Poems about the last school bell. To graduation party

May 25th is the holiday of farewell to school and carefree childhood For many graduates, it was marked by a note of sadness. Ceremonial lines were held in all educational institutions Karaidel municipality. Representatives of the Administration congratulated the graduates and their parents and teachers on warm holiday, handing over memorable gifts and certificates.

Preparations for the holiday were carried out long before the solemn day: Each school developed its own scenario. Speeches were prepared for parents and teachers. reigned in the schoolyards celebration atmosphere. In the schools of the Karaidel district, the “Last Bell” sounded for 105 11th grade graduates and 266 ninth graders.

On this day, the head of the district Administration, I.V. Garifullin, went to congratulate the graduates of Karaidel school No. 2.

The graduates' performance began in a very original way. They were greeted in a shared car, then a walk along the red carpet and a joint dance marked the beginning of the whole event. Words of gratitude were addressed to teachers and parents on this day. The ceremony line-up was filled with touching performances. IN reply the parents sang a song, and the first teachers and educators of the graduates prepared many warm and parting words.

Addressing the graduates, the head of the municipality wished the future generation to strive to obtain in-demand specialties, but in striving for new heights not to forget their small homeland, who raised and gave a start in life. He handed Certificates of honor The administration gave the distinguished students a certificate worth 50 thousand rubles and gave the school a certificate.

Your certificates and Thanksgiving letters received by everyone who showed themselves over eleven years not only in studies, but also in sports, creative development, Olympic movement. Bright holiday left many warm and kind impressions. The holiday ended with the performance of a beautiful waltz.

The event was not limited to the ceremonial lineup. Head of Administration Ildar Garifullin spoke separately with graduates. At the meeting, he was interested in the plans of the graduates, their aspirations and desires. In his response, he shared with the guys the main achievements in the area, spoke about the economy of the municipality, prospects and opportunities, and answered questions received.

During the warm conversation, problems were also identified that would be difficult to solve without the participation of the future generation. The discussion was about the need in rural areas for young specialists. The economy of the Karaidel region is in constant development, in search of the most profitable and practical niche, where the forestry industry, agricultural industry and tourism play a major role. Successful production indicators in these areas have been achieved, but personnel shortages still remain. No less rosy picture staffing healthcare system of the Karaidel region. Shortage of doctors, mid-level and junior medical personnel catastrophic.

The head of the municipality outlined to graduates what types of support they can count on when they return to motherland. IN last years The state has increased attention to the problems of the village and is sincerely interested in its revival, implementing various programs aimed at supporting young professionals. Exactly at rural areas Young professionals have the opportunity, thanks to the programs, to acquire their own housing. The district leadership continues to support the endeavors of entrepreneurs, providing financial, material, and methodological assistance in various areas.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the district, I.V. Garifullin, wished the graduates successful passing of the exams and worthy choice your further professional path, which will allow you to become a sought-after specialist in the future: “Believe in yourself, don’t be afraid to make decisions, be caring and active, and most importantly, be kind and honest people. May each of you realize your dreams, and may your successes become best thanks to your mentors - teachers and parents! "

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take - the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with your mind.
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.
Work is the basis of life
For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,
Which means it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
To be happy, successful,
Let not be sinless in everything,
But love life and live with faith in your heart:
You deserve happiness!
And always be determined
Conquer any obstacles!

Ninth grade is behind us.
You are at a crossroads now.
What do you dream of becoming in life?
Where can I continue my studies?
To us, your parents,
Your choice is necessary.
We don't give advice
We are waiting for your decision.
College or tenth grade?
You choose now.
Maybe you want to go
Are you in the gymnasium class?
The man is famous for his deeds.
Maybe the choice is yours forever?!
How we would like to be proud
What heights have you been able to achieve!
We don't care what you become.
I could avoid problems
How to live with something that is not to your heart -
After all, luckily he will close the door.
No interest in work -
There is no progress in life either.
Very sad fate
It turns out then.
You can't make a mistake -
We want to be proud of you:
Take care of your own business,
So that you succeed in life.

Have a wonderful graduation
We hasten to congratulate our children now!
You all have a special day on this day,
And you should celebrate it fun!
And remember, it was all just beginning,
It all happened again - both tears and smiles!
And you didn’t understand then
What victories and mistakes lie ahead!
You studied with soul and desire,
I wanted to find out everything to you as soon as possible!
The years flew by in rainbow flickering
And you have become wiser and more mature!
And here's the result, time fails him,
Which is terribly missing
In times of luck, in times of adversity, doubts
School never leaves YOU!
Congratulations on your graduation today!
Go into life boldly and openly!
We wish you health, good luck, good health!
May your school years not be forgotten!

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life go boldly!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!

Good luck to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magical spring
Will help solve all problems!
Let the dream become accessible,
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let beauty make life happy
And a calling will be found!

We know everything - learning is light,
And you studied for nine whole years!
The time has come, I finished 9th grade,
You've become an ace in some subjects!
We congratulate you and wish you to live
It’s great, and don’t worry about life!
And choose the right path in life,
And along the way I understood the essence of life!

Nine years flew by unnoticed,
The children have become adults
And there is only summer to rest,
You need to gain strength, and then
Back into battle! We wish everyone good luck,
Happiness, peace, and wonderful days!
Let all problems in life be solved,
And life is always more fun!

It's time to make a decision
After all, nine classes are behind us,
Of course, we congratulate you,
Go through life boldly!
Think about it, maybe in the tenth?
But no, there are so many other places.
Before you is an immense world
Only with good intentions!

Certificate in hand, and behind the ninth,
What's next? You thought, my friend!
We congratulate you on this date
Everyone came. Know that you are not alone!
Congratulations, may you always be happy
And find the right path,
May there be no stormy days in your life,
And luck lies ahead!

Here's the ninth grade behind us,
First adult graduation.
May good luck come at the right time
Should always be with you.
And fate will open the door
Into the world of success and dreams.
Listen to your heart more often -
It will be the way you want it!

You were together for nine years
Everything was divided in half
It happened, however, often
Poor teachers!
And now you've grown up
Became completely wise
I wish that further
Life would be without problems!
So that you can continue to study,
So that you continue to grow,
So that your happiness in life
Surely you have found it!

Nine years flew by like a whirlwind.
School is with you in this whirlwind
Shared the joys of victories,
Tears from sad mistakes.
And handing you the first certificate,
We give this parting word:
Let your goals shine like stars!
Let the thorns not stop you!

Graduation in 9th grade,
But in the eyes there is both sadness and joy,
You are already graduates
You are students of life.
May life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings,
Always be human
Happiness in life's journey.

Ninth grade is already over,
The exam is passed and summer is ahead.
You still have two classes left,
And then you’ll scatter like cranes.
Don't let your desire go away
Strive to comprehend knowledge.
So that you become worthy people
And they lived wisely, as in the covenants of parables.
Be healthy, respect your elders,
Love those who are very close to you.
And be sure to give joy
Ready-made “DZ” for teachers.

Passed all exams!
Without saying goodbye to school,
For graduation for a memorable
The whole class gathered.
But after graduation
Only part remains:
The guys want new ones
Colleges to get there.
And someone remains
Continue studying.
Study there and there
We wish you only five!

We studied together for nine years,
We have matured and changed.
Even though they are almost adults,
We will continue to grow.
It’s too early for us, friends, to get married,
We still have to study
You can stay at school
Or go to college.
Who taught us at this school,
We are ready to congratulate everyone.

You need to make a choice
Listen to moms advice.
You will continue to stay at school,
Afterwards study at a university?
There are different ways.
Maybe you should go to college?
Everything now depends on you,
Your life is in your hands.
Courage and perseverance to you
And grades on business!

Ninth grade is over
Congratulations on this,
A special, interesting path awaits you,
Today we sincerely wish you
There’s no turning back from him now!
We also wish everyone patience,
Fun, joy and live without troubles,
And don’t lose your spirit guys,
And they are never afraid of difficulties!

That's last call rang
The wind stirs up the leaves outside the window.
The ninth grade has already come to an end,
Your home school is also your home.
The stage of formation, knowledge, anxiety,
These walls hold so much.
Let's summarize a little today,
And tomorrow at ten o'clock it's time for you to rush.
Now we want to wish you, guys,
May “tomorrow” bring you knowledge and light.
Learn, dare, and know, someday
We will be proud and know that you are strength!

Last call?
No, he's only the first.
Last lesson
Before a new universe.
The gates opened
And the road is calling.
The road is steep...
But go ahead!
We wish you to grow
And always develop,
Just go forward
Never give up!

Graduation in 9th grade -
A holiday of sadness and joy.
Couples in tuxedos, in satin
They spin around like in a carousel.
There is a task on the way,
Not just her decision.
The correct answer is luck!
What to do next?!
Continue studying at school?
Should I go to school?
Or work? In your will
Be on the true path.

In the ninth grade we became friends,
We've learned a lot in nine years,
We have become closer with the teachers too,
They became a little more restrained and quieter.
At graduation with fashionable motives
Mentors, we thank you.
For being patient with us,
We want to thank you for everything.

Let nine years pass like a month
But behind me is a suitcase of knowledge,
And you don't have to hope
That someone will give you a start in life.
Independent, like granite,
You can make your way in life
Let our congratulations beckon
Help both loved ones and the Fatherland.

Don't shed tears in vain,
After all, childhood is wonderful,
But it's still better to grow up
We will be able to prove this.
You're older - that's cool.
You don't have a minute to spare.
But we are still waiting for you at school,
And in thunder, and even in the rain.

We already have nine years behind us,
And a lot is already in your minds.
And ahead is the dawn without troubles,
But fear overcomes me a little.
Get ready, choose the path,
And congratulations will help
Give back everything that is best to you
From memory, from life too.

Almost the whole school is behind,
Now, now you are seniors!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We want to play hopscotch.
And may you almost grow up
But you are all children at heart,
We believe, yes, with all our hearts,
We believe, we believe in it.
And in congratulations we wish you,
To be the happiest adults,
After all, there is a lot ahead of you,
What we missed.

9th year of study is behind us,
Well, a little more to come
You are no longer a child, you decide everything yourself,
He matured and became serious beyond his years.
Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you a happy holiday with all my heart,
Gain strength to continue to study well,
So that I can always be proud of you.

Here is the 9th grade graduation,
The last bell rings
You are holding the certificate in your hands now,
And immediately your gaze
It's like he's grown up.
With the end of the first graduation stage
I congratulate you
I wish you good luck and luck in everything,
May your dream come true,
I wish you joy, smiles and goodness.

The ninth grade is already behind us,
And you have already matured a little,
How many joyful discoveries are ahead,
Seriously, you need to choose the right road, and not make-believe.
Congratulations to all of you on graduating from 9th grade,
There are fewer problems in school life I wish you
May you meet good friends along the way,
Good mood, good health, kindness.

You are no longer a child, but not yet an adult,
Ninth grade is over, it’s already in the past,
Diploma in hand, you are proud of it,
After all, this is the first document
Proof of school identity.
Congratulations on finishing 9th grade,
I wish you a happy school life,
Easy studies, good mood,
May your dreams always come true.

Ninth grade is already over,
And the choice was already ahead,
In the tenth, continue to study,
Or go to the lyceum with a friend.
Choose, it's up to you to decide,
And ask your parents for advice,
Well, congratulations on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you an easy path in life.

9th grade is over. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
All exams have been passed, let's leave the school yard,
We have wonderful holidays ahead of us,
Rest, gain strength to go to school.
I want to congratulate you on completing your studies,
Wish you health, happiness, a lot of joy,
May your summer vacation bring you pleasure,
And further study is only admiration.

Congratulations on graduating from school and wishing you the road to adult life walked along blooming garden so that the carriage of life carries you easily and happily along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby.
Good luck and prosperity to you!


The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!


If you want, say goodbye, if you want, cry
Over the desk left in the past,
Scold the teacher or kiss him,
Be silent or laugh heart-rendingly,
But it’s better to give one last tribute to the school
My simple gratitude,
After all, these years have not flown by without a trace,

To graduation party

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Create a postcard

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day!


You completed your studies
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the blood continue in my veins
He runs with irrepressibility.
Let the road continue
It will be smooth and straight
Never let the anxiety
He won't come to your house.
Beauty, luck, happiness
Let the power be in yours.


Every year you. more mature
The school is behind us.
Be wiser, be braver
You are on the path of life.
Life is tough. Toughen up.
And keep up with your studies.
Just don't get lost
And don't forget your relatives.


Guys, our dear children:
Vitalik, Ira, Olya, Tolya and Sergey,
Once upon a time you were led to school by the hand for the first time.
And how quickly you, my family, have grown up!

How beautiful and grown up you have become,
Ready to fly out of the nest soon...
You hardly remember your first class,
And you will always remember the hour of farewell!

There is no escape from sadness these days:
The hour of parting will soon come.
Childhood takes you from the school threshold,
To part with you once and for all.

You will leave life from the last call.
And your burden will be, oh, how difficult it is!
Wherever life's path takes you, the road
You can’t forget your father’s threshold.

The one who gave you life, raised you, loved you,
Who gave knowledge and blessed the journey.
Your beloved teachers and school will remember each of you.
Always a fun call
He will insistently call you all to class!


Today you are a graduate!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

