully correspond to the size of the sheet of paper that you are going to make by hand.

Eleventh step. Now we take a large bowl, it can be either round or square shape, the main thing is that our manufactured frame fits freely into it. Filling the basin cold water, put a few handfuls of pulp made from herbal puree and starch into the water and mix everything well with your hands.

Twelfth step. Next, we take two frames, on one of which we previously stretched a plastic mesh. We put the empty one on top of the mesh and tightly fasten them together along the edges regular rubber band so that they do not move apart during operation.

Thirteenth step. We carefully immerse the construction of two frames into a basin with diluted pulp, so that the frame with the mesh is at the bottom, and scoop up the liquid with them. Next, we hold our frames over the basin, waiting for all the excess water to drain.

Fourteenth step. Then we carefully remove the rubber bands, and with them the upper wooden frame, and carefully turn the lower frame with the mesh, on which the herbal raw materials for papermaking remain as a solid ball, onto the cotton fabric previously spread on a flat hard surface.

Fifteenth step. With the help of the usual foam sponge carefully collect the remaining moisture from the surface of the mesh. We blot several times, and only after making sure that the mesh is almost dry, carefully remove the frame, while leaving the first layer of grass on the fabric.

Sixteenth step. We cover this grass layer from above with a second piece of natural cotton fabric.

Eighteenth step. On top of all layers of grass paper covered with cotton cloth, we install a load, it is important that its weight is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the sheets, for this you can first put an ordinary cutting board or a flat tray on the top sheet, and then put something heavy on them, such as a jar or bottle of water.

Nineteenth step. After a few hours, carefully change the heavily soaked pieces of cotton fabric and set the load again.

Twenty step. When all sheets of grass paper are almost dry, lay them out separately and leave to dry completely in the open air.

Twenty-first step. At the end, each piece of paper is carefully smoothed with a warm iron, after which it is fashionable to assume that the detailed master class on how to make paper yourself grass finished.

This grass paper turns out to have a very unusual texture, it can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, to make various papers from it, draw small pictures on it, etc.

Master class number 2. Fragrant paper with their own hands.

This master class will tell you how to make paper fast with pleasant delicate aroma. To make it, we need:

Special mesh screen designed for casting handmade paper;

Plastic basin of the appropriate size;

Old waste paper;

Terry towel;

Natural waffle kitchen towel;

Hydroperite tablets;


Essential oil (any);

dried flower;


PVA glue;


How to make paper yourself step by step with fragrance.

First step. Let's start by taking the most unnecessary paper - it can be napkins, newspapers, sheets office paper, school notebooks etc. and cut it all into small pieces or cut with scissors.

Second step. Shredded paper is placed in an enamel pan, filled with water and put on fire. Cook the paper until it acquires a thick porridge-like consistency.

Third step. When the paper broth is ready, remove it and cool.

Fifth step. To whiten paper, we need to use hydroperite tablets, which are used to lighten hair. To do this, grind several packs of tablets into powder and combine them with water.

Sixth step. Pour the wrung out boiled paper with the resulting mixture, mix for several minutes, then remove the paper and wring it out well. We do all this with rubber gloves to protect our hands from the chemical preparation.

Seventh step. Now our future paper needs to be slightly tinted. For this we breed in hot water a little dye, diligently mix everything and lower the boiled, wrung out and already bleached paper into it. Beat the resulting mixture well with a mixer or blender until a homogeneous thick consistency.

Eighth step. In order for our paper to turn out, it needs a binding element, which in our case is PVA glue. Of course, starch can also be used for these purposes, but it needs to be brewed and this process takes additional time, so we decided to work with glue, it will adequately cope with its duty. It should also be noted that you can do without any binder, in this case the paper will still turn out, only it will be more fragile and delicate.

Ninth step. ready mix we pour it into a basin, into which our special frame for handmade paper molding can freely enter. You can make it yourself, as described in detail in the first master class, or buy it ready-made in art stores.

Tenth step. Next, we take the aforementioned frame and scoop a mixture of water and paper from the basin with it and carefully distribute wet paper over the entire surface of the mesh, so that it lies in an even single layer. Let excess water drain into a bowl.

Eleventh step. According to our idea, we will have fancy paper, With natural pattern, for this we take a dried flower and lay it randomly over the entire surface of the frame.

Twelfth step. Then add some sparkles to the dried flower and drip a few drops of any essential oil.

Thirteenth step. To ensure that all selected decorations are inside the paper and do not fall off when using it. On top we impose another thin layer of wet paper mixture.

Fourteenth step. finished frame with a future sheet of unusual fragrant paper, we put it on a hard flat surface, previously covered terry towel. The towel should quickly absorb any excess moisture from the paper.

Sixteenth step. Carefully turn the frame with paper on the table, remove it and continue to evaporate excess moisture from the paper from the back.

Seventeenth step. After that, we take the made fragrant piece of homemade paper and place it under the press, it is important that the weight is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the paper, for this we should place a cutting board on top of the piece of paper right size, a book or something similar and put something heavy on top.

Eighteenth step. At the end, we remove a sheet of paper from under the press and dry it in the open air.

Our unusual homemade scented paper is ready!

Such leaves can be used not only in the scrapbooking technique or for writing various romantic messages, they can also be supplemented and decorated, for example, using them as wallpaper for walls.

Using the methods of creating paper with your own hands described above using the example of two master classes, you can later give it a special look with the help of hand-painted paints. Such paper can acquire the most incredible shades, patterns and ornaments. You can paint such paper with paints, wax crayons or pencils, it will turn out very unusual, beautiful and unique.

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With paper making, it combines three important and interesting components for a child: science, creativity and design. This method relatively simply describes the process of making paper from inexpensive and available materials, which can be found at home and.

An important role here is played by the fact that paper making according to this master class can be adjusted to the wishes of the child. Do you want something girly? Try to do glitter paper. Do you need to do something in excess? Make paper from plants. There are many patches waste paper, which is a pity to throw away? Mix them on paper.

The process of making paper itself is not complicated, but rather laborious, requiring materials and preliminary preparation.

To make paper with your own hands, you will need:

For a special frame shape:

  • 2 wooden frames or two embroidery hoops;
  • fiberglass;
  • stapler or staple gun and paper clips;
  • hammer and nails.

For paper:

  • used paper;
  • blender;
  • warm water;
  • pieces of felt;
  • large flat tray;
  • sponges;
  • newspaper;
  • a large plastic container (basin) - it should hold the frame and deckle in a horizontal position and allow the hands to hold the frame;
  • Velcro tape (optional).

How to make a frame and deckle for making paper with your own hands

What is this decal? This is a form for paper, a special format frame. The hole in the deckle will determine what size the finished sheet of paper will be. Imagine that will spread without molds. The same will happen with paper. For the master class, in the “you will need” item, two ordinary wooden frames were indicated. Buy ones that don't have a layer of laminated paper on them, otherwise it will start peeling off the frame after being submerged in water.

To make a paper crafting frame, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the packaging and cardboard backing from the frame. Cut a piece of fiberglass about 1.5 cm smaller than the size of the frame from edge to edge.
  2. Using a stapler or staple gun, attach the fiberglass to the frame. Make sure it fits snugly. Try to nail so that the fiber does not sag in the middle.
  3. Secure the frame joints by driving a nail into each edge. often glued only at the joints and after repeated exposure to water fall apart.

Decel is the same frame, only without a substrate.

Preparing a "station" for making paper with your own hands at home

Before you start making paper with your own hands, you need to set up the assembly line so that the process goes smoothly. Arrange all the necessary devices in stages:

Stage 1. Blender: This is where warm water comes in handy.
Stage 2. Basin: it should be filled with warm water about 7-8 cm. Also at this stage you will need a frame, deckle and Velcro tape.
Stage 3. Water drain: felt, flat spacing and sponges should be right here, right next to the basin.
Stage 4. Drying: Spread out some newspapers to dry the paper later.

Now you are ready to make paper! Stock up on warm water, 8-10 sheets of waste paper and start making paper with your own hands with your child.

Step one is blender. Tear the paper into small pieces and put them in a blender. Add water there so that its level is slightly higher than the level of the paper. We close the blender with a lid, hold it firmly and grind the paper. You should get a paper pulp.

Stage two - a basin. Pour the paper mass into a bowl and gently stir with your hands. We take the frame with the fiber up, cover it with a deckle. With Velcro, you can fix the frame and deckle, or hold them tightly with your hands.

We lower the frame and deckle into a bowl with paper pulp and water. Gently move the frame and deckle to grab the gruel. Your goal is to have as even a layer of pulp on the fiberglass as possible. Fast and jerky movements will result in an uneven layer, and insufficient force will make the layer very thin, so patience and practice is needed in this matter. Once the layer of paper pulp is ready, carefully remove the frame and deckle from the bowl in a horizontal position. Let the water drain.

Stage three - draining the water. Take the frame out of the bowl. Remove Velcro and deckle. Place on a wet future sheet of paper and carefully turn the paper over onto a tray. Use a sponge to squeeze the water out of the paper through the fiberglass. Now you need to very carefully remove the fiberglass. The thinner the paper, the more likely it will stick to it. If this happens, put the frame back on the spacing and try to soak some more water with a sponge.

Stage four - drying. The piece of paper should now rest on top of the felt. Transfer it in this form to the drying zone. Carefully flip the felt onto the unfolded newspaper. Now the wet paper should be under the felt. Gently lift one corner of the felt and remove the entire piece. If the paper is still tacky, you haven't removed enough water. Take the sponge again and blot the paper through the felt. Leave the sheet of paper to dry overnight. Or you can iron it with an iron through a newspaper.

Tips and tricks for DIY paper making at home

  1. The first sheets will be thicker, and the subsequent sheets will be thinner, as paper pulp will be consumed.
  2. The thinner the sheet, the more carefully you need to remove it from the frame and peel it off the felt. Paper can be easily torn.
  3. It is easier for children to work with thicker sheets of paper.
  4. The pulp will lighten as it dries, so don't worry if you end up with a gray mess in your blender.
  5. To smooth the dried paper, you can iron it with an iron. Paper with confetti and glitter cannot be ironed, and paper with plain paper should not be used. high temperatures so as not to burn through the paper that you make with your own hands.
  6. Do not mix paper that can shed, otherwise you will end up with a gray-brown-incomprehensible mass.
  7. After repeated use, the fiberglass will begin to sag, so it needs to be reattached tighter.

How to make paper with your own hands from plants

This paper smells amazing! Small ones will give paper natural magic, and for the smell you need to choose fragrant herbs: oregano, fennel flowers, marigold, curry, rosemary and mint. To make herbal paper, gather a cup of a variety of herbs and add to the paper mixture. To make it more beautiful, tear the grass finely and separate the petals. If natural materials still remain, do with the child.

How to make DIY paper with glitter

Want paper made with my own hands, sparkled? Add 1/4 cup glitter to the paper mixture. DO NOT iron this paper as the glitter may melt.

How to make DIY paper with confetti at home

Instead of using white paper, grab multi-colored paper waste like old paper and confetti. After mixing most of the paper into the mass, add a few extra colored scraps and scroll in the blender a couple more times so that larger pieces of colored paper get into the product. A great way to recycle paper with your own hands

How to make your own patchwork paper

Trimmings and pieces of colored paper can give the look. If these are scraps of a denser material, let them soak a little before pouring them into the mass.

Children are always interested in learning how and what everything around is made of, so this do-it-yourself paper-making master class should, without a doubt, be to their liking. Experiment with the size of the frames and then you and your child will be able to use the manufactured sheets of paper for further creativity, for example, to create original or unusual ones.

Making paper yourself at home is quite simple. We use everything that is at home, "at hand" and with our own hands we will produce real paper step by step!

All you need to make it:

  • water;
  • waste paper;
  • plastic bath;
  • kitchen faucet;
  • screen with frame (look at the photo);
  • wooden boards;
  • foam sponge;
  • towels.

We start making paper with our own hands at home

Step by step with photo and video

STEP 1: Shred the paper

Tear the recycled paper into small pieces as shown in the photo and soak it overnight in water. If you use warm water, you can get by with several hours.

STEP 2: Use a blender and make pulp

Fill the blender with water and add the wet paper you made using the instructions in step #1. Stir the composition and add paper again to form cellulose.

Attention! The more cellulose in the composition, the thicker the paper will turn out!

STEP 3: Making the leaf shape

Must have:

  • screen with frame as following photo show;
  • install a small mesh screen in the frame;
  • use a large bath (chan).

Screen with frame

Forming a leaf shape:

Pour our contents (cellulose + water) into the vat. We mix. We scoop up the mass from the bottom with a frame and apply it to the mesh screen, as can be seen from the video lesson. Shake the shape with horizontal movements in different sides before forming the leaf shape. Then stop and allow time for the water to drain off the mold through the mesh screen.

STEP 4: Remove moisture

We transfer the sheet from the frame to an absorbent felt surface to extract residual moisture.

Blot the paper product with a sponge, these you remove the remaining moisture. Cover the sheet with a soft towel. Then you can use the roller to roll out the sheet.

STEP 5: We press the product

Judging by the picture, you have already guessed that the sheet needs to be pressed. Use wooden planks and felt cloth, as shown in the photo, install them on a hard (concrete) surface.

STEP 6: Drying

Use large sheets (smooth plywood) for placement and drying finished products. Drying time, depending on the humidity of the room, is up to 3 days.

Note: If you have unused pulp left over, you can save it. Drain all the water, gather the pulp into a ball shape and let it dry. After a while, you can tear it up again, wet it, and start making real paper.

How to quickly make new paper from old paper yourself?

Step-by-step option number 2 with a photo

IN general procedure making paper at home is very similar, only you don't have to invent and design any screens with a frame. We use a regular sheet of paper to apply the cellulose. This will give our home production greatest acceleration. The photographs show this process in some detail. Learn and get started.

How to make paper from sawdust with your own hands?

Step by step manufacturing

Judging by the fact that you are reading the 3rd option for making paper at home, we will tell you how to make paper from ordinary sawdust. You will see the whole process step by step in the photos below.

How to make paper with your own hands at home from newspapers, grass and other available materials, which the child can then use to various crafts from paper.

The process of making paper itself is not complicated, but rather laborious, requiring materials and preliminary preparation.

To make paper with your own hands, you will need:

For a special frame shape:

  • 2 wooden frames or two embroidery hoops;
  • fiberglass;
  • stapler or staple gun and paper clips;
  • hammer and nails.

For paper:

  • used paper;
  • blender;
  • warm water;
  • pieces of felt;
  • large flat tray;
  • sponges;
  • newspaper;
  • a large plastic container (basin) - it should hold the frame and deckle in a horizontal position and allow the hands to hold the frame;
  • Velcro tape (optional).

How to make a frame and deckle for paper making

What is this decal? This is a form for paper, a special format frame. The hole in the deckle will determine what size the finished sheet of paper will be. Imagine cupcakes that will spread without molds. The same will happen with paper. For the master class, in the “you will need” item, two ordinary wooden frames were indicated. Buy ones that don't have a layer of laminated paper on them, otherwise it will start peeling off the frame after being submerged in water.

To make a paper crafting frame, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the packaging and cardboard backing from the frame. Cut a piece of fiberglass about 1.5 cm smaller than the size of the frame from edge to edge.
  2. Using a stapler or staple gun, attach the fiberglass to the frame. Make sure it fits snugly. Try to nail so that the fiber does not sag in the middle.
  3. Secure the frame joints by driving a nail into each edge. Inexpensive frames are often glued only at the joints and fall apart after repeated exposure to water.

Decel is the same frame, only without a substrate.

Preparing a "station" for making paper with your own hands at home

Before you start making paper with your own hands, you need to set up the assembly line so that the process goes smoothly. Arrange all the necessary devices in stages:

Stage 1. Blender: This is where warm water comes in handy.
Stage 2. Basin: it should be filled with warm water about 7-8 cm. Also at this stage you will need a frame, deckle and Velcro tape.
Stage 3. Water drain: felt, flat spacing and sponges should be right here, right next to the basin.
Stage 4. Drying: Spread out some newspapers to dry the paper later.

Now you are ready to make paper! Stock up on warm water, 8-10 sheets of waste paper and start making paper with your own hands with your child.

How to make paper with your own hands at home

Step one - blender. Tear the paper into small pieces and put them in a blender. Add water there so that its level is slightly higher than the level of the paper. We close the blender with a lid, hold it firmly and grind the paper. You should get a paper pulp.

Stage two - a basin. Pour the paper mass into a bowl and gently stir with your hands. We take the frame with the fiber up, cover it with a deckle. With Velcro, you can fix the frame and deckle, or hold them tightly with your hands.

We lower the frame and deckle into a bowl with paper pulp and water. Gently move the frame and deckle to grab the gruel. Your goal is to have as even a layer of pulp on the fiberglass as possible. Fast and jerky movements will result in an uneven layer, and insufficient force will make the layer very thin, so patience and practice is needed in this matter. Once the layer of paper pulp is ready, carefully remove the frame and deckle from the bowl in a horizontal position. Let the water drain.

Stage three - draining the water. Take the frame out of the bowl. Remove the Velcro and deckle. Place a piece of felt on a wet future sheet of paper and carefully turn the paper over onto a tray. Use a sponge to squeeze the water out of the paper through the fiberglass. Now you need to very carefully remove the fiberglass. The thinner the paper, the more likely it will stick to it. If this happens, put the frame back on the spacing and try to soak some more water with a sponge.

We will show this with the help of a video lesson at the end of the article - and we will suggest how the results of our work can be applied in practice.

Homemade paper and its uses are many and varied. In principle, almost everywhere where paper is used, homemade paper can also be used. But with a few caveats. So, homemade paper is different from paper regular topics that she:

  • thicker
  • less smooth
  • less flat,
  • sometimes a little less strong,
  • more beautiful
  • more pleasant to the touch
  • much more non-standard than ordinary paper.

Thus, if you want to achieve the advantages described, then let's start making homemade paper.

Homemade paper is very easy to make.

The main stages of making homemade paper:

  1. Prepare pulp.
  2. Add adhesives and plasticizers to the mass.
  3. Add decorative elements to the mass.
  4. Form a sheet of paper.
  5. Add decorative elements(other).
  6. Dry the sheet of paper.
  7. Apply received homemade paper.

Well, now let's go through each stage in more detail. And in the end, let's talk about the use of homemade paper.

Pulp preparation for homemade paper.

The basic idea of ​​prepping is to make a slurry of as small pieces of cellulose as possible mixed with water. Suitable sources of cellulose are:

  • paper napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • egg cartons;
  • newspapers;
  • wrapping paper for shoes;
  • ordinary White paper for printers.

They say that even old unnecessary fabric is used to make paper. That is, there is also cotton paper. In theory, with it the same procedure as with ordinary paper - divide into fibers and form a sheet. But there are no practical results on the Internet yet, so we will limit ourselves to what is - homemade paper from paper.

Paper for making paper needs to be torn into small pieces (the smaller, the better) and soak for a while - from 1 hour to a day, as long as you have enough patience. By the way, it is not necessary to use paper of the same color, you can also make multi-colored paper. designer paper from colorful paper for application. Cellulose doesn't dissolve in water, so over-wetting won't do anything. The purpose of soaking is to make the torn pieces of paper soaked with water and swell, dispersing even more into fibers, which is what we need to achieve. But in fact, you can do without soaking.

Now you need to turn the scraps of paper into pulp. An ordinary kitchen blender works well for this. Beat the mass for about 5 minutes. Take a wide container, a regular basin will do, and pour in the contents of the blender. If the mass is too thick, then dilute it with warm water and mix thoroughly. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, fold it into a colander and let the excess water drain (if necessary, you can press it down). The consistency of the resulting cellulose should resemble sour cream.

And now, having prepared the pulp mass, you can proceed to adding additives to it.

Adding additives to paper pulp.

The first thing to add to the infused pulp mass is PVA glue. Without this agent, the paper will be very brittle. It should also be taken into account that too a large number of PVA glue will make the paper look like oilcloth, with a smooth surface of dried PVA glue. But it will be strong 🙂 In fact, you choose the right proportion experimentally - the more glue, the more it is visible, and the stronger paper. And vice versa. Depending on how durable or textured your products should be.

But there is also a general proportion: on a sheet of A5 paper, you need about half a teaspoon of PVA glue. Or a full teaspoon.

Additionally, starch and/or detergent- so that the cellulose fibers slide relative to each other more easily, and the paper is formed with fewer lumps and mounds. But, on the other hand, lumps and mounds give texture to the paper - so adding or not adding plasticizers is optional.

Further, what can be added to the pulp mass at this stage is decorative elements. The simplest decorative elements are the strongest black tea or very strong coffee. In addition to color, these additives also give the paper a flavor. You can also paint paper with any water-soluble paints.

In addition to tea and coffee, you can add to the mass

  • various grains,
  • foil,
  • wool,
  • bark pieces,
  • twigs,
  • thread,
  • beads,
  • chopped straw
  • and so on

- anything small enough and forming beautiful blotches.

Formation of a sheet of homemade paper.

In order to make paper from the resulting and decorated pulp, it must be formed - to make flat sheets. Well, a variety of devices are used for this. Common to almost all devices is gauze or a mosquito net. That is, the barrier with the smallest possible cell size. Since gauze or mosquito netting is difficult to hold up to create a sheet of paper, they need a backing - something that has large holes and is strong at the same time. The variety of substrates is great. It can be:

  • special frames with metal mesh
  • hoop
  • cat tray
  • just cloth and newspapers.

The main pattern when forming a sheet of homemade paper is simple: gauze / mosquito net must be placed on a substrate, a little cellulose mass should be poured on top, distributed evenly by shaking or pressing down with your hands. You also need to remove excess water. In principle, you can not do this - but then the drying process will take longer. And to remove excess water, you can blot a layer of mass with a sponge until it remains dry. Take your time in the manufacturing process. When separating the base from the paper, do not make sudden jerks. If the base does not come off, then continue to remove moisture with a sponge.

Well, then you need to put a press on top of the prototype sheet of paper. Previously, the prototype of the sheet must be removed from the base - otherwise, when it lies under the press, the cells of the sheet will be printed on the paper. Although it can be beautiful 🙂

The pattern when forming a sheet: the thicker you pour a layer of cellulose, the more your paper will turn into designer cardboard. So you need to take into account the desired layer thickness. By the way, before putting the paper under the press, on its surface you can throw:

  • corn,
  • leaves
  • flower petals,
  • sequins
  • hearts
  • etc.

These additional decorations are pressed into the paper a little during the drying time and stick to it. So the paper will turn out even more unusual and even more creative than if this stage did not exist.

So, we formed a sheet of paper and put it to dry under pressure. Drying takes a day or two. If you are in a hurry, then a slightly dried sheet of paper can be ironed through the fabric.

By the way, there is also an alternative way to form a paper sheet.

This alternative way happens without gauze, without a substrate - only with fabric and newspapers. This method is also suitable when you need to do a lot paper sheets at once.

So, on the floor in the bathroom, lay out a large piece of polyethylene, on it - a stack of old newspapers, and on top of a cotton rag. And put a lump of paper pulp on a rag. Smooth the mass with your fingers so that it lies in an even thin layer. The smoother and thinner you lay it out, the better the paper will be. Then pat the surface with the palm of your hand or roll it a little with a rolling pin.

Next, wrap the fabric so that it completely covers the layer of paper pulp. Put another piece of cotton rag on top and repeat the operation - smear, smooth, cover. And so on until you run out of pulp.

Cover the resulting stack (newspapers, layers of paper pulp, fabric) with a board on top and place a load on it. Collect the escaping water with a sponge. Leave it all to dry overnight. In the morning, unfold our "sandwich" and carefully transfer the finished sheets of homemade paper to a dry surface. Wait until the paper is completely dry.

Well, now it's time to move on to the next stage promised at the beginning:

Use of homemade paper.

Homemade paper can be used wherever paper decor is needed. So, you can make many options for such paper, and then use it for pasting a photo album, folder, gift box. That is, homemade paper can be used in such a well-known technique as. That is, where gluing of paper and fabric is used, and where an unexpected texture or color is exactly what was missing to complete the composition. In addition, homemade paper is great for creating one of the varieties of appliqué. Collage will be more alive and more beautiful if you use homemade paper when creating it. Just applique It will also be more visible and more creative if there are moments from homemade paper.

The second point where homemade paper can be used is decoupage(covered in more detail in the article "Decoupage technique on furniture"). And in this case homemade paper, as well as with application, serves as separate accents.

But there is an area where homemade paper is the basis of the basics, and does not serve as an accent, in small quantities, but is presented precisely as a main course. This area is scrapbooking. Scrapbooking (English scrapbooking, from English scrapbook: scrap - clipping, book - book, lit. "book of scraps") is a kind of handicraft art, which consists in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums. This type of creativity is a way of storing personal and family history in the form of photographs, newspaper clippings, drawings, notes and other memorabilia, using a peculiar way of preserving and communicating individual stories using special visual and tactile techniques instead of the usual story.

Well, an excellent basis for sticking photographs, casts, clippings, and so on is nothing more than homemade paper. Agree, it's one thing when a story is told on a regular photo album. And quite another thing is when personal history a special, beautiful and self-made album made from homemade paper was allocated.

Accordingly, in addition to the album, you can make a book, notebook, envelope, letter, invitation from homemade paper - anything paper that needs to be highlighted compared to other similar items.

And finally, another large area where homemade paper can be used is. You can also draw on plain paper… But when drawing takes place on designer, home-made paper - the drawing itself becomes different. And graphic techniques look completely different when not ordinary smooth paper shines through as a background, but corrugated, textured paper, with the addition of various inclusions and inclusions (which can not only play the role of a background, but also act as parts of a picture).

That is, when drawing on homemade paper, the range of possibilities to draw expands.

And finally - a small one on the topic of how to make homemade paper (by the way, in the same place great way make a frame with steel mesh; and the procedure itself is slightly different from the one described in the article):

Thus, homemade paper is easy to make - as well as to use it for a variety of decorative purposes.

According to and
