Class hour on the topic: Scenario of an extra-curricular event for the festive program “Nativity of Christ”.

The purpose of the event is to preserve the national cultural heritage, Russian folk traditions and customs, stimulate the child’s creativity and initiative. With such organization of students' leisure time, favorable conditions are created for uniting the children's team and satisfying the need for communication.



MOAU DOD "Children's Creativity Center"

Game program

"Christmas Carols"

Compiled by: Grishanova Nadezhda Valerievna

Goals and objectives:

  1. Preservation of national cultural heritage, folk traditions and customs;
  2. Stimulation of creativity and initiative;
  3. Strengthening interpersonal connections;
  4. Satisfying communication needs;
  5. Creating favorable conditions for uniting the children's team;
  6. Entertainment, organization of leisure time for pupils.

Decoration (on the wall):- event title;

Image of a Russian hut, stars, snowflakes.

Equipment: - host costume (vest, hat, felt boots);

Hostess costume – skirt, scarf;

Pliers – 3 pcs.;

Peas or beans - for the “Host's Choice” competition;

3 blue markers;

3 A4 sheets mounted on the wall - for the “Housewife's Choice” competition;

2 A4 sheets for scoring and summing up;

Costumes for mummers;

Cards with the texts of ancient Russian carols (Appendix 1);

Snowflakes for the competition “Help Santa Claus” (40 pcs.);


Cards with tasks for the “Valenok” competition (Appendix 1);

Cards with numbers for the “Queue” competition;

Preparation: divide the event participants into two groups (place chairs of gray and black colors against opposite walls, students on chairs of different colors are members of different teams).

Characters:presenter, hostess, host.

Leading: Hello guys.

Do you know what caroling is? (Children's answers).

At what time did carolers walk around the courtyards singing? (Children's answers).

In ancient times, on the eve of Christmas, the main activity of young people was caroling. A group of carolers, dressed in rags and masks, walked around the courtyards singing carols - special songs.

Why did they sing carols?(Children's answers).

Our ancestors believed that during the winter solstice, what is sung in the song will come true. Therefore, the carolers glorified the owners of the house, wished them health, happiness and wealth, and asked for treats for themselves; lard, pies, and eggs were brought out of their houses.

And in our time, children and even adults continue this tradition.

How many of you caroled during the New Year holidays?(Children's answers).

Do you know carol songs? (Children's answers).

Fine. And for whom will we sing carols? I suggest you choose the mistress and owner of this hut (on the wall).

1. Competition “Host’s Choice”

I will ask winter riddles for boys; whoever names the correct answer is allowed to participate in the competition, the winner of which will be the owner of the house.

Riddles for boys:

1. They are tossed around, rolled around, dragged around all winter. (Felt boots)

2. The runners run with their socks raised. (Skis)

3. The glass in the round window was broken during the day, but replaced in the evening. (Ice hole)

Before you are three candidates for the role of owner of the house.

Each participant is given pliers, and peas or beans are scattered on the floor in front of them. At the leader’s command, the players begin to pick peas with pliers. The one with the most peas wins. The winner is appointed as the owner of the house, dresses up in a suit and sits near the house.

2. Competition "Housewife's Choice"

Riddles for girls:

1. Boards and legs run along the path. (Skis)

2. Two sisters, two braids

Made from fine sheep wool.
How to walk - how to wear it,
So that five and five do not freeze. (mittens)

3. The man is not easy:

Appears in winter

And in the spring it disappears,

Because it melts quickly. (Snowman)

Each participant receives a marker. In one minute, the girls must draw snowflakes on an A4 sheet of paper mounted on the wall. The participant who manages to draw the most snowflakes wins. The winner of the competition becomes the mistress of the house and dresses up in a suit. At this time, the presenter invites the children to remember the carols.

3. “Good evening” competition

Leading: When the carolers came to the owners, they greeted and sang the following words: “Good evening, good evening, good people, we have come, good people, we have come!” The owners sent the mummers home and then the carolers sang carols to them. Our competition is called “Good Evening”

Team members take turns singing carols. The team that performs the most songs wins. Each student who sings a carol receives a prize - candy. The hosts give points to the teams on the sheets for summing up the results, for each carol performed - 3 points.

4. Competition “The carol has come”

Leading: Guys, we said that the carolers walked around dressed up.

Several members leave the team, dress up in costumes, and sing carols based on the written text. For a carol - 5 points (Appendix 1).

5. Competition “Help Santa Claus”

The presenter says that in the coming year there was not enough snow in the city, and since, due to a misunderstanding, some snow flew into this hall, he asks for volunteers to help Santa Claus.

Volunteers stand one after another on the starting line.

There is a chair against the opposite wall, with a certain number of snowflakes lying on it. Participants take turns running to the chair, taking one snowflake each, handing it to the owner and hostess, who stand at the starting line. The first team to complete the task becomes the winner and receives 10 pointsfor his invaluable contribution to the cause of Santa Claus,the losing team earns 5 points, because I also worked hard.

7. Competition “Queue”

The teams line up one after another. Each participant receives a card with a number. The number of cards corresponds to the number of players on one team. At the command of the presenter, the game participants must line up in numerical order.

6. Game "Felt boots"

Leading: Did you know that in the old days they always told fortunes during the winter holidays? The following fortune-telling was very common: A girl threw a felt boot through the gate, went out into the street and looked in which direction the felt boot fell with her toe, where the toe of the felt boot was pointing on that side and the groom would be.

I invite the first team to stand in a circle. The leader turns his back to the center of the circle, throws the felt boot into the center, the player at whom the toe of the felt boot is pointed goes out of the circle, so you need to choose three participants from each team.

Each participant must pull out a piece of paper with the task, read the task out loud and complete it. If a player finds it difficult to complete a task, a friend from his team can help him.

For assignments, see (Appendix 1).

7. Game “Ears Are Frozen”

All players are carolers and stand in a circle. The presenter explains that it is frosty outside, and while the carolers were walking around the courtyards, they were frozen, who would warm them up if not themselves. Players move one after another. The presenter says: “Our right hand is frozen.” After this, each participant takes his neighbor by the right hand and continues to move in a circle.

“Our left leg is frozen”;




"...right shoulder";


“...right little finger”;

"...left knee";


9. Game "Lunokhod"

All players stand in a circle. One participant, squatting, begins to walk around in a circle, repeating “I’m the lunar rover pee-pee alone...”. If someone laughs, he must squat down and move behind the first participant, repeating the “call sign.” Each participant who laughs joins the “lunar rovers.” The last participant brings his team 5 points.

Leading: Today you had a lot of fun, sang a lot of carols, wished the owners well, health, and happiness. For this, the Hostess and the Host want to treat everyone with gifts and sweets.

The owner and hostess treat the children with sweets.

And we, teachers and administration, as the owners of the Children's Creativity Center, would also like to give you - our guests - gifts (prizes).

Annex 1

Ancient Russian carols

1) A carol has arrived

On the eve of Christmas.

Germinate, O God, the wheat

For a bull and a heifer,

On the black lamb.

And the hostess - a pancake,

And the owner has a son.

Happy holiday to you,

The owner and the hostess!

2) A carol has arrived -

Open the gate!

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

Be healthy!

3) Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's take the cow by the horns!

4) You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon.
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
Into the guys' hut,
And take care of the kittens!

Tasks for the competition "Valenok"

Sing a song about the New Year;

Tell a poem about winter;

Perform the frozen bunny dance;

Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in rap style;

Say ten compliments to Tatyana Valentinovna;

Scratch the head... (to a player from the opposing team).


The hall is decorated with garlands, stars, there is a red Christmas candle on the window, the tree is decorated with white and blue balls. “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert sounds.

It was winter

The wind was blowing from the steppe.

And it was cold for the baby in the den

On the hillside.

The breath of the ox warmed him.


We stood in a cave

A warm haze floated over the manger.

Shaking off the dust from the bed

And millet grains,

Watched from the cliff

Wake up at midnight

There are shepherds in the distance.

And nearby, unknown before,

Shy than the bowl at the gatehouse window.

A star twinkled on the way to Bethlehem.

The growing tree glowed above her

And it meant something

And three stargazers

They hurried to the call of unprecedented lights.

They were followed by gifts on camels.

And donkeys in harness, one small one

The other one was walking down the mountain in small steps.

It was getting light. Dawn is like specks of ash,

The last stars were swept from the sky.

And only the Magi from the countless rabble

Mary let him into the hole in the rock.

He slept, all radiant, in an oak manger.

Like a ray of moonlight in the hollow of a hollow.

They replaced his sheepskin coat

Donkey lips and ox nostrils.

We stood in the shadows, as if in the darkness of a stable,

They whispered, barely finding words.

Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left

He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,

And he looked back: from the threshold at the maiden,


B. Pasternak “Christmas Star”

The Magi have arrived.

The baby was fast asleep.

The star shone brightly from the sky,

The cold wind shoveled the snow into a snowdrift.

The sand rustled, the fire crackled at the entrance.

The smoke was like a candle. The fire swirled

And the shadows became shorter,

Then suddenly it’s longer.

No one around knew

That the count of life will begin from this night.

I. Brodsky “Christmas”

1st presenter.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and
a joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary's son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday - the Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

2nd presenter.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Rus' was in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rituals is observed. Traditionally, in Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity, pagan holidays fell at the end of December. “In order to turn Christians away from godless pagan games,” the church fathers decided to celebrate Christmas on December 25. But everyone knows that Russia is a country where the connection of the incompatible is possible. And we still tell fortunes at Christmas, sing carols, put on fancy dress and masks. It is almost impossible to list all the customs and games. Each of the holidays is scheduled minute by minute.

1st presenter.

They prepared thoroughly for the holiday; a few days before Christmas, all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People of means considered it their duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and distributed alms.

2nd presenter.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone hurried to the festive table. There had to be some hay or straw on the table. Until midnight, at the table they usually consumed lean meat, “Christmas kutya”, and only after that they consumed meat-eater, and the great Meat Eater began. Turkey with apples is considered a Christmas dish. But it is not so. Do you know the dishes that were eaten at Christmas?

Viewers respond

1st presenter.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed their clothes several times, so that they would be new all year. Christmastide begins on January 8, lasting 12 days until Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; Whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled. Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmastide festivities, Christmastime caroling, generosity, fortune telling at Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, and festivities.

2nd presenter.

On these days, carolers walked around the courtyards, glorified Christ, sang ritual songs, wished happiness and prosperity to the owners, and collected gifts. But there was one secret - they came only to those houses that had a candle on the window...

The presenter lights a candle on the window, at this time there is a knock on the door. Solokha appears.

Hello, dear guests! I came to your Christmas gathering. I want to congratulate you on this magical, wonderful, unusual holiday! May all your wishes come true! You know that miracles can happen on Christmas, unusual guests can appear...

There's a knock on the door. A boy enters with a bag filled with oats.

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Merry Christmas!

Be born, little wheat,

Peas, lentils!

There are heaps of them on the field.

There are pies on the table.

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Oats, rye,

By the grace of God!

At the words “I sow, winnow, sow,” the boy throws 3 handfuls of grains from the bag. Solokha gives him a gift. The boy leaves.

Well, the first guest came in to see the light. By the way, the grain that you collected needs to be preserved, it will bring happiness to your home.

And here come the guests with carols!

The mummers enter, in front is a fur-bearer with a beard and mustache, wearing a sheepskin coat worn inside out, with a laugh for collecting gifts.

Come in, dear guests!

Everyone goes to the center of the room and sings a carol.

Kolyada, Kolyada! And sometimes there is a carol

It's Christmas Eve!

Kolyada has arrived -

Christmas has arrived!

And God forbid that

Who's in this house:

The rye is thick for him,

Dinner rye!

He's about as big as an octopus,

From the grain he has a carpet,

Half-grain pie!

The Lord would grant you

And living and being,

And wealth!

And create for you, Lord,

Give you, Lord,

Cattle, belly,

cow with calf,

sheep with lamb,

horse with foal,

a pig and a piglet!

Open the chest

Give me a piglet!

Even a pancake, even a lard wedge,

At least cookies, at least jam.

We're in for a treat!

Yes, we sang

you are great

For fun, for fun.

Mechonosha, where is the bag?

Have some pie!

And lambs and candies,

And a dime for gingerbread.

Solokha gives gifts to the mummers and invites them to get-togethers.

1st presenter.

An indispensable condition of the Christmas holiday was dressing up in masks and masquerade costumes. This tradition is also very ancient. The church did not encourage such dressing up, and then masquerade lovers had to “cleanse themselves of filth” by swimming in winter rivers (on the day of the Epiphany).

2nd presenter.

They also organized performances at Christmas. Everyone at home took part in them. Children and adults sewed costumes for themselves, learned roles, and made scenery.

And we offer a performance to people who are surprised by everything.

Scenes from N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” are played out - from the words “Now let’s see what the beautiful daughter does when left alone...” to the words “Wait, I’ll open it myself...”. Then from the words “Meanwhile, the devil was getting seriously softened up at Solokha’s…” to the words “Having said this, he left the hut...”

1st presenter.

On the night before Christmas, as well as on holy days, girls usually told fortunes. Before the baptism of Rus', fortune telling was part of pagan worship. They tried to eradicate this ritual, but nevertheless it has survived to this day. The word "fortune telling" comes from the name of the ancient goddess of happiness Oas. How many of you know what methods of fortune telling existed?

Guests talk about how they used to tell fortunes in the old days.

2nd presenter.

People's memory remembers many signs. It was believed that all dreams seen during the holy week would definitely come true.

1st presenter.

To avoid various troubles, it was forbidden to sweep the floor or throw out garbage on Christmas Eve and the first day of Christmas; it was forbidden to sew, otherwise you would be born blind, and weaving bast shoes would be crooked. It was considered a bad omen if a woman entered the house first on January 7, which meant that the women of that house would be sick all year round.

2nd presenter.

It is believed that the Christmas tree is an integral part of the New Year. This is not entirely true. Putting up a Christmas tree is a Christmas custom. Since ancient times, all nations have had a tree as a symbol of peace. The symbol of heaven is the evergreen spruce, which is usually decorated on Christmas night and left throughout the holidays. By the way, the Christmas tree differs from the New Year’s tree in that it was decorated exclusively with white and blue balls.

1st presenter.

And, of course, what would Christmas be without gifts? The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is associated with the Gospel legends about the gifts of the Magi. As you know, gold, frankincense and myrrh. But this does not mean that we should give

gold and other expensive gifts. The main thing is that the gift is made from the heart. Most often people give figurines of angels, beautiful cards, and books for Christmas.

All those present are given small gifts.

2nd presenter.

Well, our gatherings are coming to an end. We say goodbye to you, peace to those who are in this house. Until new meetings, until new holidays.

Christmas is a bright holiday with its own traditions and customs. Since ancient times, the whole family has been preparing for it. We carried out a general cleaning of the house, threw away old, unnecessary things, everything that cluttered the home. We went to the fair to buy new things.

There is even a popular proverb that says that it is necessary to prepare for Christmas in a friendly and united manner, then peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family. So be sure to involve both your husband and children in preparing for the holiday.

Our ancestors honored the traditions and customs of Christmas. Now they have begun to be forgotten. In this article I will tell you how to prepare for the bright holiday. You will learn how to spend an interesting and fun Christmas evening.

Christmas Traditions

In Rus', young people carefully prepared for the upcoming celebration. We sewed costumes and masks, learned generous songs and carols. They always made one of the symbols of Christmas - the Star of Bethlehem, which was used to decorate the top of the fir tree. According to biblical stories, it was a miraculous star that predicted the birth of the baby Jesus to the Magi (wise men).

They also hung bells and figurines of angels on the tree, and placed candles. The ringing of Christmas bells was believed to ward off evil spirits. When decorating your home for the New Year and Christmas, consider these traditions of the past.

On Christmas Day it was forbidden to do any housework. On these days, people relaxed, had fun, and held noisy celebrations. The “mummers” walked around the courtyards, sang songs, joked, caroled, congratulated the owners, for which they gave them generous treats.

Christmas is a good, bright holiday. Start a wonderful family tradition - do only good deeds and say good words on this day. Make holiday cards with your children. Learn poems, songs, congratulate your family and friends in an original way. This will be a pleasant surprise.

Room decoration

The first thing to do when preparing for the holiday is to decorate your apartment. The main New Year and Christmas attribute is the Christmas tree. Update her outfit for Christmas. Place the Star of Bethlehem on top.

On the branches, in addition to the balls, add angels and biblical heroes, which you can easily make with your own hands from thick cardboard.

Weave a Christmas wreath. Decorate your home with candles, colorful garlands, themed compositions, and figurines. Let the “spirit” of the holiday settle in your apartment.

In a specially designated place, install a nativity scene - a composition using dolls and figurines that reproduce the scene of the Nativity of Christ.

This decoration of the room will allow you to plunge into the magical Christmas atmosphere.

Celebrating Christmas at home

After creating the holiday decor for your apartment, start creating a scenario with fun games, carols, and a quiz. For inspiration, I offer you the following entertainment options for children and adults.

A skit about Christmas

Act out “The Birth of Jesus” with your children. To stage a theatrical scene, think about the costumes. Let the mistress of the house act as the Virgin Mary, and the children as the Magi. Prepare the necessary decorations. Rehearse in advance with the children a story based on biblical motives about how the wise men, having seen the cherished star, went to Bethlehem.

Let this scene become a wonderful gift for your guests. When they are gathered, make them comfortable, turn off the lights, light the candles and begin the performance.

Souvenirs for guests

After the performance, let the children congratulate everyone present and present gifts. For example, gingerbread with wishes, handmade cards. Then play a themed game on your knowledge of Christmas folklore.

Christmas star

Make a star, attach it to a stick, decorate with ribbons. Gather around the holiday table and turn on some Christmas tunes. While the music is playing, guests at the table pass the broom to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one with the broom in his hands must recite a Christmas verse or sing a song.

To play this game, ask guests to prepare in advance - learn songs, poems, carols.

A humorous prediction

Hand out small cards to your guests. Let everyone write a humorous prediction for this year. Place the cards in a bag and mix. Give everyone present one prediction each.


We often played this game in kindergarten. Many years have passed since then, but it still remains relevant. To begin with, two drivers are selected, one of whom is given a ring. The rest of the guests fold their palms into a boat. The presenter with a ring approaches each participant with the words:

The second driver's task is to guess which of the players does not have empty palms. If he has completed the task, he takes his place, and the player with the “contribution” becomes the driver, who hands over the ring.

Gifts of the Magi

Place various souvenirs and sweets in a bag. Let the participants put their hand into the bag and try to guess by touch what kind of prize they got. If the answer is correct, the guest takes the gift for himself. Reward those who failed to demonstrate their insight with consoling gifts.

A little advice on choosing souvenirs for the bag. Place objects that, by feeling them, you can guess what they are without looking.

Smoking room

Traditional Christmas game of our grandparents. The main attribute was a splinter, which in a modern interpretation can be lured with a sparkler.

The players stand in a circle. The first one takes a sparkler, sets it on fire, and says the words:

Then he passes the “smoking room” to the next player in the circle. He accepts the fire and repeats the same words. The one in whose hands the fire goes out loses. This participant must fulfill any wish of the players.

There was an angel here

Kids love hidden object games, so make it a fun competition for them next. Stock up on enough feathers and scatter them around the room. At the signal, the children begin to collect “angel” feathers. The winner, the child who has collected the most feathers, receives a figurine of an angel and a bag of sweets as a gift.

Give the rest of the children consolation prizes, such as gingerbread.

While the candle is burning

We divide the participants into pairs and give each person a candle. The task is to reach the tree from the same distance, touch any ball, and return to its place. Whoever gets back faster is the winner. The main condition of this Christmas relay race is that the candle should not go out during the movement.

We reward the fastest and most agile with memorable souvenirs.


Do you think that you know everything about your family and friends? Play this acquaintance table game, and believe me, a lot of interesting things will open up for you. Let those who wish to tell some stories from their childhood about Christmas or New Year's Eve. Or maybe you still don’t know how your grandparents met?

Such heartfelt conversations will bring all members of your family closer together and will be a wonderful addition to warm family gatherings. You can end the evening with a magical ritual.

Ritual for making wishes come true for Christmas

Children believe in miracles. At the end of the festive evening, I invite you to perform a magical ritual together, starting with an introductory speech about past times. When our ancestors believed that on this unusual January night Angels fly over the earth and fulfill the cherished desires of children and adults. In order for the Angel to hear you, you need to learn to be grateful. Therefore, first, thank your child for the past year for everything you had.

Another important point is that the desire must come from the heart, be sincere, then it will definitely come true. Having thought carefully about what you want, write (little children can draw) your desires on pieces of paper and place them on the windowsill. Place a lit candle on the window. So the Angels will definitely not pass by your house

The Little Stars Shined Bright (Christmas Song)

Christmas songs are not just carols. There are many beautiful modern pieces of music. This video will introduce you to one of them. Learn this Christmas song with your kids, which will be a nice gift for your guests.

Christmas is a real family holiday that is loved by both adults and children. It's never too late to start your own traditions that will help create a cozy atmosphere in your home and bring all family members closer together. It’s easier to choose an entertainment program with our simple tips. Happy New Year and Christmas to you!

“Christmas Nursery Rhymes” – game program

14-00 hours.

1. Fanfare
2. Exit of Klyukovka and Solka
3. Game “If this holiday...”
4. Making fireworks
5. Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
6. Angel's Exit
7. Game “Snowflakes Are Falling Quietly”
8. Game “We are good”
9. Questions about Christmas customs
10. Learning a carol
11. dance "Macarena"
12. Game "Golden Gate"
13. Riddles
14. Dance of the Ducklings
15. Playing ball
16. Game "Wicket"
17. Game “We’ll go right first”
18. Remembering magical objects
19. Gifts from an Angel
20. Farewell to the artists!

Music, Klyukovka the Doll and Solka the Clown appear.

Good afternoon, happy hour!
Glad to see you again!
Congratulations to everyone on the occasion -
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Happy days have come
The lights are burning on the Christmas tree,
Loud laughter is heard everywhere -
It's time for some fun!
For jokes and fun,
Cool mood
For funny carols,
This is the Christmas order!
What is Christmas?
This is a miracle, magic!
Merry carols!
Interesting riddles!

A game.

Cl:. If this holiday is bad, then you will kick the TOP! (Stomp)
S-ka.: And if the holiday is good, let everyone clap their hands! (Claps)
Cl.: What is Christmas? One disappointment! (Stomp)
S-ka: You are wrong, Klyukovka! These are songs and poems! (Claps hands)
Cl: This miracle is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: People are sitting at home! (Stomp)
Cl: Everyone will find happiness! (Claps)
S-ka: All roads will be covered! (Stomp)
Cl: This holiday will be bright! (Claps)
S-ka: It's a prankish frost outside! (Stomp)
Cl: This is a fast sled run! (Claps)
S-ka: Every person is happy! (Stomp)
Cl: This Angel is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: He brings good news! (Claps)
It's time to start the fun
And the Christmas Angel has not yet appeared at the holiday,
Probably got lost on the way!

So that he can find the way
In this bright New Year's hall,
You need to prepare
And meet him friendly!

I suggest you greet him with fireworks! Do you agree? Then let's rehearse.
The left side of the hall is red fireworks, you will clap your hands. The middle part of the hall is yellow fireworks, you will stomp your feet loudly. And on the right side of the hall there are blue fireworks, you will shout “Hurray!” Get ready! Red! Blue! Yellow! And now all together!
Again! The game is played with spectators.
We have prepared for the meeting of the Angel, all that remains is to call him. Who knows how to call an Angel? (children suggest)
Happy song!
Let's all sing together: Let's imagine how the animals would sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
The bear was fast asleep in the den,
His feet were cold.
He woke up, roared,
Sang in a loud voice...
Children, imitating a bear, roughly and dully sing the first verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
A mouse came out of a hole
In your little gray pants,
She squealed, whistled,
She sang very subtly...
The children sing the second verse high and thin. (The snowstorm sang a song to her)
There's a fish in the aquarium
Sings to everyone with a smile -
Very quiet, barely audible.
Well, we will sing silently...
The children sing the next verse in a whisper. (Cowardly little gray bunny)
This horse is very clever
He hits loudly with his horseshoe.
She jumped, danced,
She laughed very merrily...
The children sing the next verse abruptly. (The horse is carrying wood..)
All the bears, fish, bears,
All the girls and boys
The song was immediately supported
They screamed very loudly...
The children sing the last verse loudly and cheerfully. (Now she's smart...)
In the whole world there is a celebration -
It's Christmas!
You can live, live,
Gain good fame!
And greet the Angel with fireworks!

Red! Blue! Yellow!…

An Angel enters to the music.

A lot of guys have gathered here.
It took me a long time to get to you,
From a distant country,
Along the road, along the wide one,
Through snowy fields
I'm in a hurry, guys.
Happy New Year
I wish you happiness, joy,
Smiles and goodness to everyone
It's Christmas Eve!

Good Angel, while we were waiting for you, we played a little with the guys. Did you like our fireworks?

Well done mischief makers,
There are lights shining in the eyes.
May the year be a success,
Let's remember winter fun!
(speaks and shows movements and asks children to repeat)
Snowflakes are falling quietly (Children clap their hands quietly)
Santa Claus freezes pieces of ice (Clap loudly)
There was a big snowdrift.
Jump and jump into it! (Jumping)
The skates are ready
We were able to make a “swallow”... (Show)
Now let's get on our skis.
We can rush to Paris. (Move to the tree and back)
Let's continue to have fun
You need to ride down the hill. (They stood up like a train and ran)
Whose feet are frozen?
Stretch them a little! (Jumping in place)

It's immediately obvious that guys
In the morning they do exercises.
I know, study for glory,
Take care of your dad and mom.
You are always obedient in everything,
Cheerful and good-natured.
That's right, I say, guys,
Or was I once mistaken?

And now I want to know how good and handsome you are. I will say a sentence, those on my right will shout in unison, “We are good,” and those on my left, “We are nice.”
One side shouts “We are Good”, the other answers “We are Nice”
Kingisepp kids
They never spoil books... (Guys scream)
They don't sit idle.
They will boldly tell us about themselves... (Guys scream)
Don't forget about friends
And in times of need they are helped... (Guys scream)
Brush teeth thoroughly
And they are diligent in everything... (Guys scream)
Don't draw on the fence
They don't break desks at school... (Guys scream)
Not lazy, not boring,
They wash the dishes after themselves... (Guys scream)
It's nice to look at the diaries.
So what are you guys like?.. (Guys scream)

The New Year has come to us
Noisy and cheerful
He will bring good luck
To cities and villages.

Christmas star light
Gives a holiday again,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Merry Christmas!
Guys, how many of you know what folk customs are associated with Christmas?
(if no one in the room has an answer, we call customs)
In the old days, they caroled at Christmas - mummers went from house to house, sang carol songs, and asked for treats. It was a whole performance. Usually the mummers portrayed animals. Here you have a bear, a goat, a wolf and even a devil.

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream.
We will treat each other
And remember the owners with a kind word!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children.
Won't you give me cheesecakes?
You'll get it on top of your head!
Won't you give me the pie?
I'll lead the cow by the horns.

And on Christmas night they played snowballs, sledded down the hill, sang funny songs and danced.

Well then, let's dance my favorite dance?

Well guys, let's respect our Angel and dance his favorite dance? Do you know what his favorite dance is? This is a fun Macarena dance! Let's all become (and adults) in a round dance. Let me remind you the dance movements for those who have forgotten:
“One” – extend your right hand forward.
“Two” – extend your left arm forward.
“Three” – right hand on the left shoulder.
“Four” – left hand on the right shoulder.
“Five” – right hand behind the head.
“Six” – left hand behind the head.
“Seven” – right hand on the right thigh.
“Eight” – left hand on the left thigh. And they wiggled their butts.


Now let's complicate the task. We divide into pairs, turn our backs to each other and dance again.

And I know one good old game. It's called "Golden Gate". Let's play with the guys!

Come on, come on, tell me
Show me how to play!

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".
(play "Golden Gate")
Klyukovka, Solka, who do you think is smarter - girls or boys?

Solka: Of course, boys!

And I think both.

Let's give them a competition of wits - we'll hold a riddle competition.

I was hit with a shovel
They made me hunchbacked
They beat me, they beat me!
Ice water poured over
And then they all rolled off
From my hump in droves.

Guys, I have
Two silver horses
I drive both at once.
What kind of horses do I have?

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

I'm flying downhill,
I'm dragging myself uphill.

What a ridiculous man
Made your way into the twenty-first century?
Carrot - nose, broom in hand,
Afraid of sun and heat.

The snowflakes just fell
I ran along the path
And they are running after me,
They give out my entire itinerary. (Footprints in the snow)

The carrot is white
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots. (Icicle).

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sparkles - any decorations.
But believe me, it’s my great misfortune
I only wear an outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree)

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass... (pattern)

But guess my New Year's riddle.
There is one funny dance,
It's for those who go to school
And for those who go to the garden,
And adults are happy to dance too.
That dance is called -
Dance of little ducks.

(dance to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Had a lot of fun!
And now I want to know
Who can play ball?

We divide into two teams. The first players in each line hold a ball in their hands. At the command “Attention, march!” players begin to pass the ball over their heads (under their feet) from the beginning to the end of the line. The players at the back of the formation, having received the ball, run and become the first in their ranks, after which the players again begin to pass the ball from one to another to the end of the formation. When the player who started the game (ball race) is the last, then, having received the ball, he must run forward along his line, become the first in it and raise the ball above his head.
The team that manages to finish the ball race the fastest wins.

And the losing team will have bunnies and dance a squat dance for us.

They play, the losers dance the lady.

We sang, danced,
What, guys, aren't you tired?
Well then I suggest
We're going to play "Pleten" now!

Wattle fence. The game involves two teams. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, with their hands down, walk towards each other with the words:

One, two. three four,
The order must be carried out.
No, of course not, in the whole world
Friendship is better than ours!

The ranks converge in the center and bow to each other.
Then fast music plays and all the children start dancing. As soon as the music stops, all participants must return to their places in their ranks. The line that lines up first wins.

Don't rush to leave
Let's continue to have fun.
It's called fun -
“We’ll go right first...”
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Repeat after me, people!

Everyone stands in a round dance and repeats the movements following the words.
First we will go to the right. One two Three!
And then let's go left. One two Three!
Let's all gather in a circle. One two Three!
And then we'll go our separate ways. One two Three!
Let's all sit down quietly. One two Three!
And let's lie down for a while. One two Three!
Let's all clap our hands. One two Three!
Dance our feet. One two Three!

(Any cheerful music plays here and everyone dances.)

Christmas is coming
Magic comes to the house.
You just need to make a guess -
Fairy tales will come to life.

Now we'll see who can remember the most magical objects from fairy tales. Whoever remembers, go to the center and call it loudly.
(hints: self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, flying carpet, treasure sword, Baba Yaga's stupa, hut on chicken legs, invisible hat, magic wand, magic wand, magic pipe, rejuvenating apples, comb, magic ball and etc.) Children are given gifts from the Angel!

There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on such a day,
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids.
Happy New Year to them,
Celebrate Christmas everywhere!

I wish you, friends, happiness,
Warm, radiant!
An angel will take away the bad weather
Let your wings be clean!
To make it cornflower blue
The sky is not cloudy,
This Christmas is merry
Well, life is wonderful!

The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,
But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.
Goodbye children, have fun!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Additional sketch (optional).

I wish you new strength, good luck,
Happy New Year and Christmas!
May they always expect you in life
Only joy, happiness and goodness!
Let there be many friends and acquaintances,
On your life's journey!
And may the road always be successful,
And may success only lie ahead!

Merry Christmas to you
And of course we wish:
Let the blizzard last for a whole year,
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your talents growth,
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales! And now, in order for us to move on to the next game, we will have to cross an impassable fairy-tale swamp. You need to jump from bump to bump. Newspapers are laid out on the floor - these are bumps. Jump on one bump, say the word SNOW loudly. Jumped onto another - loudly say a word derived from the word SNOW. For example, a snowflake. If you didn’t come up with a word, you lost, get out of the swamp. You don't play in the next game.
(game of “Hummocks”. Words SNOW, ICE, WATER, FIRE)– the floor is slippery!

Clown Solka:
Those guys who crossed the swamp, we will play “Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells” with you. We blindfold this participant. We stand around him. We pronounce:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells.
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!”
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

Deeper in the sky is blue,
The star flashed brighter...
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Through snowdrifts
She walked along laughing and having fun,
To both friends and strangers
Knocking under the windows.
And behind the old Kolyada
The carolers have come
They stood up in a noisy crowd,
The song was sung loudly:
“Kolyada was born
On the eve of Christmas..."
A bright star is shining,
Deeper in the sky is blue...

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling
From the heights of heaven.
All covered in snow, like ermines,
The quiet forest sleeps.
Silence all around. Glade
Sleeping in the arms of sleep,
Swims out from behind the forest
The moon is on watch.
The stars are going out. They're pouring from the sky
Pale rays
Frosty snow sparkled
Silver brocade.
Branches spread wide
In a snow coat,
There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the clearing.
It went up like an arrow.
To the beauty of the forest
The moonlight has fallen
And the lights of ice crystals
Played in the branches.
Diamond threads
Entwined in pine needles,
Emeralds and rubies
They lit up in the snow.
A clear star near the Christmas tree
The head is glowing...
The great day is coming
Christmas holiday!

Snowflakes in a white waltz descend from the sky,
And the sleepy forest was covered with a blanket of snow.
Today magic flows from everywhere,
And this always happens at Christmas.
The earth is shrouded in a mysterious fairy tale,
Rivers and fields sleep under a blanket of snow.
Today you quietly make a wish,
Keep it close to your heart and repeat it often.
Indeed, on this wonderful evening of crisp beauty
All your wildest dreams come true!!!

How does the locomotive sound? How noisy are the trailers?
We all get on the train and take our seats in the carriages. Has everyone taken their seats? Too-too! Wave to your parents! Go! (to music)
Stop! The first station "Poprygushkino". Who will jump higher!
By carriages! The train is leaving here! (to music)
Stop! Station "Prisedushkino". They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, sat down and stood up.
By carriages! Take your seats! Too-too! (to music)
Stop! And this station is called “Pinch yourself by the nose.” They pinched themselves on the nose... And now they patted themselves on the head and said in unison: “Oh yes, we are, well done!”
Quickly, quickly, by train! Let's go, here we go!
Stop! The train has arrived at the final station!

Clown Solka:
Do you guys know about such an old Russian game “The goat walked along the road”?
Let's play. I'll sing you a song:
The goat was walking along the road,
On the wide road,
I found a hornless goat
Hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump,
Let's jump, let's jump,
We unlock the melancholy and sadness,
Let's unlock the sadness.
One player comes out. Jumps and runs to the song. With the words “I found a hornless goat,” he chooses a mate. One player runs skipping along to the song. Holding hands, the two of them skip and jump to the words of the song: “Let’s jump with you..., let’s unlock the sadness.” They start singing again, the couple separates and each chooses another player for himself. There are already two couples running to the song. The children separate again and each of them invites new children for a couples “walk”. The number of playing pairs grows and gradually everyone present becomes involved in the game.

— to introduce preschoolers to the spiritual culture of the people;

- instill love and interest in Russian folk art.

— continue to introduce children to the holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

- reveal the meaning of the holiday through theatrical actions.

— introduce children to the holiday of Christmas;

— to form the social and moral health of children;

- develop musical abilities, perception of music.



Angels (3 girls).

Shepherds (2 boys).


Star of Bethlehem.

To the music or ringing of bells, children enter the hall with lit candles in their hands. They are greeted by the Mistress in Russian costume.

(Children put candles in a candlestick.)

Hostess: Oh, I’m glad, my dear, that they came to me again. Hello, dear guests, invited and welcome guests. Sit down wherever you want, there’s enough room for everyone in our hut.

Song "Russian Izba" lyrics. and music by Z. Rott

1st child.

Christmas evening rolled by

Where are fortune telling, hopes and meetings.

2nd child.

Neither the snow nor the blizzard crumbles,

Christmas is coming to us, approaching,

With games and dancing,

Happy Christmas Tales.

Hostess: And that’s true, it was a long time ago, many years ago. At this time, every family was preparing for the Christmas holiday. Solemnly, with love, they decorated the houses with fir branches, baked pies, cookies and buns! And the songs and round dances were performed - you could hear them at the other end of the village.

Children: What is Christmas? Please tell us!

Hostess: This is a very joyful holiday. People had fun and rejoiced when they learned about the birth of the divine Infant Jesus Christ, who would grow up and bring people happiness and joy.

A long time ago, good people Joseph and Mary came to the beautiful city of Bethlehem. They had come a long way, were tired, exhausted and wanted to rest. But in the houses, no one had a place to sleep. Then they went further and reached a high mountain in which there was a cave. Shepherds drove cows and sheep into this cave to protect themselves from the weather. It was warm in there, there were sheep and cows, and it was soft to lie on the straw. It was there that Jesus Christ was born, that same wonderful Baby that everyone talks about and whom everyone loved.

Three angels run in.

1st angel:

Praise, praise,

The people themselves know:

Christ was born -

The world rejoiced.

2nd angel:

Clear night! Quiet all around!

A star burns brightly above the cave.

The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,

Blue light pours from the cracks.

3rd angel:

A wonderful baby lies in a manger.

Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival.

Happy will be the one who hastens to him.

Happy people! Nature rejoices!

Song "Silent Night" lyrics. and music F. Grubber(Appendix No. 1)

1st angel:

How quiet this night is, how transparent it is!

The heavens look with inspiration.

2nd angel:

And in the arms of deep winter sleep

The forests breathe with anticipation. (Angels leave)

Children: Yes! Yes!

Hostess: Okay, listen.

(Two shepherds enter)

1st shepherd: Oh, how difficult the path was,

We need to rest.

There's an old barn in the distance,

It's warm there, light streams over it.

2nd shepherd:

What a miracle! We had sheep there,

Why is it so light? I'll find out now.

(Runs to the side, shouts from there)

What I see! The wonderful baby lies.

His mother leaned over him and looked at him with a smile.

(Runs up to the first shepherd)

This is what the angels sang to us on the way,

We must go and bow to the Baby.

1st shepherd:

Let's go to! There the Big Star twinkles,

She leads us to the Holy Child!

2nd shepherd:

But what should we give him from the heart?

1st shepherd:

You probably need cheese, bread and honey.

2nd shepherd:

I will find fresh hay for the nursery,

To make him warm and comfortable.

Went! (Leave)

The Christmas tree enters without decorations and stands in the center of the hall.

I'm standing alone! I'm sad!

In the wide sky

In a starry bright round dance

The wondrous Star is shining,

She announces to us the birth of the Child.

The Bunny runs up to the Christmas tree.

Jump-jump, the path is not far!

Don't go astray -

I see a star, I hasten to bow

To the Child Christ!

Herringbone: Run, run, Zainka!

Bunny: But I have nothing to give?

Herringbone: Nothing, Zainka! You have such soft ears, the baby will stroke them and it will be fun for him.

Bunny: Thank you, Christmas tree! Jump-jump! Jump - jump! (Runs away)

Fire runs into the hall.

I am a cheerful, hot fire,

I conquer the darkness

It's warm with me! It's bright with me!

I can't bear the cold!

Water runs in.

And I'm cool, I'm fresh,

I pacify the heat, quench my thirst!

Like he's looking for where I am.

I sing to the earth and give coolness!

Fire: And I'm stronger than you!

Water: I can put you out!

Fire: I can boil you!

Water: And I can cool you down!

Herringbone: What are you stupid arguing about! You are both needed. Without you, people won't even be able to cook their own lunch. You even need each other. You, Fire, without Water, would burn everything, burn everything. And Water will calm you down, refresh you, and will not allow you to rage. What are you doing? They went to bow to the Holy Child, and they quarreled. Go quickly, the Star will show you the way.

Fire and Water: What should we give him?

Herringbone: You, Fire, carefully warm him, and you, Water, wash his feet.

Fire and Water: Thank you, Ulyochka, for reconciling us and teaching us goodness! (Leave)

Flowers rush into the hall

We are flowers - flowers,

We are growing silently.

This night is a night

The most fragrant.

Herringbone: Where are you going, flowers? After all, you're supposed to sleep at night?!

This night is a night

The light shines brighter,

Let's bow down to our feet

We are going to the Baby!

Christmas tree: Take me with you, my dear flowers!

Flowers: But you don’t have any jewelry on, your needles can only prick the Baby. (They run away.)

Nobody! I'm alone, lonely!

The night is quiet! The star is calling, it is burning!

Everyone went to bow to the Baby,

And here I will bow to him with all my heart.

The stars run in, with the Star of Bethlehem ahead of everyone.

Star of Bethlehem:

Don't be sad, we will decorate you,

And you will always sparkle

At the holiday and in every home

The guys will decorate you.

I am the Star of Bethlehem -

I promise you all this.

Sparkle, shine for the joy of people,

I decorate you with miracles. (Stars decorate the Christmas tree with small stars.)

Sparkle and shine like stars!

Fire: And shimmer with lights! (Hangs up red balls.)

Water: Let the light of the Star be reflected in my lenses! (Hangs up rain showers.)

For your humility and kindness

We will decorate every branch of yours. (They hang animal toys on the Christmas tree.)

The Christmas tree blossoms from cheerful lights

And from now on the Christmas holiday decorates!

All: Always! Always! Always! (Leave)

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of elegant lights

Became radiant and more beautiful,

How many toys are on it?

Hostess: That’s how the Christmas tree came to our house for the holiday, dressed up, to celebrate the joyful holiday with us - Christmas!

Round dance around the Christmas tree “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

We sang and danced,

We celebrated the Christmas holiday.

Let the candles glow

Warms us all

May the New Year

Laughter can be heard louder.

May love and goodness

They live next to us.

Feel it, friends,

The warmth of your hands.

Song "The Joy of Christmas" lyrics. and music Z. Rott

Presenter: Our holiday is over, but the happy year continues. Let Christmas light its spark of happiness, kindness and love for each other in our hearts.

Merry Christmas to you!!! And now for a festive treat, everyone is welcome!
