What can children play in 1 year old. Outdoor games for the development of gross motor skills

Small children are not only a source of happiness, warmth and joy for their parents. They require constant attention, but much depends on how this attention will be. Activities with a child are of great importance for his development. If up to one year most of these activities are aimed at his physical development, then over time, more and more interesting games for other purposes: development of attention, thinking, creativity.

How to deal with children who have just turned one year old? It is difficult but very interesting period in a child's life. The kid is just beginning to explore the world, and everything around him becomes important and useful for him. to find good and useful games For a child of this age, there is nothing difficult. Many mothers and grandmothers know these fun things from childhood, and repeat them almost intuitively.

The content of the article:

Features of the perception of the world by a child in 1 year

During the first year of his life, the baby changes rapidly, sometimes grandparents, not seeing the child for 2-3 days, are surprised at his new skills and abilities. By his first birthday, the child already knows a lot, and in each direction of development he has his own achievements:

  • Knowledge of the world. At this age, the child is actively interested in the names of objects and actions. He clumsily repeats them, and if mom sings a song, repeats the actions referred to in the text. The child actively seeks to know the world with the help of all his senses: to see, hear, and, most importantly, he wants to touch everything;
  • Communication. The child is well aware of his place among his relatives and learns to manage them. He understands that he can influence mom or dad, sometimes he is naughty. And yet - a baby at the age of one year strives for communication, he sincerely enjoys all new acquaintances and always wants to be in the spotlight;
  • Creative thinking. Young children have a very developed imagination. It is based on what he has already seen: if the mother lulls the doll while playing, the child will do the same on the second day. He repeats gestures, facial expressions, learns to understand them;
  • Motor skills. The baby already stands well, quickly and actively moves around the house. He begins to look for new ways, climb upstairs, on a sofa or shelves. It is interesting for a child to watch how objects fall, he enthusiastically picks up and throws everything he sees around, knocks with a cup and spoon, tears paper.

Play is the best way for children to communicate and learn

Children at this age are very susceptible to almost everything, they, like a sponge, absorb new knowledge. Classes with a child of 1 year old can be carried out, it is impossible to make the baby concentrate on something without being interested.

Games with children are now quite simple, but they have a very great importance. Even the banal game "Where are you hiding?" reveals to the child new secrets and mysteries of this world. The company is what the child needs most of all, he wants to play with mom and dad, with his uncle, grandmother, neighbor boy and dog. In the same time, collective games are not always perceived positively, they require too much concentration, and rarely succeed.

Classes with a child of 1 year: types and examples

Games for kids 1 year old can be divided into several categories and types. Almost all of them are connected with the knowledge of the world - this is for one year old baby his the main objective. But for right upbringing and development needs classes different nature that will help the child to discover different sides life, its laws and rules.

The main types of games and activities for babies 1 year old

  • Development of thinking. Children of this age think figuratively, they do not yet know how to operate with abstract concepts. Therefore, for all games with children of 1 year old, it is worth using objects or images. balls, cubes, bright pictures, pillows, mittens, Stuffed Toys- all this will be an excellent props for classes.
  • Physical development. Games for kids are aimed at developing their physical skills. These are outdoor games that very often have elements of imitation (“do as I do”).
  • Creative skills. The desire to create at this age does not come to the fore, but already declares itself. The problem is that children of one year do not really succeed in their plans, and they sharply lose interest in work. Be sure to help the child, guide his hands or fingers, tell what and why you are doing. In this way, you can awaken in him an interest in creation and creativity.
  • The development of speech. Let the baby still not speak individual words very well, games for the development of speech are very exciting and positive. These can be “missing” words in your favorite fairy tale or song, repetition of sounds (“the plane is flying”, “the tiger growls”, “the bee is buzzing”). Good game for understanding - naming objects. Adults name objects, and children only point to them.

Educational and entertainment games can be divided into several groups:

Active classes using objects

The best solution for playing with 1 year old children. It is better to use bright, large objects, well recognizable, not similar friend on a friend. These can be simple active games (roll the ball, “take” the bear to visit the bunny, gather everyone in one place), and developmental activities (the child takes those items that the parent names).

Touch, taste and strength - what your baby loves to do. Give him objects of different textures, shapes, from various materials. Tell your child often “what” the object is (soft, cold, hard, big, small, heavy, fluffy, etc.).

finger games

Many educators and psychologists believe that fine motor skills of the hands are a guarantee full development baby, fast baby guarantee. In any case, both captivate and delight the baby. These are traditional counting rhymes, "magpie-white-sided" and others story games.


Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to give. But for this you can use a simple salty. Fascinating games for kids are the simplest: make “pancakes” (mother rolls balls, and the child flattens them), make a snowman, snake, etc. from balls. Sculpting is one of the tools creative development besides, it is an excellent warm-up for fingers.

Classes with sand (or other bulk materials)

To collect sand in a bucket and pour it out - it would seem that this is too simple. But for a child of 1 year old, such an activity will be a great pastime and fun. You can use other bulk substances: homemade cereals, pasta, for example. The child can “feed toys”: pour them into plates with a spoon or cup, collect them back. It is interesting for children to play with their hands, these are pleasant and unusual sensations for hands.

Games with household items: dishes, clothes

No matter how many toys there are in the house, children for some reason prefer ordinary household items. This is easy to understand: they want to repeat everything that adults do, and not play individual games. The best option- play with dishes Here you can use a whole bunch of games: open and close the tray, hide something in it and pull it out, put trays of different sizes into each other (they seem to be made for a child's game).

Cubes, pyramids, sorters

Traditional activities with kids 1 year old - games with cubes. At this age, tasks for children should be set to the simplest ones: put two cubes on top of each other, three cubes, etc. Perfectly develop thinking - cubes in which there are holes, and special figures that repeat the shape of the holes. This simple problem is difficult task for the mind of a child. And, of course, one of the first educational toys of the child - which will help the baby to master the concepts of "more or less", to make a whole out of parts.

Finger painting

Another option for creative development is. In such young age children cannot hold a brush or even a sponge correctly, so special ones have been created for them. The simplest lesson is hand drawings, you can create abstract paintings with your baby, or try to draw simple plots(sun, face with eyes and mouth, flowers).

Rules for classes with a child of 1 year

To game lessons with children of this age had their own result and meaning, it is better to follow simple but important rules:

  • Right time. Always try to play at the same time of the day so that the child has. In addition, the baby should be full and in a good mood;
  • Short lessons. It is almost impossible to keep the baby's attention longer than 10 minutes;
  • First the mother shows, then the baby does. Classes should be conducted only in such an order that children have an example to follow;
  • Praise is the key to a child's interest. Do not be afraid to praise the baby - at this age, such words only work positively.

In the first few years of life, babies have to learn a lot - from knowing the world to the ability to own own body. Thanks to games with a child at 1 year old, parents help the baby cope with this task. In another way, the little one cannot yet perceive information. But playing with him is not so easy. It is necessary to choose activities that are interesting for him, otherwise he simply will not respond to the call of adults. It is important to take into account the developmental features of the baby of this age.

Features of a one-year-old child

The main reason why you should not neglect games with children of 1 year old is the amazing receptivity of babies. What has long become commonplace for adults is a real discovery for them. Any day for them is filled with events, and this contributes to the consolidation of knowledge and skills.

When inventing games at home or on the street, it should be borne in mind that children of this age are prone to imitation and they do it with great pleasure. So parents should show how to handle this or that object, how to play. It is unlikely that at this age the child will play independently. So far, he is only learning this by watching the elders. But it is important to use this quality to acquaint the baby with the outside world and its own capabilities.

Also, we must not forget that the child is still very small in a year. Do not demand too much from him, set tasks that he cannot cope with. As a result, you can discourage interest in learning new things. If something doesn’t work out for the baby or he just doesn’t want to play a certain game, then it’s worth offering something else. And return to the failed lesson later.

Do not wait for the child to fulfill any request. He is interested in completing the task of an adult, so he will surely obey if you offer to collect the cubes in a box. But it is likely that he will again throw them on the floor - because for him it is exciting game. In no case should you scold the little one, it is better to switch his attention.

Besides, one year old toddler not able to perform any action for a long time. He quickly loses interest. Therefore, every few minutes, classes should change. How long one will last depends on the child himself.

Gotta take care of safety

It is very important that the room for playing with a child at 1 year old is safe. Most likely, the baby already knows how to walk or is about to walk. He now moves quickly, it is difficult to follow him. But the muscles are not yet strong enough, and coordination can fail. Therefore, care must be taken that there are no wires on the floor, on sharp corners you can put special plugs, take glass objects away.

All play materials must be safe. Do not leave your baby alone with small, fragile or sharp objects. Even if you turn away only for a minute, the baby can harm himself. At this age, it is highly likely that the child will put the little thing they like in their mouth, this must be remembered when choosing toys.

A one-year-old baby acts impulsively, guided by his desires, and not by any rules. Therefore, if the mother insists on playing with the pyramid, and the baby is interested in something else, then attempts to captivate him are unlikely to be successful. We must try to eliminate distractions, it is not recommended to turn on the TV during class.

Getting to know the properties of objects

Remains topical issue how to play with a child of this age. One of the most important tasks- introduce the baby to the properties various items. To do this, you can use a variety of games.

For the first game, you will need a few medium-sized dice. They can be multi-colored - so gradually the baby will learn the colors. You can do the following with them.

  • Place the cubes in the box and shake it, commenting - "What is that rattling there?". Give it to the child so that he opens the lid and takes out objects from it. When the container is empty, close it and shake it again, explaining "Empty, no rattles."
  • Dip the cubes into a tall box and shake them one at a time into your palm, then pass them on to the crumbs. This will form the awareness of the sequence of actions. At the end, you need to pay attention that the box is empty.
  • Show how cubes can interact with each other. To do this, you need to build a tower by placing them on top of each other, or a train by placing them side by side horizontally.

Balls can also be used in games for a child of 1 year old. They, like cubes, are hidden in boxes and let the baby get it. You need to show them important property- the ability to ride. To do this, they are simply rolled towards the crumbs. And you can build a gutter and lower it along it, it is easy to make it out of cardboard. It is recommended to draw the attention of children that the ball must be lifted up, and it will roll down by itself.

Pyramid games will be useful. The child learns that objects can differ in size and color. Only choose for one year old baby you need a pyramid with a stable base and large rings. The tip of the rod should not be sharp. It's easy to play - you need to disassemble the pyramid and invite the little one to collect it. For him, this is still not an easy task, so an adult first shows how to do it. Then you can give the ringlet to the baby and, directing its handle, help put it on the rod. Later, he will start to get on his own.

In a year, you can show your baby cards with images of various objects and animals. It's also time to read to him short poems and fairy tales.

It is recommended to introduce the baby to nesting dolls. He learns that things can be big and small, and small things can be placed inside big ones. For the same reason, sets of caps or cups will be useful. different sizes that are nested one inside the other.

First, they can be folded sequentially so that the largest is at the top. Then one by one the child will take them off. It is worth helping to line them up in a row, so the difference in size will be clearly visible. Then assemble back in the same way.

No need to think that for educational games for children of 1 year old, you definitely need to purchase a lot of different materials. Many items can be made independently. It is worth using improvised means that are easy to find at home. After all, a child is exploring the world, and objects that are used in everyday life are especially interesting to him. For example, while mom is busy cooking, you can let him explore the closet. You just need to make sure that there are only safe things there. Everything sharp and beating must be removed away. The peanut with interest will close the pan with a lid, put spoons into it and take them back. You can give him clean washed vegetables, while explaining their properties. Such a game is no less useful than a lesson with special materials.

You need to play with the child on the street. If it’s summer, then you can allow grass, sticks, pebbles to be explored, just remember to wipe your hands with an antibacterial wipe. In winter, it is easy to come up with games with snow.

Story games

In games for children at 1 year old, simple plots may already be present. Just don't expect the kid to come up with them himself. For the first time, the adult must demonstrate how the toys interact. You will have to repeat more than once. For example, you can take a plush bunny and show the baby how the toy jumps around the clearing: “Look, this is a bunny. Bunny jumps - jump-jump. Then add a toy bear: “Who is this? It's a bear! He wants to catch a rabbit. And the bunny jumped and jumped and galloped away. Of course, toys and plots are used in a variety of ways. Heroes can catch up with each other or make friends and go to drink tea.

pupae or teddy bears can be fed and bottled, rocked and put to bed. From the cubes it is easy to build a garage for cars, in which they can call. How exactly to play with the baby depends on the imagination of the parents.

Movement and music games

Care must be taken not only intellectual development but also about the physical. Therefore, there must be games that encourage the baby to move. The simplest - with a ball. You can show how to throw it or roll it to each other, the kid will be happy to run after him.

At home, it will be useful to stimulate the little one to climb onto the sofa or under the table for interesting toy. It is worth offering to climb over something, for example sofa cushion. It is also recommended to give the opportunity to walk on an inclined surface.

Music games are also recommended. For them, you can use toys that, depending on the music, will quickly or slowly spin in a dance. Or dance with your child, performing simple movements. It is worth remembering the baby's tendency to imitate. Therefore, it is good not just to encourage him to act, but to show him how to move. Not much time will pass and the little one will repeat the dance on his own to the sounds of a familiar melody.

It is necessary to pay attention to finger games, as they contribute to the development of speech. At this age, you can already try Finger paint although some children are afraid to get their hands dirty. You don't have to force them. It is useful to sprinkle cereals, you can give special dough- It is softer than plasticine and non-toxic. So it's not scary, even if the baby swallows a piece.

Games with one year old baby at home or on the street are quite simple, and regular classes will definitely benefit, the baby will develop harmoniously. After all, this is how he gets to know the world around him, in game form easier to absorb information.

Online games for children 1 2 years old - a selection of colorful educational entertainment for babies in the first years of life. Or rather, their parents. After all, play on your own new series boys and girls cannot yet develop. And if you value every minute spent with your child, if you consider it important to acquaint your child with new words and concepts every day, if you are sure that harmonious development personality is not something that can be left to chance, then this section is for you. It contains the best educational online games for children 1 2 years old. Starting to play regularly, the kids will learn a lot of unfamiliar words, get an idea about the shape and colors, and begin to better understand the purpose of the surrounding objects. The collection is regularly updated and supplemented. All online games are available for free, and parents of young gamers do not need to spend money on additional educational material. The only condition for access is to allocate 15-30 minutes a day for developmental games and be connected to the Internet.

  • For children 1-2 years old

    Collection of educational games for kids. Color from memory coloring, collect puzzles to train mindfulness, develop thinking.

  • Collection of easy children's html5 coloring pages with very simple gameplay. Shade pictures and develop fine motor skills, on which speech depends.

  • Coloring book for kids 1-2 years old

    A collection of 16 coloring pages depicting various animals. Fill with 1 click, shade, color on mobile devices.

  • Fascinating fun for the development of a sense of color, thinking, attention in kids. Arrange items of 4 colors in their respective containers.

    In the game, kids will learn to distinguish objects by shape and color. Children need to arrange the figures into containers of the same color with the appropriate sign.

  • For children 1-2 years old: big, small

    Exercises to develop a sense of size, reaction speed, attention, the ability to determine the shape. Arrange ducks of different sizes from largest to smallest.

  • A very easy puzzle for children that even a 1 year old can play. Gather good picture with a hedgehog from 4 pieces.

    Collect a picture with adorable dogs. Try putting together a 4 or 9 part image using a background image.

    This game will make visual riddles for kids, and children will need to determine from the shadow that it is from 5 objects.

  • For children 1-2 years: edible or non-edible

    With the help of this game, parents will introduce the baby to edible and inedible objects. Choose one of two pictures.

  • For toddlers 1-2 years old: build a house

    The light construction set invites the little ones to build a house. For construction, several parts are given that need to be correctly folded.

In order to encourage the baby to repeat a word and repeat certain actions, you can put the child on your knees and emotionally repeat the cheerful and rhythmic "", accompanying it with expressive movements corresponding to the meaning of the poem. In the same way, you can take the child by the arms, sing funny songs and spin around with him, inviting him to repeat simple actions, speeding up and slowing down movements, clapping his hands. Such games replenish the passive vocabulary of children, improve the coordination of movements, form an ear for music.

Educational games for kids with obstacle course

Arrange impromptu obstacles for the little one to improve his motor experience. Barriers can consist of small benches, linen basins, soft modular cubes, hoops. And the path itself is recommended to be limited by ropes. First you need to help the child overcome the obstacle course by taking his hand. In this case, you can sentence a rhyme.

Early development of children is impossible without creativity

From the year you can already start doing crafts. These classes help to form the creative inclinations of the child, contribute to the development fine motor skills. Can do finger painting, make applications from enough large parts. It is important that the child takes part in this with pleasure and quickly receives the result of his work. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose complex, time-consuming crafts. You can also accompany the lesson with children's "rhymes".
The development of the child's intelligence directly depends on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

finger games

There is a great many finger games based on alternate bending and extension of the fingers. They need to be played with the child every day. You need to start with simple games designed specifically for kids of one year. First, learn one game with him, then another. It is important to choose for such games right moment when the baby is relaxed: after bathing or after feeding.
It is advisable to accompany all actions with the child by talking with him. At the same time, you can’t “lisp” so that in the future you don’t have to deal with the problems of children's speech to a speech therapist.

Kids toys

Joint games with adults in toys enrich the experience, develop the concepts of comparison, generalization. It is important that the objects with which the child plays are made of a variety of materials, various shapes and size. These are nesting dolls, pyramids, sets of cubes, logic cubes, tumblers, inserts, etc. You can't give your child too much small toys- He can swallow them. The child needs to be shown how to act with a particular toy. While playing, it is necessary to simultaneously introduce the baby to the concepts of “more-less”, “higher-lower”, “further-closer”, “thinner-thicker”, “above-under”, “in-on”. Also teach color discrimination, concepts of smoothness, roughness, moisture, dryness, etc.

Educational games for children with a given plot

At the age of one year, a child can play story games under the guidance of mom or dad. This is a game of cooking with toy vegetables, feeding a doll, rocking a teddy bear. It can also be familiarity with the sounds made by animals, familiarization with vehicles, furniture. In this case, it is necessary to teach the child the simplified names of objects.

Online games for children 1 year old, in the first place, will be appreciated by parents. The kids themselves have nothing to compare with: there is almost no experience, and their horizons are tiny. By the way, well-chosen online games will fix this in a matter of months. For moms and dads who are interested in the comprehensive development of children, they will become invaluable helpers. We propose an experiment. Give children daily online games for children 1 year old 10-15 minutes a day, and in a couple of weeks the number of words that your baby learns and understands will double. Children of the first years of life, like a sponge, absorb everything that offers the world. And only the quality of the “content” available to them depends on the parents. So why not take control of the process? Moreover, the information coming from the network can be dosed and distributed as you see fit. Another significant plus: all game materials posted on our website for free. You don't need anything other than an Internet connection to access them.

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    Collection didactic games For sensory development kids. You can also play educational coloring puzzles on mobile devices.

  • Online version the most popular children's game "Pyramid", which is advised to play for the development of motor skills, thinking, intelligence, all experts.

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  • In this game, parents will be able to introduce their baby to the animal world and train their hearing. Recognize by the sound what kind of animal it is.

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    Educational game to replenish knowledge about the world around. First, select things in the picture that sink in water, and then those that float on the surface.

  • Kind coloring for kids, the picture of which depicts farm animals. Coloring is just one click away.

    A collection of 6 coloring pages featuring characters children's cartoon"Cleo and Sikuin". Bring your pictures to life with just one click.

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