How to give your hair a soft and interesting shade without harm or high costs? Dying plants. Golden blond hair color: shades, dyeing features and recommendations

How to give your hair a golden hue

Healthy hair that shines like gold is every woman’s dream. Trichologists will tell you how to make your hair healthy, but we will give the answer to the question of giving it a shiny golden hue in our article. There are many ways, but I would like to tell you about the most effective and popular ones.

Citrus juice

There are opinions that many stars use this method, but, of course, it is suitable for light shades of hair, as it does not give a strong effect. Just rinse your hair with lemon or orange juice (3 tbsp per glass of water). To maintain the effect of a golden hue, this procedure should be carried out twice a week.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair, but also gives your hair a pleasant softness and a beautiful shade of noble gold. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself.
You can dilute the store-bought tincture with water and rinse your hair with it after washing. Or simply rub your hair, put a plastic bag or shower cap on top, then wrap it in a towel and walk like this for 25 minutes.

Second option: homemade chamomile tincture. Pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers (3 tbsp - 1 glass of water) and let the tincture sit for half an hour, then apply to the hair as in the previous version, only the time for “steaming” the chamomile can range from 10 minutes to an hour.

The third option is chamomile tea. Brew tea (in bags or loose), then let it brew, then distribute evenly over the entire length of your hair. Cover your head with a bag or hat and wrap it with a towel.

Sweet honey, citruses

Another popular way to give your hair a golden hue, but many girls most often avoid this option, believing that the sweet syrup will not wash off from their hair. This is not true, it washes off quite easily if you do it correctly. Mix 1.5 tbsp honey, 4 tbsp. orange or lemon juice, add half a glass of water and apply over the entire length. Make a hat from a bag and a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your hair generously with warm water and apply a mask to your hair.


This method is not suitable for platinum blondes, as it gives a richer golden hue to the hair. In fact, this option is the most dangerous, of course, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, so we will talk about giving hair a golden hue with gelatin in more detail. Melt one packet of edible gelatin in a metal bowl on the stove or in a steam bath. Then stir well so that there are no lumps and add a couple of tablespoons of any hair mask.

Next, apply gelatin to your hair and cover it with a cap or bag, wrap a towel tightly on top. The holding time is strictly measured - no more than 15 minutes, since the gelatin begins to cool and can harden, which will become a big problem for you in the future.

This mask is washed off with slightly hot water. If after the first rinse you feel small lumps on your hair, repeat the procedure, making the water temperature a little higher. After rinsing the mask, dry your hair as usual without using a hair dryer. After everything dries, you will be surprised, as this option gives the most visible result.

The above options are the most popular answers to the question of how to give your hair a golden hue. Therefore, you can easily try everything and choose the one that suits your hair best.


Many women are accustomed to dyeing their hair. But at the same time, not everyone thinks about the harm they cause to their hair by applying chemical dye to it, which contains many aggressive and skin-irritating substances, such as ammonia or alkali (you can’t do without them - otherwise the dye won’t stick to hair and will be washed off in a few days). Ammonia is very damaging to hair; with constant use, it destroys its structure; ammonia also aggressively opens the hair scales and removes its own pigment. Store-bought paints also contain parabens, which accumulate in our bodies and can cause very serious diseases. And also...

We will not describe here in detail why it is better not to use chemical paints, but rather we will tell you how you can do without them.

How to give your hair a beautiful shade WITHOUT chemicals? Let's turn to old proven recipes.

For many centuries, our ancestors used only natural remedies to give their hair a beautiful shade. Such natural paints have many advantages:

✔ they do not damage hair
✔ they preserve the hair structure and nourish it
✔ many natural remedies are used simultaneously both as natural dyes and as masks for hair restoration and growth, to reduce fragility and hair loss.
✔ they can be easily prepared and used at home
✔ unlike chemical ones, natural dyes can be mixed in any combination to achieve the desired shade, and a variety of ingredients can be added to them to nourish the hair and scalp
✔ they are much cheaper than store-bought and, especially, salon paints

Natural ingredients will not dye you a radically different color, but they will either give a new shade to your hair or make your own hair color richer and more beautiful. Natural dyes begin to gradually wash off, mainly after the second or third wash.

When dyeing your hair at home, you can use two methods:

1. Rinse your hair after washing
2. Apply to hair evenly from roots to ends with a brush or sponge.

Which method is more suitable for you personally - you need to find out through experience. After applying natural paint, it is better to wrap your head with a plastic cap and a towel (to create warmth).

After coloring, it is better not to use a hairdryer!

CHAMOMILE (golden hue or lightening)

1. To obtain a golden hue. Suitable for blonde hair only.
Pour 200 g of chamomile into 1 liter of boiling water (the concentration can be varied). After 30 - 40 minutes, strain the resulting mixture. Wet your hair with the golden liquid and let it dry completely, do not rinse.
Chamomile can be used as a hair rinse after every hair wash.
2. To lighten hair. Make the same infusion as above and add the juice of one lemon to it. Rinse your hair, pat dry with a towel (but not too much, just to remove the bulk of the liquid) and sit in direct sunlight until it dries completely. After this procedure, your hair will become much lighter, softer and silkier.

ONION PEEL (copper)

Depending on the original color, hair can acquire a chestnut, red, golden or copper hue.
More suitable for blondes or fair-haired women.

Take 200 g of onion peel and pour 1 liter of hot water, keep the composition in a water bath for about half an hour (it is not recommended to place the composition directly on the fire). Cool, strain and rinse your hair. The more intense the shade you want to get, the more husks you need to take and the longer you need to keep it on the fire (determined empirically). Cover your head with a cap and keep it on for half an hour. After this, rinse your hair with water without soap or shampoo.

The scalp may also become stained; use a pharmaceutical solution of hydrogen peroxide to wash off the stains.

Onion peel is also a well-known ancient remedy for strengthening hair and stimulating its growth. Therefore, this method of coloring is also very useful for your hair!

LINDEN (chestnut).
Linden was used for hair coloring back in Ancient Rus'. This means that natural remedies have always been relevant and have been used with pleasure by women in all centuries.

Linden gives hair a chestnut or brown tint.

1. To give your hair a chestnut tint: 5 tbsp. spoons of linden flowers are filled with 1.5 glasses of water. The composition is placed on low heat and, with constant stirring, evaporates until approximately 1 glass of broth remains. Cool and strain. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and left until the desired shade appears.
2. A decoction of linden twigs and leaves will give the brown color. The rest is the same as described above.

BLACK TEA (brown)

We all know that if we drink strong tea frequently, our teeth turn yellow. It's the same with hair. Tea is a strong dye that will give your hair a beautiful chocolate shade.

To dye your hair with tea at home, you need 3 tbsp. crushed tea leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply the resulting decoction to your hair and leave for about half an hour. After this, rinse with warm water without soap and shampoo.

RHUBURB (brown or ash)
To give light brown hair a golden or copper tint, after washing your hair, you should rinse your hair with the following mixture: 500g of chopped rhubarb is poured into a liter of cold water, with constant stirring, the mixture is boiled over low heat until its amount is reduced by three to four times, then cooled and filtered. Apply the resulting decoction to your hair after washing.

Suitable for covering gray hair.

FIR BARK (dark)
Homemade cosmetics use spruce bark for natural hair coloring. You need to grind the powder from spruce bark, brew it with boiling water, and apply it to your hair. Leave for at least 1 hour. The hair will turn dark.

BLACKBERRY (reddish brown)

Even blackberries can be used to color your hair! To do this, apply blackberry juice to clean, dry hair, leave for about an hour and rinse with warm water. The color will turn out unusually beautiful.

HONEY (lightening)

Honey is also good for lightening hair at home.

1. Add the juice of a whole lemon to honey and apply to hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a towel or scarf and walk like this for an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
2. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to honey and use as a mask before washing your hair.

There are quite a lot of recipes for hair coloring, so you just need to find a method that suits you.

How nice it is, having received a new shade of hair to realize that the hair not only did not suffer, but became stronger, more beautiful and healthier!

You will need

  • - chamomile flowers;
  • - Black tea;
  • - water;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - honey;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - kefir;
  • - onion peel.


If you are a blonde and want to change the tone of your hair with the help of folk remedies, then use chamomile, it will give your curls an interesting golden hue. Make a decoction. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of dried flowers with 500 ml of water. Place the container on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the broth for another 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Rinse your hair with this product after each shampoo.

Chamomile can also be used to make paint. To do this, pour 150 grams of flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then bring to a boil and cool. Strain the mixture, mix it with the juice of one lemon and two tablespoons of mustard oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave until completely dry. Wash your hair with warm water.

Onion peels, which will give a reddish tint, will help change your hair color. Take 100 grams of husk, add water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then close the container and wrap it in a towel or blanket, leave for 2-3 hours. Strain the resulting broth and rinse your hair with it. Remember that the product may have an unpleasant odor, so it is better not to go anywhere on the day of the procedure.

Regular tea leaves will help give your hair a new shade. Pour 5 tablespoons of black leaf tea with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain the tea leaves and rinse your hair with it after each shampoo, or better yet, every day. After several such procedures, your curls will acquire a chestnut hue.

Lemon juice will help lighten your hair slightly. The acid it contains will partially destroy the natural pigment, so this product will be very effective. Apply lemon juice to your hair, and to enhance the effect, immediately go into the sun. But do not apply the juice to your scalp, as this may cause dandruff.

For clarification, you can use regular kefir. Just apply it to your hair and distribute it over the entire length. Cover your head with cling film or a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with warm water.

Use a mixture of cinnamon and honey. Take two to three tablespoons of honey and add a teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply the resulting mass to your hair and leave for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water. When applying, try to avoid getting the composition on the scalp, as cinnamon can cause redness, and honey can cause allergies.


It is better to first try the product on a small strand of hair to evaluate the effect.

Related article

One of the easiest ways to look is to dye your hair. Unfortunately, the use of chemical dye is not so safe for hair, so girls often prefer to change their hair color using folk remedies.


Use chamomile infusion to color your hair. Pour 2-2.5 tbsp. chamomile inflorescences with a liter of boiled water, then leave the product for 10-13 minutes. Then strain the finished infusion. Rinse your hair with chamomile infusion every time after washing it. Within a week, the hair will acquire a golden hue. This staining method is especially effective for.

Prepare chamomile-glycerin hair dye. Pour 3 tbsp. pharmaceutical chamomile 200 ml of boiling water, leave the mixture to infuse for 2-2.5 hours, then strain it and enrich it with 80 g of glycerin. Apply the finished composition to the root system and strands, wrap your head in cling film or put on a plastic bag and insulate it with a terry towel. After 30-33 minutes, wash off the “paint”.

Dye your hair chestnut color using “dye” made from green walnut skin. Grind the peel in a blender or using a meat grinder and add water (the consistency of the coloring mass should resemble sour cream). Apply the nut paste to your hair and leave for 15-18 minutes.

Add luxurious shine to your hair with linden decoction. To prepare this “paint”, take 5-6 tbsp. linden blossom, pour the raw material with 3 glasses of water and place the mixture on low heat for 20-23 minutes. Then strain the broth and cool. Rinse your hair with lime dye after washing it with shampoo.

Many people know that you can color your hair using natural herbal remedies that do not irritate the scalp, giving your hair a natural color. We bring to your attention the most famous hair coloring recipes.

To give light hair a golden hue, you can use a decoction of onion peels. This decoction will give your hair a light golden color with a brown tint. To prepare this decoction you will need 30 g of onion peels, which you need to add 200 ml of warm water and boil for 20 minutes. The broth will appear dark brown in color. After straining, add a few tablespoons of glycerin, after which the hair is moistened with this solution every day for two weeks until the desired shade is obtained.

To get light brown hair, you can use dried rhubarb stems. To prepare this remedy, you need to mix 200 grams of dried rhubarb stems or 150 grams of rhubarb roots with 500 ml of white wine. This mixture is boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. The resulting decoction must cool, after which it must be strained and applied to the hair. If you add a little baking soda to this decoction, your hair will turn straw-yellow in color with a slightly reddish tint.

To keep brown hair color always looking fresh and rich, use an infusion of annual sunflower flowers. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of these flowers, which must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. After this, it is allowed to brew for two hours. The resulting infusion should be filtered and rinsed. Perform the procedure daily until the desired effect is obtained.

To make your hair brown, you can color them using the juice of the green outer shell of the walnut. For juice, you can use the leaves and bark of the tree on which such nuts grow. To prepare this hair coloring product, you need green walnut shells, which need to be crushed and diluted with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. It is applied to the hair and left for 15-20 minutes. After this, the hair must be rinsed with water. You can enhance chestnut hair color using a certain ratio of water in the composition of the dye. If there is little water, the color will be more saturated. To get a brownish-reddish tint, you need to rinse your hair in tea infusion. The tea is prepared in this way: 2 tablespoons of tea leaves are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which the tea should infuse. Don't forget to strain it.

You can lighten your hair using a decoction of chamomile flowers and nettle roots.. To prepare, you will need one tablespoon of each dried ingredient. This mixture is poured with one liter of water. Rinse your head with the resulting decoction and wrap it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, the hair is dried and rinsed with chamomile essence, which is mixed with water 1:1. After one hour after rinsing, do another one using chamomile infusion. It is made very simply: 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

You can achieve hair lightening using this composition: long tea (10 g), chamomile (50 g), henna (40 g), 400 ml of vodka, 200 ml of water. Water is heated to a boil, tea, chamomile flowers, and henna are poured into it and boiled for five minutes. Then the broth is cooled and vodka is added. The decoction is infused for two days. The liquid is drained and the remainder is squeezed out. Wet the hair with this product and leave for 40 minutes. After this, your hair should be rinsed with soap and water.

You can dye your hair using a decoction of ordinary chamomile.. If your hair is light, then take 100 grams of dry inflorescences and pour half a liter of boiling water over them and boil for 10 minutes. Then let the broth brew, and then strain it. If your hair is dark, take 150-200 grams of this chamomile. Wet your hair with it without rinsing for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse.

Chamomile infusion gives blonde hair a golden hue. It can also be used for gray hair. Take 100 grams of chamomile inflorescences and pour half a liter of boiling water over them, leave the broth for 30-40 minutes, then strain it. Moisten the hair with chamomile decoction and leave it on for an hour.

If your hair is turning gray and you urgently need to hide it, try using a remedy made from strong tea. Your hair will turn brown or chestnut, depending on the concentration of the tea. One teaspoon of tea is poured into 50 ml of boiling water and infused for up to 40 minutes. The resulting decoction is filtered, and the resulting liquid is mixed with cocoa powder or instant coffee. This mixture is applied to the hair, combing it. This hair color will disguise your gray hair for a while.

Golden hair color is the choice of modern fashionistas who are not afraid to look bright and at the same time natural. This shade allows you to preserve the true color of your curls, but at the same time enlivens any hairstyle, making your appearance more fresh, radiant, and youthful. Even platinum blonde and ash blonde, popular for many years, have given up their rightful place to this tone, because, as it turned out, this makes the face more severe and adds age. And by adding a little gold to her hair, every lady becomes light, serene and attractive.

It’s immediately worth noting that golden can be either dark or light. This shade is an excellent substitute for dark chestnut, which gives a gloomy appearance, as well as light brown, which often looks boring. If you add notes of gold to dark hair, it will sparkle with new colors, glow in the sun and attract the eyes of others.

The ideal golden hair color can be achieved using ash blonde. Tinted shampoos that contain gold pigment will help you move away from boring gray stereotypes, which also age your face. Do not be afraid that after the procedure you will become red - this will not happen. The curls will simply acquire a natural yellowish tint, which can be compared to the color of an ear of wheat. Many people equate golden hair color with fairy-tale hair, because the heroines of Russian fairy tales had exactly such curls.

It’s worth saying right away that warm ones suit almost any color type. The main thing is to choose exactly the color number that will highlight your eyes, outline the oval of your face and make your features more expressive. For example, light golden hair color will be an ideal match for gray or blue eyes. Such a duet will look good against the background of white skin, which will make its owner tender, light and dreamy.

Among the golden colors there are also more saturated ones, which will perfectly match with light brown and green eyes. Perhaps these tones have their share of red or even shades of red, but this does not make them worse. After all, only such colors can “warm up” the already bright Golden-copper hair color will be the ideal choice for a green-eyed girl. It will perfectly highlight the depth of the eyes, emphasize the flawlessness of the skin and thus make the face more expressive. But it’s worth remembering: when choosing a bright hair color, don’t go overboard with your hairstyle. The simpler you style your curls, the more harmonious the image will be.

A brunette can also have golden hair color, because adding such an accent to your hairstyle means making it not boring, enlivening it. Often, dark hair fades, loses its shine, and acquires an undesirable gray tint. Only gold pigment can give them life and youth to the face. Perhaps after dyeing the curls will become a little lighter, but this will not spoil the image at all.

For the first time in many decades, stylists and hairdressers made the right choice. And besides, this choice suits everyone - dark-skinned, white-skinned, brown-eyed, and those with pansies. Golden hair color is something universal, it fits perfectly on both light and dark curls, at the same time revitalizing both.
