How to wash plastic blinds at home. Auxiliary tools and devices that will help to gently clean the blinds

Blinds provide better sun protection than traditional curtains and curtains. They are compact, easy to use and fit into any interior. The disadvantage of a useful invention is rapid pollution. Dust settles daily on horizontal slats, so alternative curtains should be washed every 2-3 weeks. What methods to use to make cleaning quick and not take a lot of time?

Paint brushes and vacuum cleaner

Wet rags, which are used to wipe off a layer of dust from plastic or wooden strips, often leave dirty streaks. You have to change the water several times, wipe the horizontal blinds with a dry cloth, and only after all the manipulations do they begin to please with perfect cleanliness.

You should arm yourself with a spray bottle with clean water and a fluffy brush. Such cleaning accessories are loved by the maids from the series about the rich and the unfortunate. A brand new long-haired paint brush or a piece of sheep's wool, which for unknown reasons ended up in the kitchen cabinet, will also do.

Use a brush to brush off a layer of dirt from horizontal blinds and at the same time moisten the air from the spray gun so that dust particles floating in the air settle with water droplets on the floor, and do not return to the lamellas.

A simpler option is a vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle for caring for upholstered furniture. You can use the husband's accessory, which he bought for his beloved car. The vacuum cleaner should move from the upper bars to the lower ones, gradually removing dirt. No dust in the air, and cleaning with such a unit will take a few minutes.

Making it easy
You will need several pieces of soft cloth that you do not mind throwing away or putting on a floor cloth. If nothing old and unnecessary was at hand, napkins designed to combat dust on various surfaces will come in handy.

Pour soap solution into a bottle equipped with a spray bottle. It is prepared from detergent, powder or shavings from laundry soap. Combine any ingredient with water, carefully chop and apply to wash the blinds. The alternative is not to bother and buy a special tool designed for windows.

  1. Blinds should be set to "Sun protection" to make it easier to clean the slats.
  2. Spray a small area with a spray bottle until it is slightly damp but not wet.
  3. Walk on a plastic or wooden strip with a prepared rag. The fabric should not be washed or wet, so it should be used sparingly to cover all or several windows.
  4. When one side of the blinds becomes perfectly clean and slightly dry, they are turned over and the manipulation with the spray gun is repeated.

It is recommended to finish cleaning by washing the window, because droplets of the solution fall on the glass, forming stains. You can use the same solution and a rag designed for blinds, so as not to complicate your life.

Option for lazy housewives

You don't have to spend half a day making alternative curtains look clean. In a handbag there is always a package of wet wipes or baby wipes. Suitable varieties for household appliances or telephone.

It is advisable to vacuum, and then arm yourself with napkins and gently wipe each slat. Blinds should be open so that the strip can be captured from two sides at once. This will speed up the cleaning process.

Move from the eaves to the windowsill, trying not to leave stains. If necessary, you should finish the mini-cleaning with a piece of dry cloth so that the surface of the blinds becomes perfectly clean, without the slightest hint of dust.

It seems that a wet wipe was not enough? The slats look terrible, so you can’t do without soapy water and a sponge? We'll have to put on rubber gloves, get a basin and a couple of fleece rags.

You can prepare a solution from dishwashing detergent, which will remove grease, dirt, and stains of unknown origin. Dilute a few drops with water, stir thoroughly so that foam forms on the surface, and proceed to cleaning. Additionally, you will need a bucket or other container with clean liquid without additives and a napkin.

  • Blinds must be closed.
  • With a sponge dipped in soapy water, gently walk over the surface of the lamellas, removing dirt.
  • Get rid of soap stains with a damp cloth, which is dipped in clean water.
  • Go over the blinds with a dry cloth, soaking up the remaining liquid.

Important: It is not advised to leave the slats wet. The metal parts on which they are held become rusty due to water, so the blinds do not open and close well, and quickly fail.

After the procedure, you will have to take care of the windows without fail, because the soapy solution leaves muddy stains on the glass, from which an ordinary rag will not help.

Water treatments for blinds

If the slats are covered with a thick layer of dirt and grease, which a soap solution and a sponge can not cope with, you can take alternative curtains to the bathroom. Warm water and strong pressure are an excellent remedy for dust and other delights.

To separate the blinds from the window, press on the brackets, and then pull the plastic or wooden fixture down. The slats must be closed. Carefully straighten the alternative curtains so that they do not fold anywhere. Remove plugs, weights and other parts that are afraid of water.

Hang a plastic sheet over the bathtub, directing a strong jet of water at it. You can gently run a sponge over the lamellas to wash off the dust. The next step is to prepare a soap solution from a powder or detergent. Dirty blinds are soaked in it for several hours, after which they are washed a second time with tap water.

Wipe alternative curtains with a dry cloth so that no water stains remain on the surface. Hang and straighten, it is advisable to use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of the slats. Return the plugs to their place, install the blinds back on the windows, not forgetting to wash the cornice and window sill.

Tip: You can not resort to this method too often, otherwise the metal parts become corroded, and the service life is reduced.

The swivel mechanism of the slats after bathing should be treated with silicone grease so that it functions better.

Preventive measures

In order not to have to wash the dust from the blinds every week, after washing, treat the alternative curtains with an antistatic agent. A special product or a few milliliters of fabric softener will do. In a small amount of water, dilute the polish and antistatic agent in equal parts, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and be sure to wear rubber gloves.

Use a soft cloth or sponge. An alternative is cotton gloves worn over rubber ones. The solution is applied either on the lamellae or on a napkin. The product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the blinds, and then carefully rubbed until the plates are dry. Antistatic does not allow dust to settle, so a useful invention will remain clean for a long time.

How to clean wood or fabric blinds

Plastic slats look ordinary, somewhat reminiscent of an office, so some people prefer to decorate windows with wooden or fabric varieties. They can not be bathed in the bathroom, treated with soap solutions or cleaning products.

Fabric options should be vacuumed or dusted with a brush. Jacquard varieties or with photo printing are trusted only by professionals. If the instructions say that the blinds can be washed, you should carefully remove them from the window, release them from the fittings and roll them up. Fill a basin with water and dilute a little soap there. Dip alternative curtains in the liquid for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry on a flat surface covered with a cloth. Be sure to shake after bathing and straighten. It is recommended to wash fabric blinds no more than once a year so that they do not lose color.

Wooden varieties are vacuumed or wiped with wet wipes. No water, otherwise they will deform.

Fabric blinds can be treated with a steam cleaner wrapped in a sheet. This method is suitable for varieties that are allowed to be washed. High temperatures disinfect, and steam cleans the lamellas from dust particles.

Caring for blinds is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to wipe them with napkins and vacuum so that you do not have to remove them from the windows, wash and soak.

Video: how to quickly wash horizontal blinds

There are popular effective methods that make it possible to quickly and efficiently clean the surface of the structure. As a rule, horizontal models are much more difficult to tidy up, since there is a risk of spoiling their appearance. Usually aluminum blinds can be easily washed without even removing them, if you follow a few recommendations.

This article describes in detail the process of cleaning this product at home under normal conditions. To easily clean the product of fat, just look at the photos and videos below.

How to clean horizontal aluminum blinds

This species is the easiest to keep in perfect cleanliness, since it has been previously treated with special agents that repel multiple accumulations of dirt, dust and grease. It does not need long cleaning. It is most correct to carry out the cleaning process every week. There are great ways to greatly simplify this meticulous and lengthy process, which will help to preserve the original appearance of this interior element for a long time.

The most popular methods for cleaning lamellas are using water with a small addition of special cleaning household chemicals or a small amount of table vinegar:

Advice. To avoid ugly stains on the planks, they should not be wiped dry, but dried naturally. You should not use a hair dryer for this, use heating systems such as a battery or drying, as this can contribute to the deformation of structures, a significant decrease in the strength of the material and the appearance of unwanted cracks.

The process of washing the system without removing it from the window

It includes several important steps:

  • First you should open access to (move away pieces of furniture that clutter up access to them);
  • Washing should be done only with a special window cleaner that dissolves old fat accumulations;
  • Next, you need to gently wipe each existing bar on both sides with a rag dipped in a previously prepared solution;
  • This must be done sequentially: first, the upper part is wiped, and then the lower;
  • After the entire canvas is cleaned, you need to repeat the process using already clean water and a cloth;
  • The last step is to blot the lamellas with a dry cloth to prevent streaks from forming.

In the process of cleaning the blinds at home, you may need a wide variety of cleaning and auxiliary products.

It is very important to clean the surface of the blinds as often as possible. A clean look will give the room not only freshness, but also safety. This is the only way to control the amount of allergens in the room so that being in the room is pleasant.

Advice. In order for the process of cleaning the product from grease to take less time and effort in the future, a small cleaning of the surfaces of the blinds should be carried out regularly.

Auxiliary tools and devices that will help to gently clean the blinds

Before proceeding to the cleaning process, it is important to acquire special useful little things:

  1. Specially designed brushes. They are designed to easily clean the lamellas from accumulations of dust and not break them. But, unfortunately, they are not suitable for removing grease stains and plaque.
  2. Window cleaner. It will help to easily remove old fat, just spray the composition on the surface of the lamellae and wipe them thoroughly with a dry cloth.
  3. Wet wipes. You can choose the appropriate varieties that are designed for a particular type of pollution.

Advice. Under no circumstances should aluminum blinds be removed and soaked in water. This can provoke corrosion processes and shorten the life of this type of sun protection systems.

It is important to remember that regular dishwashing detergent is an excellent cleaning agent. It contains fat-dissolving components that will help to easily remove all impurities.

There are many options for cleaning blinds without having to remove them, and all of them can be done even by a beginner.

A great way to clean a piece of metal is to wear a cotton glove on one hand and a rubber glove on the other. Here you only need to periodically moisten the hand with a glove in soapy water and clean water and run it through the strips.

What to watch out for when cleaning

The key here is to be extremely careful to keep your blinds looking their best. If care is not taken in the course of successive actions, then the product can be damaged. Among the most dangerous cleaning methods are:

  1. Use of detergents. Since the most ordinary vacuum cleaner in the dry cleaning mode is not able to remove adhering dirt, and washing types can still cause damage, they should not be used to clean the slats of the blinds.
  2. It is not recommended to wash the blinds in the open. Before starting work, you need to bring them to the closed position, otherwise it will drastically ruin them and, as a result, you will have to buy new blinds.
  3. No need to use old paint brushes and brushes. This will not only not help, but also spoil the appearance of the system.
  4. abrasive materials. They should not be used to remove old grease stains, as they can leave deep scratches on a smooth glossy surface.

It is very important to keep sun protection systems perfectly clean as this will help keep the air fresh, the room pleasant and minimize the cleaning time of this product in the future. It is better not to start this process right away, so that in the future only light cleaning with detergents that will not harm the product is enough.

Video: How to wash horizontal aluminum blinds

Photo: How to wash blinds

Horizontal metal blinds made of aluminum have a small list of disadvantages, one of which is their tendency to accumulate dust. A layer of dust on structural elements looks completely unaesthetic and also negatively affects the health of residents, so keeping windows and blinds clean is an integral task of every housewife while cleaning the house.

Before determining the best way to clean a structure, you need to know some of its features:

  1. Various materials are used for the manufacture of products. There are plastic, aluminum, fabric and wooden blinds. The most popular are aluminum. Their universal appearance will suit almost any interior. In addition, due to the processing of aluminum lamellas with metal-plastic, they are less susceptible to temperature changes and humidity.
  2. Aluminum structures are not forbidden to be installed between the frames or even from the outside.
  3. They allow you to more accurately regulate the level of penetration of sunlight, as well as the degree of illumination of the room. This is possible due to the rotation of the slats around its axis or the complete lifting of the structure for maximum natural light.
  4. Due to the compact design, the window sill remains free, and the hostess can place flower pots, books or any other items on it at will.
  5. With proper care and operation, blinds will serve the owners for many years without losing their properties. They have high rates of wear resistance, quality and durability.
  6. Especially metal structures are valued for their resistance to soot and odors. Therefore, they are most often found in the kitchen.

With proper care, aluminum blinds will last a long time.

When choosing horizontal aluminum structures, it is necessary to make sure that all materials used for their manufacture are environmentally friendly, safe for health and do not emit toxic substances when in contact with detergents.

There are several options for cleaning horizontal blinds. For each type of material, a specific cleaning method is suitable. For example, wet cleaning is undesirable for wooden and fabric surfaces, as material deformation may occur due to regular exposure to moisture.

Dry cleaning

Fabric and wood structures that have not been impregnated with water-repellent compounds should not be cleaned using water. Therefore, to maintain their neat appearance, a dry method is used to remove dirt and dust.

For such cleaning, you will need a microfiber cloth, a clean piece of fabric, or a special brush that can be found in the household departments of supermarkets. The slats must be completely turned away from you, then wipe each bar separately using the selected device. To avoid accidental cuts to your hands while cleaning, wrap each bar completely and avoid skin contact.

Wash blinds carefully to avoid injury

Wipe the lamellas carefully so as not to break them or deform them. Brushes specially designed for this purpose allow you to wipe several planks at once, facilitating and speeding up the work of the hostess. The disadvantage of such a device is a large amount of dust, which, when brushed off the slats, falls on the surrounding furniture.

If there are allergy sufferers in the house, then the dry method of dust removal is undesirable, as it provokes the appearance of a large amount of dust. To minimize this effect and at the same time avoid the use of large amounts of water for cleaning structures, use wet wipes. Special wipes for the care of office equipment are best suited.

How to clean metal blinds with a vacuum cleaner

During the premises, the hostesses put the windows in order and at the same time prefer to wash the curtains. This is a laborious task, since each curtain must first be removed from the hooks, washed, ironed if necessary and hung back. In the case of cleaning the blinds with a vacuum cleaner, the work progresses much faster.

The vacuum cleaner is set to moderate suction mode. Instead of a wide nozzle, a narrower nozzle is used, which is used to clean upholstered furniture. The slats of the blinds close tightly. Carefully holding the structure, each plank is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. When finished, you can wipe the aluminum parts with a microfiber cloth. If the hostess is looking for a way to quickly refresh the appearance of the product, such cleaning is great for removing not too strong dirt.

How to clean blinds at home with water

In the instructions for fabric and wood products, manufacturers do not recommend using a wet cleaning method. On fabrics impregnated with dust and moisture-repellent liquids, after contact with water, unattractive stains may form. Washing blinds made of plastic or aluminum using water is not prohibited, but this should be done if necessary to wash heavy dirt. In other situations, vacuuming or simple brushing is recommended.

Use a special brush to clean the blinds

After removing the blinds, wash them in the bathroom, in which you first need to collect warm water and dissolve a little soap. You can also use a detergent for the care of plastic or aluminum surfaces. Such a bath perfectly removes even old stains, accumulated dust and dirt.

The structure is immersed in the bathtub in the folded state, that is, if they hung not in the window, they would be completely raised up. Further, the blinds are fully opened with a cord. So wash the slats from all contaminants. If some stain is not cleaned, it is allowed to lightly wipe it with microfiber. Several large towels are placed near the bath, on which the blinds will dry after cleaning.

In addition to such washing in the bathroom, every housewife should know how to wash the blinds in the shower. This is the second very convenient and fast way using a lot of water. To begin with, all plastic plugs are removed from the structure in order to prevent the development of corrosion in the future and preserve the appearance of the structure.

Having removed the blinds from the window, this time they are left in the unfolded state, so that they do not stick together and in the future there is no need to spend time straightening them. With the help of a shower head, all dirt, particles of dust, grease and dirt are carefully removed. In case of very strong, chronic pollution, it is recommended to soak the strips for a short time in a soap solution. After cleaning, the product is rinsed with clean water and laid out on a towel.

There is not always time or opportunity. In such a situation, you can wash in working condition. To do this, you need to know how to clean the slats from dirt right on the window. Warm water is collected in a small basin and soap is added. To prepare a soapy solution, liquid soap, grated laundry soap, or any universal cleaner is suitable.

If you add a little polish to the water, the resulting composition will provide an excellent antistatic effect, so that dust will accumulate less on the slats. To wash kitchen structures, add dish detergent. It will effectively clean the surface of droplets or traces of grease.

If you add polish to the water, then less dust will accumulate on the slats

The product is completely closed, then wetting a rag in the prepared solution, wipe each lamella. It is impossible to leave the product too wet, so it is wiped dry with a clean cloth or microfiber, which traps moisture especially well.

Whether it is worth removing the blinds during the general cleaning or not, each hostess decides for herself. A more visible result can be obtained if you still spend extra time removing the product and soaking it briefly in a soapy solution.

How to make the job of a hostess easier

Blinds are quite a weighty structure. Therefore, when planning a general cleaning with washing the product in the bathroom or shower, the hostess should ask the man for help. Other ways to make the job easier are:

  • you can postpone the need to wash the blinds if you regularly remove dust from the slats;
  • traces of grease can be removed with dishwashing detergent or window cleaner. The product is applied to the planks and after a while wiped dry with a clean rag;
  • having chosen a certain cleaning agent, a small amount of it should be applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rails to exclude the possibility of damage to the coating;
  • if there is a lack of time or lack of self-confidence, you can apply for cleaning services to specialized companies. This is not the cheapest way, but after the work of professionals, the product will shine;
  • cleaning structures will be a minimum of hassle if you monitor their condition and regularly remove pollution as they appear;
  • if the plans of the hostess include washing windows and cleaning aluminum slats, first wipe the blinds with a dry cloth and fold them completely. After that, you can proceed to washing windows and window sills.

Horizontal blinds are a practical and versatile product that will fit into any finished interior. If the owners know how to wash the blinds, how to properly care for and operate them, the structure will last for many years and will perfectly fulfill the functions assigned to it.

If we compare various kinds of devices for saving your home from the scorching sun, then products such as blinds are best protected from them today. Unlike ordinary curtains and curtains, they are more compact, easy to operate and their appearance is in perfect harmony with any living or working interior. The only disadvantage of such a useful invention is the problem of rapid contamination. Every day, dust flakes settle on the slats, you can often notice all kinds of spots on them, so you should wash such devices at least once every 2-3 weeks.

How to remove from the window?

Periodically, for better care of the product, the blinds must be removed. Horizontal products are dismantled quite simply, as they are mounted using a special bracket with unusual fasteners. You just need to push the main and back panel at the top of the blinds, and then carefully remove the product from the latches. Many models of modern blinds consist of more complex designs, then you will need a screwdriver to detach.

To remove a product made of wood, plastic or metal from the window, you need to press on the brackets, and then pull the entire device down towards you. In this case, the slats should only be closed, otherwise you can spoil their surface.

Blinds of a vertical arrangement are dismantled from windows much easier, because each strip is hung separately. In the upper part of the product there is a special plug, which is quickly removed and after that you can remove the rest of the blinds.

We clean horizontal blinds easily at home

What are the most effective methods for cleaning horizontal products so that home cleaning is of the highest quality and does not take too much time?

Many housewives are accustomed to using damp cloths to clean their blinds, with which they try to wipe off a layer of dust from plastic or wooden strips, but instead just leave dirty stains on their surfaces. To enhance the effect of purity in this case it is necessary to change dirty water for clean water several times, and after that wipe the wet blinds with a dry cloth. And only after all these rather tiring gestures, clean lamellas will delight you with their perfect appearance.

Option 1. Spray bottle and brush

To simplify the process of washing horizontal products, you just need to arm yourself with a small spray bottle filled with clean water and a fluffy brush or brush with soft bristles. With a brush, you need to remove layers of dirt from the plastic lamellas, and at the same time spray air from the sprayer at a short distance from the blinds. This is necessary so that the dust swept away from the lamellas and flying in the air falls with small drops of water onto the floor, and does not settle again on the curtains.

Option 2. Vacuum cleaner

If you have a vacuum cleaner at home with a small attachment for furniture care or a vacuum cleaner for cleaning in a car, then the process of caring for blinds will become even more comfortable and less tiring for you. The vacuum cleaner must be advanced, starting from the upper bars, gradually moving to the lower and thereby removing all existing contaminants. In this case, you will not have a speck of dust in the air and you will not have to clean the room later.

Option 3. Soft cloth or regular napkins

To care for blinds, you can choose a soft cloth or wipes that are designed to clean dusty surfaces. In a spray bottle, you need to pour a pre-prepared soap solution from any detergent, washing powder or soap shavings. You can also purchase a special window cleaner.

During washing, the blinds should be set in the "closed" mode to make it easier for you to work. It is necessary to spray a small area of ​​​​the blinds with a spray gun so that their surface becomes slightly damp. Next, you will need to walk on a plastic or wooden surface with a special dry cloth. When on one side the closed product becomes clean and dries well, it will need to be turned over and repeated all over again.

After finishing washing the product, you can also wash the window itself, especially if drops of detergent have fallen on the glass and formed stains on it.

Option 4. Napkins

It is not necessary to spend too much time keeping the blinds in your room always looking clean. In any woman's bag, you can often find a pack of wet wipes, baby wipes, special wipes for cleaning household appliances or a phone. First, the strips are thoroughly vacuumed to remove dust from them, and then each strip must be thoroughly wiped with a napkin. To speed up the care process, one lamella can be captured simultaneously from both sides, just by opening the blinds.

Such cleaning should be done from the eaves towards the windowsill. And in the end, you can wipe the lamellas again with a piece of dry cloth to remove traces of possible stains.

Option 5. Using a cleaning solution and a sponge

This option is suitable for those cases when the blinds have not been washed for a sufficiently long period of time and it is simply impossible to do without careful application of efforts. In this case, you will need to prepare a pair of rubber gloves, fleece rags, soapy water. You can use a liquid solution for effective dishwashing as a good tool for high-quality cleaning of lamellas - it will remove grease, help get rid of dirt, and destroy all stains of any origin. In addition, you will need a small container of ordinary water without additives and a simple clean napkin.

First, you should close the blinds, and only then you need to use a sponge well moistened with a solution of soap and water to gently wipe the surface of the curtains, removing all visible dirt. Soap stains formed during the cleaning process can be removed with a damp cloth, which is first dipped in clean water. After washing, walk over the lamellas with a dry cloth to soak up the remaining water.

It is important to remember that if you have metal lamellas, then in no case should they be left wet, otherwise their parts will rust and quickly fail.

Option 6. Cleaning the bathroom

If the plastic or metal strips of your blinds are covered with an excessively thick layer of grease that no soap solution and sponge can simply cope with, you just have to send the curtains to the bathroom. Warm water and sufficient pressure are excellent means for washing such products.

You need to place a sheet of plastic or aluminum blinds over the bathtub, aiming a jet of water from the shower head at them, before that, you can carefully walk along the slats with a soft, wet sponge to remove accumulated dust from them. A soapy solution of detergent prepared in advance is poured into the bath and the dirty product is lowered into it for a couple of hours. And only after that they wash it a second time with a gentle pressure of water.

After soaking, the blinds are wiped with a dry cloth, hung again and straightened over the bathtub. To dry the lamellas as quickly as possible, you can use a hair dryer. After that, you can safely return your alternative curtains back to the windows. It is best to use this method for plastic blinds, metal products do not like water very much, and this cleaning method will clearly shorten their service life. After washing, the lamella turning mechanism should be lubricated with silicone paste so that it works better.

Option 7

You can use special designs for the care of blinds. The original "gable" design will allow you to clean from 2 to 5-6 lamellas at once, moreover, both sides of the product will be wiped at once, which speeds up the care process.

How to wash vertical models correctly and quickly?

Vertical plastic models of blinds cannot be simply twisted and thrown into the wash in the machine. They can only be cleaned by hanging on the window using various cleaning solutions and tools. For the highest quality cleaning, it is necessary to move the lamellas to the “open” position, so that the edges of the product are directed directly at you. Spray detergent is applied to both sides of the blinds.

Using a regular sponge or soft brush, you will need to wipe each strip. Using a cloth made of soft material that absorbs water well, all that remains is to wipe the product dry so that there are no ugly stains on it.

In order to wash heavily soiled textile blinds well, you need to remove them from the mount, get rid of parts that cannot be washed. Stack all the strips in a pile and carefully roll into a roll. In a large container like a bucket, you will need to pour water and add a gentle cleaning agent to it. The curtain in such a solution should stay for at least half an hour, after which it will be necessary to wipe each lamella separately with a brush or a regular sponge in order to effectively clean it of dirt. So that from the strips of glass water they can be hung over the bath. Once the fabric is dry, the blinds can be put back in place.

Vertical blinds made of polymer components are much cheaper than products made from other materials and therefore easier to clean. It only takes a few wet wipes to clean them.

Feature of washing fabric and wood window blinds

Blinds made of plastic look far from being as elegant as models made of fabric and wood. However, wooden or woven models cannot be washed in the bathroom, Do not use soap and water solutions or any cleaning agents for cleaning:

  • Fabric blinds should be vacuumed more often or dusted with a special fluffy brush. If these are jacquard blinds or with photo printing, then they can only be cleaned in a specialized dry cleaner. If the care instructions indicate that this type of blind is allowed to be washed, then this must be done by rolling the product into a roll. Fill a basin with water and dilute some laundry soap in it. You can keep fabric products in such a solution for only a couple of minutes, then they are gently rinsed, shaken, straightened and dried on the floor covered with an ordinary clean cloth. It is recommended to wash fabric blinds no more than once a year, otherwise they will quickly lose their color and shape.
  • Fabric products can simply be treated with a steam cleaner, previously wrapped in a regular sheet. The high temperature of the steam cleaner will disinfect the product, and the steam will clean the dust from the strips.
  • Many fabrics can even be washed in the washing machine by selecting the gentle wash cycle. Beforehand, it is worth removing from the blinds those parts that cannot be washed. The fabric part of the blinds is wrapped in a roll and placed in a special bag for gentle washing. As soon as the wash is completed, the product is immediately dried. If possible, after hanging fabric blinds, attach light weights to them to level the surface of the fabric product.

  • Wooden varieties of blinds are usually vacuumed or thoroughly wiped with slightly damp cloths. It is not recommended to use water in this case - the surface of the blinds can be severely deformed from it. It must be remembered that it is extremely difficult to care for these models of blinds, because each accidentally placed stain will cause the wooden surface to swell, and the stain may not be washed off in the end - it can penetrate so deep into the tree.
  • Dirt from grease drops or insect stains on wooden slats is washed with gentle cleaning agents, intended for the care of furniture.
  • You can use the multifunction tool, which will not only help you wash even very dirty blinds with high quality, but will also disinfect them, as well as freshen the air in the room.

What is the best way to clean kitchen from dirt and grease?

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, sooner or later persistent dirt, grease and even soot will appear on the slats of the blinds placed in your kitchen. The kitchen is a place where the whole family often gathers, where guests are usually welcomed and therefore it should always look decent. How to quickly and effectively get rid of grease and dirt n and kitchen blinds:

  • First way: For him, you do not need to dismantle the blinds, which means that you do not need to waste extra time on their dismantling. All you need is cotton gloves and water with a good anti-grease solution. It can also be soapy water, but with a fairly strong concentration of soap. You will need to carefully wipe each strip of lamella in turn from top to bottom.
  • Second way: It is necessary to remove the product and soak in soapy water (you can even use regular shampoo) for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe the strips with a cloth and rinse well. After complete drying, the product is hung back on the window.
  • Third way: You will need 9% vinegar, warm water, rubber gloves and a rag. First, a washing solution is prepared - 250 ml of vinegar is taken for half a liter of water. Rubber gloves are put on the hands, and a clean rag is placed on top. With this cloth with a solution, the lamellas are wiped, for a qualitative restoration of their appearance. Vinegar is able to remove even the most persistent and old stains of grease and dirt from the surface of the blinds.

How to care for Day-Night models?

Models of products according to the “Day-Night” design can be attributed to roll-type curtains and they are created from a textile fabric of various degrees of density. In order to qualitatively remove all impurities from them, it is necessary to carefully remove the product and leave it for 15-30 minutes in the bath with the addition of a solution of a special cleaning agent. With the utmost care, so as not to damage the fine mesh, you need to walk along the surface of the blinds with a brush or sponge. In the process of washing, you will have to wind the already cleaned area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric onto the holder so that there are no folds or creases on the fabric. Do not forget to rinse the product in clean water and at the same time - be sure to leave it in the bathroom for a while so that all the water drains from it.

It is best to dry such a curtain in a hanging state, so you can not wait for it to dry completely in the bathroom and hang it back on the window as soon as possible.

What to do with bamboo material?

Very often today in offices and homes you can find stylish bamboo blinds. This material is absolutely not afraid of dampness, but will not survive a sharp temperature drop. That is why experts recommend removing all dust and dirt from bamboo blinds with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Traces of sitting insects on them can be wiped off with a damp cloth, which is dipped in a wood furniture care product. Never wash your bamboo blinds or wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge so that the product will serve you much longer.

life hacks

Some unusual tips to keep your blinds in perfect condition:

  1. You can quickly wash the horizontal type of plastic blinds using an acrylic bath cleaner. It is distributed over the surface of the blinds with a sponge, and after 15 minutes the product is washed off with a powerful jet of water. This option is good if you don't really want to make any physical effort to remove grease or stains from your plastic blinds.
  2. If you just need to remove a few stains from the surface of white fabric blinds, then at home you can make a simple and most effective cleaning agent. To do this, you need to take one glass of slightly warmed water, half a glass of baking soda and a little (half a teaspoon) of hydrogen peroxide. After mixing all the components, you will get a composition that must be applied pointwise to the stain with a brush.
  3. For the care of colored fabric blinds you can use a solution based on ordinary baking soda, shavings of laundry soap and water. This composition is applied to the lamellas over the entire surface of the product with a sponge, after which the blinds are rinsed in running water.
  4. Separate types of pollution on wooden, bamboo, metal, plastic blinds can be cleaned with a regular eraser.
  5. If even small stains appear on kitchen blinds, it is recommended to clean the dirt with a cotton cloth and water with a little alcohol.

Preventive measures

So that you do not have to clean the dust from products made of different materials every week, it is best to immediately treat them with a special antistatic agent. To do this, you can use a special detergent or a few grams of a regular fabric softener. In a ratio of 1: 1, you need to dilute the polish and antistatic, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, wear gloves when using.

Next, you prepare a napkin or sponge, you can also wear cotton gloves over rubber ones. The solution can be applied either directly to the lamellas, or previously on a napkin. The agent is carefully distributed over the entire surface of the product, carefully rubbed until the lamellae are completely dry. Antistatic has the property that dust does not settle on objects and they stay clean longer.
