The beginning of a big change, or your first visit to a beautician. What you need to know before the first visit to the beautician


In the beauty industry, as in all other global processes, there is a strict cycle: in the spring everyone “makes” the body, in the fall - the face. And by mid-September, it is almost impossible to get an appointment with a good beautician: an appointment for several weeks in advance. Therefore, we rush into any beauty salons indiscriminately. Often this ends in tears: the skin, the wallet, and the mood suffer. But even if you had to sign up for a consultation with an unfamiliar master, you should know that the success of the event is half dependent on you. From how you will behave, what you will tell the specialist and what questions you will ask.

As fall approaches, the popular The Dermatology Blog has published tips on how to get the most out of your dermatologist visit. Some of them are relevant only to American reality, but many are useful to us. Here are some of them, plus a few of my own.

1. Write down in advance all the questions you want to ask the beautician. If you are concerned about any specific skin problems, such as moles or age spots, be sure to ask your doctor to examine you.

2. Ask about your family skin history. If one of the relatives suffered from acne, inflammation, a tendency to age spots, tell the beautician about it - you may be susceptible to the same diseases.

3. Tell us in detail about your general health: allergies, hormones, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, if any. Very often acne, unhealthy complexion, swelling have internal causes. In this case, the beautician will first refer you to the appropriate doctors. And many hardware and anti-aging procedures are generally contraindicated for certain diseases.

4. Do not hide your bad habits from the beautician: smoking, tanning, squeezing pimples or going to bed without washing off your makeup. They largely determine your problems and the care you need.

5. Tell us what cosmetics you use and for how long, as well as about all the salon or home procedures that have been done recently. This is important: if you have just had a facial cleansing, acid peels are contraindicated.

6. If the cosmetologist suggests that you undergo a procedure immediately after the consultation (and this happens almost always!), ask in detail why it is needed, what the effect will be, whether a whole course is required or one session is enough. If you get vague answers (“well, everyone really likes this mask!”), Feel free to refuse.

7. If you are offered to buy cosmetics of the line on which this master works (and this again happens in 95% of cases), do not hesitate to ask for samples first. They are always available. And it will be better if you find out that you are allergic to the cream before you spend crazy money on it.

8. Feel free to ask the master in detail about his education, regalia, work experience. Especially in the event that you have not stocked up in advance with positive feedback from friends.

9. If you are scheduled for an invasive or hardware procedure, find out all about the possible contraindications and consequences. Do not agree to do it “right now” - it is better to first study all the information on the Internet (for example, in our wellness encyclopedias).

10. Feel free to make comments to the master! If, for example, you are annoyed that while you are lying with a mask on your face, the beautician is talking about his Ryazan grandmother, ask for silence. This is your time, your money and mood, on which, by the way, beauty depends a lot.

In the past, taking care of your face and body was considered a personal matter. In controversial situations, the advice of girlfriends and folk recipes that were passed down from generation to generation saved. To the attention of modern women, a huge selection of care and cosmetic products is provided.

However, the lack of a competent approach to their choice and to facial care often leads to disastrous results. Irritations, allergic reactions and rashes, microtraumas of the skin, inflammation, etc. may occur on the face. To prevent such troubles, you should think about visiting a specialist in a beauty parlor. Who are cosmetologists, what services do they provide? We will describe in more detail in the article.

Who is a cosmetologist, in what cases should one contact him?

A beautician is a certified expert who helps maintain or restore a healthy and attractive appearance to your skin and appearance. Diagnostic, therapeutic and restorative procedures that are carried out in a cosmetology room are aimed at maintaining and restoring the structure and functionality of the skin: epidermis, hypodermis, as well as nails and hair.

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Cosmetologists specialize in solving aesthetic problems in the appearance of people, determine the causes of violations and correct them using a variety of methods for these purposes.

There are cosmetic services that consist of physical and chemical effects on the skin of both the face and body. Work in this direction is carried out in order to rejuvenate to give expression to the face with the help of decorative cosmetics.

If we talk about cosmetology services, then this is a direction, the purpose of which is to improve the appearance of a person by treating or masking cosmetic defects that may be caused by diseases, congenital or age-related changes in the body.

Why visit a beautician?

There is an opinion that all skin inflammations that occur on the face or body are provoked by a violation of the functions of internal organs or a certain disease. This opinion is true, but only partially, because in addition to diseases, there are also other factors that affect appearance. Here are the main ones:

  • hereditary tendency to problems with the epidermis;
  • stressful situations;
  • malnutrition;
  • smoking, frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
  • overweight;
  • improper skin care;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules.

As the experience of specialists shows, it is not always possible to cure diseases of the internal organs in such a way as to completely get rid of the skin problem. In the future, they may develop into chronic diseases, which will be quite difficult to fight. Therefore, there are good reasons for going to a beauty salon:

  1. The skin needs professional care, especially if it has various defects (acne, post-acne, comedones, blackheads).
  2. You should visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist as early as adolescence. Experts will give complete information about facial care during puberty, tell you about the rules of nutrition and cosmetic procedures for young skin.
  3. A visit to the beauty parlor is necessary not only in case of exacerbation of a skin disease, but also in order to prevent it.
  4. With the help of cosmetic methods, an active fight against the process of skin aging is carried out.

A beautician can provide qualified assistance in the presence of certain diseases:

  • acne- when the sebaceous glands on the face or body become inflamed;
  • demodicosis- the presence of a demodex mite on the surface of the skin (leads to the development of inflammation and acne);
  • the presence of pigment spots and keratomas;
  • calluses, corns, cracks on the soles of the feet (keratinized skin causes pain, inflammation and even abscesses);
  • hirsutism- increased hairiness, the cause of which is most often hormonal failure;
  • external manifestations of an allergic reaction- rashes, areas with redness.

There are skin disorders that are not covered by cosmetic procedures. pathologies are contagious. In this case, the client is referred to a dermatologist. Such diseases include: scabies, fungal diseases, psoriasis, viral infections, moles, dermatitis and eczema.

What can a trip to a beautician give, what to pay attention to?

What in general does a trip to a beautician give us? It is necessary to deal with such a question, because every woman should know the answer. First of all, a trip to a cosmetologist is a professional care for your skin condition, which is carried out during certain procedures or even courses of procedures. Which methods will be included in this complex directly depends on the condition of the skin, your age and the extent of the problems that need to be solved.

Whatever you want to change or correct, from the second chin to the shape and color of the eyebrows - everything is within the power of a qualified specialist. For example, he may recommend tattooing, a specially designed technique for injecting paint into problem areas to add saturation to a color palette that you can choose for yourself.

In order for the procedure you have chosen to be at the highest level, when visiting a beauty parlor, you should pay attention to such important details:

  1. Processing and hygiene rules. The very first point that you should pay attention to is the cleanliness of the room, the objects that you will carry out this or that manipulation. If you have any doubts about sterility, immediately refuse the services of such a “specialist”. There are a huge number of beauty salons, and nothing can replace your health.
  2. Products used. You should pay attention to the cosmetics that are used in the process of inducing beauty. It happens that unscrupulous cosmetologists buy cheaper products that can cause undesirable consequences in the form of an allergic reaction or rashes.
  3. Experience and quality. Nevertheless, in the first place are the abilities and experience of the person who will provide you with a cosmetic service, but in this case there is no practical and specific advice. You yourself will have to choose a professional. And often women who care about their appearance and health choose such a person for a long time.

Despite all these tips, only you can see what a particular beautician is. Gather all possible information about him, reviews of other customers, and only then decide what to do.

What cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation are considered the most popular?

In beauty salons, there is a list of procedures that are very popular among visitors.

Here is a list of the most popular techniques in the salon:

  1. Massage. This manipulation in a week will bring even the most tired, dry skin in order, make it younger and more radiant from the inside. In any beauty salon, everything starts with peeling, and then massage therapy for the face, neck and décolleté is carried out. Most often, its duration is 15-20 minutes. It is enough to carry out such manipulation once a week.
  2. Facial cleaning at the beautician- one of the most common and frequently used procedures when visiting a beautician. There are three types of cleaning: hardware, mechanical and combined. Constantly applying this procedure, you can clean the pores, get rid of acne, comedones, blackheads and oily sheen. The skin will become younger, clearer and healthier. A visit to a beautician for cleaning directly depends on the condition of the pores and the pollution of the face. Someone needs a weekly cleansing, and someone just needs to visit a specialist once every 1-2 months.
  3. Peeling. Thanks to the use of this technology, the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis is cleaned, the skin becomes smooth, clean, the pores narrow, and small wrinkles or scars are smoothed, the skin is moisturized. You can carry out such manipulation several times a week, it all depends on the condition of the skin and the frequency of use of decorative cosmetics.
  4. Mesotherapy without injections. If your skin needs nutrition and saturation with vitamins, this procedure is the best fit. It is performed with a special device that pierces the epidermis and injects a small amount of nutrients subcutaneously. Regular mesotherapy will make your face healthier and even smooth out small mimic wrinkles. The advantage of this technique lies in the absence of any damage after the manipulation, so it can be performed on a weekday without fear of looking unattractive. It is recommended to carry out from 5 to 10 mesotherapy procedures.
  5. Thermolifting. This hardware technology is painless and is carried out in order to restore or maintain the youthfulness of the face and other areas of the body. The technique promotes the rapid production of collagen and stimulates the best functioning of the body's systems. The skin becomes well-groomed, clean and beautiful.

Any of these techniques, both in itself and in combination, is indispensable for lovers of clear skin. The beautician will advise which course and method should be used to maintain or restore the health and beauty of your face.

How is the cosmetic procedure?

Often the clients of cosmetologists are people suffering from skin problems or diseases that it is impossible to fight on their own. In such cases, you need constant monitoring by a specialist and the implementation of a set of methods that he will recommend to stabilize or eliminate your skin problem.

A visit to a beauty salon consists of the following stages:

  1. Inspection of the skin. It is necessary, first of all, to establish the type of skin and the presence of problems, such as enlarged and contaminated pores, the presence of post-acne, acne or purulent acne.
  2. A conversation with a client. It is important to clarify exactly how a person takes care of his skin, how he struggles with his problem, whether there is an allergy to any cosmetic and decorative products.
  3. Compilation of skin characteristics. The cosmetologist draws conclusions, determines the type of skin, the presence and type of the disease.
  4. Selection of a course of therapy. The specialist determines the scale of the problem, selects care products, compiles a list of necessary procedures and the duration of their implementation.

Sometimes even one visit to a specialist is enough to get useful information about the skin and the features of caring for it.

How often should you visit a beautician?

In general, you need to visit a beautician systematically. For example, peels can be superficial and middle. In the first case, the course is 6 procedures, the interval is 8-9 days. It is enough to carry out the care procedure once every six months. With middle cleansing, it is a little more difficult, because. a recovery period is needed, so the frequency of visits is reduced (once every 7-8 months). Hardware procedures are also carried out in courses, most often they complement each other. The frequency of visits depends on the condition of your skin, the problems you want to solve, the scheduled care plan, the type of treatment, etc.

Often women go to the beauty salon for special occasions or shortly before some event. Undoubtedly, even after one visit to the beautician, the result will be visible, but this is only a temporary effect. It is a regular visit to this specialist will be beneficial.

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Features of lifestyle and health status are reflected in our appearance, primarily on the skin. Here are some tips from qualified cosmetologists that you should listen to:

  1. Try to monitor your diet daily. It should be complete, rich in vitamins and minerals (fresh fruits, vegetables, sufficient fluid throughout the day, proteins, healthy carbohydrates and fats).
  2. Movement should become your norm of life. It can be sports, swimming, running, walking.
  3. Care for the skin of the face and body must be correct, i.e. include regular cosmetic procedures, removing makeup before bed, protecting the skin from sunlight, etc.
  4. If you have skin problems, you should undergo an examination in the office of a cosmetologist-dermatologist.
  5. Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time, it is also not recommended to overcool.
  6. If you notice symptoms of the disease on the skin, nails or hair, do not delay the visit to a specialist, otherwise complications may begin, and it will be more difficult to deal with them.
  7. You need to take care of your skin from a young age. The best way to prevent dryness and wrinkles is to use toning, nourishing and moisturizing masks, care and cleansing products.
  8. Choose cosmetics that are right for your skin type.
  9. Deep cleansing of the skin should be carried out regularly, preferably 1-2 times a week. For oily skin types, cleansing should be done more frequently. This will help prevent the appearance of blackheads, comedones.

The skin is a mirror of our health, so give it more time and attention. The main element of care for any type of skin is its proper cleansing and nutrition. This is the only way to keep your beauty, freshness and radiant appearance.

So do you need a beautician? Main conclusions

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to visit a beautician, especially if you have skin problems. Only a specialist can determine the type, characteristics of the skin and advise the right care and treatment. A beautician can also help you deal with skin problems and find daily care products.

Whatever you choose - a cosmetology room, a beauty salon or a private master - the result will be the same, because all specialists perform the same set of techniques. Remember, only with constant and competent care your skin will be healthy, young and radiant.

Finding "your" cosmetologist who will accompany you all your life is not an easy process. What should you pay attention to at the first visit to the doctor?

The first acquaintance with a beautician should not start with such serious procedures as laser facial hair removal or biorevitalization. In order to understand whether this is the person to whom you are ready to entrust your face, you need to start with harmless manipulations - ultrasonic facial peeling, moisturizing procedures.

First minutes of dating

However, in order to understand whether you are ready to stay here for cleaning or moisturizing care, you need to draw preliminary conclusions about the specialist. We meet, no matter what anyone says, we are "clothes". In this case, according to the neat appearance of the doctor, his own face and the condition of his hands, the timbre of his voice and general benevolent mood. If the doctor at first glance looks like a sort of "beech" do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps this person is extremely serious about his work, and this is already a “plus” placed in front of his name.

The doctor met you at the reception and invited you to his office. Do you see a lot of certificates on the wall, some of them signed very recently? Put another tick in your mind. Cosmetology is developing almost faster than all other branches of medicine, and the desire to "keep abreast" of a cosmetologist can only be encouraged. By the way, if you need material proof that you fell into the hands of a specialist with a higher medical education, do not hesitate to ask him about it. If the doctor did not have the necessary papers at hand to prove this, they are likely to be found at the reception desk or in the personnel department.

Conversations on the couch

The main thing begins - inspection. Clean hands. Of course, we already understand that a cult of sterility and cleanliness reigns among medical workers, but it would be great if the doctor washes his hands already in the office, immediately before the start of the examination.

In order to determine the needs of your skin, an examination is carried out after make-up removal, under a magnifying glass, the skin of the face and neck is probed with hands. It is desirable that the doctor comment on his actions and discoveries aloud. This will help to minimize the number of your questions already during the appointment of the beauty protocol.

As a rule, it rarely takes more than 5 minutes to examine and analyze the situation. After that, the doctor looks for ways to solve the discovered and future problems and, ideally, gives you information on two lists.

In the first one there will be procedures that will allow you to put you in order so that the result is noticeable in several sessions.

The second list is designed for longer trips to the beauty clinic. But it is thanks to these manipulations that in a few years you will be able to look younger than when you crossed the threshold of a beautician for the first time.

It would be great if the doctor reminded you that the results of the procedures depend on both participants in the process, including the patient. On how consistent he will be, disciplined. Only in this case, dreams of a worthy aging face will come true.

If the specialist tells you in an indecisive tone: “You can try this procedure, you can try another”, do not hesitate to ask him questions: for what indications does he advise you, what is the expected result, is there an alternative to them? Take an active part in the conversation, after all, this is your face and you decide what to do with it.

I need a beautician. Where to look?

Cosmetologists are most often referred to by acquaintance - for many reasons, people trust the opinion of friends and relatives more than presentations on the websites of clinics and salons. Start your search by identifying the problem: do you need to get rid of acne, work on wrinkles, or just lie down for a day at the spa? Look for the opinions of people who have gone through this - ideally acquaintances, but reviews from the Internet will do. By the way, not only cosmetologists, but also entire clinics have a specialization: some are engaged in the treatment of adult acne, others are anti-aging care, and others do not undertake anything more complicated than moisturizing. Dig into the Internet: reviews about everything in the world are perhaps the best invention of the 21st century. In addition to women's forums, it's worth looking for, they talk about the work of masters who conduct individual practice, and you can see their experience and approximate prices.

While you are looking for someone you can trust, keep in mind that a beautician is a doctor. Graduated. Olesya Windsor, chief physician of the Evolution clinic, suggests setting strict search criteria from the very beginning: higher medical education, one or two years of training in dermatovenereology, specialization in cosmetology and at least 5 years of work experience. The chosen specialist must be ready to present the relevant documents: in general, your concern for your health is normal and most masters will understand you. If there is no diploma (or there is, but suspicious), turn around and run.

When it comes down to it, pay attention to the appearance of the specialist (although you will do this anyway). If anything bothers you, do not be afraid to refuse the procedure and leave until you have signed up for a long and happy relationship with the clinic. Like any doctor, a beautician should look neat - the story about a shoemaker without boots does not work here. The head of the Sensavi Beauty Institute, Yulia Karaseva, advises to focus on the little things: before starting the procedure, the beautician must wash and disinfect their hands, treat the devices appropriately and put, where possible, disposable nozzles. The more detailed you are asked at the first appointment about chronic diseases, allergies and heredity, the better.

How much can an appointment cost?

From a couple thousand to infinity. Roughly speaking, Moscow prices fluctuate around 2-8 thousand for one care procedure. Anti-aging and anti-acne will cost more: one procedure is most likely not enough here. The price is influenced by the education and experience of the doctor, the status of the clinic, the cost of drugs and equipment. Much depends on the condition of the skin and the desired end result, but it cannot be cheap.

And am I sure enough for all the procedures?

Feel free to explain to your doctor that you are on a budget. Often the same procedure can be performed using different preparations and devices, and your information will help the beautician to choose the right ones. Always ask if there is a fixed amount on the price list and what is included. In some salons, the price will depend on the specific client (for example, if you have never been cleaned, the master will spend more time on you), in others - on additional options like a cream that they smear you with before sending you home. It is always easier to agree on payment on the shore than to prove later that you did not expect to leave the entire salary in the cabin.

The cost of some procedures

I found a doctor. Which procedure will I have first?

The initial consultation is the right moment to complain about bruising under the eyes, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and unpleasant inflammation on the chin. Depending on the complaints, budget and timing, the beautician will prescribe a treatment for you. But experts recommend not to rush into the pool with your head: first, make sure that you trust the clinic one hundred percent. Dermato-cosmetologist of the Profile Professional Club beauty center Marina Devitskaya advises to start acquaintance with cosmetology with introductory non-invasive procedures: cleaning and care. They do not violate the integrity of the skin, which means that the risk of failure is minimal. And Olesya Windsor recommends preventive (moisturizing and antioxidant) and corrective (peeling and biorevitalization) services. The choice is ultimately yours, but for the first time in a new clinic, in any case, it is better to choose something harmless: cleaning, care, epilation, massage or mesotherapy. This will save you from a long and painful liquidation of consequences, if something somewhere still went wrong.

And what do all these mesotherapy and microdermabrasion mean?

Face cleaning

It happens mechanical and hardware. The first implies that the beautician will remove dirt from your face with his hands, an uno spoon or a vidal loop - depending on preferences. The second is done using ultrasound, vacuum or current. Which one to choose, you need to decide together with the beautician. Do not forget to clarify the cost of the procedure - unscrupulous salons forget to warn that the cream that is applied to the face after cleansing costs some (and rather big) money.

According to the Big Explanatory Dictionary - "stroking, rubbing, kneading the body for therapeutic or hygienic purposes." The word “therapeutic” is very important here - a massage done incorrectly or to the wrong person (know your contraindications) can do a lot of harm. And vice versa - a good massage relieves pain, tension, tidies up the skin and what is under it. Do not be fooled by neon signs promising Thai bliss and anti-cellulite relaxation, always ask if the master has a medical education, and everything will be fine.


Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is included in a number of fluids in the human body. They resort to biorevitalization when they want to improve the complexion and even out its relief. The advantage of this procedure is in the variety of preparations: depending on the desired result, the cosmetologist can choose a mixture containing the necessary peptides, amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. The success of biorevitalization will also depend on the correct choice of composition.


Skin resurfacing and one of the types of peeling, which is done using a special apparatus. Its nozzle is coated with aluminum crystals or diamond-coated, which remove the top layers of the skin, and the vacuum sucks dead cells into the bowels of the roaring monster. Microdermabrasion is usually done in courses to smooth out scars, reduce pigmentation and generally even out the relief and skin color.

A general name for a whole group of procedures that involve smearing something (usually pleasant and delicious smelling) on ​​you to make your skin softer, clearer, fresher, and generally better than it is now. Treatments can be vitamin, relaxing, regenerating, moisturizing, refreshing and perhaps not standing on your head. This is an ideal candidate for a trial visit to the salon: the worst that can happen is that the product does not work for you, and it will take a couple of weeks to treat an allergy or a burn. Needless to say, the consequences of unsuccessful fractional photothermolysis (removal of the upper layers of the skin with a laser) are much more difficult to correct.


In a broad sense, this is a method of alternative medicine, which consists in influencing derivatives of the mesoderm (in this case, the connective tissue and the basis of the skin) with the help of injections. In salons, this usually means a procedure in which you are injected with something incredibly useful right where your legs grow from the skin. The composition for injections is chosen individually - depending on the goals, and therefore mesotherapy is suitable for solving almost all problems - from fatigue written on the forehead to acne and signs of aging.

Literally translated as "exfoliation". In the price list, this word, as a rule, hides the removal of the upper layers of the skin using acids (for example, glycolic), ultrasound, laser or mechanical action. Peelings are used to even out or brighten skin tone, smooth the relief, in the fight against acne. For greater effect, such procedures are done in a series of four to six with a difference of one week.

Botox injections

One of the most popular procedures, although not so simple: if you overdo it, you can get a kabuki mask instead of a face. With the help of Botox, wrinkles are corrected, eyebrows and corners of the lips are raised, and sometimes even excessive facial expressions are limited (if you are too fond of making faces).

If this message can be attributed to some topic, it's probably better to move it ... I decided to start a new one.

- When making an appointment, immediately say that you want a consultation first, no procedures and cleanings. Find out about the cost of consultations (in general, good ones, for example, dentists advise for free, but se la vie is different). Follow the advice of Tiina Orasmäe - do not rush to sign up for procedures and in general for the next appointment, tell me what you think.

Arriving at the reception, show-tell everything that you think is necessary. About care - as much as possible. Take your supplies with you just in case. Listen to what the beautician has to say about ingredients, ask around about the various ingredients, and you should definitely ask about cheap cosmetics. It is likely that an illiterate beautician can give himself away in these places.
It also seems to me that a competent cosmetologist should be aware of such commonplace things as, say, "Active care with ANA" Uriage. Mine was not in the know, it discouraged me a little. In my opinion, I understand pharmaceutical acids better than she oO

Ask the beautician about their experience with adult clients with problematic (and sensitive) skin. It's one thing - 15 years, when you can even take baths in salicylic alcohol, and another thing - 28, when the body begins to age.

Ask what she thinks is effective in the treatment. Ask what course of treatment she would suggest for you (the answer should not be "cleansing first, and then we'll see," but a description of the strategy). Ask about all the means, what works there, what compositions, what companies. Ask about samplers for drugs that you intend to treat. IMHO, a good cosmetologist should understand that the skin should be treated with care. A good beautician will not smother her with alcohol, nitrogen (it is indicated only in severe cases of acne) and other things. IMHO, a good beautician will begin with the compilation of competent and careful care.

Ask her for care suggestions. It seems to me that she should immediately offer her ideas. If she can't say anything concrete, besides "take everything and cancel, and then we'll see" - this should alert.

Be sure to ask for the ingredients of all products that she will give, sniff these products (to make sure there is no alcohol, acetone, etc.) if they are not in their original packaging.

My communication with the beautician began with this. Reception was scheduled for 2:30 pm. At 2:00 pm (I was already on my way) I was asked "to be half an hour late". Ok, I wandered around the shops, tested the powders, came to 15-00. Waited another 20 minutes. She apologized a lot, explaining that another client was late.
Now, with things like this, don't wait and don't be "late". Get up and leave, cancel the visit. Once again I am convinced that this is not a sign of a good specialist, but an almost sure sign of a bad one. A good specialist will not keep clients waiting. Who is late - let him suffer.

If the campaign is not the first, and the beautician begins to crumble in the curses of your previous beauticians (even if they were really bad) - this is also not a good sign, IMHO. A good specialist will not behave like this, even if in his mind he thinks "well, what a crooked schmuck this former cosmetologist of hers is!".

On the part of the cosmetologist, there should not be raised eyebrows in surprise, perplexed questions, "oh, how everything is packed here, horror," and so on. The beautician should not offend you with his words or facial expressions. If you had good skin, why would you need it at all, this beautician, right ??

My cosmetologist also said that she prescribes Diaknel at the end, "for polishing" the kagbe treatment. It seemed interesting to me, I thought retinoids were already a treatment, moreover, quite aggressive. That is, if a retinoid is only a fixation of the result, what is the treatment? A concentrated solution of sulfuric acid orally and externally three times a day after meals? oo
Indeed, in three days and two visits, she managed to give my skin such irritation and such dryness, which was not there even when I smeared myself with Zineryt a year ago, like a tonic ...

I don't even know what to say about purges. Probably, this is known only by experience. But I decided for myself that I would not do any more manual ones, no matter how crowded it was. It's good if she doesn't try to crush the unpressable or her arms are straight, but what if the scars remain? I don’t, but the employee had precedents (((Maybe even for the first time it’s worth forking out and offering her to clean one area? And then see what will happen to him in a few days. I don’t know ...

There are people here who are more experienced in terms of trips to cosmetologists and dermatologists, if there is something to add or dispute, I will be glad (I think, and not only me)!
