What is the design of the kindergarten kindergarten. Image project "Design of a preschool educational institution"

Organization: MBDOU d / s 124 "Planet of Childhood"

Location: Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk

Children's design is a new artistic and productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range. In design, not only the development of the idea is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to the development of the child.

Children's design is aimed at revealing the child's personality, his individuality, developing his creative potential, free, without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, his self-development, on cooperation and co-creation, using only humane methods and techniques, without prohibitions and categorical appeals .

When we talk about a designer child, we often mean an artist child. In fact, design is an unusual take on ordinary things. This means that the main thing for a designer is non-standard thinking, fantasy, imagination, the ability to combine color and shape. It follows from this that in order for a child to become a designer, first of all, it is necessary to develop his spatial imagination, to encourage a non-standard vision of the world around him.

We often do not support the child's fantasies, and if he draws a pink elephant, then we correct it and say: this does not happen, the elephant should be gray. At first, the child objects: “He is fabulous, magical.” But if an adult constantly gives the "correct" sample, the baby fantasizes less and less.

Design is activity special kind artistic activity, which combines various types of creativity: drawing, modeling, application, design, artistic work.

In the practice of a kindergarten, the content of concepts is often confused: “graphic activity” (with needlework, “ creative design” and the actual activities of “children's design”. Naturally, these restrictions are conditional, but at the same time, the following should be noted: children's products after artistic and didactic classes put into folders and boxes and then not in demand - this is not yet kids design. Children's design is associated with decorative activity the child himself on the improvement of the object-spatial environment surrounding him.

At the same time, professional design has common features with children's design, i.e. visual activity and design. It:

  • originality and uniqueness of the creative product;
  • familiarity with the system of sensory standards, the premise of the modular design principle;
  • jointly separate nature of the execution of the plan;
  • subject and spatial-decorative nature of project activities;
  • use of similar materials and techniques;
  • a general approach to assessing the artistry of professional and “children's” art;
  • self-sufficiency non-competitiveness of products of children's creativity

The first steps in the art of design are so simple that they do not require much effort from the child. He enjoys discovering the world of matter. Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. In addition, today, more than ever before, there is a need to form a harmonious developed personality. Personality, which will study, protect and develop spiritual heritage our people. All this has great importance: a person who sees and knows how to appreciate beauty will preserve and increase it, such people are not capable of immoral acts. That is why design classes are so relevant - the activities of older preschoolers. Children develop artistic Creative skills, reveals creative potential means of artistic and constructive design, as well as:

  • develops visual-figurative thinking; artistic and aesthetic taste, sense of style;
  • develops artistic perception the world around, imagination, fantasy, creative thinking;
  • the aesthetic culture of children increases;
  • develops cognitive activity, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perception;
  • obtaining skills in working with various materials;
  • the formation of a project culture in children and the education of a competent consumer.

Classes design - activities are designed to influence the mind, will, feelings of children, encourage them to creative self-expression, a state of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood in various types artistic and creative activity using non-traditional techniques: collage, testoplasty, origami, quilling, papier-mâché, scrapbooking, scratching, decoupage, isothread, etc.

Introducing children to design is a noble, but difficult and long-term undertaking. Design activities can be is focused both on the aesthetic organization of space and on the creation of beautiful useful objects that make up the environment of the child. Products of children's design - creativity can be used by children immediately in games and in everyday life. There are three types of design: planar (applicative-graphic), three-dimensional (subject-decorative) and spatial (architectural-artistic). For each type, there are three areas of activity (types of children's design).

The first direction - "arrangements" - involves the development of the traditions of children's needlework with a focus on decorating clothes and decorating the interior. These can be: phyto-design compositions, bouquets, herbarium-paintings, jewelry made of artificial and natural materials, stained-glass windows and mosaics made of colored plasticine, game details and elements of plot-thematic, fabulously magical and ornamental compositions.
The second direction - "clothing design" - involves familiarizing children with the culture of clothing and some of the ways preschoolers can create drawings - sketches, styles and decorative trim dresses. At leisure, children draw sketches of costumes for characters literary works, cartoons, performances. As well as everyday and festive clothes for yourself.

The third direction - "decorative-spatial design" - it focuses the attention of children on decorative design the appearance of buildings and landscape, the aestheticization of cultural and gaming space, interiors group rooms, premises for festive matinees
kindergarten. Children gain design experience when creating layouts of rooms, houses, using improvised materials.

And now about the techniques.

Modeling is the process of creating a sculptural work associated with working on a soft plastic material.

You can sculpt from clay and plasticine, but it's interesting to learn something new. Salty dough- this is the most economical and safest way to try your hand at developing fantasy, because you can mold anything from it. The dough is accessible to everyone, cheap and easy to use material, it can be prepared in advance (for future use). Dough can be dyed and molded already colored product, but you can write finished work after final drying. Beauty and elegance" salty crafts” will give food for creative thinking. The work is lightweight and durable.

Decoupage is very popular. modern technology decoration various items: from small plates and vases to spacious chests of drawers and cabinets. The decoupage technique is not very complicated, but it has techniques that require certain skills and abilities.

The essence of the decoupage technique is that a thin layer of paper with a decorative pattern is glued onto the surface of the object being decorated, thus creating the illusion of hand painting. Decorative patterns are produced on special decoupage napkins. In addition, a decoupage pattern can also be cut out of a regular paper napkin, from a magazine, postcard, label, or even wrapping paper.

Collage is a relatively young trend in fine arts. It is the brainchild of the last turbulent century, when artists were looking for new means to express their thoughts, feelings and moods. The collage technique (from the French collage - gluing) gives a wide scope for creativity, since the whole is created from the fragmentary. Fragments can be photographs, glossy magazines, colorful paper, different textures, fabric, foil, plants, paints, fabrics, metal parts and more.

Collage very interesting technique it can combine the majority of non-traditional techniques, in a collage you can use testoplasty, scratching, isothreading, quilling, and much more, it all depends on how rich your imagination is.

Thus, the main thing for a young designer is non-standard thinking, imagination, the ability to compose compositions. It follows from this that in order for a child to become a designer, first of all, it is necessary to develop his spatial imagination, to encourage an unconventional vision of the world around him.


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  2. Panteleev G.N. Children's design: Artistic creativity in kindergarten, primary school and family. M.: Karapuz-Didactics, 2006.
  3. Selivanova, T. V. Designer for myself: I create - that means I design [Text] / T. V. Selivanova // Color world: Fine art and design in kindergarten and elementary school. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 6–13.
  4. Tkachenko, E. V. The concept of continuous design education [Text] / E. V. Tkachenko, S. M. Kozhukhovskaya. – M.: Ed. center of NOU "ISOM". 2006

Before you enroll your child in a preschool, all parents carefully study it. Therefore, the design of the group in kindergarten, its appearance, cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the premises play a decisive role in their final choice.

Kindergarten group design project

The main task in developing the interior of a kindergarten is to create a favorable atmosphere for psychological development kids. The environment should be such that the child wants to come back here every day.

When developing a design project for a kindergarten, take close attention its lighting, it is desirable that the windows are located on both sides. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps in rooms, use natural light as much as possible.

Game Zone

Play areas in senior and preparatory groups should be spacious enough, so we recommend placing furniture around the perimeter. Required element- this is houseplants, their selection and placement should be in harmony with the overall design.

The basis for the design of children's rooms is the creation of a special microcosm that would arouse interest in the kids.

This is achieved through the arrangement of functional areas:

  • game;
  • workplace;
  • dining room;
  • bedrooms.
  1. The interior of the garden should not resemble official institution. Large rooms can help make rooms cozy. Stuffed Toys, light bright curtains, cushions.
  2. Children's furniture must be strong enough, as it is subject to particularly rapid wear. Interior items and furniture must have correct dimensions and height, selected in accordance with the height of the children in the group.
  3. Furniture should be placed so that there is enough space for games and exercise.
  4. In the premises it is necessary to provide play islands with toys, craft materials, pencils, albums and light mobile furniture. In such areas, a bright design is needed.
  5. Another important element of interior design is various pictures, hung on the walls and depicting cartoon characters and animals. They will create a fun, comfortable environment.
  6. Provide a corner in the project in which children's drawings and crafts will be placed. At the same time, parents should have access to them, they should see what their baby creates with his own hands. Position the display corner at a height where children can easily pick up and put back the work.

Features of the design of different zones in the group

Bedroom in kindergarten

The interior of the kindergarten premises should be moderately saturated with different tones so that there is no clearly manifested contrast.

Color solution

This will help visually erase the spatial boundaries and create harmony in the interior of the group.

Note! Child psychologists do not recommend actively using the color red, because its excess leads to aggression and nervous excitement. But all shades of green soothe, cheer up and have a good effect on the psyche of the child.

Game Zone

The playing area should be decorated brightly - in blue, yellow, orange and green colors, this will increase the gaming activity. AT junior groups the interior should resemble a fairy tale, this will create a joyful mood in children and help develop their imagination.

The dining area must be designed depending on whether it is combined with a study area or game room. Furniture should be comfortable and made of durable and environmentally friendly materials.


The most important aspect is the organization of the place under daytime sleep. Peculiarities physical development are such that children get tired quickly enough. Based on this, their activity is dependent on the quality of rest.

The beds should be appropriate for the growth of the kids, the mattresses should be comfortable and not very soft. It is strictly forbidden to use spring products, as they can provoke a curvature of the spine.

Bright and exciting colors in the bedroom are not allowed, better solution in this case, decorate the area in pastel colors.

About facing materials and equipment

Kindergarten walls should not be covered with wallpaper. All surfaces must be well cleaned and washed. In the games area, you can plan a wall painting that will depict cartoon characters or funny animals.

Plastic panels are quite suitable for the bedroom. in kindergarten can be performed decorative plaster, which has a weak texture. The training area can be painted in bright colors, while it is necessary to place accents with decor.

The floor covering must be used as safe and tactilely pleasant as possible. Could it be laminate? light colors covered with medium pile carpet.

All furniture in the kindergarten should be adapted to the growth and needs of the kids. In addition, its objects should be bright and interesting, attracting attention. It is best if it is made of natural wood.

If the beds in the bedroom are bunk, the second tier should be in without fail equip with a rim. In addition, the area must be equipped with lockers for storing clothes.

Play areas are equipped in different ways, the best option- use soft ottomans in them, as well as racks and shelves with toys.

In the study part of the groups, as a rule, there are open cabinets for books, notebooks and other study supplies, small desks with chairs. Don't forget to provide workplace educator.

Textile plays an important role in the design of the kindergarten, it gives the premises home view. Curtains use light and bright, complement them with cozy napkins, tablecloths, towels.

Decor elements in the rooms need safe and unbreakable. Toys are the best for this, but they should not be placed in the study part of the groups, otherwise the children will be distracted all the time.

Living plants that are placed in flowerpots at the height at which the kids cannot reach them will help to decorate the design of the premises of the kindergarten.

Summing up

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Elena Viktorovna Zaitseva
Children's design activity in preschool

Educators Zaitseva E. V. Kozina L. V.

In the conditions of intensive development of innovative processes in the social, economic and political life of the country, the need for the formation and development of the creative personality of a preschool child increases.

The urgency of the problem is determined by the fact that the fixing of patterns in the child's work poses a great danger to him, therefore, it is necessary to destroy the frozen patterns and introduce new types. activities to stimulate the child's own creativity.

The novelty of the work experience presented by us lies in the use of new techniques and materials, which contributes to the formation of new knowledge in preschoolers, skills in the manufacture of unique children's work using products in a child's life, kindergarten and family.

Target: creating conditions for the disclosure and development of the creative potential of a preschooler by means of artistic and constructive design.


Development creative thinking preschoolers, through familiarization with the methods and techniques used in artistic and constructive design.

To form the ability to consistently implement their plan, skillfully

handle materials and tools.

Encourage co-creation with peers and adults activity design using

result of creative activities at home, games, room decor in kindergarten, at home.

To form an evaluative attitude to the world around, the ability to analyze, self-assessment in the performance of work.

Develop interest in design - creativity.

Develop cognitive activity, communication, independence.

Development figurative thinking, imagination, steady attention, observation,


Children's design can be focused both on the aesthetic organization of space, and on the creation of beautiful useful objects that make up the environment of the child. Elementary crafts of a child can be considered as his project activity, because already in simple arrangements he plans a certain result. The child gets acquainted with various artistic techniques and craft materials with accessible ways making and decorating their products.

In creative activities The child should be divided into three main stages.

The first is the emergence, development, awareness and design of the idea. The theme of the upcoming image can be determined by the child himself or suggested by the teacher (its specific decision is determined only by the child himself). How younger child, the more situational and unstable is its intention. How older kids, the richer their experience in fine arts activities, the more sustainable their intention becomes.

The second stage is the process of creating an image. Activity at this stage, it requires the child to be able to master the ways of depiction, expressive means specific to drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

The third stage - the analysis of the results - is closely related to the two previous ones - this is their logical continuation and completion. Viewing and analysis of children's creations are carried out at their maximum activity, which allows you to more fully comprehend the result of your own work. activities. At the end of the lesson, everything that was created by the children is exhibited on a special stand, that is, each child is given the opportunity to see the work of the whole group, to mark, justifying their choice, those that they liked the most. The tactful, guiding questions of the teacher will allow children to see the creative finds of their comrades, the original and expressive solution of the topic.

Children's design has:

Object-decorative character is the creation and decoration of objects (toys, souvenirs, clothing items, arrangements).

Spatial and decorative character - activity in space, taking into account its features (area, lighting, pattern of windows, doors, niches).

We pay great attention to subject-decorative design. We introduce the guys to such an artistic and creative activities as, decoration. The meaning of the concept "decorate"- give something beautiful view, artwork We have selected a few directions:mosaic of various waste materials, appliqué, decoupage, plasticineography, non-traditional drawing techniques. Such innovative approach allows you to enrich design group rooms copyright and children's works using a wide range of non-traditional techniques and technologies.

In order to instill a love of fine arts in preschoolers, arouse an interest in drawing, we start from the youngest preschool age We widely use non-traditional image techniques in our work. The first steps in this direction were the use of simple non-traditional methods(drawing with fingers, palms, crayons, crumpled paper stamps, etc.

Such unconventional drawing gives kids a lot positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar objects as art materials surprises with its unpredictability.

Emotions can be seen as this moment pleases, interests, desponds, excites the child, which characterizes his essence, character, individuality. Then gradually introduce the elements design, which, in work with older preschoolers, develop into independent classes in design activities. Lessons design activity combine several types of artistic and creative activities: drawing, modeling, application, manual labor and design.

Senior preschooler able "see" and with the help of an adult, gradually realize your "design intent", anticipating the artistic result. This makes it possible, along with the use traditional types pictorial activities introducing children to new types: architectural and artistic design and modeling clothes with arrangements-decorations from different materials. At this stage, children, under the guidance of a teacher, arrange things, objects for decorating a room, participating in creative exhibitions. This allows you to evaluate your work, its result. Attention is focused on what happened, given positive evaluation activities, creates a favorable emotional background which contributes to the formation creative imagination and thinking

In the process of teaching children the elements design, introduce them to the features, properties and capabilities of various artistic materials and technologies: drawing on wet paper; drawing with a toothbrush on colored paper; monotypes (cellophane, paper, glass); drawing through carbon paper; plasticine drawing; finger painting; stencil hand; blotography; application of the reception "spray"; collage; poke method; coinage; stained glass windows. After all, the introduction to the lessons of the elements design requires children to expand their knowledge of the properties various materials (paper, cardboard, textiles, plastics, natural materials and etc.) and develop skills and abilities while working with them. were interesting and exciting lessons: « summer fairy tale» stained glass windows, « Autumn motives» -blotography, "Autumn on the edge of the paint bred"- printing with leaves, "Vase for Mom"- tableware design, "Chrismas story"- decoupage technique, "At the edge of the forest"- plasticineography, "Christmas Toys"-decor Christmas balls and Christmas trees "Candlestick Exhibition"- decoration of candlesticks, "Frost patterns"- painting with salt.

We acquainted parents with the achievements of their children, each individually. From this communication, we learned how much parents are interested in the life of children in kindergarten. In the process of working with pupils, we felt the desire of parents for their own creativity with children and began to involve them in a joint activity. Parents began to actively help in collecting material, to participate in the design of exhibitions, because they saw that children with great desire, learn to fantasize, create, create beautiful works of art. They brought jointly created crafts and compositions.


The experience of our work has shown that this kind of artistic and creative activities, as decoration, not only allows you to get high-quality, attractive, and therefore valuable in the eyes of the child and others "product" but also contributes to the development of social relations: the ability to navigate in the environment, increase the level of self-awareness, the formation of positive relationships, as well as the level of artistic - creative development preschool children, satisfaction of parents with work on educational field "artistic creativity".

Fantasy, imagination is the basis on which creative abilities are formed and, as a result, the outstanding character of the child in the future.

The world in which the baby lives is filled with not only real, but also fabulous events. Children fantasize because they want to be in the role of wizards.

You need to help the child a little, and the miracles invented by him will become a reality!

How to make the child’s stay in kindergarten optimal was discussed at the webinar “Developing subject-spatial environment- new approaches in accordance with GEF DO”. 64 participants from different corners Russia gathered to update their pre-school in the near future, in accordance with the standards and needs of children.

The webinar was conducted by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory professional development Pedagogy FGBNU "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education "Russian Academy of Education" Anna Borisovna Teplova. The expert organized a real dialogue between the participants. She asked questions, and the participants answered in the chat. In addition, there were many good examples: photos of successful and unsuccessful design of kindergarten and toys.

Often, adults, decorating the interior, are guided only by their own taste and opinion. Like, we know better. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Often we, adults, understand the space of the kindergarten as our own space, - says Anna Teplova, - you need to squat down and see how the child will feel.

The object-spatial environment should cover not only the kindergarten, but also the orphanage. Educators will not be able to create a comfortable developing environment in kindergarten without giving recommendations to parents.

The entire subject-spatial environment must correspond to the program according to which the kindergarten works. When you enter a group room, you should be able to see from the environment itself what program they are working on. Entering, we must understand that this group is of such and such age, the direction is ecology.

I have a question for the participants, - Anna Teplova said. - What should the object-spatial environment provide?

The responses of the participants were approximately the same:

  • Comprehensive development of children.
  • Free comfortable development.
  • Availability and security.

“Actually, it should provide communication,” the expert commented. We don't have it in our minds. We are talking about development, comfort. Behind the word "development" we hide large complex those, but we do not see the specifics.

In addition to communication, the child needs a place to run, play with friends. And the third need that the interior should provide is privacy. The kid needs privacy in order to think, to be alone with himself, to look at a book.

There are certain requirements that the interior and furniture of a preschool institution must meet. Very often, looking at their list, we do not understand how to combine them. For example, we wonder how to combine such different concepts how, for example, transformability and security? Thanks to modern developments of furniture, materials, toys, this is possible.

Let's talk about the principles in a little more detail.

  • Saturation is one of the simplest and most clearly understood principles. The object-spatial environment should correspond to the age of the group. It is obliged to provide playful, educational, research and creative activity. In other words, the child should have enough equipment for playing, learning and outdoor activities.
  • Space transformation.

When we hear this word, we immediately imagine transformers, - says Anna Teplova. - To ensure transformability, we should not move walls and perform complex actions.

Groups in kindergartens are usually small in size. In a small space, it is not so easy to immediately arrange all the necessary areas for children. Here furniture comes to the rescue, which can be folded and moved. An example of a kindergarten in the Moscow region: here we see furniture on wheels and 2 tables different levels. One of them fits into the other, and both of these tables can be pushed under the cabinet and free up space.

  • Polyfunctionality of materials. This principle "borders" with the previous one. The furniture in the group should not only be transformed, but also perform various functions.

Previously, when we were part of groups where toy kitchens or shops appeared, we were happy, Anna Teplova explains. - They rejoiced for the children and said: “But in our time this was not the case. We only played with sticks and pebbles.” But then we realized that these toys are monofunctional. Children get bored quickly. They play and quit, and then the kitchen stands and just takes up space. So we're back to sticks and pebbles.

  • Environment variability. There should be different spaces in the preschool educational institution - for learning, playing, designing, solitude. We live in conditions that need to be fully used, not to close the children in the group. This also applies to the vertical space in the kindergarten and the horizontal space of the entire preschool educational institution.

I have a kindergarten under my windows, - says the expert. - I recently went there, and the teachers asked me: “What should we do with a large corridor? How to use all the space usefully?

In order not to lose a single useful centimeter, they came up with the “club hour” technique. Once a week, for 1 hour, children can freely move around the entire territory of the kindergarten, visit each other in groups, and explore the space on their own. In one of the kindergartens, when this technology began to be used, the children were afraid to leave the group for the first time, they were psychologically closed. Then the kids got used to it, and after 2-3 times they could freely look into any room in the garden, including the technical room.

  • Availability of the environment. Not all gardens implement this principle. They have been neglected before. 2-3 decades ago, it was common that brand new toys were placed in kindergarten in prominent places, but high up so that children would not get them and spoil them. Almost every Soviet and post-Soviet child can remember the same doll or carriage with horses that he really wanted to play with, but it was out of reach. Many have left psychological trauma because of this, and they still remember that very toy as something unattainable. In a preschool educational institution for a child, there should be no barriers - for growth, for prohibitions. It should be free to reach any required item- I wanted to take pencils, got it and drew.
  • Safety. This component is multifaceted, since it is necessary to take into account the psychological, spiritual and physical components of the child.

From the point of view of bodily safety, everything in our gardens high level and quality and meets the standards. Psychological and spiritual security is not provided everywhere. To control psychological condition child, you need to watch what toys he plays with. And psychologists have a lot of complaints about modern dolls and cars. Let us recall, for example, the negatively known pupae in coffins.

Successful examples of organizing the interior of a kindergarten

Creating flexible, moving walls is an expensive process, but possible. In this example, there is furniture on wheels, at the tables - space for work or privacy. Dark carpet marked play space. Children can move between groups.

The Japanese use the roof to expand the space. Trees grow through the kindergarten and children can use them while playing.

In a Danish kindergarten, they made a special door, exactly with little man put furniture on wheels.

This kindergarten makes good use of vertical space and play of color. Children will be comfortable in a beautiful, fabulous interior.

At the webinar, the participants saw a lot of creatively designed interiors in Russian and foreign kindergartens. Each teacher could draw something for his preschool educational institution and, for sure, will soon bring it to life.

Questions from participants

  1. Natalia: How comfortable are tables on wheels for children?

They are very convenient for educators in terms of movement. And children are given the opportunity to be in different spaces. Remember, in kindergartens you can place tables on wheels only with latches.

  1. Stashko Irina: In our preschool educational institution, the entire space of the group is filled with tables, as they require SanPiN. There is nowhere to put a large soft module for construction. Can this be changed somehow?
  2. Oleinik Ekaterina Igorevna: Is it possible to group rooms place corners of nature (plants, aquariums, etc.), if it is prohibited by SanPiN?

No, today SanPiN is our main regulatory document.

The international conference will help you optimize the work of a preschool institution

Olga Kondratieva
Consultation for educators: Children's design in kindergarten

“Creativity is not the lot of only geniuses who created great works of art. Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new”

L. S. Vygotsky

The art of design is actively entering our lives.

And today I would like to study the concept of "Children's design".

Children's design- a new artistic and productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range.

In design, not only the development of the idea is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to the development of the child.

Children's design is aimed at revealing the child's personality, his individuality, developing his creative potential, free, without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, his self-development, on cooperation and co-creation, using only humane methods and techniques, without prohibitions and categorical appeals .

When we talk about a designer child, we often mean an artist child. In fact, design is an unusual take on ordinary things. This means that the main thing for a designer is non-standard thinking, fantasy, imagination, the ability to combine color and shape. It follows from this that in order for a child to become a designer, first of all, it is necessary to develop his spatial imagination, to encourage a non-standard vision of the world around him.

We often do not support the child's fantasies, and if he draws a pink elephant, then we correct it and say: this does not happen, the elephant should be gray. At first, the child objects: “He is fabulous, magical.” But if an adult constantly gives the "correct" sample, the baby fantasizes less and less.

Design - activity- this is a special kind of artistic activity that combines various types of creativity: drawing, modeling, application, design, artistic work.

In the practice of a kindergarten, the content of the concepts is often confused: “graphic activity” (with needlework, “creative design” and the actual activity of “children's design”. Naturally, these restrictions are conditional, but at the same time, the following should be noted: children's products after artistic and didactic folded into folders and boxes and then not in demand - this is not yet children's design.Children's design is associated with the decorative activity of the child himself to improve the object-spatial environment surrounding him.

At the same time, professional design has common features with children's design, i.e., visual activity and design. It:

Originality and uniqueness of the creative product;

Acquaintance with the system of sensory standards, the premise of the modular design principle;

Jointly separate nature of the execution of the plan;

Objective and spatial-decorative nature of project activities;

Use of similar materials and techniques;

General approach to assessing the artistry of professional and “children's” art;

Self-sufficiency Non-competitiveness of children's art products

The first steps in the art of design are so simple that they do not require much effort from the child. He enjoys discovering the world of matter. Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. In addition, today, more than ever, there is a need to form a harmoniously developed personality. A person who will study, protect and develop the spiritual heritage of our people. All this is of great importance: a person who sees and knows how to appreciate beauty will preserve and increase it, such people are not capable of immoral acts. That is why design classes are so relevant - the activities of older preschoolers. Children develop artistic and creative abilities, their creative potential is revealed by means of artistic and constructive design, as well as:

Visual-figurative thinking develops; artistic and aesthetic taste, sense of style;

Artistic perception of the surrounding world, imagination, fantasy, creative thinking develop;

The aesthetic culture of children is increasing;

Cognitive activity, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perception develop;

Obtaining skills in working with various materials;

Formation of a project culture in children and education of a competent consumer.

Classes design - activities designed to influence the mind, will, feelings of children, encourage them to creative self-expression, a state of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood in various types of artistic and creative activities using non-traditional techniques: collage, testoplasty, origami, quilling, papier-mâché, scrapbooking, scrapbooking , decoupage, isothread, etc.

Introducing children to design is a noble, but difficult and long-term undertaking.

Now let's talk about techniques.

modeling- the process of creating a sculptural work associated with working on a soft plastic material.

You can sculpt from clay and plasticine, but it's interesting to learn something new. Salt dough is the most economical and safest way to try your hand at developing your imagination, because you can mold anything from it. The dough is accessible to everyone, cheap and easy to use material, it can be prepared in advance (for future use). The dough can be dyed and molded into an already colored product, or you can paint the finished work after final drying. The beauty and elegance of "salty crafts" will provide food for creative thinking. The work is lightweight and durable.

Papier mache- not only beautiful French name, but also a very simple, budget manufacturing technique various crafts from pieces of paper. It is a pleasure to engage in such creativity in kindergarten.

There are three technologies for making papier-mâché products.

According to the first technology, the product is made by layer-by-layer gluing of small pieces wet paper on a pre-prepared blank.

According to the second method, products are molded from liquid paper pulp. Paper cut into small pieces is poured hot water and placed in a warm place for a day. Then it is boiled, squeezed, loosened and dried. The resulting paper mass is thoroughly mixed with chalk. Glue is added to the paper-chalk mixture with constant stirring until a plastic creamy dough is obtained. As glue, a mixture of starch paste and wood glue is used. The dough is poured into the prepared form or applied in a layer on its surface and kept until completely dry.

According to the third method, the products are glued like plywood under pressure from plates of solid thick cardboard. The resulting product is primed and painted.

scrapbooking- this is needlework, which is the design, creation and design of albums, packaging boxes, frames for pictures and photographs, as well as gift cards.

Children always want something new and interesting. Fascinating tasks can occupy the child and not for one hour.

Origami for kids- this is an application that will be interesting for children on the one hand, and difficult on the other hand. Origami for children allows not only to distract the child from something, but also develops the dexterity of the children's hands. Thanks to this, you can give the child the opportunity to decorate the house himself. Of course, he will take on this task quite responsibly. That is, we can see how origami develops something higher in a child. physical achievement- excellent moral qualities.

quillin g is the art of paper rolling, which is already more than one hundred years old.

As practice has shown, paper processed using the quilling technique is very durable and strong. Therefore, all products from it are widely used in everyday life. You can make a candy bowl and use it for its intended purpose. Even on a voluminous cup holder, you can safely place your favorite cup of coffee.

Works in the technique of isothread - an exciting activity not only for adults, but also for children. At first glance, it seems that this technique is very complicated, in fact, you just need to learn the pattern and everything will turn out great.

You need to master the technique of filling the corner, circle, cobweb. After that, you will be able to complete rather complex paintings using the isothread technique.

Teach this art to a child, it is not only interesting, but also useful. This hobby develops the child's perseverance, eye, fantasy and abstract thinking, coordination of hand movements and fine motor skills, cultivates accuracy and attention.

For educators preschool institutions well known scratching technique translated from French means "scratching" This technique is popular because it has great artistic and expressive possibilities - a light shimmering underpainting that appears on a dark background, which gives the work mystery and fabulousness. The scratching technique allows children to easily perform coloristic and graphic tasks, and educators create unusual game situations in the course of work.

Decoupage- a very popular modern technique for decorating various items: from small plates and vases to spacious chests of drawers and cabinets. The decoupage technique is not very complicated, but it has techniques that require certain skills and abilities.

The essence of the decoupage technique is that a thin layer of paper with a decorative pattern is glued onto the surface of the object being decorated, thus creating the illusion of hand painting. Decorative patterns are produced on special decoupage napkins. In addition, a decoupage pattern can also be cut from an ordinary paper napkin, from a magazine, postcard, label, or even from wrapping paper.

Collage- a relatively young trend in the visual arts. It is the brainchild of the last turbulent century, when artists were looking for new means to express their thoughts, feelings and moods. The collage technique (from the French collage - gluing) gives a wide scope for creativity, since the whole is created from the fragmentary. Fragments can be photographs, glossy magazines, multi-colored paper, different textures, fabric, foil, plants, paints, fabrics, metal parts and much more.

Collage is a very interesting technique, it can combine most of the non-traditional techniques, in a collage you can use testoplasty, scratching, isothreading, quilling, and much more, it all depends on how rich your imagination is.

Thank you very much for your attention!
