How to wring out a down jacket in the washing machine. How to wash a down jacket so that the down does not get lost: choose the temperature mode and means

Why is there such a fuss around the question of whether you can wash a down jacket in a washing machine? How is it different from other things? The problem is in the filler itself - fluff. When washed, it clumps into lumps and returns very poorly to its original state. We must pay tribute to the brave and resourceful women of Russian villages, whose experience shows that you can still restore purity on your own! Let's use these tips.

Preparatory moments that you can’t do without

First, let's go to a sports store. Are you surprised? Firstly, washing any down jacket in an automatic washing machine is impossible without tennis balls. They prevent fluff from forming into lumps and help to wash it better. Buy tennis balls, that is, not small plastic ones, but with soft fabric upholstery. Pay attention to their color so there are no surprises when they shed. To be safe, soak them in hot water and bleach before washing. You will need 3-4 balls.

Secondly, it is in the sports department that you can find the detergent for your purpose. Are you surprised again? The fact is that initially down jackets were sportswear; climbers, skiers and even polar explorers wore them with pleasure. But times and tastes change...

We carefully select the detergent

If you don’t have a special detergent for washing down items, you can use washing gel for wool. Some recommend washing with shampoo or liquid soap. But be careful: who knows how your favorite shampoo will behave in the washing machine.

We use tourmaline spheres

If you have already appreciated the effectiveness of tourmaline spheres, then shopping at sports stores is canceled! You don't need any tennis balls or any hassle with choosing a detergent - just throw the spheres along with the down jacket into the drum, and they'll make sure the down doesn't get lost.

Preparing the down jacket for washing

  • Be sure to check all pockets and empty them.
  • Remove all jewelry and loose metal parts.
  • Be sure to fasten buttons, snaps, and zippers to prevent them from becoming deformed during washing.
  • Turn the product inside out.

The most important thing is to unfasten the edge, because it is better to wash such delicate items by hand and separately.

Which mode to choose

To wash an item correctly, you need to choose the right mode and temperature.

  1. Check the instructions for your washing machine to see if it has a program for washing down. Didn't find it? Then use delicate or soft.
  2. Set the temperature to 30-40 degrees, no more!
  3. Don't forget to program an additional rinse.
  4. It is advisable to use a spin speed of 600 to 800 rpm.
  5. Load the down jacket into the drum along with the tennis balls. Some people also add a towel to prevent the jacket from swelling during washing.
  6. Pour laundry detergent into the special compartment and turn on the start button. The process has begun!

If you decide to wash with tourmaline spheres, then you won't need balls or detergent. The choice of washing mode, temperature, rinse and spin remains the same.

To avoid divorces...

  • Do not use dry laundry detergent, even if it is intended for washing delicate fabrics, because it is very difficult to completely rinse the lint out.
  • Sometimes the filler is made from poorly processed raw materials. To avoid streaks, you must rinse the product thoroughly. A little trick: after an additional rinse, set the soft wash mode for half an hour at 30° C, and do not add detergent. This way you can rinse the product in warm water.
  • Do not dry near heating devices. Such drying will most likely result in streaks on the fabric.
  • If they do appear, clean the stains with a damp, soft cloth lightly moistened with dishwashing liquid. Dry with a hairdryer.

How to properly dry a product

Did you manage to wash it correctly? And now you also need to know how to dry it!
To prevent the product from having an unpleasant musty odor from down, it must dry as quickly as possible.

Method No. 1

  • It is best to dry in the fresh air or where air circulates freely. Shake the product well, holding it by the hem, and hang it on a hanger.
  • As it dries, spin it along with the balls a couple of times in spin mode. This will help to better beat the filler and return your favorite item to the same attractive appearance as before washing.

Method No. 2

  • If you decide to dry the item in a machine, select the mode for drying synthetic fabrics and set the temperature to no higher than 30° C. Complete drying will take about 3 hours.
  • After drying, shake the jacket and hang it on hangers to air. Fluff it periodically like you would a pillow. You can even use a carpet beater.
  • If litter is clumped in pockets and corners, vacuum on low power without the attachment. At the same time, move the tube from corner to corner in a circle so that the fluff moves under the lining and straightens out. Do all this from the wrong side.

As you can see, the work is not difficult. The main thing is to stick to proven methods and not experiment!

The down jacket is light, practical, and retains heat well thanks to various fillings. However, when the time comes, everyone thinks about how to wash it. Can this be done in a washing machine?

In this publication, we’ll look at how to properly wash so that the filler doesn’t get lost.

It is traditionally believed that the filling of a down jacket is duck or goose feather. Clothing made from natural fillers is very warm and costs more, so many people take such items to the dry cleaner. But is it really impossible to wash a down jacket at home?

To determine whether outerwear can be washed in an automatic machine, look at the label. There, the manufacturer clearly indicates in what mode and at what temperature to wash the product. If there is a hand wash only sign, it means machine washing is prohibited.

You can determine the washing options by the filler. Take a look at the label, it may contain names in Russian and English:

  • If the label says down, it means the product is down. Washing should be done carefully, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Only liquid detergents are used.
  • The notation feather indicates a feather. You need to care for the product in the same way as in the first case.
  • If it says wool, it is also a natural material that requires careful handling.
  • When you see the inscription cotton, it means that the down jacket is filled with cotton wadding.
  • Other indications that can be found: dupont, hollow fiber, polyester - mean synthetic filler.

We can conclude that down jackets made from natural fillings (including camel) can be hand washed. But the procedure is not easy, because when wet, the fluff will become twice as heavy. Such products need to be dried even more thoroughly.

The upper part and lining of the down jacket are made of synthetic membrane. Winter outerwear is usually made of polyester, nylon, and polyamide, which are unpretentious to washing.

Manual cleaning

Some items should not be washed at all. What to do? Clean the down jacket manually in areas of local contamination without washing. To do this, take a brush and detergent. What is better to use? Colorless soap.

Test any product you use on the lining of the product first.

If you do not know how to remove grease stains from the surface of the product, use gasoline. Rub the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline. Sprinkle salt or starch on top. After wiping the stain, shake off any remaining salt.

If a stain has become embedded in a thin white down jacket, try bleaching it. Mix ammonia and peroxide in equal proportions. Wipe the stain with the solution.

How to wash by hand

Regardless of the type of washing, machine or manual, the product must be properly prepared. To do this, the lining is unfastened from the down jacket, the zipper and buttons are fastened. After which the product is turned inside out.

What powder should I use to wash a down jacket? It is better to use soft liquid products, since ordinary powder is difficult to rinse out, leaving white streaks. For hand washing, you can use shampoo.

  1. Fill the container with water at 30-40 degrees.
  2. Dilute the detergent.
  3. Immerse the down jacket in water for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Lightly rub the fabric or brush with a brush.
  5. The product should be rinsed with plenty of water.

Machine washable

Products made from padding polyester and holofiber can be machine washed. What program to wash on and how many degrees to set:

Once you have taken the down jacket out of the machine, you can start drying it.

How to dry a down jacket

You can dry the product by hanging it on a hanger. If you dry outside, avoid direct sun. Periodically you need to turn the down jacket inside out and back. Natural fillers are known to take a long time to dry and can cause an unpleasant odor. During drying, you need to constantly beat and distribute the filler.

What to do if the filler gets lost? How to fix the situation? You can try to distribute it manually. If it doesn’t work, then you need to run the wash again with tennis balls. They will help break up clumps of fluff.

When choosing outerwear, pay attention to its filling. Also see if the product can be washed at home. Otherwise, buying a down jacket will also cost you expensive care.

In general, a down jacket is a jacket filled with waterfowl down. However, not everything that we now call so is filled exclusively with natural material. Therefore, Lifehacker will tell you how to wash a product with any insulation.

How to prepare for washing a down jacket,
  1. Study the information from the manufacturer on the down jacket label. Often there are recommendations for caring for the product.
  2. The label also indicates what the down jacket is made of. For the top covering, synthetic fabrics that are resistant to external influences are most often used: polyester, polyamide, nylon, eco-leather. Fillings can be either synthetic (sintepon, holofiber) or natural (down, feather, wool). The latter must be handled very carefully and not ignore the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. Regular powders are not suitable for washing down jackets. Use liquid products instead. And to clean products with natural filling, it is better to buy a special product that protects the fluff from damage.
  4. If your down jacket has , remove it before washing. If the fur does not come off, it needs to be thoroughly combed with a wide-tooth comb immediately after washing and several times during the drying process.
  5. But if the fur is also dyed and is very different in color from the down jacket, it is still better to go to the dry cleaner. Fur can shed and ruin the product.
  6. Make sure the down jacket's pockets are empty and there are no holes. Be sure to sew up the holes, otherwise the filling may come out through them.
  7. Button up the down jacket and pockets and unfasten the hood. To prevent the product from becoming deformed, nothing should be loose when washing.

As a rule, the most contaminated places on a down jacket are the sleeves, collar and hem. Before washing, you can moisten them, soap them with laundry soap and rub them gently.

Turn the down jacket inside out before washing.

Put it in the washing machine. To prevent the filler from clumping, add 2-3 special laundry balls or regular tennis balls to the drum.

Pour detergent into the special compartment. Calculate its quantity using the instructions on the package. Additionally, you can use fabric conditioner.

Some machines have a mode for washing down jackets or outerwear. Modes for delicate items, wool or silk are also suitable. The water temperature should be no more than 30 °C.

If possible, turn on the extra rinse function or run it yourself at the end of the wash. This is necessary so that there is no detergent left in the down jacket.

The spin should not be too strong - 400–600 rpm.

At higher speeds, the filling of the down jacket may become loose or even come out of the seams.

Fill a large basin or bathtub with lukewarm water. The temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Dissolve detergent in water. Calculate its quantity using the instructions on the package.

Soak the down jacket for 15–30 minutes. Then gently wash it with a soft brush or sponge. It is not recommended to rub parts of the down jacket against each other, as when washing regular clothes.

Lightly wring out the product and rinse several times in clean water. You can also add a little fabric conditioner. You cannot twist the down jacket, otherwise it will become deformed.

Unfasten all fasteners, turn the product inside out, take out the pockets.

Hang the down jacket on a hanger. If you washed by hand, place it over the bathtub for a while to let the water drain. To speed up the process, you can periodically lightly squeeze individual parts of the product with your hands.

Under no circumstances should you place your jacket on a radiator or dry it with a hairdryer, especially if the filling is natural.

High temperatures destroy the structure of down, it becomes brittle and loses its thermal insulation properties.

Leave the down jacket to dry completely. Periodically whisk the filling and distribute it evenly by hand so that it does not clump.

You won't find better clothing than a down jacket in cold winter. It is warm enough to withstand even severe frost. It is not blown by the wind, which is also important. At the same time, the down jacket is light and beautiful. The only drawback of this type of clothing is the difficulty in washing. It is very difficult to wash it by hand, and without knowing the rules of how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you can completely ruin the product. Therefore, right now we will understand the intricacies of this science and find out how to return cleanliness, a pleasant smell, and an ideal appearance to winter clothes filled with down.

Read in this article:

The essence of the problem

The problem with washing down jackets is the same thing that makes this warm outerwear so popular - the filling is made from natural bird down. When wet, it becomes incredibly heavy, so it is almost impossible to wash a down jacket well by hand. Plus, during the washing process, fluff and feathers form into dense clumps, which are then difficult to break up.

This is if we talk about high-quality, branded items. Cheap Chinese counterfeits are even more difficult to wash. Not always, but in most cases the quality of such clothing leaves much to be desired. Therefore, even after a one-time wash, the product may become completely unusable.

For some models, machine washing is generally contraindicated, as indicated by a special icon on the lining label. Caring for them consists either exclusively of dry dry cleaning, steaming, or delicate wet cleaning.

It turns out that a good-quality, comfortable, but far from cheap item will only have to be worn for one season due to the ban on washing? Of course not. You just need to learn some tricks on how to wash a down jacket in the washing machine so that the filling does not deteriorate, does not form hard lumps, or crawl out of the seams. The task is not easy, but quite doable.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

An important stage is preparation for washing. The condition of the product after “water procedures” depends on it.

The first step is to empty all pockets on the outside and inside of your clothes. Unfasten the fur trim from the hood. Look carefully at all seams. If fluff comes out of them, you should think about another cleaning method.

Next, you need to look at the parts of the down jacket that are susceptible to more contamination - the hem, pockets, sleeve cuffs, collar, clasp. Heavy stains may not be removed in one washing cycle in a washing machine. Therefore, before putting them in the drum, they need to be washed by hand, wiped with a sponge dipped in a soap solution. Treat difficult to remove stains separately and clean with stain remover.

You should not use regular washing powder or dry powder stain remover to pre-wash your down jacket. Such compositions foam strongly, which interferes with the operation of the washing machine. Plus, it is very difficult to wash them out of the down filling.

The last stage of preparing a down jacket for machine washing is that the item is fastened with all the fasteners (zippers, buttons, Velcro, buttons) and turned inside out along with the sleeves. This must be done so that: a) the shape of the down jacket remains the same after washing; b) the front fabric and fasteners are not damaged.

Rules for machine washing a down jacket

Washing warm winter clothes filled with down and fine feathers is only allowed in an automatic washing machine. Old type washing machines and semi-automatic machines are not suitable for this purpose.

The operating mode of the device should be set only to “Delicate”, “Gentle”, “Hand Wash”, “Wool”, “Synthetics” - to choose from. Washing in these modes is done delicately and carefully, which will ensure the safety of the product.

Before washing any down jacket in an automatic washing machine, you need to remember what not to do:

  • Soak the product before placing it in the drum.
  • Wash at temperatures above 30 degrees.
  • Use regular washing powder.
  • Use industrial bleaches and stain removers.

To ensure high-quality washing and ensure the safety of the down filling, it is recommended to replace traditional washing powder with a liquid detergent for washing woolen and delicate fabrics. Powder products are very difficult to rinse out of the filler, and if the down jacket is dark, after washing with powder, gray smudges and streaks may remain on the fabric.

You can also buy special capsules with gel in the supermarket, designed for washing items filled with fine feathers and down. Soluble capsules with gel are not cheap, but they wash down products perfectly. Plus, the capsule dosage is designed for one full wash cycle, so you don’t have to think about how much and what to put in.

Features of washing a down jacket in an automatic machine

One of the main rules for successfully washing thick down jackets in a machine is that you only need to load one item into the drum. There should be enough space inside for the item to move freely and “dangle.”

The biggest problem is the formation of hard lumps of fluff in the inner insulation. To minimize such risks, you need to put 2-3 tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine along with the down jacket.

The trick is that the down jacket, spinning in the drum of the washing machine, is strongly crushed under its own weight and “sticks” to one place. When the drum rotates, the balls will jump all the time, not allowing the clothes to lie still. This way, the product will not fall out of the active washing cycle, will be better cleaned of dirt, and the likelihood of dense lumps forming from fluff will be reduced.

If you don't have tennis balls on hand, you can throw massage balls or rubber balls-toys for dogs into the drum of the washing machine. There is no reason to worry that such an unusual method of washing may somehow harm the unit. Modern machines can easily cope with even the task of washing much heavier sports shoes, so tennis balls bouncing in the drum are completely safe for them.

If the balls are new and there is a risk of shedding of the dyed fleece covering, it is recommended to first soak them in hot soapy water. If you have to wash a white, light down jacket, you must do this.

Rinse and spin

It is very important to rinse your down jacket well. The detergent must be washed out without any residue from the insulation layer and, most importantly, the filler, otherwise stains will remain on the outer fabric, and lumps of fluff will be impossible to break up.

When choosing a washing mode in a washing machine, be sure to set the extra rinse mode. If one cycle is not enough, the product will need to be washed together with tennis balls in the “Day Wash” mode without using detergent.

It is better not to use ordinary fabric softeners and fabric softeners when washing down jackets. Such products, instead of making them softer, glue the fluff together. The best option is a special rinse-conditioner for products with down filling.

Some housewives advise not to use the spin cycle when machine washing a down jacket. This is not worth doing.

Intensive spinning will not harm the product in any way, but the item will dry much faster after rotation in the centrifuge. In addition, if you do not wring out the down jacket, but allow the water to drain freely, the down will form into such dense clumps that it will be incredibly difficult to return it to its normal “fluffy” state.

The only condition is that the drum speed when spinning a down jacket should not exceed 400-600 rpm.

A down jacket washed in a washing machine should be dried buttoned up, only on hangers (wooden, plastic), in a well-ventilated place, away from the sun and heating devices. During the drying process, the product must be shaken frequently, carefully sorting out the fluff of the filler, “disturbing” wet lumps.

After final drying, the down jacket can be turned out. You should iron winter clothes not with an iron, but with a special steamer in a vertical position.

As they say, prepare your sleigh in the summer, so today we will prepare for winter in advance - we will start washing the down jacket. From today's article you will learn how to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine, either automatically or manually, so that the down does not tangle. What to do if the fluff has rolled up after washing. Features of washing a fur collar from a down jacket
A down jacket is an indispensable attribute of winter clothing, a symbol of comfort, coziness, practicality and warmth. The filler of this product (down) is the main component of its exceptional and irreplaceable properties. Thanks to its convenience, lightness and practicality, this winter clothing has become a must-have element of the winter wardrobe for both adults and children.

The first mentions of this type of winter jacket in Rus' were back in the Middle Ages, but fashion and interest in these products arose much later. Which is not surprising, since in contrast to sheepskin coats and sweatshirts, the fashion of such modern, practical, easy-to-care and warm jackets has come to us.

However, despite the ease of care of this product, the down jacket requires a delicate attitude towards its natural filler in order to avoid the formation of lumps and bald spots in the lining. Read on and learn how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up, as well as some other subtleties of caring for this product.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up

The down jacket is a very light and easy-to-care warm item. It can be washed either by the housewife (by hand) or using everyday equipment (washing machine). Another way to clean your clothes is to take them to the laundromat. There, a special chemical solution will be applied to it, which corrodes the dirt, and dry cleaning will be carried out. However, this method is dangerous for the product, especially if its care must be delicate.

Having sent your item to the dry cleaner, you must be prepared to say goodbye to it forever, because there can be any reactions to the applied chemicals. In addition, the chemicals are not completely removed from the cleaned items, so you will have to wear your jacket, completely saturated with a variety of chemicals. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide whether to take your item to special cleaning establishments or not.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for washing a warm item at home. There are several subtleties for carrying out the washing procedure so as not to spoil your winter item.

To wash your winter jacket with down in a washing machine, you need to make sure whether the machine supports a special soft (delicate) washing mode and whether it is possible to set a low temperature in this mode.

In addition, you need to take care of purchasing a special liquid washing product, developed and recommended specifically for woolen and down-filled items (it must be liquid and not in powder form, since washing powder may leave stains on winter items).

It would also be good, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps of fluff, to purchase special spheres for washing or just use ordinary tennis balls (hereinafter referred to as washing assistants). If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special detergent, then you can easily use simple liquid soap for these purposes. Some housewives use dishwashing detergent in the form of a gel, but due to the fact that it does not wash well, smudges and streaks may remain on the jacket, and the item will have to be washed again.

How to properly wash a down jacket at home

  1. So, let's proceed directly to washing your winter jacket with down filling in the washing machine. To do this, first prepare your winter item: remove all excess from the pockets, unfasten all additional accessories (collar, hood if necessary, belt, various brooches, etc.).
  2. Next, be sure to fasten the zippers and existing fasteners on the item being processed (so as not to damage them), and turn the warm jacket inside out.
  3. Then we put the warm item into the drum of the washing machine. Together with the product, we place washing assistants in the machine (they will prevent the down lining from crumpling).
  4. Pour the detergent prepared in advance into the powder compartment and turn on the delicate mode (for yarn, silk, down products) at a total temperature of no more than 30 degrees. During this washing procedure, washing assistants will beat the item being washed and inhibit the formation of lumps.

It is quite acceptable to use the spin mode on the machine; it will not ruin your jacket, but will help get rid of excess water, but it should be at minimum speed. Despite the claims of some housewives that the spin mode leads to severe clumping of the fluff in the lining, one can object to it for the following reason: it is better to break up the formed lumps later than to wear a jacket with a musty and diaper rash smell, since a warm jacket takes a very long time to dry.

Important! It is not recommended to use rinse aids and conditioners for washing winter clothes with down filling, as your product may change color and stains may appear on it, in addition, they will provoke strong formation of lumps in the down lining of the product.

So, we looked at how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up. But washing machines may differ. They are automatic and semi-automatic, so the washing features in these machines differ significantly.

How to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine

As mentioned above, washing machines can be automatic or semi-automatic. To properly understand the essence of the issue, let’s consider the basic principles of their operation.

An automatic machine fully automates the washing process: it takes the required amount of detergent, turns on the desired mode, automatically takes in and drains water, dispenses powder, spins things in accordance with the speed you set. That is, you only need to turn on the washing machine, fill in the necessary elements (clothes and cleaning agent) and select the desired mode, the machine will do the rest for you.

A semi-automatic washing machine has excellent operating specifics: you do almost everything manually. You pour the required amount of water into the drum and add the powder. The machine is just starting to spin the loaded items in a centrifuge at high speed. Next, you drain the water and pour in clean water for rinsing, the rinsing procedure is repeated, then you can unload the washed items, spin them and dry them. That is, these machines are mainly adapted for the manual labor of the housewife, not to mention the fact that there is no choice of washing mode at all, it is the same for any thing.

In accordance with the operating principles of washing machines, it should be noted that washing winter down clothes in a semi-automatic washing machine is prohibited; you may damage this down product.

Therefore, washing should only take place in automatic machines using a delicate cycle using special products, taking into account the recommendations described above.

How to wash a down jacket by hand at home

We have looked at the method of washing your winter down clothes in a washing machine, now we will get acquainted with an equally reliable method of washing your down product by hand.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the degree of contamination. If the down jacket is slightly dirty (for example, sleeves, collar, cuffs, pockets), then it is not necessary to wash it entirely; it is enough to first hang it on a hanger and clean the dirt with a brush.

The contaminated area should be moistened with warm water mixed with a liquid product (for example, liquid soap), rubbed with a soft brush and rinsed off carefully; you can use the water pressure in the shower for these purposes. You need to wash off this stain well to avoid streaks. Next, let the product dry.

If the contamination is significant and you decide to refresh your warm item, then the procedure becomes a little more complicated. You need to take warm water into the bathroom, dissolve a cleaning agent in it (preferably liquid) and place your down jacket there (that is, place it completely and lay it out in the bathroom). Leave the item to lie in this water for about half an hour and wash the most contaminated areas. Then drain the water and rinse the jacket thoroughly (you can use a shower) to remove any remaining cleaning product. Next, the jacket needs to be squeezed out of excess water and shaken well.

If you have sufficient opportunities to quickly dry a warm down jacket, then you can not squeeze the water out of the down jacket, but simply hang it to dry. However, with this approach there will still be lumps.

You have learned how to properly wash a down jacket. Now, before moving on to the main aspects of drying this product, we will consider methods for washing accessories for this down product (for example, a fur collar).

How to wash a fur collar from a down jacket

A fur collar from a down jacket is a very delicate accessory that requires special care.

It is strictly forbidden to wash a fur collar in a washing machine; you will ruin this product. There are two ways to clean this accessory: dry cleaning and wet cleaning.

Let's start with dry cleaning, for this we need flour or oatmeal, ground into fine flour. We dip the fur collar into one of the listed dry mixtures, soaking it well there. Next, the fur accessory must be shaken well, and the residue can be sucked up using a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle. This cleaning method will give your fur collar a fresh look.

Wet cleaning of such a delicate accessory is used in case of severe contamination. You need to fill a cup with warm water, dissolve mild hair shampoo in it and carefully wash this accessory in the prepared solution.

Important! Remember that caring for fur requires the same sensitivity as caring for hair. Therefore, be attentive and caring to your fur products, then they will delight you with their beauty and luxury for a long time.

Next, the fur product needs to be dried, but you cannot wring it out; it must dry completely on its own. Drying must be done in a well-ventilated dark place, avoid direct sunlight, as your collar may simply fade under the influence of the sun.

After the fur collar has dried, it must be combed with a comb with infrequent teeth, using the following principle: if the fur is long, then it is necessary to comb from roots to ends, if the fur is short, then, on the contrary, from tips to roots.

It is strictly forbidden to bleach your fur collar using bleach and chlorine. You can treat your collar with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, then it will become a little lighter. Also, to give extra shine to your fur collar, after washing, you can rinse it in water with diluted vinegar (the solution should be weak). Then dry and comb the collar.

How to dry a jacket correctly

Drying a warm down jacket has some peculiarities.

Firstly, the product must be dried in a well-ventilated place. It is prohibited for the item to be exposed to direct sunlight. However, if the fresh air is already cool, then the down jacket can take a long time to dry. Therefore, when all the water from the down jacket is glass, it can be moved closer to the heating devices to speed up this procedure. Under no circumstances should you place your jacket on the heating devices or radiators themselves, you will irrevocably damage your jacket. I note that a winter jacket should not dry for more than three days, otherwise it will “steal,” that is, it will acquire an unpleasant smell of mustiness and diaper rash, which will be almost impossible to get rid of without re-washing the product.

Secondly, it is better to dry the product by hanging it on a hanger first so that it dries evenly. However, if the down jacket has a very thin, sparse down lining, then it can be dried by first laying it on a wire rack for full airflow and placed in a well-ventilated place. It is not recommended to lay a down jacket on a blanket or other surface for drying, as this will limit the complete drying of the product.

Thirdly, you need to constantly shake your down jacket. To avoid formation large quantity lumps, arm yourself with a plastic flycatcher (or just some kind of stick) and constantly beat your product with it. In this case, large lumps of fluff simply cannot form on your product.

After drying the product, ironing is not required. However, if there is a need for smoothing, then for these purposes it is best to use a steamer or steam generator; if these are not available, then steaming the product can be done using a regular kettle (the operating principle of all these devices is the same). Ironing is also possible, but you should use a delicate ironing mode and gauze folded several times and placed directly on top of the product, then this will protect your warm item from unwanted incidents and irreversible damage to the product.

I washed my down jacket and the down has rolled off, what should I do?

If you have used all the tips listed above to wash your down jacket, but lumps remain, then you need to carry out the following procedures.

First, try to manually break up the lumps of fluff that have formed, painstakingly moving the product centimeter by centimeter, paying special attention to places near the seams, pockets, collar, cuffs and bottom of the product.

Secondly, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle. In the switched on mode, they need to be carefully guided from the inside (the inside of the jacket), paying attention to the delicate places mentioned above. A vacuum cleaner will help break up the resulting clumps of fluff, but the remains will have to be broken up manually

After carrying out the procedures for getting rid of fluff lumps, it is necessary to distribute the fluff evenly throughout the entire lining, otherwise your down jacket will lose its thermal insulation properties and will not retain heat. Therefore, its further operation will not bring you pleasure.

Important! If you were unable to completely break up all the clumps of fluff on your jacket, you can wash it again and remove any defects that may have arisen.

So, today you learned how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up, hand washing methods, a method for cleaning fur accessories, the nuances of drying warm items, as well as methods for getting rid of clumps of fluff. By following these simple tips, you can maintain the appearance of your jacket and give it a state of freshness and cleanliness.

How to wash a down jacket at home: video

The article “How to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine, either automatically or manually, so that the down doesn’t bunch up” turned out to be useful. What to do if the fluff has rolled up after washing. Features of washing a moss collar from a down jacket? Share with friends using social media buttons.
