Facial contour: correction at home. How to restore a clear oval face: home and salon methods

With age, the human body, along with other changes, decreases the production of proteins such as elastin and collagen. This causes the skin to begin to sag, the oval of the face changes, losing its clear contours. A swollen oval of the face is, alas, inevitable. But proper and timely care will help delay the onset of this problem or correct existing changes in facial contours. There is a whole range of measures to help tighten the shape of the face at home, which are quite simple, safe and inexpensive. Maximum and lasting effect can be achieved by combining several methods and providing the skin with constant care.

The first method for preserving or correcting the oval of the face is massage. It improves blood circulation, helps the cell regeneration process, increases tone and improves skin color. You can do the massage yourself, just follow simple rules:

  • warm up the facial muscles before massage with a hot compress based on herbal infusions;
  • collect hair, preventing it from getting on your face;
  • wash your hands with soap, clean your face with lotion;
  • use hypoallergenic products (cream or oil) for massage;
  • do not put too much pressure on the skin during the procedure;
  • Perform movements strictly along massage lines;

It’s easy to remember the location of the massage lines:

  • from the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • from the upper lip to the temples;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the tragus of the auricles;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the ends of the eyebrows;
  • from the outer corners of the eyes to their inner corners.

Typically, a classic massage begins with barely perceptible stroking, followed by rubbing, light pinching and tapping. First, the forehead and sides are massaged, then the cheeks, cheekbones, chin and the so-called “double chin” area.

You can also perform patting with a damp towel and hydromassage with a shower (alternating hot water with cold).

Self-massage sessions are recommended to be performed daily for two weeks, followed by a break of two to three weeks. If there is not enough time for a visible result, a 10-minute session 2-3 times every 7 days for a month is enough.

Gymnastics for the elasticity of the oval face

  1. Open your mouth, hide your lips inside, as if covering your teeth with them.
  2. Try to pull the corners of your mouth inward.
  3. Place the index finger of either hand on the chin, thus creating additional resistance for the facial muscles.
  4. Stretch your lower jaw forward and, as if scooping up air, close your mouth.
  5. Open your mouth again and repeat the exercise.

These scooping movements must be performed very slowly in order to feel the work of the lateral muscles of the face.

You should “scoop up air” from the corners of your mouth, and not from your cheekbones. Don’t overdo it: excessive tension can cause cramps!

  1. Tilt your head back and rest for 30 seconds.

A series of these exercises must be performed twice a day.

After just one month of daily exercise, the oval of the face becomes more toned.

If such gymnastics turns out to be beyond your strength, you can replace it with simpler exercises. For example, standing in front of a mirror, open your mouth wide and pronounce the sounds o, i, u, a, s, straining your facial muscles.

Lifting the oval face using face building

Correction of facial contours at home is also possible thanks to the Facebuilding system. The name (translated from English means “face building”) speaks for itself. Every woman can without much difficulty tighten up the oval face that has lost its clear lines. All you need is desire, diligence and discipline.

1. Place your fingers on your forehead. The ring finger should touch the eyebrows. Then start raising your eyebrows against resistance. Repeat several times.

2. Squeeze your eyelids tightly, and then open your eyes wide. Repeat 10 times.

3.Put your fingers to the corners of your lips and press lightly. Next, you need to smile again, despite the resistance. Exercise strengthens the muscles in the cheek area.

4.Place your fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, and then tighten your lower eyelids as much as possible. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

5.Apply your index and middle fingers to the corners of your eyes. After this, raise your eyes up, pressing your fingers on the skin.

Face building for the elasticity of the oval face will be more effective if after it you use a cream with a lifting effect.

Experts advise women over 40 to pay attention to face building. But this does not mean at all that the rest should, inactive, wait for the onset of that same age. Prevention is known to be the best solution to prevent early signs of facial aging.

Procedures to prevent sagging facial contours

Measures aimed at eliminating a double chin, as a consequence of sagging facial contours, are best taken at the initial stages of its formation. To do this, every morning after applying the cream to the face and neck, you need to follow the simple procedures below.

  1. Take a pencil in your teeth and, holding it, write 10 or more letters in the air.
  2. Straighten your shoulders and make several circular movements with your head - first in one direction, then in the other. Then tilt your head forward and backward (when bending forward, press your chin to your chest).
  3. Carry out water procedures to firm the skin in the chin area, alternating sequentially rinsing with cold and hot water. This process is combined with a light massage of the area.

These simple procedures, combined with massage, gymnastics and firming masks, can achieve amazing results in the fight against double chin, sagging cheeks and facial contours. Regular skin care will always make you look younger than your age.

Many people are interested in the question: “how to tighten the shape of the face at home after 40 or 50 years?” At this age, the skin begins to sag, dryness appears, and a woman’s appearance undergoes changes for the worse, which affects her self-esteem.

Causes of skin aging

Reasons why a woman’s skin ages after 40 years:

  1. Slow circulatory process. Cells need nutrition, but thin vessels are injured, so oxygen and other useful microelements do not reach the required quantities. Their lack provokes aging.
  2. Slow metabolism. The lifespan of epidermal cells increases, so newly formed cells need more time and energy resources to get to the outer layers of the skin. At this time, old cells live in the upper layers for a long time.
  3. Decreased production of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. Dead particles accumulate in the intercellular space, causing elasticity to suffer.
  4. Approaching menopause. Production of the hormone estrogen decreases. This substance is responsible for the process of regeneration and restoration of the epidermis. The less it is produced, the faster the skin thins and becomes sensitive.
  5. Less hyaluronic acid and sebum are produced. Dryness appears, and then wrinkles.
  6. An unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, an unhealthy lifestyle, and irregular sleep also affect regenerative functions.

How to tighten the oval of the face without surgery

Folk remedies can help tighten the oval of the face. One of the most common methods is to apply masks prepared according to folk recipes.

Mask 3 in 1 – whitening, rejuvenation, nutrition

Effective anti-wrinkle masks can improve tone and smooth out facial wrinkles. To tighten your face using this homemade mask, you will need:

  • warm milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rye flour – 4 tsp;
  • sour cream – 1 tsp.

All ingredients must be mixed until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Application procedure:

  1. Cleanse the skin.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture along the massage lines.
  3. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes (do not allow it to dry completely).
  4. Wash with warm water.

Alginate mask

An alginate mask allows you to moisturize the epidermis, get rid of wrinkles and relieve tension in muscle fibers.

To make this mask at home, you need to buy sodium alginate.

Homemade recipe:

  1. Dilute 2 g of sodium alginate in 2 tbsp. l. water at room temperature.
  2. In another container, mix 10 g of white clay with 2 tbsp. l. milk.
  3. Mix the contents of the two containers.
  4. Add 1 ampoule of 10% calcium chloride solution to the resulting mixture.

You can add liquid vitamin E, aloe juice, etc. to the main composition.

Gelatin mask

A gelatin mask also helps to tighten the dermis on the face, remove fine wrinkles, and even out the color. This ingredient helps restore elasticity and firmness.

To make a tightening, you can use the following preparation method:

  1. Pour 1 tsp. gelatin 7 tsp. cool water.
  2. Allow the mixture to swell.
  3. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a water bath with the addition of 1 tsp. butter.
  4. Grind the ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Apply the mixture along the massage lines for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the mask using a cotton swab soaked in milk.
  7. Wash with cool water.

Yeast mask

To make a yeast mask you need to take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. powdered yeast;
  • 1 protein;
  • 2 tbsp. l. baked milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. melted honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Leave the resulting pulp for half an hour.
  3. While the mixture sits, you can cleanse your face.
  4. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash with warm water.

Egg mask

Homemade egg masks help rejuvenate the skin, smooth out facial wrinkles, and improve color.

To prepare a homemade egg-based mask you will need:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 drops of lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

The recipe looks like this:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply to face along massage lines and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash with warm water.

Video recipe

Laminaria for facial wrinkles

Excellent results at home can be achieved using kelp masks. This ingredient moisturizes the skin, accelerates metabolic processes, eliminates excess dryness, and has a tonic effect.


  1. Dilute 40 g of dried kelp with warm water and stir until it becomes thick sour cream.
  2. Cover the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add 5 g of honey and 8 drops of sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Apply a thin layer for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash with warm water.

Clay mask

A homemade clay-based mask gives good results. Its effects accelerate regeneration processes and smooth out wrinkles.

Recipe for a homemade clay-based rejuvenation mask:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. dilute clay powder with water until smooth.
  2. Beat 5 g of low-fat sour cream with 1 raw egg.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Course of application – 1 month, 2-3 times a week.

Home hardware procedures

To get rid of wrinkles at home, you can use special hardware cosmetology devices, including:

  1. Photorejuvenation. The device affects the deep layers of the epidermis using light pulses - wrinkles are smoothed out, capillary mesh and pigmentation disappear. This is a painless procedure that does not take much time. Results are visible after the first use.
  2. Darsonvalization. The device acts on the skin with high-frequency alternating pulse current. It helps improve blood circulation and the outflow of venous blood. Cells are saturated with oxygen, wrinkles are smoothed out, and elasticity increases.

Contrast procedures

Using a special contrast washing technique, you will be able to achieve good results in the fight for youth:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • tone increases;
  • blood composition improves;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out, firmness and elasticity returns.

A contrast shower for tightening the oval face after 40 years includes the following manipulations:

  1. Rinse your face with warm water.
  2. Gradually increase the water temperature.
  3. Reduce temperature sharply.

Do not wash your face with cold water for a long time. 10 seconds is enough. Rinsing with cold water should take 2-3 times less time than with hot water. If hypothermia occurs, the procedure should be stopped and the water made warmer next time.

  1. After a cold shower, suddenly change the temperature to hot. Then vice versa. There should be 3 temperature changes in total.
  2. The procedure should always begin with a hot rinse and end with a cold rinse.
  3. After the session, you need to rub the skin with a towel. This will give a massage effect.
  4. After the procedure is completed, it is not recommended to leave the house for 1 hour.
  5. The skin should be softened with tonic or cream.
  6. It is not recommended to carry out manipulations before bedtime.

An important step in rejuvenating at home is proper self-care. It should include specialized cosmetics such as lifting creams, nutritional formulations, corrective products, etc.

Lifting cream

Effect of lifting cream:

  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • saturation of cells with useful substances;
  • regenerating effect;
  • stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin.

These creams include:

  • Vichy Liftactiv Retinol;
  • Clarins Multi-Regenerante Jour;
  • L'Oreal Derma Genesis;
  • Plazan;
  • Olay Regenerist.

Nourishing creams

To tighten the oval of the face, use creams that nourish the epidermis. They restore elasticity, smoothness and velvety to the skin.

Suitable for home food:

  • Dior Concentre Multi-Perfection Capture Total;
  • Sisley All Day All Year;
  • Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream;
  • Black pearl anti-aging bio cream.

Corrective cream

The use of corrective creams also helps smooth out visible wrinkles, even out facial tone, and nourish skin cells with the necessary elements.

For women over 40 or 50 years old, the following corrective creams are suitable:

  • Guerlain Parure Gold;
  • MaxFactor ColourAdapt;
  • Shiseido Future Solution LX.

Anti-aging lotion

Anti-aging lotion helps cope with negative age-related changes in facial skin. You can prepare this remedy yourself.


  1. 4 tbsp. l. chopped fresh mint pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain the resulting infusion.
  4. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. calendula tincture and 4 tsp. boric alcohol.
  5. Mix the ingredients.
  6. Pour the lotion into a dark container and place in the refrigerator.

Massage for facial skin tightening

A facelift massage helps get rid of wrinkles, remove puffiness under the eyes, and even out the contours of the face.

When performing exercises, movements should be light, stroking, and the facial muscles should not be tense.

Basic massage movements

All movements when performing a massage must pass clearly along the massage lines:

  • from the middle of the chin - to the earlobe;
  • from the midpoint under the lower lip - to the earlobe;
  • from the midpoint above the upper lip - to the center of the temple;
  • from the corner of the lips - to the middle of the ear;
  • from the central point above the bridge of the nose - to the center of the temple;
  • from the outer corner of the lower eyelid - to the inner;
  • from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer.

Honey mask with massage

To carry out the procedure you will need 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. First clean the skin and then apply honey.

Massage technique:

  1. Use your fingertips to follow the massage lines of your forehead, then slowly move down to your chin.
  2. Do not touch the area under the eyes.
  3. The index and middle fingers should hold the skin, and the index finger of the other hand should be placed between them.
  4. Apply light pressure to areas of skin and immediately release.
  5. The skin should not be rubbed, wrinkled, pinched or stroked.
  6. As soon as the honey thickens, end the session.

Face lift exercises

Facial skin tightening can be done at home using various exercises.

Gymnastics by Dubinina

Execution procedure:

  1. Sit up straight, straighten your back, place your hand on your knees.
  2. Move your lower jaw forward and place your upper lip on your lower lip.
  3. Repeat the steps in reverse.
  4. Number of repetitions – 20.
  5. Without changing the starting position, press the corners of your lips with your fingertips and begin to compress and unclench your lips, fixing them in each position for 5 seconds. Perform 20 repetitions.

Such gymnastics will help get rid of facial wrinkles, increase skin tone and elasticity.

Around the age of 40, age-related changes in the shape of the face become noticeable. Excellent skin condition cannot hide the change in contours. “Bulldog cheeks” and sagging in the neck and décolleté appear. To understand how to tighten the oval of the face, you need to know the causes of sagging skin and how to restore it. Can be done in the salon and with folk remedies. It is important to focus on skin type, body characteristics and the recommendations of a cosmetologist. Only a complex effect can resist age-related changes.

How to tighten the oval face

Each woman decides for herself how to take care of herself after 40 years. Some choose a salon, others choose home methods. But you shouldn’t immediately run to the surgeon, or, conversely, give up and rely on age. First you need to understand the reasons and think through an action plan for skin rejuvenation.

The main factors for changing facial contour:

  • Genetics. If this feature is hereditary, it is worth starting prevention after 35 years.
  • Gravity. Only elastic skin and strong muscles can resist.
  • Excess weight. Fat masses stretch the tissues, and sagging becomes inevitable.
  • Age characteristics. Lethargy and sagging skin appear due to a lack of elastin and collagen. They are the ones who regulate turgor.
  • Posture. Stooping, incorrect gait, bowed head contribute to significant changes in the cheeks, corners of the lips, and neck.
  • Photoaging. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays destroys collagen fibers. This leads to withering.
  • Bad habits. Dehydration and cell intoxication are significantly evident. The skin loses its elasticity, freshness and shape.

To correct the contour of the face, it is better to act comprehensively. Start by eliminating negative factors and streamlining your lifestyle. Provide proper nutrition, exercise, and massage to the entire body. This will help both tighten up the oval of the face and improve immunity.


Injection techniques are intended for introducing substances containing medicinal components, minerals and vitamin complexes under the skin. Thanks to simple techniques, they reach the deep layers and improve metabolic processes. The overall healing effect is complemented by the appearance of new collagen. It improves skin elasticity.

Popular injection techniques:

  • Mesotherapy. Saturation of the epidermis with a cocktail of beneficial substances. Typically, such a complex consists of beneficial amino acids, various minerals, several vitamins, synthetic or animal supplements. The result is activation of blood circulation, growth of collagen fibers, and improved cell nutrition.
  • Biorevitalization. Hydration with hyaluronic acid. Signs of aging are slowed down by restoring water balance, increasing skin tone and turgor.

The results of such procedures appear only after several sessions. It is advisable to conduct such a course every six months.

Injection plastic surgery

The facial contour may change due to soft tissue deficiency. This problem is solved using injection plastic surgery. Its essence is to fill problem areas with liquid implants.

Fillers can consist of different components:

  • Hyaluronic acid. The voids are filled with concentrated acid to a certain volume. The biodegradable substance stimulates the attraction of water particles. The moisturizing and tightening effect lasts up to 1.5 years. During this period, the active substance is broken down and excreted from the body.
  • Polylactic acid. Refers to synthetic substances similar to natural ones. It tightens the facial contour, fights volume deficit, and helps the growth of collagen fibers. They maintain their shape for some time after the acid stops acting. You can expect results in about 2.5 years.
  • Fat. With liposuction, a natural implant is obtained from a person’s fat reserves. To be used as an implant, such fat undergoes mandatory purification.
  • Liquid silicone. Synthetic analogue of hyaluronic and polylactic acids. It has a temporary effect, but does not decompose and is not transported from the body.

Cosmetology clinics offer various ways to improve skin condition, eliminate signs of age, and change the volume and contour of the face. In addition to the price, which depends on the type of filler, it is necessary to take into account the qualifications of the doctor, the quality of the material and the conditions of the procedure.

Hardware rejuvenation

Techniques using high-tech devices allow you to painlessly and effectively solve the problem of swollen skin. They do not violate its integrity. By influencing blood circulation and lymph flow, they promote collagen renewal.

Examples of hardware methods:

  • Photorejuvenation. Light pulses penetrate deeply into the epidermis and work at the cellular level.
  • Laser lifting. Laser beams create mini holes in the skin and target tissue. The internal reserves of the body increase, and cell regeneration occurs. The skin structure is restored. And at the same time, the oval of the face is tightened.
  • Vacuum massage. Negative pressure affects areas of the face, evening out the relief.
  • Ultrasound. An added bonus to skin tightening is cleansing. Ultrasonic vibrations break down fatty deposits and remove them.
  • Thermage. The impulses received as a result of radio wave radiation affect collagen fibers. They shrink and create a tightening effect.

To correct the oval of the face using these methods, you need to undergo several sessions. Thermage and laser lifting procedures are considered the most expensive.

Threading is a popular and effective method of soft tissue correction. Minimal disruption of the integrity of the skin and a short rehabilitation period make it convenient and safe.

Two ways to restore facial contours:

  1. Thread lifting. Various types of threads are inserted into soft tissues. They form clear facial contours. The material may be disintegrating (removable) or non-absorbable. The threads affect problem areas and stimulate fibroblasts. This increases the rejuvenating effect.
  2. Bioreinforcement. Mesothreads are produced from synthetic self-dissolving materials. During their existence, a collagen framework is created in the soft tissues.

To obtain such procedures, you must contact specialized clinics and medical institutions. Only a highly qualified doctor can competently form symmetrical facial features and painlessly perform a facelift. After 2-3 years, it is recommended to carry out correction.


A more radical way to combat sagging skin is plastic surgery. Its task is to correct aesthetic defects. An aesthetic surgeon always warns about significant pain, numerous contraindications, a long rehabilitation period and possible complications.

Redistribution and fixation of soft tissues throughout the oval of the face is carried out using rhytidectomy. The procedure allows you to eliminate excess fat in certain areas. Ptosis of the upper part of the face is corrected by front lifting. To correct the middle part, S-lifting is used.

Facial oval care at home

Self-care is a preventive action. It slows down the development of age-related signs and supports the functioning of the epidermis.

How to tighten the oval face at home:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing with cosmetics and decoctions of medicinal plants maintains moisture levels, saturates with nutrients and helps the formation of new collagen.
  • Using tonic lotions or washing with an ice cube gives elasticity and improves local blood circulation.
  • Self-massage in the form of patting partially breaks down fat deposits and increases blood flow. For micromassage (including lips), various mechanical and electrical devices are used.
  • Peeling with scrubs exfoliates the old layer of skin and starts renewal processes. Recommended 1-2 times a week.
  • Masks with natural ingredients help saturate the skin with beneficial substances and maintain elasticity.
  • Various sets of facial exercises are based on breathing exercises and muscle training. Regular exercises significantly increase tone.

A set of home measures for tightening facial contours maintains the results of a professional facelift, prevents early aging, refreshes and strengthens the skin.

By starting careful care in a timely manner, you can significantly delay the appearance of signs of skin aging. Small wrinkles are eliminated, folds are straightened, and sagging skin or soft tissues are reduced. The method for rejuvenating the facial contour takes into account the characteristics of aesthetic defects, their severity and price.

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With age, the oval of the face begins to lose its original shape. And by about 40-45 years, many women develop so-called “bulldog cheeks”, which immediately reveal their age even with excellent skin condition. And of course, women begin to look for effective ways to tighten their face shape.

Why do my cheeks sag?

Before taking any measures, you need to understand the origins of the problem. There are several reasons why ugly bulldog cheeks appear:

  • genetic predisposition - if your mother or grandmother has bulldog cheeks, then preventive measures should be taken before the age of 40;
  • the effect of gravity is one of the natural causes of the appearance of wrinkles and bulldog cheeks and only elastic skin and strong muscles can resist it;
  • excess weight - creates additional heaviness, under the influence of which the skin stretches and;
  • age-related changes - with age, the skin produces less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it becomes sluggish and sagging;
  • incorrect posture - also leads to sagging cheeks, drooping corners of the lips, and deep wrinkles appearing on the neck;
  • photoaging - under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, collagen fibers are actively destroyed, so the skin becomes flaccid and the cheeks droop;
  • bad habits – dehydrate the body, dry out the skin, and contribute to the accumulation of toxins; the skin loses tone and vitality.

How to correct an oval face

In order to correct the oval of the face, you need to try to eliminate simultaneously both external and internal factors that change its shape. Therefore, you will have to act actively in several directions:

  • eliminate the harmful effects of external factors;
  • provide facial skin with additional nutrition;
  • restore muscle tone with gymnastics;
  • if necessary, complete a course of salon procedures.

Fighting external factors

To do this, you will have to make some changes to your usual lifestyle. First of all, give up bad habits. If you can’t get rid of them completely, then try to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. In addition, you need to constantly monitor your posture. When standing or sitting, make sure that your chin does not fall below shoulder level. And do not go out into the open sun without sunscreen, not only in the summer, but on any bright day.

Additional skin nutrition

This can be done with the help of masks and creams. They must contain: a high content of vitamins, an amino acid complex, collagen and elastin. The cream should be used daily, preferably at night, because during sleep the skin is actively restored, and the cream helps it with this. Masks should be done at least 1-2 times a week. You can use store-bought or homemade ones.

Gelatin mask

An excellent remedy for tightening skin at home is a gelatin mask. It perfectly smoothes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles, and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Avocado pulp contains fruit acids, valuable oils, and many vitamins and microelements. This mask is suitable for any skin type and is especially useful for women over 40 years old.


  • 1 teaspoon gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Pour gelatin with water and leave for 15-20 minutes to swell. Then melt in a water bath until completely dissolved. Mash the avocado pulp to a puree, squeeze lemon juice into it. Pour warm gelatin into avocado and stir well. Apply an even layer to a clean face and leave for 20-30 minutes. After removing with a napkin, wash your face with slightly warm water.

Gymnastics for the face

The beautiful shape of the oval face is formed by the muscular frame, so it is impossible to get rid of bulldog cheeks without restoring muscle tone. This can be done with the help of special gymnastics or salon electrical procedures. But even if you turn to a cosmetologist for help and take a course of myostimulation, you will still have to do exercises regularly to maintain the effect at home.

Lifting exercises

In order to get the fastest possible effect, it is better to perform the exercises every day for at least a month. Then, to maintain muscle tone, you can do gymnastics 2-3 times a week. It is most convenient to do this in the evening, after washing, before applying a nourishing cream. Gymnastics will warm up the skin, activate blood circulation, slightly open the pores and the valuable components of the cream will be able to penetrate deeper.

  • All exercises are performed 5 to 10 times from a standing starting position, with a straight back and slightly raised chin.
  • Inflate both cheeks as much as possible, hold the air for 20-30 seconds and release it, pursing your lips into a tube.
  • Take air into your cheeks, then push it behind your right and left cheeks, inflating each of them as much as possible. Breathe through your nose while doing the exercise.
  • Take in air on both cheeks, release it sharply, lightly slapping your palms on both sides of your cheeks.
  • Open your mouth slightly, move your lower jaw alternately to the right and left.
  • Open your mouth slightly, try to touch the tip of your nose with your lower lip, hold for 10-15 seconds, relax.

After completing the complex, tap your fingertips on your cheeks and chin, imitating raindrops, to relieve tension and completely relax the muscles.

Our grandmothers tightened their facial contours at home. They did without any creams or cosmetics from the store and used homemade masks. They just need to be used systematically.

Such masks are very beneficial for the skin. Not only have they lost their relevance, but they have become more popular. Before we give examples of tightening masks and mixtures, let's talk about precautions aimed at eliminating sagging facial oval.

Follow these procedures:

  1. Hold a pencil in your teeth and write at least ten letters in the air.
  2. Straighten your shoulders and make circular movements with your head in one direction and then in the other. Next, tilt your head forward, press your chin to your chest, and then tilt your head back.
  3. Perform water procedures for the flexibility of the skin in the chin area, gradually alternating rinsing with cold or hot water. Do this procedure, combining it with light massaging of this area.

In the video you can get acquainted with the following exercises, which will be very useful:

Mask recipes

  1. With egg white

By making such a mask you will get a tightening effect. Beat the egg whites and add milk, honey or oils to the mixture. This mixture will perfectly tighten the skin. But it should not be used for dry skin.

  1. With egg yolk

Such masks have a nourishing and lifting effect on dry and sensitive skin. They can be used for any skin type. Also add milk, honey or oils to this mixture. The main thing in this composition is fresh homemade eggs, which can be replaced with quail eggs with more useful substances.

  1. With gelatin

To make this mixture, melt the gelatin in a water bath. Different components are added for different skin types:

  • fruit puree of peach, strawberry, kiwi for oily skin;
  • cream, sour cream, jojoba, olives for dry skin;
  • eggs, herbal decoctions, honey, milk for combination and normal skin.
  1. With sea kelp

A useful source for facial skin is seaweed, which is easy to find in the pharmacy. They have an excellent tightening effect and eliminate other skin problems: excess oiliness, rashes, pigmentation. The method for making a rejuvenating mask is described below.

Pour heated water over dry seaweed (1 tbsp) and leave to swell for several hours. This must be done in the morning. Apply the composition before going to bed. After acquiring the algae in its original form, they need to be crushed and then applied to previously cleansed skin. You can add other components to this composition: honey, egg, oils. The procedure should last at least 30 minutes. It is recommended to make such masks twice a week.

  1. With white clay

Stir 1 tsp. wheat germ, 1 tbsp. l. grape juice, 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical white clay. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. Then, after 20 minutes, rinse with water, patting the skin with a towel.

The main rule for using home remedies:

  1. Freshness. Do not prepare them for future use, as the ingredients will spoil quickly and will not be of any use.
  2. Alternate recipes from time to time so that your skin does not get used to a particular product.
  3. Do courses of ten to fifteen procedures. Then, leave the skin to rest for a month or replace the composition with other substances with similar properties.

When to start using masks?

Masks must be chosen correctly so that the skin gets a tightening effect. Don't miss out on using these masks. Timely skin care will give results much earlier. So, the use of masks should begin when:

  • noticeable dryness of the skin is felt;
  • fine wrinkles become deeper;
  • the facial contour loses its expressiveness;
  • age-related pigmentation occurs;
  • age is approaching 35 years.

To increase the effectiveness of face lifting masks and creams, you need to combine them with a massage, which improves blood circulation and skin color.

You will see all this in this video.

Massaging rules

  • Wash your hands and face thoroughly, and then apply moisturizer.
  • To warm up your cheeks, run your fingertips eight times along your cheeks and temples from the wings of your nose.
  • When smoothing your forehead, do not press too hard and move your fingers up and away from the eyebrows.
  • From the center of the chin, make smoothing movements towards the earlobes.
  • Pat the contours of your cheeks and chin with the back of your hand.
  • Finish the massage by massaging under the jaw with the back of your fingers.

Do this massage in the morning every day for 30 days, combining it with tightening evening masks 3 times a week. In a short time, the sagging skin will disappear and it will tighten.

The rules of massaging are clearly visible in the video:

Contrast massage

Contrast massage is also very effective. To do this, take two bowls: one with moderately hot water, and the other with cold salted water (2 tablespoons per liter of water). Take a small terry towel and soak it in salty cold water. Having rolled it into a tourniquet, squeeze it out and, tapping it on the chin, walk along the facial contour. Next, soak it in hot water and repeat the steps again. Alternately change the temperature and do these movements up to eight times in one session, daily, before the main lifting massage.


These tightening exercises in the following video will help you get healthy-looking facial skin:

Gymnastics will also tighten the oval of the face. Let's look at some of them:

  • The development of the muscles of the neck and face is facilitated by rotating the head in various directions, puffing out the cheeks and facial exercises.
  • Regeneration processes in the body are stimulated by a contrast shower or wrap.
  • Exercises for “lazy people”: pronounce the following sounds in a drawn-out manner: “o”, “i”, “u”.
  • The following exercise will also improve your mood: open your mouth as much as possible and try to reach your chin with your tongue.

Facebook building

The oval of the face is not difficult to correct with the help of face building (translated from English as face building). Each representative of the fairer sex can tighten the clear contours of the facial oval. All you need is discipline, diligence and desire.

After face-building, use a cream with a tightening effect. This way you will achieve greater effect.

Watch this video, it will help you get rid of the unclear contour of your face.

Dedicate time to such activities every day and after 2 or 3 weeks you will admire the wonderful results. It is very important to do all this comprehensively and not be lazy.
