Teak hair ornaments. Tika - an original decoration on the head

Women's beauty is a unique phenomenon. Every woman can be made beautiful and charming. Often, the creation of an individual style, the selection of hairstyles, and the right makeup come to the rescue. Jewelry is one of the important elements. They can emphasize both character and some jewelry must be worn strictly at certain times of the day to reveal their potential. And how many types and styles exist ... A huge number that is difficult to accurately count. But there is a category of women for whom jewelry is not just trinkets, but the whole art of reincarnation. Who are they? This is what we will talk about today.

Story. Indian jewelry

Approximately five thousand years ago, the first jewelry in this style was made. The finds are amazing - chains in the form of beads made of beads, metal and even gold! Therefore, it can be argued that jewelry originates in ancient times. It is noteworthy that men also have their own jewelry. They are worn at different periods of life - growing up, weddings and other important events.

Indian jewelry is very symbolic and religious in nature. Every thing on a woman's body has its own meaning. Jewelry is usually worn constantly and is often passed down from generation to generation.

Types of jewelry

An Indian woman has a lot of jewelry. They can be made using different techniques. There are also differences in materials - precious and semi-precious metals are worn for holidays, and simple jewelry is suitable for every day. But, in addition to this, there are several more types.

  1. Spiritual Indian jewelry. The stones that are used there have a strict meaning. For example, ruby ​​represents the Sun, red coral corresponds to Mars. There are 9 astrological stones in total.
  2. Temple. They are made in such a way as to symbolize the great He brings good luck, wealth. The symbol "Om" also refers to Ganesha and denotes holiness.
  3. Wedding. A wedding in India is a truly magnificent celebration. For each bride, jewelry from family chests is carefully selected (often there are several of them, depending on the history of the family). For weddings, Indian jewelry is used in large quantities and only of excellent quality - gold, stones. Often their total weight is several kilograms, so this day is difficult for the bride, not only psychologically.


This is a set of various decorations for a wedding. There are 16 elements in total, and they must be present on the bride. If you look at Indian jewelry (photos are presented in the article), it becomes clear that the creation of a festive image in this country is approached very carefully. Let's list all the elements of the festive decoration of the bride.

Tika. This is a pendant, often made of gold and stones, lying strictly in the middle. Symbolizes marriage.

Bindi. The symbol of the third eye in the form of a dot between the eyebrows.

Anjana (Kolya). Black eyeliner.

Sindur-dana. The line drawn by the groom on the parting of the bride. It is carried out with red lipstick, symbolizing fertility and well-being.

Earrings "karn phool". Symbol of status and spirituality.

Nat. Nose decoration. Often in the form of a ring.

Mehendi. Henna drawing on some parts of the body - legs and arms. Painting before the wedding. According to tradition, the longer the henna lasts, the more privileges the wife has (she is released from housework until the henna has come off). According to tradition, the remaining henna is buried in the ground, this will help protect the family from male infidelity.

Mangalsutra. Charm in the form of a necklace with black and gold beads. It symbolizes a completed marriage and connects vows.

Banjuband. A bracelet to be worn on the forearm. Symbolizes protection from the evil eye.

Aarsi. Mirror ring. It is traditionally worn on the thumb.

Churia. Bracelets of a married woman. Usually red. Without them, it is forbidden to leave the house in the future.

Bichua and solder. Leg bracelets and ankle rings. On the wedding day, silver bells are attached to them.

Keshapasharachan. Traditional flower decoration on the head.

Kamarband. Belt made of gold interspersed with precious stones. Be sure to hang a key on it as the transfer of female leadership in the family from the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law.

Sari. This is probably one of the most famous elements in the image of the bride. Traditionally embroidered with gold threads on a red canvas. Luxurious Indian jewelry, photos of which can be seen in the article, perfectly convey all the beauty and wealth of women on such a significant day.

Every Indian woman always makes her own jewelry. Only such an approach carries the right message, and this is how the necessary energy is invested. It is important that all execution rules are followed. Therefore, if there is a desire to learn how to make Indian jewelry, then you should contact a person who has the appropriate knowledge. Only in this way will you know all the important nuances in performing Shringara.

Indian style

Due to the unusual image of Indian beauties, they became in the Indian style. The choice is truly varied. Every girl can find something to her liking. There are massive earrings, interesting rings with a mirror, bracelets, pendants, amulets, necklaces and much more. Mehendi is especially popular among European girls. It's from henna. It allows you to stand out and decorate your hands with an interesting ornament for a short period of time.

For a wedding, you can use jewelry on your head. They are unusual and beautiful. There are several types, so each bride will choose something for her outfit.

Manufacturing techniques

Despite the huge variety, in the fashion world it is customary to single out two techniques.

1) Minakar. The basis is gold or silver. A colored enamel metal coating is applied to the metal. This is a very complex and long process. But each decoration turns out to be a masterpiece and exclusive. In India, there are only three schools-houses dealing with this technique. Minakar cost is high.

2) Kundan. Here the highlight of the technique is in attaching stones with the help of gold.

There is also a style that combines the two main ones. It is called Mena Kundan. Usually, enameled surfaces are presented to the viewer on one side, and an abundance of stones on the other.

caste distinction

In India, traditions are honored, religion for the local population is not in last place. The moment when you look at the jewelry of Indian women, it can tell you very clearly which caste she belongs to, how rich she is, whether she is married or not.

Widows usually take off everything.

In the east, the banking system is not very developed, and maybe not very trusted. Therefore, rich husbands buy expensive things both for themselves and for their women. Therefore, in a wealthy home, you can find chests with gold and silver in the form of jewelry, caskets, mirrors and many other elements of everyday life and life of people.

Buying Shringar Elements

If you are interested in the style of Indian women, then you should contact a specialized store of ethnic things. Very often there you can find an abundance of jewelry you need.

Shringar making training

In some cities there are schools and master classes in the manufacture of various things. The master will help to master the art of making such jewelry.

Tilak (tika) and bindi- ritual drawings, which in their original meaning symbolized belonging to Hinduism. Therefore, those who belong to Islam, Christina, do not wear either one or the other.


means "dot, drop" - this is feminine, which is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 3rd eye.
Bindi was traditionally worn only by married people, this, along with a parting with a red stripe, served as an identification mark.
Bindi was drawn with red turmeric (kumkuma), usually in the form of a drop.

For widows, bindi was forbidden, however, like other jewelry.

Bindi is red, just like tilak, they are sometimes even called tika, but despite the external similarity - a red dot between the eyebrows - the difference is huge - the first is a simple decoration, the second is a ritual mark.

Bindi wearing traditions have now changed and differ from state to state. For example, in northern India, unmarried girls also wear bindi, but black, married ladies - from scarlet to burgundy.

Bindi is no longer always painted with paint, they began to be sold in the form of red or black velvet in the form of a circle, pasted on the forehead. However, the color of the bindi began to be matched to the color of the toilet, so you can find both green and blue.
Shops sell plastic bindi with glitter, pebbles, which are glued to the forehead even for little girls.
In jewelry stores, I also saw bindi - with precious stones on a piece of silver or gold.

In southern India I have also seen bindi in the form of a black dot painted with antimony on the foreheads of very young children of both sexes. Parents said that such a bindi acts as a talisman for the baby.

Tilak, more precisely tilaka

This is a drawing applied by the Hindu on the forehead, sometimes the chest and arms, also called tika for short.
The most common tilak (abbreviated as tika) is a red dot between the eyebrows, the same as bindi, but tika (tilak) is placed after performing a puja or visiting a temple.
The image and color of the tilak varies depending on the religious tradition.

Shaivites, that is, worshipers of Shiva, and shaktas, worshipers wear tripundra- 3 horizontal stripes drawn with ash.

The stripes are applied with the sacred vibhuti ash, which is formed after the burning of offerings in the process of agnihotra (homa), yajna (yajna), and others. In the process of fire rituals, the Deities are presented with a mixture, the components of which can be cow dung, rice, sandalwood paste, milk, ghee, sweets, and.

Wanderers, as well as some sedentary gardeners, also use the ashes from their personal fire - dhuni (duni).

Tripundra ash is sold in many South Indian temples as an offering to a deity and returned as prasadam. In North Indian temples, a box of turmeric is given out as prasadam for tilak.
I saw that, due to the absence of ashes, tripundra is sometimes applied with paint and even red turmeric.
The application of tripundra also varies in different places, so you can see 3 even thin stripes in the center of the forehead or stripes the width of a finger from temple to temple.

Sometimes Shaivites, as well as Shaktas (including Aghori) add to tripundra a large red dot in the middle of the forehead or in place of the third eye, symbolizing Shakti, energy and blood, perhaps this is an echo of ancient times when red tilaks were placed with the blood of sacrificial animals.
Shaktas often put a few bindus or draw a red line across the forehead to between the eyebrows.

It is believed that Aghori take (may take) tripundra ashes from cremation fires.

Vaishnavas, that is, cult followers draw vertical stripes on their foreheads with white ash or paint, yellow turmeric or sandalwood paste with red red turmeric, or depending on the sect.

The Vaishnava tilak may look like the letters U or V on the forehead, straight or more complex stripes join between the eyebrows and go to the bridge of the nose, or it is a yellow vertical stripe on the forehead, similar to a leaf.

Written by Panther Woman Read the quoted message

Magic of the Indian woman | Decorations

The centuries-old history of Indian culture can be traced in many ways - including a variety of Indian jewelry. You should not be surprised at such statements... After all, each country has and can be proud of its original traditions and customs, and the uniqueness of India is manifested literally in everything. And especially in the variety and beauty that marked indian jewelry . By the way, the value of Indian jewelry for the inhabitants of this amazing country is extremely high.

It trembles like a seductive pond, full of radiance,
Your camp is delightful in yellow silk robes.
In a garland of tender lotuses you shine like
On gold and silver dazzling skin.
Admit it, you are the goddess of passion, beautiful Rati?
Otherwise, where would such grace come from?
Beautiful sharp even teeth innocently
They sparkle with their whiteness, like jasmine buds.
From tears, the whites of the eyes turned red, but the pupils
Huge eyes, flaming, burning through the eyelashes.
O maiden with rounded hips, sweet figure,
With the appearance of a bulk fruit, a velvety blush,
With a bewitching laugh, with breasts pressed tightly
Friend to friend, that the choice pearls adorn wonderfully!
(Ramayana, 1965)

Indian jewelry tells almost everything about its owner: is she married, what caste does she belong to, does she have children... And this is not the whole list...

An Indian woman may not be wearing clothes, but jewelry is a must.

They are a kind of language, along with speech and gestures.

In Indian culture everything is symbolic, everything is a metaphor. Decorating the visible, material body, Indians express longing for their divine nature. For many Hindu women, beautiful clothes are one way of worshiping God.

An elegantly dressed woman is the personification of the ideal beauty and mystery inherent in nature and music. Each part of the decoration is justified and consistently woven into the overall pattern of symbolic forms and images.

The pendant should hit exactly in the center of the forehead. This place is considered the home of the Ajna Chakra. Thus, a woman repeats her status as a married woman.

Kolya - a wide black line around the eyes, where the arrows join, giving a special sharpness to the look: “My eyes, not eyes, beloved, but arrows of light. My eyebrows, not eyebrows, but swords of destruction."

Every feeling of the heart is transmitted through the eyes. They can express reverence, sympathy, love, lust. Indian poets usually want to drown "in the depths of their beloved's eyes." Most of the poetic comparisons about eyes are taken from nature. Eyes like a narcissus, an almond, a lily, like a "fish shining in gliding", like seas and oceans, abysses, fire, etc.

Nat - a ring or other decoration in the nose.

Nat is considered the most seductive decoration. Nose earrings come in a variety of forms, ranging from precious studs to large, full-cheek gold hoops.

Haara - necklace, beads, necklace. The neck is one of the important mystical centers. Therefore, it is believed that the necklace attracts and keeps love, brings good luck, protects from the evil eye. Among other types of jewelry, necklaces have always had a maximum of magical charms. Probably, a bright and rich necklace distracted the ill-wisher from the face of the owner and thus protected from the danger of the evil eye, hypnotic influence.

Most likely, the predecessor of the beads was an ordinary flower garland. But the aroma of many flowers, for example, jasmine, roses, has a clear erotic overtones...

Literally, a flower in the ear.

Since ancient times, the earlobe has been regarded as a sign of spiritual development and high social status.

According to legend, earrings are a consolation in pain and suffering. The more decorative and expensive the earrings, the more comfort a person receives.

The most popular from ancient times to the present day are earrings in the form of flowers and fruits. They reflect tenderness, youth, spiritual perfection, ingenuity, innocence - the main attributes of a female character.

Bracelets- a sign of a married woman. They have many romantic and amorous allusions. The ringing sound of the bracelet indicates the presence of a woman, that she needs attention, that she is angry or wants to exchange glances.

A married woman will never allow herself to appear in society without bracelets. As a rule, wear 8, 12 or 24 bracelets on each wrist.

Hello dear fashionistas!

Hair is undoubtedly the main decoration of a girl. But no one forbade adding head accessories to make you even more attractive. Beaded hair jewelry is a great way to transform your hairstyle.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What kind of hair ornaments are there.
  2. How to make two tiki for hair with your own hands.

Many girls do not give due importance to hair ornaments. To date, a huge number of hair ornaments are known: hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, ribbons, etc. Shops and boutiques offer a wide range of these products. But it is not forbidden to stand out and make jewelry yourself.

DIY hair jewelry is easy!

In the article, we will consider the main types of head jewelry, and we will try to make tika on the head with our own hands.

Beaded hairpins

DIY beaded hairpins, in my opinion, have recently lost their popularity a little. But what prevents you from making such an accessory yourself and not just standing out from the crowd, but perhaps somehow influencing further fashion.

In this article, we will not consider in detail how to make hairpins from beads and beads. In one of the previous articles, we conducted a detailed master class on making this jewelry.

Beaded headband

But this hair accessory, on the contrary, has been at the peak of its popularity in the last five years. In the photo is my handmade author's bezel.

Headbands are made from different materials: from ribbons, from leather, from beads and rhinestones, from zippers and elastic bands. The picture shows one of my early works, made in the technique of beadwork.

If you also want to learn how to embroider with beads, read the article How to embroider with beads for beginners. And you yourself can make such a beaded rim with your own hands.

How to make a tick on the head with your own hands?

Over the last period of time, such a decoration on the head has almost come to the fore in terms of accessories for the head, giving way just to headbands and crowns.

Teak on the head is, of course, an exclusively spring-summer-autumn accessory. Wearing teak under a fur hat in winter, I think hardly anyone will.

Making your own teak is not difficult. Let's take a look at two different hair tiki options.

The first tick is classic. In order to make it, we need the following materials:

  1. Nylon fishing line 0.3 mm thick;
  2. Czech beads No. 10 (two colors);
  3. A lot of beads (various in color, size and texture);
  4. Metal hats for beads;
  5. Metal pendant;
  6. Scissors.

Let's get started! Let's measure a small piece of fishing line, about 60 cm long. First, we will make the base of the tiki. Everything is very simple, we begin to string the beads in the order that you like. There should be enough beads so that the thread of beads wraps around your head.

Place the metal element in the center. After all the beads are in place, we tie the fishing line into several knots. It turned out the basis of tiki.

Now we will weave the "middle". We will pass the fishing line into the metal element and again we will string beads on it. This part of the tiki will be located on the top of the head, so it will be much shorter than the base of the tiki. Measure according to the size of your head.

Tie the fishing line of the main part of the tiki and the upper part into a knot.

That's all. Nothing complicated. Tika head!

Wear this accessory with a light summer dress. This type of hair tiki looks very original with a Greek hairstyle.

Consider another version of tiki on the head. It's even easier.

We will need:

  1. Metal connector;
  2. Beads to your taste;
  3. Metal tripods;
  4. Chain;
  5. One fastener for earrings;
  6. Round nose pliers.

First, let's prepare our beads. We connect them in the required order using metal tripods. Make sure that the rings on the tripods are even and, if possible, the same.

The beads are ready. Now, with the help of round-nose pliers, we fasten the beads to the metal connector.

The tiki base is ready. It remains to attach the chain so that the teak on the head rests on the hair. We attach one end of the chain to the connector, and we attach the fastener to the other.

Tika is ready!

Such a seemingly inconspicuous accessory will dilute the hairstyle and bring a holiday to everyday flowing hair.

Experiment, create! As you can see, creating even the simplest head jewelry with your own hands is not at all difficult. Good luck! Ask questions and if you have not yet subscribed to blog updates, subscribe and be the first to know about all updates. Bye!

Hair jewelry is a very important accessory for women, especially in spring and summer. Beautifully styled hair is an integral part of the whole image. You can choose to your taste traditional hairpins, headbands, multi-colored bandages. And you can give preference to more unusual decorations. One of these decorations tika (tikka, mantikka).

Tika is an Indian traditional headdress. It is a pendant, the main part of which is a chain that closes the parting between the hair. Pendants hanging on the forehead are attached to it. The teak itself is held on the hair with a hook or simply fixed on the head.

In India...

Earlier in India, teak was a symbol of a married woman. In our time, unmarried girls began to wear it. Tiki is still worn at wedding ceremonies. For the bride, this decoration is still a deeply symbolic thing.

Pendants-pendants (tiki) are made of precious or semi-precious stones. Each woman can have completely different stones, chosen according to her taste. In India, it is believed that each stone should be either a talisman or symbolize something. The meaning of the symbol is determined by the woman herself.

Indian women believe that the stone that touches the forehead has a higher power - negative or positive. It protects, serves as a "third eye".
There is a belief that with constant contact with the forehead, the stone is able to influence the decisions of a woman. It is a place of accumulation of knowledge and intuition. It is teak that is called upon to awaken a special gift from its owner, to give her more wisdom and intelligence.


Lalatika- This is one of the subspecies of tiki. It is made more complex, from several chains. The side chains attached to the central one are decorated with stones, beads, beads. They adorn the hair in several rows, falling in a soft wave. It happens that lalatiki chains are decorated with precious stones. This speaks of the high status of a woman, of her position in society.

Known and T-shaped tics. They decorate the heads of dancers. Sometimes tiki are specially worn on dancers to attract more attention from men.

Teak in the modern world

Many famous designers are now demonstrating the importance of all kinds of head jewelry. They offer an alternative to classic accessories. Indian pendants are already popular among celebrities (on the set for fashion magazines, at speeches, presentations). And women of fashion do not lag behind and immediately pick up such an interesting trend.

The girls fell in love with tika, because they met with her in childhood, watching popular Indian films. Many presented themselves as beautiful Indian women. Now there is an opportunity to partially translate your childhood dreams into reality.

Decorating your head with an Indian pendant, you are sure to be in the spotlight. In teak, you will undoubtedly look very feminine! You need to wear such an ornament proudly, like a crown. Then teak will reveal all your beauty and attractiveness.
